Milverton Sun, 9 Aug 1917, p. 4

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“Pandora” Ranges the cook. Also they tain a more even KONDoN ' TORONTO INNIPEG \pieeahad an, OR ator Rane ! z - hv A, C. sm iain \ | | For Sale ~. A Satisfactory Range less fuel and require less attention than any other range you can buy. Write for free illustrated booklet. M‘Clarys PANDORA RANGE never disappoint last longer, main- temperature; use ~ The Michigan Special Convenient be Train for Detroit cor Particular Ficus D siicd ike Mee and Mia War Witsel’ of | cisttea aver sunday "Wick mid convenient night train operated via Ibitehener, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. ie 7 the manse, ‘ the Ganadian Pacific—Mic gan Gen | witzel,. 9t je place, motored; \ Mick: mee fen, = Fel Ae wton on Sunday, where they set! ee os ‘Sunday. at R Leave Toronto 11.80 p.m. dail; sar ve | the- day. ma qsiawas: “ | wat it 7.50 a.m, and Chicago 3.00 p.m ae and Mrs, John Koch spent Sun- . 4 Sees Electric lighted standard Biers is day. ‘at the home of Mrs, Yost, King- vigitin share Pe nay tnd aeen ree | ted to’ Detroit, Further par- Me Houlars from any Cana dian Pacific ar. and Mrs, Conrad Schmidt and |; Me = Ge joket Agent, or W. B, Howard,! yy. and. Mrs.-Edward Horman, of jtored ay ! District Passenger Agent, Toronto. "|New Hamburg, and Mr. and Mrs |Suudey, with from ee Sat |Henry Schmidt, of Ratzburg, were |. with friends at Toronto, | inndeagaecore pec the buns et AE) Ms, 0. Be Grieve was a business | “LISBON. “= Kas, Charles Stueck,, of Mich‘S@, | pr. “Mt H. 1ed_ on riends last week. > Boe phen Vv tine Kneehtel and dangb- | by nt the week: MILLBANK NEWS. ima Tanner is vis ting friends ne Southampton, Palmas and Listowel. d Mrs. John Ritter and Helen left last eee to spend a few weeks at Goderic Thos, Sharp, of Stratford, spent gundiy with his mother, Mrs. Ja Miss Hannah Johnston, of Guelph, is visiting with Misa A. Gillespie and other old friends in the village. | ‘Birs, John Thompson and sora, Ross d Gordon, of Windsor, are visiting igh Mr. Hugh Ross. iss Lizzie Lowrie, of Toronto, is vacation with friends epending her gin on Monday after with her parents hi ith’s visit at. Detroit. n Pender, of Mitchell, vis- his parents, Pender. ff Toronto, visited at ‘Rela’s over Sunday. ecComlis,: of Donsne Mr. and ee Low | on Love and Lizzie Linwood Hazel Asides friends «at "Phos. Hawthorne and Howard Look Over the Following ‘Bargains mport Shirts ea large ha tange of plain white Ae yeas port Shirts for men ani at 10 per cent. off this weel nd boys, Men’s Silk Hose In white and fancy for the holiday. Mone Underwear | izes. Men’s Mesh ‘Combination $4. $2.50 for 1,50 ; for 98 cents. Child— Straw Hats 50 hats for 3.25 ; $3.90 for 2.95 3 $1 169 for 1.15 5 25 ana Middies ce a felt lett td go at 25c each. ne Ae “aen’s Colla Men’s Overalls Worth $1.50, 1g week only $1.19. rs Stil] selling at the old price, 15¢ each. ash 2S worth $1.50, _ x Nice range of new Wash Ties. : 3 Grocery Specials 3 packages Corn Flakes for. 3 olla. ues Paper 25c S Rotie Hood and. Mer F. 1.38 5 1.50 for 1,19 5 85 and 95c for 69c¢ Ladies’ Middies $2.00 Middies for 1.59 5 $1.28 for 980; 59c for 45 $1.75: for we positively will add 10 per cent, if we : : Fruit! Fruit! ve your orders, strawberry orders, which were on order. SPECIAL NOTICE! ruit is sold at a very close margin not sell on credit — We filled all our ler. ee 5 bars White ee ene Sea 25¢ 15¢ Ice Cream P English Brett ‘Cotte per Ib. Jam Cookies Sulphur Matcher per pabhage. WM. K. LOTH, Milverton. | =| aces Glebe. and visited at Goderich during the past 3 Sle aD oe rantford, are spending 1| WC ee il ¢ d Gale, spen’ t the home of Mr. Valen- |sunaay a Mes: ee ten Bee Se ———- X e t on Monday to ot| at Tecnds ct Torants ATWOOD. ie wet J tonn| Mins. W. Houston and “gon, Frank,| Mrs. Agnes Morrisoa and Miss Jea np s Pee Sonn Toronto, are visiting friends in Moca: ‘of Toronto, are Visiting ‘vith er. a this vicin! Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel P atte were spenting Jobe tee ROS Kalbe ot Listowel, Mx) Mr. McGilvary, of Tamtoyia in the i aY*| and Mrs. C. Schaefe rs. us E |village on busi W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF with “and ce Ws soho Seen Mine and rainy snd Afiss Elida Heim| Miss Ada Blackwell is visiting with vane Fe eintra” weed itehe alle n friends Ee on |friends in London. Properties For Sale ! /:amty ana ae and ates, rea, Reb. orn a motor trip | Mr. and Mrs. Isao Ducklow and Bis ie om et . oy aeiereee Ut eheonat: oe “district. hildren, of Stra’ ord, spent he | By boned ata 2 Mr. and Mrs, Ruby and daughter. | week-end with ‘Ms Beet: ere Will buy Tot 31, Con, 12, Bl- “Mr. and. Mrs.: John Hohl were the of New Hane, and Mr. Fisher, of | ¥Mrs. 8. Hy meee has eas r 0 acres, conitartavla Mg ee Sa7s ang Me and Mra: Jo ha Otten Kitch ner, spent ens “at Mr. Nok< | fhe: houke on, t., owne: rs. ing, bank jae 48x68, all in bee i ekaviiies “ladt. Sven man Ruby’s. Ellen Little, ee Little inteuapay! ion, le! bat cet na hits a “william w coat of fisses Muriel and Bane es ing Seta an er son, in ‘Terrace, ¥ Guelph, are visiting at M British Ce stration, Jel Sw Qk Biiek Me Mtteaigll of “oshientens” Ne er. ‘i - : 5 We are glad to report that Mrs. |is visiting with his father, Mr, Rieh- Ie One Ne eS eras oa (dou Hammond is improving atter her |ard Marshall, ats, Ue Boe oe Sr ont" | seoent.-Ultiess Mr. Lorne Blackwell, of London, Sinan Pa Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and spent. the week-end at his home in = : family motored to Stratford aml |the village, ac Care Boves een er & rena Shakespeare last eck and spent a[) Mrs. A. ME Robinson and daughter horse some time ago, he day with friends ther Stk Mave gectarucas @iter apeeaing a pre War wit 3 a f Gadshill, was : seaued the pulpit sof a holiday in Southampton Vt Be ected. Weller ont ie besineaice onureh Gr Sunday? Mec EMosbebain,-of) toronto,cals oie bank bi ment stab- Saturday a ing aimee home after two w ane vu te Us his home. #o,500— Wi Stay the: wocth shalt ot award Seftel and Indy friend, holid PE ane pie erie er LS 7, Con, 12, and the north aes Sores aon Sunday evening the ‘alae, 8 lot tage yee ee 100|at the home of be Geo. Neumeister. WELLESLEY ¢ Jean and Flora Morrison are acres, brick house, kitol —---4-- eof our Alain St almost: im=| Vi sing he and Mrs, Robert Brown, Raa aeae ited “wel wie: ON passable at the present, being badly |of, Detr i ail enter ereee, feu ene ESS! torn Up in’ preparation. for it}. The ‘metal service which was pst tid ns cgols aa Mr. Harold Kieffer and sisters {which work should have : potest Bia a st Ist, according t tra Ss #1, 200i» buy-a splendid sa eis EID A RR Sate vot EEO Oe eT dn aka: Gatisniaeaepent (Ory. 6t Pte. Wetaron. Hewat, whe paid gott water, 4% acres of Tend, in |Home here. Saturday and Sunday with friends in|the supreme sacrifice his Newton—th fot: be iss Johanna Schiebel, of Water-|Ayton. Mr. Battenburg occupied the r pene fee. amy than $1600—'Terms |100, is spending a few days under the pulpit at a missionary service there parental roo! m Sunda Mr. and Mrs. George Farenkop! and ong number from here attended thy easy. $1, oe buy the orn Part of Con, 18, Elma, 42 acres ai Faced: $300 ‘sow ‘balance at snap. saan Wi buy Lot 11, Ellice, 100 branes frame’ fionse, fiat dA chance to ¢ $1.000 eas! esttomw puy Lot 15, Con. 7, Mora- 4 acres splendid rn, Zoo. House to rent on Maple St., Mil- verton. id see me if you want to buy or sell ll Jour dwelling or farm, It Mr, and Mrs, Henry ich, of as Clements Brent Su TREC aes Mra. s He 1m, Mrs. x Hacehler of St. r burg last Bunday en “with relatives. St. rs. Josep Cass daughter, Martha ths ora Helm Mr. Mrs. will pay W A’ RAND TRUNK SYsvem HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12.00 to Winnipeg oe. 00 to Wanntped, AUGUST 2ist and AG stations Lyn, Ont. onto inclusiv ae AUGUST 23rd and 30th.—Fro sin Os pm ‘ovonto and west in For tc aa to tickets west t innipeg, ete. apply to any ff) Grand Trunk Tiekeb Agent. Anaahat SSE ese ales H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent ing sae S ultivation of ined ta = 7 HSim an riends, of Hitshener, motored to our burg on Si Mis. | Mr, ler. spent a day last week with Mr. Hanley. canoe FERNBANK Mrs, Gibson and son, . J, Dendinger and Mrs gatha, motored a spent | du, wlio have and spent a 6 last week with relatives. in lay. last. Be a ° 5 6 i= & aa a = 5 ral years past at turned | on Monday. . and Mrs. erloo. P,. Ber- Our ‘a program at Tavistock on Wednesday Faber and Two ‘a Katie Wagner and noon, r. and Mrs. Henry Braun rton, are visiting friends and latives here for a wee ohn Hammer, Mr ae his He fenry Braun spent Sunday with friends at Gudehill. YM. Alex. Dewar, mp Peta: nding a few ange Be Wai. Wawa, sp home here, Mr. apd Mrs, George Zettel and several others from Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr, ‘and Mrs. Henry Zett the: ingependent labor Ts: Bs He ir. Roy Abell and sisters, of Lis- ron lows and Mr, Lorne Gamble and |¢Mt speakers held a very vouch sister, Miss Hazel, spent Sunday at|™ecting here last Friday night. The Mr. Rol ees Stewart's. eee received a very attentiv~ iss Mary Aikens, of Millbank, vis- |Bearim i jited wih Miss Tete Ker ob Sunday | ,, MU" “George Strebel, of Ninga | Minioa Hele agent: aston ie Falls, spent a week with his parents |last week with Miss Lissie Ford, of — = —- R. Bec ‘auley’s. “Mr. and Mrs, ©. Klockman, of Car- tage, sited at the home of Mr. H Klockiman last wes Nellie Neilson returned“ trom stratford on Thursday. SS SPS “WARTBURG pilaster Gordon Beadle returned to. A, Mid rer Hasaon, of "Stiattord, ‘of th cation wi ae a homesteader Say se- JE. ih her ing 01 re-| TO potion. “Price $0.00. ‘Duties—ie- forge Harloff and Clar- ix tonths in cach of a years SS e of Stratford, spent rmestead pate cultivate 50 | s res extra. May: obtain preemption patent > former's parents on lomestead patent on Rertain¢ per Mu ree years, cultivate 50 acres 7h $300. Molders of entries may ‘cor nint time of em- ‘ment as farm labourers in Canada dur. — hgs8i ae residence eae en Dominion Lands are for entry. returned sotiiers: stg 4 have been honourably riority in apply = eS CORY, . i ‘the bie, é ley Richardson apent the elph. Miss Ottle tent, | week-end in Gu : iss ‘Vanki, Shee ‘and son, Mr. ae ide six peo a 1 nkiper, of Ypslanti he former’s mothe: diss red arlott ee oes al ee a day recently w: Mr. MeGuire, of Guelph, spent the | weckand with ae | Mr. and Mrs, Boyer a Mrs. Fleming, of Moorefield, motored | }-0k-° elahor Mita: My up and spent Sunday with Mr. and) ype eng Mrs: Pn weed, oun. of ailveron, is Toronto spent last week at the ho Seudiie wien ove toric | ME “aud. Mra: Joh of Mr. G. Robinson. tig eck oud sau a a Miss Nellie Gibson, of | Stratford, Res, i eA r sat: Crogabi) spont a few days this week at Mrs [,.047 \"0 ay and Mrs and Mi in chat. yietnity. Mrs. (Dr. ‘afscatum is “visitng. her sister, Barbou for. Misses Edy! lof the “ath. Con, Ene friends, isses “Mr. A: ee fen Sunday ut 5 satay Alexan of Britton t the Hs ate ib mry un Npreee: Cock well ry with his band furnished’ a musical | 3r nm ess on Sunda; ety G ¢|as 8 As many tilonide nope n- fed the lee are sen to report Miss “Mice | Scholey on the wish d |her. speedy an went an well motte m De fone her di days iss ‘Lila ton, St. Jacol «fe Miss peed ae or two nate ES. Schmidt a pul ion a -|aimest| the Negaey. —In S derek 1h rd, to Mr. and M (nee Miss Hannah Little), M Tr on eee. for . [reve, Mrs. ‘Walter Thompson, who under- in the hay Sa eneral Homital on Monday, is doing in_and_ around th pee ast rth’s surface Se ae Herbert Peebles their ration e expect Johnston etroit, where she has been auighter, Mrs. 4 NEWTON Donley it russes, jy are flags and the choir rendered suitable music, on Friday, Aug. ‘irs. eee Davies, left Port- she. may "quickly, Cooper, of Toronto, who have been visiting with Mr, and’ Mrs, owt Sesion have returned to their has returned vis- (Dr.) Lyman. Mrs Drummond, of Georgetown, ds turred home after visiting abifat Grab daughter, Mrs. G.H. Milne. cutting. ‘ Master Arthur Hawke is spending| Mr. John Patterson met with a a few weeks with his unl, ‘Mr, D |painful accident on 8 aturday, night. a |Harrow, Priceville. Which will lay him off for a tim>, He isses Inez and Margaret Kirkland |was hitching a ‘calt ich becam are ese their vacation at stheir i fohtened and atruck Mr. Batter- pore 's leg, infting ane which miley s see helping his Teceasitated quit ber fader ‘with the hi sti the Mitehell has the dene mae ad sym) “ny mmunity in the tg aa Bereavement. o vof her brother.| House of Refuge Punotin r Eran Nae tat AWilion Loskie. bi ri ae : Waterloo, ‘are spending their Toll. "Listowel Banner home of wae -sister, ate ie Mfladte: The ‘many friends of Mrs, Be ent J. $e fe plendid recovery atte Be atio iss bie ae Bs vm ling her sister “Albree! ence Wagner has sS0eD - stor school at Miss Weare oe Peiteheser: pas re- after: Sas a week rs. Jas, maghy. Scumat “disposed: of oe delivered it “game “thine as. 1 a Cae o thi }|a cow and_ badly Tide rate d a ey nas he quite a los a cow 0 tee con dette, ke ol |the week-end at the home of Mr. J. Many Thousand “J Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western Canada “Going Trip West’’—$12.00 to WINNIPEG “Return Trip East’’—$18,00 from WINNIPEG August 21st { Li and Angest 30 wget sora (Heat 1 stations in Ontari tnd Haveock-Peterbore’ jo West stations Hons on, Mtn, and B GOING DATES gf, Smith's Falls up to and including ‘Toronto on Lake Ontarlo Shore Tine: also from stations between Kingston and ftentrew, Junctio on’ Toronto-Sudbury direct ine, From stations on Sault z Line, Beaucage to Franz, inclusive. From stations Bethany J une: | Surketon’bobeuy geo 28rd (From stations West 30th and ind, Walkerton, ys 'd'Se ‘Thoinas branches, and stations Loronto and "North to ‘Bolton, infelust South of ‘Toronte up te and tncluding Hamilton, ang Windbor, pt, -on water, Wingham, Kora, Listowel, Goderich, St, Mary's, Port Burwell Further particulars . SPECIAL THROUGH TRAINS from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. _W. 8. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, ‘Toronto, oe eat i Elma, spent Fe iss Sibyl Robertson, Miss ton, have returned home after holi- daying at the home of ‘their Tinele Jas. Stewart. it Bros, have the contract ss building a new cement culvert |. Stewart, of the Strat e as just com> dayi cr ot her brother Ma. ho, Staves Mi of Har- deline “Eoulhauter riston, is spe! e few days a¥ her home ae : Haying operations are about fi ished and wheat, whieh is ave . is about ready for From a list of aes applicants, Bits and na W. J. Dowd, of Listowel re chosen on ee ae 2 ke Sputtios: as superint Retose, Stratford, at a salar per Seaton suceeeding eee Bae late re ey do ae assume charg e first. of October and — bette Rel on a trip west, ‘Mr. Dowd pl to assist a friend at siesingg ek in harvesting a haye been resi- ‘al and also capacity <a Sfornington. before moving nae ignty. re: ae nant ittge circle of Pe ‘ill be see them leave. ‘son, ~Livinstone’s RS ‘to, ‘Sbampion |s fer aoe ‘America will Fey as ea for. the junior room of the} school MeMillan is at present visiting friends in Stratford. 1 matron, spiestively Beha Bouse of| se CREAM WANTED The highest smiiket price will be es eee : for cream True weights and test will = be given. We supply cans and pay ; - the express. nine your cream to The Pearl Creamery MILVERTON and ELMIRA aes b ay, "of “Bioheper spent the aie re | his brothers ina rtt, ‘h Mr. eh Weston, Hare TM, and "Mrs, Philip, Kreuteweiser spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs J. ete: and Mrs .Alex. mally ot Gienallan, spent with . Jos. Runstedler « ‘on the Mr. and Mrs ‘loo, spent fie ho! ir Alex. Urquhart is 5) spendin al wi of weeks with friends in Ot irs. J. G. Hamilton and Miss N |: Jobnsion, of Milverton, spent Sunday and Mrs. W. John: i ee Mary a of Hamilton, spent en al ete home aoe Mrs LINWOOD John Jefferson, COMPTON—EDINGTON uiet wedding was celebrated at “|the Pres! Fay aia imanse,. HTuesday, July Sist, when Mr. Mrs, Norman Calder and tary. ‘at Southam, are garet Hisabeus, daughter ing a pints with his arene i Leo Sees Mrs. (Dr.) Corrigan lett on Monday Iowan, Ghee Co for her home in Vancouver. eet ah Cae iss Annie Curney, of Dur Pea ii aS Se Collins’ ai Saas h Wncatiencow gh SStlaa ‘Mar ther pot the: ee ine formed. ‘by .t jos, Heimler an on the 9th line. Runstedler ane pips. of wat cee with friend: "Weber. and friend spent 3 a) » Murray and. fami iy. vot spent last week with: Mr. J. erties es Toronto Bayon Ai yeu ist i against John L. Hackett, of Beau- wi “Mtr ‘He ae beaten Hackett | twice “previc on the chal- and once ai ously, once Pat ee eae ee on the sire eas bein {e

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