Wt _ in the trenches, in the home, You Can Do ¥stk Bit in the office, in the factory, in the store, when. the body is nourished with foods that build heal © muscle without overtaxing th e di- gestive organs. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains the greatest amount off body= building nutriment at lowest cost. It strengthens the muscles of the stomach and tee _ intestines by making them |,, do their normal work in a / natural way, A better- balanced ration than meat or eggs, more easily digested and costs much less. Ready- cooked and ready - -to-eat, For breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada, much of the embroidery: will carry. out | the Oriental colorings which are dis-|in_ obtained y be o from your locol 1 McCall rane or from )1 The McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Tor- onto, Ont. Ry ig ee FIGHTING A PEST. Methods of Divertee of the White White ants are pests the attacks ee must be guarded against, pes they may acute damage wooden structures, stores of food and eloth- being discovered. Woodw: a contac ct-with damp soil ‘s Sait colo- is ete attracted to them by the rs in and out of the flying mem- bers of the colony during the swarm- ing time in the Spring. of earth leading to a section structure is ae an indication of heir alconed 4 oy veoh it need only |. Styles for Spring % Z . a : : x There will be two Sesion’ sil- houettes this spri) The slim sil- houette, with* its, straight, seine Be will continue to be first welcomed by those who have complain- ed of bein, ne tired of the eternal straight ling True to its name, the new silhou- ette is in the outline of a atid Bins in at the draping of the material at the waist- line somewhat after the fashion of the “peg-top” skirts that were used so: years ago. ‘his type of the parr skirt is shown 3 in the’ sketch, which i i (Dress of Pongee Showing’ the New ilhouette ‘lustrates a dress of figured pongee iwith sleeves and belt of plain pongee in natural color. The skirt narrows down to two yards at the hem; for the narrow skirt, especially in this form; is to come in authorities. sa; been named ‘and looking at th from shoulder to ankles, ia not m from tl is indeed most aj Perhaps the most "ener favored of all fabri this spring will be satin, It is to for Saeviecs dresses, for suits, rent for separate coats, This material w! be in demand for mere- , the name with braiding and embroidery, Steady Those Nerves! If it’s caffeine—the drug in tea and coffee—that’s causing shaky nerves, the. remedy is perfectly plain— Quit both tea and coffee, and for a pleasant, health- ful table beverage, use— POSTUM Postum is a delicious cereal drink, pure and nourishing and absolutely ie Te any harmful in- jient. There’s a big army of Postum users who are en- joying better health and comfort since joining the ranks, “There’s a Reason” Canadian Postum Cereal Co,, ‘Windsor, (cae be drenched with kerosene; but if it has been too much eaten away, it will be necessary to replace it wit new timber. Treating the new timber with coal-tar creosote will keep the ants pee If the colonies nest the ground near the woo rrepplietions of carbon bisulphide may bé Should stores of food- ae clothing be attacked, the rooms in wl they are stored should be thoroughly, spray- similar goods should be aired in the sun. Field eon and plants are liable to ¢ attacked when near ground which contain decaying logs and stumps. Such attacks can generally be pre- vented by plowing late in the Fall the spite of this, the young sprouts should be sprinkled with the 6 per cent. kero: Infested trees and treated with the solution in the same manner. IMPURE BLOOD IN THE SPRING The Passing of Winter Leaves People Weak and Depressed. winter passes away it leaves people feeling weak, depressed and saat tired. The body lacks that vital force and anne which pure ics alban Williams’ ae are an builder and nerve t especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to ed blood. Returning strength commences with their use and the vigor and cheer- fulness of good health quickly follows. As * Pink Pills for Pale is the material from which blood is made, but Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills double the value “of the food we after slight exertion, if you haye head- aches or backaches, if you are irritable and nervous, if your foints ac nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr. Wil- Hams’ Pink Pills} will make you well and strong. To build up the blood is e of tame’ Pink Pills, and that is why they are the best spring medicine. If you feel the need of a tonic at this season give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a fair trial and you will rejoice in new health, strength and new energy. Do not let he trying weather of summer find you weak and ailing, Build yourelf up now with Dr. pune Pink. Pills—the pills that strengthei ‘Ask for Dr. Williains’ Pink Pills for Pale People and do not be persuaded to take something else, If your dealer does not keep these Pills they will be som by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a x oF six boxes for $2.60 by writing ‘The Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co., Broc a ville, Ont. paths (A eae MUSHROOMS. woe Seen No More Nourishment in Other Green Vegetables. — sometimes hear the conaplaint important food. mists tell us that it is tinguish the edible Bom we polonons varieties, and urge not jlespice this food supply, which oe ‘the man- ernight and asks " ot eaten. rooms is equal to a pound of beefsteak/ That is an exaggeration that the chemist easily disproves. matter of fact mushrooms con- tain no more nourishment than any other of the green vegetables, and. do more vindigestible could estimate the protein content of any food by the amount of nitrogen it contained. that is how the mistake came abou! lushrooms contain, it is true, a eansiderable a a of. ni- trogen, but lo crabs Some of the Haeeapenuse “constitu- ents of mushrooms, furthermore, are substances related. to protein, but readily converted through putrefactive shangée within or without the body active pois of aon uatilizable protein is perhaps a: wome addition to the dietary. ISSUE No. 14- |If you are absolutely sure that the Long tacks : ted timber has not | ~~ here, “had fourteen convulsions in one | Mo; W | with a d ite root andyall, dries up and can e secretion of the reason of ‘its palatibility. But if you) aye the ica spe of the innocuous- BOX MAKERS ABORERS EMAAR? ie 3 of the and many poison- oe windd Tooke ratirbetively innocent— you had. better leave it alone; the risk is too great and ay possible gain in nutriment is ecouae ‘ight. Had Fourteen vier In One Mlemooe' Dodd’s Kidney Pills. the Story of His rrible “Trouble and Almost Miraculous Cure. Uxbridge, Ont., Apr. 2nd. hompson, (Special.) living’ near afternoon, The doc! He could live, tors did not think lighted ‘with Dodd's Kidney Pills,” Mr, Thompson states. “I have only taken eleven boxes and I feel like myself again, “{-was taken ill yery suddenly. I ate my dinner and went to home. I just got about three-quarters of a mile when I was taken with a con- vulsion fit. I had fourteen that after- noon and the third day I had nine more BE 5 Es and {f I did I would never be able do anything again, jas 1 Bright’s Disease, But thank God I am doing my own work once again, by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills.” Bright's Disease 1s the most advanc- ed stage of kidney disease. It can b avolde it the earlier stages of kidney trouble are remedied he use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, ES A SIBERIAN PEASANT’S GUEST Spending the Night in a Cottage in Snowbound Siberia. A snow-bound Siberidh village in the full light of day looks about as traveller who enters it at night, after f sleighing against the erwhelming. I found Brookhanovor a very plea- sant spot, says Mr. Bassett Digby in Through Siberia. Every little win- dow blazed ou warm welcome. Here and there I caught the glint of a brass samovar on a table with a knot of people sitting round it. from Men’s voices rose to accompany the brayings and bleatings of an accordion, We stopped at a two-story log cot- tage. Supper was a banquet of soup, potatoes, meat, bread and milk, There was no guest room here;’so I went to with the rest of the “tamily—men, women and children. ¢ to bed in a Siberian peasant’s hut is 3 simple matter. blanket or tw sleep: there and then. bedrooms, no beds. en, women ats ‘children, cats and dogs, chickens ducks and turkeys, lie down ‘side by si The last per- Dreier deenein hack bine lope into the stove to its fullest capacity. Then he extinguishes the lamp, and another magther of the: hodgelild ciaretues the i sleeping on the flat, of the brick stove, hazardous as that may seem. But in the creat majority of cases everyone, ne democracy, shares the floor I found that the ne blanket with which I was provided much Dee safianinigstiie hata brick floor, and noticing a pile o e hay and su’ fi unblinking hostility. re a while one omén seemed to take my part, but eventually she capitulated and a unanimous eels was given against The ducks turned their heads Gagex thelr ee and waddled off to the land of Nod, while I had to resign myself to the bricks pac th eae YES ! MAGICALLY ! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS i= Le SU arte SESSA You say to the drug store man, “Give { me a small bottle of freezone.” This remove every hard or soft corn; or cal lus from one’s feet. A few drops of this 1 new wee com- pound applied Gineetly, upon ender, Ht s the sotehend in- n or be lifted off with the fingers: This new way to rid Hie feet of a moment, and simply shrivels up the or callus without {irritating the surrounding skin, Don't let father die of infection or lookjaw from whittling at his corns, but\clip this out apd make him try it. If your druggist hasn’t any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. Loaner will be no time for ae or vad after spring work e time to attend to oe 3 all that sort of ‘hing. But Is Made Well and Strong By ee Pa Mr, R. J. Thompson, of Uxbridge, Tells Te “The doctors sald I could not live |r had chronic |; © | very useful tool of science. Give <.e fine days between now and spring to pruning the orchard. 0|Regardless of price prospects — this ‘will cost very little but will positively | repairs | | AN Sey SPORT. Kiteflying Has Been Favorite Amuse- |? ment in China for Centuries. The kite is one of the oldest toys in the world, It appears to, have rigin in China, where for soins of years kiteflying has been the favor ite amusement not only of the Suhieed ni kiteflying has r with all classes From the The young people Far| East would consider it as very poor sport as and the covering is colo: in case of the best ones, silk. the kites have tails of great length. grown-up people have kiteflying festivals in which all the people of the village join. On such occasions some of the kites are of great size and of most elaborate design. At night they are sent up with long strings of Jan- red paper, or, i ter make his kite bring down or destroy the kite of the other In our times the kite has become a Men use it te study the conditions that prevail the air far abo thus it helps them to forecast tl It also helps them in building scans in taking pictures, in signaling, and in life saying on the The Chinese uae long used kites to tow boats, and drop their fishhooks well out to sea ie they themselves stand on the shore, This Simple Rule “Soon Strengthens A Delicate Stomaeh' Tt really ig unnecessary to dose your self with pepsin pills or, artifiefal d fot. If you Cascades | that yo hime needs, pty, me mtation, ‘i the all | Sold by. all arug | 0. Anis for stomach purposes gists. Oe A Willing yeeine | Margaret, aged four, had eo sane of two boxes of ise that h h- | er | mother cried, “What would you do if you had a tette girl pod she ate whole poe of sti “Oh, m: Gina erly, “I'd aaae her on “the Sata box.” age ‘o whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD’S LINIMENT myself as well as pre- Bonen it in my practice where a lini- nt was required and have never failed to get the ake oe effect. A. KING, M.D. year it will not do to neglect the fruit trees. Neglect this year means poor- er returns next year and the year aft Sore ime Ey €Sis ickly ena Nos by se | | Droggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chi The needle of a peal ee ne not point true north. The | Retie pole doge AOE noluelde: Bes the | north pole. | A nat | | ‘Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere, “CANRIIAN ORo, ROE p ROF CHOSCNTR Vi RIENDS | tamel and society that ines ines ‘tm sceard ae ae funeral beach oe eee te hah charter ge sige = ‘ ale n|are'sold by m x} more neces: “imposdibies “Hi, be careful there!” cried ‘foreman. of the munition works.|| “Handle that stuff more carefully, FIRSTBROOK BROS., Limited youl” ; 283 King Es Fatt, Toronto | “What's wrong wid it?” asked Cassidy, who had hold of it with Casey. “Don’t you know,” replied the fore: man, “that some of that same ewes exploded last month an’ blowed uw ten ” ep Shure, that couldn't’ happen now,” rele Caaaidy, “fur there's only two) vous ? eR = THE ony MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. Timothy Bowes, Blissfield, N.B., lave alwfys used Baby's Own eee a my three children and I can speak very highly of them as could not get along without them. ees 's Own ‘Tablets Gs the only medi. cine I would use for my children.” The ‘ablets cure all the mings ills of little reasonably safe against the consequen- ces of sudden attacks of illness. They ealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockyille, Ont. > Bristles are set in the ends of new coat hanger so it can be used as brush. Minard’s Iiniment Cures Dandruff. The amount of moisture in the soil All much below the normal. the sary, then, for early and is fe in ona 22 Sore, ines ape ne R. McGrath, | qoae Bkeoutor, ‘West Adelaide Street, ‘LBS, SEC r 1 gana 12. a ay Bends ri special ‘price lst, Varsity. Cy: ork, 418 padina Ave., Toronto. | (VANGER, RS, LUMPS, | Cages. yess, ara. on erate foo foo lat oe: salman “Medicas pens ‘Collingwood, 0 Borontos Ree Furnish Your- ~Home on Easy Payments. Full information in our a free illustrated cat- alogue. Sent.on request. URROUGHE Bite eat faeces ae w. Ri OIL is a scientific pre- ppterlon. ‘@ pure mineral ~ oil, therefore cannot turn rancid Ttcontalns no acide, and 40 dacs snot destroy stitch- ka, all black fae Smaes it "bright 7. pllable—m educes. Strained, an Poll Evil, id ulaye ta in, ihe Sores, Cuts, and al i 5 It is a SAFE-ANTISEPTIC MND GERMICIDE 4 e joes not blister or remove t the IMPERIAL OIL ee pumas ‘Throughout Canada thorough cultivation for of soil moisture. NEY ORDERS M IT ds always safe to send a Dominion |} xpress Money Order, Five dollars costs three cents, Alfalfa removes much lime fro the soil and grows best or. soils well supplied with lime. ‘Minard’s Ziniment Cnres Burns, Bto. ATENTSE $2.00. bottle, delivered, Describe ‘your case lor sbicaiN ee st? and Book 5 M free. ABSO) IR, antiseptic liniment for mankind, re With « steady winter and continu- ous blanket of snow, conditions so far| dem re as favora le as they well could a fruitful season of production til, Salen alg Cohen Price, Senin aps required fsa ‘per bottle at sists ‘or delivered. F. YOUN, PF. 616 Lymae Bldg, Monta Cam ‘sorbine and Absorbing, Irs, are mide Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent In One Week’s Time s Time In Many Instances A Free Prescription You wags Have Hom © troubles of man: erfully ‘benefited by Filled and Use at eats IN ALL COUNTRIES yg ra ane eet London —Do vou wear glans jéa_a | bottle of Bor-Opto tablote Wop ene Boo opts ‘Patent Protection’? ae ‘of eye strain, oF eye, weakuese ig pane in a fourth of a glass of oe and allow ied ie Theo, you ged tiene: ont according to 10 dissoly eth Fens bathe the eves BAI BcocK & INS | betta there treo etice yout nS ee rae ‘Estab, 1877 | whose eyes were failing. moa TaMBS ST MONTREAL || Sr hee Ser etn You, er ey che wa mand Was ington | frying its Tete too. th Branches: Ottawa and Washin - Bary bid {might a Bean dared pay | eyes in time, / Asecher: prot clan to eee = oes Soeeceaes DOG _DISEASES]| Abus: se Rrevwell oma co esi ee specials nd aly And How to Feed ff} prescription for ery fo'irensinen eventene 30 ber ‘ut tn ono week’ pert ag Milod fro, to any ars y | sleas. 1 enn even s fend no pei without gl 4 fang ‘hintaan cr refund the moder es belle housed arent pinseeg | Obtained from. any Koad, diogrist aid fi ob Gt the eee vcard sonable time ead ee Syoaienie storie, ap had HH. CLAY GLOV! ER co., los Sruilen more will b be able to Tae feet their Con Store oro ea Ok souk mag Dog Pa ie West 31st Street, New Y. $o'be spared the trouble: gnd ¢ Your druggat eunnow ‘“ 9» BOILER Clean All compoun| Por All Boiler Fee; same ‘Shaetng and Poudevsiy Grate for all requirements Conadian Steam Boller Equipment , Limited ol. Gerrard 600" 20 Moco onto When buying your Piano insist on having an “OTTO HIGEL” PIANO ACTION cycles for T..W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame Street West. Montreal. | Have a “Bottle Handy! Joan's Liniment is assigned its iS place among the trusted family remedies in thousands of medi. cine closets.. Confidence in it is based on the uniform effectiveness | with which it paniehent the Poe of rheumatism, neuralgia, jumbag ff muscles, Pe otalti Tend leaner mae ea to use thai r oint enetrates and relieves quick! Atal druggists, 7 na events other wed. All good ar Chemists and Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. CURES THE SICK = having the diseuse no matter how ex- uggiste and turf goods metal Log AL 00. jacteriolo; etn woniens Tad, 0. 8. pal z F. F. DALLEY CO. OF CANADALTO, r Millions of colds start with:wet feet, which could and should be prevented by wearing rubbers, rubber farm shoes or high rubber boots. Through the slop and slush of Spring you can wor better, be more comfortable, and enjoy better health, if your feet are protected by rubber footwear bearing one of these famous Trade Marks: = “JACQUES CARTIER” - “GRANBY” “MERCHANTS” “DAISY” ) “MAPLE na “DOMINION” MAPLE LEAP RUBBER - ” Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. 4 EXECUTIVE OFFICES ~ HONTREAL, P.O. yy SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA 28 “SERVICE” BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES ‘THROUGHOUT CANADA MA IN {