Milverton Sun, 1 Mar 1917, p. 2

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ee SO Ee ee ee he See Cabadinn Cou meettioe Largest New Business.» Largest Surplus Earnings. Largest Net Surplus. Largest Distribution of Life Assurance Benefits. Sun Life of Canada cies New Records ‘int ie in each of the following pea Largest Business in Force, THE YEAR'S | RESULTS assurance hs fending ie field among the year 1916 clearly demonstrate the peed apy: ded ates position and epatrirsbacdpe path restige it enjoys in the public mind iC] om of the Largest Assets. Largest Income. 1916 1915 IN » Asset: jecem| ce 948,99 74,826,423 $8,622,573 (11.6% oak eee Rosennec O15 18,499,131 TTR o7 72 2,526,459 (15.8% Surplus paid or ‘allotted to chao 1,110,900 935,487 125,413 (12.7% Net Surplus as at December 3 wile 86! 7,545,501 964,274 (12.8% Stieieacenietaca: Hie gun (at ft2% j in ‘ x 85 . we tn hag eet RS 1,434,700 -257;404,160 24,030,540 { 3% : Coincident with the ab. succeeded during the ‘ing a substantial and eer Gh Seccens the cata of expen fac yn SRN RB earnings on policyholders’ account. THE COMPANY'S GROWTH NCES INCOME ASSETS eee ts 48,210.73 96,481.95 1,064,350.00 873,500.81 1,578,027.10 9,413,358.07 z 1,886,258.00 388,144. 196,890.82 ‘ 6,212,615.02 24,292,692.65 102, 566,398.10 + | 18,499,131.62 82,948,096.06 | 281,434,699.94 E HEAD T. B. MACAULAY, President. UIRANCE MONTREAL 1917 Pupil Nurses want Sante for the Train- per eae with board.and uniform. pply Miss D. West, 999 Queen St. West, Toronto. LEADING MARKETS t- Toronto, Feb. a Mani itoba wheat— New No. 1 Noreen aa rao 9 et do., Bah tina rack Bay aris. Manitoba oats— ad Pow, Tet cw, extra N ist me feed" 70c.'all rail delivered én route, erican corn- yellow, $1.14, sublect to embnrge. Ontario oats— ite, 63 to 650, nominal; No. 3 white, 62. ‘tg Biter nominal according to BL 1s OU! Ontario 58 Winter, per car do5, $169 to outsi eeralag, be to $1.22, ac- lot, $1.71 to $1.73; $1.71, according toys alent outside. Barley—Malting, $1.20 hts outside. ‘wheat—$1.28, to freights outside. Rye—No. to freights outsi Manitoba ite ae 9.50; second papers. in dite bags, Ker: “First patents, in jute $0, sirong bal in Jute Ontarig. flour — “Winter, according {0 semple, $7.10 t $7 in bags, track, Perontor. prone shipment: $7.00, ul rade. ‘Mititeca Car tors, delivered Montreat 2, per ton, $12 to ton, $9 to $11, track per ton, #9, track ce— Whole: enlaens, Nb, 18 to 20e. Boultry—Chlekens 22 to 36e; fo Bae: quads. dt th 7: large, 263 to 26¢ niplets, 26a to 26 274 to 274. on e clover, 24-Ib, tins: 14 to 14ber ib. Unsea3) to 14c} 10-1 18k¢ 60-1b., 124 to 18c; bucl cone and ‘heavy welant, ber doz., ipo fo be ioe $28 bag, New Brunswick, Delawares, select, $ Sper bai ALL COAL MINES IN BRITAIN TAKEN OVER BY GOVERNMENT A New Officer Known As “Controller of Coal Mines” Will be in Charge of Department. A despatch aoe eels says: It has been decide the Board of Trade to take Mieatiicn of all coal mines fi the United Kingdom for the eriod of the war in addition to those | G in South Wales already taken over. The President of the Board of Trade has decided to set up a new depart- ment to control the coal mines. directors of the London an ete Western Railway have placed the fervices of thelr general “manager, a Galthrap, at the Mr. Calthro; tr Nehtelal desig- sei will be of Coal orn norte ‘oller Mine: i HALIFAX IS PORT OF EXAMINATION Neutral Vessels Leaving the U.S. to Call There Instead of at Falmouth. A despatch from Ottawa says:— Confirmation of the report that the had designated port of examination Foster, Acting-Minister -of somal that negotiations in progress h: reached a head and that it was defi itely saga Donde: would be ai amjnation port. BU kai a will be for all sailings oth ions, however, has not a been decided. The latter arrange- ac aomnmnodatien at the Winter port somewhat severely. Officials of the Naval Serylce, Cus- toms, Justice and Post-Office Depart- ments will go down to Halifax form an examination staff, which will e new plan has at the request of neu- tral ship interests, who are anxious to avoid the dangers incident to ex- amination at English ports in the jockaded esate CES GERMANS ARE BLUFFING ABOUT SUB NUMBERS But are Says ays There is Surpris- of New Troops. A Slats from’ London says :— etd hed pes hat pret the tae ginning of In eos yh Lash submarine cam- paign the American said that the current in Holland about the mense number of German sunbmar- ines was 1 claim- ed that there were ou two hundred of the genta lable. Referring to the sor station he said: i allies have them down thy for more conn Germans can stand ie 1 _ Rardin Use \ the oes ea =n ipo ng too bad tol be pleasant. Life in Frankfurt w: , very hard for the people. ae, oer Eetimes to and travel: | ' ulation. wi ol ba who ry bitter there against the | wa; feeling tl ! Haus authorities and the people whole EMPIRE'S WOOL CLIP NEEDED FOR ARMIES. Shrinkage of World’s Supply Compels Britain to Safeguard Output. A despatch from London says: Re- plying in the House of Commons to of t of oe on wool clip Forster ental aoe said that if it proved practicable the t of the wool aie ed for home ees AGAINST PROHIBITION. Over 1,400 Soldiers 1 Voted Against It 1 and 221 For It. A despatch from Vancouver says:— cable gives the result ot the le O- hibition vote overseas up t and 41 spoiled ballots. aot GERMANY'S WAR COS SIXTY BILLION MARKS. A despatch trom Ei ronlon says: Ger- says a telegram from Berlin, forward- ed by the correspondent at Amster- | “ dam “ot Reuter’s Telegram Company, Limited, GERMAN TROOPS MOVED FROM FRONTIER TOWNS A despatch from Amsterdam says; —The majority of the German troops recently concentrated on the eastern eich of Holland as have disap- the tow: irvintier; according to Saparta received | 55, g{ by The Handelsbladt. osal of the} Yi day evening as 1,406 crane oe tke f (IF FOOD DISAGREES DRINK HOT WATER ‘When food lies like lead in the stomach that uncomfortable, dis- it is because of Insuf- the stomach, foo Sach see ia fens Blood ‘supply to ed with actd and cases try. t ‘were respoysibl je for: the war.” e at slightly high DOMINION 10 ISSUE * ANOTHER WAR LOAN Flotation Early in March to be Payable in Canada and New York. A despatch from Ottawa says: An- other Canadian war loan, the third to be issued in the Dominion, will be floated probably eal tH March In situation be- which is at present adverse country, it is regarded as likely that the securities of the new loan will be pe payable both in Canada and New Dc iditoai t the amount, 3 or price of the new issue however, be given at present, details will fot be settled until imme- diately before the loan is floated and will be determined largely by the con- ditions which then prevail. ‘The Finance Minister, it is under- stood, has been assured that he will have the co-operat ary t ce, explained tion of the new securities, of the bond- that the sbchablige “ot the world’s sup-| dealers and brokers, whose activity ply of wool had compelled the Gov-| contributed materially to the success ernment to safeguard the enormous! of the last domestic loan of $100, supplies needed for the Entente| 999 009, armies. He declared with emphasis} that this action was solely a war —_—+ easure, and without ulterior mo-|__ tives. Recognizing the importance of | RUSSIANS AND GERMANS exporting wool i to maintain JOIN IN-A WOLF HUNT Chesrates. of exchange, Mr. Forster Pack of Wolves Forces. @ Suspension of Human Hostilities A despatch from Betcogsad says: —A wolf hunt in which both Russian and German aailere Joined is deserib- ork corresponden m the Polish front, Parties of Russian and Ger- man scouts met recently and were hot- ack of wolves dashed on the scene and attacked them. Hostilities were each party returning unmolested to its own trenches. long some sections of this front hunting parties against the common enemy. this sort of work sniping is suspended by sort of tacit agreement among or posing forces. fap SB sel ack MAXIMUM DAIRY PRICES Ail: Mast: Be: Conspicuous In The Shop Windows. “A despatch oe os says:—The Food Ministry has decided that from ‘eb, 19 maximum a re to be fix is WUE ENIE as for mil, butter | epartment of | the Being, inluding Paris, the price of mi must not exceed ten cents for : fies (about a pint and three-quar- ers) if bought in a shop, or eleven sits is delivered. The maximum are ih butter wary from $1.12 to $1.34 per kilo—rougl ounds— splayed x ee canemberl, from ee ene | enty-six cents the small box, crite eS GuAlier ance gine 1 vonk er prices. All prices | ences will be pat are to give Aho must be conspicuously displayed in the shops concerned. ats will t+ no celebration of next Tuesday, but all evening perform: ‘The two-course meal repuniton which applies to all hotels and restaurants, goes into effect to-day. ly engaged in a skirmish when a large | $¢°s; s have been particularly | § There che ahaa ae °} ae ae IN FRANCE sl $8.26; Siberian, Bar bag. $3.96) ported, | hand- ush., $6.: and picked, er ISK $1.00; Ganmainn primes: $6.00 8 30; Limas, per Ib. 10 to 10h rovisions— Wholesale. Smoked meai ee Hams, medium, 26 to 2c; do., heavy, 23 to. 24e; cooked, 37 to ise: roits, 21 to 230: bre: akfast , bacon: 37 fo 28c; ‘backs, plain, 28 to 0c; bon less, 31 Lard—1 shure “iard, tierces, 214 to 2130; 9 to 22c: pails, 22 to 224c; com. tubs, pound, 16% to 1! Guréd mtents—Long clear bacon: 18 to 18kc per Ib; clear bellies, 18 to 18kc. weayeat ae Montreal, poor fo, 1 yellow, ti. 24 anadian Wes! Ron 2 aoe iter ‘Bartey—‘Manivova feeds $1;/ malting, $1.35. eerie she Spring heat patents, firsts, $9.60; - 10; stron, ai 5” *Svinter patents, choice, straight rollers, | 8.55 to $8.80: . $4.10 to $425. Rol ited oat is, $6.95 to jarre’ $7. foe gs. i dient a 8 $33 to $34; shorts, $36 $40; mouillie, ages: ies fe to ull $43 er ton, cal fois, 913 chee westerns, 2 to! . Butter — Gro Se: se 39 PRE 55 , bse: selec Be. teee-UPer box, oar Jot s O88 Winnipeg Grain x whi c tion, in the flota-| $S¢ 0.2, de Lo He nged. Brand;$2 Dulu 2b. N 5 to $33. qWheat-—No. 1 harg, ern, $1,764; No. 2. 05 714 to $1,748. sris to g2.81" May, 2.814 asked} ‘to arrive, Live Stock Markets 20—Choice heavy steers, 1 $10.10) to ice, $19. t do. $6 $8.40; fo, ‘medium $700 $f 25 to $8; choice fosters ners and “cutters, ood to choke a etch, $8 to ha to 50; ‘sheep, hea es, food tg choice, ch 0 $15; fo, 0 § 5 cate, vallie tort $12,to $14; lambs. aH to $14; sheep, $8 9; “hogs, choice, $14.50 to $14.75 Ore MONTREAL ORDERS COAL FROM THE WEST. ‘A despateh trom Montreal. gays: Provided that shipment can be made immediately the City of Montreal has the Red Deer Valley Coal y in‘order to check the — coal ortage here, anne English inyention for nts is a stout cane, from o pe which can be unfolded a oe hs to rest a user’s foot vales- NURSES. WANTED FRENCH CROPS : good and 60 rather good, the averages of nominal, according | ~ fo. 2, $1.40. to $4.42. according | j i a GERMAN NAVY IS WARNED eur- |pending decisive battle the task falls tage Fom ib. i7 to 19¢; {tO my navy. ' i allies by combatting their sea Sue fic with all means in our power, thls work. the age ces will sta = . | in the first rank. I is Weapon er | session of the Unit 10 PER CENT. LOWER picecine Autumn Rains Re- sponsible for the Decrease. despatch from Paris says: Th condition for the 1917 Winter us as ten per cent. below those of 1916. With 100 signifying very good; 80 Re ‘as compared with those toe, 3 nee Mes wheat, 62, as , against 70; e, 67, against 72; Winter barley 65, makin 78; Winter oats 66, agains explains the official preduced for Spring very favorable conditions seeding, DECISIVE BATTLE IMPENDS lespatch from Amsterdam sa 18: ing to a Berlin despatch: of turning the English war inating’ of starvation, by means of which our most hated and most ob- Riots Sele inte ee to overthrow he German people, against him and to be valgnad ities foresight other naval fighti Geetetvetins elastic et which during the whole course $f war’ has perform bril- Tiant deeds t Ie Rea oar nsitaee war designs.’ a gs CS TORPEDO HAS A BRAIN. Ears to Hear and Discretion to De- viate Com A torpedo with brain, adjusting itself to meet all changes of vessel, was de- si Science at Pittsburg, ville M. Wood, of Chicago. pedo, he declared, is now in the pos- pa Staten Gover He claimed the torpedo could a vessel approaching a mile shed iment. “hear” and a half away and would then s anchor and attac! ciple as human ears,” said Dr. Wood. “The ‘brain,’ that’s my secret. “No vessel can get within ten 0 | |dev elopments, if the iy, | The Super-Dreadnought May Not Be Hage. miles of our coast without being de- istrument is a baste ie me orpedo. Wivcloss controlled and_passenger-, [less aeroplanes are a possibility, and’ {a wireless controlled torpedo, to- peiexiarith a mene Tocoeornbaie |were to have been ial by the United States Government |this week, he said. Owing to recent tests are made at , they will be made secretly. HOW M uch BIGGER? the Last For se ea after Easter yuil was a stock say- ing in ee cae. that no ship as big woul ae overstepped the and manageableness, and that she a ecaeritigl the great “don’t in ship- building. Now we pooh-pooh such nonsense. The Lusitania of immortal| memory, her sister ne the Maureteniay and the glorio ! unfortu: Titanic, anda ees of ether great liners have long ago beaten the on Eastern in Yoreihe breadth, and ton- Word in Battleships. the Great 5 a8 -8 To-day the question arises, is the super-Dresdnought the last word Battleships? Wo ship whic puteecen, nid oul weigh the actual fighting pet fleet in detail Senator Tillman, liaise 3 Senate Naval Committee in Sain: ton, oe ee thing can be done, and nite States should be 2s = 2a aS 2® &$ Ee 3 e suggests the building of & bat-| desi of 60,000 tons with a speed of | thirty-five knots, and carrying fifteen | . guns, at a cost of thirty mil-| Tion dollars. British naval constructors call such | a ship a monstrosity, and they point | ‘0 the spot where size To Relieve Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head noises go to your drug- mist and get 1 ounce of Parmint faoubie strength), to 4 pint of hot water. ot” granulated. sugar. tablespoonful four 4 a day ie become the mucua atop: dcoppin “int ‘the throat. It ig easy to are, goats dtele and is pleasant ‘ta take: An who has Catarrhal Deat- ess ‘or head nolaes should give se preectinties a ist can rape You, or 4 vote wit bo sent on Rael ated ostal note or money order. Laborato: ntoine St., Montreal, has ceased to wonder at any new ad- vance in the possibilities of invention, and always to expect someone going one better. # Sweet Revenge. A well-known bridge player who mn game, and \d_proved to be perfect bore among his friends by his verbal comments, fon: c and ad- as upon the methods of»play,-decid- |- write and Rae sors One to a famous player for his opinion about it. In about ies days the book was cei author with the following: n Di ‘My Dear Sir,—Your ce of the 8th inst., acco by your book, s duly receiv ave xan e very carefully. It seems to be good gi ame, but I don’t think it aged a game ‘ag bri ‘idge.” , | British officials are greatly interested i 3 z 52 2 Bay, Cu papers pital at _tne following Imperial order, sign-|ma ing | drill every we capable coe aeatl nas eee ieacts nd is di “wThe * ‘ears’ work on n the same prin- it, GERMAN Bees CHARTS A di in {Prize of 500,000 francs for the crew which succeeds in destroying an at- n Elizabeth ‘Brit ain has, and in| ® ™ Soest eee smash De eae ne bet of Deputies on Tuesday by Andre efev wea restored sforouel “ie ra iple of Ee fre Roan 0 foot ead at ail, Nowt cam read ever aes sand my Right they woul an INDO ul LAW RO ‘ Magic Baking Powder cost: no_more than the ordina kinds. the one For economy, bu; MAC Y BAKING N und tins. SLcue ae CUBAN BAY MAY BE THE REFUGE FROM WHIC H U-BOATS OPERATE News of the Revolutionary Outbi reak in Cuba Greatly Interests British Officials. A despatch from London says: in the news of the revolutionary out- break in Cuba, where, e) Hane Boehm, » German’ army. officer, poseson a chart of Santa Luclal cion uy where, according to other the ents had secured an oil con- same time, Ger-| ment cession. It is the belief here that the Santa nore props was being de- veloped by 8 of money sent from oes ‘York | to SES ¢ British naval authorities, me ter have ‘aed to Seger any the West oa len qaciare that they have ee ae reason to'sus ition of Germans to peblee mo > hs re, and a: @ consequence: Bee aut ar ion upon ban project, as possibly a vina ie hide td P ontablish- t of a refuge from which subma- rines could opera’ MILITA TO DRILL 2 NIGHTS EACH WEEK Active Campaign to be- Institu- ted to Bring Units Up to Strength. A despatch from Ottawa calling out of the ‘litia towns and cities for wb agi nae ek will, it is understood, be the entering wedge of the Goyern- ment’s new recruiting plant ie shadowed by we rer oe Tuesday, by Edward Kempy 7 getter Hith the resumption of miltia rill there will be an active campaign bring the militia its strength. This, it is understood, will at first be conducted along the lines of voluntary eg with the ternative of applying the Militia Act not secured in this way. is understood that thew. pushed with even greater vigor, and that there may be some radical amal- gamating done if no other way is found of dealing with this matter. On as left'a surplus, even of lieutenants, in the Mother Country, only two per cent. of officers will now, it is understood, be sent overseas with their men. aicera. af higher vate Will co adlend they are prepared to revert to lieu- tenancies. feta ie RK ALASHAN HARBORS. AS deatitehs thom (New: Vek dahey Stolen Governme: service, who hursday to eight years in ie Sing Bie upon his plea of guilt a charge’ oP alanulnnphhee ree * iting Mrs. Caroline Tiarka in her home in Sauer ith maps, he replied, according to the police: “I wanted to make a name myself shan gataengaree the rachis and.” SREY el BIG RE! ARD FOR CRE THAT “DESTROYS A SUB. jespateh from Paris says A Atvany Prentiy.wlliel-or eduteel-foeasl tacking submari ‘ovided for in esolution aniseed in the Cham- firms it Catate vecrolnenee ah CRUISER BEATS ENEMY RAIDERS Hot Battle in South Atlantio Won by British Warship. A despatch from Rio Janeiro says: methyst, which alone gave Leys: ae aie Gerinan raiders, |- | numberin, ‘The real yas Occurred near Fernan: de Noronha at night. One of th¢ raiders, seriously hit, a observed ta e sinking. ‘The others succeeded int making their escape. Night prevent« 1d the Amethyst from ascertaining ed, That they damaged, however, is considered probable. raider is believed to have been beach- ed in a battered condition. The Ame- thyst suffered slight damage and had one man killed and one wou! ANOTHER 1} RECORD SET. Sun. Life of Canada Makes Splendid Showi: 3 To hold first place amongst Can adian life insurance companies in amount of insurance in force, assets, surplus and income is the distinction the Sun Life of Cana business to the amount of over as to a total of over $281,000, ,000,! which amount is three times as large, as that in force twelve years ago. It is to be noted that iin total practically $88,000,000, crease a over $8,500,000 for the ya urplus over all liabil capital nib show an increase for year of close on $1,000,000, . $7,678,00 were paid to policy holders during twelve just closed.’ Further dette a this company’s business for ast year will be found cheewter ing this fa issue, te TRY TO RAISE rater IN Stages LAST WAR LOAN. A despatch from London say German Government is now discang with the Bundesrat new direct and in- direct taxes to raise £50,000, 000 inter: est on the last war loan, according. 19 Belin Rewsbapert, ah moted in a | Hagud with an poetensed: tax on war profits.' Anew ciiclascanhicnans cladaspobapticles far. clothing, eat tel folded to resemble a suitease. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent In One Week ’s Tin Time A oe Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use” at Home, ‘wear glasses? AN be glad to ks es sHavecpushecet apaeds oer the mais is a ats ae ig for vou crete thing has been said so often that one Whose eves fi they ‘hi fine all the timo, nthe * | inflammation "will quickly af | eyes, are bothering you, even ve mo po thas I for Chair erin dy Fe i a anor fears eaearee In Many Instancea of evor getting glasses. doceriptiong ‘may ‘bo. wo ih ei Rico the simple rulea, Hero ton iv 3| be bee pie ae to denote, “With eit ok feces Ae Limes dally. You shoul cea Ghent up 0 wan sutinl ry remareanve rem ——GOOD When your digestion Ie fal ‘are certain and disease i -FOR 40YEARS THE STANDARD REMEDY At een of 50c, Ware & MOTHER = sisi TROUBLE | - mis 11 $1.00. The-lacge bottle containe th Tantirko, Crate Street Weet Momuease oe" eo benebie fy i eet

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