Milverton Sun, 6 Sep 1917, p. 8

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Cuts Down Fuel Bills The “Pandora” requires less fuel than other ranges because the McClary Flue System directs the heat Twice Around the oven and stops the usual wastage. Send for illustrated des- criptive booklet. We mail it free. M‘Clarys PANDORA RANGE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ST. JORN, NB. NHAMILTON CALGARY iL SASKATOON EDMONTON For Sale by A.C. Clemens, Milverton the Sun's " advertisements, { The time thus spent will help to LOGAN COUNCIL Council met August 27th. Me mers feeties feumeueld baying. Tusiness Beenie cntiottas OF thedaat Hiekt men announce the saving opportunities | [ing Md of the-anecial meoting ‘r ‘Aug. they have to offer the purchasing | ith, were read, confirmed a public. (ea Tha following see wi —— Bey that W. A. Stevenson (for order of |sames Bus McNaught ‘Local ‘Agent Wanted | Bill Adam’s Bad Luck See Millbank, Deer Sur, the King hes bin and gon; d I feel serie Irstend of gittin’ somthin good Tin wuss off than before Wuss? ten ane: wuss! a hundred time: as ieee kax’t git lower than I be, Unless I lay doun flat I I've had my Fone torchered by All rainks, bot! and low. Thaysed I maid nae fun for them ‘Twas Jike a picter show. Test time T wrote 1 hed high. ’ope: Sum good wud om to m Tye nol inst ing man ih Ta heentestics Gush! It Linas Vd maik sum skra Yd bite from ‘hea t ld peice em feel on ee wil get thay go doun below. Win morn the 0.C. sed out loud, King wud kum that day ware there bestest lose, And kim out brite, and gay. Of korse, ['d bin expectin him Tho not for e a bit, This kum ‘so pats n that I shuk ‘Asin a age You kno of korse it wudd'n do. I lil a ¥ ‘or Monkton and District to sell For me to ke that : cor the Old Reliable Fonthill Nexser MeGra BRN eC ;|Wen I was kalled before the King ies. Splendid list of stoc 1 aa oudthally aaved. te ‘Reev To hey a littel chat. beta teehee spring fe Glerk to sign and = the same. Beary ie, cuee , ineluding many new varieties; ‘That Towns 1 wen e kantee! which, we ‘lone control. {sunt of & oe aes Ta git u tott of ru a for aew illustrated eatalogu> |feiency af SIA oat N hee : To ¢iten up my nerves a hitt, Peer een som | for the construetion of se Before the King shud kum. wa free outfit; estas. Mernitedy: y in the Township. of |, : q eral ¢ pount ta be charged to | Thare was fore tenders at the bar WELLINGTON count 9d else bi "ig STONE, & We eros 7! Clerk ‘be instructed ao ay ee eps at once, i 7 have te law prepared ta levy the L in yi e ete ee Onan Behe rates of the, Municipality ‘for ; Wis 3 : We svant a mouthfal of fresh air, see ateba same as}, We'll Kum ack, very a Swnship ratee sAM€ 95a cites" sald hokPU cond the: bor, NOTICE Heit resp But mind you’re back fore noon.” he: pea “alexander ‘Rall “tor : Tenders Wanted assistance for Aston oon y Bae ae aren ford; r. ani hed 3 : soe Sai es ale I tik two bottels from a shelf. bs SEALED TENDERS will be receiv-|*HE stim of $85.00 to said ci Waid gat aedieb ee RECA TA REA “ ed by the undersigned up to 4 o’cloc | 5) 0 Sieicde PS mg for #1 yes aa ee peters Rep er Beh, 1917 | the an of the 1 helped mysclt tik was fut ; for the purpose of cleaning out an lid’ bold no oar, Tepsiring the Birmingham Municipal wa Dob ten Pinae eantudn nite oS sin, -Dekag sin, we Gel dois on Re Tloar, : the Township of Wellesley, County of Waterloo. . Ac to | lay. there half hour oF, 0. the Engincer’s estimate it will requir ‘a aa an 9xcavati 2,700.0 eubie. yards eecaeeas (he work must be ¢om nm or betore the Ist day of November next , Se eevee Le FSGS ges g pessented and nea to ed pai. ou [Cur jenril ‘twas that saw me first, Saree enone Sept. 24th at the usual time and place, | , He poked me with a stick, JOUN B And sed, “You Dea ‘drunken, sot IRVIN LEAKE, Clerk I'll hey you moved out kwick.” ELIDEL, Bt. Cenenta eo. Ont. SAFE IE bangle piubh cd Maceepe gana as The Sun office has a splendid stock f wedding stationer nd callin : cards on also the most beauti COMMERCIAL ful styles of type, so we are able —- < turn out the finest lines of wedding Wheat, new... pees ve hi 2 2° $2 be nvitations, announcements, cards, Barley per bushel Oats a whit better ~ Court of Revision NOTICE is hereby gis Court. will be held pars 09 45 00 00 12 00 5° 2 cipality of Milverton for 191 Ww. D. Clerk of Milverton Dated at Clerk's Office, this 28th day of August, AvD., 191 Notice to Creditors () the Estate of Francis Tank, late of the Village of Millbank,.in the Coun ty of Perth, shoemaker, deceased. Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voter's List Bako 1017, Municipality of the of Mo ington, in rene nty. of Perth NOTICE is hereby given that Ihave transmitted or delivered ie per- ‘he OTICE is hereby given 1 pursuant to the Trustees Act (Ont: ny creditors ai waieea ppt is elaims d to is also given that on ‘aa proceed to distri- ets of the said Teatator. w a i be up in my. office, [liable for the said assets or any~part R, Britton, on the 2ist di of agai "1917, and ‘remains ther for ion. And Lbonenet call upon all voters totake immediate proceedings to have | Jui; i Bred eal omissions corrected ac- ata th pas d this 3na day e Sale 1917. Z wM. WAI oe oh ~ \ Clerk a ¢ Mortington. OMESEEKERS' CURS S10 NS es ee eee pone far rite ae edd of a family, oF. ny mal ee AS years old, ag at the, GOL ine present oak and “d to be, a British subject one ied or neutral coun ae Sp ainiestcadied fan djoining quarter sesale ag re. Duties site titer after: F obtaining soaeabesdt atene, a.preemption, sa ‘ 3 pa ce es3 3-00 per Stast Fide oe mont in each of: “eheee: ie montis erect a house. rari $50 OOO Holders Di cotaes may SURG time gee piovns yyment a: labotrers in Canada ae 21917, as eae ee under certain nit itlows. Lands are adve inion ertised o: posted 1 tore es ~retiened spi Soldiers who fave Served overse: ene ‘on Rm (har aoe ge papers must be, fy ie and kalled tere mex that klow the’ rivv He rushed outside And sed pick up Frog march rv But don’t you let him ack! him to Sex I, “It 'you lay hands on me, Te You'll all git your mceheree: and kollered me kussed and swore, But Twas duck'd Sunt forty times or more. at that they laffed Water is bad, inside or out, 5 énniy tule kin see, And wen I tail i top of rum, Ib fairly. Apel me. Thay panes store teeth rite doun And sereat ‘nies Brown Sed. you vittels a kow, ‘And chew itowen tis down.” They stopped my rum for twenty lays. And also stopped my leave, And every wun cent at me Front early hopntll © Most every, minnit: sum guy shouts, “Bil, how nd, the King? Wen does: be And wots he going to bring? Whydon't you go to visit him don’t pack your eripp And goto Winzer Bare strate ? Say, thet wid be si Tt ain't no ase to answer them, * sit and bite my. thu But nex thine wen the King is heer n’t-taik foo mutch ri WOMEN’ S and MISSES’ NEW FALL COATS NOW ON DISPLAY | Practical garments not made merely to present showiness, but designed rather to maintain our high repute of being =| retailers of women’s apparel right in Style and in Quality. | The First Shipment Opens The materials the tailoring, the exquisite finish of these first arrivals do certainly reflect the ut- most credit on their makers and deserve your admira- tion. } Several Assortments at Dif- ferent Prices Welcomea Critical Inspection of 2 Their Merits... The styles we show will solve the vexing question of what to buy for fall for any woman, maid or child that wants to dress well in correct style, at moderate cost. To Our Satisfaction SELECT YOUR FALL COAT ‘ NOW! Buy from us and you'll get 1—A garment that has been individ ually tailored — fitted and in- spected. 2—A garment that was practically made for a figure like yours — and looks it. 3—A garment with ionable in color, 4—A garment with tory we qualities. PRICES VERY MODERATE | WE ARE ALWAYS PLEASED TO SHOW GOODS ! } School Suits that will stand the wear and tear of school life. their shape and color and give good wear under the~ strain of a healthy boy at play. All sizes. School Boy’s Furnishings Lowly Priced 5 Clothes for Boys That will keep 3.50 to $10 3 Prices: “i With the same care as we exercise in our Men’ s Department are the : Boy’s Furnishings handled here. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Stockings, Underwear — in fact, every article of clothing can be had here in the best quality at the lowest possible price. Your inspection invited. In Tweeds, Worsted: Men’s Fall Suits—Made-to-Measure ds and Serges. are guaranteed at prices ranging from.. Plots $24 to $3 Packing Eggs e water is one of the best pre- servatives ie” metho uw iphoned off and replaced with » further q) to be preteered vite Yaaition vot ee is not advis: pee You are sure of (f you go to Lee, Listowel. - tee ets ettpnded the Exkibition 2 Boronia Eine Mr. and Bf Sane fam ily spent Sunday” with friends in hrs, rel ia MeGitlawee hag return- rom visiting hter, Mrs. it Fryfog: a a Pe Fie Mrs, iting wi in Shakespeare = Fe-opene on ads with Miss Sybil Robe ele St Le rd charge s m. Miss Gladys = Thomps ae List poet secnok res fully xi sneer hi er operation at and her room we: ae Better Than a Mortgage ea sititicates ¢ will field you 5 1-5 pevoeut: oa folloy good phot okrati 4 _MILVERTON The Western Fair | eGovernment << Canada has September ith to Lith. he Management, of Hae Western Try ! ‘The Sint me | pose attoct th tity gent | is ocala wal for High-class-~wv7 pir iperiens Job Printing Gover: ae -resourees for oat curity. Your Inoney will be me Sat the day it falls due. s Hee ean He parckee £25.00 for’ $21.50 50.00 fot for sae 100. 00 i Advertise in th es pet e Dominion a ee the rtment have been pro- vided for iene and their fee Pro: fessional dealers and~ from these ao and y: cation to the, sSeerelay, A a Hunt, London, one TiO. though talent has sare the | ment committee t] r- ricultural Society has se-, id trio Fall Fair ment. promises to_be one of the best! i/ever aes te here. Chi s the i night. Sept, 28th, and a entertain-|_ sarrennsnnnnnnng goanecncncacncnancaanones, Ager wee Pro; ludit itary and y tn te yan tbe

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