“Milverton, One: “Perth Co. Thurolay, fs March 29, 1917 = _ahissies Cecil Dob ms with ADEE oe pel | the weekend. thee, 5 village: ae Mea ‘Turnbull Sion Mrs, W, Ry Barnt ee wie itt spector a win has, made + fy te jai to res rton public schoo) ous et Coulter, of Boron, spent Chas, Pee airs, John ett Maple Syrup “at: Mohr’s. Butter 386 1b. ot Deana i Dutch Betts at Engeland’ | oat ‘aster Apparel % Engelan Dutsh Bett 250, Potato Onions 150; ard Ay Albert Riddell, of Newton, has bonght a new Chevrolet. ts, Henry Schmidt, of Mancelona, ich., is visiting her brother, Mr. F. ‘Wiederhold, Just received two carloads of wire fencing. Call and get. your supply.— us Tbs, Caustic Soda 500 Engeland’s. lew Silks, New Blou: uses and New Milas a Loth’s. Special D- eae Corset, reg. $1.25 pL. vat Highest prices paid for-raw furs, =M. Ss ter, Milverton. Sugar has advanced 40 cents per owt, wines ast Saturday. Wall; —We haye on hand. the best aoc at wallpaper ever shown Engela a Wi ower washing eich e in stock veaulnied. ready a attach to|to ‘A Little News From the Huts in England. | From Overseas | Jorge Guenther has returned Heo *seantl rd, ry re she has spent past few wee! 6 Mr, and \ a “Diora age. a stration spent day or week at the pone? of Mr, “Wallen | Broug ton. George J. Coxoi ~ Clemens, All a aes img their naabnee a‘ si ee ~ OUR GREAT SPRING OPENING will commence on Friday, March 30th and Following Days mm Cléaner. |The aged couple, who are we reat it out. Makes house-clean- with Mr. Ralph Donaldson, are both | asy.—A, health. a ertection ma Tlorence Oil Stoves and baking to eiseni8 if peer bi Gropp and Cae Aai apa, in this bank at 3 er: ie Stratford, spent the week-end- a & * dnt webet ‘of the former's another, 3 pee Se Mes. George Reis. pounded twice a year. Misses Anna Open a Savings Account. Acheson ae cot ad Sige Bare i wee ra. Fre with us and watch your Madies a a Bee sad ir Ins} stor Elliott, of Stratford, made este teak a xt to Milverton on y last at ‘th The Bank of i : ts tae rate NovaScotia i eT Ae -¢ nen ten 3 BT Webs OURCES over 116,000,000 i as, J.J. Strong, | of loomingdale, spent a aay or twolast |20¢ ‘MILVERTON BRANCH _ 0. W, Huelsman Manager ~ sf We Cordially Invite You to Call and Inspect Our Stock. irs. James Broughton and m Wednes- they ei cal suggestion of the tributed to Marie Antoinette, to th: Eppes for a | ett wai tnd. provided ‘the most of th heard in Milverton to-day |§) auto owners’ with licenses tor Gitropsonne would igs toapaet ith a jump. Fifteen months of soldiering has not enthused m MeLellan and family LOOK for our Big Easter Sale of,Voile and Silk Waists. Just in, no old stock to sell NO OLD GOoDs. ited de ter when they cost so Itttle money, k with Mr and Mrs. George Pfatt) Mrs aeeotle did not return ho) re un- til. Tuese Mr. and Mrs, Win, Hoffman enters friends at thely iene tor the benefit of one o} injured More particulars “MISS FLORENCE F FREEBORN A.L.C.M a number of the ladies of the congre- gation. Court Milverton No. 00! radiate Uameecmaie Vetilegaitseks.~ [Smock attrition: y. Teacher of Artistic Piansforte Playing, Fe. fendeq. the silyer wedding of Mr, and |S Preparations for all Examinations Mrs, m. Fischer. " Terms om application, a musical students ness ‘meeting of the | St! a Studio, Milivant and Linw doa Mon a ry ‘i 2nd, tort at Jolliffe, of ne y : ? wits Fusilien 8, Wee of Mrs. eight o'clock, in Powell), AE mate ee okays pee Satan Da ee captainey: Capt. Joulite ah else been atew days in Mi |mentioned in, the despat ches for The sale ile under the ranicas of the in Burns church! on {4 Thursday Mise fe Hanning, affair, A very pleasant evening was|to two years less one day at Spent by all. prénent.” Phe proceeds |t Weir, 1 MocBeth, An effort will undoubtedly | te, irned to her home 7th aa persistency. “ae eu from France way, was sho: tise the information the boys Thad heard the Ais message in the eee will send a full acl Dr. A. H. Howell, Noe Fars Examiner cee important meeting. Prof, Spooner, A, 1.6.C.M, Representative this week, Middy Waists _- Our selection is the finest we have ever handled. Our prices are reason- ably cheap, Silk Waists and Silks ur selection in this line is away. Mr. Herb Schwindt visited over syover Sunday with friends in Monkton {suecessful, newspaper, 60 te and Log iana and Michigan since leaving here see ay ine maid you look Some day in Spring Millinery JOM |e Opening Me. Holictrennd’s Photo, Studia Meee cnlage 2.00 40s on Friday sarasle theee, 1 will cundeut WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th ‘AND, FOLLOWING DAYS. when rejected,” i Well, if tha nex| ‘According to ithe Athabasca Herald: i an carly pal role, AG. ‘ormer! e patants Opposition, ikely to withdraw from publio life after the pre erent session of the Al- porta Legislatur The’ Local Hydro Commission re- quests that all those having in aaiod “Your a on the Job.” proneey Journalist Retiring atford Beacon » the, veteran editor al Silks and Satins, Waisting Silks. In gare ane 4 ray colors from 85¢ to $2.00 per Shornecliffe ae Feb. 25). 17, To Thos. E, Hammond, Monkton, Dear friend;— eceived aie welcome letter of An invitation is extended you to papeeet Pe pas oe of SPRING MILLINERY, which includes natty little y taka, dows brime and high crowns, also in irveg ight and rolled sich and daooplag Goiueborongt::. Alpeeinmed in Sen, individual style to suit the customer, MISS L. MEYER, Milliner fifty-seven cause of ill-l pe alth Skirts Our range is ex- rder. to equalize the magtene vas 0 he son, Mr. H, D. has been oceciae with his father for the last tion of Mr. might be installed, Kindly act On Pri riday ate lehe Rev, N. J. G. HAMILTON 5 Sole Agent for : Coal this year’s buying. New “at Blouses We h to impress upon our friends the Ue of our stock. We do not carry over any old stock (through careful buy- ing) hence we can always show you some- 4 thing new and natty, No use quoting prices come and see for yourself. rt Wallace hekinton, ‘ind 8 al, Man Rte a8 ol alle ee our huts, and it is open all day and nights they have a aie gathering around every ni © concert D. PORTLAND ScHARTOR STANDARD ANTHRICITE xtremely weather of ‘Bunday 8 mild and ples t land: that ee and nee play. may enjoy i sent, - We: live" si ‘| . TERT RE ie cay ars teaefa Ernie nea ene a0 i | t Ladies BRITTON. out 18 ft. wi Easter Miss Winnie Hone spent a few. N eck- wear ar. in in phe nen future We have just placed in stock Los) ee ‘sour oa -a nice range of the newest col- e Bae ler, 72 3 ices it Reserve ‘Train, Batt lars on the market. — Prices range from 35c¢ to $1. al days for either lei eighing or wheeling but un- a Viola | Ww doubtedly it will not ie spring birds! robin and | “black rds_have fi close, Capital pal ated Jeon aid-uj 33,000,000 a r List agent O68 day with her daughter, Mrs. ry pose Bree adon, Sinai Engler was mkton boy, ee cae The Farmer’s Convenience a HE Bank of Hamilton is always ready and glad to help the farmer regarding his Cattle Business, Sale Notes, Drafts or Deposits. Consultation invited. MILVERTON BRANCH: N. G. SCHAFER, Manager New Hincauisettes and Plain Cloths r our Mennonite ae will bed im here in a few days. i] Men's Easter Hats and Ties are Here W. G, & R. Shirts in’ all the leading colors. & fancy stripes, MEN! Get your Merino Shirts. “NOW, before they fdeaice Pte. Births, Marriezes and Deaths. BIRTHS. North b Yutzi—At Easth 0) id Mrs. e, on Feb, Dan Yutzi, nk, on Feb. 10th, to and Siete ree Raby, a daugh- | ter, Lichty—At Poole, on Feb. 1th, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Lichty, a son, Montous =x Poole, on Feb. 20th, to an Sire Henry Moutoux, ‘daught 3 Maisho- “At “ieNice, on Feb 2ist, to nd Mrs, Bd, Malcho, a dangh- ning. time was spen 4 GLENALLAN Contrary to expectations the ice on the ol anna, Elva Ri Mary, Struthers, mearet Sie la _ very enjoyable to Eile Closing with God Save the King Easter Millinery — _ _ TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1917 BYERYONE IS INVITED TO CALL AND SEB OUR GRAND DISPLAY OF SPRING MILLINERY No Two Hats Alike :: A baie Range to Choose From. : ASHION has been most liberal with women on Feb, 22nd, to 4 Daniel Steckly, a | son. red }Buchanan—At Elma on Feb. 27th, 8 ‘Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Buchanan, & |Steckly—At Elma, 5. Mr, and Mrs. Special Notice ! » en year. make another effort to raise this amount (wl chia ar tir MONoy,, 9th, STATEMENTS WILL BE SENT OUT APRIL Ist, — KINDLY OBLIGE US Seott—At Mornington, on March Mr. Mrs, Samuel Scott, Gloss Starch, Ammonia Powder roc, 3 for Brunswick sardines 7c, 4 foi Beans per tin Plums per tin: - Large box of Bise Gold Dust Wadhiae Shiriff's Jelly Boe 3 Wag MILVERTON’S BIG COFFEE HOUSE — 25¢, 300, 356, 4° and 45¢ ‘Tb. (ground or whole) ughter. oe aihreshthe Elma, on March 16th, | to Me and Mrs: Joba Albresbt, ¢ Specials Jones, a son, 5 1 Sy te Batre cs |Jones—At Tima, on March 17th, to here enjoyed a tay party me Mr and Mrs Olie Strome’s, last week. Taffy is bett DEATHS. bes s |Gensmann—At We Nesey, on Monday, 5 3 ‘March 19th, Katherine’ Gensmann. GADSHILL. relict a the late ‘Christian Gens: Nc ana Ave ck Rien cnile| mann, aged 79 years, 2 months and en, of Now Haniburg, spent Bon-| 2 S878: day_ with ‘the’ former's 8. Kipfer.—Mrs, .F. Quipp made At the eg@-laying content: conolud- business trip ‘to Stratford mMuceday. t Conn. year, the last.—Miss ofoi ae ‘visited the | W1 week-end with tri Mrs. e : Groceries : oe pe ; ‘ a inaize to the rich gold shades; also grey, pa le, mustard, shaded flowers and fruit to ae dre Troly. ‘immings are up to ins minute in ayeny. respect ence. Brose: flat, high cro Sroopiny og oe ip-turned brit toques at vaviely of styles own mM rooms, new yard-high crown Gainabeyouatis and iiciet hats of ‘many materials. Lovely, shades ° —Prices = Right. —Styles Up-to-date —And Lae Hats are Lovely. wit and Mrs. Ms Ronp and children, of ited one day jast ad. st me a her parents, Mfr, Wim. iM Okhtte ubenk the me of his ee fanuary and Rhode Island Reds second H Janua: and February, an 2) Leghorns were Apt in November.