Milverton Sun, 6 Sep 1917, p. 1

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Ss Sea 8-9 co : Who Wants - ‘ . h : : a ‘Sharpened This Space vey : : — . : : A good job guaranteed. sa P. NEUMEISTER ‘fea AO 2 . “Ft Shines Hor All.” : ns Painter and Decorator MILVERTON Vol. XXVII—No. 10 g Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, September (8 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher THE PUSH Items of Local Interest, |.<si,2g¢2 “7m of Tamatoes at salons paw Hats af halt peice | Short Stories Retold. , : : : BURNS GHURCH By N. H. Gubbins, im London Daily} 4, spe enea ni eon en en Res eae Reena ps ig lpi retains 2 : a iss Gertie Pauli spent the holi- ; a A PATHETIC STORY ail ; : Unloading car of salt.Thursday.-| Mrs, Robert Lennox is spending a i Di d Jubilee ‘ With fiends at Stratford, |, Unloading car Raat Ree pending Dar she go!” said hungry. Sambo lamon ubpiee We've pushed "em orf the “Anker, fe Boned Hollefreund’s Studio will-be open on|_ Mr. E, Knechtel, of Stratford, spea. |28 06 2° Ss aoe RRR oe S We've pushed ’em orf the Somme MMe a Gaul cent roca | Weide, Bepte. 14th. Friday in Milverton on. business sone a Anniversar We'll push ‘em out o' Belgium Thoseda fF yar Pathos spent Stinday with October 8th has been set by: the |r. 9, = a : y . Wiv bay'nit an’ wiv bomb, rr. and Mrs. Ed N She Minded “BYno ent Beereiney. of Giate fon Thankauiying: i. pala era ——- : We've pushed ‘em out 0 Bagded waht po ag oe eee a Mas. P| Mr. John Kothaermel spent the | Mr. Herb Schwindt spent the week- BSH) abut jext 12 o'clock SUNDAY and MONDAY 5 3 ae A j holiday) with friends at Stratford. end with friends int Mildmay. and For. + SEPT. ; Re ‘gions set Lizzie Schauber and Clara e Fe 23-24,’ : Save and Serve n push vem ast the Rhine. |t1cimpel spent Sunday with. friends |ADP! ‘acBe taster. BRA ae of Btrattord,_ spent ae IN HIS MADNESS 3 ray @ in cba x na Zimmer as taken atthe home Wm) San is working up his better = SER tae arocatlas Sahn eats gee Se Neumetites sod Marten ate itneobs edt ot Kite ©: PMS Mildred Kerr left ont Saturday a ai for . smal Joan Ye en wel a eorge an s “Mary, spe a aggic day at St sh aes ibn pc cher resent visiting at Mx. August |for Rodney, where she has charge of | Sri rescue ee RAY Mrs Chas. MeMane, of Toronto Ryda are is at present visiting at the home of| . Miss Grace Bulmer, of Macton, spent large number from Milverton and ates = McMane . the holiday with her aunt, Mrs, ©,| Vicinity are attending the Toronto) Sandy; ied: ares Sandy; ‘An’ then ye’d marry lay at 11a. m, and 7 ” is Base NAL oe vi ‘The choir long a th h n glory. to the Gen'ral ‘Bamuel. Grosch and. daughters, |Spencer. Exposition this week. thet services nna Co Who-can push ’em past the Rhine |pipy gra Wingate ie on ‘Tuesday |. Mrs. Charles Broughton rent, afew| Mrs. J. Coutts and Miss Pearl are ; Pill and Mr. RS. Chmlsrath, of for their home in Calgar: day: the home of Mrs, William | Coutts are spending a few weeks with f London, Now keep a good alignment, Mig Toderss ad Mie toe Tobn Beau n triends in Brantford, WASTING TIME ney. : : ells, returned home on Monday after spend | Mrs. John Cook and son, Gordon.) Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Kerr and daugh-| A farm hand had been working in MONDAY: payee. Sit a by open A mind tha bul ing a week with friends at. Tavitock. |27* 8 spending a few day With friends See wire apent the holiday, with a ‘ from il ‘darkness, v y M cae sim spent | Hamilton. ‘riends in Milverton, layh aft fini is chores HOT F ie Hora Sena an sad 4 dee mt Fou see ‘em in’, be and Mas (Scotge Wilhelm spent | ‘The term of the present “Federal! Mr, W.H. Hydt, of the Bank of ight? At the ee OWL SUPPER e. dir E I wonldno gang bite valine the ce ae Nee Pasliament will expire at midnight /Nova Scotia staff, Moronto, spent the| month he said to the farmers. “Vp MISS ANNA COCHRILL : “a on October 7th. 1a [holidag. at his home here. going to quit, You promised me a Soprano Soloist Ww ere can xis em past the Rbine. ik: Cundick M: BE. J. Y Mona mark: of Jackson job of wor! The Bank of “adngl RS ot Kitchenee an eke Mitsad™ GERI a toe onese rich | Heeeg Attar apendiad Wha cia mene Gee haven't a got one? wa: MR. ROBURE HANNA Aw now we're in the village, jpilia: of Kitehener, are at friends in Milverton. { i ma : the astonished reply, Entertainer NovaScotia Se sg gi See ats vodd, and she rs, C. ese of Blyth, is at | "No" sald “the man, “tliere: ate ae a e pores spent Sun. eet spending a few at the three or one hou ve} ‘ht th: RS. ee isg eae Bertram of the Post Of-| Gr: rat ° PAAR 8 at peas hid acres je mest See SC the Boat Ot i eis ‘a ae Nee Hens Biles T on'd have angthing to do and foo Baritone Soloist. sn eos spent the weekend Bo BPO eae : ° a secured first prize SRN ee sega oe . od ie ae sae ieee Ten Pate powol “ ist cele re sp ae few days |at ig eahinttion tor butter tn : eta ty ADMISSION: 50c; Children 25c MILV“RTON BRANOH Whd can push ‘em pat iba. EBay ty Sire enelion Ore. we gl iss Eunice Langford, of the. Han veround was Tega sepsis y Witte A NEAT TURN Rey. G. N. Pappon, Pasto: ©. W. Huelsman Rural pasianing, wat "es Bon spi isd Lotta White and niece, Eileen|..4% Pepa cate one eee SOhatendies Manager We've pushed ‘em orf fhe “Anker,” | ee eee hand. originated from |yoiiday at h 2 i fot oe are spen Saal ¥ of (Cxamb ery. clever woman, mo ae the Somme. dir. Be F Morkes who has been in|, MUI G Ret weeks with friends i co and | ‘Ber of the plaintiff in a breaeh oC me fatale ‘lett on Saturday et Monday with Mr, and one Jreob Sa rniliton, pes ae suit, and was pompletely ae (or ‘Belleville, where he whl |sehweltzer, Maple Leaf Farm, near “etigh ad gpd Unddook arriving. versted 1a the enestinter of Witmer ies every Tuesday and Friday, Shop _Prie ke a course z rel fore sitting down, how ever, Me quia me ‘Mr, Sneay Miller and Misses Berth» i iT -W. Porteous, of Stratford, spent Ant glory. to the Gen’ral a itehe erase Ces aap tt preach at {aad Melinda Miller spent trom Satur |retereom® Buteher ‘oll saw, gentlemen, that even aay doliday here, ri WEN cen ouch ‘em past the Rhine,|Mitehell next Sunday. morning day to Monday with Mr, and Mrs. C Bim and Mrs White and son, Rob- a’ child in this woman's J. W. Hayes gpent a few days vill. be |Bcese. of Blyth, and “Mr, and Mrs, McDougal, of ¢ must. my client hav. in ore last we : Mrs, David Seilor, of Elwna, is re- 7 Fiery bear Linwood, | ~ and Mrs. Rie covering from a severe MEACEOLDIBOe Meer oe ae Sunday salt Nis adroit stroke of advocacy 1 By eh OBITUARY ; Lele London, -s .|poisoning, which originated from acut| Mr. aud Mrs. Hlonsy Kodte aumonnoatte Yosaed ts discomfiture into-a vie 1 e on the right hand, th nt of tl daugh- | toXY: tholiday “with Mr, and Mrs: Henry|""\iy. Jacob Kelterborn received : etl Se ee sor SAMUEL GORDON : shipme an fish last week. an f Ro: = j Mrs, Jas. Crawford and Miss Vidi |they w: rtainl: fl bbe otal UMBRELLAS, TO y were inly of prime toe Tark 2 a ietabueh di After an illness extending over spent, the ate = former's Jand quality much superior to the lake ee Hengy GEESE by oes LNs Regs ER ot few .days with her tioher ie son, ymour Crawfort ‘oronto. len % ish. lay, after spending a few days with White Goon eee ded EMER | ES ee and 3 ae arin Miverton : eat Piss OW ae joa’ he wo | Miss Lillian Casemore, of Wingham, onto, returned home|" he. and Mra. C. Neirgarth and Mr A sim spent’ a few days of Inst week with ive tpudide the’ weekeutl cates ; snd family, ie a Tong time? |atiss ‘lla Beg their Sonate, Misses Edna and Mas aed Pent 3 r with Mr bor. MeCardle and aon’ et Teplied the owner |givattort.” an ee: ssn Mrs, sabi ‘Roulston and Btrs. | TNE A. Helm, ot Poole, xetns Mrs. “ag T am going ta tie up some sano |with relativ e coendlag Seay t| Miss Triede Pauli, who has spents ao ee ieee nt Clara su he jeuvee months . Z he | Jacob .R. Schweitzer, on the “Maple The ENGELAND'S Sa ee ea ye er mattis eet ats ea tae es ° ; . pon hi n Hddie Durnan, the champion Beker “and sirieh Cassie. nd! soles thi ¢ wees a 5 Rees ene vedding to take place in Sep-|ho' ovr, you can do. that M hr, of Goderich, sapent ndo Dalat anything | few. this week vith ‘embi defeated Ha eekcit The pea monthly meeting wi ith ype when you do not want to Ly. ee: ui ef America, sh ‘ w Spal P ODUCE me porta ln dave Se Taine . Saraneognhcy aa Saute =| Bdge aime 2 Chapter 1.0. |lund it, arte reply yA i mi oo Modat, pastor of Knox church ot ye, assisted by octor: . st; The try was a in the Library on t+ sta a ‘out to do roe hreshing among bis customers, sn Bla e: e} Mona 10th, at 8.00 p.m, Will which ‘Mr. Gordon was a member, con-|Hachren, of Linwood, and ‘Ginstet, sy 0 ran, ay 8 s P : ASPARK + PRI ES ducted the funeral ceremony. | The | Wellesley, day last m.|" Migs Eva Robinsot all members kindly attend. A young SiNeeecaE arene < i as Acca iait bear @ led a @ Dora | Harold tye feturned to| Milverton. public school re-opened on OAC elie “ ‘Art: " u : of . and Mrs. August i visiting at ie 156 pupils, on the roll | o eine ‘oan nt the week-end with Mrs. Joho CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER....38c Ib. ud Robert. Allingham, air. flo acronis wae: Hei wiles’ Gad “eus'{ ne Gatien. wclian ey. Bo TESS eae Peeled: ‘neem is th a att peat Mee leeweck thy. Women’s Institute will meet at i fe k member ‘of the 1O.OF. . | pices fa the local chapter of the 10.| "A number of th on of|Bell’s 44, Miss Hamilton’s 42, Miss |‘?! ata Heed the home of Mrs .McEachren on Wed- A iererageare) ie bers of the local “joadge. attend-|U-E. in J 5. Hamilton's woods or |atilverton. are this w: “help Glenn’g 47. oe weet drunk or sober” nesday.afternoon, Sept, 12th, at halt OVD (Rigg) pe ae ea aiid! avery PieaRane Unie (oes aerate ea eno tat = “You a canoe . Jaterling worth and his early demise is | nda [ asant t tthe crops saved. Theyi *! How ee SS Service | ‘Are ‘you quite sure? asked a Bi lrega arded with deep regret in ae com-| Was spent by those participatin; a The regular meeting of the W se many uty Wor S apr? rot at ea * perfectly. “sober ighbors in the high . | Insti vill be held at ublic| iaranother column willbe found a 2 School re bec) on Tues Knvong those from a distance who ae Nr 4 . Sth, in-|advertisement giving full "particulars The Military SeEsies Ball; wEtoh shes fi hipped in, “Did he assizy | pe jota ae beige h Se Albrecht are the funeral were; Mrs. Male . Mrs..R. ne |regarding the Wilmot Agricultural /oame law on Wednesday, August 29th, Season tar Sahl to ee len te ia en irth of a daughter, ‘ ibition, which will be held at New po ivi Gehan bh? ABR eres Stewart, of Toronto, spent La- Spring Chickens, 2 Ibs. and over Homburg on Sept, 18) and 14th, Th isi fing he. “said be Arad LOB pga Ps ne RON REC Re TRG tna avee 6 Ibe, a7 prize list is one of the best in the will immediately affect the publicare|Queen ‘of the May. cg pi Baareneaa bra i Me|Gordon, Ayr, Misses Mi ‘ ‘Thurs aye i district. Besides the regular es of| those which provide pects for | “That Uid it,” iy Sand 1 with filneas ut Poole’ ou nee Ree see pee less than 6 : 2 efor oF Je Lroit iS Mr. W.| Haw Re ; fered are a large number of special Suading the public from’ compli- + a indy. ‘eale on" : 1. George Bearinger, F aig Mirs Gh » | prizes. an ith the new Act, : m ieitere pie 18 lB ioe rToranta Spot Shakes + tari face Kitchener hotel and restaurant keep| Before any class is called ont the SURPRISED POOR MARK ou here attended ‘the rf P é +4 i aie anees (ers are of the opinion that — there | tri ; in i hauncey My Der Ropp-tiehty orale’ in Poole ‘on - Old Ducks per 1b theien, : - chi ‘ me forbiddin i " nday. You ou Duensv var «Tae PTE, J. K. CHALMERS course for which Mr, Hawke advanced Bit uild be a regulation forbidding t ition must “be jin regula. Mrs, George Sohmidt, of Wellestey, ge the moni 5 of 1 for eatin is th ints Ships hen the ship was afew days - dlangaret, Chalmers eocived Most of the dynamitards in connect-| anti calf has a ag “ 0 be s points [Out they, were botlf invited to a din: Susie ina estes Mr. Geor on, Pte. John Kay |ion with the attempted murder of jat Je ears. They alsi publi. wi ive i iP 5 ecoh-paking. ;\ time \- scare)” hrs will Rreeborn Bad auger, m killed in. Franc? | Lord. ‘Atholstan uate been rolinded upc! ty oe eteees 4 5 “Hl Vaivelyn, ayd Mra, ‘Tom Sharpe, of is now shown that there was|susar, egss and part of i d to ‘lors. Th: wenty minutes, and ma « |stratior, sees tthe alate: Pte, Chalmers was a young man of an organized plot to murder a be : ene : MS er fri "The Store With the Stock" ~ Milverton splendid physique and character, ene Atholstan, Hon, Arthur Meighen and i 2 2 n ‘and courteous and a prime|Sit Robert Borden and to blow up|reaching the soldiers pefo! £/54; that is, who have attained ir. é CROSSHILL (avons ‘with his. friends, the parliament buildings. eae ae et rake : yon." said the oe fe was born at Poole on June 22,| Four rinks journeyed to Atwood on |secuzed a quantity of n,|not earlier than 1883. rg | Petr AaB’, Soke, Harvesting and threshing is the or- he time of day, Ww after- ey are duets baving Knit | without childre oes ina a myself mi aex of ( the day around her / Fall Term From September 4th ith a i torio unit was re-|noon and evening gami ae ee into #ocks as. so possi ie |single. The government ‘has i eat ate on hinges Vivian and. Glendon Beis ' é sf fe secur ag ere of a emery or Ati aaipteetelene of alt easy hank gou for the Tce “aS ee ee Se @ proper trimming at |Saturday. It is oped that: many vill be put up in every in which dit. 1 regret |" Misses Elsie and Glaays Winn Pekb uAMOHE. thie: aged Ob lbe various | ill volunteer to help our soldier boys of “Oa ity; | Preston, spent a few days rinks standing from 5 to 25 agains? |in this way. OL the precise class: called out “Thy with Crosshill frie the visi bars ‘Ontario has launched a big drive | administrat bill have Lo tht : v ay.” Mrs. Omer Hastings ‘of North Mor- breast Ipocket of Mr. F, Beck and Miss M. Litt, of lant one millio: f ivide i ny class, intof ‘Then he sai eee There wa: | nngton, iatted) Loe sant Mrs, Geo He was through the famous a Sebring, Mr. and Mrs, G. Robin-| wheat autumn. This At |isub-classes, but it is port 1 if this |mue t t day an Boe lish- | Richa rdsont oi Ridge charge. and Master Billiesand Misses Lu-|ime! f 40 pen cent. in the win-| will be done first class, as who ha ak in. the part! v came |" Mrs, Geor; neat Peta. nee little grand 1 ‘ CEES ail and maaresres. of Penetanguishene ac fall, \ he idea of P nition the |ae 8 8 . fam! Ron , Are Visit- gumber i i and W, Kuntze, of Hamp pl hy 8 roo! said, 1 1S torn our free eatalo Milverton Council will meet on Fri- “ae8e Sete diy. lute week wee : eat | Read! of-meil in theit thirties, with the consider you wi much impres: The ¢ i. Grosshil nchiog: dayt evening, the 7th of Sept. at 7.30|former’s sister, Mrs. J. Warning, of s in their es po night. | aad yeaa Wirtoe from M. DA MCLACHLAN, ~ = Principal pm, in Council Chamber for trans-|Brunner.. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. aad yy the ears id to get the whole 100, oot, to y Wy. slayer, kage Bittner, of Milverton, a set it’ Action of business, family motored bowie vial HamiHton)be busy within ten days They vil swhich the bill is limited from the one |Feelly the speech offhis you as-Jup in the agement last w provide ihe anditinnyh noreade ovbto mS men are {Bight struck | me as being the most in- habtrice t ready for fall planting of thely. ie weed fernal Thi mations aise out the erson Howard. teacher ot il di one, the tario honey. crop this year ich those Wish to pe Ey ba iv te aia below jor later date at which all who hay>|mitted at the meeting of Murray, Brodhagen. and — tha| works as a slight token “ot the. es-| not asked exemption or to whom ex-|Crop. committee of the Ontario Bec- rm of Jas. McLean, of “Ellice were cen in “which ne sere was bogerses erption has been refused must re | keepers’ Mr. to the military. authorities for| view of the been officially ‘Monday “for his. ue e ol on service. Those whose cases are mo |townline of Blenheim and Wilmot. | yet dealt with or are in appeal a: leot weve te veport unlil “there, Me i per, re Some amg Foot "to 008 ns .W. Griffin and M 1 man ri ot |respondents, For ele lease |and Mrs Jas. Clarke, of stra for following is oe Satur- fo. ash «is | spent the: ‘week-end here, ay Night ;—“An pee aulcliges te aaa ‘this | not ecumulat toon the peat nae of te tee be Company is “ple years ago oe eee ie Grieodly action-~| al tla, | brought by, t cutors of | ho re wei rio) militia unit =e ew aie usted for ieee t {be treated just any. ot other citizens | editor will Returned. galdie iera, « iaen the ney oF ‘members. ‘ot Be eapeel ill of course mpt. Severs dirs John. as poe £ 4 kin, \d Mrs, 8. adn fae ae Lee h unde: and Mr. Toe penty, © Ov- ieee was ase evic ing fhe dividends which rules paid: during these ourien ye inter: ersections ind wheat oe thi oe pe fae ecg ners are en 1893, 65 Scabus ciated pee them and ia|1895, 40 we cont He at many 1897, 100 per

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