Milverton Sun, 23 Aug 1917, p. 1

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ton Loa ed! : Who Wants j This Space? \ : 22729 “Ft Shines Sar All.” Sun, Painter Ne Decorator pes oes ea a ge Se Lawn Mowers Sharpened A ee job guaranteed. UMEISTER MILVERTON Vol. XXVII—No. 8 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, August 23, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher | | Items of Local Interest. i aa Eades econ, oe Stratford. day night in Bleed Ho i asthe Banter Kerr Tet nite oe de to attend the ” Mi gery Open! | Miss, “Bide Cosaey, of London, is at preseut the guest of her friend, Miss se left on Friday Eggs 410 doz. at Loth's 7 Bot P. Roe’s for bargains on ur seers Packett co that is too old (© intrench let him Leave your huckle ae reat Loth’s, 200. baskets Sereteae this "Sfies nie Schmidt and Glara Rothe nel are spending their holi- Tor iiss itchener, spent Strictly fresh eggs 44@ at Lot's. Miss Allie Ducklow spent the week- end in Wen stock. Jf you are building get our price on your glass list.—A, Ds. 21 8. e government has entranchised a soldiers in the Canadian mat- ter what age they ares a Toronto News is urging upon he the Federal Government ‘to give ore: Mr, H. 1. Engelana ayent Thurs. day in Toronto on busin ae date Growing in the ditches along Letters From Overseas parang Miss a Doering received following aes from hee. eprtdtion: Pte. ave Doe: who seriualy wounded in mane Battle ot. Vim ure a a awful life ts 0 ue stand it isn’t a> bi it heir reason som are getting Hamp the © A Roe fe eR Bast, Se dhe wie euee the guest of her friend, |Yotes to every man in Bhalt, to Dear Sister Vera,— pe dhe you get tie ee | fer, Listen Tuit bought at Loth’s Gee pf. i 4 best e: and ' 10 Saved wy aide oO Balamiazoo, lon oredit we add 10% en Se Mr. Conrad Sehwindt left at th's Just a few lines to let you know |Pest Wi#hes from your s:neere friend | Mr. and Airs, Milton Bundscho ana n Sep! } that Iam getting al P family, of Woodstock. visiting ing h’s grand |Sugar bought eash price not paid {office an oa‘ al haps x ing along fairly well. A a = Setar, 622,849, Every Month 5 ilvert mm. by, Sept, lst, we will add ble ewt, |fect 2 in : Sane Troe Oe weeny Gren tt be: h Battalion, ¢ i Gaoithiey ghd Min chmidi, of El-} Mr. an mn Byers, of Mit-|longest oats we have seen th’s season am at a far better place than “Trrane : I would be if I were well. 1 for ten years willamotint Listowel, agent one week-end ate a the eat and ae “and here glass Byers gat oo ate issue wil appear an Be Ae Sais Gee Phe eek bean PS 5 , mic wo children, oj le, spent |teresting letter from Lieut. A. Wal: i Seaton . 4 to $1,399.13 if deposited Ree ech a ie doen Maes oe ea ‘Sundoy, ith Mr, and Mrs. P. Ducklow |lace MoKinnon, written to his father filion Headquarters. The Captain of iq in b ta have located at 4) spent a day or two last week visit: 1.0.D ek: | before his return to France, where he |he had weithen tonya emt ast said OBITUARY this ak at 3% per Ou. Paci ft the home of his mother, Mrs. B. Races Gee eer yt was and then ome dave lene : annum terest com- es Thars McFarlane of soldiers’ suppli Since the advent of Tuesda i : pads ons pounded twice a year. | ue paeenne Site aes Seay Hand Sirs: George Guenther vermin suits and per-|Friday as meatless days our fish deal- oS pase Eee eee MRS, McNAREN : ser | icra r be |family” spent end wi bags amouutin rg should endeavor to regulate the , Open & Savings Accent i eps aecnren: 8 toattion an barnes fae Bly We re Ay donee e Geli eries of lish to mesh in with the |, Wels dear slater, T have had’some| By the death of, Mrs, MoNaren, “a \ lth do and @aich ee EE Rag ea ee one laker Mirte. ‘A chew Methodist See De laoveriivent aes awful experiences in this last month | Widow of the e Mr. Naren, on i” | fee . ao aie rank McDermott an |been produced, which will besvallatie|~ The form donated to the Women's 5 5G et ee, Thesday, at the home of het aa igh > ae 5 IE ite spending couple of wee 2 ee Meperiott ap ee aa oe ane. for |Q4ent over tivo lines of German tren-|tcr, Mrs, Colin Campbell, 17th Con, t siting € McDermott, tock, spent Sun. have | which tickets were ‘a was obtained |Che8 . behind atnane «fire, thats Ot, Hime, -another, resident of % enpiug. n SS. is, our artillery all opened fir ‘an townshi ig day at Mr Haricrnian! Miss Dofothy Pugh. ‘ire aH re uship has been called t The Bank of Win. Livingstone pads Ms, ee Gao RE Fpl eine See h. $21 worth of |we reached our objective alright and |her reward. Deceased had mor enjoyed e ee ivingston, of Stratford, spent Hamileon Stadt cetuieas ee Monday Ww Bred Wilson of Camlachie. cele dug ourselves in, But ant to tell very good health for le Wears. dy- } NovaScotia lay in the village renewing ac- | pymilton start a eg a 4 loud of wool te Sepniar which he [2% were a few Fritzies suf-Jing at the age of 68. She formerly eis ac apt Ran See With friends at Listowel, Strgt-|mers are stook: -threshing, old to the ing ‘Milling Company for dome morse than T am and gob their lived in Logan, but simee the death of PAD-UP CAPITAL - ¢ 6,500,000 |Lioyd, lett by toning toc Hammiton mn (ford and Alma, een more favorable this season on|$1,%20.22. ‘Three years azo Welern te, [OOS eee ee aa jeter eget ens | SERVE FUND =” = 18500000 MUnaitulee Gini orca tee ey will | DE Michael Olasko MP otoned agcount of the weather, "hu teelead: 20: centa a pcund: temereet tres laces, Tete 1k He ee ici, Tout [been residing with her shiliten, ‘Mra, | SE Eso ces ovceskneents Beat tee Beats Foe (Deen Alta, ill not’ tie*a candidate [wheat n exceptionally “good crop|day he got 78 cents a Be dead nee eas ent side | MoNaren sas a good méther end : i latte Je Pee a ce Eee eboe: orop dey He aot Je cee ae a and abdomen, but the|respected and many will regret to Pi ge is D ingland Li Seiany bead sien ual Plentc, stra, Sune ano yer ines OR una Rees ae oe ee first two mentioned are perteotly al-|hear of her death. One son, David, of 0. W. Huelsman family of ‘Chethaa spent Mond the ecming eampaign. i. iratcien, _ Proprietor of the Church of England. The Bi of Te yore, Teer a stomach got it Mitchell, and Mrs, “Colin” Opmpbell Bee nr gd Aa fans pave iting vil lier ae at ae Fouion nde tonop ot chtine (45 gor) TE foahied sere! curt hres ates ae so ving Zs eld for the soldiers on Thursday, the |a shipm a ford, recently addressed the Wesleyaa i ‘ OR oe 42 m aehbye SHES rill apent! 30th of August, in the: Methodist. |mannfacturer. in Belfast, Ireland confere findk epee” of Fe Ae RE eh NI Gib UA Loe as Bete ts Mr, R. J. anney and Mx. Herbert |i mencing at p.m, En that fla. be peas Soke eal te apes Saag in At.” Col Cattipbell 17th Gon, . ies t las ag 6 2 t J: >, Mr. pe! on, , and Mistes Bessie and Dorothy Ran- |!*dies are nee ten ree rou Sree too ioe Gente ater ion ees Tt will take some time, for the twolof Elma, at ten a.m. on Thursday fo Charged With Man- ney vof P gin, spent a few days |W age youre ime. Kune! anadian Hed Cro icty malted te tO get better. fo “make Can. Mitchell’ aud interment was dade in Alauahtes; last week visiting at the home of Mr. )504 srs: yosepl Kunkel | SUBD "consisting of the folowi ada out of it when I get well but |the Presbyterian cemetery. --- ‘Mr. B,J. MeNamara, of Jackson, |EPCnt the week-end at the home of ticles; 100 pains soo shirts; 23 Poem eat lonpeeusighse eee mo cod Miss Kathleen Holliday, of Guelph. Mtich., is spending ye on twos aie Mrs. Conrad Schwinit, ES ca ae 18 towels and 6 wash- The King and Queen iaitea at the GEORGE RILEY and Jobn Herold, epeare, wili| Milverton, prior to leaving Tor: Peter: ; hospital: today where. Lain and. the ti tot ha spe: a Yorough, where he au conduct f A young lady. motorist was era. ng. G. Weichel, M.P., announces Queen ked if I a yt, it aes roadie eh args of manaausder contest for the Revi me a ae Street last week. SEA a “that ‘deze is no foundation for the Seabed. tie At, Twas bot. Bs 2 Bf) Sagts® aie of Grenfell, Asa ; Beth | too ands off the wheel to ae ildren r that he intends resigning. He % ‘ i er of~ Mr, 8 Riley, St. Mary : sday. Au Maleoim MucHett fee further states that the cancellation 0 ‘At Calais. now: | Mornington, died July Sistas s road, on Tuesday, Aug, x 7. in which little ‘Tsabelia Catherine | family, Mrs. 6, ee 8 daughter of John Herold, lost 3 turday, where ey remai - eax Attorney, McPherson, an-|*t! Monday visiting at the jounced Saturday ¢ information| Mr. and Mra .Philip Sippel and s against both drivers had been taken|Alvin, Mrs. Wm. Sippel and daugh out.and the preliminary hearing’ would |tcr, Beulah, Hee Adam Sippel } be proceeded with in short ti r., motored to Kincardine and Rip- The case will. bo: heard at St, Marys. | 6¥s they: apent: the’ past: week but the date has not yet been set ow- | Visiting friends. ing to the fact that Sr. Herold has|. Mr, and Mrs Austin Gropp Os son. been under the of ysician | Carl, of Brunner, Messrs..George Har since the accident, aud the ‘docto loff and Harry Warren and the Misse states he is no’ ently recovered ‘Lavina and Ida Harloff and. Martha tonpermit. of his’ appearance at court. (el, of Stratford, and Messrs Ar It will be recalled that the coroner's |Grieve, Ten ier, Oliver Cobourg jury placed the blame on both driv-|and the Misses ‘Maud Grieve and A\ ers, stating that they were driving |line Burns, o} ent Sunday in a reckless manner, an that|at the home: of Messi enry anc they each had’brolen the tratfie rales’ {amoa” W. Schinidt, Milverton, ROBERT McMANE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER oumuU.welUmel lum SALES AGENT FOR McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILES ‘Made in Canada” CANADA’S STANDARD CAR Public vate on signation as Mi he gave for his t aoe had been too he inist spirits are oops jBud the ladies’ pet- ticoats are Friday tase ee the first day. up- which beef and J. G. HAMILTON Sole, Agent for D. L. @ W, j PORTLAND SCRANTON ee STANDARD oO ST MARYS ANTHRICITE IME Capital Authorized, ‘$5,000,000 Capital ald ae $3,000,000 jurplus; = Success GUCCESS i is seldom attained without at least some capital. The thrifty man who saves regularly is : the one who reaches the goal of his ambition. Start a sayings account to-day at the Bank of Hamilton, ~ MILVERTON oe N. G. SCHAFER, Manag. Ae ing made to have Dr. _ Michael “clark pe meeting v the ‘meeting has not yet been information was laid by Dancin y ade mien aut he de- appendix, at she was shipping it to her friend as a souvenir. Hon. Robert Rogers, Minister of {28 Monday morning sl as keeping a sharp look-out . Las: Ww The exact Adatesof mal, distinct letter we | faction, Sane no one xports of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, One-hal this cepresented in Soot a e-quarter oats, wil the remaining one - . |quarter in wiieae barley, and other grains. Miss A. 1K, MeMillan, R.N., daugh- John Mosfillan, of Shake several years Millay hes accepted the posit surgical supervisos the Ritchéner nd» Water: wall the * “ihe -geeatest of ex eaemient pre ments were eae ist now at t! ney md for several miles come again, and |farm owners are already ree the excitement is the leasing of ol nbd 16,000 acres of farm property in t be he Standard Oj) Co. 12th the vicinity to Me in gerne mise ores growing as thick as the aia will ca’ it. A feantinbe farmer, 10 ked over t trop, believes that it will yield over 50. bushels the acre. Publishers of a Montreal paper were unable to ecord w fered ragged al One roken and an ear was d, almost torn from her Hon. I. Lue: Premier eat tke Conservative conference held at Brampton last Bat urd: es m1: appearance of a deer in this vicinity a few weeks ago many of the local hunters have been Woods brought in a number of green oat leaves last week, on cack one of which appeared the plait bade! ees oats in several aie the country, i5tn. No entry for grade. bull calf fo fou: Ke or grade boar pig will be taken. ist {frome epi Poni oe crea prize, 85; 2nd, Si; 3rd, $3; tth, $2:|the Srige war, ‘itty years ago. 5th, $1; 6th, ribbon. For fuller'par-|fhe same thing aie nother ticulars regard’ entry call’ at | story edgar aoe docs sonata bran.hes of the Bank of Nova Scotia. | that during the fea gear OFE ie great Bank of Hamilton or Sterling Bank. |y:sr, the oat leaf would bear the name Entry for supplied. .Appli-|of the victor. “RB” in this tion for! usb be filled out and | would stand for Britain. — Milam: fyled with the local bank manager on| Gazette, or before Se Frederick Hedzen, who has for the | aim: past four years been’ the pastor of reported the Disciples’ Church of Christ at Erin Village, who was arrested on Friday evenii las charge of |ledge the bug m Friday Atwood sent over two fin fe the afternoon and four for the evening. iven the score. AFTERNOON Atwood Milverton aus Erskine J. Kelterborn D, peaks 8. Petrie w. N. G. hi Ww. Bieesroll,.22 F. Zimmerman 16 ‘W. Coulter Pe skal 8 YE 1. Dickson W. J. smitu . Robb Gamble Pi Lochhead ...28 7 - Barr EVENING Atwood _ Milverton W. R. Burnett a ©. Clemens: ¥F, Gmmerman 20 N. G. Schafer-..14 L. Pfeffer Sr. J. Kelterborn fly,” J. 0. Gros neeenie W. Blackwell..24 WJ. Smith ,17 ai f hi W. Shearer M. Macbeth BRR, Ph Ge Ca Speman CW. Ban ran about the fie. R, A. Thompson S. Petrie LiL it dropped from 17 L. Gamble ....18 ever the pest has appeared the herds have fallen off in thelr ontyut, s terminating the, pest. he: ha Bie to aeahee tele antes n able to secure a sample of the | W. Lambe 2 : = W. D. Weir’s Sale Register Ba Ritaaye August st 25th, 1 tate, and Household Effects, ir Milverton for executor of the late Mrs. James Edwards. ¢|Dr, M. Clarke’s meeting was only tem} This is the “dt hospital Ihave |the result of an accident he met with porary an: ic ranectoetta are|been to, I expect to go to Blighty |the day before. He was riding on the being made to have him address the ing seat of a lumber wagon when people of that district. r this time an team took fright at a passing auto __ The Hon. I. B. Fe Acting Pre- letter now and again |Mobile and ran away, throwing Mr. mier, announces that t # Principalship With fiela cera iley violently to the ground. The ¢ the Ontario School for the Tote bene bine: doctor who examined Mr. Riley could Brantford, has been filled Bl “thes a dno ca for his death, except intment of the severe shock. emairs Were Principal of the Sault Ste. atari 6a Mrs. F. Doering escived word frow interred in the Grenfell, cemetery. legiate Institute, son of Mr, sbipae : Davi e; he ass ee LF ies aloe 4 Race, of Mitchell. Mr, aa | Gotti feneral | Hospital, | Ports- “| perience High School Principal, and|mouth, England, dated July 25rd, say- Births, Marviages « ‘and Deaths. been selected to deal with the |ing that he was not feeling well. He aainivg of the blind. He assumes i's [was eo thin and weak that he could ew duties on S sit up. He stated that most of h’s|Westman—At Kenasion, Sask, on he Nothing since the Subirerk of the |wounds are healed up with the e Phill ona ‘nk oid hen K eh a on: ception of the one in his stomach,| j.2)'? Westman, a daughter, Kath- The tubes from which sre bad per ont, that ost ithe. food he eats mi e3 [runs o1 is side, #9 ‘tint he gets t very little nourishnien WANTED the} This, i ss feet would AD Ba 75 per tet id for ti to remo Fa for f the votes in the riding including | pire William Waddell, North Mor |Winter months x Toronto Family ot Mr. W. oe “Welsh, 1, the sitting mem-|nington, has received the following four Apply stating |v rages. fo Mee Sie as Iibeval Agere ite rs pea inde-lietter from her son, Albert Edgar; : SORE Ie though talent has advanced the |Vrosdwater Hospital, SCO a a es S eaeaee cane enterteiment committee of the 4, 17 “ FOR SALE gtor Agricultural Society eee ae ee eg cured a splendid trio for Fall Fair eons : a ceived your letter opie pet Boo -acre farm, situated on i ne eee ee er ae Pree bea abe vone of the best |: tter trom Verey the ame time Gnd nn ae good beildings and nie : ae wrote to hii ran a fi ate wher wants 0} tertainers; is Mita Marjoric Maxwell een in hospital since May 26th, My'|to retire. John Ryan 3-ipad pranos in Caxeda, Miss Tonie Rod-|lett eyecwent, Sind eae eae ae noy, character’ vocalist. and dancor and {hore ‘or the sight coming back again FOUND Mr. Burt Lloyd, comic vocalist, Luck EE CE Ta Face ore == nee. T came over here on the 12th] A black silk orope waist wrapped” of July. This is a nice place but Lig yj 1 Stand BOWLING expect to go a convalescent camry ott istowe Aree SRO Saree . ies of. bowlers from Kitehen-| St, 2h? im, # Week oF two. E don” wo rinks of bowlers {rom ichen=| know what they will do with me bu er played here last Wednesday aft-!] sincerely hope they. will not send|,Attomobile marker, eee aS crnoon and evening; The following ]me back to France. Newton. Owner can haye same by t : Eden LRDWe whe paying for this ad. ‘Apply at Sun of is the result. don’t know what caused my eye fice. AFTERNOON o'get bad unless it was the'tear gas Ritch Milverton ® which we were daily ex at WETHER Ee a Clemens Vimy. ‘he: Canadian Field Artillery}, 4, @reen sweater, white collar and A Cundick i, G, had very few caualties until after th: |¢uffs, Owner may have same ee ceeetrn idge was taken but when we got by Peo Pecatanats Wilker, 3 ’ 21 Jover the Ridge and down into. the |1y a Tockbarde wlll Be caomarien Veg ltraibebra fe tbas havi We |. Yundt had our battery in the valley. about a te, chs ieee (oe mile past the ridge and were shelled | — NOTICE ©, Cochrane L, Gamble so severely that we had to move back > 3, Bowman ..29 J. W. Barr ..... 9 |twice and were at Farbus when We have a carload of wheat “corn i : compelled to, leave, \We had. a jand oats chopped. for sale the EVENING lot of casualties while. talk m-|Chopping Mill, Also a quantity of Kitchener Milverton |muuition up to ns but our bat: |No- 2, CW. oat William ‘Kode Gandick G:F. Coxon ry did not suffer oe Ioratiol 8 SO) Fink & Son, Lit Bi. ce Took rat re Haseoptug of the others, I saw one battery Won 8. Pet firely knoe hey plated net ‘Will the gentleman in a c: es ee Shee a NG rachaten: 42 i Ridge Peto dark and wi ena Ngee mas neh Bray suit a ing their sheils eigen keg. eee ry evening, July mile obliged to keep th a. er-jeast of Millba: leave same at this a Saba ve He Reencts ie had Gus since rangnoheal tie office or with ‘TT. Wray, Milbank a Heenan W. J. Smith is and it was impossible to get |P. 0., Ont, Ferguson 15 & A. Barth ..11 Jover the ridge. in Basa We fn ss ae "st an Well, I thought when I got’ over ere in England I would be awa: ‘om. shells and a while sain this morning. No. boi dropped here but ten miles fi he bombs were dropped which killed el- even people and wounded about 30, Thave had no letters from Canada for a month and a half, I hope you are all well. Ab. boo J To Mr. Thos. E. Hammond. ates Deas Friend,— wed your very. welcome letter 917 — Reallin LISTEN FOR ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY AUG. 95th Very Special _ Bargains Boots ‘and Shoes in broken sizes and summer lines, Terms: CASH or EGGS T. P. ROE THE SHOEMAN

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