Milverton Sun, 20 Sep 1917, p. 7

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Our Autumn Clothes a ARE OUR FORESTS _ INEXHAUSTIBLE? tern in 6 sizes; 4 to 14 years, 16 cents. Two-fabric combinations are Pi No. 7936, Misses’ Dress (suitable women: the McCall ept. W. oe ig SES THE THREE FLAGS. By a Reg Hi Aiea ag of rtha Was i ar aoe ‘aaa of islets iz Brow = And merges from the ale, What do I see that stops the of Be to heart and fie the ight? Pee banners floating i in the breeze, So bravely waving The pas! aces And God be praised that now at last a Cholera infantum, diatrhoea, gone as mist before the sun. | bei -day in'most of the sale gag soanaleta Si Bee LT ygeniry and stomach troubles are Flesh oe our flesh and bone of bone, | in, eastern Canada are such ie isber baba the lentes dimeuity in and often a precious Brave England’s colors wide are/left in the woods twenty-five years satistying ‘the War eaaregiiras itt tite. is lost after only a few hours "Aut, ago, and I do warn the various pro- ments. Naturally the ae firms in |lness. The mother who keeps Baby’s | seve White caer France her ensign| vinces of this Dominion that, if w til cco pnicesean pola to. £0 ig |OWn Tablets in the-house feels safe. do not.take care of our resources in! orders the contract wiih one houes'|THé Oveastonal use of the Tablets pre: Her we ‘greetings loud are sung./ this respect, the’ lumber trade of alone calling for the supply of 4,000 | Vents stomach and bowel panies, or And untold millions raise oe id anada, except west of the Rockies, tons per month, which is equivalent to |!f trouble comes suddenly—as it gen- loud acclaim unto ow: in a comparatively nes ae 108,000,000 Ibs. Ber year. peray does—the Tablets will ce the | MENT That after all the sacri of the past. A si wa: oe 2 : aby safely through. They are sold by b As true friends tried in days of yore, While England lets the whole world| She's with us now for evermore. 8 brothers we'll united c emented with the arred etre ‘stop the hellish, Hunnis! Who’v: “As “Allies well protect each ‘flag, Where’er it a aut On ocean, town orge ect pshur. Pat Price, oe btained Pott ee real McCall rileslass or potas Co., 70 Bond St,, Toronto, me fbr o’er the seas, The third is sure our country’s pride, me 5 Belee ADDRESS BY HON. W. C. ED- WARDS IN THE SENATE. Forest Exhaustion is a Peril to Can- ada, Says Mr. Edwards’in This Outspoken Warning. w Iam coming to a subject on Il not have but the reverse. On our public slitforoia | ie lt our Aes halls, the statement has been sy inu- ally made that Scnas is shoring ina variety of cated re- sources whic! e of enormous value and inexhavte 5 in ny pois this attitude. mis- leading Pa tease o: sienaie, oping her people an exaggerated idea a 3 4 her a dhe geographical cope Rte, but’ she is not a country ssed of natural re- One ‘of my friends, in talking to me before“I arose to ad- -| ounces for the fighting man at the s to|made in the House of m | Sugar per a TOMMY ATKINS’ SION IN ENGLAND. plied, the British Householder the resources of the Empire for war is pee ete a, with ‘te aoe Is a ses ie that the date atiee if sued ranges from two ounces in the case of the soldier at home to three ‘ront. m-the basis of 1,000,000 men this Flanders. It is possible to bring home more vividly tl dlitary pce ments in this connection when o1 calls that, according to the station arms. Assuming that _ member of this huge force receives average of 2% ozs, per day, then our ple is eat- ing its se -inaoig 124,100 tons of mie Situation. is approximately ae, - one-thirteenth of our total norm: nual consumption of this suiPhe oi pe n American bk a we are na- dress this honorable House, said, “Ed- watds, don’t be pessimistic,” “well, | my friend,” I said, “I will not’ be pes- simistic, but I am going to tell the truth.” Canada, as I have stated, is ot Ot eat. variety yates ae cultivation of sugar beet. xe Tol 1913 the nation required 1,700,000 tons British The British eves yield was Prctiealiy nil, ps we have never enthusiastically em- ort] perallyrfoHl Auster pow mT eps oY Fe e Coming to the next, industry-which I have ee that\of lumber, I think | it will be agreed that wi overestimates its resources. in this respect: ‘There are many in Canada| who even to-day believe that our re- sources in this resp. g 3 p 5 3 A & ie 5 igs hi States will} be seeued s Wether and will have to turn to Can: tata i ada would not supply the wants of the| ‘ but bush fires ai tion of our timber res part of the various provine rought about the unfortunate rei Thave named, In pulpw. stronger than in timber for lum ss ‘ more rapidly than is at present anticipated, Bad Settlement Policy. I would ask honorable gentlemen| ‘© who {travel through this country from Halifax to Ottawa, or farther wost be a thing Fea several years ago in the lum industry, apne ib ge continu ous aim and ob, ery lumber. |man m to conserve his Resouces in this eet but they [be Soergreneet From the ames point aH pebiee only one cours is open th 1 authorities. ame fr sugar refinery cannot be built in a day. vee States had falle: ana yet them fate: operation once jon x Rare a decided stimu. nig rappled with it by assuming sole re- sponsibility for the purchase and dis- most; no stint in ae field eoult nt. Some 25,000 Ibs. per day had to be im. | mediately Sseislaes for the use of in Flanders alone, and this at once commenced to grow samaerba startlingly to keep pace with the thousands of men flocking to 108,000,000 Pounds Per Year. sugarrefining industry hat evil days, many re 8 = spa: desuetude, iziny -refining upon the planta- SWEET TOOTH WORK OF THE SUGAR COMMIS- <= a In Order That the Army May Be Sup- - Goes Short. aie o is the whole wheat grain ntil one sees statistics one can scarcely believe how much sugar ana| Prepared in a digestible lam is necessary for supplying Tom-| form. Every particle of the my’s sweet: to '¢ World's | whole wheat berry is used— ork Mr. Fredericl Talbot's his- oe wnat Of what Yet still aes ae with martial Muller only for the loved and lost e Don’t Eat Less—But Eat Better. There is no need of anyone going hungry. Canadiarls should eat foods that supply the greatest amount of nutriment at the lowest cost. “The whole wheat grain is the most per- fect food given to man. Shredded Wheat Biscuit nothing wasted, nothing |; thrown away. Twoor three of these biscuits with milk, sliced peaches or other fruits make a nourishing, satisfying meal at a cost of only a few cents. : Made _in Canada, BRITANNIA’S ROLL CALL, As in a dream I saw a host Tike saudaiheside tteaea: And every Jan wa bub the ghost used Scars healed and eripples whole, nd answered, while with sobs be- Britannia called the roll. We are the men who died for you From castle, court and The gilded youth, the ue and true, ho had, and gave you all; Noblesse vblies<ategnar-eimmatils Wherein the first are las! We are the men who died for you In stifling, baffling wa Hor as Woctoate aera bats vive, On peace: grav. Instead, our weary bones are tosted ‘Lovailentdaebe eat burns e lone seabird mourn! We are the men who died for you, From factories, shops, and farms; We dropped the tasks we used to do And With harvests of fresh graves, We are the men who died for you, ‘inher: The ASG sh ou mapeet ae few Who also led. 3 Ss $ 3 3 3 it] stand, They take us where we lived and die y We sas No Man’s Land. are the men who died for you, Gathered from ends of earth, As welcome and as loyal too ‘As men of English birth, We gave to serve our mother’ 's needs Our love, our blood, our breath, Of different breeds and’ different creeds, But brothers all in death. 'y water, air or fire, vere some to war’s wild wreckage threw Rent lute and unstrung lyre; n victory gnds the strife, We are content, for now you know also incumbent upon us earch for further ae conta @ sugar supplied to the Army is ; KEEP CHILDREN WELL We loved you more than —Julia S. pers DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the summer months a: chil- FREQUENT HEADACHES People with thin blood “are, mu n by the vince of the! blooded persons, the form of LOA provinces. Considerable por-/anaemia that afflicts. rowing girls is 1s of country eachj year bei atti} aaa pvers accompanied head- sold for settlement where the objec! lis not settlement but to obtain in clas: en, | ct |to any one who ay 8a) ne single district from harm once oc | settlers, but now, a a e 22 ‘I a g z rel BS 5 & oe 2 = = EB aa é most so as tetas "of outa Canada are erned. Exaggerated Values. j~Jn_ making the state | relai ur ti | ments ber resources I di yon t to Dretand that we; fs ae | may have muscular vieiandtl ism or, | not till timber resources of very con-|!umbage. _If your blood is thin and |on siderable value, but’ I do nent you begin-to show symptoms of any of that they are not nearly of the value( these disorders, try building up th au which the average Canadian belicyes | blood with ue Williams’ Pink Pills, With regard to th 5 Tra Gueee ree The wholesome |: eis strides in improvement in re-|@%4 nutrition of wheat and barley in most appetizing form ESS o—— skin: One is bathing and a rub down; | $2. SS rougl Twp things are essential to a clean tal at 50 cents a box or six as for & but the other is still more important, | Co., Brockyill le, Ont. ae 2 ‘es of the s' — ae oat as 168 load of work oft the aches, together ae dlsturagnee of cheap | the digestive organ ila the world sie blood iter, on the part a illicit ade ; the timber re-| ple have any idea of. When your blood con- |i 0. = ay pret: 270 2 ats. Whenever you ade constant or re- urring headaches and pallor of the berm: To give evidence of this T could ses they stow that the blood is thin | °° ef Aas we and your efforts should be directed to- | 1 ich, red blood made S these pills Mra aistichatves 40" health are” il ost Dp uffer |), owe their Present } mi wt cant get Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills |) ch any dealer in medicine or by 50 from The Dr. Williams icine is year aes are in South Africa, Sah as can be estimated, 31,424, subject to ee thin full- | Ee country and built the city of V: ince Pro: fing Tabs Sate ot cS on ‘of Van can enjoy ple Italy and “the. Island of Cardinia is planned. x ‘Minard’s Ziniment Cures Burns, Eto, © medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cent: from The Dr. Williams’ Medi- ine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 ANCIENT VAN. ni We whom the gods love died for you, Others shall hear your trumpets blow Ww inj SNAIL FARMS IN FRANCE.’ On An Acre, en-and-sixpence a thousand, reared on an acre of lan bran seeped to perk a special flavor, Frei ers fi ue A uurnover 8 £10,000 whilst, oceania United Si the Provi: Quebec ioe a the tune of £20, suse) per annu ene js si hotel in pals sume epee 1,500 Ib. of tren saddles | each s#asoi PAIN? NOT A BIT! ue eek ORNS CALLUSES OFF No humbug! Apply few drops then just lift Bim away with fingers So —o- This new drug is an ether com- Pound discovered by a Cincinnatt rect! uy r corn callus and a, she i soreness rs. | Shortly are oa “fa the ‘com or callus. s0 | pa that you can mite it ff, root ae all, with the finge’ Not a ilies of pain, not even the slightest smarting, either when applying freezone or afterwards, This drug toe a but shrivels sient 80 hey loosen and come right out. It is no humbug ! It works like a’ charm. ‘or a few yor get a little bottle for wholesale house. you from his 2 S Ss o 8 g BS EB E & & E Ee} of the.bottle. Thus all danger of mak- a mistake is ided, use, the even if the bottle is taken from shelf in the dark, the tiny bell sounds its warning note. oneph -Lvis, ur i. 1908. Misars Linifnent Co., Gentlemen,—I was Gaal "iekea by my horse last May, and after using three bottles of your MINARD'S I was perfectly cured, so that I could start on the road. i JOS, DUBS, . | Commercial sus 4 Romantic City of ATE Some Now Oceu- yy the Russians, Van, which the Russians now occu- rm py, has a romantic legend. ue rians attribute its foundation yria. rmenia, and made ve Sit ayee decip! hered the local cuneiform inscriptions, re have bi a Chaldean monarchy that me atlin least two. one rivaled in splendor empire of Ass; ssyti ‘ia. in the next. » Paradis perversity aided: by TTurkich nese Sanat wt le, has converted this hi Archipe! 0 thical Queen Dominion ena ae became enamored a Five dollars costs three cents, | Ara, King of Ar nd ook consideration. ‘Minard’s “Tantment, Relieves Nearatgia. BES An renin oon deported ae wus neg: Put is: jhave a provers Van in this world a nd The honey bee is Probably of Asiatic rigin. Wild bees are abundant, in India and iG the islands of the Malay, a x ONEY ZY ORDERS | Pay your out of town accounts by Express Money Orders. | ae sellers, among animals and , are the result of careful Bees Sap eee ees ey frém_ becoming con as it is dried, put it ” Half Million of the Mollusks Raised In France, there is a big demand o ges set can be} t They need only be fed ‘once a day, in tl tion soaked in wine, a diet which is|&? y stone wih an a mutiseptis, pen age net. iy sas, |Bhaesthetics shy i gala in, e aoe, soreness or irritation; | #te ——— Gas In The Stomach — FOR Is s Dangerous Pa “eat a \| Physicians SORN the use of Mag- = aint font Pius tt i ¥. 18 Adelaide Stree nes! Sufferérs from indigestion or Rou slash or Wind to that t ANCER, TUMORS, 1 y Internal and © ‘bere The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the, “OTTO HIGEL! IANO ACTION es Mie oy eo aoe to | Frene for e : ane them to escape should their feet be caught in tracks. $ stream Wi time must an, at the bisurated which the pozatclans prescribe should -be distinct- ask: eas Dr. Ferdinand King, New York - Physician and Medical Author Sayat EVERY WOMAN EVERY MOTHER EVERY DAUGHTER NEEDS [RON tng Int a sole" Wut it t of the body seal ral \'To put strength into her’ nerves | the phar Nand!'eelesie dint hea ecks,, e|contents, the anaesthetic aaah fa and color into her ch wn’ | the wounded man’s pain, the antiseptic ‘ | Sree infection, and the gelatin topping the flow of blood.” Patileay BAyoRie Alexander er Humphrey, of i ted a narcotic “iat that would Jai moose or other ai mals dren an heel ure ‘of ant igention! the ‘Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere. No two wars no two battles have evr et eae or ever will be in aed se poet conditions. There is no war-in the history of the world which cies 80 differed from its pre- decessors as Seed present war.— Wm. Robertso; URINE: ¢ Granulated Ei | ss Sor Ey than Rood. ‘ibe organic his particular form lated, does ni ideken nor in= fare tha imate "hor upset. the stomacl Xe wilt eee the strength and_ n, have used it. in my own practice, with most surprising results.— Ferdinand eon M. NOTE: NUXATED 7RON recommend- ot rec: ed npove by Die Feraimand Xing can be Chicago d obtained from any good drugwist Fuarantee of success a tioney refunde is dispensed by a vee ek ae sain the wet land | good druggists. qroecsl Sameera Ty MRS, KIESO MRS, KIESO SICK SEVEN MONTHS Restored to Health by Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff, After first removing the-cork of a bottle from glue do not use it again, m its place insert the stump an it can will never cxaspe ae ‘Giocngne and the glue | not possibly spill. —“‘For seven long mi iz Faaakeg ts from a Female: oubl th with sister asl [ea dia EB. z, Mokhane Vegetable Com= xn six bottle and to ‘today oe Seca able to do It’s wonderful how quickly a hot oa with Cuticura one followed by a in sane ean every ue toilet ae rpose: Samp Mail. Address pos tard “Gutlettres Dept, Boston, U.S.A." Sold throughout 'the world, ailing woman in Canada is _ * ee in) vited to write to pe ty ER am Medicine Co, (confidential), » Mass., cial advie: tis fer wit Ring you heal Ith may ESTABLISHED 1962 7. TO PAINT RIGHT For wear and beauty of rs Bi paciat PAL IN CO. Makers of Fine MONTREAL TORONTO n tne oven aie eae heat to ay have thin’ muslin bags and these again paper ooh tie) tightly and insects ie apbarS THE | BOL an cone into a Bagae spot. _ the Russians Kind of | sa 1e—blo: 1 - OP Saseiletiid: ~Furthermore so-strongly piealine sinus buying®: 28 ble pi veer ife is:to Iéarn indo what“has ‘been wrongly done, Mail service by ‘airplane between

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