cel From Overseas t I would have been more ser- | The’ following letter was written by one of the boys in France to Sergt. McGuire, fi whe July 6th, e t of the a certificates welll viel poe he Pansat poy see pecans lines ag and- you have the Dominion ae ment and all the resources for it F money will be paid Soe be ving a rough with Fritz and a lot of it Certificates a te etahiead na lows ; $25.00 for $21.50 50,00 for 43.00 100.00 for 86,00 are Joe hope For Service Tamworth Boar for service on lot'}i1 8, ‘con. 10, Mornington. Gideon Wag- Local Agent Wanted rr Monkton and District to sell For sor the Old Reliable Fonthill Nurser Splendid _ list ‘all Obiehe He: Albert Headon ‘tant uck. The varieties 2 d for aew Mustrated ee sioety lay ae gents propos! Hands working up from support free outfi Sia pecans ‘ib od ions, Oliver was only in an hou STONE ‘ WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) Toronto. - Ontario, ane @ esent_ time. German ad COMMERCIAL 85 Pe 2 00 2% ot Flour, Jewel per cwt, 6°35 bh janner per cwt per ewt.. one uld, sure 3 {Have not suen Tommy ye locate him Your Old Pal. a is with considerabl re “phon e a man is | ond as Teen badly |most of { everal ‘spent only a couple of we pital when they are ready for the yaks sone the boys call "it means months away ~~ the dangers that lurk in the trench as > a aaa on a say “Cheer up, looks as if they were ‘in Notice to Creditors | ees ss i ny cee he ae i In the Estate ce Se Barr, late | of the Townshi of Elma, in County of Perth, _farmer, decea: NOTICE is hereby given pursuant ab ¢ ae, o the Trustees Act (Ontario) that call) yth no kith or |few gallons of gasoline might pay { few delicacies which rill of pleasure fightor’s ayatem in Fra: ie porgients of the boys should be easily got by tor. [te tn might feel inclin art thereof. | few aoe amongst the parties entitled there- (to, havin, d and the boys from ¢ ee re kindly remembered. every Your Man on the Job.” ' +¥ Mrs. Agnes Semple on Monday las’ of July, A.D, received a cablegram from color of. Recvords, Ota Robert A Fos, Milverton | P.O. teat hee we Rok ; |been officially reported’ admitted to at: HB. Morp ie ea the Sixth Con’ t Depot, Their Bolicitor, *soire) » suffering tribution. al Belverton, Nhe 9th day se Baniple vat from Clerk’s Notice of First Sete of Voters’ List ~ Voters’ List, 1917, Bfuncgaty a the Millage of oe in County of Perth NOTICE is hereby % wiven hat Ihave en transmitted or de! liver of guns i the he day before I got hit red of the List, made ‘pursuant “s aid Act, of ay ‘persons appearing b; Gy eee a boy ut fortunately, most oot ‘hey |remain here. lo beside in the lines Bot first trip into the lines ace bie I got a letter from|who are badly hurt, being next me ‘in trench. en ee be are mostly Ameri- it ing trenches and pay Fritz another visit Gs 3 Es Wm. Semple also toltows: Dear Mother—I Reovaneaui shworling i thawitd nelpliig “nusaes I have certainly seen some bad cases. ‘ou do not need to worry about me as I get the best of attention Te be two or three nee fore I will be al again. I was mark the order was cancelled writes as mit: the: line and { will te, Sapper Henry Orr in writing to. ay is Fearne Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr &r., Crowborough Camp, June 28th. G Ss a. ki all I could pack) hanes we have t ie [Barry a rubber sheet eel helmet, yunds: 5 of derstand id as day’ s| We oe ane Sansh 0 sight for | we are so Se faeircices July Just afew li [am -wanen ventas a rest camp pat will ovly a yor censored before Se camp. | a: xiv, aero: s rather rough. r boat wasn't. loaded very oan she rocked like he wav across but Sanat it difficult to keep from rolling about boat. When I aro: was sick a fev sates but not very bad. } fhifig” tows 0% id. a five wile: walk to camp hich wis quite far enou We are| nts and are living quite comfort- Our food is very good. The eis much a ths t pt roots and ee, h Sen Vv e gre amusement ne to aca” the French papers Fre: ae i learned a school will be Sie. hot ype teae naving fine and quite contented an ‘think I be O.R. so don’t Sapper H. L. Orr, Army Troo; Canadian 1 Engineers, ees 766. B.E.F, =F The Sotlowi De interesting letter was I saw Q. § ms, late of ae cox on the ‘teat the Di | Aer exaing e had about ea aad Pateged tien: jan night, about fifteen toa tent. We & about ten o'elo Thealeal-inspes ction for an 181 mile march, full p: | marel tinction between Fritzy the picture ot “healt have to march to Fall Term From September 4th STRATFORD, ONT. sions corrected ac- Dated this sen a oe ae 1917, our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, ~~. Pri cipal Pte ae Aitverton | 2nd. Store Closed Monday, August. 6th MILVERTON’S CIVIC siete’ ys On account of the farmers being busy haying We will Continue the Big Sale Until Saturday Evg. Aug. 4th All’Sale Prices Advertised Last Week will be good. “The Store with the Stock” ENGELAND Q SON . _ MILVERTON through a See in whieh d; we hai no protection at all dnd sould hardly fee when ut. Next we had ¢ ch: one helmet to Siother while ditterent shells were throw: 0 draft that lett hove area Tweeter Fair LONDON, CANADA — Sept. 7th to 15th, 1917 1867--“A half Century of Suecess”-- 1917 ‘The Great Agricultural Exhibition isk : Western Ontario * $30, 000 in Prizes and Attractions Avery interesting Programme, includin Military and other 5 features -TWiC E DAL Fireworks Each Night. Two Speed Events Daily = REDUCED RAILWAY FARES. < pete Lists, Entry Forms and all. information from eit Lieut.-Col. Ww. M. Gartshore, 3 = A. vat Hab ‘Ther Matheson Sane, e se scqnstezation eee of Popular duets which al the two crests th over here wit é with 125 aeroplanes. te was stated that # ther dropped bom! abs the Parliamen a papers Ma ae © old boy, T will tee to rites now, remain, your sincere ee f A is att im arare, stoned rehbishop cau ta service held in Bra Th Fair, London, te tigonliget es with a seeares what is the meaning of the po! es Little, however, i is to be inferred from, ple ina oun Be are summaril: d, public speech Jorbiaden| @ management of the V ‘= eas ae The Western Fair ie Sept. Tth to 15th, London, Ontario, a ook on re upp the welliggtht sora ries, the the is based ae 0, extermination, if “hot Lrorever: ie ue The ow: by b re: r, On examination it was poi ae y re-| Ee Bib marie ruth lly: ri * we coul ‘sob stuff.’ A boy ce oe sus [aS fom home filled : ty ohai ee to the Seo- es Ont, it {i | Ise “Toronto 6 Weekly Sun~ - t is at this time, impossible to sey pee on cae eal which are “taking piace ia (DOYS. Congratulate them ‘there : Fc ise of e to J. note and at be ze eervlnger of peace. at it Means to You-to Your Pockethook—to Your oor é ‘Appearance—Ho jow it Conforms to Sound Business Judgment to Select from Our: Famous | Line es ie MEN ’S and Boy's _ SUITINGS — Takiae for our text, “He prot its most who serves erereay who serves best, serves most”’—we put in’ force a plan of tailing that tends to centre more The Up-to-dat Monkton, joe Nene 2 agen, Mr. ‘or’ the