[From Erin’s Green Ist Macs the : pee : s i NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE 3 _ LAND'S SHORES. ey A Qe = bof Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Be “Interest (o Irish. — men. The Lord Saye wae of Ireland has | 10% appointed Thome ‘to be a Govence'and: Queenan Nedonal fo . pee, of Irelan 6 Westmeath Rural coanall haa steno the Department of Agricul- ture that they have all the labor and machinery necessary to take off the Breads’ ‘Toronto, Aug. 2i—Ma Sranitop : No. 1 Nene $270) No a Now tery $3405 Northern, $5.38; 282, ° nominal, “store Fort Wile qa 2.C, W,, 76c, track No, 8 yellow, nominal, SS Pushed Into Western Part of Coal City—Total Prisoners Cap- tured Almost 900. Teh Counter-Attacks Repulsed. fant fant toba ean corn tracke “Poronts. Ontkt BL Sr gaa omelet quotatio: 9 wheat Ne, ‘Winter, Der car x to $2.60; 2.53 to $2.58, eee, ‘Sutat le; new crop, minal, according to nominal, according according to ly yee in jute Gree du te according to track Toronto, ‘A desphtch from the British Front | fn France and Belgium says: After a brilliant advance in which the a dians captured Hill 70 and then’ roopg swept on north-west of. Lens, the at=| G ae times ie enemy came on, but seldom. ;—including the Fourth Prussian one of the elite divisions of e subjected to fightul concansrated fire from jour artillery and machin quarters in France says: The taking | losses bbs frightful ee ee a Hill 70 stirred the German higher} A despatch from London says: The mmand as nothing else has done on| British nada further progress east of this ae this year. Prince Rupprecht | Loos, in the Lens area Friday morn- the, rae hostel effor "4 NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER was waged throughout the day, par- BANKS AND BRAES. ee on and around Hill 70. TO LOOK AFTER CANADA'S INTERESTS Inauguration of Association in London to Promote This Country’s Welfare. lespatch foe London says: Ar- re been almost com- “Inauguration of the frieh Malting, to freights outside. nominal, le. Se Se THE PIRATES TES WORK ON NEUTRAL SHIPS. Photograph shows @ vessel which has been torpedoed by German gubmarine, being towed into por& hal FROM OLD SCOTLAND|RUSSIANS RETIRE |ANGLO-FRENCH Stn rn TOA NEW LINE WIN IN FLANDERS) Rumanians Forced to Withdraw Mr. Foster, of the War Office, Also in Face of Superior promised Mr. Field, ae face Numbers. Government would he building of a = jot in Dublin for Goy- A despatch from London says: The wd te Aare e naar store: is Bosiza Mae Office eee stra- real pen Lindon gS87A| a pitprietor ob a Wavelling: pile gic withdrawal by the Rumanians to| Again the great Anglo-French war! |... chow was fined £50 at the Cahir ie Sovel-Monastini Voloshia ani line.| machine has struck the Germans in. petty Besstons tor r evading payment of aes SO Mia reste Flanders, and again it has been suc-) 2 ees en th withdrew under “pressure 10 00 sful. The village of "_Langemarek Daeaare @ a the Ulster Bank Hincha and Monaso, and Ruman-| other faint pOet OM aS ae “jeclded to convert the agency at ans to Movilitza, in the Fokshan ®® other intportantipéaitions = -w | Newtonkani ion County Armagh, into = ptures “ ermanent brand Russian and Rumanian forces which Hee than 1,800 Hels S inelud- t £8,000 were realized at a sale we s held the the ing 38 officers, already een! of eae of art, held in Dublin, in aid River Sereth on the Rumanian front, ‘counted by the Anglo- Ppnaceh forces: | of the Irish War Hospital Supply De- |, e driyen across the river by troops Some German guns also were taken. |pot and the Hospital of St. John of hs A of Field Marshal von Mackensen, The latest blow in the Ypres — pee BP 20 Bae Danity 2upring chickens, 1b., ene to the ce Sat on Thursday |was on a front of nine ae, and resentative of the Department hens, 16 to 18c; ducks, Spring, erman gen¢ staff. More the extreme right e the aia of Agreutere has Bees possession of xtra fine and heavy thar 3,500 Sain ae taken and; eae unable to make repre ess, The} 1,000 acres: of land Roscommon. 1-75; select, $2.50 to 16 guns captured, |Germans resisted eras Pie County under the dette Tillage rae, $8.50 Dee. eee ing heavy Toases, but dalar Wo cutatlous, DISTILLING IN U S. part of the front they were real e Chief Secretary of Ireland has | {i aN Seah esis in the posses- aies his approval to the scheme for the building of 88 cones in the Food Contealleeal Makes Impor- tant ae cement. Boyne street area of Dub! THovAlnione: HutehCoungie bere taken over the Tullywood bogs to pro- vide fuel at a nominal charge to the laborers and small farmers. A despatch frgm Washington says: has beg sa atetnncre: Genenaede important ruling on Thursday that om processes in the production of distil. |“ Tan eee is avvillage in the fam-| Daniel Power, Ballydock, died as\@ re- YB ee Deverane purposes pant P h ona sult of drinking a, mixture which had The falling off in the toll rents and us at Athlone this year is due to stop at 11 o’clock on the night of Sat-| Any effort. t flour—Winter, scapes | 51 20, in bags, prompt shipment. Tots, delivered Montreal luded—Bran, per fon, r ton, $45; middiings, ‘to B15; “wood Teed” flour, per 2 ebxtra No. 2. per ton, $11.60 to init mixed, per ton, $9 t0 $10, track or Bera —Car lots, per ton, $7 to $7.50, track Toronto. . total prisoners captured there has now reached 896. BRITISH FOOD STOCKS GREATER), xr 2 crn. te G No Fear That England Will Be Starved Out by U-Boat Campaign. lespatch from London_ says: tebe Lloyd George, speaking in e H has Langemarck Captured and More ahs Than 1,800 Prisoners—The French Gain Bridgehead. What is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. es Produce—Wholes ter—Creamery, solids, pine ets ib. 0 890, oe 37. PG to '88e; The sum of £158 was realized. at n fete given at Springfield in cently realized nearly £100 fo1 benefit of limbless sailors and sol- diers, Mr. Menzies, schoolmaster at Ban- s| chory, has taken over the command of the local company of Volunteers. Lady Charlotte Lacy Douglas Home, of Bonkyl Lodge, Duns, has left an un- settled estate valued ee 22 569. y Brown, well-known anturallats of Siiriines Res ee £200 to the Denny Hosp!- wel ner in cartons, 49 to 50c; Ato 480, turkeys, | quarte: and that now it is 8,500,000 quarters. The stock of oats and barley, he de- See ied was higher. had been a considerable sav- a to 22¢; er, Sir George Perley, the Agen General of the several provinces, and/ ¢ her per bush.; per bush.) ary, PP ‘North Gaeotinas, eit $5. ids, Dbl, 88.50 to. $6.75; ‘ontario, bag, $2.50 to’ $2.65. pe siaet ibaa ooglosahorsgsthiare igs basi cial legislation and the social interests| addition to the wheat stock of 70,000 which have the welfare o! a pire at hea ‘Arcaretal fookeut: will also be kept! etre aes ace between Lens ins fom Tiga died ont the French and forward north of the iv pres- Siena ria Throughout Thurs. | ane bitter. fighting continued. left Sprekieorse Gardner, for twelve iatle Sm a medium, 30+ to Ble 26 te to, Bes cooked, 41 to set he oT ‘to 28e: eakfast bacon, eee sees plain, Be. to 87c; bone- led at a nursing home in Norman McKenzie, Sea- ave Got ete of the Domi of Peebles, ‘om war eaten, the food supplies was very satisfactory. | }@S — awarded the Military Medal. ary ne which in any way approxi- The Premier added that there had! Miss mates to the new one is the Canada been an increase in the sugar reserve. t@skine, "Palkine is among. Club which formerly met for social, “The Government has come to the ves in Sir Douglas Haig’s recent arposes, but whose gatherings have conclusion,” Premier Lloyd George , despatch. een suspended during the continua-| said, “that with reasonable economy| Major ‘Lord Douglas Graham, wh tion of the war. here is no chance of starving Eng-|HAS been awarded the D.S.0,, is the ERASE Ne Sake land out. |second oo of the fifth Duke of Mont- a m “The Admiralty plans for dealing ; eae us S NORTH COUNTRY | ‘with subtnarines hava been goes sergeant William Flowers, one of | liy successful.” Be official guides at, Stirling Castle, 0 died recently, was buried with eee honors. , TRADE IN JULY Ae ‘Garea iments—Long clear bacon, 26 20}6 per Tbs ‘i ar bellies, 26 to. 260. ard, tiences, to 260; tubs; 258 to 204c; pails, 20 to abae’ com: pound, theres, ode; | tubs, 20%c; ' pails, the French occupied the ahs r canal and ere © farmers refusing to sell their pro- dacs. ar Bevoeitent pron ‘om the i Drvlerachs Four valuable cattle, ithe property of _mportant: idgeeate of yntreal sal Marke ts 21 eooata eae bers of Trinity College, Dublin, have fallen in the present war was 4 held in the College Chapel recently. | $12.44 58; dos, in bag of 90 Ibs, ep 40 te Bran, $85. to in Peis re Ng $48 me | time, it was made plain, would be met ; lespateh from Cobalt says: ‘The eases with firm action. ‘3 bush fies which 7 the past number | MUNITIONS BOARD of year: ce -more or less of a Bae olan BARS ‘ELIGiBLes | iS MAJESTY'S TENANTS. ine, and in it were bulked several bat- nes in reserve. the amazed Canadians, in thie a village, “Tate the evening» of | £500 to sleet: ato; fee $34. to ueer Rents Which the Holders of absence during Some British Estates Pay to King. | Up to the present time not | ¥ of laborers. any importance has been |none of those eligible for milita and increase the pay Z B due no doubt to @mount of rain, which has kept the; bush green and the underbrush more | abundant than 8 usual. ly every instance where far burned out last Summer ae eeeiaie has taken Bee ani Tops are better than a ood ee cases the pata of was made easy by the ass ‘th ‘eligibles now in Ms employ of the un- crop than would otherwise Tat the result that a large acreage ii der been the case. CHINA IS sp aha LL GERMAN ASSET! A despatch from m London says: says, fs arranging ion of the Ger- . ficlals of the Foreign Office have been appoint- ed to take over the accounts and cash Canton, in the Shanghai, Tien Tsin and Hankow branches. Chinese troops have seized Austrian ing an Exchange Telegraph despatch, concessions in Tienn Tsin, accord! and German and Austrian shipping i being seized at Canton, Amoy, tow, Shanghai and Nan! sels include several small warships. —_—— GERMAN CASUALTIES WERE 8 89,863 FOR JULY. ‘A despatch from oe Landen: says: Ger-| ne casualties reported during July! erman official lists, but not - one occuring. in July, aggre- gated 89,863, as follows: i Rete or died-of wounds or erly wounde Wounded and ane wonded a tien | Phe-total German: casualties of all ‘classés since ee ie beionng of ‘he war eA exceeds 4,501 the large | vice would In practical- | The a Reuter des- Swa- ing. The ves- y ser- | vie be retained on the estat | ler conscription as been ut Into ete Or Miser noe igre) ee ren Million enlisting prior to, the operation of ihe Dollars Greater Than sure would 1 Last Year. DRE Belang as a d | bonus.” nouncement, a |was Dot inerpected, aifects ‘number, for { A despatch from Ottawa says: nada’s trade, exclusive of imports and exports of coin and bullion and of foreign merchandise shipped throug! Canada, increased, according to Statement by Hon, J, D. Reid, Minister of Customs, by almost one million dollars in July last, pated with July, 1916, and by neatly Z $290,000,000 = AUSTRIANS RAID Tuly 31st, in eet aun the like Detledast-vonty ue of mer- seaciaaasoitee lead ses chgndise entered for SS ot $90, board is small, as compared with a year ago, the lengthy payroll still in- cludes the names of many who will come under the scope of the compul- Faas A despatch from R Rome says: Four amounted to $382;100,850 as against ue ar aT jn the ke period of 1916, of goods reached i Teh 148 in July last and. $507,- 854,674 in the four months’ period. They were $104,004,270 in July, 1916, and -$350,345,305 in the firs sone af the Inst fiscal y‘ Expor velpre metenaega fee hore feclded falling off. They were in July only $2,850,372 and i the rao months $11,604,620 poe ind riods of 1916, aS ‘35, 637,340 and $122, on, ca al m- | respectively one ie and two of the patients killed and 21 jured. ‘ Several of the. raiding planes are e-been brought down. and. destroyers is fought off the raiders. ee ge EX-CZAR. TO BE SENT TO FRIGID SIBERIA. A despatch from om Petrograd says: The semi-official Russian news agency SEES SEER were being transported to Toboisk, Siberia. 9, SECRET WIRELESS ON ARGENTINE COAST. GERMANS MUST PAY IN GOLD FOR ‘FOOD A despatch from London says cording to Dutch newspapers, several million eggs destined for Germany have heen held’ up by the Dutch authorities on the German frontier, says a despatch from Amsterdam to the Hxchange. Telegraph Co. Germans promised to pay for the\eggs in gold, but at the last moment thi = despatch from < Buenos» Ayres : A secret wireless - station hay Bante discovered on the: coast o: ens of Hote ace the “Acgentne é ee Beane atone FLOCK! Na TO. THE west Special cars on all harvesters’ trains women, who will ne will be set apart for work es the fields if aaa In carrying women harvesters left jushee on ‘Thursday. offered paper money, peg the Dutch refused to accept. sels in the South ‘Atlantic, : —_+—_—_ is : [DEUTSCHLAND TURNE SIRS POR INTO WAR SUBM ARINE, | British Discover Dyes. Another step in the way of British | fps from German ate oe been poe ed hy the discov acid dy of exceptional yraaitty, ight shades aa. Sea from om Copenaen ahs 01 subm: and, whic! eated the United States | Prato that country entered the war} has been converted into t | war submarine, according to German fleet gossip. at since the ou of the war are showing a SHOWS INCREASE, indeed om-| ful 0 in the four months ended | handy, ; | Courts with the quit-receipt for | King’s a June 18th, the date of Waterloo, ° e King’s rent-book, standard, which will rest year in the Guard Room at Wingo above she) ce of Wellington. owner of the Foulis estates, in| ™ Se sane pays rent to the King for| ways well into summer, a small Ketfal can generally, be obtained! tena © i unning over. prota that the oes teks ing: mn as one of the most camiest rents | yf of all to pay, and if ing ever looks’ down his rent roll he must be eee sickle, days of food short: isa bowl of porridge. As the Bing i ssid not to appreciate porridge, perhaps’ the rent is winked at! | bet estates | - plications George If. le though doubtless” gladly lead his armies to | knows it to be far wiser to leave to tue experts. stot time ago the King’s stock A of a ‘was increased by the addition! of two faggots. These came from the Corporation of London as rent for) certain lands. The City Remembran-. cer had duly to ae at the La faggots and get a them. i But the funniest of all soe on the rent-book is the one which! insists on the holders of sera lands way hol din; e King’s | re King | ee like his great uncle, William! in| TV,, is a sailor King, and has travelled | a mn! other age, it is not likely th: a ae on anybody to pay his cui is Ten' i they aged that saved Ypres, Calais, and the seas for {Then flesh and blood fought machin- . distance | Mild Electric “Shocks” Are Found to. ern ’ ee interesting point is the treatment 5, gos probably, the first eae = HARVESTERS, READ THIS! hem by fleeing Turcos, panicstricken tS ‘a fear not human, their faces con- .torted by the effects. of the gas, searcely able to gasp Be om te Ks this new murder whole world knows how eg Cogan met the new device, the fatal breach ban the line to. is left of. them, ! 10.30 and valiant,, dogged struggle Northern. Railway. trains willbe operated from Toronto te Now Langemarck has been Selatan losing at Ne taking of it represents | the patient, determined preparation of an Empire to beat to its knees ana- tion that knows no law of man or of (God. It must afford peculiar satisfac- tion to the stalwart men who remem-|ronto. August ber that three days g0,| dian Northern stations in. Quebec ex- i St." Raymond \and Might of Right, never again has sreteed signally. their comrades , in deat (Pembroke ant Ottawa to mete: aan and West: [4 port, inclusive; ani all New York ‘k Central R.R. iene in Canada. e equipment will consist of elec: tric-lighted es cars lunch counter: ears, especially designed . to cater to the irene of large ‘bodies Me en at nioudzate rates. West of Win nibeg the demand for labor is gregt along the lines of the Canadian North- 8 are Cor yas CURING “SHELL SHOCK.” be Beneficial in Some Cases. In a recent number of the “Lancet” Dr. W. J. Turrell describes various ‘ap- of electrotherapy at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, Bngland. melean wounds: by. ioni: zation, pro- aged either by the application of she sneee traversed b electric or by means of utiad ast ot 8. as: ‘s well known, electric currents are now much used in ene certain varieties of rheumatism. f considerable importance is the japoyienton of mild the voluntary mov ment is specially ef- | flacioug in those cases of nerve shock: where the patient is under the delu- sion that he has lost the ope of bis | mans, iUmbs, buildings. ve that However, the application of electric was erecte! met! to cages of “‘shell-shock” calls for discretion. e SU cases the patient is not at all benefited , indeed, exhibits i leoteaphablas” ST. QUENT! CAT! SET as IRE BY ‘ENEMY. es des teh ea om Patis says: The! ‘nang have set fire to St. Quentin Cathedal, ‘which is likely to be to- eres the’ treat! tally destroyed, ag. Since the outbreak of war south | n mines Ss Fee £100,000,- 0 worth of gol his follow iinet St. Gentianus. Snes AND 7 WELLO HELEN, LAD You DID, HAS hey ALL ALONE en Liehr | p MISTT n sicic FRIEND 1Do a ea TOSTN ALONE BUT IN INS i don Mr MIND PT — A CASE LIE THIS HE Hi eae ee SHY “THIS MEE! AFRIEND 7 r: IN NEED — \‘is es FRIEND [INDEED 1 as fo $8. 1 | common, $7,560 ‘9, 7g ta butchers’ bull “church, ot st.| th oe fie Aug, 21—~ quotations ‘Koptherne weet £ ¢ Nokenertk. 38 a ‘38 3; ra 0. 1 North do.) $2.75, ti i as fica $78 7-6 jemedi pty ‘stockers, 36.4 0 $94 cariners ind cutte ° mii 38 1007" do. gpringers, $8 si © hea Titi oxen . rearlings, aio" tor wi Thole, $18.50 to iis: dhe ee sami $6 to $9; sn! aly tbo ii rough, heavy, mi OWS, THE YIEWLESS AIR. | \ ‘| properties af the the Wonderful Fluia Which Forms Our Native Cara Beds i. how m: things "ith air,” says 4 eel it. ie Pa aa it, T ou carry it around all Dat in of ee te on es, good to sheep, ° 313 RS $a my pocket. = Ps 8 e air ocean we die in a fe n out realize how air affects. eve e\ ‘Tn one bee St is” See an | 203 mental or-physical, while in an- ‘9 | other: it leaves, one depressed and in- 9 capa : “Numérous papier ol manufactu g proce: adically aonb 27. the rege of, Sao in the air or a) by its temperatu We seg lt thoughts by air. If there a us you couldn't thar rd . “We don't’ pa “te and so unless it moves we forget a about it. But know that if it moves. gus can pick up a row them half a mile, “apt ) wheel can be es