y complete outfits made THE RIGHT jaan fully guaran Aik A scient paint oe will never fail you. VANCOUVER ESTABLISHED 1862 utdoors and in, will make things glisten like new. , machine-mixed, quality A RAMSAY, & SON coMPALY Crd ADR An Autumn, , School Dress. , Canada, Be On all the 'eai Have ‘nade Over We glory in Canada, dear’ Thy cause No, fe’ hal Wer’e d save o 34 to iy be obtained from your Bar Mecatt euler or ete the McCall Co., 70 Bond ‘St., Toronto, Dept. W._ - th $5, 000 ee WASHABLE PAPER CLOTHES. Now on Sale in Sees th will | Be General by Spr That is w Germany is raat. coming hard up ppa: inventors and the results a Mr. Thom: rear, Daily Paper (Tageblatt) devotes the best part to cola in to this import- revolut Work- ant testimon: ial, men’s clothing: of ee texture can qn it pat Tak me of Hehe Be A ibe thy, Spats Makes, See Yd POSITIVE PROOF, 3 CANADA: our thoughts Canada, f j ll of thee. ‘Thou land of health, thou Jand™ of |” wi by We hail thee, great and free. rth thy, name, is known, fe! engthy, pf might and Saee sy Choa, ethy. sons), and hters bra’ e thy oso He a ‘wealth |», iden harvests wi gran sunlit coasts We-see, af An emblem of toy f futire power In ages yet to Canada, dear Canada, thy name on every breeze ers Floats to the’nationd far and wide oceal Land of the | Maple est, for thee No sacrifice is thy fruitfuiness, Thy mineral wealth and grain. Canada, true to thy tand name,we sta: Untrammeled, bold we face the we will maintain; dare our faithfulness, langers all we share; Under a British ae Jack all united t apace dean Catinday the-land we love Fair an of he poe od we ti and notes i, ng. pur noble King. s. A. Brain, Toronto. AMAZING RESULTS Be: = Guarsriten If We Fail. is been ue standing offer of ‘d for any case Ham-Lax one bottle Ham-Lax, with a te -d Pei ea guarantee Ham- | did not now be bought in the Berlin shops, | m-Ray to give relief for and men’s trousers, specially impreg- Reutatin : ara, ‘Stomach, Kid- nated to withstand rain, are also once, Explain what you think about le. yourself, an ether have Blec- The Daily Paper eas that Be next} tric Current gels ce not and peers apritig tase. women: Sad chiliren’, of | the Teat..to ts. 8 the Ham. allclasses will Trobe be ‘wearing Ci TS Seen of the 4 e terial. It is Noe ating that t these tovealband Ba goods, like the | place, are only Sarl on cloth: what Ham] ing permi will not do, “Music,” writes the editor of the} Etude, “is now being looked upon by; THE a the warring countries in Europe’ the torch z liberty freeing the souls of men from | the burden of the greatest oe whi \ has ever come to the human Tea and Coffee er-bearera, “One of when a ere yards of te 3 pau sag | ought, mith porate _- A soldier whom I met recently in n when he ay hai te ruefully, ppayen' even ‘gave the m: oa and turned away to bring the neGle relleved' of the ase ac! Tl we quickly avenged that eke’ ae was back to ne poets 3 ‘Many a man es Het, arithout a ale jam. a is well worth the wit to find out the ine facts of your case. LS es SSS TRICKY HUNS. er and higher. Shoot Their Too Generous Asieraiaris in} e Back. as the tiki alee on ae bate that ag Po: sake to be dead,” man a drink oe nm neve himself the young of- elt meal ah that officer’s my ey ee ayes ae xploded nee 2) the Ba , We blo tH mountairig ue whe the riety plan age meas ure later a THE FIELDS OF FRANCE. panes The fields of France, the fiel France, how changed since es Once fresh and fair as Eden's vale,| The cannon’s roar reverberates where rang the Vesper bell, The’ fetds of) “France, the fields of France, once moist with morning: and dank with — heroes’ stained a crimson hue; The anak: salad hide the darkened Now, date loo e reaper’s mirth clear from out-the-gol Now_ Death. with dripping latighs loud mild winrows of the slain: * - The’ fields of France, the fields ance, enwrapped in robes of of yess heath yamine, cloudless skies, adres ri Ah, give then ba orld: eoeliieh, Way-of Gad’ 1 Peace. eorge B. Underwood. EVERY WOMAN'S RIGHT, very woman an’ belonga ‘the right to aise a healthy, active, happy lite; backs, nandiy attractive ichssned- blood: ta-aubolied te eee ance by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body. Through the use of these ie te sands of women have found a There is no part of this b: ion in ates Bee ae not find some former regained yhealth < strat cen the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and this is thi If_y and will give.the pills a fait trial will find eee health and happi- ness in their You can eet Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Co,, Brockville, Ont. ' HIS FACE. At the Supper in Simon's House an Unknown Disciple Sees a Vision. Sat wae in the-house of Simon that saw Jesus,” says “An Unknown Disciple, ” who relates an ancient tale Nat | in the Ee aves at its beauty that chained my eyes, though it was a face nee that rejoi cert ertainty greater than other men ve Thet dan, ha’ the secret of life,’ thought, and as iS J had.spoken the ee aloud ‘the man’s. eyes' turned, his gaze met min others was something in the that stirred my soul, ay. wistfulness that melted me to pity. “‘He is lonely’ I thought, ‘He soaks frenty, He asks somewhat of And my heart leapt within me. the Byer hala mine 26r a vlockert au mi eome waa enokerse he tant ¥ answer. “1-do not remember Be next thins I was like a m sion d|a crowd and sraiphtay Storgaste all but his vision.” For Acid Stomachs Use Magnesia nickly, Stops Sour Burning Feeling and 2 Digestion Pau The wince universal use. oe pragneta by pinesteans and specialists fFeaiment of stomach tr the fact ba the mony. form xides, cistaten, 8, carbon ost suitable the’one preseribed by. water immedia stantly Heapeption whe failow, rae the of bel af inva ie Seton shed i And. ngat athe ae a fone, and care tthe doubtful ‘aia f of artificial digestants. rae ee Way the Lavelle lk One of the Z r "i of the war ingl he c ‘States sad Canada. = ‘whe’an economic: in view of ce Aa ‘of e! S_ Seu are dear at Hed While the first cles wee slim ,carry more than’a few, persons. im. hay eteipater who sufféi se idveoxes ly from the higher rates now charg- ed onthe railroads and from the aboli- | fhe in | isa lamp tees ee the water n= - a Tiniment Cure nt Oures, Dandrnft., ager seyerely..in hot, dry Don’t Waste, . lon | Starve—there is plenty of food for all if you will only foods and bread. Shredded | Wheat Biscuit is100 percent. whole wheat—nothing wast- ed, every particle utiliz “It contains more real nutri- lent than meat, and costs much less. For any meal with milk and fruits. 1 Canada. ___ Made in DROPPING A LIGHTED MATCH. / Terrible Forest Fires in Canada Are Result of Trifling Causes. | ‘A man dropped a lighted on the'shore of Kalamalka ieee British Col nate. oy apts 8th eed ates an hou fire was racing through e divterbrashl For three weeks after at, there raged a series a fore fires, defying the organized efforts ma nd: if e fighters were relatives, shut off oe them and help- less a aS poate s in terrorized e bani way through to safety. That experience is a big price pay for one person’s foolish act handling matches in a forest. ‘The | court fined the careless man $50 but that does not help the beai enormous 1 One Mighted match dropped on one inch of inflammable ground expanded into fifteen miles of ruin. the Spruce Valley fire of British Golianke sore tmelfemie stones Ceieven men lost their lives, most of th t to} small piece of lighted. tobacco: caré- -_ thrown on the grassy floor of a "Ninety out of a hundred tagie holo- cansts could be avoided if every Can- adian camper and fisherman Tee lant watch ir-of hands, fire or a.cigarette or a match, through any medicine dealer, or by |©®™P : thahl at BD oatte w Vox oe sik. boxeh thr but i rite Sa abate ta $250 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine | & five million dollars a. year to par- ially. overtake imber™ damage caused’ by runaway flames. SES ee LIFT A CORN- .— OFF WITHOUT: PAIN YES! Cincinnati man tells how to dry’ up a corn or éallus 90 it lifts, off with fingers, pea cormpestered men and women Mes the Hs 3 because a fe lifted off, root and all; without pain, A sindll Bottle of freezone costs’ ver: ucie atvany drug store, but will posi+ is inexpensive and is sald not to tre tate the surrounding, ski It your druggist ue i any. freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every ine : p Snteeas os tpt 3) sa honprt with yourself, Would you ly have so much to do if you did ties punctually? Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Cold Potatoes. A palatable way to serve cold boiled ‘potatoes is. - put them throug! fi thems Well with Fate fer an Se Suficin ito coneacon brown in the oven. URINE ( Granta ed Siero Wa Sen, Dect i es, Eyes Inflamed by ist and Wind quickly relieved by Murine. i itin jour Byesandin Baby's Eyes, cleo col emeidy At,four Drugs", beter bea Fur Book bP the Ask: epee! ere Remedy Co., the base of a few jheving mug | = MA | HY, 0B g Fallin - dishes, such as open | 23% theliy who. onc ie Z ied about-the gardeniand | Ti have “thrown. t ufterers.| Jeeop ae “aed, ith f ‘oda | Chi changing the wate! er for water, and these dishes J lent fed will peor a ee abtradtion. fo feath. red fri ‘ mothe’ g have a safe medi¢ine at hand to give ly. province to in bo fe arindhtis “tistinans’ fap wale every wiieias MY EAP = eed. Let ie eh; anette must, Let him bleed. Take-his zee spirit, God; re a tr nee et gracious gift’ For life leaven. Tele cus peokes ee Earth, thin Sine strength and fair young: flesh ee But, 0 stig loose your bandage! Doff Bind it aes at his eyes, ound. his. bro) a sa a should Seoneb him Hot Bra oat’ \ oe Ay, be ge, Sad Bind dink Tn the Lest red hatred sear and-warp-him, Sear his sig! Let ued Ken itis friendly, human, ae ee die Wii “poise heart Warm and’ whol eae Coale Crew. SAVE THE GRILDREN others who tae a box of Baby’s logit Tablets in the hous’ may feel that’ the lives ‘of thett little ‘ones are |reasonably safe during ‘the hot weath- er., Stomach. troubles, cholera infan- diarrhoea carry off thousands of little ones. every summer in most |cases because the r does not Baby's Own, Tablets cure s, orif given pevasianally tothe well ehild will prevent. their oe ing on,” ‘The Tab! 2 i238 soning harmléss ‘They aré especially good ie the and pure. dealers or by mail ai m The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. What is Toliered ‘a he io Say in. habited residen mansiof in eras: fe was ited in 700. MONEY ORDERS Serid <a! Dominion ee Money Order.’ Five dollars costs three cents. Natives of Peru use a boat made en- tirely“of reeds and straw, even - the sail. consisting of straw matting. Twenty of the large flower beds ‘at Goer Walasey obponig tie ted to potatoes Spebbcctaclaxt opr THOSE AWFUL RAMPS Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Kt vill, ages twelve years aL a ‘ered with terribl tooled ‘with cramps ee feel ike, - differs woman. cannot praise aval gi Pete ae Vegetable Com- ae it ak ays suas ae Seis fa a ” afitrs, £ R. NayLor, Box 72, | aarysil age he shits brain dnl i brawn, my dountry, ‘ Your pi aph does Mllustrated \t Best ir. Personality— any. one else’ in the world. just as individual: The see “way is to use” The fs For School and Colle Li Waterman Company, Limited, Montreal ee t lo ashlar mm ghd ager “handwriting folder sent on request -50to $50. Tnagreatfariety. Rl: P; fs et Wonder rat #& Player-Piano that ‘tra: thirteen’ tones, manufaetured ively sposes in “exclu- sha bit, at, the To- Fanta Industrial Exposition at. their fe ean: ne of a water bot- tle or any gl Bis is too small to ine ‘the hand into,«put-into the bot- tlesva>ismall: quantity ‘of’ tea Taved af fn about onethirdvof ® Seeputal | ppnenat shake well," -“einpty, Fihaeeane gold W: patie Eas iperrectly r | eda “glass )itl Pestle a Minard’s,Liniment Gos Li Dear Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor on myiface fora long time and ns : umber’ of ‘remedies without an} Bie Iwas advised’ to try a D'S LINIMENT, and ‘after using seve a it made ja complete it, healed all. up. and;disap- Senraa eee DAVID HENDERSON, Belleisle Station, Kings Co, N. B., Sept. 17,°1904. A home fruit and vegetable evap. dr athr: probes oned Tate es en Several times Over the first season an can be vised for many Years. aa | TRADE MARK RE will reduce inflamed, eanien mpi Sprains, yey Soft inches; Heals Boils, Poll ‘ Evil Quittor, Fistula ai infected sores ick itisa eeniiv antiseptic and germi Pl v is JR the aniogpti lniment for mankind, ‘Swollen Veing, Wen, Straine, Bruises; Price $1.00 per baile, at yo wore. . "sib ane i WF YOUNG, in Absorbiue'a0d Adsosdine, Jt. are Dialog AB, Can, i =) ly | | WEWSPAPERS FOR’ SALE Pasir. -MAKING NEWS AND JOB “Oftices “for ale argh cia St eppli te ‘te tS ey aad ee LiAnite WAN’ and Heht séwin spare time; good seintaaioe Charges paid articulars. National Bompary. Aton feat D—TO DO PLAIN ne uy Tea boa ~ cad aap fox Cin CER, PURGE. ‘LUMP: internal and. external, t pal byiour dm Defore t90 Inte i Bellm Timitea. Cds Sab OR ts Co., When basing ur , Piano insist on having an “OTTO HIGEL” PIANO_AOTION | CUTICURA HEALS. ITCHY PIMPLES ‘on Face, “Badly adly Disfigured. | Used 2 Boxes: Ointment f and 3 Cakes Soap, ck had a bad itchy lot of piniples on it badly disfigured. came to ahead, which made hey were inflam ould tea sar Soap. and Ointment weet sent for a free mm] hich dic m Gigned) Mise Berta Nilsson, St. holm, Sask, ze fn rou. have a.good complexion i it so by using Cuticura Soap daily anc Cuticuta intent occasionally. mp) dress Boston, U fron Is Greatest of Alf Strength uilders, S A: Secret of. the Great Endurance and Powers of Athletes. Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Deli- Ferrous, Rundown Feople 100 Cent. ste reeks! ny on Y. colt Boole foal: to th ini myins to ast tandestroneth from stinfating ‘edn, Secret ni nostra "Or . Said Dr. By, Bo iS. C1 an’ Medical Insitutions. when, asa Matter of fact, réal and nly. oo r by nervous veqone ton ‘they know something te wro hey can’t el! ey ‘generally somastiae aoctoring, for stamadh, ‘liver: of trouble or aratan some other alle m sed by tack the patient suffers untoldugony. If you Back, NaH Ups infu et Momen who ane geen sare "not strong or swells, You ae & nf trary, IU In a ‘potent infu er | yourse ake the following teat | ai Zormis fatsingigestion, Bee now long you can work o} up-down, condita ens ome you: can. walk’ withqut. becpmaiau ved, |: airererneyoaen fang ‘epi ae ale “hoa Re Ayo-grain tablets of or: a, Tron tne the soe a Coneaind. Siena rete oe herb 2 storod a healthy this root and herb | os ei ce | ease Se a wens of nervous, run-down people who | vided they have novserlous organte tron i, Wri ite for free and helpful advice to) Were ailing all the while, double their | Thi Reg tydia Pinkham Medicine Co. (con- [strength und endurance anid entirely get | dose not as ieaat double vo si tial) aere Maas. on nly women | rid’ of allsymptoms of dyspepsia. jiver | endusanoe tn ten Gaya “ume. Te ts age ann, [and other troubles In froin ten to’ f pensed bya good druggists, | ypen and ead stich letters. \t es om | elorig ays Doctor' 4 teen days" thmé simply by taking: tron the ‘nrabep forms. yAnd: this. ater: he ey had in some cases : moi But/don'trtaké thevold, for rong, An e simply to, take dro wh ray hile fone down’ to in= many anothe hi ui NoT! Nuxated Tron, recommended above ii Dr. 1. Sauer, te ne of the newer organic. trot pike the older Inorganto tron products Je ts mantiyssanimal- lated, does not injure the teeth, male ony cheron tine A Free »Prescription Pegs Can pare ‘Pilled and Use at Home. Boston, hana —Wictinia and othér ea glasses, will be giad to kn Bpacialises: new. ot e | Bare “ea glassos,. but after us Fififteen days severyunthi 8 Beem everal yours, boty for dias work, and ra na theta et cad. say own Rams an ey =a e . pestle, of: twenty years practice, 0 P | Dienban Pagina i ef concomitant age! of eye strain ie nd those) fri Doctors and Eye Specialists ‘Agree mone - That Bon-Opto Strengthens F. yesight 50% 50% In a Week's Time In Many Ins junctivitis and ephiphora, Her eyes a nee Hae ing Lng ae ee Sue | salon 0 <suich ea: run out 3 i Tis rosutte. In this ‘instance: T her eyesight. waa i raved 1 ave since onitied a e se: “at treatment fn a ev ft actieg & number of sitios ‘opt ; | diseases ee OL ay Spore Ultima ae ot) efor ven Fay tl tained, 16 [nor C ® micros strain arising. from: 0 used rae Were ea by ee en oe be Se aa ie jebsorvation, Rix ce Fen ue ee