7th Annual C tion of | | : z : the North Perth S. S. ‘ zi = + z = SEED CORN| |." ea One of the best conventions in the ‘3 é history of the North Perth Sunday : @ ‘ - a School Association, was convened in Z 4] Gar ef Seod Gorn just arrived, DENTS: the "Methodist Choreh,” Wallace, on i : including following varieties __ Monday: Tune th, 1917. 3 : FLINTS: pated lee eae PES The weather was ideal, and this to tl i added greatly to the comfort of he Eponmaiee: wate Sane Hace taapy. who. were ‘unable. to: find & “King. Philip =Improved t Ranerindd in the sessions. : 4 5 a t President, W. J. Henderson, of Mill : White Flint Mammoth Southern eve bank, filled’ the office of chairman Also a large stock of Mangel and Turnip Seed. Come in very efficiently, . aud see our stock and get prices before buying. The Dev entien Exercises, led by 2 9 Rev. J. E. J, Millyard, of Lis ae % a ck and Poultry Food, Calf Meal and Poultry sounded the ‘eynote of success in all Supplies always on hand. Christian service, namely, “Conserva- A tion,” (I. D. ATKIN, - Milverton | a ais en e COMMENCES FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 8th. el aici ee at VAs ge RE ST Eee OR Die Se tees Now is the time when you/are doing your spring house-cleaning and if you want to save money and get the best value you ever bought, come in on Friday, June 8th. Here are a few reductions : ~ Perth County Council. | OBITUARY | Perth County Council met ie *Gounty Budi, Bifatfordy 1 last FREDERICK SMTA Resul 40 Nf with Warden Harris presiding. The Treasurer's report for the first Kitchener News-Record egu ar : per tS Or, five months showed receipts of $58,830 ‘The sad death, took place, Thurs and expenditures of $49, The es-| The sad death took place Thursday timates for the year era that May 31st about 7 o'clock of Mr, Fred t et the ¢ d towards the Br. Sailors Relief Fund. of health for some months, and for Patriotic Fund, Ladies’ Patriotic Lea-|the past few weeks has been confined ¢ amount required for |to his room. + While hi i county highways is put at $20,000. — |serious, he ‘Th w 2 med bright; and cheerful matter of securing coal forall. day yesterday, and hopes were|Mr the county buildings was left in the|held out for his recovery. However, . hands of the Finance Committee. in. spite Psion dest medical |teresting and Pataetind: tains oes A re} was received from Hon. jattention he passed away, orn in|the importance of the work of the Ieh, his boyhood days were spent |home dept. there, and, before coming to Waterloo| Another report of special interest We: years ago, he lived’ for |waa that of ‘the temperance dept. W. 8. Merryfield, of Mich sons work has been his. spher: ei & — 8c Suitable patterns forParlor, Diningroom, Halls, Bedroom and Kitchen; also some remnants which will be sold far below actual cost. 3 11s Cor amis ars ago, he was sundry of-|olerk at the Hotel Lewis, whe of the missionary dept., making a total|/genial and obliging disposition Bade Mr. M: H. Reid, of Milbsnie gave a rom last }him a favorite with the travelling|most encouraging repo “the Suess public. The aupt, of the adult bible pas Everyone had a good wo: for |sent in no report, neither a the is|Fred Smith, and his steath Mill be or ithe texcher training dept See our Spring and Summer Wash Goods This showing of spring and summer washable materials is arousing great interest among the women of this vicinity. year wernce | welth“uregee antics Dankbamn: cor Listowel: The display is Sys SRE and embraces all —New plain and fancy crepes 15¢, 18¢ and 25¢ ie ae tae i aze | emphasized the Habupsenie bt Cosa the newest fashions and most effective novelties yet —New Seed Voiles at......... ..goc yard : he county seertary, Mr Mk oe produced. —New Crum’s Prints at .,. weT8c to 23¢ yard a i ia tated that thet of Gowanstown, gave a care- Scores of new weaves and patterns and many —New Fancy Drills at.. Pa nn ogy son stated that the brass =| fully tabulated report ‘of the year's a x aa 3 N e \e fe Kk eee ans pred ot had bee PERE: hy|work, and laid great stress on the striking color effects are shown and the display is ae pee eee ate ae : Eurand fr enctsse sad ess new (Oa ete aE ORO aan omer nes ch Senta, oho bound to prove immensely interesting. —New Fancy Black or White Vesting......30¢ yar Court House, Councillor] service being held in. de Loui Armstrong thought as- they were |Church; interment county property they should be stored| Mount ‘Hope’ cemete: fee im the county buildings. which was an automobile work, by sending in a full and ac- rate report of the work of their ; eless eports from certain ‘ins beta divid hi t + Initial Payment of the Dublin School|\«rgely attended, the rem schools he associa- <4 9 stablishing |(ollowed to their last resting plac2|tion, plainly show that some of the by many s vi Gs r aires on secretaries are not alive to the im- a 1eS of 25 Cents “1 " |. ‘Whe pallbear-|portance of their office. join the t d tablchine atc rere, Mi rs. J y and| The Sunday School Session demo: pee as to giv ‘owards establishing r asin : secret stration given. by the. pupils of the . “WHITE” Progressive sot Fred Sharp, Registrar of st, D. Shantz, ie erik ve: ee “int ae ey acre ead ul S Sewing Machine Club Marys, was given an inorease of |beautiful and humerous and attested The seal bynes for the con- Nor i i salary. Re a e high esteem in w venti E, W. Halpenny oe a NeW. “WHITE” Sewing Machine Z Pe wnrchasing ag ee was ‘Ga t in|by the entire community. B.D., the rire secretary of the On- the han r. Davidson, County py he ftmmeral service was conducted |tario Sunday School Association, To- fulid eot onesie ae Seon left ev. Father . Among e{ronto. His humorous stories and anee . y port nec ngton any, more mnenines sets: The ee Dy land to raise $157,534 |nresent w: vis {ive ha eemiaehe x . present w from Mi! '. |dotes will long be remembered by the No matter what else Es 20; ae ca and buy: The apportionment is 4s |§tratford, Kitchener, Bridgeport, Pres- young folks, while his evening address ton, Guelph and Galt. upon “The seven wonders of the Sti | ek ay. So will. always look: rea ack as ona of the ablest addres- MRS, JOHN PARTRIDGE sts" ever’ ‘given upon Sunday? School in general, One of the old residents of this} Mr J.Dunnington, of ‘Linwood, district passed to her rest in the per- broved bis ability as aaleader in song e U @ son of Mrs, John Partridge, who died ¥ ve his services in this sphere on Monday, June 11th Gieeuy appreciated. by youself an active members e "WHITE" Progressive Club, On an 1 india Be ymient of only TWENTY-FIVE MoENTS you get the benefit of e greatest, easy _ bayment plan that was ever offered. Ap mple, so sefentific and yet s0 Hbacalas to Nuit distal niting. bs benelipa-to athly Fifty Members. sathope 1 pres- dence of her son, Mr. N arte EASY PROGRESSIVE SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS tidge, of Logan, ‘Mrs, Partridge wa - Bean, of Milverton, ORAS s native of Suffolks! ine Engla able and ress FIRST 95 Qnd Payment | 3rd Payment By i a ake sh © y Se! i | PAYMENT Cc We 25e ae id ntleman ; wa rtchyord oot lite ev ath th 6th Payment 7th Payment e material and 50 500 ment [ C ceri ° .|married in Engineer Rogers who ad-| 122% 25 Be Sth Payment | 9th Payment | 11th Payment aay esehes ol has three great Crash and Tea es | id Tbe ivi Aa nded ; Pender passed away on Sunday, June is That the Bennewies’ bridge between| 10th, The little girl was a prime Logan and McKillop be examined, |favorite with everyone and her death |t ‘onneil urged that in buil- ot ey ‘ rye d | Te rains should be Dut eee a tiem Oo ry, arr |avenncs of, Service and ac Towellin; 12th Payment | 13th Payment | 1th Payment | 15th Payment| ments include the latest URMMIE WS eo wursicca Gere Hee hee lob eee oes : wae 1.00 | 1.00 1.00 Five-Stitch Ruffler, the he Toads to allow Wa-}She is survived b mily_ of two |of prime importance, this Bis stock of Tboiied Grbahis anti Tbe 00 5 : mayer ubake + carried away. He urged the |*ons and te daughters Bamely ah {the Sunday School exists, namely, to other towellings including 15 inch [10th Payment | 18th Payment | 19th Payment| Paxe-Stitcher amine building of long stretches of road as Bop, pare i nie ie into intimate Guest Towelling in linen figured Huck 1,00 1,10 110 of this model is ie Government then paid 40. per) ircrn’ Of Elma; one aon dicd when| 2:, “Blission i Care ee ie Pica rand: Dith-Payment. | Bist Payment | 22nd Payment (Raed Parmer ed sooo ine ‘yer *e us ised, le : 1.10 1.20 1.20 da Riabensrasn?. ootiimistes: reducad ae years of agi must be exereised.test io our zeal for d fe ciekeqon at South, Basthope by | 28 conducted TE the welfare of our individual school piped Huck Bith Payment | 2th Payment. [Both Payinent |27th Payment 5 9.20 MDS an kore, tie’ ren arie-mbnlel Cae place from her late residence mene i e version’ of the owelling 1.30 1. 1,30 —= the ednesday, Ju e tend to spen Sia Pay Pa fo Fema th ee insu tre semetery, Speer; the well-known leader of men Veiy fine quality of Linen, plain or in 20th ace | ist Payment $50. | inter: has said -t dainty figured patterns. 30 t 2 . x PT against wind to the amount of all ‘ a if y S : eee 10c is What you will i Ba be rs; Messrs. Noah ter of ¢ 2d Payment | wed Payment | Bich Payment | Hh Pasment pla The Patriotic grants for this year], aaa Hosa ena-Oe ticles tehige thes id te mt a ae ses eel moe] inndvance teen ae have increased $25,000 over last year, le ‘ eller. | eetive, the warld-{n our generation) E 35 D reiqere aii Pay in ‘advance. — Save as the sum distributed to patriotic we raey 3. “Sooial foral Reform” — S C DOZEN joan DET eee DAV ENT: $1 .GO} sucwis'vouine, fairs during 1916, being $36,000, while st is ke ts head he ks : this year it reaches $61,000. JEAN BUGG ne : i e ees The Wellesley and North Easthope } righteous Agricultural Soclely is to receive their] After an illness extending over. sev- justi truth, The de Shure of the appropriation for Agri-|@Fal months from a complication yool over the eyes 0 : cultural Societin diseases, Jean Muriel Bugg, the ad- se days, Under the a a d and bridge committee re-|opted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ch all kin i : yc eople rties, dances and other ques- amusements. are ndoned, Chairman of the Road and Bridge | bas broug! deep sor! into her but the ‘apa deplorable feature of all Committee, Fred Wood, Reeve of |foster home. The funeral took place|is the puttidig aside of the Sabbat! . a Logan, and Engineer Rogers, of Mit-|{rom the family residence on Tues-|Day.—Such conditions are indicative as us Z Peete Ra ian oper OE Ste CL aR ay, eealacae ea acer (ey Sueh, sendin, ase indicative The Store with the Stock MILVERTON inction with Huron Councillors, Rev. ©, 0, rrill. The pallbearers |with honour, As a people we need ohn J.{Were Cora Winkler, Ruby Raby, Jes-|to repent of our sins, and kneel in Luckhardt referring to the culvert i is, Marios ehlin and Ena wit nee at the foot of the throne of he cobmalites Hoffmeyer, ‘The little casket was cov- e. We , before with flowers. contributed by He will bless us with victory y is not|friends. Friends were present from | peace.” Mitchell, Goderich and St. Marys.| ‘The Presbyterian choir, of Monk- mmunica-|'The school children marched in a|ton, furnished special music for the . Hare, ase Mala Dee re ncaa et ee: pikae:-af Gagne shay Stele ee vices were| Ate With Their Knives | Points to Consider When pater Mera sie ek from any) Didn't pray fk Fireworks i unty, the i 5 A Fi 1b thal the} eee Then, one had only to go into the otoria “Colonist | Purchasing Railway Howard, Distribt -Passsopst Agent, | Ay mantis at Oxford and War rg tn pf Road “and, ba Diet chesner tit England La all, <end view the, well - with Bis | Tickets Moroate, Onis ieee eae tetlod tei London, on far grala ss -—-- - emery r al Holifax Chronicle dies of the Wallace church and neigh|Quincy Adams came to the White | A Canadian Pacific Railway tieket| Rally Round the Hoe, Boys! For examining vkiaed ere Chair- boring Sunday Schools were still old- 's, Adams does not represent merely a means o} Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin gine "htmattoag wee-wid 417, * Aunost every ‘article of ordinary fashioned eosughs to believe that | —|apologized to ker. guests. ssying that transportation between} given poin Be 2 iva ene. ‘The aession the pained: be igen tk England to-day ‘tan |The way to a man's heart lay jher husbend pad acquired the prac- It in addition, provides ‘the traveller PRUs 5 Be artes gl ——— pen, or aa Weld ge ige facet piss Avemaely May their be- ee during bis years of residence in with every comfort and. convenience |19P 10 "wn of « Pee a ae We'l train ‘The Kaiser learned tho printing |\wurds of $10 a bartel,-with an admit-|" On the whole, excellent work was Reerpet sty iene ae rie Ricerca a nya Nat oy to grow boys, as tillers of trade in his younger days. He inten: in the e last year by the various Sunday |¢} Echoes ware 5 ive Pot the soil, ‘auouting’ the. battle ay 0 sh 7 a tor fon & oan y mseaapie, Hut neon ees ASE sete Die tig yapons Bune as they were and ate ment, unexoelled dining service, pal- ea Yo Where. here pe * soon found that there was,no money |manded and paid, althou re is |sociation, may the new executive main ea dager se ak aah eptinge tie ee SSB ie , boys, we'll gather on ihe foot ia the business. Bven, so, Nndies med Vee oittally oe to. be, € obNalderahle tain a cish standard of ‘efficiency. and Jamies Maddison followed for the comfortable transportation of shouting coe pee a ity eaentey printer None biaaas Pine iio actharetoah tev will he wenatinedd Neck ine k ae ‘ ee sen its passengers, inclu eg Ne tren hoe nce saree with him to-da: before the new crop comes in. That. Vice-President, Rev. H. H. Bean, of circles in| ASCHANGE FOR! _PHOSE GOING jbattle cry of “Feed 'em!” Nature, surplus will waaly, rot in warehouses | Milverton, Ami hen Queen Mary came to) kind mater, will aid in our need. . oo r and cellars the end be fed to | Seo.-Treas., Mr. M. I. Adolph, of tight:-to, hertabted ona the tater; up with ‘the COMMERCIAL pigs. Thousands” M5 tons’ of potatoes | Gowanstown. are Uie'e Hoi ged peers fo Wet wee "i ra a ok ‘the h en pales wore deliberate, t , and trai Pate MEH SROE: Inet Kee te fet ane ons Supt. Bins. R, Seaman, of arose throughout England, for Pacitic each Thursday until October shouting Lecce aah Som tama, to stock, which win “otal si lal ae time; none but the rich Gun afford to| ‘Becondary Supt, (Boy's), Mr, R. B|'©,,"a% lonked. Spon as @ “igre being 30th, inclusive, Particulars from any revue 7g eat potatoes, for, ad food, they are not |Hamilton, of Millbank. e tines of fhe fark DEINE Canadian Pacific Agent, Toronto. a : 2 00 ce Sees spprea ate et a bar- 2 ey ee Git), rs. L.}sons in the ‘Trinity. | ATTRACTIVE, ene CAR i atter of fact, potatoes are sonee Flow, Jewel per owt..., 65 6 eh dear food at more than 40 cents! a| ‘Adult Bible Class, Rev. W. D. Me- SHS a janner per cwt. 6 85) bushel or one dollar - erie when | Donald, of Atwood, Expecting Inc Indemnities Probably nothing = Ips more to “\ 6 Jewel per cwt 06 | Clour is at a normal price. Home Dept., Miss Ida Parker, of jmake a. rail wa y journey Sans enjoy- ran per to 00 aaa Atwood. 4 New York 1 Bethane Ap Able, than a viit ta the Diaing /Shorts per ton s 44 00 Teacher Training supt., Rev. H.C.) Everyone in Germany knows ar” especially if it be a Canadian y iyan 1 12 00 Lincotn ¢ on War _tggkWams ots Listowel: = at the close of the war German’ ‘iges Pacitio, Dining Oar, where the pas- Yl» Hogs liveweight 475 bens Tope, fervently aol temperance Supt, Mr; W. 8. Mer-|not gain great Indemnities thé Ger- ae is ico 2 ts Bee ee Wiis read ay ly do we hope, fervently 2 eel of Monkton. man Empire ankrupt, an ie | of e culinary art, the choices’ Rie pec 10-00] ye ray, that thie mighty scourge of | "Mssionsry Sup, Mr af. H. Refd, Germa i i “No more Dysi Boats ‘for Us! may speedily pues away.” ff Millban! an . ae eat “ings wealth that it cate same ead of she present year a to ¥, Diled. up by 1c the Sunda: co) jiation jbondmen’s. two red and fifty lof North Perth uy to a front line Sun 19|veard of unrequited toil shall be aunk|aay Schools Itc ascomplishe 18 | nd until every drop of blood drawn |if each individual Sunday. School will 15) Sutsecd the Mere be Pei by another |do {ts bit. Will you help your school ldrawn wit e as was said'do its bi pire, 18 three thousand Years res so still iit] The Methodist Church, Listowel, is the Pi must be sai judgments of the ithe ;mesting place of the Association |Ehey believe that thera is” no good| Homeseekers’ ranaes to Wes- 35 | Lord are true “and, righteous elbehieae okie Ia roar wore te orton: blinking: the fact that the war tern Canada at low fares via Canadian an ‘re, then work your plan. go on. ic each Tuesday. until tes +