{ = jWe were in supports, two more: com- ¥ Fr - ‘ day : X : : 5 lift e : - got hit in the knee and left, T! was a dugout where we stopped, I got some squvenirs and we were a i hen 3 I came dressing station, ASS NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO GET THE NEW GOODS FOR YOUR HOME. REAM WANTED h Ki ill b id jettes, now I am in blight yy in Wales The highest market price will be pai at Cardiff. Quite a time, don't you Our Stock of ‘Curtains, in Madras and Scrim is ready for Your Inspection. for cream True weights and test will think. Say, 1am telling you all this i, be: We ee Pane Ad Ga dont put it in the papers like Clay- You-wili find the PRICES VERY MODERATE. given. e€ su ton’s letter. I seen it in t) jeacon a . in F: ice, Everybody had a fine ¥ , = the express. Ship your cream to laugh. Iam going to hang around mm House Dresses The D. & A. Corsets Te big drive is on in this department, ‘ : England just as long as Lean, be- Wa anchiaske veut aebsthees oi anes is longer than oF ‘Dry 3 ‘ lieve me.” I'll have to pens now : dainty aie Siearce, Prices fas super-bone boning corset at cone It’s a fitter. Come in and see them, ~ = The Pearl Creamery ie oie ae oes AaSR = Pte, N. Edwards, Silk Departnent MILVERTON and ELMIRA tt ; Raincoat Special Onr Silk department is the Big Push in aa a New silks weekly Part of a letter to his mother] We hay RET AAPA ROARS written by Pte, H. L. McNaught, from coats for men and women, bought sas, Ae rat ect from Bosto: e thing back for the fivat-reat: after are usually sold at from ai 3 an increased acreage has been the battle of Ving Ridge. $5 to $10. On sale this 4 8s sown the danger of England. bein, week only abe...) 2... Sree , i | Your pareel arrived to-day. I had | From Overseas jatarved out: ay paperanian pinidat “pure cup expecting’ wy bat 1 Specials in Grocery Department ‘hennog Soap, 5 cakes Old Tyme Pure cates ee etere Raincoats pu either } reat Britain tilled all her available |i, “ty, bal able AOU IE Toe ney ‘Tweeds, suitable for On ye vt Mrs, oer Br. received he! land auitable for agriculture she would fomewhat_ short ot sock which ‘he deena naa fll ope L gchowidae Iettas o her sx. | pot need to Mepend! on, enyvothier cally |yaroel provided. I lost. my Peree Spencer, who "too pare in ay 2 OF RUBE COATS. ings are OW |eted balaclava the batth th eld F great battle of Vimy Ridge, going. well at the front and the Ger-l5}5 my gloves and great coat. bu: Men's Hats ¢ now -getting a dose of ‘their |those will be supplied again. I ha FP if >: A pplied again. ave Special Sale on Saturday Somewhere 10th, 1917. te getee ae ammbe we ek SPeAKINE |almost gotten back to normal peace of Only — all our New Spring Hats ; ‘ My Dear Mother,— turned fromthe front. ‘They all say |e eee try fo catch up consisting of King 1 Hawes, Wak the old price. Tiknow you will have been looking | the same thing that the German ernY|--No doubt by ‘this time you will have gular $3, all on sale Sat 9.48 Pe stne of Gia was They do. bot pnt had ® general write-up regarding, ad Giahy ab busch HE BIG a erea ie ite {Vance on Western Front,.Vimy Ridge, Willing te Surrender if they. get the (ot, Quentin and the imple peer se even chanee, Though not at any time was |latter of ‘most interest I will give you Somme Collars z Gil occas eroutie it equal to the British army as man {Just a short outline. Sorry I cannot Boys, have you tried the new Somme Coan ® Its erate, to man they are inferior and now i tail but that. would re here, ip sizes 14'to 164, a ince the Allies have got t: soa tal adem’ ta eo mui e., it is only a question (ane week: befo of time when. they will be out of Bel- dames ones te 18 te Sean ne gium and Frenee. : et ang fogs yexy LE Preaged thio-opinion that will happen tle slgep, Easter Sunday preparations Piving the coming Patt and it ie gice {Were made for the start, Troops id freely" stated over here that before em, this is only conjecture, My own opin.|°0uld not — move, eats’ were passed ion is that the war will go into 1918,|%one the lines and we he our- the U.S. has come in at last, {Selves; and as is usually the case un- They will be of great assistance to|4eF Such conditions some went with- the Allies in the way of food stuffs, I was one of those unfortunates were getting fewer and others were munitions, and, if the war lasts long a did not suffer much—did ‘nol t feel coming up to help. We reached our objective Cae held it for forty-cight 01 nm we were : aid in taking an objective in which another Battalion had failed. It was over .the top agai or ra~ they were sick of war. You couldn't tions were short, no water until next mea Bs tae day, but we were happy to be still in ve never seen the like for snow N-}need of it, ie xt attack was fees fn Geuaanthen the ith of AP ine for some other purpose Js lr nor the et a : ril. We were a soaked lot of ies =k “awfully angry and had an|pefore our artillary started. We, on * be wenk ont-oue morabig: at-32 done it but had no|tne’vignt, tial bins tod? axed Light Four BS that snow storm on a raid to visit the ; suspect lost his life on|having to come back through our own Germans, but did not go very far.|machine gun course and is looking|the morrow but I think not just be-/harrage was an error and somewhat $ ” In the afternoon two of our men, a|forward to the time he will get across }°US¢ of that deed.) At 8.30 pm. or-loxciting but we had no casualties . Tteut. anda Corporal went out to'do/Saw Henry Orr the other day fora few |4¢rs came to man the trench, which |this time and gained our ground, the tome. scouting. Lieut ey was|minutes. Army life seems to agree|W¢ did. The trench was. hip-deep in ori peal one of our old 110th es i ‘and a|With him, infact all the boys who are|™Ud and I possed several who were | mite, relieved next Listowel.man. He was wounded and I|here are “looking-well:: Had a-short (stuck unable to get out and I unable ye thought to rest for Subject te chsave don’t know how bad the other one|chat with Lieut. Moore this evening |'® help them but I knew they ha 4: a é be steer a y was, The Corporal was killed. he is looking fime and may go to{el! fp amnee try. We alt seemed in hurri u ¢ line next day. One of the boys is playing the ie at oo time. Home Rule is |S00d ae although we kept qa “all in, but Overland success is so eclipsing that one Due to its Ses sa the Willys- a organ and the rest are sing-|in a fair way.to being settled and |duict, and had ‘to.stand cae all night |we went just to act as support to a might take it ide: "Just break the news to. 1other Ireland will bave a Paruament of her |!0g in the mud, wo if, when | battalion wh far as we as a matter of course. Overland in ects millions in Sugita ant coring homes 1 own, based on something like our|the time came we would Be Gbie te ould sce they were{ still going meet- But te it have a personal application economies; oo Tee Son it necessary Well, mother, I have had a few Eaor aia Ggbraeere which she wae < Ray otter te ae i 01 We were to you, toskimp or rob a car of value in order e shoul ave had lon; : Lloyd | Were Tea « ad al- fieve are y tryi = ; - owes ia ee er de teen et Band it Me hua | Wa¥s entertained a feeling that this ivesin “our dearly lost cncngies. “We ~berause the comt of any ear i toommuch _- Taktt dheoughod Uh etre ca for for the line, but I am ri ale lot risoners, among them money to be carelessly spent. i = never once have I:felt nervous. where’ all There need be noco: ees ONE on it this way, if my time ha ow. ean A the Canadians-came from as there sound value at nfo in deting th the “Might may not rh right, but right has I will ot, I will come back to|on as usual I should judge at least|two minutes after five a.m. by my/were no ships to bring them over. price made Overlan: you. according to The Sun. We all look/time the brigade machine-guns on They also thought London was knock- : comparisons and see if Willys- “Overland The Overland Light Four from the stand- i Tt seems hard to see men lying in|forward to it and I can assure you it|the hill back of us opened up, break-|2q all to pieces, ‘This is a bare out- does not pal ane answer with mathe- fied i HT id all positions in death and there is|is appreciated over here. 1 have sent |ing the stillness of the night (exeept-|tine, I think I could write volumes matical correc pe . a pe noe penta eet gtr lots of men up t epping over |you several papers from time to time |ing occasional shells whioh ita hadlana’ not tell it all, We were twelve : ‘ ; ing c re and beauty is them as they go forward, but, you|trust you have recelved them. This g ¢ Place in various | days and nights with only one night's : not miss the selina of the over- eect a hein we than ae be don’t seem to mind it any more t samp te the sbest I have been in since “E: ‘ost a minute lsteep, I am well and have not had RAE rte Oy orlucteean tae makes it possi- had in any other make at anything like if they were livi eR . i y 2 (tinge pare He a soratch, I meee God to protect me ble ath prices. so low a price 6 i d Interesting places to. ace in the way rere? L : from those thing: hich [I had : : - FB gaa =~ oe Seek hg So oh anaiinehess exation: att i i Lot Raienel eae, we. ee nteiath tia! ae 400,000 owners have been Come in and see the Willys- Overland certainly done well on this front of |mow connect: he Frigade Mili a 5 ‘ ed}to do my duty in taking care of the guided to Willys-Overland by their de- Motor Cars—the Light Four and the Canadians, and this is no paper story.|tary Police as they will only, allow b ne wer wounded, He has done all this and{ # sire for fg comfort and = i most comprehensive sane of cars ever q ms a the ‘truth for I’have ertain category t inside or ore. I ha st_a lot y best | addition to utility. built by any one producer. x Been a things and am one of jattice work so I have to do outdoor | 00s Jong, (wat, ¢ ag CUTG pfionds and I feel badly not so much | y any one py the advancing party. We left the line |duties which I prefer and I will pro- Q All along lige’ thers toe they were wood ving Be ae rae net here leoaatetolon a sanieline. Give may <0 thelr feet but, be OF [ting fellows, bal Yor their home| WM. ZIMMERMANN, Agent a Pk s, I ex jon to have a good a tired lot of boys to start on, but |kind regards to Mrs, MacBeth. ' ns' loses Divitionial nent; | FOR MILVERTON AND VICINITY : we all finished in pretty fair shape, Yours very sincerely, Pte. H. L. McNaught, 907996, s I don't know ee you rose cal Pie, W. M. Rosamond. Siretoher Bearer ee nt , but, reo . Battalion, sometimes that Iam a horse or I oe be would aot stand it. T haven't even) 1, ve sr ao iret cold and have been soaked to the skin e following letter was receive and for five nights have been sleep- | bY oe George Bawards, sirators, . WELLESLEY a ing out in the n air. Just dig a|from her son, Pte. Norman Edwards, 5 Mr. Henry Hammer moved into ee Tt 2 fiole ‘about three feet deep and large Who wag wounded in the battle of ve tet geti ea IE foe Bn ae Ronee zombie onrehaned ee a QA MEE revi deant cece Siflee aa Fought Juat ee real tive [oe aga Ascension Day wa LE rage eae 7,|Canadians. I was in the first wave Be 2 sheet that’s your,bed—with snow and Baiglend, Asi 18 aT eae ie waa our plaw to. foliow’ the {Tuetly observed. e { Willys-Overland, Limited : rain all the tim Dear Mother,— berage and do what little damage| The Messrs. Theo. Stable, Chase Head Office and Works, Toronto, Ontario q In the t pinches you are SeperaLy, Just a few lines to say I am in the|We could and let the following waves and setae kent, of ietee i ie Aer OD at Oot ere aa [Dink of condition and back in good old | lean up. On we rushed, but here |SPent Sunday here among ae ives At times I often cn the wT stand liengland. 1 hope he best |! lost -my: party as my work was that |®°), (TON a oF Miss Al A ‘ 4 it; vent In the. be of | of health, Larald nave wittten ston. |of helping the wounded I could not e many. friends of Miss Alma/Raycraft around again after being health, rest now |’, “but we were always moving from] follow as fast. But I worked as fast |Frochlich will be glad to learn that |confired to bis bed for a number of te ‘cou and Bae Uatey siete Mp Tots" to @ : " F Hagland, a 5 td up for the taking of Vimy fides {on, wet snow and the mud was fieree, |With the Canadian rmy Medical| Mr, and Mrs. V. Schlotzhauer, of *“The fellow that I am sleeping with /T" gates that is the Tntest thing back |About this time Fritz had wakened |Corps Rostock, spent Sunday with Mr, and Bot three boxes last night and he) ier. and something 1 won't forget, |SP and was shelling our supports and | , Mr. Doyle, manager of the Standord | Mrs. Koch, thared up with me. He is a Brus-lHo7, goes, to have it all off my ches: |¢Ver creeping up closer to us and it {Bank was married last, Monday to| Mr. Ernest White has purchased a e W Cath oreest HAS My-and Mrs" 8, Jaooks, Mes aur Mrs, W, Sanderson and Mrs, W.Cap- ‘ rest an 23 se Ed aka oe mda the going over the top. Did that for |° g* prety e received ona of ie tne | 00. eame back and went in the tren- h Capling spent Sunda; * postal order for which I thank = pling spe’ ‘'y very much. v all i nor aH pv atate: nie accent tile oe W. Oliter migtoked Toby Strat: pay at 3,00 o'clock, We are ge! tin fourthirt Peele hobby cab i tg Feat K But the Ities |Gertie Woiwade we: ford on Thursday and called on her 4 : thirty, Easter Monday then we|™uch to last long. But the casualties |" ‘ s 3 bad this time, | Wo n't ve well off ane ont cade ae impinged weel d n|mother, Mrs. John MeCley. : Leona es trench, that is the first line all the St Corea: ee ‘ go. . ne a a|time saying so long and good luck BRUNNER Caen ee Me aad ee and we {amongst ourselves. Well, at_five- : Gclatiees i 7 Sextis Cacsime bere i A ean change of underwear and we | there" y SEG, started shooting I Whit Ro cks ing a week with her parents here, |-Adise Caroline Patterson returned to aieded it. ould only, wash or had iat tie Hoa meannd arbea abet (‘4 A severe electrica orm pas her home ot after spending a year whiskers and have left my moustache * 3G. 3 7 he | | Exhibition and Utility Laying Strain y. he pees. ‘ = 3 x sa neadea.cy time ‘of. writing have not learned ot Massie septa attended the L 0. D. EB. e e e at is salnicls aft "ite would t Hit wee haeed it Teaieaee ab ie Pai from Imported Stock ize | Jany damage being done with the mbstine at Stratford on Thavede lay. fa Se Rg ealbar ad td rush of ‘the shells overhead, that last-| | cner, mated to prize-winning hens. ception at-eoing:-waahoute-on;the oul pene eee a ee eee oe really helieve the war would end oe ‘Neda: TNRAFBas ten ledrd: saa fe ae grand: cockert vated fields. fined to her room. » 5 DR 2 sooner: te ye , rain Marae eye ng Soin seid Soke ‘Mr.-D, Ropp; of Wellediey;~ “aha i ‘ 4 i One of the German otticers that was Lanetahan eet hpes Say ey ner) | ceerecoese 2 a him up, mated to POOLE Miss Emma Roos, eldest daughter of : : Sie hens, R ir, sind tl climbing our side of the craters and Be er porn? ag motto is 12 14 Xone. Keating tet oni Munday or Me ae er ann pee were quietly Pla e faroreag; ‘ae a iterene fist $1.75 per 31 * || Brandon, aphers she intends! Mr, and Mrs. N. Nafziger and Mr. : , A | | resuming hee einicas tlbse nd Mrs, S. Naf left on ‘Tuesd ER AA eae ee ED. HELM, Hesson ‘Mr, W. T, Chalmers received word |to visit relatives im. the “southern ne Papa rete itcanuctlyes iG. ules P.O. Address —R, R. 1, BRITTON g|!%te Saturday night of the death of states, satisfied, in fact, whe t drive was pot 3 : his brother, Capt. A. P. Chalmers, at|. Mr, Art Whitney, of Acton, spent i 4 5 going on, I felt that L tnat Gti have| Past it just “a bunch of shell holes, ‘Lucia, . Much sympathy. is telt for his | tne- week cad at he home A$ - : Expensive upholstery doesn’t missed it for a whole lot, I thought aged mother, who is not very well. The storm on Saturday’ a pees “: prove that a car excels in qual- I was getting it pretty rough, but 1 am Miss Mattie Nafziger attended thejable damage, Mr. Robert Hanna’s ity. The real quality of the gettin 1 pai con- ¥ opp—Roes we vhich ti lace isteel barn was blown down. The loss isd * " 3 ie tinues I will feel satisfied. Ask Your on Sunday at the Amish church. Will be about $2,000 or more, Mr. J, car is determined by its chassis I must write a few more letters to- e e Mrs. Thos. Tater and son, Harvey,!Ajbrecht had his silos and house —its power plant, transmission night and most go over and-see Dave D : f visited this week with her sister, Miss arlly shattered. ‘ é snd Lorne, Now, mother, don't worry ruggist for Struthers, Ed Doers, of Btrattord, spent axles, etc. About me, because Tam taking good Miss Mary Kerr, of Baden, is at sunt with hig mother, Mrs re of myself. Look on the bright eh Daaaay FOR THI KIDNEYS present visiting her grandmother, | fer; side of things. ‘Tilley Road, NB. Mrs, Dewar. ‘Over 700 Both by laboratory tests and n, ay Ist, Miss Margarct Fleming spent-a few F aexGl : iffer- Your loving sou 401 eas gravel inthe days Ieee eee with Mei oki By the : Hude Herron \ Killed actual service tests, we a ous and done, near Milverton. pees ef ent parts composing the Ford a sumer oot ott, of, Mr,. Carol Wileox, a farmer, liv- ORE PSSST Os |, is tma try Phos emit ob Ut | at Onin al ba chassis have Yroved teil Dibgate ‘Camp, Shorncliffe, Kent. Pine athe ara'bor |with ‘fefends here Friday morning, was surprised to find ves superior to those used in May 12th, 1917. Bight boxes were 4 a great big blue heron ander a tele- s ¥, oun hinaly and to bene, We are pleased to report that Mrs.|* great 1 Ford Vanad Dear, Mac,— ie back “to pertect “healtny Joe, Ropp ais recovering trom her #e- graph wire along the. road, It. ha OPUEKS DETR tay eee ae e been intending to write you Isadore Thomas,’’ cent illne. evidently been electrocuted by, alight- |} ‘A i steel has never been. surpassed for some time past, but in one “oe Your druggist sells Gin Pills—s0c. a box, ingen the Hydro- to Electric wir he nt aE Sed jons ta dtialiig eee eiraigtl . ther hate: kept putting it of or 6 pes for $2.50. Sample free if ird is a very large one, mea) ry a See ottoer getting some, Tine We write t eee Te GRAVELRIDGE six feet from tip to tipof the wings, rs. George Capling and Masters|five feet frem the end of the bill to Roy and “Earl spent Sunday with Mr.|the toe mails. ‘The blood had been wamowas, Pike & CHEMICAL May, inn ‘ADA, LIMITED : : ue % i "alas and Mrs. B. Westman, literally dried up, for there remained fand for’ ine ast irty year! : Pm - ck Z #8 Mr. Sani cobs. brought hane és but one teaspoonful of fresh blood in EB. H. GROPP, GOLIGHTLY BROS.. Z . Address—Na-Dru-Co, Tne, 5 t is 1 i Tors eaeatr ain cmt] See You Get This Box “adh Mite, Bao ic torlen Pridage es or | bint and ‘one of 8 very few ta. pert MiEARO TOR panto! j Sas tat they are growing find WN ained plevked to see Mr, George |feot plumage.