Milverton Sun, 20 Sep 1917, p. 8

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Metfane, J M, McCallum, Saddle | ton, Mrs. Haist, Oil painting, fruit —. Gavin Barber, J. C. Hoft-| or flowers—Miss Tolton, Mrs, Hai mane n Single Pony, 13 hands or un- | Pastel painting, portrait’ or here Heipel, Pastel GOOD EXHIBITS SOME SPLEN- i DID HORSE enarthe Mrs. Hymmen. “g z ay er—Fleming & Son. | trai igure—Mrs. Haist rs ‘The Wellesley and North East- cial by Alf, or. the | Heipel. e Agricultural Societies held their | best f night of Mrs, Hymmen, No, 28. Wat rr riv. Cw al n at Wellesley Village on -00' for -00 for Here See ct eee day and Wednesday of last| th ton, No. 26. Pen and i1 . ‘The splen harvesting mi at itat grounds in. th the best foal of the five — Gavin Barber. . Heipel, Miss Tolton. il Best horse on the grounds in the | drawi 0. Heipel, Mrs. Hym light classes, shown on halter, from |men. Crayon 0 voal drawi aC e r tore people on | aged to sucker-—H, MeMane Mrs. Haist, pel. Ching gi]. Lady Driver—A. ©, Quickfall, | painting, conventional design—Clara ‘ Miss Mabrende Honderieh, Mrs. Haist. China paint : : me feeManiCat u or Interest tot c= a aver-| Durham cattle Bult wes yas MECHANICAL. ng | old a ards — J, C, Hoffman. Bull Calf in eine eae of barnes hand-made “San | Prospective Buyer. s ‘ol- ftiiete the’ various cladeeds(< mont. @ | ton. sar And who is not one. Some article of clothing or some new touch up for the home makes you Rv Sas ies Jo Bere ar : Tolton. flan look for the attractive and fashionable lines. Our bled efforts to secure an especially good line for — yith foal at foat—1st J. J. K. Wagner CBr pales foods, factory—Reiner Bros., E.Me- this fall has been rewarded by having shipments come forward in good time so that we are already show- =* _ d, i homemade. Huras, Mos M ing the new lines in all departments, You will find our stock full of the best to be had. We’ve always one-year-old — Harper “Hammond, | C2!um. pr ee ie prided ourselves on getting merchandise at the prices our customers can afford to Sue come in and see John Dittner. 1e-mi these fine new things—they are well within your reach. n si ‘oth ; er y wards—H. | + . ( . One-year-old_colt— sud 2. ter. 9) Mrs. Hymmen. Pair rag rugs Ww. ist, Ezra Mohr; 2nd, Christ Schaub- [5 old. — ane ifer | wov ‘ . Me : Sho ing of er. . Huras. id qo aetieyltural, Brood Mare with John Dittner. le — H. | og eg uri. = Colleccint New Dress Goods foal at foot—ist, Ha i of rag hooked— Ezra M ° Cattle—Dairy type cow— | {ro hp 29 md, Land 2. “Beet | rugs, Coke Mees ae eet and Silks is me-year- rare is Bicone rca riawurcd: : pepe eee Now that the Standard Pattern designs have ear-old filly or gelding|. Leicester—Shearling © ram — A. LADIES’ WORK attained so perfect a position and made home lammond; 2nd, William | Thom R as i eee . iy Sire Hs Sige eee sus Bauder dressmaking easy, it is worth while taking into son 1 an : aot e i ; Tico ate be a lag sittin a Callum, Mrs. account our fine stock of dress goods and silks. | eek pre mae Pagar Sts Callum, erent iton. We have provided largely and well for the home ‘ ee Metso Mie Henman a iti ‘ks i & chy: | Point lace sofa “pillow, made up— op ee : a anes “A silks in the new yearold filly or gelding—1st, Aaron ; d ewe—J. R. Bell, 1 and S. esigns and in plain colors, and superior grades Binkle, 2nd, Aaron Binkle. One- | 2 elt i. Bel, cane nandketchiets—Miss : ; 8) eo i Race ; ee gi e Gee ala soe Garis Warpors 2nd, I. ye lamb—J. R. Bell, 1 and 2. | Hymmen. | Battenbure lace —Miss of wool goods for the dress or tailored suit. The ee nee Bee are ee ee lace and: in ertion Mrs 3feCattum, showing of fabrics for coats will also be found i “ Shropshirre—Aged ram—J. Mon- | 47S: ies PLR Aaa Sans interesting. oghan; W, B. Struthers. Shearling | Miss McVean, Mrs. McCallum. Croch 8 M ran. Thompson. Ram lamb site! wool, infants we i, Henry Luts | Fk. pany hi . Doll. -old ve—. ss 2 aw Mrs. Mecaliam “Mr Ha: e lang ae Chas, Dolls oad, Wel ee Teak eners ee ea ee OS ere a The Splendid Values rd, Henry’ Lutz, Road: | Pen of ile ny M ‘ymmen. Crochet’ s i; 2 i iate with foal of Foon | con cadoae ce npaon, | PES—MEs. MeCallum, | Mrs. | Hym- You Find in our iy r Kechtel fo He Mrs. Hur: Bmbroider p eyelet Seo. Sattuan Three year: SWIN Mrs. Haist, Mas. MeLaren. Staple Department on ‘filly or gelding —J. ReKenachtal ged fog {Boar _—— ore sak vs einer es. Be I th k f Effi . Wier Wa. deck nee shire boat pig under one year—A, | Bul fre MeCallum, ase Me s the Mark o iciency col ne-year-old fe raised pigs i Tho: ped 5 bi : # . Fy SE h m acd os under one oe Thome panel work — Mfrs, Hym. Splendid quality matches splendid value in : : son, 1 and 2. mer roide is < ntmelick— Mrs. AeCallum these necessities. The real good qualities of i ¢ wi ve Bean, any Kind—W. Glaister, J. a: coe : Crum’s very best standard prints in both light he Splendid Sho ing Fruit : i y, tea’ cloth—-Mrs. s and dark colors are in stock at 25c¢ a yard—most of New Suits and Coats ymmen. : : eit EE J ag Et es places you will find these are much higher or not for Ladies has not Gables Sean Mie to be had at any price. Grey cottons and bleach- Been Sur assed 4 y, pair towels: 4 7 sh — 0 teacher BS Ngatere Sirs afeCallom, i, ymin, Ee ed cottons, sheetings and pillow cottons are all Pp SO aie ee| Rhoda cdatnd tr ch: pillow cases—M much below present market prices and the very i ae : Chak Wel “High Stouper, driven te (el. King of Tonapies nee mmen, Monderich. = as 3 You will find few merchants showing as good best of qualities too. Flannelettes and the various buggy or cart-W. H. Lingelbach, R.| Mrs. Trachel. Duchess ary, Kupligns in Tinen—Mrs. : ; horg—J, A Streicher, Mra. ‘Tra hl ar EIS new kimona cloths and wrapperettes are also a range of new garments this year, but we have ihe’ B : 3 ne s T iate i itohe sstaosh Red lona Here | Dr sien sing cloth— i ae shown in splendid qualities at all prices. Most ee oe h args coed < eae ey mer. CENTRAL ing —JeA. Streicher, Mrs. ‘Trachel —Mi iymm 8. of the flannelettes are from 12%c¢ to 25c a yard Wye JARS DIEASUTE IRCA We OHRID RGM, ness ; : * Embroid en : lection of apples: tor Shrrne {| L. resell. and the kimona and wrapperette cloths are from They are ready now. in o 4 z Ca i i SMSO ONT Kind of fi Jag. Streiche i idler stiteh—Mes. eae 15c to 25c. Pure wool blankets and down filled, beg re go you will find Northway Sen eh ae ears de oR "Poa oy Mrs. Meallu m Mrs. HL comfortables are especially worth your notice for eee oe SE a e ve buy a direct arene satan Pregl as Ak oe Meta lum, Miss McVean. their superior quality. These have already been comet eit TAGOrY a sd t em at a-closer’ mar. € unde wey than. Northways do in their own retail stores. ry, set 0: ou’ll find these excellent lines right in our store mele Mae |e : Rupee tnwale oe selling, for the wide awake buyer realizes that mercial 3 ra DeaGhel: er. Bur. | --Hiym mmen, Mrs, Huras. : i i pee ents. | ganx, P. Bord Groon Gane F. | cross stitch sofa pillow, later on the scarcity of these will be acute. All and at values that surpass anything. Remember a anae. Mrs, MeCallum, Mrs. Huras. Dar lines of staples you will find equally interesting these are the “shape-keeping” garments and our . Duval, Mrs. ‘Trac! W.J. Blliott, Dd. A. MeLachlan, |. | ing on cashi 7 pia gee President. Prinelpal. | xnee—P. Burdaux, Mrs. | Mrs. MeCatlum, Mrs. . Dar here. Your inspection is invited. close price brings these goods within your reach, ieti ing 0 Many More New Arrivals for Men ls irs. os “ vr tt Northwest | Burdaux. Pep G. ie) openers Fig ORE a a : A very large shipment of Sweater Coats for men puts us in a position to supply every demand atoes for preservin = | 4 tailor, 4 dress, e : eee : ; ; ‘ Regula ee Muskmelons—P, Bur MeCalhim, Miss "Tolton. | Mending 1 in this respect—a splendid stock of Working and Negligee Shirts will equal any selection you'll find— VEGETABLES EE a ser a the showing of Suits and Overcoats is prepared for in a thoroughly efficient way, and all the small lines Hymme Any other kind of potatoes — P. | etd, Wm, Glaister. (on aaa Ra for men are equally well provided for. Our stock of Underwear is surprisingly good—good in quality, rs, mmen, Mrs“ MeCallum, Knitted goothin assortment, and having grades to suit all kinds of buyers. - "months als danas gaiaraisote| ° nips — Mrs : Alberta, “Applic rachel Field s. ‘Trac Lands, Agency vlel. Tabi E . Mrs. Huras. 3 for -conitty bY Proxy may tstar, a d made — Mrs. ‘ ‘ re Cultivation of land in| ‘Trachel. Lon, ang me ee ee ae © Colteciten : rigthee writs a homeAteader may se eh chel. Yellow i e ta of fancy w . Haist, Mrs. 3 _ a apecnetecstlca: Be sae Lae McLaren. Lady’s Gaal home-made i - ee tec Sl serge, Sadie [AP mangolis—F Berdaus. Long | NG Kuta, Mt Hera os fetes cktra tay obfais pete ibe nip rooted—Mrs, Trach, | Bein etal ro) " btain pre-emptio 2 ’ | Mrs. Duval. i 2 id § 38 as homestead patent on Serain son-| P. naleal mangolds — | Mis’ MeCailum: Mrs. Duval Gr “The Store with the Stock MILVERTON ‘Setiler after obtaining homestead pat: x, z = il ii an, aufman. ' annot et hot ie na Lien ar “ake : mi W's we 1, . Duval i tto: val, ad in certain districts. oe Wik. : natalie els monte W ufman. | White gait “quilting to vatesd ares and | el ts — Ms. be considered — Miss’ Tolton, J. pes in | Streicher. Filet Hur ‘i npKIN | as, Geo. Heine fee ebehet ss a3 residence duties under certain x J 3 . oh F, Berda cae Crochet "Fancy ominion Lands are advertised or R raids—Mrs, "Huras, No. 26. Gro: ted fo svereas returned soldiers who have chetcentre piece—H. Kaufman,Mrs. nis . Trachel. ilow ions d (b—Sam_ Roth, Margaret ! ents, peere and Mrs. Rodt. Arm-| Roy spent Sunda: at Mr, and Mrs. | a secive one day prigetty eee | .Glaister, Mrs. Trachel. Pi rac 4 Croce hie mats—Mrs, Fauthafer, ‘Emma Lichti. | stron ode Arm: Vitundell, of Grosshl -at local Age sOneo pat not | i iss Mi Di & Sr. 2nd—Nasson Kennel, Barbara e Eidt ee, Pirin ae and Mrs. sed Harloft 8} ent The “at bana by Ju aid ieee sh i - Stet ast on He . a ; ‘ G. Hei oe de ae ate éda ee Sylindes Gray-Dort Sunda with Mr. and Mrs, A, D; ee Bee : er. Spanish onions— , i ohn Grahm, Lizzie Erb, | B atts d- an epee as anak Me gat ide | Cl aston Haberntehl. denvonea: Hover and Stanly ony . and Mrs, John Ehgoetz, of ‘Ae ct, have been sae 5 , Mrs. ‘ : ‘ 3 vetilsement will aot be paid for orden, Mrs. Trachel. eee in white—G. Hei gattle to Mr. David Smith, of Strat-| Howard City, ¥ Mii Wiel Se re eae . Berdaux. — Cabbage ae me 1 Mes Hh i ‘i UR kind—P, Berdaux, ‘Mrs. Trachel. | with er ig WARTBURG. G Red aevay Mra. Trachel ret lace—No. 26. Hard-| Misses Margaret Hill and Annie * Sess, fred _“Armatrong, Henry Cauliflower — Mrs. Trachel. Fall | 90¢t, Work—Mrs. Huras, Detrich visited Mrs. Robert Henry| sq’ Mises Gato e —Wim.. Glaister, P. Berdaux. 255 Whi Tan anette | recently. strong ‘spent sea with Mr. atid radish Mr yitachel, Mrs. Soelie fore ancy | gM ,and eae D_ J Smith and | nfrs. vA, Armstrong ae C whakempeseet Fei pedal hae aati AES, le P. caret ng, cont yO 8 ee RY, PROGUCTE. chel. ; t itehen apr puenters an id Mrs. Roy Henry and sons odes wood. Lee: Roberts Mrs. pect by it es ay | Robert Taeoret Badon and org | Jars at me San office. list of ‘alternates has” also. been. Patters * those who atte 3 = i R LAER . and Mrs. Wm. Se : : Ki 5 tz, Mr. Ne ean ek ae H Ba. - ROBERT McMANE_ Miss Ottley and : | ‘lass—Clara rah cite Esther ‘Schmebl, Hera Go bpgaals tis ecbetipnel si FUNERAL DIRECTOR ee 4 EMBALMER “ith clase—Kathleen Grahm, obs sGiavariee Miller Ralph einen A. Streicher, Mrs. George Huras. | 703" pectee a = : : te ree uts—Jok rn, Alb otz d aaa & ‘ : . re Collection of table sauge |, JP 88d class—Elvera Bast, Winni- | and oe s, MeMane,, who : es Or sates AGENT FOR Mrs, Geo, Huta, Mind ae x SeenbAB EE Azor Kennel, Kat- | hi “ ee eof Me ate a 7 ‘ ie re aes the pnts r. and Mrs, jection of ots canned vegetables, sae ‘St Suid class -Olwatd. Paulhafor’| ee ah Henry en 8 Clarence Neeb, Clayton Roth, Stan-| Miss Beatrice Richardson, of Bad- ellen Mrs. | ley Sanders. an, spent the week-end with her < Cgtteetions of ue 2nd ‘lass —atitton Reiner, Mar- | ther, Mrs. Ge Ricl ace lee Milbrande ion Leis, John Grahm, Dorothy Ham Ee Whn lala Wiel Carrio” Hat : mond. . | loft eid Salis lay with Mr. ae Mrs. Our. fea in weer _ | Henry Harloff, near Shakes} 5th—Hsther Schmehl, Edison Albrecht Dorothy Dit 1 ‘4th—Ruth h, Miller, Rochas Bat Seems fog tae te: Mrs. ‘i i Roth, A is Grace 5, Preeborn, " Made- Collection of oil pain Calera es "| line mi |Haist, Miss Tolton. Oil painting, | Jr. @ anifred le anda as Haist, eS “Tolton, hauer,, Water Re} er, Ket Steck ain vi Seascape— ‘Tol-

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