CREAM WANTED ¢: Wellesley Municipal, Council Parsuant (o adjournment, on, Monday. alt te members were in attend: d. Reeve, preside The highest market price will be paid for cream True weights and test will : be given. We the express. Sh y J. L. McKay. that By-Law The Pearl Creamery ble Rae eens for Township and County MILVERTON and ELMIRA purgoses for the reut year, 1917. were read and pi ‘he Council ihe. considered a re supply cans. and pay cE ‘They desided if they i could not act tn accordanéé with said np Laveen cream tg Be ection, to advertise for tenders to do was moyed by FP. Lackneb, now read a first and second = a. LR EE EG Moved by F. Lackner, seconded by J. L. MeKay, that By-law No. —~, appoint Collectors for the ee ern and Western Sections of the Tp. LISBON. of wellasley. aa the current year, 19. Mr, George Boerster, of St. - |} Be read a first and second time C t ents, called o aaoneek 6a Bune ee ae ¥. .L x wt Wegenest, a by Ju @. Petch, that By-law No. oun er ee with het brother ett |& assess the’ several schoo! ‘ theo EES Check Books... We are agents for the Appleford Counter Check Book Co. This firm turns out only high-grade work at very reasonable prices. See our samples and get our prices before ordering. Th Sun Office 1917, bi aon eee $ |son were the ¢ PM, |Henry Ptalt, feamols am rs Chay Hohl. spent adhd ur Barta Ha a tue, Vand Mes, John Hohl. visites |at.bridge,. 1 jy ith the: es eae in Welle ce [ume r for fen and Adeline Seftel, FSi; Harry made short call Ww jorge Neumeiste Pan CG. Sitler oc] e Mr. Her rman Ruthig, of ren sad laos hill, ew jounts Rostoe d Mrs. Peter Host and fam- ace A Rare Opportunity le head any male | 0! 8 of ily, 1a yearw old, who was: fat the com: enieement of the’ present war, and has tinted to be, a British subject in allied of WELLESLEY COUNCIL he Gth* day of August, 1917, at ten eilcels in the forenoon, at the ball, Crosshil el, the whe minutes of the foregoing session Planing 2 pay, 40.87; our Treasurer, being Solr met. Tp. jance Bee- time. A SPE CIAL SAL SUMMER GOODS Look Over the Following Bargains e and fancy Sport Shi Sport Shirts have a large range of plain white ‘irts for men and boys, all at 10 per cent. off this week. Straw Hats $4.50 hats for 3.25; $3.90 for 2.95 5 $2.50 fer 80; $1.69 for 1. 15.5$1.25. for 98 cents. Children’s Middies Just a few left to go at 25c each. Ladies’ Middies $2.00 Middies for 1.59; $1.75 for 148; Sisoterli93 S1.b8 for 88e; 85 and 95c for 69c ; 59c for 45: Men’s Silk Hose In white and fancy for the holiday, Men’s Overalls Worth $1.50, this week only $1.19. Men’s Collars Still selling at the old price, 15¢ each. Fruit! Fruit! Le your orders, We Ee aut: our strawberry orders, which were on o: SPECIAL NOTICE! fr sold at a very close margin we positively will not sell on credit— add 10 per cent. if we iis Underwear - sizes, Men’s Mesh Combination at re 2s, worth $1.50. Nice range of new Wash Ties. ie neha ci a Auto Salmon per can “idan 186 Cascade Salmon, 2 for. a 5 bars Lennox Soa| 5 bars White Knight sa Soap 2se resi WM. K. LOTH, Milverton | Mrs. | Mr. ind Mrs, Andrew Streiche ited their daughter, ira! George lauf, Strat m Tuesdays . E Schmidt, grav 9. | Mr. and. Mrs, George Ni ume putting in euler fi ‘spent last Bandey ae the home of ‘Me y 9,00 ost Pee antl Pot |stone, work | _Dtr, an Walter 7 Koch ‘and at pit, 3 al ly were. She Guehte waite and st ine 30.2 ating road | chi er, cutting | 46. scoured a ten-year lease of a |Mr. Louis Ruthig and son, fund stat, labor > Art |Hamburg, visited friends~ in the ac en work at ‘fp. line, half lage on Sunda jean, Og ee 10,00; H.W Mr, and Mrs. John Hohl and Afr fab Snes: nting contract. half Thtenda vost and Mrs, George Hohl and yearly, salary, 70.00; total 512. y the ‘The clerk wa ructed to sent ‘orge Heipel. several accou being half pay to Andrew Streicher |ihe ‘Clerks Of Woolwich and North spent Sunday M mlauf, at Beale daatructs ing remi LISTOWEL | Neb ea, ml deast Ae =) 7 |terest Mr. nt ares ae otic ek to on si pointments. carrying jewelry, ster) Br, Burgess loca large quantities of mill ene We present a rare. Mseaeaarsicitt to you ie id tn Manitoba : bate: theeein aca hts oS mewast Aad eet at Dominion ands Agency. oF Sut) e hip Jewelry. The range of choice is wide rote Suanded by, Tistowel, enough and you will find what you want, md cultivation of tand fn ea that No: 742," 743 |, “Wor k has been carefully selected, d 744, as filled fas be read ithe third The prices are as low as suc! Jewelry can be sold for. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY. P, H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician MILVERTON, h high-class | ¢mP¢ ear 4 homesteader may se- ecHlon ae pre. time and passed.—Carricd. Moved by Meyer, seconded by 50 | that this ‘coe inolt meet agi Oe Grosehilly cod “stony, the 10¢! en (ter obtaining homestead patent, o'cloc! LET THE TAILOR ce carefully shaped, faults y fit ecesnel neatly finished OUR Ve : SUCCESSFUL TAILORING Has satisfied the most par- ticular people. — We can ‘ou too. — Let us have your “measure” for our next suits J. M. ema nd Men's ILVE! ra September, 1917, atat eleven |. efetay. ithe cannot Se i ee he ake) the forenson,—Carri Bas SNONEAE cee ater aeeer’ ma lenge piohie We MD, NiGeli 4 side months = PETER F. SCHUMER, Clerk |trisnas Rete, extend tiest cone /%, Wednesday. ‘ ONT. acres antl, Clements, August 8th, peatdiation to him, and also to Pie Mo Willes ast Be Rose ates ih Soiters, ofe! tries: count time of em- ——— ployee frm ioe at Gausda. dure * Twenty-eight pigs were sbipped to) Mts. Wm. Neilson, teat ALT. as. fesldence davies. under. certain HESSON to last week from the Meta fe = ne penne eat Sc ddvertised o * e-Hamilton piggery, and the chee fe lor infers so hae Mrs. Freeborn, Mrs, 8. Kocher and Ra aie eee to $90 He pinto, Smt the week-end. mite cuee en honourably | brother, Mr. A, Querin, of Toledo, and pigs averaged about 200 as ana (friend, Miss Lotta Kerr sp ive or pias patie apply-| Mrs. Ralph Koebel. of London. “ar>|the price was 10% Miss Edith Red is apehding a week Sub-Aveney)" Discharge papers must be pre- spending, a few days, wit th their | Me, Price, Was, Pe. of Oakville, has | With her cousin, Miss fvelyn Reid, of sented to Agent. : nother, Mrs. ¥. Querin, who is verY|peen permanently secured as organist ME CHObat Stawe eputy Minister or tne Interior f h D: ff Dubli — choir leader for the Me Lae 2 Gee Bee Tee ede purchased a Woaghanen publication of thts ad- "Ne, Joseph Dantzer, of Dublin. re: [Sharon and. takes: charge the tie Box qeriisement will not be paid for, fae oa with relatives her rty W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF last week was a decided succcas eG tne eet Re coyemt ner em ie neces nt opera- | it Seas fas Be 5 »|zer was assiate! ey. Chas. Dant- te Di ‘Mooré expects vi age of Newton; doing a good Eee Ee ee oe ane wl xematn un nintil he has fully nedovers Nira red aap and gene aes with usiness—in an Al ity Nt 5 tre , ; B08 a ‘an upto on erat chureh were beautifully de-|°% r. ee myn received official | Mi Annie Hill, of Codestogo, re- +i 2 invoice pri dorated Svith out lowers by the ladies! sora’ from Hawa cently that dis oe a ne Sunday. etter Will buy Lot 31, Con, 12, Bl-|aitar sosiety. . Pte, Roy Jermyn, had been: . | ma, 50 winy Tot a Con, 12 al | "intra Hi, Voll and daughter. Coletta. (ounded inaction. Pte. Jermyn en- Clennle’s Ss ing, Ses barn 48x68, all in good PUES Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos-/jisted in the West, but is how ¥ ee ena dere Rela oes ene ot ie under cutivation, | ¢P! : the 65th Batt. His many friends here - Clubs bank, e $7, ool “puy that splendid 10 ae ie ipblad 6 xepoxt that Mr Jeineerely tmust_ that his wounds are Teeipient of Mie following sletter from $2, Con, 11, Elma, all} 5- remmier is impo after all 2 i | Mader ealiteatigne comfortable {severe ib le ny friends of Mr.J. W eras io af a coe eee ide, 2” bank | The threshing ae are heard Bernie te plea aged to see him home had. nd to ate bie appre ells, 1 in stable, | humming around the . Mr. Bernie ance aserious ciation. M = . 1 % aan th iy in good local- pee Sherahion in ‘Guelp afew week: doing for the bee ai Will sell stock sf and hopes to Son enjoy co0d health | July 11th, 1512 pp at same time if desir MACTON gain Be ae e W.W.W. Club, Ferabank. acres of lan = : Word has been received in Listowel! Dear Girls;— / Misses Jean afingham and Edna iesaden oe Newton spent a week at the home enat it fer ge ee our box arrived “yesterady. 0. - oe Ae feousity Mr aitd Mrs JB. mie that I thank you from ‘Mtr. fa at me home of Mr, aud Mrs. Wi Mie ‘and Mrs. G. Werner, of E) RAND TRU HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12.00 to Winnipeg AUGUST 21st and 30th.—From stations Lyn, Ont., and west to Toronto inclusive. 2 AUGUST 28rd and 30th.—Froi stations Toronto and west in For particulars as to > tickets west ‘innipeg, etc. apply to any Grond Tra Ticket Agent. (5 = Rain cee = Saeeeees H.C. BAIRD, Phone No. 1, Local Agent and Mr, and Mrs. She ie parm, SOT? Feey [little daughter. of Montreal, a Mins iaaclnu k go0a leak Sunday at the home of Mr. ee Holt. Gieaait an, spent & in |Of the former's son, ay lca whe lewton—the house ee for less than $1800—erms with friends in Mornington. turned on Tuesday after Spending a a in. the town hall | to the Red Cross, 1 rerhe F pit Deyoti = sro a dee ae W)cpttea ba Shady inst Marys cbura |x with . nt nd Mrs Ernst spent Sunday Idon Werner and Thos. Holt pane Sarge. s Hol Mrs. John Voll eae Peteh, to fan battle, the 3. The iia ‘mira, , son of Mr, and Mrs. Listowel, has been haat the Mile | oa mperial Air Service and i ein |SEort time that he has been in service | Sunday in September. Miss Moore will, be persed to es that he concession of Elma, recently re tte ng | and Many Thousand “J Farm Laborers Wanted | for Harvesting in Western Canada “Return Trip East’’—$18.00 from WINNIPEG GOING DATES ‘All stations in Ontario West of ith’s Ee eee ke Ae pe Renfrew Fst Junction, ee Sault sie Maris From stations West and South of Toronto up to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingham, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. Mi i runto and Now to Bolton, imelusives att Burwell THROUGH TRAINS Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, | cer cea SNE ABEESE RE IRIDESCENT wi with friends s been received from 3 for conspicuous braveryuin | ul .McKeever belon; Lee very exception) “abil: | femipe Mr, and Mrs. Herb Hyi gave excellent atic: j Gating sts 8 nds of SDr, James |*He oFder of the bad dose’ § aa: Nir he oe air. is at a few days hor a6 isses ttle “ind Jes . Robert Stewart purchased new Chevrolet car ‘from of Listowel, last, week pha Norman Gray, of the holidaying at the: home of Mire 1 I at present. number fi ae Miss Guttin, of Strat- porarye p pig eR of Elma, Dd, Baird, an "iteheher for the caveats ” n days and am oble to get-out and g present visiting at last weele a x. Rennie Toronto, is B here attehded the d Mrs. Thomas Hy- pent Sunday, with me: ue benny Picking a engaged Mr. m to drive this car yourself. will convince you that what we have said is true. ily of ‘the gravel road spent Sunday | Council now went into Committee | Silver, watches and soba! é the home: of Mr. and Mrs. Henry |of whole, By-laws. Nos. 712, 743|intending later to do a wholesale bu Witzel. Sica : He Reka: sae © ness Alterations to ay “Go Mr. and Mrs. George B. Schmidt] Moved by McKay. seconded by | which promise to mak ing Trip West’’—$1 visited ab the home of Mr. and fo eet that J. Reidel be chairman of |ely fitted for, é ung Trip st’ —$12.00 to WINNIPEG pe ward Schmidt, near Welles! mitt arrie: under way, and wil a By-law No. 742, the following |ecks before ee La TOR appointments wore made ne Crook: | Gunther intends to rent his residente the Sun’s advertisements. |Shanks, for st lana *landstore here and i August 2ist The time thus spent will help to econ- north halt Pia Sie Jaen ato | the latter will Fae Inclusive, and ‘from stations, on Poronto-Sudbury dire 8 peat aah Tole a jeweler gust 30th [BOS port MeNicoll’ and Burketon:Bobeaygeon. : Mr. John Watson i $75, and Jacot 4 3 they have to offer the purchasing | J" onl Se ar factory in “Listowel, utili Avgust 23rd SBIte: A. SCG See of cit [Buen ns: possible of ce Gwen, Sound, "Walkerton i erat neationoa’ apalbesat S16—cat/OUCD BA Peat hericee ‘august 80th joaas branchés, and stations ie, ge of Port Hope, a vine: Bylaw No. cota’ the amounts |i the mear future expects “to have his sevbeat School sections the amounts) st in operatio (| Further particulars from Canadian oe School requisitions were in- he. tukonta City: Dairy ‘has decided | acesceme serte e y-law No. Tit to -assecs the |to orest a et building: in Listow: ol | Township for Township and County |‘ os nen of ean Northwest | purposes, the Township rate wa v are: FERNBANK ‘truck at 3 mills on the dollar and i i | Land Regulations str val at the ©. station “romnas “atl ak or aR fe te : hh: |be 65. by 45 feet, one and a half storey. | egy. anda; MeLaughlin, -90fs ths ender: See our Exhibit in the Transportation Building, Canadian National Exposition, Toronto, Aug. 25th to Sept. 10th Light Four Touring A Leader No other car so low in price will appeal to you once you have driven an Overland Light Four. No other car in its pice class oifers such complete satisfaction. Its easy riding Giniies ace to fe studied balance throughout, long re- silient cantilever rear springs, generous: wheelbase and big, oversize tires are exceptional in a car of its size and weight. Drop in for a demonstration. Ask The test tpt of blood poisoning in the © Fernbank boys over here are 4 Mrs. | Wilson 1 iueky in ha’ itch a staunch or- babe opie Satta copper, but did not pay a vue eapigition tolbusk shat-up. Te meand ‘ specashing ‘ountry Club } tion to it and blood poisoning set i it to the out here to kno: \ OTHER TOURIN hone [It is hoped that he. will soon be fully |they are not~ eae en: aunts cee ‘ coon a lt, | recovered. can hear the heavy guns poun ind- Eighty-five Six = Sun-| Miss Gwladys Thompson, w! in ighty-five ee oo Eight attending the 0.A.C. at Guelph, re ue cently underwent an operation for pendicitis, and recovered t BY. $1, 000— Wi buy the North Part sf Con. 18, Elma, 42 acre: an racial! $300 ine "palance at 4 A ¢208-Win buy Lot 11, Con u, CENTRAL Ellice, ae Soren frame house,” unt barn, A chanes STRATFORD, ONT. ~ Commercial, Shorthand and Teleg ; verton. our free catalogu Come ee me if’ you want to Fall Term From September 4th close se] | bank, comfortable dwelling, flat || 20sisce%s sumer barn.good stahline. flowing spring we ice pare ay sD ees adam t mand uy s for train man: j House to rent om Maple St. Mil |] 520 U80" inter grad te D. A. McLACHLAN, ~~ Principal ne ra- buy or sell your dwelling or farm. It you. will pay Miss Cari employed mith the ‘e Go. fora couple of years.left lon with the a Meneaday for her home in Ne e porposes taking @ business course lo. ust rc thanking. zonal WM. ZIMMERMANN, Dealer MILVERTON, ONT. Willys-Overland; Limited = = Rea again and aati e W.W.W. = ihe a span a large measure ae Parra and. oY illys-1 Overland aa ‘ars and Dakota woman has asked |8, 1ohe es Demme ciel Wate uth, De. fhe probably claimed a Yours sey Aer ae J. G. Wonbrdge “Well Hospital. Eng! lasek Po soar, Butter Wrappers printed the Sun Office: Head Die = Works: West oak Ont,