». DORKING Miss Bertha MeCormick, of Macton, spent the Weeksens sagt er aunt, nald, cae Ww aterloo, and aate Miss Reta Rafferty, of Waterloo. outlined ‘a beazine buggy of his own |** her nome, VISITORS spent a few days ane week with Mr. ee: Wi ence Beebe: spent} No more will John pose as the afately ae Sowanlas TO THE ( and Mrs. Fred McDonald. ‘hursday in Mi ver! ship behind the ribbons bu: will a ehildie of. Sask., World’s Greatest Mr. Hd Jones and daughter, Phoebe | Mr. an Join Schade and fan cane the recumbent form of the # : 1 Exhibition |l\0! sh re, spent Sida last at |ily, Mr. and EM viee Woodcock and lai the wheel, the speed limits hi ae two. ehil- the hom daughter, Irene, and Mr. Ge ey | permit it he will swallow no more {Qe of 1 TORONTO Mr. Thine "Scat Ste relday® at of Newry, motored to Stratford on|q Ars, Reid's (Aug. tS 0 Sept. 10th) Linwood they ‘spent the day Mrs, Wm.! Parker, Mr. Messrs. Mei rh WILE, FIND. THE Meee cade Ae Kraemer and Sundey oowiie gna sett Forrest, \.¥ ee orking in a munition fa thi 4 Geral day Canadian Pace te er cee Extra Train Service To and from Parkdale Station and Ex xilbition grounds. ‘om principal points on certain n Pa- ‘om € ‘3 attend- c a write W.B, How- nger Agt., Toronto Many women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cle: paseo inside as well as outside, Vet nej pest pe this internal bathing a abas iteel? in spotty, and s: omplexit well as in dreadful headaches and epee it’s because oe LY becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates Nature Encl Temove without assis' ences ‘Th it remedy is Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, which py Glove the stomach and bowels and tone the whole igesti ure, safe and reliable. Take one at night pte you feel bright and sunny in the g. Gel cS Cham apes ’3 5 01 1 fr & ambelain Medicine Company, Toronto sESESSSESERSSESREGESESSEESESESSSERESERESESESEAEROAUOOREOUEOOEEE SoouONeNaWnNneaene ca sae soxaessonersaees Beret In these times of Fuel Scarcity why not instal a Pease Economy Furance Which consumes the gases and gives the benefit in heat by its special gas burning generator. Also note large five doors to put in large chunks of wood that cannot be split with the axe—larg- est fire door of any furnace. Rated at 10 below zero, while other furnaces are rated 10 above zero. Weighs approximately 100 Ib more than a corresponding furnace. These qualities should con- vince anyone to a Pease furnace installed and have peace forever, Frank Rudow & Son Sanitary Heating Engineer MILVERTON BRANCH At Clemens’ Hardware SENSE OSES ENON ANON ne Bess OM OMEN ONO ON meme ee ene. Fe HH | ae FH HE 2 FA Ee 3 FE fF H HH FE i z FA HS FE i HE e FH HS it FH FE i HS i FE i i i but circumstances beeame: inexorable | the dust that of late years from pars iug autos, which filled his eyes and nostrils has worked a chavge and in a moment of wi ean he fel to the le agent and Mit, and Mrs ME, -Bettger and motored to Hamburg on Sun- ae <5 ke, Mr, Weber motored oe inter taoderator-of-session, duct services in Knox church next da: i agin, ng. their Inglis, ited “tiends in Monkton for a a lasi ee 's ee Mitchell, of Hamilton, Robert Knox, of Atwood, waite on “friends in Monkton, Monday. he. am s Lo and fare Ws, Mr. J. C. Wilson’s on Mon: st hs laa = Mon! r Toni Wines tood four sq’ to the automobile breezes that blew. who bought automo! went but always drove a dust from Hamiltor ilverton, visited 2 ‘4 jae John Palace 's Friday and Satur- ed the Forty Hours.Devotion in Hes- this we | Missea Ruth == | cation = two weeks in Hai Tine Mr. G. Ridout returned to. |ronto after spending, a couple of day jat Mr, Wi i “Misa A. ers accompanied her home milt Minnie ‘Taylor returned AB fonds he 2 ea received from Life Insurance Co. Pa ing for the he life er late husband Dr. Sorenson, w “ died a month or two ago, 7 Dalton pete rman left on I for the rthwest_ in cha shi rload of hors pped from M. mes motore may, where aed Toronto cheerful, and will Penk i as sy Sun |the home of. Mr. Ben. Miller. Rev. W. D. McDonald, of At Will. be. made eee wh tents will be completed for: hearity candidates preparatory egar for 400 st—Californi Nees. ouple ua and Eva Haines ni ronto. visited ‘he ee ton. in an John stood by the hor good one ond the heels of few a ay ry and One is fro *. Bett; and of. Mi lerton, M and Ethel ee re- turned home on Sund a va- fo! : : tory covered by tie folmes at Mr. 1k are spending a few weeks the former's parents near | y ora. bert McCullough ‘is at pres- fi ©. hia. rooms with: eH at: I return the ‘end-of the present week to be fitted with extending nd. oraii Messrs W. Bettger ae. - 8. Wil- son. le St on Mond y o weeks rip inroieh Western Ontario” can pt Ce Mr vid Johna and Orval Strachan, of Stratford, visited at Mr. d Miss tee d M y equines Any Style COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA You don’t have to wait until 7 1 : I wl {(ll e: even twenty-five dollars to- gether. Just select the instru- ment you want, make a small first payment, and have it de- livered to your home at once. Payments so small you will never miss them—and the pleas- ure so great that you will wonder how you could have been without a Columbia Graf- } onola before. Come in today and make your selection. We On terms to suit you get fifty, seventy-five or can enanene convenient Uap Columbia Grafonola Price, $65 Jat Lak was arotind_ inpectin the plots one day last w A oe for Th Those Going wiles of the automobil ain oe Mo wis sedihion A ae ‘from this ‘ioc: tended the oe CO. << Act. to! keg le book ree- ds of liquor ahipme conduct the services at the jan ebureh Sunday morning. “Ther | no eveniie. service | snutied ton Method: ranged as y vices on Monk ott have been. folowa reat esda 23id, when Rey. J. W. . Monkton, ‘Oct, W. A. “Wald Waliceecach: be taken at an to be Dp Pl vi m Methodist Circuit, ice f God’s gre be welcome on aaa ‘te GA Felts wer a anomie er thi tion of the Philkie Award Drain, tit h Con. credit for eptable, WARTBURG Mr. and Mrs. ily spent last Sunday. wit Airs, H. irayelridge. _ Miss Lavina ‘Harloft, of BE. in ao Helga Harloff s cently with ets ie Ss. family spent Sandey, ‘at rontd ‘bend, < g FSB S 2 _| Sunday in this. a ality. spending a few days in thi vicint y and M. Ww. Tehily spent Sunday with “Me vend. Mrs. Robert Armstron; fey Ses CARTHAGE Misses Edna and Winnie Orr, of Ie ae Harti with Mrs. C, W. R. Burn nett, :A. Ross apent Sun- ‘of Rothsa; ay iss Norma Hermiston, of Ligtowel, spent the este end with the Misscs Askin, Mr. Jas. Moore had the Pa Pied ‘Milton Capling tended the Memorial Service for th ti at Tavis- Dorothy Pugh motored to Grand Bend on Saturday and spent Sunday is Hammond md AC gagden west— eker’ Pacsrsione rs via ( jadian Pa ae wi ee eae Ar Mes: Sam Smith and Fred Arm- oa strong spate a b ‘A trip to Shak: espe: ass Ss eRlariply ke resent in 0 Yer ecar- |. Pp) ery preear-|;.°\ Knox. Mrs. Jolin Roger is Suhisent Hucweut ot “Mitenal wit | vdher-| , Me trot, v Nes Yoube Coulter, Johnston aS ST ATe ing friends i Lamb August at Monkton 11.00 a.m, 0 p.m. and Wil ee Grove M Beet are ¥ her ce ater The ge entlamen of Monkton deserve = - Peryl Clar’ Sunday st his. home Jack Henry and fam- ratford is spending bes holidays sane the ae id og ts- rt, ewdy and ew Pally, spent Sunday at Grand Ben i Ww. Eddie penta day ee cone ater jeith’ friends: here. Mis: Mr, and Mrs. Moo: . Henry and igenell, of Cobalt, spent Kruspe and| fic Mr, Robert Henry recently, purchas- |} bs; sled a'six cylinder McLaughlin car, |>’yjr, Howard McCourt had the ok fortune to breal dey last. and Mrs. i 5 ers at bie Milverton, spent the week-end ‘with pending his vacati Women's pee nee ° t| papers on the war, pre, ginls of the Inststute: as Mr, and mee Bee McLennan, Mr an row and sol, aes fgeaten to Jobe where they were the sda ot hari igan Speci ant Night. Train ae gah and On ATWOOD. Mrs. Lee and son, Norman have. re- turned to Toronto after visiting for for some ene with Mes. Chas..Wynn. ir, of ‘Tor cane is eeiane are visiting at and. Joan | Hamilton. are. visiting frien hob H. Fair, isi and Mrs. P. A. M and Muriel ttawa and spent D. Mitchell, of with Mr. and Mrs, ting S| pn at the M Eick etaoae elvin Papa of Str dy ake" Visttuige with telende sin thi ge. rs. John Juglis, of Listowel, spent wie with Mr. and. Mrs. R Er. Jean Mor has returned ae after ‘spending her holi- in the, villag ae ughter, of “De- ineawich ustand Pte. Jesse Pe ache has returned to ee where he has to report for ent at. the militery hospital. Ja n an. Mr. stt- e. wing, Wal Robt, 7) hoipson ne ale Ber many fr sae will be glad she is recovering nicely. nm Beg Jahee Henderson, a s Sunday with Mrs ee on Sunday, Aug. , Mrs, Robt. Ford. The fu- place on Tuesday after- Hugh Porter and daughter. siting friends ‘in To = Ms es Beatrice Graham and May Wilson of Toronto, ited last week ith Mr. and Mrs. James Brown. Fa le BRUNNER Irs, 2. J. Whitney sreny Se week with her sister, Mrs . Holle- freund, Stratfors Miss’ Annie Sippert has ret turned 1 hot il atford, after spe: ae aye With her friend, Miss Mr, Art ‘Whitney, of Aeton, spent Windsor, sat h’s bone Ss. her mo- ington, who is inton. is visting Mics and Mrs. a family. with Str, and Mrs. J. R Johns! of Britton ma Barton, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at her hom here. Liss arenes Aitcheson, of Blue~ ting her friend, Miss Ella FO vir. “Alvin McLellan pent Sunday at, his is home here. Mr: Robert Barton nay purchased w handsome black drive: John Wilson nad two children ¢ visiting with friends in Moore- ld. Seaheaver, of Moles- . Harry Me oe week-end with Mr. k his wrist on Tr But we wish him a speedy rye — N C, Gies, St. Thomas, 01 Lily ee has returned A Range You Can Trust three children, _ London, have returned to th: atthe visi eCloud and McCloud from Dr. McCloud’s pastor- the week- LONDON TORONTO Mon’ VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, NB. HAMILTON ALGARY 9 JOSReeKTOON TON Se ay. amiltoa, Robi, The “Pandora” doesn’t require con- stant watching. You can trust it to do its work while you rest or attend to other duties, The Pandora has fea- tures that insure far greater’ efficiency, and economy than can be “found in other ranges. Write for free booklet. MClarys PANDORA RANGE For sale by M. E. Bettger & Go., Monkton |_ t. 4 oh Da Stratfor » 1-15th | Tay ‘pt. 26-28th | re (C.N.E.) Oct. 4-5th | Wellesley. Oct. 4-5th ) Woodstock O. DUFFIEL What it Means to You—to Your Pocketbook—to Your Personal Appearance—How it Conforms to Sound Business Judgment to Select from Our Famous Line of . MEN’S and BOY’S | SUITINGS Taking for our text, “He profits most who serves most—he who serves best, serves most”—we put in force a plan of retailing that tends to centre more and more business here —by making it to the advantage of the public to give us their patronage, If there’s a man who can’t be suited we'd like to see him. If there is a man whose tastes can’t be met he is a stranger tous. Call and see our up-to-date stock. The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario We Detroib Vapor Stoves which bum either ga stoves have no wicks an tis demonstrate them to you. St. Marys and Canada Brands Cement And don’t forget to hai aoor’ad sveibau at lowert possible prices: M. E. BETTGER & CO. Hardware Merchants, . - WE DO ALL KINDS OF = Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and Plumbing Also a complete line Iron Pumps, Cylinders, Ete, Let us give you an estimate on your work. Now is the Time to Buy an oi Stove sell the New sutectlp in all styles, o the famous line or scat oil ese ike city gas, Come in and let Always onthand. Leave your order with us, Remember Your Coal Bin ind us-your orders, We will supply you as win WEST MONKTON art rs ; day with Mr, and Mrs. W. Lawless, |home after spendi the summer moi nm be ye ‘iss ee re fe towel, Theta Mi resigned her posi canara: pueld home at pre eetee G. Rebound ant sete home ek’ holid: ities Tn x Fkand oe “undexwent aa last week or eger and children are spending & ‘couple of days at her home in Mitchell ————= MILLBANK The regular monthly meeting of the men's Ins ill be held at the red Tanner on Tues Roll Grersbody wel- ‘Mrs, J. Nuhn, Mrs, Howard Mor- , and Mrs. Joe Lo cas aac e Michi Poi ticular rattention is neue to. the -|convenient night train ae via the Ganadian Paoific—SMichigan_ Cen- tral Route caer ys fr eee ket Agen District ease Agent, Freeh — “The result of the standing fiel im crop istrict e “an- jefe Palm Beach Cloth Pongee Stripes Plain and Striped Voiles Dress Muslins with Coin Spots “Dress Silks at Old Prices _ : “Lingerie Mulls — _ White Skirts and Middies Ladies’ Blouses Aug. ns Soot 10th te 11-12th ae 19-21st