MILLBANK NEWS Every person in this vicinity doing their “bit” in helping h th . One old m: up 140 stooks a 3 : The Wome ilia chureh will (D.Y.) nave their annual eee ing on the rectory lawn on Wed esda. fie Sept. 12th. Come The highest market price will be paid cane a : : Mr. W. B. Freek a 2 for cream True weights and test will Dee eae eee sti ARGE SHIPMENTS of Fall and Winter Goods are now com- _ iven. We supply cans and pay a ae who was wounded so y ec 2 A ing to hand. We would advise our many customers to buy onths aying ie ie expectes " the express. Ship your cream to si the wear ee early as COTTONS AND WOOLS ARE STILL ADVANCING, ie | Notes w. offi at annual si n sy The Pearl Creamery in aes of Grace ae New Flannelettes, New Flannels, New Shirting, New Denims § MILVERTON and ELMIRA eet. agent ae quilt: ing on the Rectory lawn, on Sept “a “SPECIAL” RAINCOAT SALE ot 4 SRE ROAR ROLES oy Mont a tn Pn Ay Fay) A “SPECIA AINCOAT SA MeKee attended Chri 4 ee AS, x : I eee 3 ay eveni y \ OZ We were lucky to get in on a deal with a Boston Raincoat ae ie Pi dhe Rey Canon mne and Mrs. an \\ We give you the benefit of our purchase. don on Wednesday morning \ Men’s and Women’s er Otay Rain- Men’s Dark Grey Raincoat Smocks— $ c apentine - Week at the home of Mr Z the $4 88 $2.50 | wit rt, that 4 a _ Aye coats, while A your choice for 2 vived a telegram om Fric|and Mes Woe eKee. | } oun er ating tha rivate Mr. Hoy “Mein spent 0 day Inet 7 Ch een killed ction i | ee Al e h Mt Gale 2 f Beer ae ae re heen nme FLANNELETTE BLANKETS | TOMATOES, PLUMS AND ee ei 10) od g DoE to Mrs a Mr, Donald Ross ret ed to Wind- i h Check plore Te eet cee Reo |e ee ees ahi in Sta We aa iar BLACK KITTS ect 100 Meme) bys Pielne and 100 08 AERA : i 3 4 ioe dare Bankes eae a Ree 5 baskets Sf Pins, a Pane es of of Kitts (black- : in ge. Befor- [Mi a 2. A. Dem hite and Grey Flannelette hy pnpedey acta Tee ee listing he was C.P.R. agenta ry “and artynck. of Toronto Blankews sons 2.50 eee Bee dey ant ere 00 S Soi F: ‘as a-particular favorite at Mr. ‘Ss: Ny eee all his friends, Mr, is ia as Torouto, is 1-4 White and 6 ee °| 95 orders now, as we fill them in tata LAST SHIPMENT OF HUCKELBERRIES IS HERE, 9?'° $1.58 rs r, a is . re alwas pleased to } We are agents for the Born ito Mr and Mrs. Robert Alex Blmor i home. i 9 ander, “of Qu Appelle, on July 19th, a] Miss Ash of Mitche! i i p 3 te et Appleford Counter $3 con, (iobert ohn), vee Huts «Pender. ‘\ WM kK I O’ I ‘H The Arcade Mrs. Fraser, ba Poronto, is spend-| Misses Kdua and Elsie Coulter Check Book Co. ing a few we Shi Hairaiiten Mert 1 ¢, med to. Toronto’ on Noneay aftes ® e 9 MILVERTON Dewar. spinding the summer vaeation at their eae Master Jimmie Kerr, of Baden, who|home here. This firm turns out has bee syending his Boudsea atts eeie tora nace (eyes is uncle, Mr. Thos. Dewar, left 0: aS is visitin; only high-grade vee fonda fou is ‘haine: da Mrs. "A. Fottm Miss’ Be . of Teeswater, at very reasonable are : Ree Alice teu prices. t é. J son, re nite RATE Re SS fe M. Ruer and his sister.|dier of London, aoe over Suma ATWOOD. Margar m4 pe and Miss Be = w bat! friends here, mi See our samples and {Chalme rs, of Fergus, spent the rank is now. able. to walk with |. Miss Margaret Morrison, of Tor ce Fr is i : lena-with thelr Giese, Bere We Ts Chal ieke hoes free eet het, Brandiarens, ‘ste A ADDITIONAL EXCURSIONS. FOR get our prices before $'n5."' é ecthale. ia ieee ter i sting at presen ang je fer emuel Pelton, z We are neers to report that Mi is bre Mr. J. Rit! owel, is. visi ing ordering. iaxy Struthe oroving nicely at ra, Sam nent ina hee Kerr, of with Mrs, Robert Anderso i eos 2 Miss “Alm: has r her ae ion for appendicitis, o| Milverton, visited one day last w re panied to \ } | e a ag a ‘h Mrs, J. Mewhinney aa Y x [Alms, where 2 ie will resume her du- WEY Amis e las whe ian Coxon, of Monkton, | Miss Ethel ‘Gilkinson, of Listowel 7-Sun Office 22:2" iy visited at Mr, J, Reinwald's on Sun. [Sent the week-end with Miss Flor jmfarried to Miss Rachel Li day, suce, Ducklow, s + lt oF Stanley Wray, left on “Mom cle and’ Mrs. Graham Reid and TO Mies cs CANADA via \ : en returned to Toronto on Mon y for his home at Toronto afte run the summer vacation With bi Meat oe Reid's i Allingham, of Holstein, dg here. mother, Mrs. Hiles. y with her friend, Miss | ape “and Se J. Fewings and fam-|, Miss Agnes Ballantyne, of Strat- ana ian and ie ote = _[ily, Mfr. and Mrs. Win, Winkler ang |fEd: is yin AL Mer home Ee ’ Wo Kraemer spent /f ai E : ssels, spen (nate tid wit TEES iss mae Bea tare wer as Ratz 4011, tow daya last week with Mice anne From all stations in Ontario, Ottawa, as Falls and West outta Bas, Jos. Lin vemnan, ic St |spent ‘part of ‘the past week at thi Be nak tenis Bemarears ewents, spent Sunday at the home cei . to, is : = |or ohn Linseman. Mr. and Wine. dlex Reid. 6t Toroils visiting at her home, GOING TRIP WEST RETURN TRIP EAST get Ouse RYishee aE Hlashhik aa Mr MH Relis nvee Sue | Mite bemel- Pelton spent a’ few! » guest, of Miss Celina O'Grady ou | qu. days last week at Toronto sisiting | 12 00 18 00 tasty Mr, and Sirs, Stephenson and fam-|With is daughter, Mss, Agnes Mor- e e R. Johnston spent the week-|j Arthur. spent part of Monday {7802 end ‘with friends in Gadshill. Hester Tanne: Pte. peas ey, of London ate Mi Martha God teeta atoogr [ot oe) i ast n * {Hospital home leave i TO WINNIPEG FROM WINNIPEG spent Sunday with Elmira friends, | Sis tnt i Cl 2 4 es eee LE st yee after rie tat the | 20° id ae: fa his friends) Be rihak particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, W. B. HOWARD, District Pass, Agent, Toronto — f . ze at the ‘home of Me. uthoay [ne CER ee noir, ae eps Maty Ovans, of Barrie, is vis- Mr: Re and daughter. jiting wi $ Mary Hanley, of Tralee, spent |Thetma, of Listowel es vaya re : Sunday, with Bliss A. Bas last week. wi rs, D, MeCloy. Visiting ‘wit B. 3. Greensides’ sister, the Mrs. Grady, of; Mrs, 4 i Ers! The ee Wilton of Brussels on Mo Tralee, spent Sunday with Mr. and | Liston ae sel will vist hen Mr, Arthur shee Rascreturnea to} da’ oa Gute McDonald. : nny [Som ime with her daughter, Mf ‘oronto after. visiting with Staniey| Mr, Johnston ae eel ae oser and daughter, Dorothy IP, Ren C ia | eek te: trai with the Aviation Corps of Eirattora, spent ‘Ketinedy, of Arthur’ wag’ | Miss Jennie Coulter, of Detroit, is in Tor ome of Mr, 'J. BR. Jone vlaitg eMGhaay se visiting vith ber parents, john Biinson of Teton aud Sud MesiaJe: Wek kine made a basiness sister, Miss ‘T. MoDonald. of Elintrs eed, Ree stratiocd, ere io Tutal on Tuesday, ent ‘Mi the : ear 3 a iss Re fore, of Palmerston Hisar teehee a . ek lepent the weekend’ with Miss Annis sig tome Byers, ot oe ae “apeat 7 : r OD | Jolly. last week at the home t For' selling a bottle of patent beh Monday, iV r e has ac ed a Mas Luella Hiles has gone to To-| Mrs. Boar 4 McCourt, 12t! (3 e Guneey 6 winlemie amanat George Matendia andMnse (22 es 0 ORO Uh] ee Bee ena oe e ; s. George E as tate: i Boi aHe eel Ue ate f Miss Lillian Stewart, of Monkto “ seca es Cae oot Ls ima has returned to the village to pate are aeraIeD a sundays aa nee t vas § oa ; illinery shop, r. John Roe spent. Sunday wil is Dr Dixon, of Georgetown, who | visited over Sunday. with hor sister. | on™ Ait tS} e,|friend, Mr. Alvin Barr. SEIZE THE OPFORTUNITY © <-| sedoldsit in amajier hotties, aid-that (ner y. We Me bala Saat Stes Alte: Mr. Robert MeCourt is wearing a it was his duty to put on the stamps. A and que Jeor; Soaetinarete peta fate, ‘Mr. Robert Forest. P. H. BASTENDORFF Soo | aePnata ae RE MSR [Me Motz Sao | Me ead est cal Oats MILVERTON, ONT. wW. D. WEIR'S List OF Lendon, where she expects to remaio Pach pie aha oie Miss “Lisle Thorndyke ‘and friend, aweler and Optician: tee foncacveW esse: arrest "er k 65. of Milverton, spent Sunday with ‘Don |. ax. Tevswater ! Quite a number of the High Schoo! | 4*Ys ; ‘ac legal trend , Harold Wilkinson. is % scholars of tas Place are going to],,Mrs Harold Wil ‘The Ne dliea of the Donegal Patriotic See our Exhibit in the Transportation Building, Canadian National | Elmira. this | Exhibition, Toronto, Aug. 25th to cpt. 10th | League will entertain the ladies — of o » Wo dieses: boris part of Lot Miss Annie Jolly. ay gone to ce taal hoc Ab wacd Patriotic League’ packer 10 concession 6. Mornington, i : pjeats ABE ny| Nes eRe ane Bae SRE poet Hpmastalied: Mrs. Wm, Little. 5 LET THE Ladin A giemanered td Fee rp re ain g. ‘The World’ “Mr, and Mrs. E.G, Coghlin spent a hum of “he! iui machine i Pa arn, good ing un-|Gratest Pood Controtlér. Ev vening- |. eee his vicinity. te afd and soft water.” | Citizenship. ies Hirieeee Bet deg seed sa Can ats | ates is tee ot A ana a "5 Os opul: ar nd dwell th/terian and Anglican churehes on Sun Aiox. Morrison attended the fonera m. owing to the Methodist | —= a = ~“Countr Club”! . y : ah S he Anniversary Services in we These tgperties will be sold ¢! ae Methodist church on » * the proprietor. must quit work |well atteaded, many_not being able y ts chee cages. This is Country Club week in Canada—_ owing oath ae ph aR ae de CPI Be vy waive ‘eang boca : the week that has been set aside for the , ick Sale and Shoe ! cellent sermons, tis the a6 th sweeten o now mate t i yelling in the day amounted, to. §75.0. Y special purpose of displaying this ‘most cheetally tbaped: tants illage of ea doing fe = ite Wan, Houston, of oe call Samer CHAMDERL A, mot popular of all sport Net Prictirg os piallty <Notedoa e audits ot did ere ca ghd Iyfittedand neatly nished amen, Hocality, during the past week Country Club, : | Mr, George Bearinger, of Toronto | : ae $3; 200 Wal Tuy. Tot ne Uiveit, (Caled. om his, aunt, Mrs, R. Muleahy We want you to see this” car—to ex- eft on Tuesday to ing, | ane tert oe Peale tp é OTE amine it at close range—to note the strike : $7,000-—Will buy le Tatton Bohol. “We wish: lies every ay pk ; ingly stylish beauty of its. interior, as well acres, Lot 82, Con, 11, Elma, all] success Bi OUR... SUCCESSFUL | 'AILORING : { Has satisfied the mogt pat)" swider “cultivation, ~ sont School opened here on! Thesday. with _as exterior lines. ticular People: = We ean Aweiling, be haalge ae awe pee L opened \e esday. : Rave your “measure” for Beep aaiited your tert suits ou ili it i rhe ie : _WantaonG eae ROBERT McMANE : ey Fie detail reflects the heidi af | Mr, a a BMrs. Jas, Hanna and son . _ good taste, FURNITURE DEALER “4.M.Fleischhauer ‘lying at Linwood in Well Spe ets: Nand: Mre. Moore "FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER : an We want you to ride in it to drive it if pelted. Chmett dwelling, bank barn, cement stab-|" Mr. George Harloff, of Stratford, ‘ you please and to satisfy a cea ast ss “MILVERTON i rat lendid farm. aver the holiday wil i his parents, rag and Mrs, tote ee power Plus | sconomty: of its «iene, of Bead: spent Eva és the Aes ae ith her cousin, Miss _ SALES AGENT FOR Vera Hei ; rf en i : _ Weare at you si d-shed tdety| “Min nd, Stee! Rober Hehry ska : : g we are particularly ai RAILWA’ illed oe family recently visited friends at a . hi es STEM] | ill, wire fencing. [Gravelridge. moe atalono, ot i ; in this week to. > ‘Mr. Joc and Miss Carrie Malcho, off : : : HARVEST HELP Be; atm buy a splendid solid briok Resto” spent Sunday With friends C an : . Club exhibi : 2 x ith good s\ rd and |in this ality. ; 5 Dai otad papet cts : . Mr. ane Mrs. Robert McMane, of a ie ie f : { Newton: uid not be| Milverton, spent Sunday — with | 3 ke | eat for “ean ‘than | $1600—Terms ir. and Mrs. Robert Henry. Mr.‘and . nry. a) on f SEPT. 11th $1, 000s ‘buy the North Part of |; i : as vi 1 : : SS Siig ee 29, Con. 18, Elma, 42 acres |,i>4, : Be : th : : ser argo an seeded. $300 down, balance at |” yfye. 1. J. Smith ane cece An- ; : From all atatlots in Ontario 4 4%, A se nis arl; ville, were i ae 7 = ™ ch wheelbase and Quebec. Wi Con 14,|,, isitors it aH nity. - “ “'Made in Canada” 0 We ry to ronan that e ‘ $12 to Winnipeg tee a ek! 0| Robert enistiooe had thi ce ouerttine ‘ = rae s (Plus half cent per mile beyond) to break ther wrist on Saturday. y. 23 _ Return rate half cent per mile to nipeg plus $18.00. se Becker's 50-aere fart i eet os m es ‘Full particila tickets from any rt lat = ‘ ae 2 : Bupcabaat ier ey. tae ot fee ing| When you ‘come to look squarely . CANADA’S STANDARD CAR Union Station, Toronto. louse fo rent on Maple St., Mil-|al ¢ seheme of life you can 3 z ———___—_—_—_—. Mrexton: Come and see me if you want tojof economy, says, t oi your dwelli fra se " News. But please don’t ask the wo- i ate: men to cut thelr skirts. eee shorte!