. )OD TOPICS =. sa wee . a a ‘ one ne paiseppserlie: ve ctaidly a | Fes : ease i We ieee gtr 4 ‘ *§ bas i Tin fn of ae ins Pht a Me tea ere frame eee MONK TON’S POPULAR STORE ir $B \who has for the past five hs will uy i iss Hi igs Ali ay y S bit ; enon abe Toa i “who. visi i a6 a position as teacher i ar that he is at tives i itehen r lin the King E i = = 5 i . present ina vei r. She will commence’ her” # FSS 5 : ra ast pM A ik, fy part of t exy. dob eondition and several -daya rot last)sweek, returned bia reqpveny te. Wot, expeoted.—Mes The highest market price will be paid seh Hing Ms. Wm. Blache. the person 4{ irs. C. i for cream True weights and test will a neg pera eopnger CP aslens ay at the wipe old age be given. We supply cans and pay eee aie Sees the express. Ship your cream to lof. Wellesley, t to hear, Millen, ai s, Barto 5 ta ¥ a-resi e' a. for som S i The Pearl Creamery (Site Notts Halting lle wi iat og tbe "ay fo decreas, an "towne andr ‘Geege | "PUR ENTIRE range braces MILVERTON and ELMIRA pret ve os ee .—Mrs. D, Be od it to yourself to od all the newest aya we don’t ask fancy prices. Eee Pe Mliner? Oration : dies of Linwood and vicinity are cor- both Senda’ ies ly invited to attend Spring. taken by surprise last Thursday when | here on Saturday, — rf ‘We invite the ladies of Monkton {it inery Display on Friday and Sa- some of her many friends paid he Fawkes: pent eatiraay at Ms and vicinity to attend our MUNI APA Ss rday of this week, Mis short visit pHlor to her departure for [Hester ‘Tannete=ae ann or, : 5 a ha ank.H, Schummer. Detroit and presented her with a nice ae Tiaes Pulte hae |—Mr. y, Erbsville; leather ‘lub bag.—Miss Beatrice a George Smith, ‘ Rogan WADE Ry oeuee Sieak IaH of Morsietous ent Monday a home “here. Greenwood left last week for Detroit {day last’ week. » Liedinghal Spring (3h au nA e e name of ae atz. |B. Griev UR. Tamil eune . BIOGRAPHICAL, SKETOHNS | But the great feature, of the pro- Sehr Ree eet eae Tae owel REE gs Re Gc Aayetiet Millinery Opening Continued) Ags Ww see Dick: Han rs, Wm. Sei rem in tee - ae 2 ( ) his Irieh 8, g00d-|to Mr. S.J. Wismer. Mrs, Seip. will . seas URC e cee mene ee : ALEXANDER McLAUGHLIN ha % FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 30th and 3st. Alexander ‘MoLaughlin was born i the algary qenioing Camp over w! as, medoat charge and PASE EO ee a mare eatin Es ent Sern Apa pnnsten, Retr and. homeo ‘ ting.—Mr. John MeGillaw erat toh zal from Halifax soon to view the grand showing of spring to Mornington and setilea on Jt eh - And it was a perform- | wj in, in. Newry.—Mr. Wm. 0f Edmonton, who has be: eh MOGs UD Ee: and summer Hats for ladies and ig by wa: 7: i B ildren, cLa nese cleared ala —<In order to keep down the Bue a i be bed Oty relatives sand: trlende of nes to our customers, deaisesidan west toe tote (ta dain yas ‘ : |iwhile here last week, are not sending out special invita. len wedding an a c : ' is n 1 ter Mrs, Bae died. ving the ith’ M. wine: bi cia a oo’ tion cards this season, r. McLaughlin died at the advanced Mr, Joh: : : mate CE Siesia Peon te Arai tds pee ae oe re _gpen ee ea 0 nother ROSTOCK t ; ‘ 1 . vas his vitality and| BRINGING IN THE BIG OAK. | hr. ars reaper Millan ‘ TAS Mr. Toe > MeDonnell sold his farm t the age of 90 he out twenty-five cords of wood in taking} All the timber made ‘along the his daily exercise, Mr .McLaughiia|townlme was hauled to Listowel and a was one of Morning: Old {loaded on the train for transporta- Men and was highly respeoted and he- tion to Hamilton. It was early ee din loved by the whole community in |!2 5 r when one of the firms which he lived for so many years. |decided to ig one stick the apeesltie. This stick SAMUEL LYTTLE was three feet square ne ath dect UP Re pm. Rey, Mr. Domm of ronto, officiated gnd was assisted We received this week from another [R we Another of the early settlers, on a the townline north was Lyt- tle, E olaays . (Dr. ‘ RS ; a for the sum of $6,501 oe . 5: Hachern De- hm, w: as been living on the f 3 Rosel Sar. Man., 15, a : Beal al re © “Ghomieal 000 ont. ibied with kkiahe Mar : : mu tun = bona eee Pils. By the time e. : ears, : ‘agers i ane Pains uae siderably to the yearly proceeds of |\Qoryive will be ‘ : ould be to his comm ; : Spi mr as nay 3 abel etiar, < a {the farm, church, ; G1, eajled on friends in Hostoox| fq A txotm rouble Sele rial, a THE NORTHERN GRAVEL ROAD|}r. Hier, who came here fro evew Bue a a 4 have |on Saturday, ee a Hamby . y Ag all drums, 606, a box yt he history of this superb ppblic|, " ee Rina some real happening in the fc yAS D ore Soses fon yétle died in 1915 at the age {highway js somewhat shrouded m in| assumi by be will be ; s ‘Phere was certainly a a ood ae ee tink oe ne is not to retail, jokes or qui ke, the fat, procks pa tee tna poten fa ye deren tad pureore OES nown THE TIMBER MEN « f senetlon, of this road, ives.—Mr. John Bi ived put, to seflest spe ta BRED TO LAY y © spending several ‘muni 2 In the early"seventies the townline aay nnties ee. Huron) months ¥ with bis ¢ aor in Toronto, ie were waited: for “suit ris a r ge N year 1 thes: ij ing his community and his ‘in- and ae ne laying Gualitien. Ronntiea “Korrcwad half a million “dol- ze con Birds are housed in oper ect + Bags from en Report of the Donegal Branch of | eels esanelioo A uecohers Rae ans en pee El. Rev. 0. Sto cr ontrtonae fell ciety and hurt iitecle’ very vadly and there{| =D. H ELM, Hesson at; 171 pairs of fore will be an inyalid for react P. 0, Address — R. Ry 1, BRITTON 3 of the Buffalo. Hector and ay tvocka. Wellesley. Mapin Leet, Hake Huron Railway Com ‘These x 85 tae on the fain See mn | -|406 artioles, Value $820.00 ite Receipts all-in stratford, “Whe ‘company £67} < expenditure’ s.2 ss 2164 ee ee rassSee hecepting in payment thereof the sum|Mrs. E. Vipond, — Mary a Cowan, i o $53,408.26, ae late T. M, Daly President, ee. Treas, NOW IS THE TIME.TO BUY YOUR aaewuon As prices ae advance shortly. I purchased this ae some time ngs connect Hoh ORS ago anid the early buyer Will get the ben ag agers we SEN cea have ee to tallonalities—the garrulons French- ty of $4,000.00. This amount Sagan Sohmide oe to hes = A large sae of Timothy, Alsike and bes Clover ; emai acd tea). Son emai . last SAL MAGNE Sees i I A , purchase nothing but the best goods, Our prices aré ae ee erin: ae See canny | ip esmburs the [the week-end at her ; on hand. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. low considering the quality and eared A timber was Leh slong ane aot of $58,408 81 REMEDINS and SUPPLIES alw on hand, A carload of Western Oat Feed expected. Leave your order. Ser genni HOt boat ions oe hee A full xange of ROULIRY and STOCK FOODS, x wT, mer: iss For the parlor, dining- den, li bedi amen Arent aay z , dining-room, den, living-room, bedroom Tl epent Sunday at hhis home here,—Mr. UL. D. ATKIN, - Milverton hall and library. Right in style and finish. a Eades By. giclal ition feet |Amo# Tels: visited our burg on Stn- 2 : One lof excellent pine lumber. A \daily {a t PICTURES, RUGS and LINOLEUM inno Jetage left Millbank in the morning - his ir or an ti i ROBERT McMANE Seven Passenger $1855 Subject to change ‘without notice hn |these canal-like in whose sticks and carrying them to his dome- sha: ANN Scientific | Shades of the pen ppian git . Oy Bla afore to. that tect That is a significant statement Rd with momen Jexee chDG eh toll tea trom Bradetcects,.”: Blahtss five out of every hundred business men who fail are men who d sre Pr avariine. ee ike are MADE IN CANADA‘ the : ore necessary advertising be- Six-Cylinder Luxury The 1917 Ford timabont ” ‘Phishandsome Willys-Six piake: Senger “six” value, tor its pride 18 only F $475, 00 : $1855. luxury in every detail. F.0.B. PORD; ONTARYTO WI N TE R luxury in beauty of outline and This price is made possible through . ss finish, ae ag lve Brena: policy of building The Ford Runabout is the car for: you if: T oO U rR Ss luxury in its roomy body ; in the rehensiv2 line of cars and you haye to aa a lot of ground through comfort of its deep, air-cushioned ‘seats building cared tries quantities, ee © Dnsiness oF other necessity. SPECIAL fares now in effect to: and long, shock-absorbing cantilever You get the benefit of economies i igi porticiar favor ‘beeause it cam Shue ine Colsteious, Fee Tors eas eorgia, Nc pee secured through lower costs of produc- } ets the sweet -jrunning tion and buying raw materials teatae Bousing at the na) and to’ Bermuda and the: West qualities of 4 ite Te pe and) flexible ee ties, Ord And getting fou mie fonbo’ happy” dies. motor, ts for spring delivery should One good-natured wiry little shook RETURN LIMIT MAY 31, 1917 It sets a Standard for seven-pas- be placed 2 PELONCES se invite you to try the Tasaabeat at pe led eae aoe Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed 4 ‘once, ca that we can. book» your order early. or il information usta WM. ZIMMERMANN : “B. H. GROPP, hi Uni +o Milv Agent for Milverton and Vicinity. erton GOLIGHTLY BROS., Monkton Songs, music and dancing and pres- ‘oronto, Ont. ently H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Ageat “The mirth and fun grew fast and furious,”