Milverton Sun, 15 Feb 1917, p. 1

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Poultry Wanted a HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kind: Live Poultry : Scissors and Razors Sharpened. P. NEUMEIS ISTER_ - Painter and Decorator. MILVERTON fr Bara Clleiers anerosice S. Gleeckman, Phos io 4, Vol. XXVI—No. 33 : Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, February 15, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Clover Honey at Moh: | Frozen Fish at Mohr’ t | Bargain in Winter Overcoats, made . Items of Local Interest. anna, ky practic at zine on so ain a Sita wercoats, made | OBITUARY | Milverton Council All delivery orders should be in be- hauer. We can talleseiae anything of Kitch-’ ¢, , mJ. .|_ Mr, and Mrs. J.D. Merryfield, of E ‘ Milverton, Feb. 5th, 1917, Peilge a : Ane ot fore ee ey ie mee ae ts o Baskatoon, former 3 ae dents ‘of Pal- PTE, WALTER J. ROE aan Hee Council ioe the p.m, in are at present a few case: i] Merston, are spending the winter in - ‘ouncil Chamber, i of chicken-por in the village Peaeeeneds Aualy te Gearue, Hoare Vancouver, B vo os family. of Pte, lent. Reeve Coxon in the eh ne fon. a cMise sbréee Markham. the! Mes: Norman Hiles mn Tuesday last we inate of the fo: reek-e! be ead sue confirmed, was ree Son nication read f 7, i Fance, and another on the hheela of gil for ker Sturmer ihe Race emer meeting were spent { Saturday with Mr, and° Mrs, OR Ate ap and son, Wil- liam, of pions spent the week-end n, iy er e ‘arium fe . it announcing his death, whi Eva Alexander, of Britt wi Ha. Se Jone Deerok: | intford Society i ti caits Which had |Society soknowledgtng receipt of seys “War Orders with her friend, Miss | Gaz of feed (wheat and oats mixed: (place. Cy meno seb ey eau : Pte: Roe tote” ean ee edie de. Saont sa eee ; _ E. Dickso oon, with 5 one cb. He yie (Panitak Johiaoh tha oelen}iben eade’| Teh Baviaten, Yi 8 draft trom the liar Hospital of Bort, Wilkes ue \ Thepresentindustrialactivity ta few “days with ti Tsiond, % Livingston, of Stratford, faa rostess, of the Six Nations: In- oe een haa se ere $1.0 for the keep of Ed- is duo largely to war orders. [Miss Mf. J.” Cuthbertao SE EES mth ola. Milverton ward Attridge, an indigent and in- Wiest Havstonoih catsa oak Beiter’ >” valentine, D. Small, A’ |for funeral expenses ie em oe ene the close of the war, A period serch pag Knive and W. Squire, | ‘The Clerk was testeated oo ene % of readjustment and retrench- Mal Win, Livinetao di uk alga. fore Eager hasan clap harness, wagons _and sleighs é Nat piece eres Youngest son ‘of |to the manager of the Wes tas telling ment willpabably follow. The [is af prosoat visting at ‘he be en Saturday, Feb, 17¢h.—Chas Welker Y Elma, end Was, born on Mae aie Pesldent of nea mage was, not : ; ; . resident of Milverton, nevi aoe wade a pancaek Mra rad Schwindt, of Poo rs bi } 10. | Charles 2 OL Schwab says that many 1885 and was Se UsOn ay 33 any property. nor paid Hes etal is woul man ‘ilverton, tial part of his present aire Feb, a oe spendia, physique and fine soldierly | The following bills and accounts or increased income. Walter Siydes dates 40: thaak. + Rev. ©. N. Paddon, who is being in- Mice ans is Meat’ 1 | were penta and ordered to be paid, Open a Savings Account with of Burns church for their usted as Pastor of Burns church; loniisted in 1918 and mages the. At Bina” Henne e wpeane attendance on P ef Joes Nin cleaning the auditorium oak Milverton, (to-day) Thursday /lantio last fall with 110th, The tae Bir Heshick oe id Bank of irs. A. R. Hollefruend and Daisy |°4, basement. em pyetave fhe sympathy of their many landing, $6,007, Maithes ote The 0! event a few days this pou aes ccs he one wemmlnintee be Wurak chuzeh fiends in this locality. It is not |grayel’' $12.00: Ruby, tile for ovascotia bson. 5 Ket, Pri was and thus is now forty-two ’ years ome as the army |$8,00; ob, auditing, $12,00; y and Mrs. Fred Wiederhold an fig Mae al Hdickcooua'e I of age. piestin erat (iscourage the conveying |W. D. Weir, nomination, toll’ clerk PAID-UP CAPITAL - § , 6 ment of their | photo Studio will be announced next |8 -attendance.| | Like the apostle. Paul, ehh Senet o? Oe Ses and poll constable fees, $11.50; tae RagnRvE FUND. ~-* 12°000,000 to Mr. J. Edgar made though the hi his indebtedness to many a! &s rary Board, grant, $100.00; FOTALRESOURCESover 100,000,000 i. ‘The marriage ta take place it. |Paper will force the Bruce publish rees, “to the G the Bar- MES. JAMES 8M Sehwindt, stone, $1.25; Hrnest Abs MILVERTON BRANCH Mr. and Mrs.G. A. Harth and son, |£0 decrease the siz cas |barians, to the wise and unwise : sit raham, stone, $8.00; John Carson, 0. W, Huelsma jothwell i Miss Eaith 1 leeks for Bosrest {tl issue an all 1 print |the x inister reco, | There passed away to her great |labor. $2, ab Mra, Barth's father, Me. 8 pater Bom tn vee *|reward on Feb, 4th, Torr one of the | Moved by Samuel Petrie and sec: . ; n. [Common use, The town council very is mind and heart loldest pioncers of Mornivgten fe the {onded by "open niente ae the cousin, Miss H. West-| 7 iy, i Giierabay, tendered a banquet to the jand pt with John Calvin his | person of Mrs, James Smith, She was|™0tion passed by Council on the 15th wen, Gravelridge. Z a ean isiting newspapermen in. Erdman’s |life work as his destin in her 86th year re to this |2ay of November, 1915, granting $40 eae Btrattord ‘h ori i a ee pt meat man who urges that many Tout Toad, Het Bushand ‘trom: Ty- Taste one ee ae he "i 4 escinded ow’ Fire Destroys Church ah has been taki . pence men outside the church have taught psc Sembee Rt a PLES ot. Ehat. he ' si ‘i :|high ideals and lived honorable. lives eating h lite “of Morninee County Council by an assessment on __ orening as Rev. cl ee, ‘ Tenry |i8 right, But ask him s mada received his early edu-ltinuously made her heme omen ater |the whole county of the —Moserville| tds Ue sue eras complished by staying out of move poarding schools of his |a year anda half ago, when she wect| The Clerk was instructed to ask tor et fo live with her daughter, Mrs, Jas. |tenders for the crushing and deliver- Brown, on the Sth Con. of ima, Mrs [me on Main St, of 1,006 to 1,500 mas! ie Smith was a Presbyterian in religion |f stone. 2 i officers wi . 8 oubt : S a kind neighbor.a loving mother, ae Council then adlourned . 4g | Blea ; ait ; ill be greatly missed by her family, -w WER, Clerk, 3 Safer craig going ts) {Ladies are cordially invited to 2 atend She leaves m if loss : coor 1 zante carriers hay adel me and see, ale task when snow b; i Mrs, Kerr and Mrs, Blair, of Pick. pba: ens e Mich.; Willi evere weather prevails, + at “Shopes “ous ender ford, Mich.; William and’ John, ns Interesting Articles 8 eee: Ohio; Mrs. Montgomery 2. Government i Oates “hi has de- sided ioe be the encouragement : ae : i of thrift, war savings certificates for | Mr, Mf. MacBeth, Bditor of The Sun, twenty-five, fift one hu Dear Mr. Editor :— the trysting place of Bol Lhe Ree ee RR A batraeah eine y I e been very much interested ie an pier: ston him second only | o¢ 5 ‘ertificates and instructed in reading the series |to the nat! will. be-sold the vet Order, 6 puting the early days in his Scot: |., fe aad ‘S retar on oe iy tish home and at a time when his cortifiaten ail yield you 5 1-5 per cent, full fury about nine o'- @ Dominion Govern: Pb hariciog of lie i mene and “al the resources for se- i - |W ‘ reste intcenlae stiles ri r money will be paid Hr Patera operat we : ace et itten le oe at on i: ress rom a ar, Centra! Home is not home the aidy iEfetls ane. ott weather of the ae des eras ich ects its a For mother is not there, Cert piers gan be purchased ag or two has been playing havoo (Credit. on panes = His angels have taken her follows es train schedules, Nearly all the | Snip ak te ; if she. |lite: sean eparcdsand thee: oll Out of our care, $25.00 for aa 50 ake by Mr . Waddell, a | trains especially over the GT-R. have | SMP, should take th : ; 50,00 for 43.00 a ting of the Srabregation will typographical error ry in through |been running late. On some of the Saar Pee se, cru |r i Dark is the room 100.00 tor ae 00 hall, Ros-|the omission of a line, Line 7 under/™ain lines trains and en, eines have | of these articles, AE iS aabore aia i gee SH And empty the . con-|“Biographical Sketches" should have | been derailed causing delay on near! Ratpol: Sache ahwalh: _ She has gone to shee aah ara Soon as the 'read “very many stories of a humor- iy bra see LEAT < rating he ma eS yorente "oe. thelr wt ne wi eaters: disp. <4 by God, SO venetel and ral | } LOST justed arrangement a ‘Oo ma. m peony ection: i 7 Sak . a eee will be ‘ade for rebuilding, Berviess ag ayo sine haga oer aaecr | The t Niagara |PUPis making « ee ee of |It Was ‘whilst taking special prepar- Sleep, mother sleep, PERCE, of keys. 0 Wil be belt oh menday aise tee, Atiet Ronin ee cant ea, “by . Bichigan G matter and h: least one latory work in dispensaries and in- Thy toils are over On wing. Mader ee ee Forester’s hall, Rostocik, “Mr. de b” Smith of th kk on the time-table de-|dustrial schools with a view of going Sweet be thy 9 aria der please return to R, Lent iri ed. ee te tone the children on|to Central Africa that Dr. Robert- ‘Oft needeq are ER, Milverton, his mn, who “For twenty years was the — SERRE leader and representative of the We all. loved otohed ee take ot ae [wil ‘i fhe ‘Pies - mi ith c rly Church in the outposts of the rapidly But Goa loved 5 Sou more; FOR SALE Dught;-whatt the. cate, was: 20:0 Dew. bridges ik ts-eatimated, and ts ettlers, the rae ri cy munici: /advaneing frontier of our Western He has called y — in “rae vot Ritshener, as’ srgender the _mncantime the present bride will own |Civilization.” paid one of bis visits To that aioe hoot shore, |, Beautiful Dapple Grey Horse for urels, more in pity in|be used. It was opened in 1883, : i td Bee ne ee pres eee tale, First-class driver and sadale 1 \ the heieen 1 ary taste, Of jof heroic mould but of — tenderest orse. Apply to W. H. Grosoh, Mil- (Chopped) a his abnormal vecord shoul a sebaed snow fal ied op ae it is penefit to. them =. ter life: |heart,” is, to suse how under God] The Parting of the Ways _|verton, Ont tag -hard fiche ea re any a career has been changed. Of 2.30 Per Cwt. him one has said; “He sed in A frame driving shed, 20x36, with’ i th 2 _ town |rare sonibinstion She stat parnes out- | Milverton’s eyiesuninsion at the lidtt--uprights, First-class shape, ah ines eri hope Ms, Waddell look and the prophet’s fervo. Front eee ply to BUWAN, GALLOP, Lot Il continue the good v 6, ‘Morning vow ‘ “He dipped into the future as far Shorehath/ hg. Tan. 196,919) cores rae ee eee ‘We expect a car of . | Sport; Yours truly, oreham, Eng., Jan. 28, ‘17 | : ‘i 5 as human eye could s - 7 i “A. good brick dwelt situated on ie to be about. Ham- out th recently ran across thre Jas. Torrance. The partin, e ways in many . *, x |hares which had died of starvati ‘eb. 18 Saw the vision of the West and all}; i Main St., Milvertoi nace, bath 66 Echo” Feed ‘ont to oh The Betriote nec tirration |Strattora, feb. 18th. 1917 Pig inden tint paren n ip plsesnie: and the | erie lige eee renee ange ? oe eer oe ae soft water. ~ Must - said come and devote at once, For further particu, (Corn and Oats Chopped) Championship Game [your whole life, to others comet but for lars apply at San Offices $42.00 Per Ton. hursday night, “Feb. 15th. at 7 " 5 n|. 2% hep. gasoline engine, circular saw t and right liv, \ 2m e -|ter a short scason, comp! ° . Da ing, | drilling machine (titted up to out fe the chai i instead of | oosones and indolence 7 : ; - Dunean Valentine, |down buggy and wagon — wheels), ~ i “3 those re. [ol Ne A. v lee in the Se ost twenty ‘obert West, William Tatchell and| blower, a number of neckyokes. * We also have r the main of the ported from Middlesex appear to be | yy Be pet pees oe ae ib hav’ |Torne Barr, “al well known in. the Goublotysesi. Sinaletrees, | tools fi ear. very rai i t {vi ‘ity. 0.0, at | Stock. iso good driving mare, WESTERN OATS Wists a pear be | Me. Gaines, foreman of the | 28ains an me | For many year ored among ‘ont who is lucky enongh to Be eg | , and harness, All marked by some ration, it being | West the C.P.R. s Peete a , mining « ‘ | Grave: thei tor Bis section will have |bove will be sold at a reasonable B Ff i nm + | bebin er: fellows at 75c Bushel t | Be lost a gal Ne’ d the | behing: him good soldiers and ellows price as the owner is giving up busi i Thus with Cowper he is led to ex- ness, WM. RICHARDSON, Poole, i, Tyee ba esed convert ni nse in this ion, Mr. Zim ‘ ation to St. OB a8 : PFEFFER MILLING G0. & oy rok See ae nena’ at opbg a managed. ‘to Ik his ised me esina A ay way FARM FOR SALE the | this not cs Tuns a serious risk of ve ‘i is wonders’ to ‘per The 8th “Battalion” is inereasing. i re Mig te chanson re injury but is guilty of trespassing, an |Go"0" p¥® hope a bitte eae strength and we. expect befo 100 acres of good farm land, Lot MILVERTON a offence when done in this form is al- Big a woe S yen g's Bindi Th June, 1903, he married Susannah ends ing |21, Con. 14, Elma, All cleared and t sure to bring reproof from the | “sHnmdingers”<goah Dr. _Tindate; Meee eee pedal Mia SEU . icers | plowing done. Good buildings and 5 ie ERS eetted.<somipany: defence, Sam Smith and a. Te teats ae en a enh e eee wees ree eae “Neverwuzzers”—goal, Te Gy Pfet: {ia ot defence, N, A. nl An unusual en aor oe made last | W. ‘Huclomen win, Tob | M pe “ Smith and “Schmidty"; sehtee © S _J. G. HAMILTON snow, Not one of the birds’ moved | PA: we en 0) i ras % ital, Sole Agent for nk they are getting along |3 is in her strong aid | painty well ort. M the Job," D. PORTLAND Anat Coane HOME aa ‘our Man on the . ENGKA ALAC IKE, Ehpoosed ‘Paddon® will be inducted into SCRANTON GEMENT Oust those found ferret Goa sip eae the pastorate of Burns church, Mfil-| eee STANDARD ST MARYS find ‘food, became fo Week e ‘ly oe i * verton, on Thursday sttexnoon by the Old I Lot t) Has a Rep. ANTHRICITE LIME rished. Ma: aie eople er come “ Presbytery of Btraito Rey. D. 5 more: dlatgmnataivace ‘thie bir ane eDonald, of trond au ‘pros | Lottie L. ‘Tinotson, alias Mary Ue Mr, J. H. Dyke, the Field cides of the ‘National Sanitarium Association alias Melba Gostella, who during the past two years iaotareal in nearly every town ev. J. f svill adieea the ted pastor and Rey. eo etre it ‘own Hall, dant fvien. ine. Stewart, of North Mornington, ‘he dni i Elma, on Saturday, Feb. 3. soherieatiegs 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ‘Keith, rtly drained. About < ieayelling Immigration Officer Rey-|of bearing orchard W. D. Web's Sale Register aide: of Ottawa, for breach the |plowing all done, jGanadian immigration laws. ¢ ous RCM i Mii ata acs re Saturday, Feb. {7th—tivery Horses, {movements of tho woman re- ppl Ow ARHTAGES, “Ries, “Warnens;sWa gunn a0) Slelake |garaed with. considerable suspicion ny RAR. No. 4, Mllverten th arsh—Pleisehhatier—At the Metho- Welker, prop., Milverton. e Dominion police author e,_ Mi Feb. Feb, iia Bal months past, She ap) hi ah Tend Wanted r, a 5 } * "Susi . lot 30, Elm, " ers a Susan Flcischhauer, both stove Pate eonine ed el ant to be sold, farm sold, goi spi vention, iustrated} uctive fa tern views. oly vias aa Wall: ‘ Mond. Feb find this Teoture both interéstiog Beh, 1917, te Mraand Mrs, Wy Clyie, instructive. Sealed tenders will ie: Poe ne by Thursday, Feb, 22, O17=Stovke. Tm. Baderaigned on ements and Household Hftects, ete ° s. Myrtle | for Wm, Parker, Lot’ 4; Con. 16, name of Mar y Metcan “the ec a delivering of from 1,00 Chalmers, to Mr. Earl Bennett. Logan, omhin, Waa. aenten PRATHS. lela 24th —Sate Rito at B. Western ‘ara shoplifting. Roe—At Havre, France, — Stationa: oe bile meer s Ghul Lida ered “en Hoppitel ‘No 7) Bia’ Walle yan | Section, Farin stock, Maplament suspended sentence eph Roe, ge 2 years, | Po Brerpthing ao a ae farm dis- | Band offence. Owing t est. { WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES Our Savings Department will. help you to buy War Saving © Certificates. oe Dollar, or more, received, HELP HE ¢ GOVERN- MENT WIN THE WAR Milverton Branch Capital Authorized $5, N. G. SCHAFER, Capital Pald-up - = $aonon ee Py anaesk 75.000 Holsteins | es_to-nij me Find a, town wise the local mer- best " enitetngs strain in the township. | iss Tillotson toured this istrict , contract, 0 , Mareh 6th, 1917—Farm Stock last fall-and caused considerable in-|/as weal Spring. ar eae rere Suman a eaaed iat eee Dlrpents for Mr, Edward |dignation by her mode of Financ ing | Stone and crusher furnished bythe oie Lot 35, Con, 18, er Netiet as sate that she gay Corporation in ae ie cee) Piers por Sale } Ww. D, ind they ean get in such towns ea Gallon, B. HE Lot 1, Con. ae You are sure of good photographs | nelpel Clerk, eat: detl casior than anywhere else. ! Mornington Good if you go to eos Listowel, ‘Dated at Milverton, nae Feb,, 1917, ad been oe ‘What ‘Advertising Does: tee peeke TSC SRG SCOOT SS FORGET OCCT CIC CCT a

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