Milverton Sun, 15 Feb 1917, p. 6

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TR CORDON AROUND LEBANON HAS SHUT OFF FOOD SUPPLIES ~ Half the Christians and Druse Tribesmen in the Zone Died of Starvation. A despatch from London says: In-jhalf the Christians and Drose tribes from authoritative | men in the zone have died of starva: mn. Company, shows ‘ia and Palestine have been de- surrounded the entire region of Le-}vastated and the olive and se with s Borne bd cordon, thus| gardens ruined. Large num} preventin; food from getting|the most ae gor families through, with Fis result that about ae been dep: BUT ONE REASON FOR MANIFESTO The Post Office Department is in|* receipt of a cablegram from the Brit- ish authorities stating that no par- |i Germany Intends to Sink All ie sera I Hospital Ships of clothing should be forwarded in Encountered. future from Sabet for prisoners of |, war in ‘A despatch from London says: An editgrial in the Times says: th ai “Signs of increased ruthlessness | the above Texulation should be com- and intensity of the German subma- nlied with, Ther e Ist February, 191%, the Post Of-|% only one reason for the manifesto fee Department will refuse to accept of the German Government wil re nae such parcels for prisoners of war spect to the hospital ships which the Seman ‘The Department is ad- Foreign Office made public recently. It | hed by the English authorities aoe has all the familiar marks of a Ger-| such man document designed to | e Wal inhumam-deeds. It is: could ni based on the lie that British hospital! The Canadian Red Cross Society |5 ships have grat a for transport of | through its London Office undertakes munitions and that every. Canadian prisoner shall re- “The vine of Thowpital ships by} ceive adequate relief in food ipernisnieaeastoed. 101: ot cated ne clothing, sending ai new aaa ‘There have been sev-|week ti prisoner. Therefore, nt Winer ae Russian Red existing Aicanicataate should continue i ea, and | their work of collecting funds to be i ‘os }o~ No Parcels to Germany. rmany. British authorities represent ‘3 B i 3 2e Es ¢ $ 5 e 8 Es & prisoners, aa ‘in! the comparative immunity in home| they should not relax their efforts in waters more to measures of precau-! this resp Pataca desiring to have pitas enemy. The fate of the Britannic and| food or supplies sent to a Braemar Castle, both | prisoner should send money for that rr, that well | purpose to the Prisoners of War De- enough, but the Admiralty is probably partment, Canadian Red Cross So- right in saying that the new German j ciety. manifesto He etter containing “a remittance pthc intend to attempt to add|and asking the Prisoners of sie oe and more unspeakable crimes | partment, Canadi pes the law of humanity the long list. The most recent of oe : prisoner of war should ng addressed to. PARCELS FOR WAR PRISONERS. rE $ Canadian Post Office Dept. Will Send ota Bu f greamery prints, 43 to 45e; sollds, 42 to | volved in the e: ciety, to send food or other articles + From the Ocean Shore | BITS OF NEWS FROM THE |ARITIM. ont’ wheat iE PROVINCES. _Old crop trad- = | LEADING MARKETS | ecb eens Pes to, 6.——Maniteba whea =a ‘f Tezahog $2.98; 3 Eranitoke oats No, 2 C:W., 6730; No. x ie eas Afar’ G84: N°. | toms of Interest From Places Lap- merican’ “corn—No 3 yellow, $1.11, sai wy Winer olathe 2 WES Ge, oat Atlantic. wot, $10 to $02) | ny inks es The W. CT. * . of Sean aout $1.70, sees, to, Av ER = tori wan in the Ty biect fo embar erontart0 oats— frdants ow Captain Arthur Lou ast at his Bart eyeing , $1.18 to $1.20, ac- a ‘a cording: to frei oe fas ea ak a ne home in Halifax, ymmande acgoraing to, freignts outside. neveral Cates salting vowels HveKo. a, "Sie to $1.42, accoraing| My, John Malloy, of Fredericton, rst patents, G0; aecond patents, in date amping station of that Baga, $9.00; st ‘trove wakers, tn jute bags, | Pe yan iD) roi, 60, Torent . Joy, fo. Hour—Winter, according 088 aces with an addre Gitte Shite 4, Uk [fox Longshoremen’sAsseiation enboard, expont tra ttvered Montreal Michael Kelly, of St. John, com- watiifecd™ Gar, lot, detvere poser of “We'll Never'Let the Old freights, bags included—Bran, per ee per ton, i, ied feed ae Fall,” is dead in his thirty~ fifth per Fs > $2. se to $2. 1, pe 12 to \ 7 mixed, per ton, 15 {0 $1850, trask Toronto, Superintendent +McNellie _Straw—Cat lots, per ton, $9, track To- be 1 i states Seas teederictont will oe ffected by the new time table of the ate LOR, iry Produce—Whi —-Fresh dairy, soles a to 390; Three million dollars has been in eeanatetiok or the Tix the Federal Bggs—No, 1 storage, 42 to 43e; sto termatignel Railws See Lees age, selects, 44 to 46c; new-lajd, in a Railway Departm: 9 $00: out of cartons, 98 to ts “The supply 0 18e vabash deg (et anol: bade ae z vot if there are any va- je ste in the province,” said In- aD a spector Sena of Lunenburg, dur- 25} to 280," twins: ession of school inspectors - at 264 to 264e; old, Halifax. Thomas Malcolm, an outstanding ye he ng, 1 ite; figure-in New Brunswick, died recent- 26: Money—ivhite: alo 5-Ib. tins, fad AS t3ie 60-Ib.. as 180; Buck heat, 60-1b. tins, y at Bathurst. fs eke sing fine 2nd | contractor and built the International ee ie ‘St. Leonards, on the State of Maine Delawares, per | border. ERLE Es As a result of laint made eans—Lmported, hand-picked, see Te ee a bush, $6.26; Canadian, hang-ptoked Der by the Children’s Aid Society in Fred- pushy $1.00; Canadian primes: $6.00 0 | ericton that children under 14 years of ae age ware being ecralbye in the Can- Provisious—Wholesale. adian Cottons, Limited, factory at Smoked et as Seaion: medium, 25 to te 380; do. heavy, 22, to 240; ‘cooked, 35 to ee or Factory ss taal = Bie; to 22c; breakfast evietid 25 to Bac, backs, Plain, 27 to 28e; bons sr See: Dolphin requesting that “tard Pure iararitl encen, 214 to 2140; | these children be discharged. tubs ny fie mace alls, 22 to 224c; com. pound, 288 to sae Ce Cured meat bacon, 18 to! WHY GERMANY TALKS PEACE. 18he por Ihe clear” Soltige Ts to she. Her Success in Balkans Must Be Over- thrown by Allies. Germany ‘Mon see far Montre oN A yy 6— Bey aahes jo, 2, 3 C5 has long since abandoned made war; but in the course of the 0; atents, choice, crim orst. On 0 the Prisoners “s War Department, | Winter’ $ seruele ahehae Tosint something else urday during a heavy easterly male eer ian Sone ety? is ae Shee ne 5 bger 0: ee a oe Gust au good, and she-might “for- e The Orta, telly yenounce her earlier ambition, rtist, a British steamer, was tor-| should contain informbtion i in the fol-| bag pedoed 48 miles from land. Of the seem, who ware forced into open boats utterly without means of reaching laail 0 piceaey etstecn cor In in_ Continge: iy this case, too, the eles does not decane ‘Prisoner of War, Gottingen, mince words. It says: wh perished in those three days at bitter exposuré were murder ed.’ i% co. Prisoners of War ‘Department, WAR FOR GERMAN fo “RICH IN SACRIF ICES.” | drawn ‘ar Department, Canadian Red Cross Kaiser Talks f Final Battle for Society, for the prisoner of war in|} House, Home, Honor and Freedom.” Ai erson wishing to send a re- ‘A despatch from Amsterdam says:|mittance direct to a pris. war Emperor William, replying to a tele-} mi ans of a Post Office gram received by ‘him from the Direc- Money Ord tor of the pennies of Brandenburg, | commission. ym Berlin, sent this | to proceed can be obtain ihicty months of mavens ich in anaes: the entir able for house, home, honor and free- tail | a dom, and finally to place enemy peace | communication with prisoners of war disturbers within bounds. May God /are being issued to the and our good sword help us thereto.” | generally, and full information ma; —_+-—-- ol IRELAND PROSPEROUS any postmaster. IN EVERY DIRECTION. — * » ate ce ms POSTAL DEPARTMENT ate! ariptaabe SURPLUS $2,849, Robert Colvil, president at the su edie ate ing of the Bank of Ireland in Dubin, Improvement of Nearly Six ey strial 914-15—War Stamps dinarily active. It was difficult to (sealord A despatch from Ottawa says: The annual report of the Postoffice De- for he 1 year of $18,858,409, more in value than-the preceding with Metal Sopris of $16,009,138. phn Eetolniiding a “i eericnltir’ The surplus is $2,849,271, as compared ¢ prices of cattle, aged: ena Lveeinak etre extraordin- est, at “i ta the preceding year t sarily high. The price of oats, barley | of nearly six million dollars isn a 5 -gely and wheat were more than double| due, of course, to the war stamps. those of normal year i ae ig the year 462 new mente mail POTATOES IN AUSTRIA lelivery routes were established, and more than 28,900 boxes were placed on SCARCE. AS GOLD PIECES. these additional saver "Ther Hibben of 291 i of postoffices, this decrease being due on Sunday that the cold of the pre-|t? the establishment of the new rural vious nine days has shown an Ea ably, ealivary, Feabee: ay as no one expected. The % ne half frozen. Frost is aatrlots SETTLE Ledisi es ee AT ONCE. ioning of market ase in the difficulties The journal says; | Government wit Be Send First Party to North in Few Weeks. A despateh from aetias says: The Ontario Government's soldier-coloniz- in peace time not infrequently, is shown when one reads ei some reason lies i twenty men FRENCH WILL ARM have applied for training in farming ALL COMMERCE BOATS. in the North, and Hon. G. Howard Ferguson has decided to put them at ut delay. “Arrangéments have 0 secure lumber sen will borkakon to the Monteith 2 merchant marine and military marine |e” 6 sia ¢ Monteith Ex- ” ‘the ‘French Maritime|Petimental Farm. ‘They will be put d feat to wang a resolution request- at work controling tan pied A es he Minister of Marine to take afi| #3 for thirty chant | Used until thes fe oy, ining in 0 ft. Steamers, sailin, the men wil put upon the land an Pe esate Toe pore ‘boa | siven practic fostraction in. settlers” ab! A despatch from P Paris says: The threat of a renewal of ruthless subma.| “leady been made 225 \ }ped with canhon suit na ehtations ae tie a —— are carried into effect by the} In tho eleventh week of the contest Government, The ‘ea gue algo re-|of the Connecticut Agricultural Ex- vested. that “any other dispositions’; periment Station, at Storrs, the heavy taken to insure the biter of trad-| breeds are ii fe lead, including Ply- ‘vessels at soa, or pdabae in traf-] mouth Rocks, Wi ‘yandottes, Reds and along the co 1 Oepingtons. | iso a to Robinson, 26 $1.78) - | Nort! 32.934. to y ined by making application to | $8 do. mak al with France for ona Teralie restore pe: and pad haps come to some sort of arrange- ment with Britain in vexehane a her lost colonies, a el far nds selected, 0. 2 stock, B8c, ‘Winnipeg Grain Winnipeg, Feb, fais quotations: No. terly ‘eneuneng the Allies for a condition they lay to Turkey. "The Ottoman meagre cise *¥; | go from Europe, and must be shackled | in Asi, not only eas of the crimes of the Turks against the Armenians Shas tis Syrians, Tub because Tutliey . 8|German Empire. For what sb Fae | lost in Africa and elsewhere Germany “thas gained a solid block of Middle Eu- ern, $1. arrive, b *:| Hungary, Bulgaria, ;jand Turkey. If Germany could be per- 25; | mitted to end the war in possession of common, fe lie “chee Bato, to $9.20) | this territory she could afford to laugh Redes, Mle 428 10 97.462 dee rong | at the loss of her overseas colonies, to if He. Cae = 's'_cows, aetey France and evacuate Bel Tos! ao ean, | Bia andsome apologies for her 97.40 h reshare® inavolabl intrusion. ‘| "There are a number of ° Seis Welinre tay ener tia miitenia ats lies lost in the Balkans, they lost thin, in choles, ea 5 . and med. to $60; springers, $50 to $100; Mght ewes, $9.26 to. Si shee, heavy, 46 to $7.80: calves, good to choloe ibis to $165 Syevt It was in the Balkans, ales, 0 do., med., , @ $15 sth eeeeaiia to the view of many, that wel yt they should have matched ~ their strength with Germany, and never have verrun, here she would moa ae blocked everywhere. Turkey woul have been cut off, and would soon have See thrown down her arms for lack of munitions and supplies, and then Aus- GERMAN COLONIE tria could have been forced to endure WILL On RETAINED. | the shock of a war upon v ves KS Ese i, ° chole Baer Care, $14 to $14.75. Tee A despatch from L London says: Ad- e blunders in the Handling: of oime dressing a meeting at Westminster Balkan situation. Sir Edward Carson, City Hall, Hon. Walter Long, Secre-| now First Lord of the Admiralty, re- tary of Stage for the Colonies, declar-| signed from the Asquith Government thg/conquered German colonies | because he was utterly opposed to the would ne¥er revert to German rule. perictee it ae at with regard to Mr. Long, in making this announce- ’ announcement ment, said he was speaking wit wit fearito tarkey i is an intimation ewleae and full Sanpcretbtics with tat ‘the blunders in tl jalkans are which we had acquired possession| and that Germany’s success there is since the war began and as a repre-' to be r sentative of the vast overseas domin-| principle that, they a ions. continu { think their struggles in these colonies | armies upon the Western regard to the German colonies ee be retrieved when the time comes, rd pate seroma will ever return to Ger-! devilfish. Once pierced there its ten- impossible. Our over-|tacles will automatically fall away ste empire will pet tolerate any sug-) from Serbia and Rumania, and Turkey gestion of the ki i it ANG {10 DRIOAT as separate and lesser reptiles. LIZE THE CANADIAN ARMY. MILITARY MEDALS PRES! Y THE INDIAN VICEROY despatch Setar Lenddn says: The Canadian Press understands that Gat. Ad Carson is being placed in charge Vicero: pelng yy, Lord ae the demobilization of the ates parade held ai @. Vice-Regal lodge army and the tremendous work involv- | brosented mailtary ruRdalaanndcirdacw reds of thou-/ +5 200 India ‘d, at a special is tl a department 5 ld be established forthwith, ad mer See ns eae Saas be cptavent a great waste which were 4 hasty organization and resultant ris cluded toes oe ictoria: Crosses ai fnsion would inevitably produce, eat Preach aid Rugslaprdacarstione: BISURAT GNESR Stale seh Se ae with mill and slightly we a fine winter feed for cf ae Cheerfulness i ian duty of every nation in time of war. Every man and woman who wears a cheerful face For D: repepels, Aaa in time of war is pexforming a na- Heartburn, Beli ing, Sour Stomach, Gow | ticnal duty. There is 1.0 y | P fp, Btoms hye te te ie 8. tedapoontul 4 you Atle hot ectheecful ie you have ne hot water after eating. Ie sate, plea-|a clear ¢ lence. You will have sant, anc ess to use and gives stant Pelet frown ail forme of ‘toma that it you feel you have done your Bold by druggists everywhers. x COURT you believe, General, that the G tack?” asked a Havas 3 an interview with Gen. Sir Henry awlinson, corps [Ge er, Rawlinson answered: re “The German offceys are Keeping them receive us when We, choose.” ALLIES ON WESTERN FRONT Have Everything Ready to Receive Enemy or Make Enemy Re- ‘ ceive Them When They Choose. A despatch from Paris says: “Dojup that hope a their men, I mans intend to forestall you in an at- |e correspondent, | lesson at Verdun. If they like to cept commander of ihe ly to slaughter, we see no Breetian. {British forces on the Somme, front. ‘Has been Canada’s | favorite yeast for ATTACK BY GERMANS mong “| know, but, personally, iy. I doubt that our memies have already forgotten the few hundred thousand men useless- On the contrary, we have syewaatt ng ready to receive them, or to ENEMY DROPS More Night Air Raiders Will be Built. lespatch from Zurich says: German General Staff have advis the construction The revelation i is said to hav ZEPP WEAPON It is Reliably Stated That No|{dea of War Ending in Stalemate —Ac- despatch from London s: ane to reliable information reach-|a a eech at Ladybank on "Thursday to! city, the aerial experts of the, his constituents former Premier As- Pr the War Minister Resta ine eee eee e ny more Zeppe- | lies assured them inevitable victory. WILL NOT COME T0 SQUALID END is an Idle Dream, ae Says ‘Asquith More Than $400,000,000 for All: Land Forces, A despatch from Ottawa says: The’ Prime Minister, in presenting the war ed | quith said that the naval, military and Budget to the mic resources of the En e| “A notion that the struggle is about required § d | udmission of whe tee of paat fluences at work 8 to sats, Line, between Campbellton, N.B., and | tions. the original object with which she | Germ t Peirce aaa net steiaey ian Naw, | was in this way a 1870. Then, she actually ia Ge observers . | overcome, espatch ‘from I Delhi saysi—The|its r tl i ty x haa is the epic of the war and f, caused consternation in Berlin Parlia-|to come to a mentary circles, i particularly in its |i lem: lntiokto the a campaign against! said, “The for Great Britain, and as the first official fluctuate and shift, but if all the in-| overseas flig! commenda- of the Lae are tana on the/ the conflict becomes |fact that practical experience has re-|and the bala | vealed fundamental defects in the Zep-| more in favor of iia lees 'pelins, which are condemned as too| Referring to the new German sub- unwieldy, too susceptible to weather,| marine campaij Pie, A and altogether too vulnerable. surface expanse of the Zeppelin is held| vity of the situation, but tl great that in order to present| been supplemented by other measures x small target to the enemy the] such as the arming of merchantmen, aviagtors are obliged to rise to} acceleration of new tonnage and allo- heights at which all accuracy in bomb- ati of the tonnage resources of the dropping is lo: al hese are being used with the a hae seas rental object of countering the Ger- >E * man campaign.” Se eet oe Mr. Asquith said he would not waste att Soe he 5 breath upon the . “so-called overtures Entire Nations of the Allied Powers) ¢°° 1 0acp which,” he declared, “wereld Arrayed: Againat Foe. put out by enemy with trans- It is noticed that every time that) parent ef but the Suey, any reaches the crest of one of! was to give respectful atten her offensive moves she begins to| tion to the ae speech of President he did this after | Wilson, which constituted a declara- mies had arrived within 18) tion of the ana policy, or, more i n Gen. von! precisely, of American ideals, Mr. Hindenburg had swept forward over Wilson’s ideal for a world league of Poland to the Duna River. Then |p when the Crown Prince seemed on the ert our sympathies. point of taking Verdun. Again when Premier recalled his her armies had swept over Serbia. peek in Dublin, in which he spoke w, when she has probably Peeling: ef the enthronement of public right, \the crest of her offensive against Ru-|a8 the gover more unequal can in ele Referrin; S course is consonant with|Phrase “peace -without victory,” Mr. the c cauipietinn 4 of the German mind. | Asquith said: |Heretofore, Germany has scored al “The President disclaims the func- P eeaae naceedoea Vig ick de-|tion of mediator; therefore I will not se blow taken at a time when she | dwell upon the rele saterretatiin found her enemies unprepared. It|©T Perhaps misinterpretation of this that she conquered |™ ays in 1864, then |of such a phrase in such a quarter by | such an authority showed the ced Denmark in a few days in conquered Austria in 1866 in weeks, or in seven days, as some) prefer to call it, and lastly in prance mor on- re pee! oo. less than ght not to be ered France in three months, ie ‘ales ee a “put She ReUal peaple ept up a sultry ong ee ne apni old That is what we mein by & victorious Military men are naturally fogies, ‘and reuson for the present! Peace. We never had the faintest de- Ek ae ee sila The fanlt 2° for’ the Sikhetion of the Ger-, of this reasoning at present. is in people or the German States.” i pani Aeon m LUSITANIA MEDAL. enemies .have en aroused. Hereto- fore she has only had to deal the regular army of her opponents, Haricwhioncahe arecruchan ties sche had whipped her enemy, No i When thi not the regular armies eudins 2 0 thé Kolnische Volkszeitung, | ant of Great Britain, France, Russia, and | » Italy that she has to encounter, but in eee exploit of our fleet,” an each, the entire nation. The whole| was struck in RR ROaI of the | pedple of each country have become /eyent. But when it was realized that involved in the war and will not quit|the whole world outside the Central until the whole people are definitely | Powers was horror-stricken at this The Bi Sick ee ry Staff and people are ut! inable to under-} been struck. Of thi stand'that havi oe gained a great vic-/'The “Lusitania (German) Bos jouveni tory, as they ‘did in the past, the|Medal Committee,” of England, has | governments of those countries do not/ obtained one of the original ade ie down and accept peace. The truth| a reproduction of which in gun metal iacther wih Me HERE Cllloa ot bale e Mea gola-plated vein may various countries involved, no gov- be purchased the mittee, ernment will be able to make or even whose aes is ey Duke sirect, a consider peace until ‘the Germans are | cheste: are, London, teanrbain definitely crushed or they themselves profits devived from fee are exhausted. we are to be ha) Agi British Red’ Cross Society. orn, main obje ject | ta of this spepeacubtica of a medal struck | Bee Ba. hein The account of the Belgian deporta- Le {it is e: tions is a human document of the the public ii in ‘te British Empin ire and tragic sort. Its’ in allied and neutral countries the fact | v of. meal The Epic of Belgian Suffering. w eee Hrutality been told: ae are men and children, in) thousands ‘guiltless of any offense, ay iit particular pride and satis- eking out a miserable existence in a facti land cruelly devastated for no fault of own, torn from their families wath no time for pre peeeiiers with hardly ‘“ Y| “Man,” remarked Sandy, “I did a pa ea ord of farewell,’ thing last nicht that I've no dune this sent they ase at iss to labor twenty year, at eounceastars Pao ene painvfectly sober, but I'm richt thank. ay I got up this mornin’ none i ar at Simply Foolish. no heart can fail to thrill at the rela-) 4", % $8, tion. If chopped fine, all ki can be fed, either raw or c Winter House Plant. aR te are taken into com-| p prehensive account every month of nce of success more and m eace is a fine one which must arouse tr: yield of from 86 bushels t ‘with | How the German People Regarded the Sinking of the ‘Great Liner. ly the Naval Service HIG 000, ‘The Naval Service coe new and im- oast defence and patrol. In ref ence to the Minister's, emorandum referred to “new shij maintenance.” arine menace will evidently require vigorous action ts Canada, as well as by the! ama “alt = F oxpenditures Bay ae pro- ais for a total of $43: The balance of the half wilioe ¢ ae “be ae yoted towards further asbist e Great Britain in financing war tists! in Canada.. The detailed items in the bg f more than $400,000,000 for le pay ra rae niees: eles. ammunition, $16,750,000; small arms) and machine-guns and 80, ni ay 000; remounts, ra A ocean transport, $5,000,000; railway 000; engineer ser- es $4, gan 000; divi emplo; Finke $2,- 0,000; recruiting, customs yg funeral expenne, fuel, $5,009,01 The tota! expenditure gh * ‘years aaa a georeherne gL 00 read; had won! mania, the p Thea Gags polities, and said his idea was not sub- | los she Hicave the Prime Min- aes sh 28ts See everything she could hope to win, and Fe eee rc ite tere aSRRRG TORRE Gee er nt | ister hind been: 1914, sin teat odie that she could be nothing but a followed her course in the past inter Wilseare deal ceeept that. the etter |1916, $160107/085; 1916 and 1017 w, fat loner if ihe war continned. ‘That also. pret the present peace proposals. to| Would blot out the geographical boun- to January 20, $210,001 822, OF ue: 9 gas: | is why ro-Germans are so_ bit- Le that she. as gone as far as she cone ies of Eure total a Spee ee war Saray the. oa President Wilson’s | fiscal ar contra $200,218) 000, 0 he Nena i $5,775,000, pea ey Justice De-, petals $1,004,000. DIFFERENCE IN YIELD. Importance of Securing Vigorous Po- tato Seed From Stock. Experiments conducted at the Do- minion Experimental Station, Kent- "Ville, N.S., with eight lots of ss from different , show a variation in. Bat . See these eight lots planted in 1910 yield ed from 68 bushels to 212 bushels per garded “with joyous pride the new | vaifter Mountaii ranged from 180% bushels per acre ta 818 bushels per acre, a difference of best yielding strain of 142 bushels. ~ This would show that: there. may be a: great a difference between potatocs of the same variety as there is-between potatoes of different varieties, a that it is wise to secure stock fi e|farms which have had high viding crops. Because the Green Sextie e has failed in mn giving @ crop on a c farm is not proof that this ett |iety will not weld well there; it may he ring it up to its former’ vitality by. selection. aru tore Green cut bone is a good egg pro- ducer, nourishes the sie and keeps hens in good healt Sprouted oats should ee used when > the sprouts are al long. This green food is greatly re- bed lished by the hens and forces eggs. Be sure that plenty of grit is sup- plied fowls in winter. It is grit that grinds the food, and plenty. of it is reed at this season, when the fowls cannot foie for themselves,.to keep. them in healt! One of the most beautiful and aia flowered win blooming of blue piste orgie weadte e hae oy Serio seangnt handsome foliage and charming blue ftir : edie flowers, w! fe ari eely produce throughout the winter. _ It is also fine for summer blooming. Several plants AFTER can be set in a five inch pot, and if MEAL pinched back several times the will become a dense, globular mass of TAKE A foliage and rich bloom. It is ry showy winter blooming window plant,| At ae sof direct on ler, and deserves to be better known, The Three Prine. Bs and $1 00 ne lage botie comtalat tines as

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