The Milverton Sun B PURLISHED ” BVERY roaspax SrORIING. . The Sun Printing Office Main Street MILVERTON, ON’ Subse months, 76e, in advance. Subscribers in PRE nelable ss ADEA re rtising rates on alten eee ae vertisements without specific directions, wit PE taseciad sat forbis and charged ac4 0: Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, ‘Publisher and Proprietor. BusinessCards)’ Ty ription rates:—One year, $1.50; ‘) 7 Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto University: CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty, ‘Phone No. 38. Office: Over Bank of Nova Scotia, Dr Pol. Tye Office: Pustic Druc Stor#, MILVERTON Hours: AY EA? ati BAMA Don, to 8p. Legal H. B. Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton, LISTOWEL, MILVERTON, Offices: Listowel, Milverton. ey to Loan, ATWOOD, F. R. Blewett, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto, : Gordon Block akEATPORD, ONTARIO Harding, Owens & Goodwin! Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, &. 7 HARDING W..0, OWENS. W. B. GooDWnE, Veterinary. sicidcwa oats des otal J. W Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, onto. ‘Treais all diseases of domesticated animals ° All calls promptly attended to, Societies. Milverton Lodge No. 478 A.M., G.R:C. Meets every pasousay evening on or before full moon every ponen ia uae hall in J, FR. Weir’ Visiting brethren eae ists Geo. J. Coxon, W.M. Silver oe eouns No. 202 Meets every rely UAE at 7. 0 tn thelr hall over Bank of Hamilto: en nearly fill it with water. W. J. eoigee See. e Lesson X. The Shepherd of fee Rl old Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Auctioneer for the Counttes of Perth 1d Water Conveyancer, deeds wie wide ‘nd affidavits made, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia; | ™ Notary Public. shee ‘ing ages drawn tages in Je A. Chalmers, - Someta rer lage Lice iw the County 5 Perth, Real Geare hex ht and sold. A few choice farms for immediate sale. MONKTON, ONTARIO Notary. Fab Hc of M itive iitwieist tir Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer te erth Counties, for Waterloo, Wellington and Hetimates, given on sales of Cr \d farm stocl Office, next to Bank, of Nova Scotia, Linwood Hote!s ery ally. fated to write be pubtionea with each question name and sadrees mut only. Answers w' enclosed. it to Mrs. Helen Law, others and daughtere of nay Separtment, initials only will answer of caltsIRca ae Us full saad Srvelone. ts at te 233 Address ali Serrenpondence for thi Woodbine Ava, straw through the hole. The ae should be long enough to tea most to the bottom of the iene if the straw does not fit the cork tieht: Ih ly you should put sealing-wax round it to keep out all air. You should now take a glass jam jar and heat. it over a lamp or candle. Stand the bottle of water on two or eae sheets L.T.:—1. The cause of your ie ser ‘old baby crying so m much at nights may be:. is not awak- ened every ee hours for food smeaeeede the d ym is le ts too warmly clad, been accustomed to being Dieked up every time he eries. 6. He may be con- stipated. 7. His ear may om f or his/ 01 Eason may be sore. 8. He ma: ress hard to prevent air getting had too much sxattement just bi etre undemmen ath. Now, as soon as the air going to bed. never safe to! in the jar begins to cool, shenentee in use old rubbers saved ioe the year| the bottle will rise throug! straw before on a new lot of preserves. 1 ind form a haat little See The test rubbers for presérve jars pull! aoe thing mber is to press them out to see 1 they are of j the ia RRNA Fst te Oia sufficient pee me satin to shape away from under the jar oh idiot bead, All take shed be galenot have your touniaines % aniscee to the strain se! coats of tailored suits will probably should not be spared in buying abe longer during the coming winter To cure a child of sucking than they: have for some time. s hum, swab the tip end of the'Grass stains can be removed with thumb with tincture of loca or, with| ether. Most, medigine stats can "ba f quinine. 4.| dissolved by alcohol. 4. ea or coffee service with a pair of nds after} candlesticks on the sideboard. Lack- you a4 through with the dishes. It} ing the service or a handsome tray, takes y the stains, freshens yale a good- Te receptacle sands eran malar aa ree Keep all small 8 sneeee- 5. Hem: mscitching can be a an to everyday usé out of si tet neatly ee on the keep all dignified mi free in this wi a cluttered-up eae ure. For threads desired and baste the edge of, the dining-room table use a runner or the hem in the center o: threads. Apes and stitch on the very edge of| piece of oyster-white linen with a the Pull the bastings out and_ heavy filet insertion and edge. pall "he “edge of the ee Bo the See BF. outfit may -be f the drawn thr mad All you need: ne done ‘t Srey can scarey | A wash boiler, a false es for it, be aistingviaed from that d done inte de of laths or sticks, uga: ith holes or dish, plac ed ue A sate in it; up and cultivated for other crops. narrow ploug] S -|field gave a yield of 15 bushels more| most as mucl Health should then ra oer Deep Plovgbing: a me necessary Ror need the fur ip wil Pavia work at this ‘ur- Learn How To Protect Broken Bones ime of year is essential. and Sp: rains. While there is very little a member oe the family or a nonmcdict friend in do in case of bones, and : sehila Ie ts notbe to afer suggestions relative to the setting of bones, it is important that both h the family and close of each day the d that day should nection between the subsoil, bringing up the moisture from the ‘latter to aid in rotting the sod. After rolling, discing and harrowing should not be delayed. i h cultivation disabled varia into the house or to near-by me‘ For pee mnee, suppose your child falls from a tree and fractures his mulch, 0} leg below the knee, if you tie a couple soil and destroys many bad types of of flat boards ines inches wide about noxious weeds ani ¢'ce-opera: [the log with-two pocket handkerchiets| tion of the Chee le: work “a ‘ee eizdavot tiie debired. bone ll non most effective. he present'rub against each other and increase scarcity of labor, aus is the cheapest! the pain and all danger of causing the and most practicable method of weed broken bones to protrude dane the destruction and soil preparation for flesh, thus j pommecrane: the frac- |ture, is avoided. A good emergency is decayed, a eo goin may be quickly made~ out caftivator Wi of two or three buttoned vests with points should ie kept goin: at inter [poles, rakes or brooms run through eal until autumn. Then the land the armholes, and if the sufferer should be thoroughly ploughed, minion + s, some results have | {ders, and one un stration Station another under the fracture, he may be s the very clearly the benefit derived from’ compound fracture and the eke mer cultivation as outlined above. cleanliness addition to the greater yield ob-| wound , it should be remerhbered that land is thereby hy cloner eouiditnCor Hoare opi ‘Two fields of 4 acres each were tak- en; the first field was ribaehae| after harvest, was cultivated occasionally during the summer and autumn and ploughed in the autumn; the othe field of 4 acres was left in sod and pepomtiins also ploughed in the autumn. oats summer-eultivat ed been found t of such ieee value on the battle elds of Eur In all instances an ray labora- tory should be sought to ascertain if|* Sprains A torn ligament often causes fractured And during the interval of get- Per acre than the field ploughed in| bone. | the autumn cents a bushel shows a total gain ober tubing above the sprain 0.00. Counting the cost. of ‘sum-| instance, ah cee cee ara cultivating at $4.00 per acre, a/tie the tubing or a Handkerchief just rid of te sprinkle equal parts of red gar and a fountain that] ing will delight the ies el child you! rubbers and tops in position half air- | should get a small glass bottle and/tight; submerge jars in boiling water | ore a| in oe wa Galles andcuskes etter hole through the cork and place a| the epherd—The | promise that Jehowate rill set a shep-| & herd over the floc! INTERNATIONAL LESSON SEPTEMBER 2. Israel—Ezek. 34, ‘ext.—Psa. 11-16. Jehovah himself will) t the care of the neglected ar liver. Successive sense the title is applied to the natio the prophets and, as here, to oe ideal king of the Verses | sheep |: a. The! ling splaced, the sheep thom the Scattered (verse 12); (3) then bring them back to their old (ve ‘ah, ake will give first care to the most nee Bach will receive what he needs most. used figuratively of foes of in Hos, 2. 18 # rich pas- eed them on destructive is, mak ether r, bless in abtniaiees aa the mer suggested in the context especially, by giving abundant pros- The Queens Hotel. Best accommodation for commercial trav al ers. ‘Two large Sample Rooms. @BO.F, PAULL, Prop., - Milverton, Om, Are You Insured @ Sst EB CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS offers protec. poy ae iF ite) oan be pally at C.Spencer,C.R, N, Zimmerman, RS BEWARE THE POISON BOTTLE, New Invention Will Prevent Making A Fatal Mistake. Every dow and then somebody helps himself to a dose of poison what he imagines to icine Lark Nearly always, of course, it is in the dark. job (un= Jess the doctor happens, by good luck, to arrive in time) is the undertaker. _— Why indulge in such foolishness? A. y. - efficient ution: urposes, bp a the Deleon labels. ever thought h it and Sater above it. It“is stage pointed at the top and the two arms are sharp-poi inte, You ad up a the night with pain an id grope in the eee closet for the jamaica- jottle. Ah! yes, that it is; soe sReanenie it by the sable ‘ wall th cate inger: everely pricked. ears i€ pa . fut by that token ) you know that ie bottle you have | got hold of is a botille of poison. Bet- ter a pricked finger sees a coffi what? i paaees | s and fruits often “are ies in hot, damp, aay ly ventilated bins and haa con- alg eh hasten wilting, seman and decay, out of hand villages, fields and forest, rates ‘act, ci 2 panting “King Albert of the Belgians e weal 18 Fee attnanphees estab e last peri THE WEEKLY SERMON “See that you refuse not him that/ another twenty-four hours in order to ow) ystel esha For o1 id isa consum- | “transform the evil: sys' ¢ fire.” Hebrews, xii., "These are words of warning. Some |who heard them heeded them; more, the ending catastrophe; hip It is so in every | impossible to undo suddenly the effect The world of our time is;°f generations ish because so | diplomac; in actual arenas for attack and ate ce exceeds Hs 000,000 a day, buts face Bestia for ie world spies ful for this objective is found only He ‘ashaabl Kingdom mes clearer as we con. sider the scene of this kingdom. classes are Christian On tie series saints {in vel We ",| second ate men and women whosel ;, T (lives are approved and acknowledged | ¢ by God, whose ae is expressed in Ane oont th ‘iviliza- | 2 verge of tries and commerce—in tion scons tottering on the destru But this warning calls our attehtion to some ings at cannot be sept ed. toon represents the Kai mn. servic sof ‘this kingdom are \God, the Judge of all, and Jesus, the| fe The| Mediator of a new covenant; 4 Jud ciliation of the sinner to the a sage: “dhrough His own life blood. ‘ollow Me!” — The citizen of this Pea may a but. aout pray to be saved from deat amet SH ait a men aa reals: i Features of This Kingdom. The chapter which closes with the text “indicates the essential features of this kingdom:— 1, Its. foundation and superstruc- ture are Hi ete in ae 22 a common’ heavenly o1 hed upon ee y before war plead Or, the cup Dot death, see drink=| 3, Find te, Yorevermore?? Rey. E, Herbert Dution. _ Tulips, nar mae he oe ted now, and ‘the ts buri sta: had in bloom for Ch: On was doclaed aa ier h| same inate grown | spring ploughed only produced 9 tons And how " ze male call! med—Angels, the!» ‘e know most about. the| 4, T| for just a momen Fre the nai enol, standing right on the aber iitio’ argh igs? aaldlat nee Son the f iy. fe question. your eee welder, shart = total east of $16.00 for the 4 acres, an! below the elbow. In other words, tie increase in net or} between the sprain and the oe ‘a $8160 ‘The the body intense pail The ee should be loosened every , # workedt hour for about ten minutes, ‘The rob- be almost as great the! bet tubing is much to be preferred to e handkerchief when it is to be beets leprae may mplicated by the alike, should following season. Roots.—28 rows of sneer on land simply| wise to secure medical aid in the! The 5.63 Spatians dislocations and fractures should be observed in the X-ray lab- oratory een possible. Moist h uch as the local hot bath, sscaitics with the use of the ree-layer wet ig es consisting of an inner layer of cotton clotl wrung from cold: fateh a middle lay- silk mackintosh or news- n. outer layer of blanket flannel, is an ae home treatment for a sprai e mpress_is dolled during. ected Grate era between the local hot baths. in- ; eceeuyaih nite therefore taking he Wording Ufo mann: te ep ayahen heay: bass as from 7 o’clock in the morn- 0 5 in the ‘daca 48000 flights. During each flight very bee visits at least 50 blossoms, 0 2,: Value of Bees on Farms, To give an idea of the Me of bees | i jin agriculture, it is statec er- |man writer that an faite colony Summer contains an average Of these 80 a The properly applied adhesive straps about the instep and “ankle have given temporary support of value -|the spring and seed the der the hips and still} with ly.; not more than 1 b: as] order to assist in getting a good _ Conducted Henry G. Bell. \ Question—Subscriber:—What is the value of orchard grass or eft Alar and how should it be sé do better on sandy soil ie eee: When and how should it be sown? Answer:—Orchard grass is a very valuable hay grass if cut at the right tim If it is allowed to come into blossom fully, if taunts Weotae hard and woody, and of course, loses in feeding value. Orchard grass can be sown either for hay or for pasture. In either case frot good seed per acre gives sults. Prepare the ee fairy in ‘ass seed @ nurse crop such as sree or barley af the rate indicated ck ushel of wheat 01 barley acre, ae thrives on a variety of soils, but it] § will not do well on undrained soil. is very resistant to droutl better than other grasses Places, such in orchards stand, you would do weil to give the ground a thoroughly d: | the two ends of the bone are in good oy if al-| bet; to put it inte the silo, ia | some eee as to how I should indie hat Some farmers aaa The ensilage, which. + sulted did not seem to be readily eaten the stock Question—L.C.K. K.:—We haye a piece of land which is prett; ty wet, but as eld afford ahs ee it. Would: you t! acetalned but has Aut got a good Ht que: care of The Wilton P Ba to 90 Tbe. of ood, Fe) than has’ been Shinto sow fri also 200, analyzing 2 C4 3% ammonia, and 10 by Professor Henry G. Bell. 3 Fahy this carga ‘Is to bn at advice of m re: 0 teed Pathog ce all feat Pertaining o soils Tons to Professor He: ry G. Bell, in 1g Co ompany; Limited, T column In the eri_—T ould advise. you to - rface drains rather than to is an immediate Eee ade: Question— ve acres of very heavy wheat, Thich, "a to the reper. Apadling, ie this probit r to get a eh ae alfalfa, r ‘rel advise 08 it, as you have plan- Fall plow the field. fairy fies mined with about per ai Tf the e per acry thor. Sakis ae the aes ont it ta smooth an a good moe ‘om “2 In a good sti would Aes he at this’ tim of . fertilizer 10 12% phosphorie acid, This available plantfood will give fe | Youns alfalfa plants a quiek and vi orous ‘start, will in nearly ‘a cases, insure a a stand: Cut barley ‘as soon as it is ripe and ‘ane i the young alfalfa crop a d make a strong mrilses hig the rest of the summer OWeeats® Sheep an execvent weet deaaorel ais, ak they:keep’ the weeds nibbled so provided that dogs and internal para- sites can be controlled grain now if they are to be marketed this fall. Rape is an excellent feed for sheep, and it is greatly relished by them, they it inte es te Shetnehite into the final pots for to fly, consequently 200,000,000 blos-| te winter goms may be fertilized by the bees of one colony only on tnlsse Moevoms ere’ propecty debilized by bees, it leaves s num- e| ber of 20,000,000 fertilizations to each ys Old. pastures should be ploughed carly if they are tobe heeded'to win Se aieei one r beans or Aaned thane caine iad toler AR nly one disking. I wish I could,” said the fairy cae “but you would never 0 get down through such a doy ite hole. Still, you may try it if you wish.” But rede caiuld ‘only succeed in get- e finger down the The Fairy of the Fountain. Rese a Fairy of the ha ee ‘iene se - | water from her The fairy sy ES bean: {should be afraid of losing i, and then 5 (all my fun woul i ‘be spoiled forever jana ever and e ‘I’m sure that | ie you did lose it my randmother would let me get you an= reda your churn ub dad she shook the “y lifted finger, beckonin; ee ere ce cesis unt Wa holds in his la many, many birds come at | Sencmother wow Freda could tell you,!” But the fairy sel Fn firm, “ tehing: for. suc ia another | ter ig is it?” pan eda “And | According to the litle girl herself ig it. a eat and shnig?™ it all happened in this “It’s bigger than a thimble,” said as sitting ibe (een Sty thie “fet the ‘fiir, jet balphites ahah tain, feeding the goldfish, she ets wondering what it was that mad eihel water bubble up in ee ae in isch fairy, relenting, fhe bring 1 just for a moment to the i; f the basin if, as’ soon as you m it, you wi shut’ your eyes again while you count ca d before she ie possible, the fairy drew to the top of egan to aoe ta tesl” i “Little girl,” it el “shut your eyes mane a little bigger than a’ thimble fa.did: so, and wherf'she opened Freda. id as she had promised; and when she opened her eyes once more | pes was. no. fairy re .to en—only a wee yellow bird perched ‘i the finger ‘of the Little Boy of the untain. basin, was the tiniest a ioe ttle figure that. you can e Fairy of the eas And almost immediately the’ w flowering begonias should|™ waty inent t The bird trilled forth a eign pl Sweet note or two and then disappear-| dl ake rapid gains onit. Itisa a which is grown, ant sheep and feeding cattle are set! it will be found advantageous to have a few acres of this succulent feed, e sheep. A little of it will go along en in preventing the animals from running down in condition. OW- ver, as a rule it is pastired off and pioveh vathatle ip keeping the lambs in’ condition after being weaned, and it be seal ‘in order naeee Tt is a feed which readily causes scouring and bloating if care is not exercised at the first. Turn the flock on in the middle of the afternoon the first time or two when he rape is perfectly dry. After a The lambs should have a bit more | y! well few days sheep may be left on it con- tinually, but there should be grass pastors near the rape field to which the sheep have free sia A SHERNEAD aE BIRD. _| Tends ee and bite the Home its Ow The cae of cape boasts of owner the Indians capture a yak-a- en wie they find little difficulty in train- ing it to domestic tri and pirouetting in a’ very absurd fashion, These charges from attacks ‘of wild -|savage animal strange birds defend their In spraying Beas the job may as not be done at all unless the under side~ of the sehage, 4 and also stems are covered. Maidenhair fefn’ should not be watered over the foliage. ie po garden apply the water at the base of the plants. It has been quite a long ite ince ) farmers: have taken i little about the particular care that are necessary to tale the sheep business a paying one, Desirable ag, Scavengers. As Scarpa sheen are certainly good and for this reason or fttennchoat of sheep might well carried on a farm of o1 'y size— iat-eotttatne- m-hundred. and twenty acres. Cattle in the pasture refuse to eat the weeds along the fences and here is a place where sheey in handy, since they. seem to rel- ned into a c weedy will oon rid the without doing any pare sy Of course, ‘corn is about ri ‘ter. eaten up the phar jants i an ‘Aeaning up ok that are intended for | knows just ee ie boone ‘that’ the] i Ip? Bh it isa e cease’ at a golden At first Freda felt very. aie in’ “the sence of si ange a visitor, but it last she found her voice and askéd | i e surely ave fallen is the peekiv and got ean bests ful ete u let me ‘play some ay with g, sheep: do ssl work since! they ‘sprout the ps so completely ‘that the ea ot ae killed out ae broken very w. e none the Pastures. Where sheep are kept as one of the | n alone a dozen | re, hoo ‘about the shee) rot fences about stay nights. Under present conditions, however, there cai FACTORS IN SHEEP RAISING et hee were: successful te vith aia ig sole aegunitance if vee eve the Aad es) ey arOrt ‘the © the year, St stove just at lambing me, ot et. dog tae wi sheep in be no doubt rat ‘ that it will pay to take on a few shee] but as with all other ventures, a whe = makes the venture should kn tected of his ne