GREAM WANTED The highest market price will be paid for cream True wi be The Pearl MILVERTON and ELMIRA given.. We supply the express. Ship your cream to weights and test will ly cans and pay Creamery Perfection in Tailoring— Is reached when ma-~ isfactory. All must be rig Nee 7 We do not fail to please prove to you how well we can do our part also save money by cea your suit from us, Call in and see. J.M.Fleischhauer pada and Men’s Tailor MILVERTON FARM FOR SALE farm known as lot 28, co) bearing orchard all kinds of fruit. Las all a: For further | ree sire For: Monkton aad: District “to. ee j#0e the Olt Reliable’ Fonthill Nurser Splendid list 5 a spring planting, | yarieties a for cew: iluatrated Sataiogtiy reposition, exolusive territroy. STONE. & WELLINGTON The Fonthill) Nurseries (Established, 1837) The fertile prairies have on the rosperil ke ad wT OW RATES and travel via CANADIAN PACIFIC W. B. HOWARD, District Pas- ger Agent, Toronto, SEALED S addresse od. aA Fe bshtemans ed, 8, 1917, f mpply of coal for the |Publie Bui onic: throughout the Do- minion. | Combined specification and form of land laced while tele vomual aign tures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered ten, per cent., (10 p.c.) the tender, ‘wih it. the pe lecline to enter into a contrat lo so or fail to tender | Horned, By order, R, C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Publis Rake awa, June 9, ewspapers will not be paid for tnis | ium L they insert it with- out authority from the Department. W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF WOOL 50 to 55c Ib. PURE WOOLLEN GOODS: Blankets, Tweeds, Yarns and Flai NEWTON WOOLLEN MILLS Properties For Sale! yee re Pulls 188 acres of jland| clean! $1, 200 i es a splendid solid brick ood stable bard and} in| be ae for less ‘than ‘$1600—' erresis s1,000— = buy the ak Part of 9, Con, 18, Elma, 42 acres White Rocks Exhibition and Utility Laying St ED. HELM, Hesson P, 0. Address — R. R. 1, BRITTON an F cenede $300 down, balance at cto bug, Tot 15, Con. 7, Morn: i land, House to rent on Temperance Street, rton. Milve a see me if you want ba or ee anne dwelling or farm, ny to It RAILWA RAND TRUNK 2¥'srem ATTRACTIVE TRIPS USKOKA. RLGONOUIN al eK MAGNETAWAN RIVER LAKE KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY ist tickets now on sale ario at very low p overs, Round trip tow from atations in C jares, with liberal ¢: GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Berth reservations and full particulars: rand Trunk ticket offices or E. HORNING, ict Pas- nt, Toronto, Ont H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land — ions r Gh corals. conditions, residence upow an each of thre In cert reap -alsiricia a homesteader may. se- re juarter-section as _pre- ., Duties —Re- rhree by proxy may ‘Si of 55 tain pre-emption patent rt ditions, = tiler after obtaining homestead patent, cannot sccure-a preemption, may take a purchased homestead in Rertain’ districts, Price $8.00 per acre. Must realde alt months In each ‘teres ce Years, cultivate 50 acres and erect $800.00. folders ofent time of ¢m- Some of the a home newspaper, boys and girls who tries ployment Sp ftrmlabourers in Canada dur. 1917, as residence duties under cert conditio When, Dominion Lands are advertised or try. aa 8s soldiers who have Deputy Misister Fotthe Interior communica! of the s roeranes of North ar Recve wale ord ders inj payment thereof las euahs ge Bales: ref, stat. lab., in 1936, $10.5 5.85 force conpenistion, \taking engine out. of |Dietrich, grading, 11.50; fp Strans, 28 pes Mi. Aetna Life Ins! ‘uranes Co., 41: .Knighi, assessor, sal, The Court of Revision reported av follows: », the members of the Court of i nee 21; the a George Tilt ve educed $600 and Henry D. -Sehlenter that the appeal fermipection; that. the appeal of Geo Hutner He ee of Hawkesville Police s | during he an "ving then jor; the appeal of the Trust ees: or U 1, riven Ps that the yee cate of ‘ah | Hors' sessor eee the closin, | sowed «|. -Mr sori < ng tratford on Frid: Ae = Hore aro smart, practical middies for astonish you. ae eh eee The Popular Middy Blouse will be a special week for the mi all occasions, made of the finest quality iddy. Come and see our s which will goods, al Weare Eppley ach tipess House Dresses —Our House Dr esses: time. Popular prices 98c to $3.50 Silks! —Our sales are not, do so, CUT THIS OUT! DELIVERY HOURS: North of Mill St 3 30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Our Corset Department Is hum Bonin Wort ming. Have a look at the Super-bone Corset at $3.50. A SPECIAL LINE 'H $1.25, THIS WEEK ONLY 99c W.G. & R. Shirts and Collars —We are still sellin; at the OLD PRICE. —Collars advanced price as stock lasts. Try-Blyth Home- made Candy South of Mill St and 4.80 pan. Saturday Night (1 : 9.00 o’c! cloak, Bring us Your Produce "We Pay High Prices. W. K. LOTH 5 Milverton ROSTOCK Mrs, Fred Doel! and baby, Howard, esday MILLBANK eorge Love spent a few a past week with Miss E. Montgomery. sul ler, of friends in ‘ran- in Oat, * ae visiting’ his niece, Mrs. Hall last week. coat for New i Paris, [spent 8) and around Ros i Master Bees Nickel, of Stratford | a few days las grandpa rents, Mr, left on Friday |61 Micthodise Conference ~ ey ia ©. Clark were vis- lay. wel, spent a Bre: Mrs. Maurer returned home after 9 pending a week in Toronto. Adam mats received a let- of Listor e Albert Zulauf, noes Chairman. June: 4th, ay seconded by ume in open rise at Crosshill, Lackne er “hat jourt Council { Moved by Meyer seconded by Peteh neil do now adjourn to "Tuesday, the ard. day of ten o'clock in the fore- Tp, Hall Crosehill; Tuly, 181 ‘noon at t LINWOOD. Luella is at present Mis Ss pending afew weeks with friends in Pr air Sun Ar of thi yoderich. and Mrs. Robert White spént day Stratford, sam Spahr spent is week with his | | cA | | | afew days | | brother. ta if Beppe St Gadshill, [spent Thuraday in our ‘bui Barlett entertained the | Ladies’ 4 her ir. ana Mfrs. Jos. t Arthur. and Mrs. Middleton, of Sunday with Dr. Heyes spent Sun: 0. Bundy spent Monday’ in it rry to report that Miss igomery. i coal the sick list. We sive nd Atrs Or any of British Col- jis at present making an ex: [tended wait 2 her parents here. Arthur Sanders spent Sunday lat. a Home ia Well s. and Miss es Ke: n the emt nee enka veertied wavnule their home in Strathroy. A. Lee, of Listowel, was s visitor in our burg on ‘Mon- jJeft on Wednesday for attend the Dist Rey, Reble Hanover to vention . Robert caren Bed Bele misfor- ahs “to fal airs of Mr. F. H, Schum Beatrice and Gertrude, spent Sunday i ie ments. Schnurr is at pre une to the house with an eee of tonsilitis. ok co iia week NORTH MORNINGTON Miss Henry of Elma, ‘visited very recently with friends on the lin Mr. Adam Torrance Seshin panied. by his daughter, Miss Susie, spent. a days last week in Stratford, vistting with Mr. and Mr Sac Torrance. We been quite A of our young d the lawn social at Daneel ni Monday. night. Harry Secheaver, of ‘Wallace, ines nt Sunday evening with friends near Peffers, irs. 8. A. McLaughlin, of Virden, . ig On an extended visit with her a Do- ates Mrs. aa eae at “Beech ney nnual es party. Look tee partigulhey es BAECHLERVILLE t, spent the past bi st seriously in skillful Poistnant “ot ae 0} sh Dr. Maye stitched the wound N-B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad vertisement ba not be paid 7 ¢ the time of writing Mr. Kerr, edo trict Con tor gret to report ‘that the former has Or ill. } ies |fro that he sas 40 ae eeu sad that they were en- joying fine weather. Bliss, Marie _Breanor, who had charge | r’s snared parlors the mn Monday for her east with thefriends in the States. Messrs. H. popasior and ‘ordon |Johnston and Mis Olive and. Helen| |Johnston, of I, motored here| jon Sunday aad gpent. the day. ith Mrs, R, Mules We are pleased to report that Mrs. R, Muleahy is abla to be around again later her reeent illness. | Willie’ Martin spent with Woodstock. Mrs, T. Fry, of Goderich, attended the funeral of her daughter, Eas Bugg, on Tuesday and is repending t Seek with Mir. ond Mrs, Olas, Ponder’ a Miss Alice Clarke, of Stratford Nor- ing the holiday . Zalaut and son, Edward teldee ‘ormer’s mother, Mrs. Knechtel, of Kitchener, called. on relatives and friends in Ros- tock last week. Misses Marie Wingefelder and ie ed ae spent w days in Stra Sunday Mr. Jobn Malcho, of California, is visiting his m Leesa Mrs. Malcho, who is ne at Srenen a Krajaefski, of Milverton. a he ee w | me home her: rf Mrs, McBain and Mrs. on Mrs. , Mrs. C. Gaul Amo ong the = unde ed at t ‘ys hor nt Bande ‘ood » Sohn Pender of “iene, repent the eg Tongass will be held ae M Me Bima, apeat pundey Koenig, of ‘tinea: no he course at Stratford ing a few days at the a annual garden party will 7 dist sponse a vi ea having socks done for the Institute please leave at the home ‘has taken ae the eray ware sto. Mr. Simon Fewin ‘oronto, visited -at 3 ae eS WELLESLEY Mr, Edward Dietz spent Sunday in Kitchener with his sister. Re enberg acupled the pul pit at Fisherville last S Mr, Herbert Battenberg. felt here on Monday Se ste George Dungey aaa tittle’ Dor- othy spent a few days with Mr. D. isa Ohm, of Elma, spent a with her grand-father Mr. Elmira, where he onan tathre ne ae ants Cee ent a few Thare sete Nuhn and fam- Forler is spending a few “Ye, ly spent Sunday her Ms. gaya of thi week in: Hara bur Mr .and Mrs. were isiting. friends” at, fiswxeuvllle Sror Kore at FERNBANK an “Miss Htta Kerr returned home on ny after spending the past week with Tolende her Mrs. Ralph Diaiond ana son, Jack, of Salt Lake City, ted on Friday with Mrs. reileons ack Crawford and sister spent Sanday be the bomd of Mr. Johnson at Brit Meare “Bhinley, Seott, of the mi Mr. and 2 r. y Miss Susie Kirki Sunday at the bone bide: ane Lehman and “in-law, of Crogan, e Shai ing friends here for irs. J. B, Miller after spending a short time in Elmira returned home ‘Monda ver ‘lensant event took place last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3 mid, when thet yo oungest daughter, 1 5p leabel. and Emily i .. Solomon Bast, eon 0 of Mtr, snd the young couple muoh joy and far pines, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Ottman, of Ayr, spent Sunday here amongst celatlva and Beets is. ‘and Mrs, P. Grahm spent faedages with Tian in Stratford. Mie: son spent a day last Armstrong at Tralee. A, Corry and Miss Nellie Neil- week with Mrs men’s Institute Ba- ay last. All report a fine Mr. Oliver Reid spent Sunday nee “RHEUMATISM IN ALL MY. *S SMe John Beugia visited: at {he home BONES AND, MUSCLE oe of Mr. Hugh Kerr hes wee! ee “T have Kidney ‘Troub I had also rhet 4-5 CROSSHILL d W. K. ton and Misa dea, of “welts ‘were Sun day visitors with friends at Crosshill © Mr. an R. Foster. and. Miss alles: and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Ren- pent Sunday “with friends, near ‘0 a mae ‘or Ave lot imation aah cs ss Neading hi one our le: hot et 8 been cured by r e Im cooper: ‘you Ts. Heidelber The funeral of the late Mr. Joseph Anticknap, who died at the home of his pistes Mrs, Fred Wilford, in Mary fat yar 0) was held from the home of a bie chance, ‘before Ed he gh eae second ou edie ah an sone a box, 6 gn " oes eee NATIONAL DRUG & OREMTOAT, CO, OF fm ow came yd church next Sunday owing to the an- niversary in Mil £ 5 e are sorry t rr, Georg? pie: on the Ate ist but wish : speedy. recovery. ° t|to a hh of Stratford pent a few daye Waiting fe Win: WA Waleed ir, and Mrs. Sam Henry returned their home in Stitt rd, Saturday, | ane week with their 'L. me eting which was held in Strat= ‘ord. on Sat Miss Helen iavttt ee the weeks end with Rostock Intended for last: week, json ie. t Gravelridge. i ral Harloff and on, ge tier he of Stratford, spent Sun- fay’ ith vhs tories parents, Mr, and ‘Mrs. re, Fred Harlotf, strong was the winner of the ‘gold Mrs. C. Doell and son, Mas- | Taciabar pha breed Shilling, Of) Wi inuipeg, were Sunday visions at Tr, an em y. ouise Ehgoet: ‘ord, apent. Sunday with friends in this Jo | yg mers 's Ida Doell Holm: Phin Sunday with Mr, Ren Mrs, . Smith and danger Miss Berar “Sr Kuhryville, spy a few weld ie friends in this vici pe and ul Olive, 8] _/recently with Stratford frien eg eed | Three of the largest German seized by the United States wll te ready a transport troops to within five mont hs. Bractieally a Imes ,of Paris, and boox John and Annie Harloft olidays at their parental homes. Miss Eleanor of Stratford. | spent a few rare recently at her par-| ental home, jot the ships ood and Mr. itl be ready a that Mages eee Mr. Walter Ruston and family, af ‘Kirkton | Ito. abe word received by the spent Sunday with) Mr. a eut in Washington, ones are Diiddledit itch. one: essrs. Robert, Stanley and Roy , Washingto) Henry attended the South PerthL.O. {ot whieh has not yet, been, given out. Smart—Economical T is an ideal car for people of taste and refinement—the great sweeping success of the year. The Overland Country Club is the smart sport model of the small car class. Grey body, black and nickel trim, and the price includes wire wheels with one extra. Have a look at the Country Club right away—and a demonstration. $1110 Overland set 5 ons Beet ‘Kuve: Lies 9 ie ied eg ual front seats 32 ees Other Overland Fours Phe Light Four (Modet 88-Four Touring. §975 Touring $1250 Roadster $950 a Roadster $1230 tat h pemeet Sues: ithout notice WM. ZIMMERMANN, Agent for Milverton and Vicinity.