Poultry Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID” ay for all kinds of Live Poultry :: © ' S. Gleeckman, Ee Fed ae Phone 1656 4 ‘Milverto 5 “Ht ‘Shines For All.” _ Sharpened — A good job guaranteed. = NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorator _ Vol. XXVII—No. 6 © Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, August 9, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher A Good Ally The man who saves no remains station- ary, or goes behind. The man who saves ae Money Money -out at interest works for a man uc Bestallynexttobis moe pty d integrity. ee a savings account a The Bank of, NovaScotia gated BRANO . 0. W. Hue! Items of Local Interest. YX Mrs. J.C. Cu aacinghten ot Water. Joo, spent the week-end with Mrs. P 'L, bert Wanless, of Toronto, ce week-end with his father. by Honderich purchased th» other day Hedin Zimmerman | Pre Caegolet dae ie d Mrs. J. W. Lyons and Max ett on Ssaturday to spend a week jin friends in |. Mrs ent veer, Ka afew Mr: returned Mon- ene: Stratford ator spending a R, Hollefreund t. Miller and. daugh-} A, Pearl, left ‘an ‘Saturday n | end, where they pane a cou lof weeks camping ‘at he ke. and To) ni} verton and Mornington Mr. as See ae pesos: of Toron- to, an ‘Alex. Jacobs and fami ot mite an Civie sandy with friends in Milve (ton, ‘Miss ie Henrich, Mica K. BURNS CHURCH Diamond Jubilee Anniversary SUNDAY and MONDAY SEPT. 23-24, 17 “REV. D.C. of St. aes Chureh, London, will conduct i cee on Sun- ; iday (moming,and evening) FOWL SUPPER on Monday, Sept. 24th. Mr. Robt. Hanna and tsyo soloists, ni ‘will also be present and vide the programme. of dna Eby will re- Zimmerman and Monday for Oshawa and brow week. which be spending a week visitin tener Henry Miler: home to, Sebringwitle 0 Mox zettirne et th gret to hear ‘That \ in a precarious condition of ‘healt the home of Mr. Kitchener, and his eecdeiey in paired of, ROBERT FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER y SALES AGENT FOR McMANE AUTOM McLAUGHLIN OBILES z Made in Canads CANADA'S STANDARD CAR nnirtyieht ot, the Belgian last | P, L. Tye and family spent Mon aay asternech with friends at New . ae ae Grow, of Stratford, spent [ene ee friends in Milver- fon and ity. and daughter, Hazet “jot faba, were ¥ & ich’: | week oe Mi spend a in Hamilton and Sm: ae ss E. A. aes 6 |curnea home after spending a month | visi Mrs. ee Riddell z er, Jean, mpene Givi: Holiday Barer the home of Mr. citar ae ar vane s ae and Mrs. B. Campbell, of Hil- f fkea, Florida, are spending a week oe ted hom. f Mr, and Mrs wie. Suan hess Eidt, M's; Vera Eidt and Mrs. Henry Becker, of New Hamburg; spent Civic Holiday at Mr. oW. Browarat To: iting at Mr. W. Milverton, and with trode 0 in Mornington fas Mrs .Chris. Mank and Mc | Mi isses W |torea to Str ir, ie ity of. Stratford on Saturday las: commemorated into the wa Sohn dobaaton, of Dovontss George Ham the guests ‘of George "Fy Jobbeta, thei in New- ie heen | 5 rand: | field o1 on 3 nite Nisgara, Walla cnctirnine on Monday night. Sir Richard McBride, High Com- missioner for British Columbia cece England, and former premier of that province died on Monday ning from Bright's disease on the ev B.A, marriage to take place early August. theneealay monthly meeting of ths Edgerton Porrance cs will be held im the Public iran on th, at eight members are jemueaten ¢ as important busincs: Pir be: teteadehd: Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Gardiner, Monday eveni cloak. All Ban! The marriage to take nes auletly in August. james Edwards, of Milverton, el, who underwent an opera mee ae fe aie re- it “natitution on rought to the qos and Mrs. Lou's His fniebds will toward: ner, We! field. ney. meg we understand, | insured in members of the | erew eva man. third anniversary of Britain's entry.|t rol 2. atrattord, ae a Pend your middies at Loth’s. Spec. ial . Lowery, of Tor onto, spea Tuesday with Mra. George’ Hic ye but | ~3,-Kalbticiach spent bigeye ith Mr Win ‘Reinwald Newton. Roast and boiling me: from 1c to 2c a ab. at buteher shop. Miss Marie Wingeteiden of Stra d, is her holidays at the lown of Saturday with their cently ie at talk measuring five feet fee < Rev. A, Blunck ning entertained eague chure on Tuesday the Young People’s of the Milverton’ Lutherai Se and Miss ©. Rid to Burlington and Ham. ilton, where Shue spent the week-end with friends, lay and is visiting Mr, J. H. Gu ther, - Chalets, of Morningtor the Sun offi k to oe aes of Ca: ada, ae to the in . W. J. Hanna, food Controller aap era Gray of was the gues Wesley Gray, List,owel, who ~ beautiful Jesus My Soul. — Owen Sound Ontario Will have the biggest oat in the history o province,” declasek Dr. G. ©. is- mor- | nin e, when haying had been well advanced’ and. the hardly entered and two children, of narrow eseape fr Tavistock, he auto they were “riding oraahed into” the side of the bridg a ay ne ete of advertising, here what aban of the blishers Shad for 5} apace La dies’ Home Aeeeys Sa-\a the Walkerton |e Dirty or cheld eggs no t a id Keer born’s j re: office, a stalk of t in Miss Gunther of W,ninipeg, arrived | 2 wi ith lightnit { Loth is paying 38e for fresh eggs. Mr. it oe has purchased a new Ford Aas aA “bine berry order at Loth’s | First com ved. Pu i & Qaraay afer iienuines ope ane of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Gropp, Brine Earl Dennison, of Stratford, |mexly of Milverton, enlisted with AMC. last Fri niday and is now training at for- est Counter Check Book firm in Can- our order will reaeive prompt attention at the Sun offic On Mondey, Mr. Baker left at this ‘imothy t was g farm of Mr. John C. Baker, 8thi Con. we ood . John Chapman ae daughters, Alie tion with “Mr Jenn’ Hamilton ther friends in’ Mornington. The ladies of Zion chureh, Welles- ley, purpose m0 and n fmen announce the saying opportunities # ey have public, te to offer the purehasi: ‘ing avery, of Dorking, is re~ ile n in a message | natu: fill all the ere ee space in sea rivers an Are me- Soll, taking ehanbes <n =p | thing happening to your loved ones, The Fire bee aa of Ontario ‘says that ees fan. 1, 7, to May a tory, 147 rie been fired jo a barn which’ was equipped ng at is “the nies greatest food Bly thost people: would an- i aoe and barley, one and a half id. ae nee slates ie been queced in os act Mops drive “at Eugenia and they are aying pa ‘rom | ni there at present, ecased to take bait or fly of any kind. ~—Flesherton Advance. Ex-Constable, John Thiel, — be! tor :|* Weir, at Kitchener, last |, ut ade partly intoxicated : as the result of liquor supplie a local hotel-keeper. Patriotic Demonstration at Stratford ne of the Seen impressive Patrioti series ever. wd in 8 mane table, who has been fur- y, the vines, ponneil ee ye: doi Re- “tutomatically | ie Jakes | The insertion of me |e aoe ice | mil Spe | ilion dott = 0 .c |of Britain's entry into, the, war, of ‘will be- inereased x Intario cn th late ft killed 1 action a tei versar, ld in Stratford pith Blasing te “ihe “aMied nion Jack as ae Capt. Oy Nias pueet ie Kathleen ae jant er, sent e ate Tepresentatives of the lore ‘ job. aebtning Mi a loss of $181,491. fd te wi attord,| be held there on Saturday evening | the sb [F rom Overseas Ss of Mid ae of Mi St. Martin’s Plains, July 23rd, *i7,|well. Pte, was a Sergt. Steverns heir shir i hone fellow has counted abo boys have ready. «7! eli -lfound them gone. me yet fobert pite rumors West referred to Grey coun| 2 “Your Man on the Job.” Ihave read with tnterest r for'your! Pte, » Dave Doering Recovering. S. H. gh. Pte. Robt. West Well. West is still well aw to the contrary. ‘The Pe the casualty lista ey! man. Under the Big Guns in France. The following letter was received by Pte. Tom: :|Dear Mae,— t I would take this oppor- As Beatie gion ical E. A.V, Camp, A Whitney, it You ilverton eens on ae Job. Robert Gibson of Saskat of Milbank, receiy ee te. Ss a3 of Mrs. Bert hrmdcn of taal Bshools in Perth and Water- loo Counties and given below; sie PERTH M.D. atten Burl H. Cavell, ai wie . 8. | Gilkespie, m,), A. Heuermann we re ae V.R. Johnston, F, A! (Pt. eitzer aay stsinbote thom, 3 = OW p aa nae Wright ion F ‘Walker, é care Wenzel (hon.) in LW. G. Youn; \ |inations HOARE gone up was over to-night and "1 Amid More Pleasant — in ; nd he dai Canada with S Studebaker automobile the -st-ola ime-worn statement that C that the: aounbyy, ca e lat war. Saree all” ces is not ents atin ym. Se. | business. 2 Mree rae Conservatory of Music pmamingstons it of succers*ul candidates in the pereanes ol published in the Toronto _p: pera, appear’ the following from AU. verton, ane of whom were pls of | Mise. Whi pupi Puneterte —Primary grade—Honors —Janet M. HN ene ‘Delilah. Atkin Eileen T. Rosam« Biemantayy eaten niaeeae ‘heory—Elementary grade — Rudi. irst-class honors—Delilah At- a! ane eel License Inspector Elliott, of erat ford, was in Milverton on Tuesday 0} CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Wm. ike of Newton, aes ines to conve cere thank v. it help. ee ; nde zine ae late be er brother, Er ving Be PT tee S 33 MeLay ghlk Tee segs ) disti am now offering my seven-passenger or ale. This ‘a ee Ree ‘a bargain. R. Mane “Mil- verton. iy A lack silk | jin, Listowel ata tard, Automobil: aoe ; a | Newton. Own ean | ton. Owner for this EN es lndersigned, ie There strayed ont