Milverton Sun, 8 Feb 1917, p. 1

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“HIGHEST cASti aices pain for all kinds of Live Poultry : “Tens of local Interest. Girg’s Coats Bale at Engeland’s. World = eras ‘bn and’ ngeland’g days. Bargabon at! the following is is the S oth ee a "Bader 19 Ibs, for $1.00 at Tngeland’s iis eburoh Meport ters Ties: Te eapan en aries Ont Glover Honey and Maple Syrup at| ,Found—A horse blanket. Owner | marked x?” were. absent i one | SOLOMON STEINMAN [Only Two Ware in in Which ie Wer, ’s. shoal Seeds iieracs Sun Office, or more, examinati Last week in these columns < mow. fldren’s Coats $5 gqnd 88, sale a mks, have bought |°"porm I~Total 680, honors 413, pass |was made | : price $3.00 at Engeland ee nectny, cagdel Chevrolet: oars |30—Hosle ‘Bohmidt 490, Clara’ Yundt |mentngitis ‘of Bolecce am sin i a Gormeny g Beaver, for pease is in vibe. ‘Gavin. Semple, ae ae 4 ee ry orders should be in bo-|401, John Bea a 30, Mabel "Roe #47, |Hrunner’ tis esti torte mame Of epited by’ fear. and, fear < ot urg, spent Sun ay at . Janet Pugh ‘Tuesda: tg f ye cane mek ost any rs, J. H. Brown, of Ohesley, is at|, Bargal Winter Overcoata, made) “Tintr BL ee SoD. pnore y a aos write mace |ikind of peace is preferable to military resent tisiting her mother, Mrs, 0./f° me mieastre, at $15.50, J. M. Fleisch- 1413," pas a. Bar a jetery on the Srd line near Poole Noses ee oe ee oot Lac Wahiedok tiny Kaa aman |Tbompson 405, einman leaves to mourn’ his early |disectec tor vere eat spells 2 j The induction of Rev. C, N. Paddon yates Serre head marries PAB Aornple: $21 Ti 3 [death @ wife and one daughter ab neler dynasty, for her ‘war Thelongerthe war continues, | Will take place in Burns church, Min- |PFeferred. Apply to George Roe, Ml fda "Bu 30, lx. years of age, who have the sym- [Ge Bae Rute reel peentiya, Ss th é verton, on Thursday, Feb. 15th. erton. Beverley Tucker. 358, pathy of the entire ym. |Germany that would emerge from it egreater the nancial burden |e. Wm. Gaines hia been tempor eave your order with 1D. Atkials39 Hilda Wolf tei bereavement, nial" wg different Germany, “i that Canada will have to bear. placed in charge as track foreman of pa nes on te oath Ontario "Rad | saralment i att, 14, The Germans were soundly thrashed It is, therefore, a patriotic duty [the Western section of the C.P.R. eabern: me on the Somme. Their finest troops tid oactenty te Mavernent The Pearl Creamery requests all -W. R, BURNETT, Principal ; we on by blaws. wileepebied ‘to save as large Miva: O::N. -Paddon- ant sani are | those having cream cans, who are not MRS, JAMES SMITH the French to shatter them finally at ba poituan ob ne saswe | i Be tanilly 86) alae thami at yretent: tw bring. ther RooM I - Lene ae Verdun, The German army will never cen, The larger the savings, train this evening (Wednesday), Mr.|i,48 they are short of otal 550, honors 413, 830 cae ata ist of the late Jas. |recover from the pounding it got be- ha biter he ee ob 2 been eat the Maney sines |. Twenty’ thousand barrels of potatoes Pass ’ ornington, and ween July, and November r try can fin- Pe een ufiel ue olde wee shi 4 Ar cr a ri ; Monday getting the house in. readi-|avfaiting shipment at Houlton, “Me., a3 } died at ownship, |Somme. It is a dying army. It is not a ance its obligations, and th Ps were destroyed by fire last week, The 485, ene ba 485, eather | AiG at the home of her z Goughter, [fit to fight the Great Bria Army neutrality, But thee would be dos. better the individual will be | "the °L Listowsl-—zinvood train left | loss is estimated at $i ; noe Guenther $58, Micra Perey (day lasts Mra, Bette go eeeea span: | Which Is preparing’ to great |Derate enterprises, and Hindenb: prepared for any emergency.,, lee rack about amile out of Lin-| Don't miss, the, high-class moying ir 280, Wille acon: [hardships of @ Bionee endured all the French Army” to deal” in its” death [@% ett Mot the, ‘western. he mn Ras is. uh e shown in Zim- My + Open a Savings Account with |turning to onan sims snow plow |mer Hl, on Friday, Feb, 9th, ae fia Clemens 288 "rieda oe rot 8 fal ees ‘The Verdun and Somme battles were German wadlliaton bawegn the west |was si t as an“auxiliary but it|Commencing at 8.00 p.m. sharp. The: = ae eae COTTA of whom survive |ereater than bai thi setae qeed ef a. “Lhe. western. “| y are as follows; Ji ny: in this war | schoo} ~The Bank. of, hae, not until Tuesday morning that ee Se orth Peg SON the | Sr. Ti—Gussie Glecokman 526, Alice Te races Winiarn, Joh, ue great batten, LR Aad Aa Sait cicsat ea Stine lA great for ‘everybody—one of Mr. Wm, Gaines on the Norman Woolner 468, Fred |arre gere’ hires Ae ree Stratford; Of 1917 all alone, the Western frang. (Sine then Hindenburg has crippled ova ‘Ov ia of the great features of this week's Mr, Roe is now in a pos- St pamilton 480; \reas, Mirs, MoNeclande Mare orag;| The war. will-he decided. in-these hat. (2°, Wester. school: He ina glee op ere er ngage a married man, who 412, Herbie Gaul 408, | Wress. rs poke Mrs, Brant, es, “Germany is trying bard open (moment scoured the German meatory UP CAPITAL - $ 6,800,000 | six parts. Toronto paid 35¢ and 25c.| Will: have the use of this property. ‘argaret Roe rs. Smith 5 3 ying hard to open lover Middle Europe and Balkans, Rabe ee PUNT T ~ * $500.00 . | Mins Me Gere Bend don Kerr |W9S @ native ne Tyrone, Ireland. She |PC#ee negotiations before they begin. and if he could get peace now Ger: ‘ TOTALRESOURCESovarivjsonee0 «YOU Gan aee-name at. 160 “getting soho's livery and bus business I in-|368, Beata Mohr 337, Alvin Sippel 933, | ae dat hoe 87th oats, au ineral | Desperately she is searching for any |many would be “supreme from the : MILVERTON BRANCH |e Aeuninte," and two more good com |tend holding an auction sale of hor. |Oordon Mohr 821, Lavina Jacobs 318x, | ‘00! ase to Green metery, | Pre gent is of escape from them. |Raltie to Bagdad, But R is un- O. W. Huel ae iw. Hverybody “aboula: se rigs, arness, wagons, and sleighs | Har i 0, Frank Kelterborn ELLO N00. Weaueuiny ettervan er frantic conquest of Rumania isan |eonquered and uneonquerable, and the Acting Mana = eo peat ye gn Saturday, eb, 17th—Chas Welker 0s. Melvin ae 03, Alvin Schatz Ae ace eg speck sae nee bee PS lite blood of Germany is cozing out in ; ilverton, don Schau- pO ] fhe o ee: Court ot. the. poeaala eae Gr Hien ths cae se ene isang ater man military power is destroyed in ‘He “ Pate! “therefore (ill “bes desided. ‘that in order to comply with a recent |member for West Middlesex, has gi ie Schneuker 246, . reat an dea : the Ontario Legislature the |eM notice of a resolution that inelaim Alfred Sohmeuker 24 Howard Gatcke | One of the old residents of thie sis ie halradibhedemere eee dule of rates will be inereased at |ed balances at present in the charter- Joe Moore 18h Weir jlocality passed away iuatay eee winter may be bi ipter that eh Sint neat Hin One meeting to be |ed banks Bada aheuld te handed (118; Ryerson ptote 172; Mepeaita Pugh Feb, ist, in the ‘person of Mr. Isaac [ete ard the British artery HYMENEAL held (at Hamilton. "It is due, to all /over to the Patriotic Fund. Bastendorff 161, Harold |Atkin. Mr. Atkin several years ago | oye nee ee i ta tolgend: aa. delegates: the . Weir & Son conducted asale | Mohr Feeeived two severe falls and had|erold sucgeae eeey Any Words ime gaptble ‘men they have to deal on Tuesday last for Mx, J. L. Ropp, Burotinent As. “avetine ae ak been in declining healt since. Mr. |most folent thunder storm is Aer wi the situation @ net proceeds of ich amounte nS ae ‘in was b Pickeri ; f : GORRELA~DUENCE iMban men's Institute |t0 $4, * Pair of horses $408, cows By PULIAN MORLEY, Seen 81 years ago, Scouihe With: His tere toldeginn dhe Gees Ee ee y : x A TH pretty, wedding, took plac a hold a Patriotic Social evening on |©Ver $100, sheep and a pair of ROOM Il nts to Mornington over sixt: site any inereeee asia ote y everywhere. | Victory ; a Wi alee ee eae pe PT aL ear Lan isalved Swieee: olde @it-ech: Seo TK Ee Eee rohit et me, pleture the battles of jelsowhere means less than nothing, 4 ch eae 2 Wednes-| Milbank, when the lucky ticket for) , Mr. eter Durst, of Staatford, who| Examined in arithmetic, {paling Orr who following. family LS SES psa s eye.| just as reverses elsewhere mean le |the piece of crochet lace will be drawn r gr: composition, and {survives him; William, Elm ‘The massed guns that the British |than nothing. The future of the Bal- [tnd ihe auogroph li wit Fina, at homey Bie on she puma: | Army will use will make the massed |Kans will be moulded in France in auctioned. A g program ing th sli his Honaek 375. pass 3 stead, and Mrs. George Wootlcock, ot guns of 1916 sound like pop gi 1917 by the greatest battle of nations ~ prepared and Sie Seeial “hour, | re PRONE Re stets on pao “Hi Mazi onli’ tba ehath Monee Rote cen survived by die] one ereeee- ta our Bun-powes. wil bey the. worl ever ‘bee, Into that = be in’ game: lunch |that notwithstanding all that medi- it, Karl Smith Louis |brother, John, of Milverton, and ais. |RtteT!y unimaginable, The Germans battle we must put ‘every gun and = will b: d. Admission 15, and 10c. |°3l abil could do Mis diet tn afew. Sohmidt 382, Clarence Schneider 366,|ter, Mrs. James Lambert, of Toronto. |*=°% roeanent cand NEY Are. Steey. | ithe Milverton Hunt Club on. Fri. anda epee mean ae er ce Dorothy Pugh 368, Helen Guenther |Mr, Atkin resided on several places (Mia, the German army in France| ions thatthe Mista} Blooded ; eT, |349, Eileen Ri 348, ar ill be subjected to a : : ate nc eee Me ca ; hear Milverton ise. daughte Eileen, Rosamond 318 aie Haw- |but over fitty years ago purchased the |steaay Iain of pteel, not for eck but | alee. |Kriesel with a gold headed cane pice jto his departure to Ba will in futu Mr, Kriesel will be gener- ed in Milverton where he is where he to keep that oe going since t,he came to Milv to “the jarlvotion in Burns eal home after Feb, cP sce" Rae) Ww. D. Weir's Sale Register Feb, 22, 1917—Stook, and Household Diteots, day. arker, Lot 4, Con. 16, Logan, Saturday, Feb. Rigs, Hi Thursday, (Rass: ea: ai ‘rahe left on eg fan. | Presbyterian she, filled with aredit arm Joyed a wide en- apts music, she rapid strides in her profession in the ester er Is in \Norwich, wish a ae every success. -Norwich Gazett 4 The Milverton met farm Bight & Water ci ane evening ‘i les] ar fe ; of the © best milano strain in thet townshi *» Marrioges and Deaths peat Atkin—At Milverton, on Thursday, Fob. ist, 1917, Isaac Ae a rough careless town o! mney whole received “about -yea k—At ee nk day, Feb, per ons fnkerese on their in- aged 8 ay. ha tin, vestment but_ thei Meany red 81 years, 1 te the invested sa tas them and i: salina se il faleness ‘the Village should to some nee-Corp. Walter Tremain, for- extent nsate the company, for merly of Listowel, has been reported throwing thelr plant on the. Jank as wounded in action on Jan. 17th, ose J. G. HAMILTON: Sole Agent for La PORTLAND SCRANTON: CEMENT STANDARD oa ST MARYS ANTHRICITE * LIME SAVE for ; WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES Our “Savings Department will help you to buy War Sea e Dollar, or _ more, recei HELP: oie ¢ GOVERN- MENT WIN THE WAR Iverton Branch ; Ns @. SCHA h “ae rity. the day it falls di Begs 520 dos. at ‘Engelaud! 8. s price ie rer a 6, (10th line), Mornington, on peor had a miraculous escape from stove vik not damaged at all, 3 part Bey Deeb -Opportun ty for Sie ‘he Governmeht of | of Canada has de- olden to issue for the encouragement of fiber’ war savings certificates ne yur ieee will be mld oe Certificates ean be purchased ws The Greatest it the soldie cannot do ue for them. As the ae advance winter” ioe for fee, Seeo 50 ee ly seem as if at the front bbb is not a very pleasing experience, I had my share Gf it-and it ia trying on the nery the coal range in the kitchen of their | Worried nor was afraid do not believe home exploded, pieces of iron being |him—I ik it tries the mettle of hurled about the room with great | ever; ree, The explosion was caused, { y that since I left Leeds thought, by some of the pipes leading hospital I ooexe had a very good ti the hot water tank on the front of |I may say that I was also in the con- he stove, freezing, The stove was valescent 1 hospital at Epsom near Lon- completely demolished, two large|don and spent a week at Shoreham, pieces of metal. bei thrown with |The Cor Nad he was in sent down to St Leonard's. Tt is about fifteen pliments of the season, will say good ye. 1 remain, London, England. last week’s issue, the Hensall oben quits the Sie geet field for the time being, Lack of appreciation by its citizens and the high 0 production ar d by meantim ie. job department Will ati: be fun, pre eh had fall warning, believe that our pilots 0.H.A. SEMI-FINAL HOCKEY KITCHENER : MILVERTON Bawls FEB. i Ladies 55c. erman guns in ae wrork. is “Th bi ttles of 1917 |e 3 oe = aeroplanes,. jeture tanks in detion. The will make their tebut ¥ sae 14, 25¢ Battle = hit bites perfect Security because the German gunners wore ened German army ‘will be able. to|tmill, plenty of water, stand the strain. ‘nd partly draine The superiority of the Britishin air |Of bearing orchard work will be. intensified, There are gore all i 0. v 2 5 andI decline to will be AL be batten of |. 8 of guns and thousands af | as 18, North R Be isalene apply cae OU Milv. evening, , commencing at pam. Good easel See cute ass ate, subject ; Resolyed ‘That = + i p ; ° years he has resided . z ‘ eRts" then ‘competitions’ Home-made oo, HOP Akins 217, Gladys Gundler [ation He waa “always. mown as [Sati Gate, ReMi be Swe ee a candy will be offered fi Bren n industrious and hard working man, |! Reale ah asc So Aha rey PAS feo ey ec bar dens geeds in aid of Patriotic League, Ad-| ata gta, ara Wosiner’ 329, “Odell ihe rae net vas conducted by last reserves will be sucked into the |mareh through the Red'Sed and the mission; adults, 160,; child feffer $27, Jean Semple 296, Flora |the family residence to Greemereg (Melting rampart, The sion and |Wilderness of war into the Promised Seas ae ho: oe erkner 290, Ales. Akins’ 276) Kort Saturday, Feb, Srd. the [@eeDline of the. great German | iba and,—London Sunday Pictorial. @ most notable event of the ‘apling 275, Mervin Gallop 272, Jack | oll ae he bear. {itary machine will be destroyed and sa tiaeti aan ‘ week was the break in relations be-|Peppler 215, Arthur Neumeister 241, ers}, William: Sheldon and eS fis “Greatest military. eataebrophe: i in caused ‘by Germany's decree to: des: |28i, Tllze eth" Hotfinas ty 1D. Atkin and Martin | there are pessimists. Who. pr edie Bitar Srtecag Series troy all shipping on the hich scas,| Weir 212x, Louise Tuck vi Atkin was a Presby-|araw on the western front, They base |400 eheets tc ye toranle at repack eon pele | Welr 212 x, Louise at, Vera religion and a liberal in |9¢3! seen ene i! eee ee ee Ging to beligerents of |Gandler 160x° Edna Wopt 14x Nel polities thelr arguments: upon the imipreguspla | offies for’ Bb neutral ssador Gerard at Ber-|son Wolfe 181 x, Pearl Stewart ‘111 x, strength of the modern defensive lin has been ordered hom er-|Ralph Spencer 59x, Hattie Moore 36 x. against the modern offensive, But man Ambassador Bernstorff at Wash-| Enrolment Perigo wit Letter from Pte. Melville they overlook the new factor of 1917— FOR SALE as been given his passpor' 2 inte efeut ef Gevaaay deatioying =A. L, HAMILTON, Teacher Struther in'mentand it munitions: The atthe any vessels on which were America: fi the Somme tetabotteses hoatanpiae Se Moret Ba zens, war will likely be declared ai eS Te wane Hasenay uae obtenslte-| Apel mS theded pies ee : Sectors Canin: Bibi Tt was a defensive-offensive undertek-|NboS, Milver * are pleased to inform the pub-| Sr. I—Eddie Carter, Isabel Hamil-|Mr. T. E, Hammond, Monkto: with object of relieving the lie that Mr 4. R- Hollefreund, pro-|ton, Nelli MacBoth, Helen Honder- | near friend pressure on Verdun, on the Russians,| A good brlok dwelling situated on prietor 1 ¢ Maitlan oto Studio, jich x, innit Finkbeiner, _ Carl fies on the Italians. The 1917 of- Stratford, ‘has leased the | village) Schmidt, Dillie Coxon, Harold Hoall-|, Just 8 line to let you know that 1 fensive will be carried out bya Bie ase iients mbt te | studio and will have it open for busi-|scher, Walter Mohr, Arthur Sebneid- |#™ still thinking o} and _m ish numbering not . ess very shortly, Mr. Hollefreund |er, Henry Reis, Angus Kerr, Ross |tive Tana, "Received a letter from you| two millions in sonjenetlon with the [eora Gar toe Isher "partie spent one year in New York City |Clemensx, Wlorence Roex, Idella |% lon! a time ago and sh have an-|French army. It be a multiple |lars. apply at Sun Offic: Working for some the leading | Reis, Hazel Stewart x, Willie Haw-|Swered it soo seoter Hut kept patng it off Joffensive aimed not at a short thirty- ere ens soon flies by. lowever s|mile sector of th i dn 1 Willa’ Madea: Anne traps fetter leaves mein the Best of health Jat the whole G rou iine sich fixe NOTICE vill |aefski, Willie Hocking, Alvin Hopf,|24.I hope you are enjoying the same |ed determination to destroy the Ger- open the studio here lay each |Preddie Hoffman, Lorne Zulauf, Irvin |8teat Blessing. “I suppose you people [man asses where they d. week, announcement of which Will \Gonetbor Hon Oenctand Oates [im Canada Will have lote of snow now | “The mes tactical method empl Fe mraee eeaia ty Uneor be made later. Mr Holletretind “tel centres yoy Siegner x, Clarence |!t is fine wea here, Not even |by General Nivelle at Verdun willbe [must be, settled on or peal eens fortunate in retaining the services, of : ike frozen up yet, though it is a little i erdun will be |{§th, either by eash oF note Stewart x, 4 dopted. jJosses sustained by the Mrs, Snazel, who is considered by. the rimer—Isabe! ticker, Gordon |°0ld_ sometimes because we are lattacking troops will be reduced to th rofession, as one of the best lady|cuenther, Mildred Gateke, Bertha |°@™ping right beside NE- | lowest possible fi it will be a|aoit outstanding accounts must be as ‘ . possible figure, forit will be a i photographess in the country, shehas|Weir, Jean Smith, Harvie Schneider, |!ish Channel and that certainly makes |pattle of big guns in which the British |S¢tted either by cash or note on or b the Clarence Hoffman, Jack Bundscho. |it some colder. T cannot tell you how land the French will possess a crushing |°fore eb. 15th.—R, MeMane a = se: }soon I may ‘e to leave for Franc 5 i Hazel Gatekey lee Hamilton. Vcore’ (Thert)is a drat goliig pretty poor ana | once Th Pcs Carmen aU Bete Ro wee id I guess I will be in it, However, it int they cannot overtake the Inet ck: FARM FOR SALE Enrolment 42 ( Avortge aft, a6, |i2 8 mice place where we are now |yosay established by the Allies, If is GN. Teacher, eae eet ints to eat. 1 came back| co'ceeat and tt la inoresaing too-rapld |_,100 acres cot Good farm land tk, N, Teacher. |from London the other day they gave |e? Grae and it 8 Increasing ay Fa Be Gon, 14, Elma, All cleared an os a. bass for als daya and when there | anitionl, and oubmanmeae andtney wing done. Good buildings. an Pte. R. Snelling's Letter [of doys. 1 can assura you I have seen | ill be db gr Mpeg beaten, seldand wel HOHE We CORON ; inst a io some alos _oolmtry and besatlta} fresh, young and vigorous “eNpritish | ast Balt of Lot 9, tn. the 7th Coo. ti i te: Frank b, ae of Seaford |inna a sia ae a peOHIER of PMtornl ington, eontai na 91 acres, the table, Later, it paine -|Camp, forwarded us a letter that he | Gra! 4 factor whieh will tell heav- mote or less. A at ES a belok airelling, bank Sox, “Grivleg ated, rehard, artied That farm known a Easthope, res more less, lar; and strawshed, ceme RR, No. 1, Saeed wr nat

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