Milverton Sun, 12 Apr 1917, p. 3

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ARE PUDLISHED The San Printing Office Main Street = MILV! rERTON, ont, t=O! ry 31 1.50 5 se eae Npibscithere a & e liable t0 pi ade 00 per year. Ras cee manllestion. oe a without specie diccelfons mt opto Tinvil forbid and chaged nee Babscri, onths, rears bd: Se paagea tor coated ad regtiserments saat bein the office by noon Mor ondny, MALCOLM shi BETH, ° ° Publisher and Proprictor. a BusinessCards Dr. M. C, Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto Untversity. CROWN and) BRIDGR WORK a specialty, 4 ‘Phone No. 8! Office; Over Bank of Nova Scotia, ™ jomt. Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Puntrc Dave Stoke, Mi.yRRTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p.m, and 7 to 8 p.m. toga H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. ListowRL, BR Ofices: Listowel, Milverton, 8 ATWOOD, ? The Shier of this Aeparti service oar our farm readers the steel authority nt Is ri sed eo! Question, when t Fi rl Question—H, T. id how mucl Would it be all Teht to sow with other diver aad grasses? Answer: — The titude towai sweet clover is sakes from one in direct Ate ‘ion to one of consider- able. favor. 5) time was looked upon as oe troublesome! mi weed, but it is now valuable source of Sabehase and good material for pasturage and a form legume orhteh: is bene a sr Ee eet clover plants 'y rapidly and will thrive ak Sail ot On account of its rapid if it is not cut sumsiently faite it will make hard wi Sweet clover Shea contain a peculiar organic matter known as Spee, which gives it a F. R. Blewett, K.C, Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto. fice + Gordon Block STRATEORD, ONTARIO Harding, Owens & Goodwin’ Barristers, Solicitors, &c, Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, KT, HARDING W. 0, OWENS Ww. 8. cooDWam | 4 Veterinary. J. W Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontarto Veterinary College, i ‘Toronto. ‘reais all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Societies. Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.B, & A.Muy G.R.C. Meets cvery Mont ing on or before Tally nogmevery font tn hele bal ‘Wele's Visiting brethren nae ae Geo. J. Coxon, W.M. W. J. Zoeger, Sec, Silver Star Lodge No. 202 TOON F,: Meets every Friday night at 7.30 in their hall over Bank of Hamiltot Visiting brethren always weicon W. Henry, 6. A. Barth, wn. Harkey.” Hees Seey, Notary Public.” Wl D. Weir, - Notary Publie varianeces ee, ee goes of Perth Conveyance, anus win idcagecktane * nd Shiai made, “ - clerk, Office: Wetr youn, ‘one Bank of Nova Scotia, A. Chalmers, - Notary Public prada Issuer of Marriage Licenses P. for the County of Perth. Real estate bought and sold. A few cholee 9 for Immediate sale. MONKTON, ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties. Hstimates given on — of farms and farm atocl Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotla, Linwood mui] ——— The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for eommercial tray cllers and others, Hotels Two large Sample Rooms. Q8O. F, PAULI, Frop,, - Milvertoa, Oat, Are You Insured ¢ li iti? CANADIAN ORDER OF!» ical win senate CipearGn a NZimmermana,R.S Ontario’s Aree Practical Be peor ‘ool with Commercial, Shor! hand and rreigeane depactments CENTRAL STRATFORD, poet to vette hoy soon learn to eat sweet clover hay and aetualie prefer it later to poor forms hay. d seeding is obtain- ed, sweet clover will cut at least ENG bs three crops a season. early and handled carefully the ma se retain a large percentage of the Icaves which are most valuable in the feeding ration. mount of nitrogen fixed by any of the legumes under all conditions. census of opinion is that if the soil is tich the! legumes matter is exceedingly valuable, in that it gives the soil wa- ter-holding capacity, plantfood-retain- r, Michigan Agricultural College apne tome see, or 20 to Conducted fs Perge Henry G. Bell, fadvioe of an acknowl on all subjects pertaining to soils’ an fora long} sow ajtoo strong competition for the young of | b et on the hull good for t the hull of the pee is very a ee i one cutting 6 hay plow under the sec- rease the | §." to place at the Speaking cel, the halls of the seed are that frequently the i until the ure of ee eee and. other sane would be all : ight, but speak- ing generally, it is a best practice to Sweet clover seed with a grass ixture. The grasses tend to offer oe ken to inoculate the soil at the time of seeding, so that the right kind of bacteria oe the clover will be pre- sent in oe d bed. Question are Mae sweet clover plants, should tal —Are oats that till hey are light brown at are burnt until brown aoe should be carefully tenes before ‘or seed. exch. Place these between wet blot- ters or damp cloths. 4 of oats in mull to Faye an extent that it discolors to the vitality your rate of seeding to double what is , | normally ae in order to be sure of a good stan eae ce, have a field of stiff slay land ich was ploughed ohce last is the best way of eae fe ‘it int . a bed for the oats it ine Ay, the crumb of the soil a little coarser so that air can cies better in the geod bed. are seeding to oats, ald avin also seeding to Shes and tim ~ you have taken ond erop of clover to iner organic matter. Your stiff clay land will not greatly improve in texture un- till you have increased the organic Cates Sweet clover seed. matter or humus within it, Seeds for planting the home vege- Sale garden should be ordered at ee as and as soon as eather and condition of the soil make planting possible. Before or- dating seed the home gardener should look over ae utes measure its area, size up the , decide on the best location for eae vegetable and deter- mine how much seed he will require ict the space available for each kind, rows, a also srrange for the second and ‘nied crops which are those previously harvested. th a plan will enable the gardener to keep the ground busy eason, supplying fresh vegetables during the summer and. producing in the late fall root and enn crops for winter use, e preliminary spading and ordi of the water has been dons, is as easy e two or thr TIME FOR INDOOR INDOOR GARDENING Preliminary Sketching’ et Rores oa Rows and Space to Be Devoted to Varieties‘Means Time- “Saving Labor. ina | Seedlings S| boxes aed aoalg the bis Could Jon SS Special boxes can be Eeoeht shea un ONION SEED : LBS, SEED PER ACRE. AVERAGE Yellow Globe Danvers. Onion, black Market Maker Golden Globe Onio) Early Yellow Danvers Ohlon, a Southport White Globe Onion, bla Red Globe Prizewinner Onion, ee Select ile Dutch Onion Setts .. Y Parsnip, fine smooth Detroit Bake ve Table Beet (roun Early-Branohina Reterg Crimesk Fe Mammoth Fringed Pearcy mixed XXX Mammoth Ver! XXX Spencer Giant awpet ‘peas: al RENNIE’S SEEDS Also at MONTREAL HIGH cee TESTED. ONION ae AT ONE DOLLAR A POUND TH) Giant Yellow Prizetaker Onion, black seed. .oz, 26c, Ib, $2.10, 6 Ibs. $9.25 Large Red Wethersfield Onion, black seine? Eee Ib, $2.00, 6 Ibs. $9.25 erb mixture of dolore “Pakro” Seedtape. “You plant it by the yard.” 2 pkts. for 25c. Ask for descriptive list, Rennie’s Seed Annual Free to All. Delivery Free in Canada Order through your LOCAL DEALER or direct from Wm. RENNIE Co., Limited King and Market Sts., Toronto WINNIPEG N LAST YEAR. SOW 5 GROF 500 BUSHELS PER ACRE seed. .oz. 2c, Ib. $2.10, 6 Ibs. $9.25 Tb. $2.10, 8 Ibs. $9.25 - ved. Ee ae 1b. $1.90, 5 is $8.25 ‘ » Ib, $4.00 seed. .0z. 250, Ib, $2.10, 6 ine $9.25 srs ev albs 850, B Ibs, $1.70 oo + Pkg. 10, oz. 20, 4 oz. 800, -Pkg, 56, 02. 200, 4 02, B0c, -Pkg. 50, 02, 28¢, 4 02. 650, ae 0c, 6 Ibe. $2.25 c, B-Ibs. $1.60 sete Bo, ox, 160, Pkg."100, o7. 25, 4 ozs, 75c, Pkg. 100, 2 oz. 85¢, oz. 60¢ ae 10c; oz. 20c, 4 ozs. severe ef 08 180) Ib, 40c. Ink, ees or Mixed . colors ......, | shades mixed ..Pkg, 15c, oz. 850, VANCOUVER the open ground. When danger of frost is over and the soil is dry en- ough to work, ther cfore the home gar- dener starts well Transplanting, if properly ieee in- stead of hurti aig; sem bplants develo) Garden Sotrtlanis should get a red deal of pleasure this kigd of Sane indoor gardening.” They @ boxes to hasten the fort of wooden box filled with eine eaareven tiie isis following avedtioie for cieking be carefully followed. Se early tomatoes and cab- bage, as well as cauliflower and pep- twenty te ean be ‘A layer of eee: one inch of gravel or cinders ene be placed in othe bottom of the then: it should be filled nearly full “ot rich garden soil, or soil entiched with secede leaves or manure. Bonemeal, and and backyard soil, equally mixed, if nothing suitable around ‘the home. Soil Chala be pressed down firmly with a small piece of board and rows made one-fourth to one-half inch deep and two inches apart crosswise of the x. ~The seed should be distributed eine "The soil should be ERS LS, take an ee! should have some one} to do the would continue-an interest in the gi den if the task was simply to cultivate soil already broken up. 0 t hours of labor would be sufficient for| a small back yard, caso af patch from twenty-five to fifty f and upwards, it is cheaper to have th, place plowed and harrowed at a co: of about $1.50 for that area and more in proportion to larger extent. e questions of how mucl account of the hi spring. loor eyes ing such as the seed buying and planning spoken of is tases ible. Plants can be started in the’ fcone Lath vegetable and flower, and/ :be reacy to plant out when the ground | is dry and warm. Even without a} hotbed one can get earlier crops of| tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, pete pers, eggplant and lettuce by starting | seed early in boxes in the hoi aie ‘ .| Farly potatoes -ometimes are forced | crops as to keép the fetes clean of weeds for producing only one ek Those who are not ised to gardening or who wish to have their children | in the Cae Seed so planted germinate and ai ready for ee by the time | po is safe to Sow the same kin. of seed i in} tion to population. ard grow Phere io not enough 6 leak through the an inch and a be thinned to o1 in the row, so as ih give ‘enough to -make growth. If it is desired to keep the plants which are thinned out, they, | may be set two inches epart each way in other boxes prepared as mentioned || for the seed box en the weather becomes mild the]! out: of) 30 that the the box for transplanting, so that. a large ball of earth will stick to the foots of each o cil “of inquiring mind. new ss tal hy SE ote hasn’t any teet hair! Somebody fae “ae us! an old baby!” Bun a home visited by the re is a! ‘| it hasn’t any | It's; id leads tne world in ex Swit penditun or relief in propor m|takes more iMILVERTON, ' . OFo9s) ‘The man who makes the most sat- isfactory returns out of hogs is the n who is in hogs all the time, and mae ind ext that his farm will shuveniently ca taro. erick the bacon these markets will p: The ho; of the farm and a means of turning to valuable fesount commodities, which] Id otherwise be largely waste, as whey Gr Mena erences tatoes; grain shelled in the ‘eld, The’ hog, other ment animals renders it ae oE to mak grain iteclf, and another in the man: he : ure produced 5 in feeding. n type can be produced at leant a Sail aie at ‘the thick | ther Dalatability. ad is the hogs, and barley and corn ai for finishing. to economy in Froduction. pentane eit: An automobile with five persons |‘ gasoline than when one person is riding, but the increase is very samll. Th e Russian Minister of Agricul- o ture has been given power to create on rown lands reserve areas for the servation and breeding of fur-bearing | ¢, animals and of re [ton "He Looks Into the Eye" ¥ THIS METHOD, it is ulmost iaiponsibie to make an error. as i work is dane by et into he ie de Weak Muscles wished ae Cured, Cre Sin many cases sedges when ginases are fitted advanced system, Child accurately: examined ‘asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! (P. H. BASTENDORFF “Eyesight Specialist’ r ONTARIO . Pi outta eseeutintly a at a suits and overcoats ed their reputation | in our tailoring and It has siya Re ouraim and am! to give our customers the best. : satisfaction in the tailoring business, Our “Class, careful manner. They have earn- are tailored as well as from the pure terials from which they are made ‘The quality has always been a prime factor invite you to inspect our stock, bition po: a are made in a high- from the way they always will be, 0. DUFFIELD The Up-to-date Tallon, Monkton, “ = Ontario department. Given in each tetter, A. H. B,:—This plan has been tried by a mother and was successful in euring her little daughter, who had viotent spells of temper. When a fit emper came on, the mother ie Sars of cold water and sponged thi tt girl’s face and neck, tae a cold 5 Would take her daughter’ Stand on ik to her lovingly but firmly on self- ‘ter six or seven treat- L, D, M.:—1. The milk bottles that ing Wi t soapsuds and a clean none) brah Rinse the bottles both inside side in an abundance of ae eee water, preferably under the cold water faucet; examine éach bottle to see e is no yeti or ate fi place in a bottle and fit for use. put over a ‘fire’in a boiler Hua with cold water, to boil’ for’ half Milk in all eae ade Oi omes a scarlet rash, appearing firs on the-neck and chest, Ha uae Mothers and daughterg of all ages Initials only will be published with each quet means of identification, but ae name and addr none side “/long word, sucl “Beloochistan”, d the letters ments a complete cure was brought cut bout. rdlally Invited to write to this lehed with estion and its the face and body. ‘This eruption discharges from © | nose and throat are more dangerous than the rash—more catching. these jaune ‘at ates ic: as “Caribbean” and by rearranging find a number of smaller words, such as cat, loot, bean, belt, from advertise- exhibit Rtas a supposed smaller words and thar see Ses the individual letters and guess the Sued large word from which they are “Geography.” Take each ae of the alphabet and in five or-ten min- players sit in a circleand there must a leader, whe tells a story, story teller g: zoe very rapidly, invent- ing as h frequently “change plac King is ip and try to take different seats. I the confusion the leader tries to slip into.a seat, and then the one left without a place has to start a story. ‘0 the excitement if the leader sometimes seems on the» bri of giving the sentence which means a of royal news, to. which no Seton should’ be piaid, Cis Feed) ptoms of acute indigestion are: to 3 oz, a pint of raw linseed oil as a drench. siege is of the solid.ex- Repeat if neces- Give rectal injec- ac of Deliadonna anry: in 2-hours, Penibare! stock, ee ple, it decline in vi in favor of clipping the horse in airy early. spring is an overcoat; covered wit Make haste’ slowly with the team when the first warm days come. know how easily you get tired your- self on ited days. ‘The ter the sire the higher the dividends Meg ill pay and in no. line of live stock does this peld more em- vhatieally true than in hi orses, heavier ators oil ‘of turpentine in|” to ampered_peo- et snl ide nit You|® tthe working aoe ws dower produc- nee rd summer's. gtadually increasing to heavier work. When the spring. work begins it is a ore ‘shoulder! is -barar- Ke yee should fit so that one. can. easily get the hand between the yottom of if and the horse's throat, y it pe ie sure to the neck. sore, if too small it will choke when jorse pulls. fever use a pad under a collar so as it him, If rot, go and buy aha tle f But That’s Real Money. r erihecs “(at end of glowing de- scription of new scheme)—There’s tior millions i in it! utious Investor--And yet- you al Hones in better condition all through want my paltry $500. ie Students 1 demai aso us for. tra he lp is many timen the number graduating. Got our free ca€Rlogue at onee. D. A. MCLACHLAN, «= Principal | | A REPRESENTATIVE ‘WANTED ‘at once for MILVERTON Dintrlet for esate GREATEST tebe meen 917 Planting Livt at of Hardy Ca iadias ‘ beret’ Rite one thera pro- NE & ¢ WELLING’ TON the iene Nurscrick . Established 1837 TORONTO, ONTARIO at Cook’s Tour. . Butier-—-Madame, the new cook has come and sho wants to know where she will keep her niotor. The Doings of. the Duffs. | AN ae OWES Me me | gear Too ee ass FRANK HELLO THERE TOM= I'LL PAY Nov THAT TEN | BORROWED LAST’ WEEK — [Wet Tom, IF You DON'T WANT 17, PERHAPS | es, DUPE WILL TAKE = 1? [TWINK MRO BLAKE Is Such A PERFECT GENTLEMAN {_ WELL, OF ALL THE DARN FooLs

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