into the fleshy part of her hand; the sed. es ownship have no 0 1 . ht caluen far pakke in, ths Mayen ty Hinman = Bagi Snhat For sale by M. E. Bettger & Co,, Monkton drain, The matter will the {report of the Engineer, dated June i ist, 1917, on the, improvement of the be Dy. he referee at Stratford, on Tuesday, ° ea ae . ELMA COUNCIL : : OT : ks 5 $ ; : IF & belay or Diner The Municipal Council of the Tp. |} * pe Bak abe ee Ge pe wk ows i Th Wi A H | | S 1 d Armstrong received word | |Painful Tosti Bek Bus Deposits,| |< cond, eee Sar malt Eyal. ] Fre strong received w al yood, : c e Wilmot Agricultural Society = rncamenemle deen! (Seca mane akin | Cuts Down Fuel Bills ‘ Trouble, tak Seott; Deputy-Reeve. Samuel’ Smith. £ $ : _ Extend a cordial invitation to attend their annual i and Councillors, Wm, Coates, John # : Iman and Chas, Vallance. rT) ” 2, Minutes of last meeting were read. The ‘Pandora’ requires less fuel than FAIL FAI R pemony cand signed by the Reeve and : other es because the McClary ‘ L. 2 po omBunieation. trom the Ontario Flue System directs the heat Twice ‘unicipa: aoe ciation was read and AT NEW HAMBURG fea, also a communication from Geo. Around the oven and stops the usual i Bray. Solicitor Hat Albert R. Hor: i ie > garding the waters f the Gilkinson wastage. Send for illustrated des- es Drain was nd. the Clerks was in- criptive booklet. We mail it free. rn ‘© answer the sam : : \ as thor of Ate Senmide, of Brodhag a * Also a notice from Wm. McClor: ~ E 3 e + ker that of Mr Jas, Mela: ‘andiothe: Z PT i rtker ers to have the Partridge Drain é S| . 1 4th, 1 91 4 Ace ta eat ais of Mr Willian sped and improved was read and SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS : ott Hey Meconville, of Atwood, hes oni Ne Vallance—Smith — PANDORA RANGE Ma anssell Holiapy, of) State tland, is sepa a si resentation of “Farm Service” Buttons to boys of Wil- 2 : is = Acie ditierent enrol ‘Sections convex: Be Peet es Hamburg between the ages of 18 and 10, who % a See ee eas Meee ie Peri mera Ree ene sc aa OH TORR NBS ea HAMILTON oa YANO gig Wilbe: 5 nl Sees ling e year TOON EDMONTO: ce ¢ icketsto school children of Wilmot'aud Se line Surenee me Con.had| stewart drain, contending that rate aa Soe seed “a third. tines, be tioaly : t ms os, * a rad m, a, eat ©. Kab i hs re sBry: Sept. 18t oe ' “Logan Maitland Drala ies See = ee saddle horses, Is An appeal by Me di : Pa : F al by Miss KD. Wilks. Galera, of Woodstock, natored te Broughton Ww : ay Bima by the Municipality’ of Logan Dates of Fall Fairs |London (Western Fair M £ Sati ‘and paid a? Sf Moved by § i Saas y and ee avanine: for school pupils. “5 s in| Kenz ae ¥ loved by Smith—Vallanee — peat tibbons ete supplied by. Gold Stamping Co., of Bima. srt Fusle meny, Hienasau Judge Barron at re ene tries Ne Oa ee Montre: cat a | day, Sept ae ae rerove! ‘School Kshibits Competition for teacher's chair, by the 9 eo te MeConville i a eveay OR ches at gener of Auburn, ist of the “Logan Maitland Drain, Schierholtz Fur | te is| Present the guest ‘of Mrs, ‘Albert : : Wilmot "Powship Walling Coblpetition for cup: nt. |Ducklow —Smith — That - B5-Bept. 10th ae ilver Trophies for Beef and Dairy Herds. x . aaa Se ie ons pe cad to “ve Sept. 11-12th Ay # ae RAP Sept. 19-2ist Boultry Show on evening of 13th, ; FERNBANK <Foct Drain’ oredit on the Collector's te iz Bialay Fas $10.00. * Miss Carrie Robinson, of Hamilton | said SE et UR oe Sod Fas Yr, spe: a ends 3 Eat ie syent ‘the holiday with friends here |" Moved by Coate lim a phak 1 ary Diamond, of Guelph, spent ;|the holiday at her home her res es will] Miss Ethel Gordon, of Detroit i Runge ne to print er publish thd By-law to raise defi Farmer’s Road: er, Musical Programme by New Hambarg Band, What it Means to You—to Your Pocketbook—to Your Personal OOOO OO DIGI IO IOI OIC QO OI IOI IO IOI IN i % jmatured exce ee aneee whi isl the ey Red Bross Exh S t he deficiency in thd construction of ee stable Competition ion New Hada te cinduns: ortage of fail . * a tana aw with Miss Clara the “J. Fhymer Drain” and cost there- Appearance—How it Conforms to Sound Business = : ef and that the said Bylaw be now Judgment to Select from G. S. FOWLER, President. L. MASTER, Ist Vice-Pres. 5 8 hee Marie Craw ford spent Satur-|read a third time. bo (X |badly,shranken, supposed to have heet ay in Milvertoi Moved by Coate then — Tha A. E. KERR, 2nd Vice-Pres. A.R. G, SMITH, Sec-Treas, caused by the very hot weather that | Mr. and Miss RT. oe Spent d i the My-law to raise th: ur Famous Line 0 R. R. No, 1, New Hamburg, Ont. Se s\Grovsiled for a few dnys while im th spent Sunday at Mr, Hy B. Ker g - the construction 0 “the . ilk condition, The sowing of spring Win Soustuas ve Ueeeate Arter a 08204 201205 204208 IO 20126 2K OK 20826 20K 16 2K LOK LOE IK IO IK 20K wheat is rather am experiment in this|Tenewing old acquaintances in thic p) ’ Renonenoneyonauneone ooo OE nant wl aly bo repsten [Dune 2 im MEN’S and BOY’S again Sh “Miskes oAtvigaict {MoFadden — and], S nates Methodist Cireuit, Sunday, Ale Reid visited at the home of Mr jonkton. 11,00 cea Willow a 682 and fi assed and the Reeve and erk eign the same a aa ae _ | ogpertts eel cher SUITINGS ia te Spens. are cn Smit Gein man — That as 691, appointing — John Be "Su ie and: Meas olin, Bee ‘spent ro : 4 | cer, ditehel, as engineer to ¢xam- w iow Grove ie oo gat with Mix and Ors. William |ing under See 77, of Taking for our text, “He profits most who serves most—he ‘ 0 7° A eordial invitation isextend: |Retd,, Burns BEES i : The funeral of ihe late Mr. Gordon | ‘Arnrny irae be Acton ne who serves best, serves most’—we put in force a plan of Robe andy, rite ‘trighdi M. id 3 ERE i nda thir Miser peenees er Se: se Suen oe i Siar segtete SUUKa Ie ecg retailing that tends to centre more and more business here : AE ee ere gnats teat soso ibe ese a nam 8 eheato wailed on th —by making it to the advantage of the public to give us Large mea oe istic period ir. and Mrs. H. Klockman and Mr {| Council asking for o the Lis- their patronage. If there’s a man who can’t be suited we’d 3 tions greeted B ir. “the and Mrs, Fred Ceiling motored out Nghe Agricultural ney like to see him. If there is a man whose tastes can’t be met aes Aotyeriars, Basie $b ‘Millbank on{and gpent Sunday. with friends 1 | Moved by Coates—lilman — ‘That a he is a stranger to us. Call and see our up-to-date stock. oa The instrument at the right is re Spec Stratford: grant of $10.00 be made to y fieeebiae S baaleaely P the $50 Columbia etary Miss Edna Davidson, who has been}. Mr. and Mrs. High fe ens of {towel Agricultur: ety, x It has the hinged en: lid, pastes a two weeks’ vacation with Btraitord: ae Mr, : ais Mrs 2 Soe Moved by Ilman— ‘nee Pha x . the tone-control fesay at the i inity.|Strathan and son, of Toronto, called)the Reeve and Clerk issue orders. for it, the new and wonde; ed on Mrs, McCauley, while on {the palyment of ‘the following accounts O. DUFF I EL D The Up-to- ante Merl Columbia reprodu: the a with friends before ching t motor trip through this vicinity. viz j= Monkton, Ontario oronta to resume dutics at the Do B. Maddess, grading, Con E Horrenfl motor thet lars three minion Radiator Murs Bessie Reid: wag ihe recinient [and MM, x sha 28 Miss Candace Smith is mending e following letter from Pte. Geo | Scot ‘and ays with her friend Miss &|E, Marron, thanking the members of pe ss eR OOK tha Club for a box of comforts which |head, distributing ns rev Deel Soe === J. Miller and Mis they{ had sent him, Drain, 3.00, preparing By-lay Milverton. spent Bind ith rat mn “Somewhere in France aes “Moni Dear Members of the es any, ikgices se Bugers Te Sent on Ap roval— eee itt Be at {fet Mvtiens rain Defy L005 deere Teltece and daughters, Do z 5 re J. Hymers Drain Def, 1.01 P and Pernice, motored to, Ayr on Sun- er mee oe ae ‘ Sweeton, signing g Debentures (and on Easy Terms, if accepted) \ os Ren oe ara ‘Ae cous F Work A 33 or $50 Model : OE eo < not ies that. of an tngantly Hic Bee 3 an . 4 son, |battalion, We have been in- Franc : D Yeras ere a PI sania mae rane Waaieaaey fo, cae Belgium almost cleven months Shea eae nee a eapant i. ; an um ing oO um ia ra ono a Sunday visitini ig Fein at Woodstock | We all did fair justice. to the good |icncchtel, 30 i Fe 3 é sere Z WE DO ALL KINDS OF Eavetroughing, shortening at Gill’s 45¢ for unit; +t 8 Manton and ma fo1 2 buvak iat gravel per Jax ¢ Inperkia and Fa eres things enclosed, We cannot thank any daughter, |of the loyal elise in aul 80 Hamilton, ibe grav Also a complete line Iron, Pumps, Cylinders, Ete. A. Grant 25; Atwood. Bee, part — contract Let us give you an estimate on your work, minuie, 35,00; Wm, Foulston, dam- zi ¢ $33 model of the Grafon- after | all ce ively. las here re pictured, possesses all ee pei with friends she coverings were taken di i rs F y fit pentaaed ae epee etauly. of oe 3.00: Hy H Soe ed time vey 1 tfetda trout, ia. dandy spreads orepanea co wel ee, {o atewn by dows, aks 2. § | & Now is the Time to Buy an Oil Stove ae Ghecltas Ser late ak Poceday |baatee oval ‘fang of the. Pengban k ston, 8.00; A. W. Terry; bolts for e sell the New Perfection in all styles, Also the famous football cub. “Perhaps ary. of the boys |$'0% oem Garred Milk Mand Detroit: Vapor Stoves which burn either gasoline or coal oil. ‘These stoves have no wicks and burn just like city gas. Come In and let for Stratford to attend business coe who'held up tho Fernbank colors ‘to Stone or us demonstrate them to you her, the best of their ability would tell you |!259: 2. A. Thompson, temporary rong abuite rs re mahogany or oak, attored Marion see left on Monday : suivant en plank con, 5, tie road. for Strathroy, where she will atte one a fatter, hoy ie gatn ate ; ol nigh school. Mae EE ae pte and St. Marys and Canada Brands Cement Se 2 ii : are ee ee ea aa Ad we find thosa same young 1a-|25; ov. 15, 1.90; rep. bridge lot 24 Always onhand. Leave your order with us, ; ; ‘and: holi a HFYS, | aio whi hirhed f =|eon. 16, 11.50; , tile drain. - J. E. WEIR, Agent Fi} is, Wilfsia Leveson, epent the dextaking then, im peace times; and |°O2 wi OE. nd M. Rlma'e share, #9 Remember Your Goal Bn - e Toronto, 7 i va ime: e ‘ wi vant LB, MILVERTON ; SWitessra, Wir Bettger” tr. and. Wd-| DoW, ip war times, te” mmoat. ardeng Rime ahses And don’t forget to hand us your orders, We will supply you as gar Wilson returned on Monday. after [O00 GP us who have. crossed the Gives, BA. 30 ok 2, con. 005 soon as we can at lowest possible prices. ; a two weeks’ trip along the Jaks Siong {Pend and you know Fernbank is well |J@s. ouere: ee ee é <n (On Monday evening 2 horetl Ve‘ne [rebrexented, can: never forget tha |tm 1017, 24:50; Wm. Love: sravet at M E BE T T GER. & co. : A tee ae a te store and {84 times we enjoyed in God's Own |s-F 20 and 1, 10 0s, Hume Bel : Ee : . dished for home, Tt freed itself north |Country,, “Canada And if Wil be lym, Adams, assistance to wire fence Hardware Merchants, - = | WEST MONKTON f the railroad. The aE elared, No one knows when this war /00% Ul, TLE. an > we jas an old ore Re es “e! “lis gob end, Perhaps this year. /$2>), 4 A . F ‘The bari O Pi 4 , TL. a . s : % ; UE sas Fr aes Eee ret ee re oe ene wt 56.00; Robt, McCulloch rep, diteh, con : 16, gravel road, 2. a worth, was struck by. Tightning on eseevean be asst for many goucra- Sunday. morning and Sees with |tions to’ oom is. gravel per J. the EC etite Band The women of Canada/have done aud abe Mir, Albert Quipp, ofthe 1th Con:|are going a noble work and thore is|&°@ . has aa sed a new toe car from nothing like it to cheer the béys up gravel, per ee 1 sae Golightly. Bro; over here and to let them know that raons senahing rh rye gravel ee d Mrs. G. T. "Mekensie/ of | while: they are wen ice bl Cc, Har: 4.50; R.A. Murray 35 sania are visiting at Mrs. A. Stew-|the ladies dt Geaepeciin thera yas. rd 4205 G, Mayberry, grav: art's _{out all they o a Rey, A. E-Thompson M.A., France has suffered | tremendously gun ine pulpit of Knox nae next | by this war she yet every man, wo miant and child in France to-day. have Machel re-opened on Tuesday with) the same feeling as the protestants be the serbjokt and Miss Grace Chalmers|fote Derry’s Walls (No Surrender.”) Although ‘all the "ablebodied inen ‘Messrs, Alex, Chalmers, J. 6. Ella-|on the line, the fest of the ones af cott and W. Holman motored to nfge home have each age a little bit mor: t ? ae “Pontos POPULAR'STORE | = aS tans ~ | Clela . safe Laat 5 bridge tots. “eon, 10, ae - Coat: fish, pa aubping the scale at 3 Ibs./derful, even our great Canadian West ! and 6 o1 pe Four see nelghes oa st i d- the leet cae ronbridge, 6 oe Front one ts WO pO of a similar harvest, Clover is cut |W. 0! Baie neg ace te or Mee and Mree gone Rowland; Ales pevecand “oats, mhgattundetys are i erie road, 1.00; Rogen, se ~ Palm Beach Cloth _ Pongee Stripes. Plain and Striped Voiles Dress Muslins with Coin Spots: cs Dress Silks at Old Prices : , Lingerie Mulls ik White Skirts and Middies Ladies’ Blouses E Silk and Lisle a : London on Sunday. where they spent] Never ‘or a day do we lose track| Moved by Vallance—Smith ~ That y i 5 * lot what i Xk home and|the Co now, ad jo Gill and son, Walter, are |yet we sre thousands of miles away |again in the Agricultural hall, Atwood stlenaing “the exhibition at. Toronto |Have been aloyg the: Western Front jon Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 1917, at ee this we Kk. Belging and France and when J see jo’clock a.m., for general ~ township Mr, and Mrs. Johm Gerth left $n the wa Friday Me Buffalo, where they are |qear suffered and bled as she has done] Pathmasters are-required to returp | visiting Mr, Kleber, a brother of Mrs. }.nd is doing our pee se out to her | their scare labor lists ay fill Gerth, who is seriously ill. — and we are thankful fat ao many up with certificate of amount Mrs. R. ieee of Sraigonepene ja miles separate our Netoved country and|¢) placed in the division at 01 n, Burdpe. GEORGE voce, “Oke. : pe acre eee em zi a . es eS ae. : 3 ae B ‘3 ae ‘4 = 4 Ba = e ie Fe ge ov oie that two more of the old — Chntuiets an P, ail ay shave left for overseas, are : made -a business: trij yndon ts | Harold Nicklin. ig! if muendeys 2 souaad ee in England if they. HESSON Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mokense. of hty” B Mr. Arthur “Mitleholz and: friend Stratford, ith friende tr Ms nkton and ned e and da: © Ohiie ss ee em. left of Tuesda ay for Stratford, where! Must faa ace te the latter will attend business college. | close and Agatti tian aa nol of Detroit, oe Aue our burg: a and faba shin fe ae fe fey In nie fies of Fuel Fei why not instal a Pease Economy! Furance — Mr. and Mrs. tember of the W.W.W. Club for he ee ane Mr, and Mrs, oe Engles_ spent [ember 0 ee sare en eaten nt Joe Volt ke ee pion id Mrs. One and all, wish the Club the best of family, Mr. and Mrs. Geor : acs i ere page consumes the gascs and g ae the benefit Soe eee Suifday with sae success in the e. weeks or a a san Mrs, b. Vollmer; ofthis. vicinity, Mr Ask to. see the S ft u epee cadre SE atc ang be it with te ee and Mrs. low. On of the boys I tha and ig Tae of Lebanon, 3x. 2 Seen ile. 3 on é a eas BEA bein 228 vehi thee Abbor, Mio: pen © Tremain sincerely yours, | Remember the bgll in-the’ town hall || _ also re than a. corres} ‘i Tabor Day wath Mrs ait Mrs. Fred ae George # , Harron. ~ Get sears evening. Everybody wel-| Armstrong. ae eae : ; | Mr. aud “Mrs .R. G. uth, of gers wee ae i as ae ‘Doherty left for the Logan are taking in the tain ry es cing Sought: into | West one’ si : sey oe a in are tet intities, ani} Mr, and Mrs. Nick ‘Kocher and Mrs | hes ynorning oe oF plurals es Hee aaa aes owith Mr uld be had. eahire wanley! held avery ‘suc- || dpren stooking bee on nn Sature rday © eve= stibonk. ; a a oe 2° is 2 EE oe e- cm 5 ling furnace. ; wince anyone oe oe fureee installed an hav oe nnual meeting of the Women's| io. Society. et be gine’ sat a iday, Se] 0. p.m, e385 0. 40 cents abe Beans re ‘ vlentital cate for the ke full attenda: e Township of | Wall tenet an ee to qui lash of John Ro; ger, e t, D. B. Grieve, of * pent a few days ‘last week wi Giredat. ”