The on Printing Office - Main Street = MILVERTON, ONT. — . $1. ee sai om as he Mable to pay ante 00 per ye ee nee cates on ap penis ents without oes Ceres] bie edged eal oh. soap passe! panic e ‘soils and rted until forbid and charged changes for contract advertisements mus ng by noon Monday, M MacBETH, a ‘BusinessCards Dr. M.C, Tindale, L.D.S. “Honor graduate Toronto University. CROWN aad BRIDGE WORK « spectatty, "Phone No. 38. Office; Over Bank of Nova Scotia, Medical. “Dr. Pel Tye Office: Puptic Davo StoRM, MILVRRTON ese Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. her and Proprictor. i d addressed envelope be question, when the - Question—H C.—Would it be pro- table to put a piece of land into beat Sake os sof seed? The soil is 2 ott ‘the price of wheat re- mains anything near what it is at pres- wing visas seed p acre. is the Mal heat, which has done best of its type in tests throughout oe various parts tega H.B. Morphy; K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, sip abn MILVE) Pee a + Listowel, Milves oney to Loan, F.R, Blewett, K.C. Solleitor for the Bank of Toronto. Office: STRATFORD, Gordes Dior ONTARIO Harding, Owens & Goodwin’ Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, KR. 7, HARDING W, 0, OWENS W, B, GOODWIK, of the province. ood spring wheat is Wild Soe which produces. an exceedingly not of very high Sealy: spring wheat is another is nee successfull relieve a at least 250 lbs. of fertilizer per acre in order to insure a goo ous start of this money-crop. gravelly loam, I would apply a\ferti zer carrying from 2 to 3% ammonia, at le ast 8% phosphoric acid and 1 te pot is can be broadcasted with a lime spreader, but is better ap- plied through the fertilizer dropping attachment of the grain drill. er variety which acres Pasture land) and 100 carrying a little over 100 head ot beet cattle, 100 hogs and 8 sheep at present. Am anxious to make m carry What can you suggest? Veterinary. } J. W = Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontarlo Veterinary College, ‘Toronto. ‘Treate all diseases of domesticated animals All calla promptly attended to. —If water stands on your meadows or pastures late in spring, obviously drainage is necessary. See enclosed with the ewer will be mailed direc is'it is dry enougl it would be aavicahle to ap-|i Ti —The Narioeo have 500 Bee’ & Bell, oe ae mee are ape open, and aa fe 1a drains freely. pasture ane peey. grasses and clov- me will not thrive in water-logged soil. is scarce ithe sod and en is esis 5 ou) per acre, equivalent of hee lime or marl. This can be spread on the land as soon 2 over it. spring. A broadeast limesower is best to use in spreading the It may be Be ay of your grass land is -d kernel but one | tiv Early Java|o so, | -| seeding be of high-grade seed of RES varieties. Za of Ontario gricultural College, tee 10 years’ tastes recommends the following mix- Gas Ses. Lbs. per A. 4 ard aay Fescue . yield was 5.09 Lbs. per A. 5 Total 24 Ibs. Seocletics. Milverton Lodge No. 478 ALE. & A.M, G.R.C. Meets every ‘Monday evening on or before full yy On ere tyes black. in their hall Vso bette are pact me 6. A. Bacth, W.M, |. Zoeger, Secy. Silver Star pasar No. 202 0.0.F Mects every Friday alght at 7.90 In thetr Pee sdcomgied Hamilton. Visiting brethre W. Henry, No, If Ontario Bern on in 1917 300 bus. | per acre of potatoe: devoted to could provide one pound o day for a whole year for 2 population - 8,250,000 people. Can “BN it? I believe she. can. plishment is but the a a cpniying methods which uae out” n Beikes anita e Notary Pubito. W. D. Weir, - Auctioneer for the Soere of Pert ‘and Waterlo ony as deeds, wills, Aaees drawn affidavits made. ‘tage clerk, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia. A. Chalmers, » Notary Public. Conveyancer, Issuer of riage Licenses for the County of Perth. Real estate bought and sold. A few cholce farms for immediate sale, MONKTON, - ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties. tl Estimates given on and farm stoc! Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood Notary Public|?: th J} acre obtained ;|quently exceeded 300 bu: not of 5 or 10 acres but on farms of 75 to 160 acres Ontario for the most part ‘The range titans perature and rainfall during the grow. Ing season is usually such as favors good yields of potatoes. farm io farmers themselves with modern potato machinery, a great deal of hand labor ‘ould be avoided, large areas handled with little more labor than it akes to work the common 3 to! yo atches. ere are at five reat essentials in growing i st be care- or first fairly Le as Sora The Queens Hotel Best pesunee ge for merece trar and oth Two at Sample Rooms. ORO. FP, PAULI, Prop. - Milverton, Ome, Are You Insured pe ee peran OF Le eee pode Roi I, al C.Spencer,C.R. uN, Zimmermann, 2S “a : CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Best pe oan pertains Schoo! with ha net artim ments Students are ee each week, deman oy ne us for trained bast i: many times umber Labo, ing. our free sean at o1 DA McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal A REPRESENTATIVE] ted © sent Stare how at beet velit tn STONE & WELLINGTON The Ponthitl Nurseries Established 1837 Tonon’ ‘ARIO application. tMeral pro: A teacher asked her class of chile den what H# ee ton was, One little | oe low, Benn: said:-—“1 Knows | ‘s bones with the Eeenace ba off.” open, friable, and must be well drain- Potat joes will not thrive an water- logged soil. See that the o are clear and the tile cata ae doing their work. land th: acked soil. _the seedbed till it is mellow. have an abund- ance of moisture, especially when the tubers are filling. “Ah, yes!” you sa: \d—Pot y, “that ‘Are you sure you can molar paleed) at Teese to a ply fall plowed, catch “Hae snitud at water that falls apap “t in} the shi and Seer ly ager z | il well stocked with de- caying plant material—stubble, secon crop clover, straw; —humi It acts like a sponge, ‘ching deal 8rd—Suitabl ityield mongrel stock. Seed | late, should | p ss one the acreage | jy discounts the p potatoes ae yeas “ripe fee atoes @ | r food whole | other farm crops. vertheles: a went individually or co- operatively Eos j acid. rains ; the he avy, saa is W is just | tion ewe cannot control sénditione” | | Union reported that as a result of 05 trolthe | tests of poti con: | the 20/8 etain the great | Ut Lever whens anda cortilner was | during | applied, POTATOES FOR ONTARIO The Third of a Series of Five Special Articles by Prof. Henry G. ation in size and quality which great- roduct when it echt 3 require an abandanee of ‘yall Pelancal ee t food. Rem ber, potatoes have to be fed just Tike your hogs, or calves, or poultry, if you are to get largest yields of best qual- Y- Manure is the great farm plant supply. Tt will supply much ne- cessary food to potatoes as well as t wever, in ae otato growing sections, the growers prefer to put the manure on land set apart for other crops such give the Potatoes thelt”“aNaitionatfood- in: the Labor is very | form toes probably require 3, | lod; ds of the potato scab diseases. otatoes shoul t. of t er cel It is the nitrogen which ee 82 per cent, of the ammonia, which crap aids the rapid and sturdy | wth of the eieua vine. pi fertilizer should also supply fi | to 10 nes. cant of available horrors D ic eplani-le wiped and © font causes the its Me ais food. Tt is. this important food which | aids the starch te rm and fill out tuber. | potato fertilizers had best carry 1 to potas! ave a quanti ashes a will do fe ae all 95 | scatter it on your potato seedbed and| 0 work it the soil. Well-stored | on ashes, careiee from 2to 3 p cent. potash. How much ‘ou use? Pi mtario Experim 0 fertilizers pied shot province Paar ing the las fhe experimenters iiainad an e yield of 122.4 bus. Per. acre with. fertilizers, and bus ut baer and 161.9 bus. ere 960 Ibs. of fertilizer was added:| Dir, Woods of Maine Exp. Sta ee special fecliger experiment in . be- ga 82 | } 1915 teatine ge Ge Be fertilizers for | | Maine on holding the moisture till it is needed. | potatoes tales Soi he apalied 1900 le well-bred varieties al. | !bs. Ber test where | r to the acre, and eS fratted the ee retiae | + 286) is iti present Pieters | dis Tmnportant “news” Ge “all aoe uying a New Fall Suit or Over coat fo t. We selected the most ser- roper pais fertilization is un- secret of big yields. It} pee you the best value ‘or your money. acid, potato He ers was” ate it possible for Britain's aaa to e such fuentes. of peboiate ‘ood for man and bea: 5th—Control potato This is the great Seite ‘that to- ee with the foregoing means lar- yields and Hie sney potatoes. this ee is already long, hence ee Our motto is honest busi- _ ness, fair dealing toevery — one, good Lants a as low a price as possibl ges' J M. M. Fleischhauer that well drained Jan, muvanron,. ae >” ont “Ithas alway ea our aim and sabia in to give our customers the best possible — satisfaction in eS ed their reputation f ay th are tailored as well as fai the pure ma-— terials from which they are ma quality has always been a prime factor in our tailoring and always will be. We invite you to inspect our ae . plentifully supplied with humus, riched with suitable available fertil izer produces large: quality potatoes, if good seed is aaae ed and care is taken to control dis- | SHADOW TEST The Up-to-date Tailor, ~ Monkton, “f On er S O. DUFFIELD ease and insect pests. CKrveSensed) If a horse shows uneasiness, paws a oe looks around to the flank, has an |‘ regular appetite, with evacuation of small quaatitica of dry feces, or little or no motion of the ov. vels, he is suf- fering from constipation, Administer a moderate purgative as 7 drams aloes and ‘ams ginger. on bran only until bowels act s nux yomica times daily, and give rectal injections of warm, soapy water every 5 or 6 hours. “He Looks Into the Eye" “ THIS METHOD, it {a almost a by looking tnto the exe, thereby locating the de- fect right at its source. Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cro: Eyes in many cases straightened when rineipal object in’ groomin, horse should be to spans the sur- face of the body by friction. ‘ou have: a fall cult pat it to eat- ing ground o: a little m anger itself as ‘oe He ep the Loge wel val clean. A Hanne: laden colt is a re- buke tu its owner. Never chia the stable at night un- til the mud sons ice are all cleaned off the horses’ leg: Iam winte eee mare and a three- year-old colt on the stubs left from the p and a small grain ration at noon. A set of chains for use in an unex- pected icy time or to get a smooth- shod horse to the shop, ig a good in- vestment. ae idle work horses ee not be much grain as wi t. work, | ae shy shonla-hy have‘ a smal Pyation Steet Certain breeds of sheep are dis- tinetly more fertile than others Not a bit of the droppings of a flock are Atted by thi advanced an. Children'seyes scyurately sexamined witho SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF “Eyesight Reeclelisat \MILVERTON, belted sad should be wasted, and a flock winter. a in roomy quarters under cover will sive unread The litter will Set at Bie Hguids, and the flock will keep the ore n so it will not heat. land-plaster over the pen SES ‘o keep down an seisene teens ‘rel littered with clean bright straw, and keep them per- es level, he ewes very thrifty by ata, careful feeding. Be sure that sh sere = not crowd though narrow rowding: or jamming may iat pac lamb, and possibly the e Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this irtment. Initials only will be published with each question and its wer aS a means of identification but full mame and address must be given in each letter. Write on one elde Le paper only. Answers wil! be | mailed direct if stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed. Address all correspondence for this devactonah to Mrs. Helen Law, 78 Castle Frank Road, Toronto. | Business Girl:—1. It is en hey are lee to cok too lon r:—The “Teutonic” territory “Ail-day. in-on. offies {all evening at the’ social: game burns | colo, The “Allied” territory ‘oc- oe candle at both ends, and spells! | eipied ee tha Genten! Pawars ic about ster. An ES dissipation in] 126, 000 square miles. simling to ell of us, and the tem-| Mrs, B, K.:—An emery wheel o ‘Y loss of sleep it” Aan can be|sewing machine is most useful tbe maned up; it is the constant drain that| sharpening knives and lead pencils. itll, 2 Te a girl who is entertaining | Get a roll of half-inch adhesive tape | another Lae a herd home receives an m.the drug store, cut of invitation Se au tae lee sentugh iicraact aeamie tha rs. er | perfect sone, Galeithe bostean Coe aoalionbual ct the waumhive Ana press {pen i ission to bring her guest. | Violet:—1. A cup of hot water or | of fine emery cl same ‘cocoa taken before retiring will sooth | Honath and width and lis to the tape, | the nerves, and induce sleep. 2. For| then wind the wheel_all around with a \a sallow skin, eliminate sweets, pas- | stri muslin to hold in |tries, rich gravies, fried foods, fat! Place until the glue is dry, which will j meats, and use relics ae green vege-|take a day or so, when it may b | tables sible. Drink} feaaieel When worn out another | two glasses of tae (haat rising, | strip of smery cloth can be glued using the emery xt, cul two 1 o'clock, two in the | over the first. " When a | ys evel: adjeat as for filling a bobbin. . L. H.:—1. Probably ick of| G. L, B.:—The colors for favor i ia pth ae is due to the manner spring are putty, navy blue, and all) e the oven Sats hot | shades of grey, a ie ate roe the 1 meat wil] be seared; spruce green, “und Copenhagen ee on the outside, ara. hia will keep tie Wool und silk embroidery in bright \, After twenty minutes the!tones of gold. yellow, Chinese blue, température of the oven can be con-| Pai sian pink, a jade green are used siderably lowered. Steaks and chops | o' dresses. Pockets are should be put into very hot pans, and| Hab ge and appear in pairs, one at eith- fuindd dlekly, then teninerataine/Abw. |ar- side ofthe skivb oF coat Pleats ed. Meat 8 oe u seasoned just |and tucks are in favor. — SI no before it has fini cooking. 2. /longer flare but ‘ake an inward curve Scrambled egg: watery when! around the ankles become ONTARIO) w green called| ant th Plumbing and ati Now is the time to have your bath room fitted up. The bath is the finest thing in the world in the sum- mer, the closet is great in the winter when it is 25 be- low zero outside Call and we will give you an estimate on a complete job. FURNACES We sell the famous Sunshine and Hecla Furnaces. We have several to install just now, so you had better get your order in before it is too late. M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants, west MONKTON A Few | Eye-Openers These are prices suited for hard times and will tend to help people keep down the cost of living. Takead vantage of them—while they last. FURNITURE $6.00 Inon Bedstead, for... 7.00 Mattresses, for. 4.00 Springs, for... Dresser and Stand.. GROCERIES _ $5.00 Corn, 2 cans for. 6.00 le Leat Salmon, acan, 25.00 80c Honey, f Caines 20c Baki Powis, for... Tae | 20 Ja so 1.50 Dining Room ce) hairs ‘a 85. Bran ‘ rey Boces ear ‘and Taylors wer, a and Black Tea......40¢ me Kitchen Chairs, for. bi Leather Couches, for 10.00 Can't be replaced for the money growth, J. T. GILL, Router {Nabe wie aedeey eoek aeleir a once. va it sounis ciue chk apd young rt This is the time of the year that | hens to get shells. colds are most prevalent. Keep the| The hen never lay: a pec all tr ‘ont of the house-open, but see that) the ingredients Lapsrgee'g for the there are no openings in the back or| complete a chick are side walls to cause dri resent. en ae B contains ‘pro- Everybody too busy. to give the hens/ tein as wr as car brhivava te :, any e fresh drink, yet there is no other lit- | amount of eden fia fed ih tle chore about the pa more import. | form 0} ‘ot offset the ‘ni ‘oo Sali - Monkton |those that ae Pir nage a nett st early broody. bottom of the nest bine to keep the} eggs warm. he A dry atmosphere isa prethy food atk haan be ol insurance agains’ Shun low, damp, foggy plier for a Canary try business. jayst em. rowing birds need mineral matter) A million hidee Year, are vata: in their feed a good deal more than do used for upholstering motor cars, slands now have a telsppete, OW, | FEEL PRETTY GOOD Now -1?M (7 GOING TO LEAVE oo Filed, ‘os HELLO MR. Nov DONT <( VELLN WELL TODAY alge - vga DOTHEY IN WORLD ~ HA\ E GooD DocTORS, CHINAT ONE TIME ME CHINA HAVE BEST Doctors HE GREAT Docto' SAVED MY LIFE ~ | THEN ME CALLEE DocToR SANG SING — Hs mee! le Avid PRS muiteen nk TO DIE cAiLee Doe Fock ANG 4NO Time - pee NANG — cae We oan NG CHANG, HE Litre Stk