Milverton Sun, 25 Jan 1917, p. 7

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Half a Mition 3: =: ich Shells for Russian (Government Dest : in Series of Terrific Explosions at Factories x shipment ou 2 aye, ‘yello white, 64 to 65c | ~ Fe Cte white, 68 to Bbc, nominal, aezorains t to ca Ney ontalde, wh. Winter, per 4 cat, ot ie ig 78 | fo $1 80; » $1.16 a he a despate h from mm New York says: ee me to feoient so ‘the m ig A fire which broke ot to $1.20, ac- to eae Bey oe Matting, $1.13 cording to frelghts outside. ing ‘hoc ade the frelghts en arto 83) 0 5 the chal on “Thor to freights outs! ‘ = in jute leaders econ to | peace, but it must be a real one.” : ‘Manitoba, fur SFirgt patents, pas! Canes T eatin ng whe un- ¢ Premier said the allies were : a . : aes pe SO BEONE bak- _ Lord : ; ia te er period to bi * tion of redem ues Late saceye according }4 Joss estimated all the way from $4,000,000 up to $10,000,000, forced the evacuation of a large pi eure aus town| of Kingsland, making. 1,00 0 peoples meless for the time. a space e ante than five erse; now on her own terms. bs eight oe a oe peep erected i in the meadow, a1 in ter, according to amie Prussia : : es ample, $7.50 as 30, in Bags, track 'To- sees ; : : A MSE aS i eetots ertvered | Mont: said, in their reply to ae cal freights, AG Lo: ae Teland listened “the Premier's ee : me a soprsinald the faa of! le, pe Interest in his recent visit. id tradke Poronto,. was within, ae weeks 0! if Soman % et Bletesaploetye paella were dis-|and one of the shifts was laid. o} which sare than faee a milion icohs auce—Wholes: his remarks and affor Country Butter, fresh” cae choice, 38 to 400; for the country-wide hued loan cam- as high aim which n the; accepted thofchallenge cof _paign a ees ie ak on wee cP ant military caste” id apne’ prints, 45 to 47c; solids, 43 to police| Tuesday night. a the world “forever of its menace, and gs —No. 3 storage, 29 to 406) stor: |and hospitals of all that section have| Fourteen Hundred Men Employed ; ~ Bonar Law said that if the 109n| save Europe from unspeakable des- age, selects, 42 to Ade: now laid, in St | boen able to learn not a single life was) At work in the plant when the fire should fail—and it Spal not, he de potism.” tone et tte, g6cr: twins, 26 | lost, and no one was ed, Com-| broke DEE were en, @ con- clared—there were other 0d PEINES LES .| paratively few windows were broken niacable mee of office employees sae which could be sruliel and we rate . Defeat is Impossible. ‘ . tow 16 to, os hci 0, te: i Sauabe, in the surrounding districts, and, in-|and tw. hundred guards. = en. t ‘one-|_ The Rome conference was under no So Pe reste ibe soit fe) °; | deed, the material loss outside the dear pi have been patrolling the quarter per cent. elu; tons, Me ord Sort con- : - - ee Et oy White clover, 24-Ib, tins, 14 plant itself and the eatepnans lines|factory ever since its erecti Le The tay Seale the renee tinued, i ak ay us oe A New Portrait of Premier David Lloyd George fob ae 8 jo abe; 10-2, igh es 4 tins, nning near it was very slight.|was 8.40 when Tae laze bn lor said in Sy not mies task of thea ies, but oubts: ° "9 fine , . 80, j me the true position of affairs. The as to the me ee situa- ae bales een ho as ate are Police Prevent Casualties. Saaldg ea n military Rema dale Bb ation We te ee Fe aimeulties were ACR $280" to 82 53 No. 2, $2 to 4.20: 52.05;| Consequently, as the flames reach-| cases of the halls with ith denatured fel clarod, was resting on an tees 1 made to deal with oe All the al- MUST KEEP British Columbia. per bas, 32-26; New |od es case of shells, and explo e the process of filling was’ foundation which was “crumbling ir- lies felt, he declared, that if victor $2.50. 3 the charges, the projectile shot high| begun. Peamchow , from somewhere, & resistibly before our eyes.” ficult, defeat was uspoasitie BELT PULLED TIGHT ‘ oe ta, TBbeast hand picked, per into the a ten several hundred oak dell innto a tub of the aleahol Bor Law te ian ipyabient ictory This Year. WHAT IS GOING ON OVER IN bush aio oe oan agian *prtines, be foot But a8 it descended without! and set it ablaze. One theory is that in the loan would be on better terms Z o teisds Lamas, Dor Ibe Oh the fuse, which aloni Ad lode Yt ie drop light hu abore the aid the ni had THE STATE wy amet ts a of wel Ra sac than would be offered in the future. Fe LAPS r se m De dt Gkaee = : ‘ i the charge, ite fell was only that of|tab had become short. circuited, and fice yy icceatp erie ir of Britain's enemies id continue — Peace Will Not Bring an Imme- |, smoked meats rams, eat im, ag to [go much metal, | Hiven so, the fact) that the apark was a. piece. ior burns interest the Government w pay f Ss yaar : 3 o;, heavy, 22 to 280; cooked, 34 19 | that not one of the tl Hines peo-| ing insulation. for money, 6 declared, but s0 for a8 sarees ee all piratical devices | Latest Happenings in Big Republic diate Solution of Food ae ae A aS: Be eel ple in the neighborhood was hurt) 8 ere was another story that the z e could forecast the future a higher hand, he Condensed for Busy Problem. ‘ar as could be learned, was due ae spark fell from the carbon of an arc fate, ib innieest thet Che present| | With prope i aati ee pupae A eapaich rom Asatardn se oe aa ee ei: cipally to the prompt pollee measures} light high above. However it began, = would not be paid. 14 a jespat ‘rom sterdam sa; Puri a, 28, is 2ige; jin cleari = it the bela in the en-|the tub of alcoh: as ablaze od A Trap, Not An Offer. nee pest siaaie ee nein fu-! One thousand gamecocks have been|Dr. Michaelis, Germai Soc: SUNS, a8 te fae vata EE tp 788 dangered districts moment, and the workmen in the — ‘ Premier Lloyd George said ture, Mr. Lloyd George said, would be|purchased in Sa wanna, Georgia, to tary 0 ee a a to ae ssacreak Waves ws Bees plant ties is oe bailing turned and fled without a i ‘ -|amuse Carranza soldie! = sey Meadows, seven miles west 0: y. ; jeror Wists ad. folds, paople baled when mee the. poe setts United States ‘benefited from| warning Germany that peace will not ante “te Hgts aati Mead see 6.—Oal arley—Manitobe fond, $1; —Mi ba 690. fi mal! 8) ring 0 jase nds, $9.50; “= FIVE LIVES LOST bring an cae soltin of the at the Entente Gilles: had rejected | asives together to punish the peace eak sto the extent of food Leche He his peace Ce The Emperor did | bi Europea! wheat Patents, nest HELP TO WIN WAR gium, Serbia and Montenegro. A despatch from London says: The Times’ war editorial on Friday on she ed and sles and traditions of Western civilization. cluded,’ ee told him in substance h mistaken road to peace. "The ailee dante pretend in the prosent| position to state all their war ai detail, but declare the general eae with mor and precision made to their own countrym: ne Only Terms. The then ennumerates the terms er ge allies, viz: The restora- tion of Belgium, of Serbia and Mon- tenegro wes complete reparation for the dam they sustained, and the Svacnatiia of the invaded territories pata fan a stable re; the re: cage Se a ‘fall liberty and security of all great and small sae pre- The of territories viously severed from allied nations by | ; @ or con! rey e wishes their population The liberation’ 8 Italians, Slavs, Rumanians and ech Slavs from foreign dominatior 10 retirement of the Turkish Em- pire from Europe. The cpanel “they must provide restoration of the provinces torn from the allies by force against the wish of the inhabitants” i lear reference, 8 Times, to Als: ch eget editorial concedes “We Vin ont the er sags im) son nee the allies" ‘ely A Oren @reated must be cont rea and iene sifiod by the more et answer we make at the suggestion of the Presi- lent.” EER ae a no words of more than six| hom: ayllables fit the Bible. Presidents relief force was fro Turk Position At Rafa. A despatch from En The War Office report: ‘(On Tuesday our Fae captured a strong enemy position consisting of six lines of entrenchments with s! and a centr saysi— ee Seen Hate C. t, Battle Creek, break- left El Arish on Monday, and t) at fag tot manufactures, , was married colon yn the Beate commenced Nellie J. Moore, 35, at Los Tue: sday. ighting std| Angle, California. until 5 Pm, when the pation was| Fifteen hundred lumberjacks are on finally ca: trike in northern Minnesota, unde “After. the ais isnt @ Porlish tie. leadership of the I.W.W. Cleaning camps once a week and night- located, advancing | ° m Shalal, 16 miles east of Rafa. fe fore: aged at a point e | about foes miles from the Rafa posi- tion, an entirely destroyed. “Up to the, jeheen nt we have taken ountain guns. The enemy killed and wounded in our hands amount to 600.” PEAR BELGIAN CIVILIANS Attempted to Escape Can tony aes First Sentenced to D atch from Loe says: Reu- has published a dec f a number of Belgian Guages for attempting by force of ai 0 cross the frontier into. “Holland 0 on ra Debeiber em were condemne 9 death, but that, out of considera~ tion of the fact that they did not real- their isonm: “Tn the event of any repetition of the offence, I should not use my preroga- tive for mercy.” pee OF GERMAN LOSS! 70 PER CENT. RECOVER. A despatch Ro ont Bets says: ers and men who were wound- bai es, according to of- ficial figures puuilibas by the German Government. ly 6.4 per cent, of diers “went blind during the war. BRITISH CAPTURE POSITIONS ON FRONT OF NEARLY A MILE _ Several Raids Also Resulted in the Bagging of Large Numbers of Prisoners. despatch from London Ged = tablished our position. | counter-attack 1.600 unwounded prisoners and four | voice b by IMPRISONED FOR LIPE.| (Sci appropriation of ten million wh that as the result of the court- rasta di e ae on Dec. 8, with John Dre $ sal B a erbhwe an enemy trench on a front of a mile, and es-| tention by | ment!” their valuables and jewellery. Mrs, Nellio Pope, @ prisoner in the Detroit House of Correction for the past twenty: two years for killing her | 74 band, has regained her liberty. NA bitter battle is expected in Al- rejbany over the bill to ee local op- *! tion to cities in New State, as banca fy Governor | Whitman's Charles bs Mews 91, father of the. ists Gh kioone ‘After being deaf and dumb for sixty-eight years, Mrs. Cordelia Kirk-| es of patrick, 72, became so excited at me trial of her suit for divorce, that h was restored and she was able to hear. A bill will be dnizaduced at Wash- ington to increase salaries of 200,000 postal Sens cers ten per cent., necessitating an in- dellars annually. Senate Committee on Military | % o un- the summer os four y: The Boston brides disaster on November 7th, which resulted in the will oblige Germany to import as Tittle as possible.” Pointing out that the German har- necessary to keep the belt pulled tight nF Cea Why He Supported the Fund. task of raising the Canadian Patriotic Fund is not all serious work, ran where ther crop out touches of “hhrian nature that add zest to the work. Take the] 46 i SAIL right: m vole for the sfind that it will cost me ‘sight ee T'dj¢ rather pay even twenty dollars than|” go to the warl” SE NT RR Gere $663,000 For Province. A despatch from Walkerville says: Ej 5 ‘onze statuette of Mme. Sarah Berahardy as Queen in “Ruy 5,” present o her with considerable ing the presentation speech, has 54 Fctoiel on seconds dicagroeméntc-56 ird. 0. J. De Rousse, assistant to the Pennsylvania Rail-| ct chist publication was raided by the police looking for evidence in the case of Sees: ie Mooney, stored leader of spiracy which resulted in the Berd explosion July 22, during a prepared- ness parade, when ten persons were killed. ‘ jist tan na Where Ignorance is Bliss. Mrs. Parvenu ran an eager eye over teristic of the ae ean. in’ “My! that a lovely compli- She tselanad eestatically. The Fly In The Ointment. Caller—How pleased you ae see to find that your new" “ook is dear, ba) stess—My don't “salt Hel aha a Hives all righ fortunately ahs ot a cook. at Kansas / City, has been ended. Col. Swope ied seven years ago, and Dr Hyde | it, but un- | 0 Sons, distillers, will amount to $663,- 000 the Ontario Government has noti- is said a be _tario Treasury from any one estate, es PO RS “Indigesti on Biliousness | mon symptoms of Syrup it you are slightly Sete a MOTHER SEIGELS have en tone. Mother Ds Syrup is made from the curative 4 et Mother Selgel’s » many Stat ap treg Ae 3 7“ cs ; 1018 Best. Remedy | ru ERT Uo TRAE Habe , can be made to suffice only if are ; tioned, Dr. Michaelis says: * [tests faa toed “Thus even after peace it will be prpehie a It is illumined here se emai by flash- bi caso of a Quebec county nie | o stdbt choice feeders. 47° to $478: wan His council had been asked to cont: Sete ach i 3, a ais b ae | te a certain sum yearly, and a = | an medium, each, ficer of the Fund ‘talled on him t 0 os $089 gt 4 secure his endorsation of the proposal. | choise, #4 o $18; lal He listened to an explanation of the oes fed fete a Wy ote details, and then started: to estimate "on $18.23 at the new taxation would imply i fe ee, “seksi tn ) | attending to the food supplies of the Winnie Gi Jan. SE os Nor thera, Ey "8h, ate Live Stock Markets. can heavy steers, * cows, choice, o Boga, 47.25 to $7. 50; $7. 16 e 0 $7} stockers, $6.6 + lambs, $12'to 18, 9, $12.78 to $185 . WAR WORK IN RUR Many Smal Industries Giving Their Quota Towards Ending War. hile our farmers are hard at work nation many little industries are giv- ing their quota towards effort which a to win the war, says London Answer: Thus, \when the war started, coun- try biackamiths were given orders Xo jorseshoes for Aray Gecandine to their Es Nate while ‘quantities of tent pegs are be- ing a in the villa arfare in inte led to the revival a shanre aie burning in the woods, as the troops a with braziers to keep themselves arm. Wooden soles for clogs have been made in great numbers owing tot the high price of leath and boots brought about by the deman hat military purposes. Clogs are made in the woods, and now a few clog- makers’ camps can be seen in th South of England, ae to the 0 the falling-off of imports though formerly grown by the War Office, fave plenty to do. Ina fs “woodland | == districts, where firs and are plait, pitprops for the mines * are in one~ or two places Jetge forests being 1 that the scene resembles a Canadian log- gers’ camp. ONE EGG IN 19 DAYS FOR A des: euter’s favnable conditions of production, it lke a pas: for pacts seeds in in to have one egg a ee a ail avliney? 81, butt that noth. ing at present can be ‘said ro arding the supply of eggs after this pias ‘The River Amazon has twenty tri- | Picture Theatre, at 1691 Notre Dame ; easly 25,000 Lone 2 ere supplied | lo t | enemy BERLIN CITIZENS, | - lespatch oni Berlin says The: "| der and cereals are to be gro t Or-| “We must expect vite a considerable | strong bakers’, $9.3 ter patents, ee Nea ms an 2, | time perhaps for mang years, further fro" gh tag ro oud , NOTE IS CLEAR _ BRITISH WIN rete aa iin weve. we’ IN MONTREAL FIRE AND SAVE MONEY , pecial board of officers and civi-|in& 8 regards the most importin if AND POSITIVE IN P ALESTINE liana reported to the Senate against food ee Epa oe OnE » ee ar e s : ex sade ment manufacture) 7 exclusively to such foodstuffs as eat s(|Maid Perished While Making|Dominion Government Issues il Ze eae cian wile ae peruse ey bre merieees i , teri ch Lee Attempt To Save Gertineaten thokeintsthe ve si al - | No. . 3 a Demands Restoration of Bel-|Anzac Mounted Troops Destroy ee ek bag, car lots, $1.7 ae Suga Children. Thrift Campaign. A despatch from Montreal says:— dl e victims in the de- struction of the Idealograph Moving Street west, at 2 o'clock Thursday morning. e victims were the chil- dren and maid of Dr. and Mrs, ts H Leblane, a dentist, at 1689 Notre Minn, and there must be further sharp ra-| ¢ Anges {May | Street west, who were in the eeliy's Hontges The pantie ery, ‘Give us | $086: 3 Nort a mi a ay living quarters on the third floor. Dr. peace! Give us more bread,’ has = Boer oo : ke. ote | d Mrs, Le! were out spending] and inner basis. Of Lae we must remain | No. Sore ic! Flour—un- | the evening with friends, and had left scout tte not ¢1 y £9 ‘or bees eal Duluth, Jan .|their four children in charge of the) p; account of the ace rom which we $1,892; No. 1 maid and an elderly servant, Mme.| minio suffer. | Einseed, Bouchard. Fa July, $2.94 AE Ba oe, FOE PRISONERS ON ISLE OF MAN READY FOR PEACE. They Are Learning Trades and Mas- tering Languages. .A despatch from Douglas, Isle of are busily engaged ace in mps on the civilian prisoners. Many of these have been residents of “the British Isles for ten or fifteen years, and ex- ect to go back to their civilian em- frivolous, and the most uniformly serious, Some sae new trades, others mastering new languages, others studying the re of the war in map and law book with a view to being on the spot for post-war developments of business and commerce. Most of this conan tion for peace is being done by the prisoners thesaslvet: WON’ DERFUL BRAVER’ Allows Himself to 10 be Killed to Give ample and Prevent Retreat. \_ des: at ch from Paris says: “Al- Mine: on | at thelr purchase price; after twelv: but the internment camp prisoner is. al-) OF Javleats OFFICER. a | 183 SWEDISH SHIPS A despatch from Ottawa says: The Sir Thoma: ings certificates nnection with the campaign for national wartime — savil d further Se pesnon by the | is $21, 50, "$48 aid $86 respectively. Thy for every $21.50 now loaned Govern $25 will be rad Sy the end of three years. ws three dollars and a half constitutes n interest return of a little more an five per cent Provision is made whereby the cel rabies may be surrendered at any time during the first twelve glace thin’ Ferengi months, at $22. 25 er aties enty~ four months, in. thirty-: months, at Pris every $21.50, originally loaned. Consequently tho longer 3 are e individual throughout the Dominion, e new war-savings certificates will be advertised suey through-, out Canada next wi ROME CONFERENCE TURNING POINT af WAR. A despatch from ran onidge: iit The 4 itorial on Wednesday pe complete haeeithy? victory, though it may be long, isnow eening straight to the appointed sect DURING YEAR. sh from_ ma Lnnoe says: Aj ren until he was killed, still ties between the French and Ger- | man lines, although a number of | of-| 4 oy have tried to recover it. ich 1 with oe eH of 27. tye stockholm, and adds that ing the same period Sweden built — BL ane aggregating 47,000 tons. CEREALS ARE T0 BE ro Stimulate Bree Land’ oa Sanction st A despatch from London says: Fode| wn in Richmond and. Bushy Parks as the London’s parks ax and the step has a sanction of King and stimulate private land owners to similar ove i a means of increas- {ng food supp! butaries each of over one cheval miles ins] § chmont | eS Bushy Pa bon Thames in the fashionable south INLONDON ROYAL PARKS aie The {dea is to set an example | I rks lie near md GROWN Z ners to Similar Activity — Has King George. , west “aati. London. Rledmond Park is of 2,255 aeres in ar " eight ee in eteeaat abo: - | favorite ener resort, being fre- ‘quented by crowds of pei torists iit horseback riders, lose

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