Milverton Sun, 19 Apr 1917, p. 7

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The Sun Printing Office” Main Street ~ MILVERTON, ONT,, Subscription rates:—One year, aan 505 ee a . Subse Sati eer gt nges for contract advertisements must be naga fo iy noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, or ‘Publisher and prseeee BusinessCards Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Monor graduate Toronto University. - CROWN aud BRIDGE WORK a specialty, "Phone No. 88. Offic: Over Bank of Nova Scotia, Medio: Dr. P. L. Tye Office: Punic Dave STORE, MiLvaRTON Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 toa p.m, and 7 to.8 pan, beoea! _H, B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD, Offices; Listowel, Milverton, *y to Loa F. R. Blewett, K.C. Bolicitor for the Bank of Toronto, + Gorton Block eTHATPORD, ONTARIO Harding, Oenik & Goodwin’ Barristers, Solicitors, &c. STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, Gordon Block, - Sy Ania Wo, wyenis oat e: ease wis, 7 tl Veterinary. J. W Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, nto. +4 Treats all diseases of domesticated animals Alt catla promptly attended to. Seoletics. Milverton Teun No. 478 oR. & ALM,, GR, meagan seo 4 Vinttag Goo. 5. Coxdn, W. Silver Sue Laas No. 202 cele savage pilose W.M, —-W. J. Zoeger, See. Mecte every oe ge at 7.80 In thelr ‘hall over ic of Ha Visteing brethren Mraek a We. Heury, WIC Lote, 6. As Barth, Wo, | Hin-Seey. " “Ree.-Scoy, Notary Public. i W. D. Weir, - Notary Public ‘Auctloncer for the Counties of Perth too. Converancer, aseies weil ind afta! Village cleric, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia, A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Conveyancee, tssuer of Marriage Licenses ‘4.8. forthe County a Per! rth, Reai estate bought and sold, A few choice farms (or immedinte sale, MONKTON,” ~ mogtuages drawn made. t ONTARIO stal Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer © dl foe Wetacioo,Welllagton and Perth Counties, Hstimiates given on sales of farms ‘and fi OMice, next to Bank of Noa Scotia, Linwood —— Oo The Queens Hotel Rest accommodation for ¢ommerctial tray ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms. @HO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milvertoa, Oma, Are You Insured FOKUNTHES Re protec. tection for wife mally at a minimum cost. iveatis t C.Bpencer,O.R. x N, Zimmerman: CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Bon Practical Training Soe with Commercial, Short- ‘Telegraphy case Studentac e entering enc! our free catatogue at once A. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principat A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED at onee for MILVERTON latrict (or “CANADA'S GR: & BRIER pring: 1 tas inthe tat |b ow ready: o tidy Canadian id mauy other leaders. New ‘ed Catulogue sent on application. ariaow ee eens: Liberal pro- STONE & WELLINGTON ‘The Fonthtli Nurseries Wetablished 1887 TORONTO, ONTARIO | eepaaie of the wheat +) Repeat in 2 hours if necessary, 1 is shor Conducted by Professor oe G. Bell, object of this de tte th place st the ep can ‘i ae We our farm readers advice acknowl: clea authority on all aatiges pereninig a aolle and . Bell. Henry vies, 'good gesalte are obtain.d by us- ing "from 4 600 pounds per a of fertilizer anilyeiag. from 2 to Question—F. P.: ) What fertil- izer would you suggest for corn medium seil, and how much? Have no ) at is the best] ammonia and 12: il cle kind of sul for buckwheat, and when | phosrhoric acid, and Sorcihlen te 846 ie es time to sow, and how thick-| po’ash. is best applied when a preparing the bed for a planting of the young Vines, groun has been thoroughly disked this avail- able plantfood should be dri ed in r:—(a). For corn on medium soil 1 at advise from 300 pounds per acre of fertilize> carrying 8 to 12% avail- oS 8 need TOD. jtrawberry bed and thoroughly satisfactory method of gpolying this fertilizer to the corn is to. drill diskea ‘apd harrowed in.” When te through the fertilike: preers rah vigor obtained drill. Such a Ae file available eee As Ys od of Seplicayyn ae ae piste rs top-dressing growing straw- ei into the mplcambcr thie nteeih) herries has not been the most profit can seep ee The available Dlantfood able way to apply on the young crop som <i es sniye aa whole milk fed to meen a Pein What is fig eee it a strong, healthy,| Answer:—A practicable way to get rid of-mustard is to spray the young plants before they come into flower. For this purpose a spray machine such | vigorous the inside the next two years and then|as is used for spritying sae might | ae ee of used. und sack clover or a fair niles of es “or foe of sulphate of iron bes a Metsa sene or reen jing | vinegar barrel. Fill it up to the chine fertilizers you are adaitng plantfood but yor are not addirg organic ed or .umus, is essential ‘0 the producing capacity of the soil, rae must not be neglected. (b) Buckwheat will do well on most ary type of soil with the exception of with water and stir until the sulphate of iron is dissolved. Strain the solu- tion through several thicknesses of cheese-cloth when the Canada’s Best Seeds ‘Rennie’s Prize Swede Turnip, for table or stock . Derby Swede Turnip, biggest cropper .. Perfection Mammoth Red Mangel, for stock 04 03 Ya Ib. 250, Ib. 450. Yellow Leviathan Mangel, good keeper, ..4 0: 150, Yo Ib. 25c, Ib. 45c 4 ozs. Rennle's Jumbo Sugar Beet, for feeding 150 Ye Ib. 260, Ib. 450. vane improved Early Ohio Seed Potatoes ....... eck $1.00, bus, $3.50 High Grade Longfellow Yellow Flint iBbed Gorn. pook 85c, bus, $3.25 High Grade Compton's Early Yellow Flint Seed Corn $3.25 High Grade White Cap Yellow Dent Seed Corn... anon T5e, ke age 16 High Grade Wisconsin No. 7 White Dent Seed Corn.......- T5e, bus, $2.85. Select Yellow Dutch Onion Setts ..... English-Multiplier Potato Onion Setts ... «stb. 30c, 5 Ibs. $1.40 Gold Medal Gladioli Bulbs (no two alike).....10 for 85c, 100 for $6.00 Rennie's Mammoth Squash, specimens 403 |b. welght ......Pkg. 25¢ XXX Scarlet Round White Tip Radish ....Pkg. 10c, oz, 20c, 4 ozs. 60c XXX Melting Marrow Table Peas (dwarf) .. oo 4 zs, 150, Ib. 40c, 6 Iba-$1.90. Round Pod Kidney Bush Butter edanese ozs. 15c,'lb, 550, 5 ibs. $2.40 Cool and Crisp Table Cucumber ... kg. 5c, oz, 15c, 4 ozs. 40c XXX Early Table Sugar Corn (very fine). .Pkg. 10c, Ib. 40c, 5 Ibs. $1.90 Rennie’s Fireball Round Table Beet ....Pkg. 10c, oz, 21 ozs. 50c XXX Early Summer Cabbage (heads 12 Ibs. each)..Pkg. 10c, oz, 30¢ Rennie’s Market Garden Table Carrot Pkg. 10c, oz. 250, 4 ozs, 75¢ gas Yellow Danvers Onlon, black seed .. +..Pkg. 5c, oz. 200, 4 ozs. 60c, Ib. $1.90. Seed Corn and Potato Prices. do NOT include freight charges. tb, ae, 5 Ibs, $1.70 “Pakro” Seedtape. “You plant it by the yard.” 2 pkts, for 25c. Ask for descriptive list. Rennie’s Seed Annual Free to All. Order through your LOCAL DEALER or direct from RENNIE’S SEEDS Wi REMME Co Limited King and Market Sts., Toronto Also at MONTREAL chine the b most effective when divided into finest particles A pressure of 80 to 100 pons at ie some should be main- jorse spraying ma- ine: will pee fom 20 to. ne acres of grair. in a 10-hour d: actual tests which have been Seiad out, this method proven very estan he killing out this troublesome It does not hurt the grain crop. Meee) Sheep will turn 6 erotiatje account more. waste products than will other class of las an Sean A sheep has a low nervous organ- ization, and once. Heglected gives up; # an little effort kept in thrift good Question —T, the best fertilizar for strawherries, and when should it it be used, on the vines tl pee th ear or the vines to be set o Les Ansy ee Itiizing strawber- | w ibe Sea) The symptoms of spasmodic colic ure: Uneasiness, stamping, pawing, row himself ee rolling, get- ting up, etc. The attacks are spas- modio, and during the Stasis patient 18 seal may appear to want to uri- ree other anim: This is the season of the year when shee) most care and labor. Rea- sonable attention in the lambing sea- Drench with 1% oz, each of lauda- ladonna in a pint of water. general indifference to horse-|80n wil tality. preeding: at’ present i ‘arm | &00d shepherd will raise a 125% lamb sections offers all the more encourage. | TO! nt to those who follow the le: Don’t forget the spring dipping. popular course and raise horses before eiecey other work may demand at- yf tention, yet this is the one phase they are actually at a premiu the markets. sheep husbandry that should never be Brood res must be properly ex-| Meg ecte Shear fairly early, at least before the very warm spring days arrive, and straining or falling or being crowded | thus save the ewe aiscomfort and loss ‘atch tl 3 mare| in. weil oo] as valuable carefully at foaling. A clean, thor-| Pe? Bound ab Yatton, the greatest care oughly disinfected bright cheerful box | Shou tal ‘oduce Sees: best ercised, preferably with light work but re is danger of ther ts warm to eight cents per pound revenue from your wool Give the lambs an extra good start pasture, bur if the pasture | OP grass. A lamb creep in the corner ment is a most | of the pasture and light grain feeding secret of will usually be found.most profitable, successful horse rearing is to Keep the | animals clean, healthy and eet) gaining in size a agit until ma- ri ehuicgs and foals well the greatest and most profitable gains been found, it is said, to be as much as two feet in thickness. } TRAINING THE PRECOCIOUS CHILD Great Wisdom is Needed That the Brilliant Child May Be Well- Balanced and Win Success in Later Life. lative paee near, anxious to > how it off.”” matter of fact, the child | 1 hohione, is not always a success in later of sane * bility is in much less life: ere are hig) ee why this is se ae an the backward or. pre-| often so. If book knowledge comes 90 early through an extra, good mem. cociou! a or the ability to see through a The backward oe may not be un- derstood t have the most! problem “quickly, little mental train- intelligent, eed used in its|ing ing is. given, and when that individual management For this reason, such goes out i) Id, superficial as he might under favorable cireum-' ting much and giving little, donot stances. However, no one expects, nakeetok Bubebade very much of a deficient youngster,| The precocious child is-in danger of and if he is giver ace surround- becoming ings, good care and 3: etic ul derstanding, his fanaiop” may in time ing in m: e partly overcome. | dren. do ee develop the Tuentat and Nr Rubber models of essential ae of, cows have been invented in England | Jo give girls who are fecrtilg to be” _ tmillmeids practical instruction, SVary oftan ths child who ipleveeed-smoral oF dig.| through the Door (verge &). To such’ Death alone, lest Aarahenes Mies ingly bright in certain respects, is eae as more smh o effort t is ‘promised salvation, thr we can tes as oa t has. eS aa cure aa tans it decidedly average otherwise. “If you and final. vietory ) bring out. age es ane y. sping. a inte: tie pamela 8 Be = nist as the object press a ball in at one point, it will star pupil was recently heard to bist Compare il z es 2 RE a tance gae ile ge out.on the pone sid that he could stay out of school three | «pact, Latin. readi is right, it is. another. link ing or nioticeable characteristis ica) attend one day, and still keep |for “shephe Peer aay 7, in Which the Lord looks pretty sure to be balanced) by a dent) up with a ae Sone oi) ani by human hands. | back o rthly anger as somewhe! tea-|story of the hare and the tortoise.| 10, Cometh—' The special aense still and wines i the ast rower-—| son that many people who are really | He is aaa it for educa- Haye’ er. authori deri ved from God. .For fralitane ta: pone directions are not| tional advantages and is likely to bi ABtareli-Gieigt never) without dear ‘ie trom: God no man | well-balanced or eyenly developed all handicapped for life with the idea that Sela cirsn ye ‘ , jersistence and poanentioys effort ins a ‘There is also grave danger that t nee are not ne f an vious pulses m may have too Teachers often pear that - they net Pie “ he ath Theo ean ent—To sactifice and ex) paste them. and be ur ae bee are the best instructors in the sub- fo 1p when | te ie corres tite “altos areful study | ha hele oot capacity. A’ lit-| jects which ae hard for them he: hireling has: no of uxe Syn opie record 103 tle boy who fond of musie and|learn as pup! They know where $03! 1s eae au che: at who réally did exceptionally, well re the aie Me and how disconrag- ti his: pay! ee th He GhO6G: ee his violin lessons. was urged to long| ing they are as well " Y shee vee parable iy deat (see. Matt. eae 5) jeriods of practice aud encouraged to} Gre ae wisdogy ‘is needed in ele oe ie a : ears Hye fens 1k" athe ended take part yy publie subaraias ise precocious child so that it may|tmrath down The tense shows that et te ela —the snide 5, TRone tt be well-balanced and Kindly, and readiness to face death to rescue the| cause oft trom liown bei any|dairy farmers thinking about me- ‘ood care it weil | be as hardy as Ms ‘The skin of the Fae in places has lo” Tommy, Etymologist. Popular etymology, says the Man- chest ia SPD oir O For specific information regarding, breeding, feeding, and care mert of livestock, apply to your nearest experimental farm. tions of philologists. the word “canteen.” It is of no use trying to convince Tommy Atkins that Feed is high, but it is not so high it comes from the Italian cantina, a that one can affor in a good) small cellar, He own deriva- bats we by turning Gone sie we tion, which he finds auite satisfactory. aid #8) anteen”” is. simpl Tar datas Gary farms this year packward. ‘To Pee te whebey he is going to 0 get, i Moaeedly wil cont all fats were: TH, ete is a condition that will start many ae can are tin siti ay ae the tables are also covered with block tin, No wonder Tommy holds that the word rae some connection HS he metal that is so much in. evide chanical pues nimal husbandry has be- RE PARTIES come one e most. Rg PCE, and| Illusions are the grand ideas we progressive vocations hay tn aR ES the silly ideas other people have about Most of us believe that clouds ee As a silver lining, but few of us mal Serpe ruithes 5 tuatay Sie eloud vould or to get behind them. . Iron ore is found in almost every Chinese Province, but it is mined ex- tensively in only a few olicee is fhe Sbalicatinn. eine pee: able that Layeth down Becomes true. 12. Whose own—All turns on this. Hence it is that Peter bids the Lord's Udasehenherds to “shepherd the flock of not for age love of gain, zonal gre feons| | 0 prove that they are ely his sh Whenever we meet an unusual- ble and was obliged eventually to give ome o} cal. oak ly bright or pesca: child,} up both school a use. pany 0 Ne | use of it, ‘deneribing Satan's seit 8 i mt rei the oth hall be of there is sure mae fond ve is frequently tho| Paradise: \sible as a translation of the rea and admiring esta pil: swho-ta:canamually: iritiaat a #0 clom Peas: imag theif into implied in text: the difference chool, winning much favor and many| «, coe | ‘made is slight. One flock—Jerome’s So since injo hs church lew. Lirelings | cli: e | "that came are thieves jitiat ener Biaraee, one fold, is per- Peake: strand yaa oa a ; the mos' jvital unity. of one is in away. them (verse 5) Rebhers Or pe ees waymen, sheep stealers who will If, Perfect ‘saérifice is the condi- | Hon of fete will refer to shepherds, not ne true undershepherd (1! (Phi his 6. ‘kes it his business to’ ataltion, y-—An addition find pasture for the sheep. He can) like that i eis an and go out freely, for he goes; avallingnens evel mention the is intended: 8 mae a ould not appeal sheep + Blab at the cost of play) aes sleet realize fie necessity of achieving its ‘child developed a nervous trou- “it is, of! Pilate, the Roman rprocuret or. comes nearer to the Greeks (De ae stanilas ibe “ message advises: take the barrack-room derivation. of siten 90; about ourselves; delusions are|”™ it {22 unhesitatingly assumed to Mothers and iaigheens of all Initials only will be: department. newer a: ae one ri an 88 all partie lis Read, ‘Ferai i Wi fe direct if stamped Addre: Castic Frank R | E. 8.:—A child four or five years aa should drink at least2 glassful of | water betw spats five o'clock supper and o’cloc! ¢ “will obviate laxatives, misconception to be- lieve a kitchen should be large. It should not, of course, Ww i the kitchen oan ‘take the "a pantry an steps. a gested. “A lon; be haat Avoided rds ij place (waste motion and increase her effi ency 50 per cent., can ask herself th 4. Are my utensils ar- ranged with ply regard other, and to of Feet 5. Is m, position enanterea le? Am best and ah tool ‘for the on poset kG ‘ool properly a justed and in good condition afore I gt work? Imaking any awkward motions, or ones I could oars ? LN, T. lere is an’ extract, ro) a book nan “The Efficient Lite" ich may aut your case, It plan lecidedly worth Be ote a aoe ata ghia: mother will often’ fault unnecessarily, and cause friction in the home, Give.mind and jody a real rest every day, as this Pees slave for oa chil- urs a day that they energy left with) have Dee Tittle je publish ification, but full name and a e Seo ae are used altogether too freely. | this |Any worker desi siring ge eliminate | o1 a cents each, R. = ike be no one really. re cordially Invited to write a thie ed with each question and Its ddr a: ues ‘be side of and love them. Ty ex: ° He a ete falinete aod arias of existence are all they col Perience, Ine mot of five enilcren for years Gee on feat one hour a day for rest ant reading alone by her- self Nuwting but absolute nece: sity seule induce her to, break into “The result of this id not only that she had*kept her own superb health, but she is a constant joy and inspira: ross} tion to bee children, her husband, and her'friei “Tt a a that she might uate sacrifice of that whole part of her to herself and which meant the most E. K.:—Probably you will find din ore ithe yolumes you would fin “Ydeal Drills,” “Wilson's Drills and Marches,” and “Twenty-five. eee ies Several Motion Songs.”’ They 26 Foot =f came. ows. ‘obably- the best guess is that wh crete |-|the day to France, tho first of all Christendom to begin th ow ie W.:—How Apri April 1 celebration camino when visits ane made ts ex: With the eae of the a3 5 ‘Day wai eines on January cand only pre’ gift ceremonial vinite were pias on April 1, wi idea of making fools of those who a deinen: By eusrer ct of custom once kept up atte its origin ‘was ‘no Tonet! remembered. BELGIANS AS DROWNING MAN. Heads Are Only Kept Above Water by the Help Sent to Them “J don’t know ahy- better way in comipare them to a drowning man, who is al- most on the point of exhaustion, ee who is only saved from storing = pone holding his head ” “The Belgian nation,” he said, “are absolutely - that ere they hae sun of deliverance cotag on the h but will in- e the Pty is Gals people hold their hands? aGoRe aipett of want which is threaten- ie to e1 rom, nay to day a very bla eee portion of the population exist only the scanty allowances which the el: gian Relief Comapaniee a es to hand out to them thror eat of free will” (1 Pete eet 14. This takes up a $ Com. | ation they have ners ae snap | INTERNATIONAL LESSON | pare the “seal” upon God's “firm land. APRI founcation” (2 Tim, 2, 19), Mine own| “So great is the need that the com-, ore e ea we ot mission has to collect the Stat in} Pre is ‘true Israelite” of - Jolin 2. 47 who instinctively recognizes he Seiioale: eV erS, CA Ane ee Lesson UE, Jesus The Good Shep-| ‘the King of la: telven, #0 that parents shall not give ; mae note: eo cack (favorite children mor com- | herd—John 10. 1-18. Golden | 48:, This is dnote bo often ateuek mon allowance, and so cauge others to, Text—John 10. 11, standard ‘teduly drawn from his own|run short. ee a we ap palling ing ae a relations with the ee It is es-| ditions which bring about such a state Worse 7. In studying fhe ttmrase be|entially like Matt. 5.48 and Eph, 5,|of things as this! the Hyangelist reports r the sheep—in this context| «We in this country do not know his own, fusing the suggestion i de chee oe Tescues his what a real food shortage means. We interpretation. Here, ‘ike Wve may sill way for in Gethge:| Hive in peace and plenty. | Surely that he has give a che showed that he could conceive |yer¥ peat) Sie eat help our less fortunate prethren—the men and children of a nation back the tide barbarian ees reatened to flood tl ‘Tl Bel- et i ilegns iptions to purchase and des: The farther supplies to the Relief Peter Street, Montreal, or to any branch committee throughout Canada.” which to picture the state of the Bel- on ‘o-day than t "Spray Fruit Trees Early. since they m attacked by San Jose scale, should be sprayed ith other com commer- cial ime-sulphur solu- tion diluted with io parts of water or a good miscible oil diluted with fif- teen parts of water, ‘ore. TORE one the statement expand. It is better to spray even cently by a member of ie Central pea ears Can ae rit fhe mer Belgian Reliet Committee at Mont- 266; theta tee eile Re material may be applied are ime a hand or a power sprayer. Through- of application is essential to suc- cess in controlling scale insects. Sat Pe SARA ery Whatever other crop may be neg- lected do not let the corn area be lessened. No crop will produce as much feed, in peat to labor ex- vended: as will c : SHADOW. TEST “He Looks Into the Eye” 8, METHOD, it te ulmont * impomeibte to make an erro PTA one hy 190k into eye, thereby local eeepgkt criaioane ee oe Weak Muscles Strengthened ee gins fitted by this Mdvanced system: Cuildren moyen urately sczamined witho He ghee det GUARANTEED 1 i “Eyesight Specialist’ (ek age im - Suits and suits and overcoats ‘ed their reputation quality has always in our tailoring and Made-to- Measure It has always been our aim and ambition to give our customers the best possible satisfaction in the tailoring business. Our ) class, careful manner. They have earn-. aré tailored as well as from the pure ma- terials from which they are made, The invite you Salnspactl our stock. ‘ Overcoats are made in a high- from the way they been a prime factor always will be, We o-date Tailor, <a J

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