Milverton Sun, 24 May 1917, p. 1

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Poultry Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Live Poultry :: Ss. Gleeckman, Phone As. 4a. Lawn Mowers : _ Sharpened A good job guaranteed, 4 wa P: NEUMEISTER Decorater MILVERTON Vol. XXVI—No. 47 cu Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 24, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher 4 ‘ 4 ! Eggs 420 doz. at Engeland’s, gs 420 doz. at Engeland’s, 50th Ordination Anni 4 Successful Deanery tems of Local Tnterest. | ka sapberes Toe Cream, at Mobo's, | ira fet a ere ame P Meeting Ite ae ar th Be roe oe t Engeands F patie 8 Suits and Coats at Enge- Bary: OBITUARY 4 asifirs' ortening, 0 Jame ons. places of Pisin Will be closed | 44, sions SEE en, get your suits and raincoats aust, Tifty Years ago last Wednes- r > most successful meeting of the ‘Vietonn Yay OA Sh hig aslention iat wRUe oper Seite Engel nd’a day at the se of the Presbytery EDWARD CLEAVER 4 ‘Perth Deanery was held at Sebring-! Mr. J. A, Berger, of Trannioemert ‘eugene: Steve vas Gos aie os Friday |9f ‘Auchterander, Perthshire, 8 meee Bae, 2 oe ville: Thursday, e meeting was Sunday at his home in Milverton ‘A full line of wedding stationery | next, May 25th. John Kay, then a youn) Get Years trom best tothe eee ned ne aie o'clock by the Rural| Mr. William® Thomas, of London, is -kept at the Sun Office, Get your Butter Wrappers printed |long out of his teens, was licensed to|Gierver. an old resident of Bi Edward ,@. Cluft of St, James spent Sunday with Milverton friends. |" The post office wicket will be open |at the’ Bun Office, preach in the Church of Scotland, |letyer, an old resident of Elma, died > ‘church, MStcattord, The Rural Dean,’ Quite a large number of Milver-|¢rom 10, 15, to 11.15 to-morrow morn-| | The articles recently contributed by |!" St. Andrew's church, Stratford, he |Smith. of the 7th Con vbow a 4 ‘called ‘upon Rev. ©, 0, Pherrill, reo- tonians visited Stratford on Saturday ling May 2/th, Mr. Wm, Waddell, Cierk of Morning-|teealled that incident in the obsery-| forth Of the 17th Con, néar Monk- 4 |tor of Grace, church, Millbank, to Inst, | ol Graves Tay vai misaied ia Celio ue eee put_io-|auee of the b0ch apaiversary of his|<r"yas'a astiy BU AeL ALO eS . * open the meeting with prayer and de-| Miss Olive Neuert, of Glenallan, is! upper rooms of the ohool on Wednes-| book form and a copy may be obtain. /oTdination, ‘The "gathering — wa Wad a Hublen ea: ee ee 4 The Farmer — - |vtions.. the minutes ot pee precede st provent. visiting “her alster, Mrs {aay atternoon, ed for 260 on application 40 Mie Wen, [unique in the’ history of the éity, ana |W? path cpra enantio te years = jing meeting were rea j son. ries Conrad Schwindt spent Thurs-| Waddell, of Britton, R.R. No. 1. was largely attended by members of |jana in the Nippiesing Dist eae “eile d Valinoe in the Bankeia lretary, Rev. P. G. Bowel Px Christ | (tite sf Nolan, of Brantford, spent aay Tact j in Neustadt, visiting hig cous-| Rev. Dr. S. D. Chown, General Su-|"he Presbyt eeriag denpa nation anat exvars SAO te RR DEEN ee in an easy position. He is johureby Milverton, and co: sevens wits ys last week at the home of in’ Mr, Henry Rettinger} who is ser- perintendent of the Methodist church, other: |\dqo and-lived-on the termattened: by. Z e a Dean in‘a s! yeaa speech tee, fames, Coutts, ionaly ill. “Rev. Mr. Kay, though no longer | Sohn. Tl ao lat erm. owned: by: 4 and is able to take advantage ae in the highest terms of ve men| Mrs. Charles Paar Os sellisente "The Pfeffer Milling Co. are at pres- ing in years, Ja) till: aotiye."Hej| tice ate rat thee tees rng 4 me of any opportunities offering. who were unable to be present at regret to report, is in a very pre- os installing motor and ex- * tes not filled a regular charge for zi aby as wi pea e marrie 4 Ha dan con + |this session of the Deanery and who carious state of health. to have the power Hotrod: on tne some time, but has been acting as) 0000, 1? Lena ah Sore, eh and the most favorable terms, His are being forced to relinquish their | Mrs. John Yundt attended the fu-|fide of two wee supply, a work which he declared he| Tory at Hig on, B +h nf seed, implements aud other autles 6a one-on adeount of iI) pheaiek ta neral of the ‘late Arthar A. Kruspe,|~ Mre R. Sohrenok, Miss’ P. MeMane,}i intended to do so long as health and | "Monkton wad pecided “th removed e: less if “Rev. fodgins, of Saker ae le, on Monda; ¥ Mr. R.Schrenck and Rev. P. &. Pow strength are granted him, ing lat Se he chan ReRaEA Cwrith S. for in cash. St. Pauls, Bitia ‘Stratford, and the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr and et atended-she A neliGn ev. Finlay Matheson, or ofthe ae y ef ee as resided wit. ce other W,J. Taylor rector of St. James ‘Miss Kerr, of Carthage, spent bes oon meeting wf Sebringville last ‘Thursday {i chureh, presided, and the greetings of mt rags, bart e funeral, 4 1 Opa cnt inst MSS st Merete sve eeWen ths. Abie home.ol/ Mr and. Mesh Ww | paptessan Wrights condition: oan the Presbytery of Stratford were con- | Fereusosa’ took hee one « it and make a Bonk Oguenby, nese when in the Orr Sr. tinues quite serious and on Wednes: y |¥eyed by Rev. Dr. Martin and Rev. Seren ee as Re ee ee Deanery and ieee appreciation | Lieut. E. A. Torrance, of Stratford, |day Dr. Lucy, of Guelph, Sa a Atkinson, ots Motherwell; imith’s on Monday, May ist, to Elma 4 n of their long and faithful services. spent afew days around Milverton |Siitation with Dr. PhilipListowe) a Kay, in replying, briefly, | CspiTe Mangia: The Deanery put itself on the record endeavoring to recruit men for over- |B; nner. nook aha SOryenr 5 span ie lace, The following acte 4 The Bank of for. the splendid work of these men. sea service All weekly newspapers in the Mid- ‘ the town of es pal Saree te eee ner \ and passed a resolution to this iss Jean Allan, of Durham, and |janq counties including those in Lind-| velonin in Scotland, he entered Glasgow. Uni. (eT 20d Pies ait > NovaScotia feot. The Deanery and the itech Misses Lucy MoKelvie and Vera Al- |<. ay, Whitby, Pet sea Colborne, versity with the intention o Clearer Gates A taal 4 ak large. wilt aumese es Bests losk tan) of Tordnte, ‘ate visiting st pre | Millbrook, eto.,, will increase the sub- ing a preacher at the age of Jifteen | sith ot Hacer Gia 4 through their retirement. ent at the home of Mr. J. W. Lyons | scription price on June ist to $1.50. years. was’ finally licens ko pnt tar ie ee 4 SunnvE FUND 13,000,000 Among the clergy present were;| Rey. P. G.-Powell will conduct the The convention of the Institutes of preach on May 16th, 1867. “Atier a Rcev YEE ETE, seligion RAGES 4 REL tcndna Sete Rural Dean, W. T, Oluff, St. James’ re Services st Christ ehureh |tne North Perth District will me -|few months he was’ called to Secretive: ta /aplinl : ‘ church, Stratford; vy. T. J. arl- ‘owel on Sun i ie Li ‘i chapel gt f sat > MILVERTON BRANCH toa trinity chureh, ‘Mitchel, Hd, Dunbar will take Rev, Powell's work cfs Rape anna pees Sora Ad Mace se oe fey winters, rok igaen ous ‘ we y 4 Ds ce oenee podelt Pobre ae ae aN here. < members of the local institute arc|_ _ _ _ |supplying in dnd out about New York| ARTHUR FRANKLIN KRUSPE 3 nager Mills, St. Pauls, Stratford; Rev. P. i irs. A. Romford and Miss Rum: | requested to provide luncheon, Lieut. Bolton J Morphy Died |for a year, He was appointed bythe| After suffering for nearly fourteen 4 Powell, Milverton, Rev. ©. 0. Pheri, ford, who have been spending amonth| Canada, ‘with a railway mileage ome. mission committee of the United |yeats with rheumatism, Mr, Arthur 4 Grace church, Millbank; Rey. J. guests of Mrs, G. A. Barth, re-|creater, in proportion to population, of Wounds pene to the mission field of Huron|Franklin Kruspe, passed away at the 4 Byott, Sts Pauls ehateh, ix also tamed fo their home in Forest on | fran almost her country inthe} 4 i, Bonion Mons or [SeaRty, ati. where he did pioneer |home of his parents in Sebringville, many laymen ineludiag * deat? world, last winter was face to face | Lient. oulton Morphy, son of |work for five years, on Friday. The late Mr. Shrapnel in Head of Stratford, B, F, Lancaster, St. Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins and with ‘a coal ehortage on’ socount of | Mr. H. B. MP. ‘aud Maa: Mos-] Pavan. Nore ne seAieanOn sto. Mil-/a son PES aod Mrs. WG Kruse \ — Marys, and Mr, Harrison, St. Marys. two children, of Durham, and Mr. and P i ds. |verton and North Mornington, He{and“was born and raised in Sebring- y Mrs ‘Jas, Freeman, 181 Queen-St.| Several of the clergymen reviewed Mrs. J. Allan and baby, of Biratiord, m : part-|preached at Milverton for nineteen ville, He attended the Collegiate In- : Stratford. hae, eoeived a wae froi mn | the ast winter's work in the Deanery were week-end svaltors atthe home | pysats" and more “black diamonds” | men was a eived by the young man’s|years, the first half e¢ Milverton and stitute aad Business College in Strat- 4 er brother, Pte. ire, one jand it. was’ decided to ho! e fal ~~ J. We fi cessary lines would | Parents in bie towel, and was learned|North Mornington, and the second ford i af ihe TOE boys, who eallated in'Ml [geciag of the usel Deanery end Sun-| XAbe. Andrew Zimmerman and Misses |Site the average man better, . Basti) ane ee EE Ae ae 4 yentaers where he was a member of |day School Convention at St. James|Rose Heisner and Ida Zimmerman, of The Owen Sound Sun supports the 4 the Bank of Hamilton statt. This is fohurch, St. Marys, it having beon in-| Detroit, are visiting at the home’ of | sueteatie of the councillee of that . the ent ewe teote Hier Bquicelpinse|siten thersuy’ reereseutstives of that | Mir: W tm. Zimmerman and other [Giiyr that the assesement 10h, stiould be tha message came Teenie we touae: place friends in this vicinity. sarod Vig PVE 5 le. writes ; Among the speakers on the progra ocal fishermen, who have been |Pitnwar, At, Domes Out ne atainn Thanks very much for the parcel; il'was Rey. J, Ne H, Mills, of Stratford, |angling in the various treame dur-|? - of isnt it |Death took pl Wedne: se was fine and just at the right time.)fi> made a very inspiring address on |ing the past week, have all been re-|i08 {he municipal organization and it arp ea se gee Yon see, I got it about three or four |the “Ghureh's Mission to Men,” in|warded with fair catches. The fish ais ie conelusions.— 5 mission churches, in Huron County, passed away o1 y. His parents, i ee oF fi have the satisfaction of knowing that | Lieut Morphy P, vas fhe eldest son of |Mich. Some two anda half years after jfive brothers, F. W., of Milwaukee? 4 hours before going up the line. I just} which he pointed out the reason why |though not large seem, to be numerous |}, is not required to pay: more than| Mr. and Mrs, Morply. Born in-Lis-|he was forced to relinquish the work Louis and Lorne, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; x had a cup of that cocoa ae ile }he considered men were not in the| Tbe I.0.D.E. held a progressive en-|his share in taxes Shzongt an inequal vi i i FP hefor® I got hit and it was good. T/church, and a remedy for the same.|/chre party at the Public Library on jity in the assessm be ope some poor fellow likes PENT Eho Wednesday evening of last week. A| Among J. M. arate recent what is left of it, for you sgh ion G hh, | Yer Pleasant evening was spent by|sales is a young roan bul as ao he ete IE Tae core with my harness | Prairie Ponubstion owth.|ai present, ‘The proceeds amounted [entre breeding sold. to D. Yaowine the Bir eed refresh- Tae < and eves : 0 about §: Gray, of Britton, His iif is noting |Yeare ia Btratford. soliigininar peavtionlidemia coats served, and many were| ‘My wound doesn’t Bother-nie mined |e a etsce aia: iat Winterburn and daugh-|type ‘of Shorthorn cow with an offi-|experience in the Grand Trunk shops |the personal congratulations ehower.| Tbe Becton World ‘gop, 4 got 2 shrapnel bal in my pend just) canoes that the population of Mani-|ter, Iona, returned home to Norwich |cial record of 10,098 Ibs. milk while| While there he entered into the soc-led on the venerable minister. jot a solitary city-bred “farmer” has by tho Jatt: ees Dy AE TN WARY] an’ ehsowrie bY thie onaus. telcen ahely in ‘the week. Mrs, Winterburn his sire és. the imported Dairy Short-jial life of the city and made many RREALEES SAAN y jar; I think it t¢ just through the| tobe, os shows by tne or3860, com.|iS making a more extended visit at horn bull, Barrington Record, owned| warm friends, He was popular with 5 i on a ttle ee Ml very kind and |Pared with 461, 630 in 1911, and Al- iu home. ot on ‘ ad Mss I ‘Monteith, by the O.A.C. and whose dam gave|all who knew. him, and 8 fine type et In the Trail vf the Storm | ie e Sisters are al re 0 vi 374,-| Erie St. for Tbs i i there is one who looks just, the pio- pasta) 498,117, "compared As epee aac: Tindale is attending the Ontario anton: Chis atk Blip) storing” olrcies “end 4” hgekes| Oa Saturday afternoon between five {for fa theme ao Totag't gee her very eligi. Ae i ae feriantte Go SE ae oe Tran eels re often. ame date will be issue y: is’ being hel of gigantic proportions. The storm | for! ; j —_— = day, Thursda re in some sections than ing for home, imagining themselves 2th and oth Bllice the big. steel to be venased by wild steers.—Orillia on the above de eal? belonging to Mr. Robert age Bae! » nh» Vancouver Stin is not alarme ine destroyed by fire cigarette situation; even it |; almost completely J. G. HAMILTON relation: , debris being scattered all | FOUND 3 man hai Sole Avent for SS ra eaat ant | wo mir of new shoes. Owner may ; PORTLAND New pe : rents, he is survived {put the horses in the stable when the Save Same by proving property and L. CEMENT ake rea rkish cigarettes ired wi than 50,000|by his brother, Lieut, Cecil Morphy, |crash came, Had they been a few \Daying for this _ MeHANTON ‘f y s to come. = 00,000, in France, and one sister, Marie, at|minutes later men and team must Raat 4 STANDARD ST MARYS The spell of dry weather was brok-|' Owen Sound slerey ake opposed te home. surely have been aught in the wreck. | . iE en by the storm on Saturday evening |g, a s, One of our original bP Yin Sin oie f x. Colin Kerr, who lives across \ > ANTHRICITE 1m i sen followed by. showery | citi ! i Micaten Boy P.M. the road from Mr, Hanna. had a EGGS FOR HATCHING . weather, On Tuesday the rain ss windmill destroyed and his barn shift. |—— | — ————____—___ fn. tinued “practically all day _and night | aj Eri By a short stretch # = ed several feet on its foundation. Some, Australian Bred-to-lay 8, C, White and on Wednesday it beca ‘ots thy he Welland Telegraph of May 15th) other neighbors had chimneys blown | ieee BEE $1.00 per 15; $5.00 r ne = _ re e Rivobebilities are |fearn es, Ethan putting us to the |! Feporting the appoi Roe: 2 dowh and shingles blown off but no’ per 100. your order now. A, weather will clear even|irouble of making an explanation. |John Goodwin as magistrate of that |Sther gerious damage beyond blowing | W. Galop,” “Milverton, 4 es col Public funerals are often a menace | Place says;— nm Friday | down fences in this section. 1 és , Although there was a fair attend-|{o public health. This is especially| Wa sworn in as ‘police ee aie otc Neas., Brantiers méveral alienware (oF me aee > MGeME Ppeaple fray the village pres-|trae in cold weather, when people|thd town of Welland by T. D. Cowper, |aamaged and a traction engine be- FOR SALE y YAAIN| OF ji ent at the congregation meeting of |have to stand outside during the ser- ee ty. ge a ‘ eine 4 , Pass|tonging to Mr. Jacob Albrecht was | % Zz = Burns church on: Mon nday “nights a yice. In this case, too, the reader is Serer ically on July ist to the i oe | eral purpose, well matched black tueeting was. postponed. until left force in 28th, en a more es Chronii roped ‘to ‘or thus en f the Gen r Britton the barn of Mr. Jas, team, 15.1 high, 6 years old, weigh Johaston svasbloirn AlN. MEET about” 1900. Apply. sto “Moses Steckly, y a mills and roofs in the viokalty Auke Milverton, Ont. py xggeration be trer torm is said to hav er, for example, | Go to population 3 =e States, to|/bermed a leading business man. He ‘ business 1 coneierable damage through Soe E. hf. of b the 7th Con: of < of Stratford, siat- achieve what "Canada has done, must |has character, a judicial mind and |toro “strain a con’ ann 91 er 3 Vacevtainty EHR fie Seok i Male Oba ana ae fie couerianee Ohne En BSCS uae aie se roi Tagg eit a a peel bine CoE prove a popu- ee? f jouse and bank barn, driving= otaboes, from: Np ars Dat SA00.000 of Ink and satisfactory one! Conscription and Empire sha, drilled well, orchard, 55 acres 3 O one knows what the future may bring forth. heen unloaded at ova: Was toe aeiiy a okoaeet see in oats, 18 acres "in hay land balance N Le health is good and your Senodcwae oot recr a hee Milverton, having learned |, The most imporiant apaouncament Jn pease ill be. sold. with or Now, while’ your heal i ie Seer ors the pre GH: auttay a eeurieee his ‘trade x with Mr. H. M.|in var Robert Borden's address to the without crop, For further ee éarning capacity unimpaired, is the Sata os ou Sink sho which the. bo: ines a bors OR: | Bhaetery HOW oi is tford: House, of Commons ‘on’ the Imperial apply to to Christian Yost, Box 200, Mi a competence. tat ec ahipyied. The potatoes | but ‘the ex- . tonptaeesiand bt rad time to accumulate Z 3 were shipped from Rolleau, Sask. {ample they afford ought to have a Th ‘e Che oP a t [pee ema Ooo OS ee One dollar deposited in the Bank of Cap P. Chalmers, of the |stiffening effect upon the America oe ean Se ie bene atthe Bietenale he CARD OF THANKS S i i Medi ice, is e a eople i at lies before them * < ime. Blinc Hamilton will start a savings Medical Service, is reported dead at |people in w ; lwocéhe Walser SF Che aan: a0cas.ot tha eanatlletes thavikime. ENS \ t Lucia, B.W.I. His death oceur: Mr. former U.S. ambass: SR or” [ister is better informed regarding the} Mr. anl Mrs. S. J, Wismer > account, os May 10kb, The. press Feels Noe ‘|dor to Thelen’, urges the. United eek poor or eee ie. situation in Europe than any other family desire to convey to friends and $ of Mandsy reoorded im. wo unde na [States to prep or tnee, Years 2 [img about the exorbitant profits tha: |MsH In Canada. As official Head of relatives: their thanks. or -aymppathy . 2 . x e ‘ade. Chal- fed foi a $ : Race fon, i e of the i xten em i MILVERTON BRANCH: mers was born rear Poole and was eos ‘and we all hope that it may |4ealers and retailers were making weightieet: official Tenawindee, Say Soa Bevenranient., 7 N. G. SCHAFER, Manager educated in Torofito, being a graduate | not Be #0. Mrs Ohpate poi . ar ot pe pate ea ang ee aobee Tihent he be va” thatthe mire hue core ; — 50-C of Trinity College. anal a brother of that at the beg inining of the’ war |o; Teasonable prices but so far no-|for the eeleotive draft the Canadian | Mesirs. William and Robert Smith, 3 SS Chal ind. Mra, W, C, Mayberry, timers Were many fa iy {thing has come of this complaint and {People will continue to accept his jof Ellice, desire to convey to neigh: almers an 8. Kitchener that. the war would only there is still a great demand fpr the |Jeadership, They will respond to his bors and friends their sincere thanks of ‘Poole. [Inst three months, but he went om tober, He has done nothing toward |demand for further sacrifices, for sympathy and kindness during pera A Choate argues thetlremedying the shortage but trying | SEE RTE fr ale their late bereavement of their ‘ , i vi i to create distrust regarding the. re- ib ¥ Fe KJ) this year, they will athe op for | failer, "whose. profits. were always Toss Belgian Relief Mr. and’ Mrs. Cae es nee a i further hardships. e thing |than 250 @ bag: |family desire to convey fo neig! , defeat more than they fear anything Yours truly, Subseriptions for Belgian Relief wiil/and friends their thanks for help — ss else, and their feelings will be played t ie be taken at the Sun Office, There is|sympathy and gifts extended to them . up to the greatest possible degree by Merehan an absolute need that something b»{st and since the burning of their : an % the autocraty. oe a Se one soon to nrdvents Copan ch house. Re ; J.G, Armour, the famous those unfortunate people perishing of . “ pacicer, of Chiedgo, urges the United Crop » Report starvation. > Pe os d Mrs, Samuel Smith desire States government to take over Hep de ee a 4p PTiehIthe Berien y ) B DY the whest the. Srniers on Tee cooatie ReaD Oat eL OaNGAE crop ote Oun Mik oF Ai Wapaebcola’ ala ay Pelgibuie ide senmnyeeny expressed end guaranteeing them a Peis coun, |Eodia, has been Gabiahbd By fhe Later: ee ne ver paced the barnyard is a kindness extended during eh tate 1 ‘ He says if this is not tort and win. |national Institute of Agriculture, and t sets on some $1.50 eggs for bereavement of their uncle, Mr. ee itself next ion ae Euro. |i8 ised by the Canadian commission 16 aayevand: thearuunp the, job, jCleaver. : i ‘ er as follows; : pean countries. government) 917, was 82, ae t: : Ladies’ high cut, ie kid boots, Menis. feral gun mack oa i f, Should: regilate the prices aha: ae ait en, harvested in 1917 ee McKay sole, French ear welt, blin Jeveryone uc Se Reviepace 2 1900 eK incre ADO | pe strange to ny sln oon Chat Che [000 ae dae , opular e 9 5 ¥ \ . oes Goya a week, wad put it in force ar eMart a on een aU | Ladies’ cut, lace, kid boots, ce, The war i ing wonderful y =| . reo sole, Fre nich 5.50 | Ms 8 patent Teather, the lat- Gee ee itere Ae b pelebeeveds sheet ig etlingtad. at, 970,908,000 Hustla eS 72 S i heel, per pair ...... Shean ao 6. packer advocating people. to cut off tor ieee ee eee of $51,767,000, q Ls Et eating 80 Enis meat. and 1911 to 1918 average of 300,550," Aosep 1 FLOCKL uy : Ladies’ high cut, patent leather, he sympathies of all the people of 2 MG : : , ibl (0) Men's genaine “Regulation” North Porth: will. go ea cg uae 3 leather. boots—just ayphy, KC, MLE an Dates. Rees I : sis; Peon hel Oe 5 the boot for rough ustiage 4.75 in the loss of their son, Boulton “Mor- Vimy Ridge ‘ n Pesvin dats : y, who has paid the supreme saeri- Ladies’ patent leather, kid and cloth tone, black ee fice with scores of others in this coun-|_ / April, 1917, This, our new serial ied is one of the sa best written on ‘ . cat dull kids ont dongolas, at eee y ty. These come so frequently now |On Vimy Ridge the war-light Blows, the present war. The first instalment will appear in an early a to’ Os EGGS TAKEN IN TRADE AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE that they are wot always refesred-to |New trinnguh for, victorious brows: ae : ; ean SNE Teche eA ERO: ies ya tah they are: ba the | Bo chines oe heds ot thet Batwa issue. You’ 1 Tike Tom ; itisa 1-31 le of the in this column, thoug! ows, : ecoiit ek news department, Boulton Morphy On Vimy Ridge! | teat world war that everyone in the family will enjoy. The hero : * - a ee was an estimable character in private is a Lancastershire lad. He didn’t want to go to war—not at first, Many lines of Boys’, Girls’ and Children’s Shoes too numerous to mention. Asien ened: the esteem of his ae: On ba Ri idge the he German thi thief. “Let ’em as wants to fight the Germans fight ’em” said Tommy. A sociates, both in his native town eholds our glory and his grief . , : : CRCLIAND SEE te oka ee eee istowel. aad. tn (thia’ city, wheré he|‘TKe Lada. who wear the Maple Teat, Ses oie Oy. he heard ey a suey Se um ; a eal : : Ghe spent some time, His name will stand On y Ridge e call of his own motherland—he gave up the best job he ever T Pp ROE , Milverton Tn “this honor’ i0UL BE thle: elty anon had and enlisted. He went to France; he fought a good fight— . . 9 Shoeman who did his “bit” by givin: 4 uy os ute eee Ridge ene smriee | ae pay; bee pimeelt as well as the enemy; he won the D.C.M. and— : a ‘ : for the defence of his country andi the spilling riches to the rl in the Hock 5 ae splendid story splendidly gold. gS Peg nonce of bin parente.—Stratford ‘Bes as fark yet another CANADA. wo ao tie first ihabalmn

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