{ + $100 AWATTS ANY P ASSENGER WHO SIGHTS U-BOAT AT SEA Glasgow Shipbuilder Willing to Watching for ‘A despatch from London says: Americans and others crossing Atlantic can make a hundred afar ty by sighting a submarine. Sir A. F. Ya s Glasgow ship- builder, writes to the Times that i offer: of £20 up to an expenditure of £10,000 to anyone on ‘da commercial ves- sel who first draws the captain’s at- tention to an enemy submarine. The Pay Out £10,000 to Encourage Submarines. 25 2 plication should be forwarded throu: the owners to Sir omas L. oe chairman of Lloyd's Register Ship-|t ping, 71 Fenehuseh Street, London, who has consented to make the awards, PRTHEES, Toronto, Mar. 6 Manitoba west inder above 10 8. fanitol No. 2 OW, 72 to 78; No. 8 C.W., 70 to Tie; ¢ fo. 1 feed, 70 to Tic; No. 1 feed, 69 to 70c, nominal, ay rail delivered eR GP.R. and : C.N.R. points net embargoes merlean corn--No. € yellow, $1.15, 2 | sublet fo embargo. white, 63 to 65c, POPULATION OF WALLACHIA "FORCED TO WORK FOR GERMANS Enemy Has Requisitioned Everything, Leaving the Rumanians p Hardly Enough to Eat. A despatch from Somes Head-|civil population between the ages of 18 and 2 he says, is compelled to her © Nate white, 25 Le BAe. nominal, | quarters says: A officer | 1 on i the Kelghts eae W oe te per car eee a wana fe Ea ceeded in in| work for enemy. ermans 01 76 to erman line, anc ought jhave Poraisttoiol evi ate ene tsid “ e ithe a 6 Sela tla @ to{iteresting information. The whole |the population hardly enough to eat. freights outside. Barley—! Matti g, $1.21 to $1. 23, accord - Seat tng, Coe cat—$LER, siominal, according VEAR OF SIEGE ( OF rues Military Depot. cee eights ts! ae as io to $1.42, according les back of the battle front to freignts outs ae hills an valleys of the Meuse and Manftoba oars patents, in Juti age. $9,60; second patents, in jute age, NEW PENSION PLAN FOR BRITISH ARMY Totally Disabled Men Will Re- ceive Minimum of 27 Shil- lings 6 Pence Weekly. A despatch from London says: An rder-in-Council establishing a new pension plan for the British army was issu it. pri- If this sum is insufficient to en- able the soldier to live approximately up to his -the-w: rd he ill be given an alternative pension based on his earnings previous to the war. No i eisions, Howe ra a in? gee of 75 shillings receive a pension a be granted special funds for the} of expenses of training to enable them to earn their own livin; The Actuary’s report “accompanying the plan estimates md Rares for the first year at £25,00 which there- fter will decrease spent iy. RS PLOWS FOR ENGLAND. Large Number Being Made in Brant- ford Plant. lespatch from Brantford premiers recently put into Ree me Great Britai work ee tonné local Peastactateea who have been shipping large quanti- | bee ties. ‘To meet the demand in Great Britain for greater production with less need of men the Cockshutt Plow are orders on hand at the present time for 400 more. Of- Ww yet order ractors, as announc on ‘Wednesday, a increase production. cial SA GEA CONTRACTS FOR SIX i dol OCEAN-GOING BOATS m 5 y if mi on says: GRUESOME GIFTS. A Coffin Is a Very Acceptable Present In A Chinese custom that seems ie described by Sir Alexander Hosie in his account of a a aon through the interior of m the Trail of the Opium Poppy.” At the hamlet thirteen miles from Ch’i-chiang Hsien, he 6 ANY We passed into Pa Hsien dis- oop ase sone ott fin without impressed ight, and here we saw them in & pee as well new, some old, and one’: was that mortality in these parts must be great. The cause was, of course, the abun. dance of cypress, a wood that is sis prized for coffin making, and it must be remembered that in China a coffin PNG acceptable present, especial- le by your own family. fun- dreds of pounits are often ae on a single coffin, and it is highly treasured by ner rs 01 been design isa oi a coffi ent would bé somewhat tapeestive: and the daily sight of it at the ee the most valued of gift: FOE FOOD SHORTAGE KNOWN TO BRITAIN Other Important Materials Also Lack- ing—Less Trade With Neutrals, A despatch from London says : ‘The Government has reason to believe, said Lord Blockade, in the Hous a into Hollan rmany. Ri of negotiations with the countries and Holland, Lord Robert added, the exports of their produce to Germany have been considerably diminished. adi Cea $40,000, baa SS orutan IN CUSTOMS REVENUE. ac despatch from Ottawa says: The ‘oms revenue of Canada for the Quest year which ends on March 31st, will probably exceed that of the last seal year by more than forty million The revenue from customs duties for February the Minister of sto1 nounces, _ amounted A despatch from New York says:— Plans to replace Weg a products st American shipyards nage lost b: English company, in th marine campaign, were revealed here| oo Sita eed by the official aneaie| that the company had plac eniaa) for the construction x ocean-going ships, ranging from 7, to 12,000 tons, with subsidiaries of. the Sparrow’s Point, near Baltimore, and three at Spe Union Iron Works in San Francise seni Sry Ca LEADING AMERICANS URGE WAR AT ONCE A despatch from New York saysi— In a half-page advertisement in New menance to civilization.” ment, preceding the appesty Stes de- ¢lares that sGetmany: is daily Mitting acts 0 be Sie erican people,” oe signed by Dr. Lyman Abbott, Talcott Williams, Dr. Richard C. Cabot, Boston; Prof, Wil-| p van Pasa k University, Dr ; Wile Philadelphia, and Judge Frank Dos: ter, Los Angel GERMAN “HOME ARMY” BEING MOBILIZED. | “’ A despatch from fa Capenkaasde sre: ; h cians to satisfy the adr requirements. Large es Pian of | men are n aplacs al those employed Behind t the front, to work in munition factories which are. how ety completed and for the all- farm work. The papers is at the Sih is prepared for the ear- P eceted inthe Spring Wcempeciilly sig se OS the ALBERTA ok Ronen 8 ‘us Ss $11,190,000, or $1,062, 000 more ‘Canada’s customs revel |to $130,789,000, as compared with $91,946,000 in the same period of the Mast fiseal year, or an increase of $98,793,000. SSS es ITALY SPARES SOLDIERS. Ready to Release a8 130,000 to Start the 7 Crops. A despatch ae Rome says: Proof | «: of Italy's large military resources is afforded by the War Office’ ent oncession of 100,000 fapitortal ec: ond line troops for agricultural labor in March and ans with sei more tween the ages of 36 and 44 if ne- be cessary. The “Tact that 130,000 sol- an |diers, mainly naeigaliasl eats; can be spared thus when an offensive-is ‘ ex nificant, since besides Shere men_ the Austrian prisoners of in Italy are also employed as pes staopaes! BRITISH Seat IGHTER IN FEBRUARY. lespatch from London says: Solgar during February reached a total of 1,243 icers ant 17,185 men. ie February figures for British casualties show a total hae e ha ccomparts > atten ani casualties for February, however, were consider- pared with the past month’s 1,243. S.N.W.M.P. FORCE ‘A despatch from Kdmonton’ says: The Royal North-west Mounted Police after a continuous service country fe ears, ceased on first of March to do police duty in the Pro- vince of Alberta, and oe ease ed provincial police ee ap fhe work, Four divisions of the provincial police haye been organized gt Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary an Lathbries va although not reeruite ey are, acrordng AY si0t is ee ror McDonnell, ready for bust cularly strange to Occidental Feaers ron Fen-shi-ling, | # ich the port of Chungking per a0 c Robert. Cecil, Lari ot gi Eg 2. ed | Ow med. 650 to 50 Ibs Lxiyee ‘ong bakers’, in jute bags, $8.60, “ron! Ontarig 35 to $7.45. ‘in Gea fark ‘ 0 8. Toronto, evant ehipment; #700, buik|NIVELLE’S GENIUS. SMASHED Pa pie a Car lots, dellvered Montreal CROWN PRINCE'S DREAM. bags in per ra 3 e orks, ner, tom, $42: “good feed Oe he. n, $12; mixed, ton 49,20 $11, track ‘Toronto. $11, track ‘Torento. mo. | Greatest, Slaughter and Most Sublime Sacrifice Elements of the Conflict. on February 21st Ver- -Wholesal Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, oe to. 38e: prints, 42 to 4c; solids, 42 t0| One year ag o started tl eieaan assault on - Exe: yw-laid, in eee tore: 55 to bbe; BE OR car ate ed ne dud. Twelve: Rothe fete ost, a to Rolled oat: $7.00 $3. $3. i $40.00. vafloalings, ee 00; je. $45. so to $50: $14 S ‘| glorious defer The battlefield of Verdun breathes from every equare inch of its surface the ineffaceable marks of the titanic 0 dle. seueele ‘that is il eoteabaie the entire arks mai Titeratedia time,” But g¢ complete sterility of soil, may last forever. 8 $18.51 Chess 2,600 Guns in Attack. ~ The roi early in 1916, as before long resulted in ar of German artillery began ay, ard, | & . 8 the world’s history. 4 $6.50 te $350 to $0.15; juutcher cows, medium, $7 {0 fers, | ood, to ce. "ao 1s It begins on the west bank 01 Avocourt and | stockers, nt, 600 to 650 Ibs $5. ear : other woods, Froi de Terre, Pepper Weighed off "| Hill and a dozen other stope fought /ba ace = over for days and weeks and months. LET U. 8. AID CANADA, Where Royal Hopes Died. IGG . Y. HERALD This is the graveyard of the Crown | Prince’s hopes, too. ‘There is nothing in this stri meet the eye but, shell-chirned Ha A despatch from Neiy York says: Suggesting a way to overcome the ol hi sinc hodles thee. catemine(aaniyate ‘ould be necessary to determine pia the fragments Bee! The vast pockmarked. arei Se sduak naval wit ahesdecering-deal-ot Heere js. little| dead and with slimy, putrid water in| , big in coun-| the pockmark: and Whose: who: discon eile strip—and Herald si the United States nae watts ily itself with any Buropean nation in a war against Ger- many why does she not ally herself ana col American as she is? who, W ith athe number mounts to more than about as much as illion—had little if any chance ¢ finding anothe: e, f. bulldog sult. from Guieaty took a VERDUN CITADEL | seorés of railway lines that now cross- Writer in London Times Tells of Re- as great establishment did not exist at 7.15 a.m, one year ago. only one winding railway that led into Verdun. Tt must be remembered that in place entire Meuse valley, there existed only the half dozen structures necessary to be ob-! others, includ- 'a the morning on February 21, | black, Bigot soaked pa i i TR EgSHTM Nfs ee eee rapay te nmakionmy depth ot "Fis. o Wor tig hOF" Go three miles, where, in thle alx months Fajgped off cate, $15.5 fe mn the defensive, . the TNontr Germans maaiet their greatest ap- ton fT a fn Bis) ion ithin the limits of this nar- Sao tg gh.80' et ie sAUDE ar [tow crooked strip of land are, found oP te Se iamubs” brought ‘omme, Hill 304, Crows’ Wood, : N00 and thee #8 “ ce 9 i205 Cumieres, Donaumont, Thiaumont, x diy pot | Vaux, Fleury, Chenoise and a score of eee ion of. those who argue ae Mintatgltug alliances” with European aN mud of such impalpable see | nations, a gretier: a The New York m ae earth, stone, timber and hu-| “Fifteen thousand millions nee franes elgin ‘the Germans must pay to for ‘the devastation the inva ave jbrought upon my country.” So spoke Eugene Ysaye, the grea Belgian violinist, in an interview cin ‘ork newspaper representative : German occupation of ae ‘Ysaye is a man of FLOWERMAKERS OF FRANCE INDUSTRY WHICH FRENCH PEOPLE HAVE REGAINED. AN vival of Artificial Flower- Making in France. At s, France, there is an old- establi idea soir and feather factory which, at the outbreak of employe unity has been the strength ‘ise. 8 | enterprise. Feather-Curling. flower- pase and six imi to a ood I h trades de- ce, and such See bear go nde that it is easy to w stu- den its and -lesser Sse ay him elses in addressing him, aoe of the Belgians does this, a word in any language that can ex- press it. “They have gone through the whole country like a scourge of locusts rough a ficld—taken everything ve ot dest d. One whole again. It will tal “And who isto pay for thls ? Sure: ly Belgium cannot at was necessary to in the stru, | the terrible ae from the east, ani cay must pay this immense sum e Germans tell the world left in Belgium told the world that they have even n the keys from the locks, the kitchen uten- {sils of every household in the king- dom ? Did they tell that they have completely seeped the country of every ‘e Why, the: not left a piece of y land, nor of brass, | “Byerything. ‘has been sent to Ger- many. And this stolen from the land | ,, lof a peaceful ‘and neutral netion And when not even the smallest print- t in the country, Even | © nobs from the doors, the| \, bit of metal as big as a pea | BREAD © ae x FR. hold on her and has been worrying eet ever since. NCE T WASTE. | stuck by a. shell an Re the muddy, bl ca tated earth. A lit- © dish teemarls save Ane Gee another shell, close by, might nouncement that bread cards would be bring it again to the evens: ee ments instituted in Francé to prevent waste was made on Thursday in an official communication issued by Edouard Herriot, Minister Ba: Provisions, The) announcem + “To avoid. wast- |; age, the Minister. of Provisions lecided to regulate the consti of read by instituting The Auden ee human flesh now impregnate every cubie inch his soil. Authorities doubt whe- shriveled soil and its leo across the face of fields that will later | bloom and blossom. All the horror of the different departm new regulations effect.” Minister also is studying measures to be onforced in th eins he centred there. population to assure that een this tragedy and eames: shall he given “to the wounded, ill, | 8 vite adion the strip ther distri.| other portions of the field in cere chidren and the aged in the bution of milk, re one might even be proud of eeiab Baie aman genius and~ human -will The i importation of patent medicines ca accomplish—if it were possible to ral ents dabeimenbalsts ai he hidebaunség af othe “bla in Equador. | you aes distis The But the Band Would. “Your Honor,” informed the police- man as he pointed to the prisoner, “he refused to rise while the band played ‘Canada, O Canna! “T did recognize the tune,” ex- Hane the ‘ape hastily. yw, my dear man,” said the mag- sea “Bympathetically, ‘let me istle it for you, so that hereafter inguish it.” Traslsttats whistled the roeledy and the prisoner listened intently. When his Worship had finished the cena exclaimed generously: ‘| played the tune as ‘Ae bes it, pas ae be here t ged!” “eserted the well- jodred magistra‘ “But the band ila Ks ea ee His man in an undertone as he e- tired from the court-room. i tryi “Your Worship, if the band had| Saastal, Now cam I a wie | mand the most delic: ay aR petals and out of them ming buds and full-blown flowers lin all shadea of rose eclora da fairy. 1 Warian then war pesceel A ihongt so titling him in a letter received| ; ae white, 654 to, b Raney [ranking as one of the world’s great~ since sae ag enn ‘York, and, lke in skill and eee the ves Tes as Ine pasate oR ee “ ares at 34:88! | est fortresses, the whole aspect of the closing it with the words: ‘Your é other arades. “unchanged. Bran’ un-| country wa: peaceful. fortifica- affectionate Elizabeth.” For a long : . abahath Mar. 6.— Wheat Dt Aig cae beneath rolling time she has been his oupil ne flee in. desticodat biangk Bae coanid with | ¢ Northen | {The world does nos know what the ir fnseed oh treks ite’ a2.80as now a tersiblesimapk strotshes|\Gormens have done-ti Belginms?. he|™ (0% eaten sooueae nunanene OF S278; “May, $2812 asked; July, | across what were once fair lands, It continued, ‘his-voice calm: but: his bas other bunches aos the same flowers, as #2 She bia mrtends on both sides of the Meuse,'s study in expression as he strove to| ¢,i® to See Ostrich feathers wang Live Stook Marke Hine where, the control hie feelinga. THe te’ ey ees ee oe nen ay ve Stoc! : curled, or made into neck boas, or tnixed with other feathers into a “fan- tasy” of blue or grey black or white Workers in this trade make from $25 to $40 a month, and are generally quite contented. Some have left the trade for munition making, but stand the strain, and so prefer to earn Teds: cue -anitalekeneiete Mba eh the chance of not bein work war is over. In this Lyons who can show then the a record o: inder the a sone and the ee maintains ‘that e has never had any trouble with teh because she Frade $e them to come directly to her with their com- ugele against | plaints Capturing Trade. A great deal of flower and feather trade ae set with Engla a ind and Can- lish eile speak of Australia, Can- ada, and litely interested, but they ot vis- alize the mercial American trade, and the struggle _ keen, Germans manage paying double freights and duties ‘a get goods through under neutral flags. Tn the asparagus fern alone, after that plant undergone a preservative | P’ treatment, contracts are made with It takes three years to make a good . come back, finding that they cannot | Premier, e- | Bees are to thousands of pou one of Germany’s prea hiaee before Bat as eat to be Alpe but even during the rv the genius of the French people sh all delicate, artistic aes has reasserted itself when e war is over there a evel that it will be_again pre-eniinent, NEW U-BOATS 350 FEET LONG hopé 4 Can Carry Twenty Torpedoes 23 to 26c; 205 eg, 22 to 250; Sasa, eee siege operations in the and Crew of Thirty- 3Aa0' to shbor MS tote ining hee passeds Baraat i popu Boag ge oe eee rural | man, was mobilized, and there was no : cape oultry—Fowl, Ib, 18 to 22c; | the voncl ost precisely|~ Jt must be remembered that in-place | °"° * take his pve ae his oe +. 4wo-Men. Tow, large, 29) to Age) swing, | the same positions they did at 7.15] of the risldldisat pract saliva ees en and se ene eke Tkept | A despatch from Am says! Triptede. 208, 9, 204c: old, | a.m, Febru , 1916, when the Ger-|tary depots, many with scores of /Purden again, and his not ony kept | my9 Telegract gablistna Oe econnt, fon ce ry ae Ib, fins. 44 to bona oe “ve gan their roar of artil- eae there formerly existed sea ae ae eS fe that ‘Gennany ‘an interview with in sol- tae, Bib, tins. 138 to 4c; ‘o |lery preparation. . were there hospitals, aviation tho has been for some time serv- ya eG aR ae See, Joie has spond: cams, artillery parka chpiveertag = me oe ie ne het ae nae ha a clerk at th doek fine an¢ ¢ .. $2.78; | ed the death knell of Germany’s hopes! pots, staff headquarters, troop * | yard in rg. To ayoid punish- sani aay one per sO cautieh crepes bunaeed Savon tacks, aavaley euete® eiuibiony te: Pas ery to her Bagh ant went for some. trivial offence he joe f her choicest soldiers have eure to pots, garages and all the multitudin-| 94 er phe y thal could do. “These gentle- | escaped across the frontier. The man 12 death in vain efforts to realize the/ous services that make up the great/\." in England saved me,” is what, left Hamburg In February. There bush: i men Crcey renee fone Lopes: army organisalions. of ats she now says. “They ve me orders | Were then in 1 dock-yard $700; Linas, per 1b. The quantity of war material utilized), Last, but not least, the battlefield of | \nich allowed me to carry on for| ‘ight large ei on the stocks. and destroyed in this nie twelve | Verdun, as it stands to-day, sods above | three months and gave me time to re- These latest submarines are hearly rovisions—wnolessie onths has been greater than that) all, those unending miles of perfec organize.” She at once set about | 200 feet 186 eat are arme Acs a hinged uote a amie eiked, $7 to (ever 60 Utilized in any preceding organization, bring sharply to mind/<ttdying the German-made flowers | Small cruiser. They can tale;20 38c; rolls, 21 to 22c; breakfast bacon, tay ee man who created it all, the one} and the posoibilities of making French pedoes and a f 32, Gangs ea 21 lo 29c; backs, plain, 80 to Sie; bone: the first time in history, oa ae ce an up the machinery to/ ones at the same price. “I have quite |120 men are at are ats and night on AR a i y sara, tlorcoe, 218, to 214e: a Sateriteng ete besieued fortzes save Verdun. As a recompense e quits {each submarine, The completion of a tubs 0 220; pails, 22 to 284c; com- | p. succeeded in making flowers, and ian ai ave withstood the maximum eff¢ e now ees the French armies. it is not conceited to say that they abana requires three months. B Cured meats—Eong clear bacon, 18 to |of their assailants, and then, taking! is building up the entire French front! surpass the German work, and I sides submarines smiajl cruisers 18ic per Ib.; clear bellies, 18 to 184¢. | the offensive themselves, have com-|for a final victory. as he built up Ver-| almost succeeded in making them ter inert building at the Vulean dock-— trea] Markets. pletely liberated their citadel. ” anew class, so-called the Rea bet: fe, age in French history has not Phat insets General Nivelle, ve | Stadt ee These are 430 feet long. No 2. gall eliow, Rit a0 to 5 been written, however, without tracing pee e, atin stn Barman nt sae | year ow mune onUnLatES. /snhe and ie he, orm cee FUPBW TL QRCES toba prini wheat ae al Bests, $9.61 more than anything else which has mae ae ae Suet fee ct tum te mln f creat gan Vist Says German ented Her ia vrs, ga eee int nto wert ows tn] Ati Are Bend Warn” [nat Si emanteen ens! — EXCEED 25,000 Remnant of Kut Garrison Flee in Disorder Toward Bagdad. A despatch from London says: The remnants of the Turkish forte retreat- ing uut-el-Amara_ thattered completely, according to in- the Tigris front, and w nry W. Forster, the Financial F ‘since the commencement of the offen< jsive on D HELE 5,000 | Turkish prisoners ha m taken, The Fein comisliies in piled 60 wounded was estimated by General! Maude at more than 25,000. CE ae AUSTRALIA PROHIBITS IMPORT OF U.S. APPLES. A despetch from London says: Wil- an able. 5 prohibited. tion visited the Premier with regard to the restrictions vie Nid export of anes, and © promised to spittin a aoa as BETHLEHEM 5 STEEL Co. TO BUILD CUNARDERS. espatch from. Baltimore, Md., ns ‘The Bethlohem Stedl, Campany, int, ani a SNS -, Superstition and Bees, connected with various superstitions. |lucky. when an saree ice: of ject of a Any Perhaps the | most: istaraatiih superstition watt | bees is the custom of “telling iy bees" of witaath in Ge telly, early England, when a member of in fam. ily died, the bees were told of it and invited to the funeral; some times piece of crepe was put on the hive, This custom hag not died out entirely. A bat Pebyiy hea You Ang Bens led and Use at odes say ela te London jotim of ¢; ft ost, blind; iia Ee Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent In One Week’s Time In Many Instancea of netting ShaStadne mi be monde mys sinter. Hier is the’ gt a i i cote Epil aoe spared the troubic expense main a Teasonable tine grid Sladen nore will be able to gurenetbon their eyes Note: Another prominent Phyet anova ar. waa unite, Bist Opto ts ona yea Be id tho. n oe F = eee bie fe ctora ay Moros Tro ay ‘Our d’Uggat cannt