Milverton Sun, 2 Aug 1917, p. 4

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CREAM WANTED The highest marke for cream True.w: The Pearl MILVERTON be given. We supply cans and pay the express. Ship your cream to t price will be paid eights and test will Creamery and ELMIRA fe MAY &th TO OCTOZER 30th Every Bs tea Lakes oe son Navigation) W. B. HOWARD, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto, Ont. | if W. D. WEIR'S LIST OF Properties For Sale! that splendid 100) ii, aes abe | ble $7,0¢0—Will buy acres, Lot 2, Con, ment Op \s $6, as buy ‘the south half of j and the north %|™ rnington, 100 nd farm. 61, 200 Wil buy a prlencie solid pe use with good ste Ole hard an Newton—the Ses ion not be bey for less than $1600—Terms 080 Wt buy the aor Part of 29, Con, 18, Elma, 42 acres ie ween. $300 pens "palance at ie nap. 62,10 wit” buy Lot 11, Con “ilice, 100 acres, frame’ house, flat barn, close to raitrea dA chance to make $1.000 eas. 0800—Wil puy Let Sapte ton. 7, Morn- in} House to rent on Maple St., Mil- eae see me will pa and i yt are pending a Saeatlon Alex. Rennie. day Mrs, Hd Dierlam and family, of Lis towel, are. Bees eter er, V s of land, “ E if you want to buy of cael your ‘dwelling or farm, It LINWOOD TOPICS Miss Frieda Hahn spent « S last. week in pee ee MILLBANK NEWS J.D. Todd and Mrs. Dempster of res were the guests of Mrs. R.J. Hall we Miss Aree Miller, of Milverto! spent the past week with Bliss Marion igh Miss Laure Ros, of Geilph, ‘visttea Mr, Jas. Rutherford’s during the past Week. ‘Miss Montgomery, of Linwood, spent iends a few days last week with, fri tea Bert Reid, M.G., visited over ith his sisters’ Miss © Alice Sunday’ wi eid, ae Jas. Baird, of Kitchene ed on friends here 9 1 Ritter, dur- Miss Florence Reid is visitihg with friends at Port Huron and othe: Mr. George Wray cessful barn raising one day last wee i Charles Raby. and family are visiting with friendsat Hamiltos this week. Miss H. A. Stewart and Mrs. W. D Binkley returned to. Dundas Satur- ener. a C. Barlett spent piste ee ee ee eee ed ee Mr, and Mrs. Jack Love, of Leban- ne an daughter aie Bunty at Mr. Geo. Loye’s. Z AP Mtiss Florence Duskiows of Newry, |Long, of ae ee cane cation with Miss|Mr, Nees Smith’: Mr, Robert Beid and children ce Re: On and Son, the S00 spent a couple ays las ts. Barnes, of-Toronto. fiwcck at ite. Jas. Raby’s and “athe with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J Messrs. H, Fitzgerald, R. Shav Roe motored to Toronto on Su n-| the towns are holdizg their civic holiday - ‘on Monday encanta oF ean Miss Glenn, of Malar Or et Sinas with Mr. N. Roe Al Hahn bee "Sacre farm to oir, Smith, of London, for the sum of $4,0 ‘Mr, Henry ris pore a | Listowel. Misses Koebel and Gale, of Kitchea- oe tie aa Miss Riordan, of Arthur, | and Mis. Brows, oe srorvate, ee at 4 the ff Mr. W. J. Haye we scaling Cirole. will meet at hom ae Barlett, on aa ies ing, Al Nhisses Bthel Baker and arene Car- m spent Sunday with lat- Mrs. Allan Wat auetia: of Tralee. ‘Misses May Barnes and Helen Mc- are spending & vacation with |) friends in Bar 2 Voll eclebrated his birth-|% ose tp resent Mr. and Mrs. Nr and Mrs itchener. L. Eckert and fam) ‘M Mr. and Mrs. of Waterloo, Mr. an and family of oie atin: oStr ea Mrs Louis Voll and fami ig the 13th Con. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and ur and soe J. Kellar and sons, of Breslau. Ie. Chas. heir parents here. ‘or Miss Mal bel Kitchener, RAND TRUN ATTRACTIVE TRIPS MUSKOKA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGNETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY ound trip tourist tickets now on sale stations in Ontario at very low faves, with liberal etop ove GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Bertlirescrvations and fall particulars (el Grand Feunk Heket offs ORNING, District Pas: a toronte; Ont hr RSS ia H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent “Gohl, of spent Sunday with her’ parents, Mr, @ Mrs. Chas. ang Mrtrod Dechert and children are Foot: ithis work, All ladies are cordially in- \vited to attend. A collection will be |taken up to oe defray expenses. i —— “FERNBANK oe Nellie Neilson spent with friends in Stratford fast “Misses Annie Synopsis # Canadian Northwest Land Regulations HE sole head ofa fanfily, or ‘any male Over 18 years old, who was at the eom- ement of the present war, and has British subject or a certain con¢ fesidence upon and ‘cultivation of land in each of thre« ‘as ars: ia certain ai istrict a bomiesteader may. se arter-section as pre- re us Et after earning hom Seat mad cultivate GO ex se fate pre-emption patent ag soon as homestead patent on certain c settler after phesialid hoalesteed patent, ithe cannot secure & Di may take @ purel homestead in Rertaln districts. Price $3:00 per acre. Must reside six months ii dach of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. Holders of entries may count time of em- uty ‘Minister oF the fatertor °K. Seaisetptees eb gation oF this .ad- Mase ‘will not be oe t the home of Mr. of Mona Road, are pres visit- ing at Mr, A. ©. vford’s. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerr, of Ca thage, visited on Sunday at enone of Mr. H. B, Kerr. Master Eric Loney, ct present holidaying SLoney’s. 4 Mr. and “Mrs. Thos. Neilson an family, of peed spent’ Thursday with friends of Toronto, se at Mr, Sam es MACTON : and Yera Mewhinney spent Tuesday with ~ Bees Jean Allingham and Edna Newton, Mise Ruth Holt, of Glenallan, ae ae with her friend, Miss Vern: rt Anthor ania spent Sunday at the home ‘Mrs. Edward Crooks. of Linwood, a | AL aus for Those ites Seas oe 0: erties 's Excut lomeseekers’ tanees to West- the adian Pacifio 4 . Howard. District Passenger Agent Toronto relatives her: W. Barr and Mr. t TU E Ss DAY jand Mrs, H. L. oH eland and fam: |" pia ee lily, of Milverton, spent pete “ALL RAIL” = also-by jai with Mr. and Mrs. N. Roe. fi THURSDAY’S STEAMER sce aalety home last w and ifriends at At Mr. cee with Master “Arthur, Jppected resident “passed away at his 01 weekis vacation with his brother in ea . a jantel cate of Sault Ste. ste, am a spent lin ai and | given of Kd Mickus and family: Voted ot Pia As ety the home of Mr. and Messrs. Lous and Milton Dechert Detroit on Monday after if weeks with ostise Luey Diebold, of NEEDS: is spending vacation with friends at and Helen English. of ni and sister, Mrs. Wm. | CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUGUST 6th Monday being Milverton’s Civic Holiday, all places of business will be closed. —We will have a Special Sale of Goods This Week! Sport bales a large range all at 10 per cent. off this and fancy Sport Shirts for, men of plain sults and boy: Straw Hats $2. 50 for 1.. 805 1.698 ir asene 4.50 hats for 3.25; $3.90 for 2.' nes ; 1.153; $1.2. Children’s Middies Just a few left to go at 25c each. Misses E. ae on = #. Mo k after “end x months w us ig the reeborn visited with nday. friends at Monkton over Su: by Ok Prantioat’ geil f Kitchener, visited Your Os isin the West the for ndy. at Mrs Sates ; Ts. Hester” Tanner’s Yaak wee! fertile prairies “have Misa J s pend her fale ~ a i ‘ene the vacation with friends in Toront Satin jockman, 0! ie urns, is ee ‘Western Cant : rman Ament and es ~s with er aunt, Mrs. There are still thous Pees =e mo- | Stewart. Ah of acres waiting for thy jeoeeu 10 Tondon and Port Stanley on) Migceg Blanch Blough and Maite é Sunda : ted last wee pons ers nbeey gaa [Mtr and Mrs. Leggatt and Ray: and ite, of eae sats ‘prosperity. antage® > )Ma celine of Orangeville, and Mr.-4, B: a of LOW Rares: Sraaevel as MeElwat and sot Pred an Ee Ate es See Reters, of F prantford. ter, Mary, and his mot wget Carlet | sto during the. post wes CANADIAN PACIFIC | Bast spent Sunday wile and era: J, 3: Mobaddtn and 200, ssa re Serre home after spendin; of weeks with friends at oriiue! ty Mr, Frank Tank, “4 ere on ay. wetus gapden pets ae the school day evening under the auspices of the Women’s Institute vas the event of the season. school grounds, which were taste- fully decorated with bunting and withstanding ¢ the busy wae e laicly: leekererhqed © The gram, whieh was in the hands of ery efficient chairman, Mr, R. B, Ham ton, of Millho: consisted ot 8] artettes, duet The Milverton band was speeches F. lay; M.P.P., of Listowel. The Satie were rendered in’ srs. ray an ‘he St. Paul’s Stratford oe quartette delighted the crowd and pee Miss ; Freebor ve a duet. The Patriotic drill was an given by sixteen girls of the vil- lage, w! e dressed in white, wear ing “ospe: and” SaxryiDg. ne eee “jenting the eeds, > sist, Swillvecde: fo Patriotic. oe poses. ie Mrs, Jas. Moser, of Hesson, which amounted t Mr, and Cassell. Miss Rosetta Klein was the gu of a Tapa Booey at Tans va Sunda} Mise Aninie’ Basler “apent thé weak® end with her sister, Mrs. John Sebie- bel, of Mact e hor Mrs. si With tisuda inst ‘ir. M me of Mr. T, Miss ne Rosger, of Stratford is spending some time at her home Mr. Kagens -MoDpueldy of Water loo, spent a day last week with rela- tives ta our ‘WARTBURG James Hanna, of Gravelridge. Sunday with her brother, Mr. Weiss. Mr, and Mrs. Moore V. Henry sere eee visitors 2 and x. and Mrs. Eli Weiss and family of Walkerton, ecently with Mr. Master albert “Harloff, of Rostock. his is Evol 2 holidays with grandpar About twenty of the Royal Scarlet mions ‘of the . Stratford Dis- | trict, motored. out here Sunday: after- we July 15th, to yar breth= ren in putting on the Scarlet Degree. There were six candidates exalted to Mime Depree. 5 Li spent the week- ea with anid ee Mrs, respectet his sad and untimely end, besides his widow, three daughters and two sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Me trip to Listowel one y s Tgendas ‘afternoo ‘Mrs. s. O'Grady and _iauatens wand Mr: inn of 0, are vis si iting with friends here. prominent farmer of jis vicinity passed away on Monday, 30th, at is home here in the ioe of James Mackey, following along illness. The known and bighly es to mourn Previously acknowledged 1 | Ma Ladies’ Middies $2. 1.38 5 $1.50 for 1.19; $1. 85 and 95¢ for 6c ; +. 59c for 00 males for 1.59; $1.75. for 25 for 98¢; Men’s Silk Hose In white and fancy for the holiday. Men’s Overalls Worth $1.50, this week only $1.19. Men’s Collars Still selling at the old price, 15c each, . Fruit! Fruit! your orders, We filled all our steefbeey ‘orders, which were on order. SPECIAL NOTICE! - As ‘old at a very close margin we positively will not sell on credit add-10 per cent. if we do. ~— Underwear sizes. ash, 2s worth $1.50. ice range of new Wash Ties, Men’s Mesh Combination _ Specials packages Corn Wate for. Ice Cream Powde: WM. . A. LOTH, Milve. frton | 3 rolls Toilet Paper fo 125¢° Quak. s, Robin Hood and Purity ats mnt pa ee 5 bars White Knight Laundry Soap ase ae ATWOOD. | Mrs, B, Robinson, of Monkton _is| visiting with Mr. an < | n. | her friend b| | AWallase McBain, of Camp Bor-| de nee nt the week-end at his home here. Miss Audrey Ducklow, of Stratford, is visiting with her sae Mrs Brown, s. C. Ballantyne and Miss Agnes Saullantydehace- visiting’ teiends” at} Hensall and Stratford. | ert Ross, Miss Mae rold Roger and Mr,| Cua’ all of Motherwell, motored to! iy a thé viliage end spel wh r. and Mrs. John Roger. sch Norman Lee, of nto, with Mrs. yor as mo ky .e has return- vme time visiting d Western Mrs. R.S. B ed. after spending s* takes an Bryce and ror ais and id ‘Miss is visiting at inthe. village: ‘Miss Ruby Mokay, ‘oh t Sarnia, is vis- BL Swing ls, visiting friends in Toronto, Mr. Archer has returned to his home in London Mra’ Rd Greensides “has “soturted alter visiting her sister, Mrs Wilton, Boyd hae. retuned af iz for some time with Strat- ford trignds: “W.-D, Angus and son, of Z ford, and Miss L. Brooks, of frie, Pa jotored to the village and spent s. ise, wedding took , duly place on Wednesday. 25th, iss Mabel MeMane was united in ‘marriage to Mr. Herbert Peebles, of families of a uh ortreve, Sask. 1 Mos. (J: Mittlebols “and “sn; h acti i ell, spent Sunday with the former’s|Mr. and M if eebles have the best ; parents, ‘Mr. a Joh: t, |vishes of a large circle of friends in Miss Irene O'Grady. of Tralec, was| the village: and vicinity. the guest of Miss 0. O'Grady Mis and Mea We Gtnglis “and Att Sunday. ie, of Stratford, are visiting thelr ‘Mr. = erbivt Cassell, of Elmira, |son, Mr. Murray i spent a few days in our burg — last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knoblauch and femily, of Hesson, spent’ Sunday at| Mr. Louis Kieffer ae eek Mr. Hugh ‘MeDonald. of itshenen, ispent a day last. week with: Mr. Stanley. py aarti is periitie a few weeks with| Keep your eye on Oe calendar relatives on the line. jand wether tah dais of the nese Mr. Ll Ertel a Sunday atjball,_to be held i e ee future. s home in St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs, George Isley and M ite: etd “Mrs, Wm. |Chas Moser spent Sunday with Mr. weante, of Elmira; spent aes ete aa Mrs Chgs-Moser. Sx. end with friends in our hos. Hanley has improved his bones by gu ane ore wer are ae ae and Mrs. ae. Stemmler -and Simon and Tony, sient Sunday. with Ma. and Mrs; Jon, Hala: ar Mr. Chas, Dougherty Kiteher ner pees spending a few deyn ae Wh Miss Hazel Rupert is: at present visiting with her sister, Mrs. D, Kelly ‘Mrs, Arch’d. MeGillawee spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs: P. Fraser. orme t parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ‘MeMi- an, Mr. M, Macbeth pee: daughter, Nel- ie, Mr. daughters. Janet ay *Deratian taped ‘Sunday he home of es art. ‘Neeb, of Brocksden, were Bunday vis- itors i Sebastapol. 7 tual meeting of the ones he Institute was. held } at the home of Maki: stratford, ae sD. Stewart, of Stratford, who has been. spending the past week in Shakespeare re tuned on “Tasede Ss to spend the eens with | her son, Mr, Jas. Stew: -feiaian . Relief irs. Wm. Atkin, Milverton ae $0127 i wi Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan, of Light Four *975 Roadster .... . $950 Country Club . $1110 Touring All prices f.0.. point of shipment. Subject to change without notice. SS LZ . Ogle. Saving lime No one now has time, energy of money to waste. Get a car big enough not to cramp and tire you and tax your energy. Get the Overland Light Four and save money.. Come in and get it today. _W. ZIMMERMAN DEALER MILVERTON, - - ONTARIO cil, 272.00- donate Lodge, 7.00; Threshing Syndics received in ‘Misses Hazel and Mary Armstrong, |6200; ‘collected, clothing: valued at Tralee, are spending a few. days|95.00; total lity, {with their sister, Mrs Roy Beggs. on inne Bad for yarn, $297.71 Miss Helen He ley is spending a|paid for cotton goods, 171.60; donated fow. days With relatives in Kitchener. {to -Y.M.C.A., 10800; donated’ to 110th Mr. nee nd brother |Battalion, 30.00; donated to starving ‘Chas, are spending a few weeks at}prisouers’ fund, 10.00; stamps, saris) = their home here, notes, money orders and Most of the farmers im this viein-/17.31; ice cream, 12.50; tooth ‘bbnstes ity have finished hayini for rane, 8,00; donated to Belgian Aiendtug wella ee ining: Belgian Relief Clothing plaice 9,00; balance on hand, IAMPSTEAD th Morn knit- oat Mrs, ale Fa candy i soap, and $1.00 was omitted. Mr, E. Hawke} Remnie. Mr. Ed Petch a: and Pearl,. | part ie of Mheir holidays at Cross! rs. an elmira, were. Sunday visitors at M fords. | ‘Thos. a Mr. ee | North Horsingion ate Haying is in full swing in lity and takes som: yo ah Be Report of North Mornington Patriotic League, FOR 1916 AND UNTIL JULY 4th, 1917. Bee Sree from 19 nd con idy, 20,005. ret lonate of Miss Currie’s. school ee Se - collected for Bel, ted 614 pairs of soc! a week at the hom jdays, as it is a epood ur pour Office. 0 i. Te Watson's, WH ised by “quilt, mice creat, cake ceived from Coun- d by Britton Orange Gotham proceeds y ade, 11,00; glen “Relief “hand, gon eee byspepsie ole ca agin Ladies ks for the soldiers. valid at $35. 00. for ntiseptic powder, of aR eles, spent of Mr. Lorne} 9 and two children. of Kitchener, spent Clayton haord io Oider: Hastings,” of unday at Wm. as el sweat hese hoe oy ‘Wrappers printed |. And don’t forget to yn as we can at. Rea ‘possible prices. M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants, = . \ WE DO ALL KINDS OF Eavetroughing, Furnace Work - and Plumbing | pes LESSOR Also a Gariatels line Iron Pumps, Cylinders, Etc. Let us give you an estimate on your work. Now is the Time to Buy an Oil Stove all styles. Also +tl Leave your order with We erfecti Detroit: Vapor Stoves which. jie either gasoline or coal oil, ese stoyes-have no wicks and burn just like city gas. Come in and let us demonstrate them St. Marys and Canada Brands Semon: Always on hand. sean Your Goal Sin mir orders, We will supply you as WEST MONKTON me $

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