Milverton Sun, 14 Jun 1917, p. 5

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Fulfills Every Claim No furnace can do more than satisfy — but the “Sunshine” furnace absolutely and invariably does satisfy fully and completely when properly installed. Ask our local dealer to show you this ‘good furnace, or write for free booklet. ’ M*Clarys SUNSHINE FURNACE LONDON _ TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG __V. ST. JOHN oT MULTOR veo) NeALGARY ee For Sale by M. E. Bettger & Co. . Andrew Terry, of irene sited over Sunday with Mrs Buggin Mrs, Henry Allison and two daugh- ters, of Willow Grove are spending the ‘week with, the ues father, r, Mix, Robert Leader Mi,D., of Wheat- week-end. visiting his Gill has a number of 10-qt. dish pans and granite preserving kettles wos he is offering at the old price ol <A gang emai ewes digging a"Giteh carces the road coppualte the Methodist church. Holman, of Toronto, har aster: Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Holman © members of Golden Rule Lodge No. 420, 1.0.0.F. will attend divine seven, when the pastor the ergusson will deliver an agen slong Patriotic line re. Prank ™ Dempsey and Miss Dem eer crs epuabierts visited at ee Faia of MONKTON’S POPULAR STORE NEW AND UP-TO-DATE Millinery at Bargain Prices On Friday, June 15th And following days, we will offer the balance of our Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats AT 1 OFF With the warm weather just commencing, this is your opportunity to secure your Summer Millinery at less than what it would cost to produce the material to-day. Come early, while the assortment is large. WEBER & BETTGER | ras mber of our citizens were in fivectan on Tuesday, being called We have a Large Supply of SEED CORN Including 8 Varieties such as COMPTON’S EARLY BAILEY eS A WHITE CAP IMP. ee ARLY B UTLER WHITE FLINT NO. 7 ;WEET Also a large variet MANGEL and TURNIP SEEDS Get your supply before our stocks are picked over, Now - the Time to Buy an Oil Stove oe e New Perfection in all styles. Also the pose Detroit Vi por rene Which burn either gasoline or coal oil. ‘The stoves have no wicks and burn just like oltiwitanns Coimecin’ and ine us Sainonsteare Prern to you. St. Marys and Canada Brands Cement Always on hand. Leave your order with us. Remember Your Coal Bin And don't forget to hand us your orders. We will supply you as n as we can at lowest possible prices. M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants, - * WEST MONKTON ete Nao4 Records 21 up. 850 up. (Fit any machine) Columbia Grafonolas and Records “'To-day Columbia Leads” J. E. WEIR, Agent Milverton," Ont. M as witnesses in a case between two junk dealer; d Mr. J. m_attended the fun- ‘Knox Miss; Oliver, dressed the congregation in the. interests of the omen’s pee. Socie 't forget t Patriotic oe Day at Confederation Park on July 2nd Dominion Quite a number of sports took in the races at Mitchell on Tuesday. Mr. Wilfred Lawson, of the Sterling |‘! jis vacation Mr, McLaughlin, at Dresna visiting her mother, Mrs. + Nicholson have each purchased a ightly Bros. oes ane Mrs, Jake Weber and fam- ily spent Sunday with friends at El- nd Mrs. George Bettger and family spent Sunday with friends at a re- eters, on W edneainy af- er. ‘The procession ended at Erskine’s hall, where an address of welcom> w ad by Mr. F. W. Stirring -addreaaeg. were la a number of thosé present. The school children <a took par HESSON Mr. Herbert Dougherty and his mo- ther, Mrs, Patrick Dougherty, spent a with relatives in Him Mz y, of K 5 is vena a few days a Mr. Herbert Helin ‘es Stratford soending his holidays ‘Mr. Al daughters, Man Edward Stemmle erand tend a nt _afewdays with rela- Baseball and lawn croquet are Sun-| day afternoon pastimes. for the young folks shan our_bur; nd tnday with and s‘ster, Mar- day with relatives around our burg. Mrs. Jos, yee parte and around our bu rg. ralee, moved into home formstiycwned. by. Ate Migene i Quite a number from here took in the Elmira fair eS Monday. HAMPSTEAD ames Chalmers bas purchas- | ew Ford BES the slain avotal Eaiay night, June 15th, on the lawn! Mr .A. Capling, under the auspices | of the Womens Institute, Mrs. John Henry and son, Robbie f Sebringville, called at the bom of her brother, Mr, James Hart, ie Sunday. Rev. A.G, McLaughlin of Strat- ford, ‘occupied the a in the ureh here on eter Chaimers, “who recently |§ enlisted: in the AVALG. baa gone Guelph. AMrs, Jas Anderson, accompanied by her son jof Wingham, apent a tee day swith her grand-daughter, Mrs. James Hart. isa aa McLaughlin, teacher, Gadshill, Spent the week-end with her friend, ‘Miss ‘Thompson, of the school Boar stitute vonage held on Wednesday 8. Patterson, Reais the inclement wea- ther which prevailed, was very lar- gely tended: and most success- the average and their addresses were both interesting and beneficial, KINGWOOD Miss Ethel Freeborn spent a week with friends in Stratford. Misses n and Chalmers nd Messrs. Will est and er and Hugh Chalmers motored to Fer- rs. Mrs. Alex.. Hammond spent a day last: week in Stratford, the guest of rs. Miss R. Lichty, of Boole, spent Sun- day_ here. Mr. and Mrs, D, Dewar and baby @pent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. - Kern at Baden . Paddon, of Milverton, oo- C. Wilso: @ late Mrs. John Goettler, |, M is , is his Sans Cornwall. He is Reing: pla es Mrs. Wm. Dickson, of Stratford, is ° Fiften new eoxarmunisauts, are 2 a ceived into the congre Frank Flannery, of the 58th|. “a y sti Chener | t her a, ira, spent Sun- ine her two! ndon spending | a few days pik Gime ote Jatives | Able, F, Querin and datighter, mie ie 61 d of Agriculture and In- M DORKING and Mrs. John Stinson, of Leb- ae spent Sunday: with Mir Gnd Mrs. Fred McDonald. ‘Misses ‘Stella and Laura Logel spent Sunday with Miss Celina 0°G) Me. 7 Ulusetaet and canny beat nines wie ween Mrs, Jas, Kennedy. Miss Genevieve Ranahan spent Sun day evening with Miss Rella Jones. Mr. Edward Stemmler, of Kitch- aret Kraemer spent day with fier cousin, Miss Knte Sebie: of Hesson, ‘Thos, MoManimin and daugh- ter, verso of Carthage, spent Monday oer, Herbert Cassell, of a was a ee in our burg on Sunda: our youth ond beauty at tended the dance at Mr, m Scott’ oe Thursday last and Se a good Bir ond Meg Wan, Rtattaer spent sunday” vith Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gir dat. Hes: Mr te pee Koebel, of Linwood, spent Sunday in our burg, Mr, and Mrs. Will eee tes of Ein, calle don friends here on Sun- Mrs, Leis and daughter, Miss Mar- t, of Michiwalki, were the guests of the former's brother, Mr. Logel, last week. rs, Hunt, of Listowel, was a vis- vs at Mrs. Alex. Coote’s for a few day Maclews Verail aat lord Tanner, of Milverton, visited over Sunday ai Mr. Thos, Tanner's, Mr. Marvin Goodwin spent Sunday at his home here, dams, of Linwood, is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Tab- ert. 2 Robert Harrow, of Milverton, ent a few days with his brother, ne ae illiam Harrow, and also with ister, Mrs, Alex. Coote, of this sees Two sons of Mr. George Logel, Wil- to teach Tabbert + oittertained the Kaox-ciran , Glenallan, on Sree Alt ve ‘was very distzreeable about thirty-five la- aies atten nded and report a very pleas- an "Mss Bertin Tabbert is spending given by Dr. Susan “ae ingham and Miss “Chapnian, ch wi ery All ladies of the ie tember: were; Poa minaty are es ntly requested president |oete ete She Be oi atl fot: league, a = all father Kelly, o ennlcott, Rey. D Ima’s Share J.D, Wergustoa cad Me. Gliese wags Hod eaucted EI in Listowel Council ti eee Clerk of Elma, Tp, w 8 week tee PY id a ‘ast fare well to home and unt: Reeve Hacking Supine. that Lis- towel Council had pi full Elma’s bill for $260, for seeala. road work, {but that authority had only ys given u that Le af 5 jducted. {meni In the face of this the senti- to “let them sue.” and he saw oes they ha@ refused to he $85 towards their own sol- ers, age Would wettle it,” said Watson The matter ended with Reeve Hack- [ing agreeing to speak to the Reeve f Elma about the matter while at the County Council Great Lanes Steamship vice The Canadian Pacific Ra ih commencing ‘Saturday, June 2nd, oper: ate Great Lakes Steamshi | Ni jfirst-class coach and parlor wes run- ning through without local s NORTHBOUND eave Toronto MeNigholl 5.15 p.m, each We Arthur and Fort wills SOUTHBOUND Leave Port, MeNicholl Mondays. and Eridays at 8.80 am. arriving Tor 1146 ath. = Great Lakes’ Service via “Owen R. Distrist ‘Pasbenger Agent, Toronto, ——t——— “MACTON . and Drs. Alex, Adam Sr. spent ‘Wedlledday. at the Motasof Mi, Ane tl toni Tr. and homas Hackett spent ast Friday. with the latter's: father Mr, Wm. Newton, Mrs. James Richardson spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hahn, r, and Mrs, Alex. pent latter's niece ,Mrs. Robert Gamble, of pee e, Misses Ruth and Bessie Holt spent |™! Newt Mr. Sa ies 8 eat of eer is visiting ae ends in locality. oe, ae er ehad sree a tah 1: 0, ‘Wellesley, spent Sunday tt the home of Mr. paces iy Newton. jisses "Ey va and Ver: ew hinney. of Glenallan, spent Sunday ander the parental roof. Miss Bertha Tabbert is spending some time at the ir annual convention in Zion church, 3rd line, on Friday, June 22nd. home Mr. Mrs, Samuel Powell, of ‘Wallenstein, came before Judge Barron |%1. 0) ayor | $7 0 2.00 p,m., arrivel Port | ROWS id) Port of: Wednesday and aie vith, eae na panes with their cousin, Miss Edna o House Cleaning ‘The season is here for adding to the furnishing of the home in the way o Furniture Rugs and Linoleum ‘We have a lot a pay. ue heautiful designs ‘ing room, Parlor, Den, Dining- room and’ Bedroom Hurniture pet by the yard —10 or 12 pieces of Linoleum alway cn head te salenetrone sCongolenm Squanos,: size ¥3,3x 3} and3x4, —Pieture Framing receives prompt Baby caieeaee Go-Gai a apie Goautar Wagoun: ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer be Bitenkr and _ MORNINGTON “COUNCIL il met in the Tp. added to Los = 1; Albert Moke, Roy Flemi in Linseman n, Mrs, Fran Poni parle pase orn, Samuel Naf- recht, John 1 Mu: urs port for the North Black Creek Drain was read and adopted and the Clerk was instructed to Srepate & By-law for ee sal ie aes lot repairing ou 1,00, ‘discing town- ; W. Girodat, $1.50 on ita will, a WILLIAM WADDELL, Olerk. Sicilia treat: Was Not Sleeping Ed. Sun;—A little item appeared in The Sun last week under the Poole seeping when the fault lay with bad Sosa Pad DONEGAL ssrs. Leslie and Norman Byer. MeLellan spent Sunday with friends at Gothai Misses Emma ee Cian Hatton ae Fisting at the home of, their mother, Mr: arton, £ z ‘aude MeCourt, of Maitland vicinity, pent Bosday.withMr, aad Mrs, Joseph Petri GADSHILL.. Miss A. Goforth spent, the week-end jwith her sister, Mrs, h, of Miss Gladys Quipp, ‘spent Sunday with her cousin, Mr. . ML Han "and children, her parents, Mr. and Mr. E, Steokly, of Brunner, spent Thursday with Mr. 0, Jantzi Mr. and Mrs .Charles Stewart, of Brunner, spent Friday with the 1 ter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gharles puipD. | PEAT While the price of wheat Hppelas id it is somewhat diffieult for the {to fix a standard price for set COMMUNICATION ATWOOD. The Editor of The Sun, Miss MeDougall, of Mitchell Dear BG, gpent | given cay T s 1 fa mh, amused, by Feading™the arr, and Mrs. Jack Johnston, and. e ji ine. i little Aaichtens of Yellowgrass, Sask,, es ere ines ma reronensen ta me sre visiting with’ Mrs. J. W. Boyd Sr. satisfaction ai aft ,thoneht “of “the ee Harold Weg itpega Je Cae as tote Pelton and Mr. John Pet~ But “voices” like. t! Hind uA have been ose friends in yiaha nist like: this one have been nto -have returne ick, is visiting 3 . Robert eae s: rs. Hodge Sr. has returned after ee ut the “voice” met [Yiiting for some time, with friends in with the great i Gren ot process De-puak Led; ja Miss Isabelle Pullarton, of ‘Toronto. in trying to convince this Sigs Wh SERRE NE eI believe if we were Po ter to argue for years, we ert “Ross and. Harald Hoger, leave off at the point where we.began | “Moinervel spent Sunday. with Mr. * . ‘oer. fiylle. Crue’ that: passages ORO Mu Ldythe Hi Hamtiond is visiting friends ia lad = report that Mr. Roper 5 0 been under s rf sf the doctor’s care, aipeaey a parry aden eopeages alt George Hays, another of our At- were used. t tors after ‘the iu” “phy BODE nal wee! desire aall be ¢ Shy dusbond dad Ge and ts trata with the 64th Battery. shall rule over thee," ras the rg'n | Ue Ra : tates, tbe subject Unto him," and this], tise, Ward, of Bitehener, visited is emphasized in various ways through |With Mrs. H. Willinson las! out the Old and New Testament. 1 hink it will puzzle the “voiee from the Ninth Line,” or 0 prototype, referred _to above, to eat bw Ii it. i fisiating, The bride eq” Tl the root all. Ne have \ i ['SBeoanse,” About seventy guests par- before and will not rotate. Gent |took of ‘the wedding dinner in ithe Queen Victoria, Flo prettily decorated dining-room, Lady Milner i rene Nehtingale. any costly and dainty gifts show the their set have written, either mabic, {esteem in which Mr. and Mrs, Little ly or in letters to their friends |8%° aa 3 i eS misting iota Instinct in women is the most) yal- UNNI uable asset the: Sess, sna baller ve BR ER that they are endowed with that pow= ssic Chapter. of 1.0.D.E. in~ er for the spei - a {reason with infants and the natural wi itney. ni a man's i i i -|reached out for the franchise, and|was taken up for Red ©: sis. Quevin, William Pryke, Llewellpa |: purpose OE ee tenn naaee their garden party on ne ge [June 20th ut the homa of Mrs, 1, J. Mrs. Williams motored to 2 ‘spent a few days aly ; a ie she will find plenty of scope for with "he xmother, Mes. Speak, of Har- ull play, And, for myself, if Iw pitewi Esdae (aot technical) ia a ditfieel: Willams, ty, I would rather go to a good wo- a Mrs. M. L, jman for help than <4 aman. But| Whitney attended the meeting of the neither nations nor Individuals are ' i ot Laws, to pe bead. jbinding, must be put down in blaci ne | anne ina Stinson, of. ‘Gorrie, spent jana eit and must conform to rules |last aaa with her’ sister, Miss G. ‘of logic or reason. Stinso n Saisie: I would like br quote home of Mrs, John Kerr, of part of a speech given| by J. L. Payne, | Brunner, was the scene of much plea- jof Ottawa, at London, Ontario, a short sure on Wed: jtime ago. He said, basic unit is the home. What bas been the aa conspicuous pheno of the guests ha menon of our time? my: mind it | Kerr’ the restlessnese of women, Notonly|and knew that in accepting her in- i an practically got i as asserted | for very loudly that the existing status of | joyed ourselves, there were others who peer forpe tees to the Red Cro! 0 ine CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pender desire ane to covey to every woman on the Titanic?” Anonymous, Millbank —* More than 9,000 employees of the Bell Telephone Compa of Can- ny , working in the Ontario Division, |Pereavement, gc ce coi ly maintain ite neutratliy. Had cost The employees will not be ask- Switzerland $3 each man, woman ild in its ‘population ‘and the 2 5. lwhich will include pensions, accidents, mubeanee ua not hurt the Swiss J, | disability and death, either, rt ‘|Aawwell The World’s Greatest Motor Car Value °890 Perfected mechanical construction is the Maxwell’s real greatness. That has been achieved by scientific, fi 6, acdaval of one chassis model. The Maxwell is world endurance champion, No other car is so inexpensive to run —thousands of Maxwell owners oper- ate their cars on $6 to $8 a month. The Maxwell is the practical man’s car—the car of the man who wants a full dollar’s worth for a dollar. Touring Car « - - - $890 Roadster - - . - $870 Cabriolet - - . + $1,235 ‘own Car . - =. $1,300 Sedan - - - - + $1,400 All prices F. O. B. Windsor Canadian plant in course of construction at» Windsor GEORGE COXON, Agent MILVERTON, ONT. LOUD L ON OL Coe Le ape NR, AM [5 SO iy PT:

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