Milverton Sun, 23 Aug 1917, p. 8

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ee ee Se er ge ee ee a ee ae Ee ete Se ee a ee ee ee ee eae caer 2 E 7 : ARange You Can Trust Pee oe a aif day: st week with Mig S 5 Edna Melay. ae e q e Mr. Clayton Dechert and_ bro} fe The “Pandora” doesn’t require con- ‘William, motored to Detroit on 1 Stant watching, You can trust it to ins © Salome Roth, of Elmira, spent do its work while you rest or attend to ae Ce ae ae: A ¥ other duties. The Pandora has fea- i 3 tures that insure far greater efficiency ‘alse Dally pe ueeicrih aie: mer Frocks — rac ive rice ee is eens oe For New Sum Frocks—Attractively Priced mn aeroite AS x a 4 oS ¥ YS = sey | and economy than can be found in ves nae Ve mekafiey aca tamale 0 y other ranges. Write for free booklet, ies eat Beaton spent Weds . 4 ang 2 = Woodstock. With all the beauty and brightness of the new summer colons With vivid si Bc ees penne cand daugbten limitless checks, attractive pase, enchanting floral designs, dashing on ine ea M°Clary’ : Sect stripes and charming plain colors, ¢ b goods display awaits you. The most i eter Lobsinger an mily.. offering of it has ever been our pleasure t . ~ Are~s ion ‘You must see them. Below are a few ainbee that are attracting particular zeuhoih x PANDORA RANGE st te r, LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG __ VANCOUVER ees: dfeConkey be a Irish Poplin (OHN, N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY Mira") oy. of p fj ~~ SASKATOON EDMONTON Stratford spe ft pee eee Mes ‘ Cene Ha: For suitings in white, rose or pale blue | For Sale by A. C. Clemens, Milverton | ae Bred Daghe! ert spent the week- and navy, 36 inches wide, at... 65¢ yard. : end in Tavi Miss Jean Carnochan brrives home . —!Saturday after ng a vaeation . i Bhe Sun office has a splendid stock | NORTH MORNINGTON |" friends at Baris, bought the Indian Head foe isa ao : Hone, of Toronto, me so Pisin white, in the very best quality at ' spent the w with 2 rom 20 to 25¢ yar j nadie erty formerly owned by Mr i 5 Mr: Monten. Lang. i) Mronelson Maric Will ve home There are Three Sa ome tren ond, fat | trom: Ene” West: abotite November an ‘ - : 4 ares all d. f %. os will be prepared to do all kinds of Holly Batiste Leading Corsets: : “ranee.| Mar. and Mrs. Peter Faulhayer, of > —————— nee, Wellesley, BAN Buadaatiiths Mes 6. A delightful fabric it new floral de- ae | SEaperar “Rb wi i with signs, 30 inches wide, ard, ‘ 5 (Mr. and Mrs. i 3 | te ison, at co Nc David Wray and soni, of ‘GOSSARD’ 7 Lowry ett on Tce : “CROMPTON” day for a tri th ‘ wilh ih her ae Mivaad tics An Cotton Ree, and “BIAS” 7 295 ate 3 2. A Dont staat the Patriotic Tea to} Rev: ye 90 be held ?0n' the ehitreh “lawn “oh the Tn pink, sky, tan, ene grey. Extra And they are all to be had eh, 82 evening of August 29th, good value at 15, 20 and 25c yard. t THIS STORE. 8 $5 Saar we is being prepared. 6 shy welcome, 1 6 Freeman Pi bas a a te aie ue i Bt end tauahic Seamer Catt Kinda Cloths 3 Naty che pall eae Anderson's best quality for pe. s 45 00 ae 1 clothes, at _ _ : 12 00 | 17 00 ie I 12 00! 3 } Gal 3 60/1 . l lateas 28| é pent Sunday and Mon- Poinrine near ott ra . Leer ee es aie a ia fap 6{day at “Dellson Brae,” on his first |Deeds ies ces ‘ n all colors an es S hs of stripes 5 leave of absence. aving wheat a a ‘i i) tt ranatn tai pe ae Sport Spots and Stipes. 30 inches wide a to 300 yard. It ce ae committee was 2 18; (riptes bese ae Shot © tetra robles nivthey work te eis 1S = vey wanted color pe 2 18 | on Wednesday evening. wey 29th. jopeize McEachre bet Ste Cr There is no figure ae eS 18 ‘3 6 ee program will se SES are [3 aE : és > : not be gracefully, c e served from 7 3 i - y , stripes and colors, 5 y 34 | Weir will sell a pattiotio quilt ands “Hayes, See eee Silk Etamine Rei eee ; aris edie ite healthily “ried 4 4i!oumber of donate S B: |ladics f goo <= : cor: sles point and % peked ae oe ‘The newest and best wash material ever Tess feferbrement War tania e : Me. Wag efreshments How to Find Friends. se in all colors, pe and plain Dimity Checks ward corset perfection finds ai ed, 25c, children 15e S tater ee ree concerning the man- Pri yard. Capetit @0 A OLY Everybody come and spend a picts ner in which enquiries or applica- oa Bei a ) Si ented iver and or] el amore Too late for last week. 7 il Clerk’s Notice of First Posting {..2°%, Mt, Hugh | Ferguson bones i : ‘ saa en ook ce ie yore ee ee Delightful floral, paisley and striped pat- Ginghams dees eenveietaim en «dah of Voter's: List art's wor ring. his va to By ei eae 9 ture of this store. If better i terns in black, white and colors, 36 to 4o eropaiiee by: ate and irs, “Thomas | and tions are being mad * rs . All th nd reliabl rsets were made we would Peffer: Thovwesieenc havequartar ° hi inches wide. Price 4o to 45¢ yard that is new, attractive and reliable. : . Voters’ List, 1917, Munici of the Sadquarters at"Ottawa which: ought have them, Price range : Townahip at Mornington, i igh DME Georg ade Was a rocent vis-|to be made elsewhere, causing Anderson's guaranteed cloths at 15¢ yd. ° : ee ; great deal of unnecessary delay, and ute that these enquiries should be inade Deb Silk 5 NOTICE is hereby given that Ih: as follow: ebutante - Prints . 50c to 5 fe Wadulvise.wlating = 10. onsualliee > ae are to be made direct to the Records ‘The queen of ea fabrics in pink and +} Office at Ottawa, Other enquirtes alice 4 ieee P He eae reliable pe ina hundred a or an application for leave, transfer, fe or otherwise relating to mem the Canadian Expeditionary Forces ‘ ge (ossar A * who have p d_ overseas, H ment. Roll the said Arantotpeiity ari of vi Pole oa ade to the “Canadian Headquar- Fancy Silk Marquisette Plain Voiles CORSETS t ‘ £ naie Freem 5 : . pe entitled: to vot erin the: sla Mo: Hazel Whaley spent it eee Rogie Tn delightfal and varied colorings and, } Black and white in strpos and checks in They Lace In Front Maples An application or enquiry relating floral designs. 0 75C 5 yd a variety of widths, al yard, %e aN Mrs Hwan he S i member of the Canadian Hx- G nny pedit Foree ma rely widtored out ‘MeGeore, a Listo-| through the regular channels, that is ve sri’ Peasant an sonst tna New Suits for Men Men's Furnishings ‘ to which the member of the Cana- t g wind hereby {call upon all ie ee ee an Expeditionary Force belongs, tke immediate proceedings to have who will deal with the matter him- ““Made-to-Measure”’ any errors or omissions corrected a The Western Fair elf or forward it after ron pt ine Our Furnishing Department is always showing the weve pated Maik Oh dcpnsk Wine Amusement Sage tins to be| Yestigation, with his recommenda- UBS eas ee unprecedented faa? in Be Su new things first. If it is something new — it is = Sate See given trian x tig ae Rondon's great ithe eas mf Peni ces ce Tweeds and $ Hs summer finds "us. prepared to give Quality test | is our constant aim. You buy here with . i ni r i Olerk of Moringa ever’ présehited, “The leading Teatuss situated. Such application concern- you suits PoE the ae hest standard ike bol cloths of the assurance of getting the greatest value and a guar- : — | will be members of the force in Canada, guaranteed analine ayes at antee of the correctiiess of style. a I be Oscar. V. Baboock, Looping the ¢ » = he | Which cannot be je to an officer < i a commanding a unit, should be mad Very Reasonable Prices ATS—The new wide rim felt and stiff hats are Hee Pip cieeneetnas the mili- ; here in all the new shades and shapes. And we guarantee every suit we make to be a perfect fit, ; ra trimmed with the very best linings, canyasses and pocket” SHIRTS—For fine wear, in black and white and Boe rt 1 p + . % ~ % 5 - . a That the Aline pie ie ings, substantially sewn and practically give you the colors, in new fancy designs, sizes 14 to 18, Clerk’s Notice of First Posting i is, as regards aids to navigation, the maximum of good wear and general satisfaction. *ES---Silk or knitted ties, 4 cd aes oy 6 beat protected HF the erorld; Waa EBS ‘ IES---Silk or knitted ties, in new tints, savoring of Voters List dsie’s 2 erent ai weiei ie Alex’ TOW LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW of summer, beautifully designed and artistically made, ) Fralacd animal act worth the whole] ston, deputy Minister ot Marine who Voters a, 1917, Municipality of the {Drive admistion itself. y, the| has just retu wo-weeks’ ot Bliveviaorin ues (eloges ‘end many bthern: These: wil inepeetion tn with th. Y. te In company with y of Per plenty of music and something PS xudsiwon veted Sig ing all the time. Vireworks every 4 Sent MneaoEns NOTICE is hereby given that Ihave |night with a change of programme. fincer of = dra feu Sita oy transmitted or delivered to the per-|Two speed ts daily and cvery-| more important light stations on the g mentioned in Section 9, of The|thing possi be done to make | Bay of Fund th ? Se ia : Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, the copies |thé exhibition attractive from the | pay oft Brituewic 2 Boe 22 Secti aS tobe trans- ee pla tie The: sig 8 be sult i their. “visit, certain a mitted or delivered of the List, made |Plenty of accomodati in the + ena a Att all mons ate) amd nd na, er acl a| IPT LGO fe mt ee “The Store with the Stock at oe MILVERTON. a by the last Revised Assess- good one. All information regarding Ham Dopere an Tree, 2 : ment Roll of id Municipality | the exhibition given on application to| Conclusion Tiated.< ik Bhue ohe to be entitled to vote in thefsaid Mu- the Secret ary, A. M. Hunt, London, BS seBicke Mra des yt 5 nicipality at elections for members of | Ontar eounitry: Ia the Wend: can: DABeE OF the Leg slative ‘Assembly and at Mu- er similar stretch of coast as well pro- |! nicipal elections; and that the said Soldier " Bigamist ist_was first posted up in my offic % 7 r harkdilverton; dn: the. 319k a dey of July, Four wonten have applied for the Got His Answer. = ie, and remains there for inspec-lrension of a feeb = An inquisitive gentleman, ae ‘ty ds of menR: ired Falls, up to and including Toronto, ! Delightfully Cool ot on Great Lakes | Murie, Port Arthur or Fort William And I hereby call upon all voters/Qyowes® Grom ‘London “and ‘kiled in he oseale in perried upon’ fOr Pocus in West Se ret akan Port MoNicoll @ “abORe pleaka gh jour: That Anaata, tr welts We aes | ‘rence. One of th s-his ' ms favelock- Peterboro line, also from hb . ee Z Sr ne wns Pppcradlings fo PAYS [atid the other three women marred | his knees @ small black box of somes n Canada; \atations between Kingston and Ren-\ncy via Canadian Pacitie Railway, is District Passenger Agent, Toronto, d faith. Accordi what peculiar construction. frew Junction, inclusive, and from teyray’ to -the at Lakes. ee 4 ba ra d a's 24th 7, \despateh one of tig mame 55 The inuisitre one eyed it furtive- |stations on ‘Toronto-Sudbury direct Steamship Express leaves Toronto 2,00 bast * ated thie 24th day of July, 1917. imiitbank, Seven years the ad-|ly for a brief while, then, unable to|, Thousands of men are required to tine Fi bd on Sault mh Wednesday and Saturday.) | We are representatives of the larg- : W. D. WEIR, venturer married a Millbank girl. In| res his curiosity, he leaned for- |help in the great wor! ryesting Marie branch © From. station: | direct connection at Port =f ne ones ‘irm in Can- 3 Clerk of Milverton.|two months he left her, and nothing | ward and remarked: the Western crop Arrangements for! iain line, Beaucage nz, ine] coll with either steamship‘ Your sit Synife pela s urtker could be learned of him. Tak-| “You seem to take great ot: eases porting sta =the W epe Vhe SUPA olislve m._tations, Bethany /watin” or “Assiniboia” for Sault pre'ettention et the Ban ottieg OM ESEEKER s' i at ees nted the must be He box, sir. May I ask ‘what it ito con- tr ate Canadien ere eat ia sg mansion to Port McNicoll and Burke: : dead the wife married another m ' ton-Bobeaygeon % ae sions from points in Oatario ~ AS ‘ strong bond of sympathy, existed Certainly, It contains a mon- | August 28rd and August 30th — : iEXCURSIONS peewee herand nah ‘o. 2. He had | goose,” was the reply. 0 Taito, Baa peas orora, From stations west and suth of AAAYAAAYIYAVBAAAAYINVIASIBAAAAAAS eS deserted by his w: “Oh, indeed,” exclainied the other, tdt taaktog fue trip ba. about rare up to an including Hamil-| Q) \ @ : | | iscovery on the pastor ike his is eutiosity still unsatisfied. “A\|<ic'hours, without change of transfer |ton and Windsor, Ont , on Owen Sound at, e ec pensions officer in regard to 1 And pray what is that, ing trip coe $12 00 to Winnipeg | Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingham, El- Q * < @ |the Millbank marriage was made just | gire™ Returning trip East, $1800 from |9ra, Listowel, Goderich, St ~Marys.,| Q) @ jafter proofs had been established of |" wen, fhe tact is,” explained the Winuipes Port Burwell and St Thomas branches @ WER marriage to the Windsor girl in| owner of the box, lowering his voice, GOING DATES ~ nd stations Toronto and north to} Q | By accident, through an item in a “Z,bave got a triend who |has got do- Sa aa Q LONDON, CANADA @ Py x © Urium tremens; ag he fancies hel ust 2ist and August 30th—All] Further particulars from any CP. newspaper, the Windsor wife has d's Q yay tose bee Wy idsae ae has Sanmongoter tai in Ontario, west of Smith's|R Ticket Agents, or W. B. Howard. Se t.- 7th to 15th. 1917 pict Paes ag Aura taeda Know, lls ankeas as Yak District Passenger ‘Agent, Toronto,| Q pt. ’ 4 : MAY etn TO he alegce the dead soldier. No. 3, one. of the | ing it to nt ® : : ‘ st that he married, is living wit * eried the surprised re- ef 1867--“A half Century of Success”--1917 @. hor three children in a small. placc| elpient of ‘his ‘ieee of information. Q Mi Re hi Better Than a Mortgage re ’ TUESDAY [ment for sovral segonda-="but gary 0 on 2 Agricultural Exhiiition 6 “ALL RAIL” - also by do not want a real mongoos® to kill! The Government of Canada has ae-| Q The Great Agricultural : ition of = @ THURSDAY'S STEAMER | Local Agent Wanted (Sr ectise not” was tne renty of tuaite. wa scvines certitintes for|. Western Ontario e dg course no! o “y . “ vd th hundred} Q : See geet ree “Great Lakes Routes”, ee 38 only an imaginary mon- twenty-five, fifty and one - : ‘Season i 00: dollars, in three years } . ae asa teman. cab paras aa SS «Diner. 6Oc per ib fie st puehon, "taew cecutexte| $32,000 in Prizes and Attractions @ ‘Your Future is in the West! jics. Splendid list of st fall go in for the bigh- p x we ee ke tke Milverton Post. OF Q__ A very interesting Programme, including Military and other (@ “The fertile prairies have pisntlsy ae soning ‘aay new planting: brow 3 age, ‘while otters prefer the Lanes fice and make your purchase. The @ 3 Yeatures TWICE DAILY. @ it Western Canada on the a * low. ec! + || certificates will yield you 5 1-5 per cent, ) a a whi me ae ——_—_—— P Ze WOOLLEN GOODS: J er esa have the ‘Dominion Govern:| Q) Fireworks Each Night. Two Speed Events Daily Ww lustre e cae al Bt Far Away Fields. z lankets, Tweeds,/Yarns a ack all the resource: REDUCED RAILWAY FARES. an who wants a home and 5 : (andsom?) ‘The average man feels that he and Flannels. rity. Your money vill be paid you} @ prosperity. ‘Take advantage —_| free outtit; ee ve territroy. Lib- could bear our burdens must better the day it fatts au Q Prize Lists, Emtry Forms and all information from Secretary (@ of LOW RATES and travel via ore than his ow! Certificates can’ be fee as - LINGT NEWTON lows; g ~ Lieut.-Col. W. M. Gartshore, A. M. Hunt, @ CANADIAN PACIFIC orgie = WELLINGTON emer ( follows; oe of Joo eee W. B. HOWARD, District Pas- Themeblabed on You are sure of a good photograph|f|. WOOLLEN MILLS ee ee ae Q @ ad q oronto. = Ontario. it you go to Lee, Listowel. 100.00 for 86.00 ISSSSSSSSSSOSSSSSSSSSSSSSG Z senger Agent, Toronto, Ont.

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