Milverton Sun, 25 Jan 1917, p. 1

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Poultry Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Live Poultry : S. Gleeckman, ?*°"%siverton ERE EG EAB ES SOS - Sun, ~ Scissors and Razors Painter Sharpened. EUMEISTER N Ss and Decorater_ MILVERTON Horse Clippers Sharpened Vol. XXVI—No. 30 ‘Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, January 25, 1917 Malcolm Mac Beth, Editor and Publisher pm) | HYMENEAL _ || BEGGS—STRICKER Pa quiet but pretty peddiog took nities ‘at the hom and Mrs. Peri Stricker, on Sant m eremony Was r UE Ea Mean ay aap Staelin aes Dea sight | Beh, efther by cash or note. Molatyre, Hawkesville. At oe |nenbers, Monkton san tie ae oe € mote — For nine months, has been moved ‘The Perth and Huron Press Assoc-| $5,000 loan at 5% per cent, on 150 Shank tains AIRS Lae tele | sonnk ae sii Ge are OhneoR Kelterborn, Milver iagara, ° tion will old their. annual ‘meet-|acres (worth $9,500) i in n Mornington. edding march, pared We oe secipied a ata Os eR hatyast Man ciiads Gieed aha ckages of good American Parch- tratford on Friday, Jan, 26th. | W. WEIR, Milver : LS BSA 1 5 ASE ete agra eam et regan ee a Fee, ee ararvest, as commented 204 |ment labelled “Cholcs Dairy Butter,” its are past due and would entered the perlor, leaning on the) Miss Lydia Miller, who be Dirt pois acakeGeeaiblen 400 sheets to package for sale at Sua|kindly ask you to let me have settle-| ‘Tailors, Tailoresses and girls arm of hier father, and took her place nursing Mrs. Gass Heese Be AI ite Gahdon, Coluukous of Strattora office for $1.00. b x note Ly Feb, Ist.— | power sewing machines. Good wages, under the arch’ Lavine ieteceed is ng at afew. ps last we with his the London Times says Great Bri-|A. C. Cleme: eady work guara. eae with roses, Little Laura, Beggs and | here, eee ne sister, Mra, NoG. Schafer, tain lost nine battleships and cruisers| The reeve requests that all house- ground. Apply The ‘Colonial Kiting Wing westily dressed in white’ oil ee eentasa to attend the Jam | ey, Fergusson, of Stratford |v 1916, compared to eight in 1915 and {holders a pants of property |Co,, Elmira, Ont. aii ures 'y Pabkete ate pia eee Salon a “Perth ‘County Will supply the pulpit of Burns church |Seven in 1 ix were sunk in the |comply with the by-law by haying al nd lily of the valley. ‘The bride wore | Couneil. Milverton um ainlae eet Jutland batt 2 now on th s cleaned off and lily of : sau ih ear tetxndstiatascounes cae ‘Advertising ruined rae ten-o’clock in the 2. FOR SALE a gown of cream satin do chene fr, and Mrs, James Hamilton en- t iparehank phe Sop tee de aentiac| @ Bteceet ak aisles eh ed with ninon and pearls and car-|tertained the choir of Burns church /s¢ttled either by cash or note on or oF e Sip RT SE ried a bouqeuct of American Beauty|and other friends on Friday evening |before Feb. 15thi—R. MeM: Se that o1 onal ihe wae mene a y IJinspects all cattle offered for sale at| Cement silo comers outfit for roses and maiden hair fern, After of last week, Poe ae Tot Bet Cine GARG Mace ee, fn verton HgTe eek Eg i epai a se he ‘onnenberg, 0! rat- rs er rticulars a Lo PGs anor Bs ie Mais ete! ae ee ee fora, called ate fis nom me of Mrs. J. as nee Sees mE ae ceed the inspecting stock offered by Mr. NAFZ! ZIGER, Pole. ene ay h au raw: on 2 ug! The Bank of, Pega SS ee ee are ee eats ee ie and Mrs, "Russell Beggs called Notices from 500 to $1.00, while the| The annual mecting of the Cheese| hat farm known as lot 98, con. roo! gi c pig the Plant, Mise Alice be one Sn op: friends here ir ymoon |¢ountry weeklies continue ae of yore Factory = held on Saturday. The}43, North Easthope, containing 100 He fy the |G. Powell attended the Anglian |ttip east before taking up their resi-|to run them as items business for the year proved very |acres more or less, large bank bar ts. The hepey Young People’s Bast pions t : St, |dence in Calgary, Alberta.) ‘A Cleveland woman has married the |satisfactory. amount of milk re-/and strawshed, cement pig stable, in the seven o’clock train|Marys on Wednesda Don’t forget to attend the moving to whom her first husband willed ceived was 1,372,190 pounds, making |qriving shed, large brick Fouse with other points|~ Ms, Duncan Stewart, of Stratford: {Picture show 15, Aimmermanp?,hally his fortune: in. case idow married |122,504% pounds of cheese, amounting |summex kitchen and wood-shed, wind- ride travelling in a navy blue|epent Thursday in the village visit-|Milverton, on Saturday night, Jan. desta And yet phere eee he to, $22,118. ‘The rene pee © | mill, plenty of water, farm well fene- ith hat sto match and|ing her daughters, Mrs. 8 Pugh |27th. You will ba sure to enjoy your-|@eclare “women have no capacity for | 18.038 and the{ pounds of milk t ed and partly drained. A) acre canary silk crepe de chene.|and Mrs. Malcolm MacBe ere iat, decibel a ee of bearing orchard all kinds of fruit. rt honeymoon they will| Misses Ella and Ma na| Montreal, a seaport, has contributed a cnsusibone-cenal ios Con reaaeE r Gaines “receiv plowing all done, 6 acres bush, on Meayestor: thats “ome in Youngstown | Mr, Georgd Roth, of ‘Hampstead, spent |Only $2 recruits for the Royal Navy. |the Dairy Standards ot, an expres: jat Millbank on Monday last rhe R.R. No. 1, Milverton. For further E at has «ood verter | Sunday. ripper pent whereas Winnipeg, a thoussad miles sion of opinion exactly ‘the opposite |will lay him off work for a few days |partioulars apply to JACOB ‘JUTZL, rac a Eee ein ides ent Sells om the nearest ocean port, has giv-|of that expressed by the delegates was busily engaged in shoveling |R-R, No, 1, Milverton, 4s Die on 8. Beggs will be at poe ¥Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith (nes |¢2 already 86 He feveab squealing <b she WOE SOK; Sk a _ vite ee eS. Nt 13 = fe Q is mage & ry M. ton, of Toronto, ship-|Ontario Dairymen’s Association, w: a box car which had been shunte = W. D. Weir’s Sale Register {to thelr friends after March 15 Hap: Dally) ae ee ene aere pel esneblond “of Sinrece Troi, Pare at feature of the third annual meet-|down the. t by an engine. Be- NOTICE facta es eS stir eas Dae Boturday Jast. He will be at. the {ing of tha Oxford Milk Producers- Ae |sides receiving a sore rap on the héad ee Tuesday, Jan, 80th, 1917—Real Estate Pe Se eae sae ey Grand Central Hotel om Fridsy: and epelat line eo had one or two teeth broken, We oe ck, Implements, Hay and nog xis 2 On’ Mond s, few friends |Saturday, Feb. 2nd and 3rd.—See dry goods traveller who called |are glad to hear, however, that he js} A special general meeting of the nie Behwindt, 4! gne home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.|of Miss Emma Wiederhold gave her| It is expected “that the induction |here this week, in coversation with a |tecovering, ‘ shareholders of the Donegal Cheese & Lot 5, Con, 7, Wellesley Ty., Miredt nah ee Be as ee aia reice RE ee ea ee or htey, (ON. Paddans biG me Se P axprensea tha apni AMA SE SaS utter Manufacturing’ Co., L’t’d., will tern. actions a very pleasant ‘egent on Wednesday, | o¢ ut ES evening was torate ‘of Burns church, Milyerton, |that the ditfiewlty they had in supply- be held at the factory, on Sat! , Tuesday, Feb, 6th, 1917—Stock and [oon ea a eee eer Te | ee ann amd will take pltee” about. Feb. 1th ¢ t Seach te what Feb, Srd, at .m,, ‘to disonss tha Implements of Joseph L. Ropp, on | 4° Miller, of Milgerton, joined in the| miss Rose Trim Je. left .last week 15th. But his family will in all prob-|i8 in store for them, In another year H r@) Cc K E Y paying twi moath for. milk Lot 15, Con. 3, Mornington, at Poole |10)> hondg of matrimony. their second |tor PRneRu rae -DML bere al thitty arrive here about Feb, if the war continues, it will be im- during 1917 any other business a) daughter, Margaret Oman, and eee ects to spend several months Sate . Pe a cdks 63 accompanied by Mr. ee er t ac! lines of mat Le an ee a ects e A { Ernfold, Sask i aes anied as|George Ho been making a ean: ods 2 e milk routes for will be le Births, Marrieges and Deaths. Baebes at four-thists Gtolonk: to thel foe Se aetna Mae i rae ins 4 section for ae ‘he trip “around th world” sla DOE 08, bee pee aie ae at the same time an pr: Parte wedding bell’ merch |t” tacelan ‘ pected that lean ran Fhe auspices LODE: JOHN COWAN, President x ; layed by Mise "Ie. Anderson, the meeting of the Pracbyter of Strat- rice gar th ling sea-| Wednesday evening of last eal : 3 Gamble—At Milverton, on Wednesday. | Pl t i ETS, eon will be an unusual fitable (notwithstanding the very stormy ev EMERSON VIPOND, Sec. 7 Tith, 117, ts *M. a M. bride, leaning on t. arm ol Tlford will be held in. Burus Se sually pe able. i S tal tt ‘ ae 9 + to Mr. and Mrs./ father, took her place beneath an|Milverton on Monday 5 Oth ning, Seas $6. Very <AUCCCHTOL OfTaE Cate Et Ean Lewia Gamble, é yergreen boughs tastely |at 2.30 o'clock pm. to consider a cali oy es E,H. Gropp on Tuesday eve- {three loads: o mmposed 1 mostly ot young | BIA: Danae eee rae Winnie, nr thursday, \decorated with roses and flags. The recently extewted be the congregation ning made a trip to Mitchell in his Deni, faced “the and made the half, 6 ea NESEY ae Jan. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. George| pride was daintily gowned in whit GN do motor-sleigh. } Notwithstanding the wasaaid to nays eee ee pore herds suinn Ten Elliott. pe embroidered mulle with liette” edB| he felenda of ‘Wir “Rober é Kines, of |heavy state of the roads, from recent ie a yery enjoyable affair. Ses LGU ode eens ties Meyer—At Milverton, on Friday, Jan. |$nq carried a shower bouquet. 0 the 3rd line of Mor: eae will re-|Stories he made the trip in an hour}, No less than sixty-three railways |and | DECekine, Wp lone combindtion 24th, to aes and Mrs, Gordon Mey-) roses and fern, After the ceremony gret to hear that Be eaait and fifty minutes and returned in an|in. the United States, comprising ee a woke Share pain eos er, a daugl nd congratulations the guests sat/health has not improved of | If, eage of 34,559 miles, SO Tee im cet AESEhe eta pEarboue Ge ei down tom sumptuous repast. Mr, and |seoms to bo steadily deelining Had’0 letter the) other fedual to the total ‘of ail Ganadian [into the ae pe eee a Lasti year over one million tons of | Mrs, Turner intend leaving for their SCaLa tion: es ‘arron, %27,492.|railroads are in the of SH hitchat cabeenainn oy ‘ ed in British breweries, |home in the West in February. lis my oIode “B: eivers as\ the current year.opens.| time when. Aliionel eae et ene and $80,000,000 spent in drink, and ye! ea schoo! "toatd ater nd, stating: that ‘ho'was | This is not nearly co bad. ae it wee second period and it began to. I he British are ordered to observe three on ing: of las e leaving for France at /iust & year ago, when $8,001 miles kind ‘of blue. ‘Thon the boys, chang- meatless a ishless days, It's Mr. Robert Tanner. Newton, has| was appointed He sends his best re4jof_railways were in that position fd. their tactics: “Cully” -oskertnoy- ‘0 Lloyd be to economize in the | disposed of his) Ford and bought anew ‘or the year and Mr, M. MacBeth he people wf Milyerton;| The thirty-third annual rep ak ith thie decree teesia sat Hatt directio: 1917 model Chevrolet y.) The regular meeti A) Millbank and: Linood, iio Hs eer ere See e ets Sr meio aatenioes, Te lod. 5 the Wee night ae: Of oapinal-meviag ta ranee Co, has just been issued and |Pred Hasenpflug on defence. It lo ai he broken out in SMeraingten: near Brun-|Shows that the setae, xee]- |e e. taking a chance, but we i Sunday |e, Ms Solomon. Being in ach Delance on java with it, About this Hime, ley ; S| sears mild anddcetdedly colder” The |vietim ofthe diseas i) Bae goatee Dore eee ae ee - J G HAMILTON weather man struck the later part |however, that Mr. Ste nents, “Phere are no liabiii [of Weake mg; they played too awe ie Lcveteaged of the programme pretty well but he |Sover, completely before 1 premium notes available |during the first period and souldn WANTED! a vi “fair? | Board of Health, howey: The amount paid |stand the pace. Then the tide turn- Sole Agent for hi e arentined, during the pa: and re a Mania! ans of vhile eet-|re-animation started to come, Som L.@ PORTLAND} pee es as. S008 soles lone said it looked as though the ||| Martin Crofton will be at Grand Scr Oa CEMENT cep woree-aeay t The oni fio: Legislature re will oven |¥ ele Seam had Teeelned iniections Central hotel, Milverton, on STANDARD ST pee h on the evening of nesday, Feb. a Wednes- ANTHRICITE LIM Tne aailts Be ; : us received ||] FRIDAY and SATURDAY ‘A free will offering taken at FEB. 2nd & 3rd, 1917 ody. welcome, aE, areholders’ meet ‘To buy horses from 1100 ie —— f the Millbank Cheese & Butter Man- “e 1600 Ibs. and from 4 to Lied, will be held on years old, Highes! . 26th “ats12.30 pam. in tian will be paid. p milk routes will MOHR’S GROCERY White Fish...... Jewel Flour, 24 Ib. BUTTER 36c 12 Ibs. Granulated Sugar..... Salmon Steak, frozen...... 0.0.6... 18 = * 5 Jewel Flour, 98 Ib. sack Pras ia: Best Coal Oil, per gal «++6$1.00 TAPE Oe) oo “sack Syne By Bi a EGGS 45c Look What's Coming ZIMMERMAN’S: HALL ees pate ot certainly take th towns away. by going to Toronto or any of in this as well. We show at - MILVERTON SATURDAY, JAN. 27th A GRAND VARIETY OF High-class sop ing good Features, Dramas and Sie erste oe ie monotonous 'e will give you pictures w] S. feeling se has sient et the other big cities. We have at present a grand circuit of towns and will include Reet Tavis Fergus, Elora, Arthur, tock, Ayr and Baden. We will be here Saturday Ev’g. Jan. ns The Show will Commence at 8 p.m. Sharp. ADMISSION : Adults 15c; Children 10¢ ; and 1.g0nt 8,000 feet of film, giving you a good 2 hour’s entertainment. Notice! After this week we will be here evety Fri- day night with an entire change of program THE ONTARIO MOVING PICTURE GO. Items of Local Interest. Rev, B. G. Powell « spent three days of dst week at Wyelite College, To °Mirs. Allan MeMane is at prese Halting. ther daughter, Mrs. indy Hull, at ‘oxon and son, Maurice. of Monkton, spent Saturday with Mrs Ered Maddes: Miss Vida ae ford spent the week .|end with her friend, Miss Hazel Ron- of Regina, paid a resides with ughter, Mrs. Solorion| Bauman.JMrs Burton, wil inety in March and is in Years ago s teeth but decay soon set in and de- prived her of the! Mr. Henry Zulauf, foreman of the t owner of the rink recently purchase es and’ on Monday short visit last week to his mother, |from Wanted—Good ae hand by ‘the year. ‘Apoly George Roe, Milverton, Mz. Andrew Bingham, Millbank, has purchased a new 1917 model Chevro- | let car. Mrs Siegner and Miss Ella fetter Spank Saturday with ‘friends in Stratford. Mr. Josiah Aiken, of Listowel, vis- ited his mother, Mrs. Joe Aiken, of the boundary, Ladies’ Tweed Coats on sale at $3.90 and $5,00—they, are wonders ‘at, the price—Hngeland’ Feb, Ist, at 2.00 im the same. plea orm of Sunday and railway traffic to delaye to a snow track, Since the coming —-hert—Tom will ap- mmerman’s hall, for on eastern local C.P.R. section here has night ae STaaeley. Jan. 30th, pres- had the work o: Wo secti et-jenting the high-class comedy, drama ter apportioned. Heretofore the east-|“Are you a Mason?’ in 3 acts and rn sectio: as comprised 1-|8 refined vaudeville members—Some- bank and Milverton yards and the |thing doing all the time, Prices. 250 Pi switches, while |and 35c, reserved seats 50c, on sale at the Drug Store. Mrs, A. Posliff, of Wingham, = 161st Bai ee resigned a fh eae o" vaudeville base and 279 feet e | 80. Men’s Overeoats on sale—Engelanid’s Only.a few more days of Engeland’s “ae ne, ae while the sale ingel: ail aclivery "orders should be in be- fore ten o'clock -a.m.—J. Kelterborn. biden: penochinity te; ast nee wear at below wholesale price at 'S. counts not settled before Feb dat will be mailed out and 8% interest charged.—N. A. an H Shields, teller in the Ban proceedings. One a ne {answer the, summons, and she will be jover, served with a notice to appear. pok very lover of nat! il lad jing ¢ to. know that at last the greatest of o California big trees are safe, at jour least fro axe, and probably from | this fire, ‘By: the gift ‘of $20,000, the Na- |w tional Geographic Society has enabled | that © & 2 2 & high. st living trees in the world. lady who died last week at Lace Curtains are a good inyest- ment. Haasan) 8. Cottons and Linens while Rngelands Bale lasts. Rey. C..N. Paddon, of Avonton, was in the aie on Monday on busines: eave, your onder with 4: ‘kin for seed both Ontario and Western. Mel @ money and buy your ! pring Suit while the sale lasts,— Engeland’s, AH accounts owing George J, Coxon ‘on or before Feb, Kiserman and rT, Bt man, defence; Sawyer, rover; ; ves and Gatenby 1, goal Has- yen Bundscho, centre; ‘Orr nd ub organized and|to enlist i above battal eee England, at the age of |Habermebl, wings, Waghorne, of To- 4 4, At 21 |Yonto xeferced the playing has already begun. The offi-| You eit Seniny enjoy sour 94, has spent 72 years in bet year are as fol-}on Saturday night next, when the |she contracted an engagement whic paleolla is the receding of the ws; Pres., Malcolm MacBeth; Vice-|Ontario Moving Picture Co, are hav. |did not meet with the approval of | District ens; 2nd Vice-Pres., |ing thei: nd opening in er-|her father, who forbade the wedding won lost ‘reas., J, ©, Grosch;|man’s hall, Milverton, with. the finest ta disappointment, she took to bed, | Milverton 3 1 ee, N. G. Schafer,/of motion pictures that re ever |Where she remained -practically ever Seaforth 2 George J. Coxon, 0. W. Huelsman, Dr | shown in towns of this size, They con- | §i eu aes pabeaston only,| Mitchell . a Le Hngeland tain high-class features, good dramas |to leave Cam! Re ition in last week's }and side-splitting comedies. ‘ou will [She suff ete a Denial until t ‘n of thd letter of Pro Bono Publico the famous Charlie Chaplin and|end, when sill days. She] Mornington Agricultural regarding our lack of fire protection |the best actors on the stage to-day.|enjoyed a good appetite in spite o Societ 1 as been siderable hard | Don't miss this show for y ek of exercise, and had t! com- ociety thinking and not a little discussion |to enjoy yourself, Popular prices 10c|plexion of a girl. She took great in- jong serious minded people here. land 15¢ and te war tax. Se se. |terest in the affairs of the cutside | Hinad oe MERE & Morning. On. investigation it has been proved | where, world, especially the war. ton Agricultural Soolety: wad held {tae Pro{ Bono! Publico if anything un-| Word has been received that M: Al tirely oppertunity the public library asse) hy ag |derstated the facts regarding our help | Vincent Torrance, of Mr. and Mrs|men all through this district t urday Jan. 20th. President, Ben jlessness in’ case of fire—we woul Torrance, Wallace, has en-|in most attractive branch of mili-|Westman, oceupied the chair. to d most entirely upon |listed at Toronto, | Hi it to Toron-|tary service’ has been created b; The auditors’ statement showed a e work of the bucket brigade, 0 ork i ition plant, but | Department of Militia in the authori-|small balance on hand after $200 had lcaky tank wagon, hand pumps, hose, |not being satisfied with doing his bit |zation of thd 257th Railway Construct |been paid off the debt reduc dders and pails ld’ be put , he has donned the khaki. |jon Battalion and the lowering of the jing us to $300, A special effort will proper repair without delay as néed/'This is¢he fourth son of Mr. and Mrs | physical standard of this unit to such | be le to have ‘the jebt for them may com any tim ‘orrance to enlist. Stanley, Lincoln|an exte! at eds of men al- cleared oft this year. ‘The Society pee of water, now that it is low in}and Ben are already overseas. ‘al |ready rejectes Ww able to \d $142 insurance from t wells, shoul assi an}lace takes just pride in the record of |do their bit” for their country. It emergency.’ Suck: equipment as we |auch @ patriotic family and the sacvi- {will dobtlese be weleome news €0 th have, ia perfect order, is en-|fice that re making is deeply | thot ds of men thi Ontario, |on Thursday and F, tirely inadequate for @ village that |appreci: who have been turned down from the h ss2ssment value of Pie Wellesley and North Easthope | stiffer branches. of the service owing | (The following | ttioers are. elected of half a million dollars, A water gecaltural “Society held their annual |to. some slight physical dete to|for the year; S. Petrie; Vice- orks system with stand pipe, mains, |mecting on Wednesday of last. week \Iearn, that [Breas Join <Banmideh sin: Wiee- hydrants and power house id cost /and appointed the Ponto seer non-fighting unit, b Caparo Mis Pres., George Roe; Directors, J. C. ot less than $25,000 and during war |for the year; Pres., D. H. Kelly; 1st {day the battalion open reeruit- | Grosch, Grosch, hoe. jewar, ime su diture would hardly| Vice-Pres., A. Heipel; 2nd Vice'Eres, ing campaignthe Mlitia Department | John Bapldson D. B. Grieve, M. Dob- meet with the approval of the pro- ‘Thompson ; Sec.-Treas., A. B. Rob-jlowered the Ss A requirements for | son, rt. and George Yundt; perty owners. If, however, some |e: ton Bee Pe ‘Arch, McGillawec. |units of thid nature to such an extent | Directresses, Mrs.'P P. L. rye irs. G, te rd . i . Barth, H. Grosch and spe t Miss “Whites” Auditors; 8 H, \Pugh and Chas. Trim. columns of the Sun will be open for . elm, ei Freeborn, John Richardson, Fred Ham ‘n inches in height a under forty-eight years of age, can further discussion on this matter, mond, Gavin Barbour; John Thomp- son, Dr. Croft. ; ome a member of the 257th, a meeting ‘of the executive com- . dD At mittee held IN MEMORIAM MeCullough—Ta loving memory of our dear broter, Millen 8, AleCullough Jan. List, 191 Sad. and sudden was Of brother, deeply aayen ee all; Time cannot alter love so deep, And true years only bring back our grief. —SISTER, WANTED If You"Have a Horse—Bring Him Out & J Grand Carnival MILVERTON RINK FRIDAY, JAN. 26 Special Attraction : CLOWN HOCKEY MATCH —- pes two picked srk ee ise Boe 10c cigars to es comic’tes ei Character Costume (Lad: Y it, $4 sweater coat; 2nd, Hi case, Best Girl’s Costume (16 » Best oor pe orgie — $1.00 box of Best amie Couple lo lady and gen- tleman)—! ocolates,. Lady’s Rate ge $1 box choco lates; 2nd, 50¢ box chocolates. Bast Character Costume (Gentle- ee it, $3 hat; 2nd, $2.00 ier. ”s Comic Costume--Ist, lab iba 2nd, a $1.50 opens Race for Men ( a a $3.00; 2nd, box 10c cigar: et ma ace us ars aed uae ¥ mile)— St 50; 2nd, $1. Best Sy ieeatiaticctie of 10¢ cigars. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Judging ae 30 p.m, sharp, Competent No aes edtuwed: on ct ice ae! oO ume indeibg, “Skate until 12 Cy relock Admission 25¢; Children 15¢ (Including War Tax) Atkin was appointed secretary and Mr. W. K. Loth, treasu: Attend Engeland’s Sale,

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