Milverton Sun, 29 Mar 1917, p. 5

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see [MONKTON BRIEFS 22225220 HOW MRS, BEAN (—xvmenear 9] DO le tata eee fe veryone wl Oo = mater erpreudeeeeeceas| MET THE ERISIS| ‘ ° ennioott, left. last ing it Gn to this meeting MAYBERRY—CHAL es Spring Styles after “having a pleasent Tyiake with erie Snaiter program is to be:eiy- yas ; ¢ ord cca ea ead quaint 8 a3 Ontario: ore nes ped urine ane Yi we bbe her me «of abe Wey 4 Bs Cu ya es : ‘or rs, mn. Merryfiel scene of a quiet but prett : Are In Cleveland and 0, Svilmot Miller, (Gialba -weter otteuded tha ekeontive "| Carried Safely Through Change | \ycdaing last. Thursday night when , the Western Provinces last|mecting of the North Perth | Sunday | of Life by L; Pinkham’s | his sister, Janet Peden, a graduate of Sure Gievelaba, having preced- School Convention at Listowel on Sa~ Vegetable Compound. ate Hospital, became the bride of them’ wi s.~|turday.—Mr. Jake Weber aur pur- G. Mayberr; “p i an . Thos, Cockwell, form- \Ghased from Mr, George Suching the rly of Elma, after renewing old ac- Seolhat garage and moved. it on 5 = 3 s BS ES 5 x 5 = * With Cloth and Trimmings. eee eG. Be Tena MET MGREA ee anes Nash Ten —! ‘When twas goog | was. periormed by ‘Rev. A. W. Gan + es quaintances aid calling on many|own property on Monday.—Do a! through th: of Life Thad a tu- ‘ey, of Wellesley, in the presence of j 2, foods on ‘our shelves ds in Woodstock, Mitchell and vit for the invitation cards announc- Tait mor as B88 a fow op the” tm alate aietive coine from the best-mills in the ‘Tp. of Elma for the Spring Millinery Openings at ” iy ichild’s head. e or two intimate friends of oe gas Seas ths, gain iy Weber Bettger’s on Friday and bride, cisely at eight o'clock +o: hey are their home is Saskatchewan last wee! Soturdey, _ Evexyhody welcome whether the strains of Lohengrin's wedding ill di r 6 E rts Thampaon, of Hina, Fe }you. in Methodist tme medi. | march played by the pride’s niece, * not sappoia x ned home’ again after having un- Uiroult, April. lat, acid At Monk: cine for it until I | Miss Florence Chalmers, the groom a critical operation in «| fon 11.00.a.m., Willow Grove 3,00 p.m. called away \{00% his place in front of a bank of 4 We purchased these goods || Buffalo hospital.—Mr. irs, Hugh | and da 7,00 p.m, . Woman's levergreens and flowers, interspersed early so as to be provide e Ment Doahiens een Missionary Society Dax ; Babieck for Ih | wae B noe white decorations. The i dy; engagement of their 1 day; “The women who. di wide following e 8: c Caan atl aaa a, a ldaughter, Olive B., to Mx. Edgar J. foe ‘so little” ‘The ladies’ choir will IP course I could not |friend, Miss MoMillan, through an tia aoe P Lines, of Carthage. Marriage to take sing at kton—The Literary eve- then, 80 ‘aisle of red and white ribbons held ing the past few months. ietly in April—Mr. and Mrs.|ning in the Methodist church last terinlawtold by the small members of the party. Patterson left on Friday for St. Rose |woek was a splendid success, tate tong \Misses Margaret Chalmers. and Mary Before buying, we ask you de Lac, Man., where they will reside |ro9m was crowded to overflowing. Pinkham’: Com- |Mayberry, Masters John J. mers to compare our values, a in future.—Mr. ©. Quipp, of se ‘The musical numbers were excsntion: Lys 5. Pi ist) pear "beled both ‘and. Mervin Mayberry, In or 9@ To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario. : ville, and Miss if P oe and space of time the nuptial knot: was pon Lise A ant vided thie a ctor, (ied and during esnerel ist ne the K. h istowel.—The _membe meedthe doctor. time was enlivened by instrumental thi Jd. M. Fei hh Rosewood No. 72, L cham remedies until thé |musio and afterwards a duet ~ by eep ens 1S year i eise auer ed. to be present bus tumor was gone, Je doctor said, and I Misses’ Florence and Helen, Chalmers ing of the court on ve not ce. everyone ‘The voice that breathed o'er Eden,” |/ venTON March Sist—J. T. Gill's for goods at |, how I was cured. If this letter will |The guests then repaired to the: din- i Opcrersores eae ee -of she ey eee ao old: -prices.—Gill a ED [de her rom ate welcome to use it,’” ‘ing-room, where a dainty luncheon make it wo mathe remainder of the EAN, 526 Joseph Avenue, |was served and the bride's nephew. anyone's while to Lene keepin aa By gone so * tra 08 pe paler Nash ; i Mr, Bie gh Chalmers, sped the passing { you ae fresh eggs at ee poe: ne co Atthe same - eae - s Annie Rowland, ssl . moments with music on the Victrola, 11 have the spl knowi Lydia B, Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- | : t : we the splendi faction of knowing that B LL. spending a week visiting Ly while: her nieces attentively waited 3 WE SEI ites the the deeds of the guest The toret you ae oe Buen towering Britain, Canada Bre OFTER HA Hugging and Miss extractivaypapertian ot good old SE" Tbs tie Bld vas fproposed by hex e Allies achieve victory ti needs brother Davi rank in grape Increased production of food a nl LEMENTS (2 atn titties nt of wom sr sapeom cial pod iuice with hearty zest. As red and Penta eat erivee tar co Hao ‘FARM IMP! Sunday with Mrs, A. Huggins a of her life, Try it ‘white were the bride’s hospital colors urgently needed surplus of ’s food . George Bettger Mr, Robert aa q illiner in Weber &| Jfthereisanysymptominyour this color scheme was carried out in It ears Zabne ise spent for-eggs and poultry N. A. ZIMMERMANN bss purchas eee ce ar % reg was 2 ease which puzzles you, write all dhe decorations, giving avery] wat. Might price and caves. the labor of others 6 ion- MILVERTON, ONT. and-ta thaking. ot i Hi tae tee ae ‘April Tih pomvain EB. Pinkham icine peeking a ey ree snes Saat ae effort isneeded for more vital war work, der the aus- EG grape ides Hine pian Gienipune The Ontario Department of Ageieuiture will -give en’s Patriotic League. ‘lace trimmings and she wore pearls. every eat assistance by affording information about 23 a a rs. ATWOOD. |A very pleasant evening was spent poultry keeping, Write for free bulletin which tells how e affirmative will| yr. we. R. Erskine spent Briday in with music and games until the “wee to keep hens (address below). muha Bese fa Tallon of steaion tr Norman Cunningham G4, °oe tah this oye beaut é 3 s vat: hace) fone forthe Mise, SNS Sante tic Mendid: Woo EnRAste Some han eae nee en Tere re they will Genoa ie thet A vegetable. garden erve Ce een ee ae eg ee oe “ z fe ‘ir. Randolph Erskine, who hi ae . Nothing should ue pace in this vital year of the booklets is worth seeing.—The po-|ovnt the winter at his home here; hie. : gost "The Departs estly ia vfeseverone toe gram given under. th 8) OF returned to3 faple Cee Nondey,| LITTLE—TANNER increase ane jon eat growing seals Even th the ae sf “a town, -Mre.| The marriage .of Miss Grace Tanner smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, at x “will be_a debate |G acter nal and children and third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry duces a surprising amount of oeeablee Experience peaplnests inet the United | Gtsies (6 | Miner Minnie Pope. have returned af Tenuens ofthe saute The af Bias, not saa ts reser ne 2 ter visit vith friends in Toronto, near Walkerton, to Mr. Frank Little lization in k z out of resent |""Seru J. Ballantyne Sr., of the 8th of Kerrobert, Sask., was solemnized st the Department of Agriculture will send war.—Mr. Richard Rowland has given Gon. ‘West, went to Guelph on Tues- at the home of ‘the bride’s parents, eaGbe ORES free of charge, giving complete direc- jup his. duties as “nightwatehman at |day, where she ‘underwent an opera on Wednesday evening, March 14th. tions for prepari Bee planting, cultivation, ete A plan i Stratord and has returned to Monk-\tjon in the hospital of that city,— at eight o'clock, ‘the ceremony being of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, ton.—Mrs, A. Terry, of Atwood, spent | qtrs, §, Greensides has returned performed by ev. Mr. Jai best ieties and. th t in the ‘dk it this week af the hae oe eee e her sister, Mrs. Wilton, Methodist minister, af Hanover, in est varieties a ahr: rrangement in the garden, wil 6. Mrs, A. Huggins. of has been ill.—Mr. the pre: nly : 2 be sent free to any address. NOTICE TO PARENTS an itil Little spent the relatives of the contracting parties. Address letters to “Vegetable Campaign,” ‘ qchildrea who wish to enter school {week-end with their daughter, Mra. 1 The bride, who was unattended, was _ Department of Agric ltr, Pefliainent fe r must be at least» five im % No child under hie age |S * Buildings, Torotito Sige “canted. Ww: mmoni ew ntario De artment OF Agriculture . She to ‘Mothe eens on Friday.— served and the remainder of the eve- 0 lo P' Minketor of hs Heavier Gian Better [ntrs. Wm. Blakic, of Glanworth, is ning was oan to games and other Hearet, Minister of Agriculture i visiting at her home—Miss Nellie amusements, The following morning ling to VERY ONE CAN d hee Hamilton hae gone to Toronts, wyere he young couple left on a yaels vie Parliament e Bil ge Toronto Ag: 15) Alinta Sortie ea pen eae taking “©: aoattioncfits ft) ie feronere See er Tues : = 2 as, a 00! a iL e 1 ar) something for his 3 ur witend Bone [Cl °F teltenine wit epend a fem aay with i a the grain was that acnew dr ae or AN greet country hee Boies snot ibettor quality on that |Store is to be opened in the village by ates meee for near aria : the - oe a aoldien Mann, of Kerrobert, Saski, wher e groom 9 . s b TS ea eae eee ena pantie ta a Many women with disfigured complexions ome can bear arms oa E anon Mra Rebiawone ek" patriotic merous presents received by the bride evar sem to Hin that they need an os casional cleansin; Some can produce food WELD SATISFIED danice, was held inthe music all, sa substantial cheque £ elect 0 of this interna Some can make munitions 10ck, Ss On. | Wood, on Friday eventhg, March ban, ‘oom, whois the second bathing eho taelt 1 Spotty, sare low com ep iioit4 tfor {used Homestead Fert: pares eacoh OB ey, cates ang t | Hamilbaue’ Sr. and Bre. Seott Hamil One could stand back twenty tous te Lebanon: ae and see just where I sowed it.” Adleens ia ‘Peseautation OU GAN SERVE by |J iene | Dashwood, On-! ad well io in dreadful etn bed: biliousness. Tt’ebeca the liver becomes slu; matter accum! whicl h. Nature cannot remove e without assis stance. ‘The best Some can give money It is the privilege of all to help. a in the West for the past ton are WARTBURG are in an almost f Miss 1 ER mpass- | The patrons ie Tine ‘Western half 1 1 sero { EE tario, says;—“I have used Hon i ith iss Laura oof: Bure? Backes Not 1, Brunner, as- Fi re rs 7 Fighting Working tarioy sayei—l have used Zomest zie sch ini, spent he aah eck om a5 Ne, aeeauee a remedy is Chamberlain’s Stomach andLiver Tablets, which . is and must say Thad one of the big. /@f the home of Mr. Rober! Her aay Brunner. 6p preteuted Hak Saving—Givin and, must say I tad one of the OE Mc. “W. i.erugpe fold. ‘his “drive! with 8 purge aad the following at-| 9 Sigontive eystem. sn ae a ee eeu |reoently to Mr, Gropp, of Brunner.— | dre HPAL 2 Snel dure nik te vada ke ongat = LASTING RESULTS Mr nee : night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. t wo This is NATIONAL SERVICE J. A. GORDON, Arkona, Ontario Ce es Bie home of hi eit To Mr, Wr. Tindaay, Chamberlain’s today—druggists 25c., or by mail from & Ne VOU aon 1? ye;—You! ask me what 1 thiok of | fr. Roy Henry.—Making Maple Sy- | ies patrons of the Western half Chamberlain berlain Medicine Company, Toronto 1s r loing your par the Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. 'rup is the ‘order of the day in various (Of Mural Hote No. ft Brunner, bars 4 bled here bh Well, Thave used it for about five [parts of this, vicinity.—Mr. Robert assembled here to-night to show thelr q LL EYES turn n to years and the first year I sowed it 1|Henry had Messrs, D, Moore and H. poe eee peated Beye, 4 Ww. shut it off once across the field and} | Dietrich enter eatiinks wood last ses eas! er y . o my.-neighbor ‘sald he could eee. that |week.—Miss; Mary” Lemke, ‘of Strat-|7oute. | While they are’ mindful ‘that PROBLRERKS the Canadian Farmer. strip eighty rods away and you could /ford, is spending a few days at the 70 BF in the service of the govern- : , { ’ eee it two years after in the meadow, ,home of Mr. Fred Harloff. [Greece lean cae oe ge ee “ i e alway e you. for he can render the “Welle Michigan Carbon Works, De- ccpamrsen ha jwork cheerfully, obligiagly and un- : troit, for free book and particulars| Mesers. Robert and: Stanley Henry S*Udgingly. You have come, through P Empire SPECIAL SERVICE about their Homestead Bone ded the Grand Lodge ,ceting at (Storm and sunshine with the’ mail fede oternest year 0 Cit Prestilizer Gtiationd ‘on Waddeadaye axa ‘Tiare, 20d messages of. good cheer, ‘There pope gree to us now e ei e Sold in” Biliverton is NA. z s, Cameron, of Perth | Were many days that y se eh sae seats Py tun aS man and George were ‘visitors at the home of their) "hem you could undoubtedly have Bea garb cates A = refused to go out and pleaded wea- logue of war. as Jeleee, afr8. Yoh Henrys recent eee ea ae wo. enous, Eh a and Field Seeds, "Ror But—our farms are badly under [eldest daughter of Mr, W. HF, Kruspe, You have discharged your duty faith Fic ee a ee —O a Mr. Albert Helm,iof Stratford, spent |has been unable to attend school for| {lly we all know and a * 3 manned—25,000 men are needed on the week-end at his home here.—|the past number) of weeks —having|token of appreciation we ask you to SPECIAL.—We will abo the land Mrs. Gustaye Biesinger spent a day ,boen confined to the house with after Becept this purse of money and hope er} fe . i b: Bt. |efte i you may be be spared ene vane to send you free a packet (value A her brother at St. effects of Ia grippe, whieh left her SOA continue in. your Tsahat curclance 05 Guelph, who is ill. jan irritated car.—Messrs. George j 20 e in y With insufficient help, the Man on —We are sorry to report that some |Beoker and Roy: Henry Sundayed with | half of the “patrons 4 the Land fights an uphill fight to of our school children are laid up jShakesveare.£ friends, Charles) Gerthelder Giant Flowering meet the pressing need for Food. with the measles.—Miss Eleanor Ken- | secoP Nee Pate Be ~ : 3 i nedy and her mother, of Linwood, almers. ; * ure spending a week with Mr. Jas. POO! sites! ts Lindsay, slthoveh grea tiyskake ‘ Carnation Kennedy.—Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Querin,| Mz, and Mrs, Jas. McKenzie, jurprise. made a suitable reply. of ae spent Sunday at the latter's | monitton, visited at Mir, R. = Struts ihe Spemainder of the evening was Giant Flowering Carnation This carnation i Is « great | home here.—We are glad to report /ers’ one day last. week,—Mr, Thomas spent in games ee musi¢. ite; the flowers are lai re and that Me Goorge: Isley: ig able tobe pacar Sinisa hie ciate Atta B fragrant and the plants do yell outdoors. ‘Transplant reatnto pote in the out again after his late illness.—Mak- | ror 3 Froud early fail they bloom profusely from October till “hie end of Kerr at Baden last week.—Misses 2) ° é ° 4 fi SALE REGISTER Tavs ace enslly prapopaten ges tara by a pings oF fi ae iapls By mat ee pene ee Belle and. Mageie rietiae visited a ail inal gaat @ P Y Propog: xy igs, “pipings” or layering. 8, Jos. er | wi i st , 1917—Stock an Municipal Councils, Churches and ns Misses Gotette Wall ant Bocrater Sia base Gamal ie Heer een | tmulomenes tor Maer Inetig. an \Suncd for-oue oalalogula and learn af Gut othar Naluable bration; < <18 Schools, and other organizations, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jos |visiting in Cleveland for some time| Alex. Inglis, on Lot 22, Con. 18, ae LONDON , i. Graft--Mr. Vincent Linseman, of ia Sad et Avwatrengmentiseeh Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limite batts: of en and women, can render Dorking, epent Sunday with Mr mefuene’ em eae Tf Bima, Hobt, Armstrong ‘anet paola ates : asada National Service by directing all Uinsiness Gueioh une cay leet Sree avaiable Tapour te ig sae week, pce Far D IRECTORS’ MEETING labour: M School nee oo So i k * Pursuant to adjourntient, the. dir. Were youraisedonafarm? Canyou otore of the Elina Farmer's: Mutual SPRING IS NEAR < NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR ire Insuranee Co, met in the Agri- drive a team? Can you handle fork Palrieale hel: Avwand. toss Tuewiey: or hoe? If you can’t fight, you can my 10, : “a ‘ ua, CREAM WANTED #1} G ‘All. the ven : present but Mr, Gri whe pre rass ee ing on the Farm. dent ‘occupied ‘the chair. The minu- a "i P : produce, Spehd the Summer work- tes ast meeting were’ read, od Siniveahte eat colgned: ‘ ; : ‘ 4 Let every man, woman and child in The secretary wae instructed: «to Sweet or sour; best etek ba sou the Dominion who has access to purchase debentures of the Huron ° ce y ‘ +90 p . Land; no matter how small the plot, aa Ss eae mera nr nae prices paid; cans Red Clover . .11.75 per bus. make it produce Food in 1917. to transfer part of the funds in the fed: Alsike Clover .........10,50 per bus. = ‘ banka from the current to the aav- supplied; all oppress é x Sid sears * ne P ings ment. Applications were : Hour Seed is GOVERNMENT STANDARD. ' OEE SE eS served 78 in number, amounting to charges paid: aoe . , forma 9,500.00. The meeting adjourned ai ‘ a x i the Farm and Garden write: till "Tuesday. the 17th day of April Frost” Wire Fencing INFORMATION BUREAU e ae eee Wo would advise yan t6 place your ander with us early, as the Geet : Warieiog dal 4 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Pip Scns Wega THE ee ; - : ; RAT POISON : OTTAW. RocHeK's s ‘Sale! Register F. ‘ARM ER Ss Guaranteed to kilLor your money refunded. ‘Try # package. ; ‘s Mrs. Hy Seip, Tot 5, con: 13, Wel- aoa i at el Gebietes Section), on Tues- ‘ | GUNN’S FERTILIZERS DOMINION Boe roeuity meer DAIRY : Leave your order. “We are sole agents, * DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE © anes hae k gate thay a ‘ OTTAWA, CANADA. ; M. E. BETTGER & CO. . 4 ~ Bale Panntneniors at one sololea ‘ HON. MARTIN BURRELL, MINISTER, oS ee Hardware Merchants, - Ci WEST MONKTON. _ ‘ > 3 2. 2 5 re FS z oes 88 & 2 = 8 3 3. @ eee - You are sure of good photographs i" if you go to Lee, Listowel

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