Milverton Sun, 9 Aug 1917, p. 5

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MONKTON BRIEFS) "PJinPrinte acs | In the list of successful candidates ch ‘Atwood, on Satu day, {of the Conservatory of Musie at Strat- aaa ‘11% mbers ‘present ;—Reeve, ee Set : seoit Deputgreeve, Samuel, 8 { ‘ [2% is 3 cillors, Wm. Seka Th : % * * f See rics voles _McClary’s Sunshine Furnace is abso- Minutes of last meeting were read lutely right—right in idea, in design, 3 Sea cn Hb Be Ihe the ine See ‘id re € : recHobert lates, oS : Cet eee in construct BOD y: in price and in per- tha tone t the 2 LS Monaictt, anaes ihe sMenoral der A commanication from the Hydro- formance. It’s a furnace made for front, the! few steel leg Yeser pid fe Mitac Abad care : os : Electric Railway Association of On- Calucolin teeeedubar and: te Mrs. Ed Broughton, 15th Con.. is} ~ : ee nd filed. 2 your needs and is complete in every reported to as et hi ill at recent = ely Ss “a powerful motor that plays three Rie aha aire, Rata Diiegoot doe a : __ | By-law : . ge Jol —s nies Write for free, descrip- borers Tile : ive booklet. a J ~ x : thage, attended the Memorial Service ‘That = M 2 vying County, ‘Town- 5 =i) SUNSHINE FURNACE me. Tman—Coaies — That LONDON TORONTO _ Mo! 688, of the Township ST. JOHN, N.B. EEN oN eta ship . levying County, ‘Lown: WNEASEATOON EOMONTON er it at the eet is Srna pa R and report on the proposed Buchanan is tor reality da third .time be eS : 3 : : ~ appear that thé in a shy i wee could not stand the hard work ent on LOVas Pitonitan Methodist Cireuit, Sunday. o 1th, Services at Monkton at | (and on Easy Terms, if accepted) 1.00 a.m. This $33 or $50 Model Columbia Grafonola ee - pened wu urt of Revision on the “Me By-law” having closed Walkerton Telescope Th odel of the Grafo: gra den party is to ~ held ‘ e met gp general —. The ier referred two weeks ol: "here pictures pesvone Bi on Aug. 13th. . e- Moved. by Coates ith That a}ago to the bad season of 1869 wh Roy Kenny is the ee by Br odh band. Come . : ea ral int mataical: ton good oe Z MR. JOHN G.-KENT, ¢ {and costs relating therete be no was the Z + : Lt Tes coeat oa a CS a rst and a tim In the mnty of he h the. harvest | °a vere dug in the spring stron: biper ay id te control ~ Miss May, ‘Weber, of Pena ae ae 1 7. ‘ +4 ind _tone~ “ and) wealth and “extensive business in RE ape ee Cris ee aoe a ethesda— —New Hamburg Gorn of nt v~ Suatford Herald. | ferring to serve the ne a, that lerk have « w = poy Bale, paseo as En: ; rm yhich gineer, mine the eae und What it Means to You—to Your Pocketbook—to Your Personal Section 77, a Drainage Appearance—How it Conforms to Sound Business et. on, he Judgment to Select f A notice from Velentine Schade and MAE Meat tO; S es : others to have the branch of e : Partridge Drain repaired and improv- : eae f the on. Mr. Kent is head Fila da theater Our Famous Line of pie! ew] sat x fs . Late) Move BY Vallance—Iliman — That e hy zi af 7 he Reeve and Clerk issue orders for ees M. ond family: left rine: Lene: De Een Maenaer the payment of the following ac\ MEN’S and BOY’S A i < 5 burg on Sunday, where 1 3 ounts, viz Caught in Mower Knives ey spent. the hi Ruth and since 1903, to seek a long rest. Municipal’ World, Collectors’ Roll ER ae Ye ethel wi and other supplies, $16.2 Mildmay Gazeite : niece a cea sianiaad oaeepante fe ressingly sad and deplorabl-| Mr. Herb Kropp and M and who can tell how soon the w i ian, 25.00; Atwoor 5 iday on | mma Weber a: Miss Lizzie by ppel,| will bring the sad news . to’ other st cards de printing re MeKenzi- at Deem- 2 Hamburg, spent Sunday at|bomes that their dear ones have fal-|Drain, 1. ri eS ark aw re Mc- ‘ 2 i ve i 5: Ww. Bik Taking for our text, “He profits most who serves most—he who serves best, serves most”’—we put in force a plan of nt Grand. pen a but the above me 6 oe ibe: me tee retailing that tends to centre more and more business here s. Ralph Robertson and y h 125, Con. F ie ae i el family, of Collingwood, are visiting ai | Pte. Waldrol Dewar bag pea Anat count for mam a. c i by making it to the advantage of the public to give us the home of. the former's mother, | tendant aie recta Con. 8 TI. a, their patronage. If there’s a man who can’t be suited we'd . Robe rtsom, here, echo of sympathy by. See sauaeeitien: ayy Se Con. & G like to see him. If there is a man whose tastes can’t be met Shed Bae. is at pres- dent, ‘Thos. E. Hammond. Te appe n Lohr, rep. read Niet 36, T.L, he is a stranger to us. Call and see our up-to-date stock, siste: Mis John circle so eae an eS "pha _ share, Jeremiah Dew Gei e ar, rep. bridge, Let 13, Gon, 12, 2.80 ‘ : ie, Henry Kleber, of Brodhagen. i m in the intere of |P. Ducklow, ss yards gravel, per W G ith her friend, Mrs. Empire and tha e, Waldron |A. Gray, PN 36,15; Haward Rose, ee ee eS Dewar sas the second of the ae acetate tile, 3480, Robert Rennie. O DUFFI EL The Up-to-date Tailor, r. Tho: 1) [teaming tile, 19.00; Charles tei 0 Monkton, + Ontario MM sh 42 . ‘visting ey Akins, of West ‘a to fall and swell the list of those Greek visiting hia’ acsten Caeseaeilt sothgn unde ENE more wee | erevelling: S wourded in the hospitals rs| Thos. Barton, travelling, 8.2, 30 & 31, ok ill’s—XXX White Wine Vine- are in action, ‘The scholars fe -|Con. 10, 94.90N Norman Aitcheson, Opportunity ing about an inch ‘above " balance ust y |situation and deeply sympathize with overseeing gravelling, S.R. 30 and 31, let i s\|fread, cookies, jelly rolls wi en-| the bereave Gon. 10, 4.10; John 8, Albrecht, gravel gl i irl i i A veathe: per JG p rane Be ae sour nities d, Lots 35 and 3 12, 2.505; —We present a rare Shae tgcyoul tose eta ee eee Spd ee igo ds gravel, 8.R., 20% this week of getting the newest and best | rivat “medi Scere nee [bets poe mance bE Ee : eRe itn e te | iS | Drs, Wilson, 0 nt.’ OBITUARY 21, Con. 1, 2.00 ya Sree WE DO ALL KINDS OF things in “seasonable and fashionable” yell Jewelry. The range of choice is wide 2.9! 2 ‘ s 4 5 > MRS. JAMES LAMBERT ne yds. gravel, er Thos. eae P.M. E 2 tse: ravel pr Hobe Hoey, avetroughing, and is the embodiment of all that is good | ‘ ane indas b 4 d, is through an at-| After an illness extending ove: on Ss George Lemmex, engine The prices are as low as such high-<l895 tyo¢" the ppg abe ue ae orate some me het [on grader, (99.00; Sohn Huston, rep F k gs a | Mr. Mrs. e t pros| Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rowland, of ghter, Mrs. Chas. ae of Lo- agri bridge S.R. 20 & 21, Con urnace or te h = BS r 2,00. ; |traied over the unfortunate affair. Tt » ime, of Mr. | itratford d at the e 0 y SEIZE: FHA ORRORTUNIT I, tly oped that the patient ‘Archie Holmes on Sunda: of Bima, passed away on’ Tuesday. sie ved by. Vallance Liman = That d Pl bi |i not lose either foo Mr, and Mrs, red Pridham, Mr. {AW . Mrs, Lambert was do now adjourn to meet n um hs | . ‘Mrs. Alf i f Tor onto. i | Since and Mrs. Raw! inson, PH BASTENDOBER chia agana eta cheated cilia eA . ici ANN! re in Engla M Wm. Kee, ant er years a us e r~ n o'clock a,m., for genera W! Jeweler and Optician “MILVERTON, ONT. led i glan Cas Se tele Shera o fst y atone 00 anie baslneee Also a complete line Iron Pumps, Oylnders, Ete. Ea wk we en ee 4. story of “ways that are fae wees a Gor, b acc in hyenas Rhee jana Sune aver the Gteanect on ihe inate iss of “et married Pe tee “hata predeceased |quired to i of others than th ent us ing at the. home her 30 years ago. ed by | school iepeien to Township ©! \ Chinese "recently came fi ir a fa ons and thre: |hetore the Ist day of August, 1917. Now, oan TEE. ro Buy, Soy ol Stove I mz a ‘e sell the New Perfection in all styles. Also the famous London. n nmeeereyt 1 rking; John, of Regina, Jetroit, Vapor Stoves which bn either gasoline oF coal oil, ‘These Pea hacen. Hepen seueeter ain i fers |apent. Tuesday event ine te Mekal Mrs Chas. d Miss Lizzic Dates of Fall Fairs wes have no wicks an burn just like eity gas, Come in and let attending a Church service. To| Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Weber-left to e d Mrs. e ; ye, of us F dem DGAeAbe them to you. CENTRAL mazement of these men, the |s ir boli motor to New | South Ont. in Atkin, of |At Sept. 18-19th b sw rg and Toronto, Mr. Weber is| Milverton, is a brother. bal | BUA ees Baek St. Marys and Canada Brands Gement 1.0.0.F. convention to-day (Thursday), 3 ; Al hand. Lei rder with ae apace, from entane’s mdertaking parlors Dr et. 4 lways on hand. Leave your order with us. » ONT. The i iris re 1 df: to Greenwood cemetery. e¥e KR, a a a yam cameos that the first wives lagen ihe oats eae week after counpleting m | Miller will condnet the: funeral’ ¢ jodericl Sam ae ane _ Remember Your Goal Bin Say Sepatuusnta: We have mn widowers were “scoking |summer course in Horticulture at the mony. ; aye And don't forget to hand us yous orders, We will supply you as JACOB PEPPLER nas we can at lowest possible prices, » 0 a “ en a es 3 isty. and an The hay crop in this di a Bestinast es : Sept. 20-: e times the or geal heipiaing Get ma hereupon it was a bumper one and it is fortui , Bat] Jacob Peppler, aged 76, one’ of Wa-| New aes # our free catalogue. deca ; 8 Boone: sella ares tcrloo's oldest most highly. re- ; = A - \. ao : diese at | prevailed as the - “| speeted ealdeniate ‘passed away a : $ D. A. McLACHLAN, Bplaclpal I hot Canada, heir ht at 10,30 o'clock, after a Jone ay ates Oct, 2nd Hardware eansees: - - "WEST MONKTON - i . ‘| NEL B-Sept. 10¢! ‘ ‘ ¢|been doing ee they could to Held |iatio Stroke on Thursday last : 3 AP geat 1-12th e x ually became weaker until the end | woodstock conBent. 10-21st uscle by going out e. The deceased was born in Wa ee: Gunde be-enels Cannes uDy wite wont unto the hay. fla: teria atid one orthespibasers.| let me,” e Miss ae thy Wateon 2 visiting @t|upbuilding of the town to its present e eee jas. Holmes’ ai ‘Mrs. Roy Golightly and son, Ster- Leading Saved byaLouse . jing, and Bir, and Mrs. John Rennick |gna*h ooo Se Sr, left on Tuesday to spend a few 5% i fence stead of stores Walkerton ‘Telescope weeks in the C Canadian Northwest, (4038 tea Sa ee ee oe eter, invitations, announcem : ts, St les— 4 oeSageer. Norman Merrill, a brother |“ Amope ou rift to Ble te pihees . y 2 Skelton, sends home |ing out of cay teinaiate Bi ad story. sie Let us give you an estimate on your work. AP times’ os . Gilliland printers or engravers for seer An of: Na a fron standing in his | Walton; Mi: ton, nee Wipeipe re oa 4 aE Re i f a window. ; 8. G. B. Ma ter a iden, [that ian’t a whit better for the 7 Best Value din front of‘ window. He lt Steatgrd, Meer GB, Manto» 3 /toraeto; and clevon _ grandebit . saab oRt eat ag aay sa ht oe ce — 1 Hot Weather Specials You don't Lave to fool i Fr ceed ee ee and Mes: Wo Holmatt Shay Ue “wore interred. nee aaa i & Cul en ty ti joney ~ ver my ‘ ‘ippi Need ‘ x 2 i 2 i ig y er family, Mr. and Mrs. George ee ‘i MRS. eee TYE Z f{jand family, Mr. Mrs. Hen: “s > < Be = . Tye, wife of Mr. Frank Tye, © ou ¢ Mrs. : Fa ENT Sedgewick, Alta., died very Aicaily 4 7 A ‘ ef * * 2 x “ Saeaeunta: Wola Be ite : : Bal Beach Cloth x remail ere | t a eee ® ie Cll and ia han ata to. D po have, ogently eid he : - Pongee Stripes _ e Cloth and Trim- ] life: | price aig res Cree that’ love : ; ste i creas Oa oe ioe aking and. Country on the ot ae feicnas. in that otal is ee ee Sons Plain’ and Striped. ‘Voile les and : st value goat you here, Sears is e : of Haysville, and he has t! can't give as a a can’t give i Euro. id bereavem: ; f maa ori ‘ross but tended. The Rev. Mr. McDonald x —— pe Seen f that til gi ee rr af lacing youl pr pa oe is ae scone Births. Maine cs and Diath . - Dress Muslins with Coin. Spots of prices that are stil ck Ww! éapt on a e = 6 Se “Uap ramets dis! | shay a Neen ea aS ce Ee val a Bt _ Dress Silks at Old Prices ; abpsiae's ce rist point-| > r aS a ers= ning, on July 26th. |} 3 a & “heer heaanee Pid : in| to oi aa ‘Tas, Sayers, aaa : Lingerie Mulls — ent to thrift and great-| pivi imself fe 5 7 er ee the Government of | nal i the lost sinn j anbull—At sues on July 27th, eo Be _ White Skirts and Middies © da has issue a ble id also point-| Mr. Lockie Turnbull, | and he had t 3 i ‘ | a the gi c vghter. ; 2 ee ie helping neiall ino mes = ldiers in the | Mf i + arorningion, on July 5 scan SS Sr Ladies’ B jouses 5 Hy who fina: ly s may have the opportunity of sans al 80. dful a lice ire | to Mr. and Mrs. . MeWil- ¥ mS The bertifioates, which maturé ce, “Gueaal_war arena, who, are fiams, a daughter : oe Silk aad Lisle Hosiery their eaten energy an many eases their all, |M eee ti a August Ist, & S : wi for oa ‘ean Mar! “Moek, @ Kc, Shon : g | ie ~ Summer Underwear t! and re Bago kte slverton on August 7th | iy every British sul thos:| to Mr, ‘and Mrs. Ghris. B. Ropp, a) 2 ore Therode, and Wwhat tindly atten ‘ill-born.) 7 ‘Lambert—At mito, $ ieee $ ek vou ‘Atkin, = of | late James Lambert, of n is :: lee Poa wounded nd disabled hiker are ol nd how freely and Gividual ‘put Chouldt or 3600, is formation ‘ca atl eee aS brave fellows now and hereafter} “y, will take ‘Bes a nce was held in rapt os ae ry, Milverton. ittenton during the entire 501 ae ete suitable selections were | given byt ‘choir ahd a profot a a_givls in life, rere a 5 Means cae at the same | q ‘ir own a is nity, than for ab je newspaper,

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