RESTRAINT of 1.0.0.F. at Toronto last week was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank En- Lumber Camp in peek English Park Guaranteed To Satisfy: My heart was filled with Billingsgate on my fiery tongue | And of fierce invective hung CREAM WANTED I longed to tell the country i ot Se Fiver 6 wrongs anid we < Mabepeneetien wed ot acorn Sep ee sone on Ty ee ie eeanaline’ ” Furnace gives health- | are Tacit hated foe: F you would know the lumberman eat—and Beaty of it. 4 - - “ of Canada and how he works, The highest market price will be paid 'But heard a ery that stayed me, proved hig residence onMain. So Piha aan erok Wikadieaaar When aiotlleds according to plans for cream True weights and test will eee ee es ot France, eee oe esting in it Park hrs the cron nck toe furnished by our heating engineers; be given. We supply cans and pay | “Haye stemmed the focs advance. | turned home after spending their holi Virginia Water Station strikes it is guaranteed ‘to give absolute sat- the express. Ship your cream to ae vom the stout battale |eoce ee ne aney, Were secompanicd|) the main‘road between Egham and isfaction, Write for free illustrated T'was: the ery from the stout battal- e by the Misses Zoeger, who spent | Sunningdale. There on the Clock ) the week-end there. ooklet. 4 . They sweat au the thick of the fight yy Miller spent the week-end ne Plantation, you will see over The Pearl Creamer Rory Ter aioarts don the tirngeknr | inder the peental root 50 men of the 224th Canadian 'y That hantcreee my petty spite. Mrs. and Miss Murray, of Toront Boas Battalion converting trees ' spent a day with their friend, ie s ; MILVERTON and ELMIRA And I swore by the land that bore me |B. MeDonald. taba: eliwey, Bieter wd eA raaee That no bitter word of mine Miss Florence Wagner and her the rate of anything from 15,000 to ee lay the helpthatis called for|ters are spending their holidays, at | 20,000 = feet a day. the boys in the firing line. Paisley. The plantation, which forms part Mr. and Mrs, H. L, Albrecht accom-| of the ands ore . the Crown and LONDON . TORONTO, , MONTREAL WINNIPEG. , VANCOUVER That was charity to all my race {panied by Miss Stewart to ST. JOHN, NB. HAMILTON CALGARY nd bitterness to no Waterloo last Friday taking in the|0f Woods and Prorants, icbedee a dee BD) - : I'd stand behind the Balint Me band concert there which has become| Considerable area covered with HYMENEAL i Who stand behind the gu ns spruce, fr Scots pine, and, larch,| | For sale by M. E. Bettger & Go., Monkton 1 : of Toe ee eS ee CE ith an undergrowth of chestnut. | PEE Not very long ago a party of experts MORGAN—HOKN ATWOOD. looked at the trees with the dispas- Mrs. Fair and three children, of | Sionate measuring eye of the under- = v s ‘, very pretty but quiet Wedding Letters From Overseas London, ape viking at the Metaoaict caker and gave-it a their opinion Dates of Fall Fairs London (Western Fair). was solemnized on Wednesda: parsonage. that from this wood it was possible SRS Listowel ... Mrs. a vite Lee, SE sone is visiting with A et 3,000, 000. board feet of tim- Mr, Frederick J. Horn) Mrs, Johnston Barr, of Newton, re Ch BI i ; eeived the following letter from her united in mar-' son, Lorne Barr, who is now in To day whole tracts of it have|Bn 1 Atwood, Harri iston, are m H. Morgan, of France; quaint square tower of the old Royal a re McDonald, pas Sunday, Jane 24th. 1917 Hodge and daughter. | lodge, which stands deep-set in the |G if the Presbyterian church. At-/ peur Mother,— iting at: Baden, wood, and which, so the story goes, : wood. The groom was ably as- 7 ts sae a achey leaves for the| by its resemblance to the case of Woods! Sept. 19-21st sisted by Mr. Peter Torts of Kits) oi Uensesbtel weal Convalescent Hoste “at Kingston on| grandfather’s clock gaye the planta- es ride Tee you 8 fine as to tet you know | 22uzsda tion its curious name, is visible from y Pan acik we + a oh reserve iss Brooks, of Erie, Pa.. spent the | the roadway for the first time, per- R aha Gatniogs Sie oe wi eee s, in a hundred years, And still A 5 a sabel| the Canadian woodsmen go on, eat- are every Sunday. that we ae in the Por- | j heir waythroushcth eS ith What it Means to You—to Your Pocketbook—to Your Personal ing the’ y through the wood wit pee se é ee a thoroughness that knows no mercy, Appearance—How it Conforms to Sound Business wing has arrived home| The lumber camp is all Canadian after sp fata a month’s holidays in|—men, machinery, and methods. Th sudeuent te. Set ie q men, who are drawn from all parts ‘ogers is spending of the Dominion, have the bronzed, Our Famous Line of fohn ft aie holidays in Musk An this week ot getting the newest and be ¢ ol -|healthy look and the easy, confident things in “seasonable an: aud Mrs. Grai s 1 | swing which we have learned to look Jewelry. The range of c . Copeland, of St. Mar; Ae for in Canadians. The khaki under 9 ’ enough and you will find what you want. in the village one night this| their blue overalls proclaims them S an ir ste is been c full soldiers; they draw military pay ai nnie Jolly has left for the work in Anni they k nes di ts oe titary eee “ ey know the rudiments of militar 5 millinery openings at London and Grily: bat coe one leat tuey Sen SUI I INGS he | Toronto woodsmen, with their craft at their Jewelry can be sold for. rying a bouquet | id white rosebuds, Helen Lochhead visited at Ethel finger-tips. Every man SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY. e w Blackwell has réturned | #8 ‘and’ does it with an enviable : is ee after spending a week in Lon- | tong gett of aus i pol Taking for our text, “He profits most who serves most—he ions; ye ‘Tom ie first stage to e 2 29, i P. H. BASTENDOREF |: sa mans cn | Cat te ateag| [| Sagmeister ae pe Jeweler and Optician MILVERTON, ONT. ing friends in Wartburg|and harmoniously. Let us follow TORS NDE CHAE SCORE Soeoaihy tuune mule uahe pate Deep eHan a * nen lag Fito kee | the process, under the guidance of —by making it to the advantage of the public to give us j mee Owes at his home in Teeswater the officer in charge and the sergeant their patronage, If there’s a man who can’t be suited we'd j Miss Annie Lochhead and Mr. J,| who is ‘foreman of the bus! like to see him, If there is aman whose tastes can’t be met “|‘rsline Spent aday last week at ° | Brussels, the Sun's advertisements. he is a stranger to us. Call and see our up-to-date stock. The time thus spent will help to econ- pending Fi aah Sh {ecHANEES bw the onD wlas oy blles omize in household buying. Business home of her brother of logs and on the other by stacks of men announce the saving opportunities | Mr. and Mrs. oe DORKING sawn timber. Walk along the wind- Morgan will reside in : “ 2 . tet ij i they have to offer the purchasing | London, i esha L. Lambert, of Toronto, and| ig track of a light railway, not yet O DI FFI El The Up-to-date Tailor, public, Gee ee ee Tanitert, of Regina. spent | Completed, Efe Seg TES) . Monkton, - Ontario Ir, RUPPERT—RIEHL with their brother. spending her i D: uiet wedding took place ert. ae “the a tenia roe of Rev ‘6. R. Kn oh Mr. 5 the re: 4 . Talore and oy we Aes Hee oF the Talley ee resentative from Newton Encampment ee the home of ing sient Ta ere Gis a SET TRE eae Slats = sent for fs ere through the blue smoke you a sited Sunday | Cateh a glimpse of a lumberman in a |p wit t tele oie ii f A little further you are among a Mr. Armstrong Allingham returned i WE DO ALL KINDS OF ian Sa any after : Reena gang of ‘fallers.’ Watch how they wit Li RE OF fell a tree, 70in. or more thick at the her . towel, spent) PH a witt an axe moots at ta} ¢ Eawetroughing, nd foot aad with a few dexterous strokes eS Caler= an gre te guests | cuts a deep notch in the trunk a few F W. k inches from the ground. Two others urnace or ‘A Styles tow ' y formed id friend of the pale and only 33 imme ciate rel mats ol we contract “Best Value’ |[line vertices were present the hapos pile lef ton’ the soveuing train’ tor Ue ees Ce aaueane elands 2nd Mr. "Th sores ai in | with a cross-cut saw cut . throug! -ehay eReescabakt iodabinatiske hotexsibox Mrs Whoa. Tanner apne Tuesday in 7 x RS Sl caer | | tae cae stb d teas 7 Elmira, the stem on the opposite side, In and Plumbin Bee Ht on ne ey. Tor Those G a eb a RAMG) Mrs. Wesley, Allinghum entert half a minute the tree begins to lean | here in buying your |) A Chance for Those Going West) fifs'an internal bt The Uaaeat Aidvec Ueeclenelen Mer Land thre ie 0 warding suo Agee E: suit. The largest sto et ay SCUrBIONS fst cbbreli-on Friday. About forts cond or two later, with a loud pr nd sant afternoon was spent by ali, | ples and crashes to the ground. With- SMe eas ate Crapking ent Tending Konnd, it tops Also a complete line Iron Pumps, Cylinders, Etc. value await Horiedpekers' ixbureions 2 2 £ 3 & a = 8 ee Eg oe g= \ i Paging styles and | ps ¥ Let us give you an estimate on your work. } i wai here. ra ie - ae yi nave mais have controlled the direction of its tuesday, until October 4 an- eee, ‘S ae Stoth and aS Jadian Pacific, the: ploneer routs to RECRUITING IN 1458. gars sua ere ede cate fs: -the}Time to Buy an Foal Stove were ec [pre Weak Paxticdlarg, from. ény Can- eee dozen “ * set 0 ith 1 erfection in all sty! o the famous s adian Pacifico Agent or W. B, Howard Old a eases Was Raised i Can- i ight- Betroit. Vapor Stoves which bnrn either gasoline or ee oil, These ? tong time os “sO - to |[ District Passenger Agent, Toronto. G59, clearing the limbs and giraight stoves intend wibke badibwe just like cliy, pase Comb-in andziet E; be provided for in case |ff| esas Cae x Service Abroa ening Up the trés. “Siniultaneously a us demonstrate them to you. 4 ; of ae that are still |ff) ne gun oftice has a spl did stock with Gana werk, Bande alnng, ea ieanmere semen ice cq. lendi 0! u advancing. ‘of wedding stationery and and sending overseas thousands ¢f/in> the cutting points with a notch; St. Marys and Canada Brands Cement lo on ha so the most beauti her best and bravest for service in | while two other men, one carrying a 8 Always on hand. Leave your order with us. ful styles of type, so we ar Ne te the greatest war ever waged in the | paint-pot, measure the tree, enter turn out the finest lines of wedding history of the world, it may seem |the size in a book, and mark the Remember Your Coal{Bin . |invitations, its, cards, et J.M.Fleischhauer |} We can'ao work tit to invite the best sui n nae nalter, Siupe <epeurrenting ce a ape eR aie ‘And don’t forget to hand us your orders, We will supply you as Ladies" and Man's Tatlor fe people to a wedding. so why pay accounts of what was after al SHOW: Ghar thelr work fi ay awe soon as we can at lowest possible prices. % two or ee ee as much to city au 8 ing to eee [print ayers for something the Talsing im 1858 of LODE Price ee ee ae a ae ike ee ETTGER & CO j that jen’t-a whit better for the pure of Wales ae tha a tions on ready to go to the mill. M. . * i + They are dragged there by horses a WEST MONKTON over deeply scored trails and “sloop- Hardware Merchants, ways,” ot a their turn to come hours the saw screeches and throws t off a spray of sawdust as it slices up ’ 9 the logs that a short while before 0 T S OPUL AR STORE « rtea'es | MONK ON’S P ® : z Note On terms to suit a ‘=m | Hot Weather Specials to a commission in the Canadian En- gineers for overseas service , have i Any Style been considerably stiffened, A can- : ly J didate now must be a British sub- ] h ject; must be certified by a medical Palm Beach Clot t ‘ officer of the militia to be physically P. S ; - fit for service; must not be under tt. 4 in, in height; not ess than 93 § ongee Stripes inches in chest measurement, an we ongeh should be between the ages ‘of 25 Plain and Striped Voiles GRAF NOI A and 40 years; must be a graduate of D M ‘i Si cin Saat : practical science or engineering from Rats a recognized university or a aUnlle re ress us NS wi o1n ie Ss F fied land surveyor or an architect or is : 5 Yequired to enlist a certain number |engineer who, whilst not a graduate Dress Silks at Old Pri rices | You don’t pare to wait until men. e major was to be re-|of any university, has had not less é : : ‘ou get fifty, seventy-five or shduaitie tor two Mutiared, onct cap. |than seven years’ experience in, en- Lingerie Mulls : ‘ you get fain for eighty, each Meutenant tor nies make RETO i 4 : a even Scales dollars to- forty, and each’ ensign for. tw types, and hae held responsible ad- White Skirts and Middies. The result was most tatistanteye istrative positions. gether. Just select the instru- ithin two or thr ths el aul ees ment you want, make a small a men had cee Se lah ae het once Ladies’ Blouses ; HY al Ps. +t . . . first payment, and have it de- hess to sail for B gland. readl- |... blessings. Many a chaperon has Silk and Lisle Hosier ; : livered to your home at once. pay, a ae Hears & ‘good deal |developed into a matchmaker, Vaio € ae about = F ey . poe aan 2 Aides tive Canaaians i oer a i) ae) ree Meena ee Summer Underwear Se _ never miss them—and the pleas- marked, Of a batch of €7 reeruits {oven the constant use of a friend. -M : | Of a ba ; 5 Men's and Boy’s Outing Shirts. ou will “4 pens Se pe et ee tah Winans Rae Hath eanuc eter CeO S Und boon without a Columbia Graf or rend Wy Bend oP | seth Ue eee wn a jum} ia See reland, 9 of England, 5 of ot- 3 E land, 7 of’ Canada, 1 of Nova Scotia, oe to see the Soft um t ola before. Come in today 1 of Fr a 41, an, Trish-Amert- |] Fait Term From September an : Summe ‘Colles ance, ani can} se the United Sta and make your selection. We a fromthe Unlted 3 also the “Somme” Collar . can arrange convenient terms. MI meron ~ fa | = = a as é aK . A Three Rivers paper did state, it is |] | STRATFORD, ONT. bee. that “Recruiting in Three Riv- Commercial, § Shorthand and Telegra- rs is rather pie The scheme ments.’ We have an i to find ae in the aden of our Baste i, ee ed mai ee Tree catalogu DA McLACHLAN, “= ~ Priscoal |