Milverton Sun, 19 Apr 1917, p. 5

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These Three Worhen Tell How They |: _ Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of Surgical Operation. = Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but the: | should be Be last resort for women ‘who suffer with ills eculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkham : Poste at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of women after they have been recommended to submit to an operation have been made well by Lydia E, Pinkham’s egetable Compound. Here are Me such letters. All sick women should read Logos on ene to the doctor and ration for a, female to_pub! eae feel nro aaata® Marinette, Wis. De —*When I first took Lydia EB Pinkham’s Vege Compound I wasso run down with female t Claas that I coul , and. our doctor said I woul neo a rd; without Aen so ‘hen! ne Se mut it had done for others I thought I wo phe saan meseutenle.t Guspone ‘They hely oa a blk aban Sea tan a} im able Rarity Hye Je a toe eat epaiee Ava, tes, Decals, Mich. thi can tell With terrible bg eB me Tad mor Sey gros do eee they all tol id mo th samo story that ister conta an 0] ration and I fun dread dreaded th medicines that ig Ee bHone ‘without te also tried a me and none ia Be 2 ped, I kept ede ee it is to be sick any and I am 20 pa old and price 145 pounds, nog, St I on have the 9) of man.’ sats s Ine ear ah iy bt bonis a advice y Met and wns wered by @ woman an 4 pre Patriotle Society MONKTON’S POPULAR =a | all food stuff people have been led to believe that merchants are taking ad- vantage in raising prices in the retail. With the protection in price on nearly all staple groceries that people have been getting from their home merchants, they have had no op- portunity to realize what present wholesale prices on goods really are. Wi the extreme advances in price of Here are just a few lines of the many dif- ferent things that we are selling at Less Than the Wholesale Price of To-day. Jalifornia Lima een 2 Ibs. for Sugar, per cal Sulphur Croam Toilet Soap, per bar wena BETTGER Neves lose sight of quality, You have a reputation to. sustain, so have we. When you want the best value. pects nothing but the best goods. Our prices are low considering the quality and workmanship. ogram given by. the Pe Friday evening S fee urnett and | 00 pm. Subject for the day- ginning to sink,” A cordial invitation jo-attend these services ee. exreuden . r, ee badly Jacerated. —Gill ell Seas eream i tplkace Saturday evening next, celery ‘and lettuor.—Mise: Jolla Bedore ding a few weeks with’ Mrs. shipment year George ‘Strathers; secretary, 9 ( treasuner’-1 8; Golightiyi.e and Wm, er’s “book § 5: The tr daughter spe Av anit but pretty weddin place at the home o ate bertson on Wednesda: rhe kin Sunday in. Strattord. ities Stewart, wood, spent other, her SCHOOL REPORT. Report for the month of M Jr, V—Frances Golightly, Adair, Teresa Tillie as Schade, and Mae Adair equal, Myrtle Stewart Scott Golightly, “Rusgelt Shiney Di Gill, Jean Struthers, Golightly Ruth Schenck Near, Lavern Wic! Enrolment 41, Junior Sr. 1f—Marjorie equal, Iva te ‘Average att 39. Room. Golightly, “Edna Bere Ethel McDonald, Lexie Mar- Clore Weber. Kenneth Golt etta Shine ennewies, Leslic rid apaupleks Mabel Near, and McDonald equal, Howard ri Pt, I—Clifford Patterson, Welling- wies, Jim ry, Norman Marshall, Arthur Leppard, Hazel Weber, Charlie Gill, Bettger. Norma a Adair, Ralph Adair, mnie Adair, Jack iannery, Carl Holma: Sn Puimer--Treae, Pattersons Helen Schade, Edna Near, Hazel Marshall, Cees. Teacher. CROSSHILL nd Mrs, Fred Braendle, Heidelberg, were Sunday visitors with rt. and Mrs. R. Foster.— Gremm, of Wellesley, spent the week- ae ley, visited Mr. a Hamburg, is spending a few weeks FURNITU RE For the parlor, d m, den, living-room, bedroom hall and library. Right in style and finish. Z ft PICTURES, RUGS and LINOLEUM ROBERT McMANE Furniture Deal Milverton 5 Sheet” upder rental Toot Seat id Mrs. Hastings Hastings attended. ity finer ott their week and purchased a handgome driv or ftom Mr, Knapp, 0 ‘Hos; il caper Davia Nichol, son of Rev. F, ichol, of Amherstburg, sy of Atwood,—Golightly ‘the Sterling ge) ore left on 1 Wednead lay for Toronto, ved |don Frickey, 4 tie Steph. Doe. commnittce, Roy Golightly, Geo jEeeeborn! 00 Jae; Delwar, Ol at Feiner | {Walter Adi oy [township hall, ‘Tuesday | Laugh! of of tha ST oa School ‘Sr. LV—Olive White, George MeDon- ,¢ ‘rances Golight- Millie White t, lane wit aura:|T Gerth, Maggie Rennick, Russell Lep- |¥ ae eget Bettger, Lyall Erskine, ightly, Lor- Adair, Hilda Gerth, Millie Akins, Har-|= ‘Wasaman | tie: and’ abstra printed: for distributton,—Ongried. ‘ollowing pathmasters, - pound- ond tenoevlewera were _ap- traus, 11 Peter obi, uehn,/ 15 Jacob Foerster, 16 Jacob poh, 49 ‘lex Saul 0 day | Runstedler, e following | ‘Alexi Ohe for the ensuing | Wy. =i Dietrich, 88 Andrew Bydt, EA ier, 98 W. B Hamilton, a Henry feeb, 95 Alex, Clarke, 9 Toll. Robert Lester, 98 G. ve ion 99 Barbour, i David Melfaaden, Peter Lienhardt, Col eps Miner, r, Alex, McKay and, John Ros- Elias id, Al- ia ‘3 —Conrad. Quehl, are got, “Hubert Di iss, John. Ha’ laister, Hoary Met » Shas, Eoeel, Alex, Hammond, yeyer, seconded by J. anell fo. now ad: jovrn to meet again ‘on tha 7th (day of | May, 1917, at ten o'elock a.m., at the Ciena ceo NORTH 1 MORNINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stafford are visiting at Mr, Elliot cs ¥; Torrance spent a ends in Wallace this week,—(Mr. pian Watson ae eal ‘fora ite | ronto after spent the winter there, Intended an last week. Miss Ida Currie is spend at spendin the | spe. La Mie. rry: Seaheaver, isc, vielted with friends here recent- ‘iss Olivé Burnett, of Donegal, Usited wit! Tiends on line on Sunday.—We are sorry to report the illness. ‘ir, Wm. ‘Waddell. His many friends wish him a speedy re- covery. rs BRUNNER Jas. Clarke mother, Mrs. Speck, of Har- Mrs. daughter of Harristony spent Anderson. ie holiday i Born 08 ‘age 188, foe ae Mrs. M. Jantzi, a son. ‘ou are sure of good, Bhorogrephs if el go to'Lee, Listowel Spring Styles Are In and Mrs. | nf few days with | soy rea ding | the spent afew days |4 , Fause, of London, |; ae William “Byection, ‘utting , = oon TOPICS ‘Pte, J. M, 8, Of Fra ance, is-ex-| ie fe See ai k eggs on Batehing,” the laying «| Roel ree at 75 e Eisenmenger spent tavect iatee Show he: Tuesday, April 10th, success ; weather the horses were of the best quality, , of - Roseville 1d on. lowing is the ported Heavy Draught, over des Hinds ward Crest, W. J. |. |Son ; Swinburne, Geo, Forel Fant of Gla amis, Alf Hewi eavy mee tas Team— Ww. Pie tcane Brood Mare, in foal a J, Freeborn, W. Jackson, G. jarbou: Heave Dr aught Brood Mare, not in foal—Ne ie” Favorite, Peter Grabbers W.. Jackson. aay Draught Cab iii 8 yrs.— Mill th rising. 1 yr.— not = 0; Agi rioultural ‘Galt rising Fleming, A, 3. Chalmers. Garrieae * im—T. Ward, Bd. Voisin lex. Hahn; Buccleuch, John Rich- on. - Sesocaerecs Bred Roadster—McGressor ; L. Freid; Fred Sidney, Anthony eyer. fey Roadster Team—L, Freid, Peter Mi om poo aaeree. Si “Hondster ait at Dandy Dell L. Pre! B. Roadster ‘Colt, E, Matthews. Group of 5 Horses, owned by on an, W. J. Beggs, W. 0, Riddell Group of 3 Colts, by any sire, 3 yrs. © man—A, B. oH ae Wonk Basu Beg for ay ee - Hindswar est, W. Sweepstakes, for fight Manica Men Gressor, L, Freid. Res Ena a ELMA COUNCIL The municipal councilof the in the Agricultural muel ; John ll- ee meeting were signed ‘by the ieshnoles; con. 10, Gr. road, $1.00; Fred. Hol- mes, Sibert piteh- abi con. 10, ‘oad d'olock a, m., for general — townshi) business, —GEORGE LOCHHEAD, Clerk. With Cloth and Trimmings, “goods on our shelves Sunday.—Miss Beasie Boke, of New| t Chesterfield, Berens Sse een : to compare our values. a gest occurred in the miiaty i ondon, on April 6th, of Pt Ree a week att mene Buch, of Bra: ree Isley tes Ate ag Ve F Col letta Foerster Spent Sunday with Miss Cecilia Stemmler. eg Making maple syrup ia the order and Tena children are’ epending a while arith friends in Toronto.—' and cousin ee raster shall nys. with Be father, Wm. oll : ‘eCauley. =a nd Mg, z Mr, and. Boaday with che Severe eae Mr} ens Tos. arifle, you can serve your country ‘on thi farm. : “The pide _is_our hop pes” declared | Right Hes ae Lord George, the - Prime Minister of Great Britain, T tremendous significance of these words i in the face of a world shortage of food must — be a. matter of concern to all. It points out ‘the path of duty to men and boys unable to enlist in the army but capable of | _ helping to increase production. ; Help the farmer i increase - EE rs Department o! hasizes the urgency man and boy taking to eee is Sten Lonel ities for patriotic service. Decide now to help in the war. If you ans paren ce Boys a6 0 of 1d and 18, and have re promotion at school Oey remene for fe fan service any time between April 20th and May Parents are urged to encourage their fe to callat fe service. ‘The physica ral sweltare (0 advanced by a awakened in,an i « help to him in his -whole futi ‘The Department to MeN fatiswiag no. occupation tye who a spare at least a portion of thet fhe i ngs nen whe. can arrange affairs oa 3 as fo to help some e farmer. Every invited to colist for farm 9 gong onfer with Shad maa cay Representative Pp Ontario Department of Agriculture ret, Minister of Agriculture. Parlismoat ef hs “Teceabs * Now is the Time to Have Your Horses Clipped— We have a full line of Hand Clippers in stock at,from $1.50 to $2.75 seen pair, Also Stewart Machine Clippers at $7.75 ‘pach. ‘We have only six of these Clippers left, so you had better get yours at once, Painting Time is Also Here We handle the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Go's. and Martin Senours100 per cent, pure. These paints are the best by test. Buy no substitutes. Grass Seeds of All Kinds A- large Stock of Clover and Timothy Seed at prices to suit everybody. Frost Wire Fence and St. Marys Cement Place your onder now aud we will gnarantee the price, M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants, . pe MONKTON CREAM WANTED Sweet or sour; best prices paid; cans supplied; all express charges paid —— o

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