Milverton Sun, 18 Oct 1917, p. 8

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ANNOUNCEMENT ! ALCOHOL STIGMATIZED AT QUEBEC. Letters From Overseas | : z src, ee Air Raids on Sage GENTLEMEN !—Try Engeland & Son for port: tie. fv el: d the Ken! ee tee, Pather:Lortic, who; es ea as ve 6 oF ‘and_ 8.00 a ee) rested with’ great Dame they came. towards, London.” ett er tom the above report you fin He ‘said that he hhad fought te liittle alarming information, but it : Si \) es ie} e its | The increased price of newspapers new situa- 01 eeting Monday of At a large proh in Quebec Ci irae ae Ree by ald, Padi Y|Hon. Judge namely. the. one-cent selecting 4 daily newspaper, the rally, desires to obtai that ma give all the news at fhe interest Sun readers to with such, information as will be of hardest, and when one did not kno dost wnat Reppene, who oa ea ee Cattery GATHAA Ts | ots ete ee mae aatantanod [evict tnedy the pxents of che sien ; ives : of the many that the Huns have fecccing, coupled. with, fs live: stark tna ree sane m_ who had | visited. this coun! first warn- We used to do business just about the same as other good stores. We bought recognized the need of a@turately in- | to-day to influence people in, favor, 0 joe ee Str ss ‘hail b pines trom the best products of the few best makers. We made prices as lowzas pos- Ropaios the: tac and ye, suc ee een ampion is een ee oee Netter te aiag akon aug. Ue sible, and our business grew and gave reasonable satisfaction. Then we the cualt of this attention the World ‘euro au Onbar, Ei ueear buglers. ong the troops came to a point where we wanted something better, and. we broke awa ing ‘centres, and all i ont eat eee tone, f0r slong’ before’: him [thers ttle commotion. When from old methods entirely.----NOW WE CHOOSE OUR FABRICS ere. value to investors is promptly re-|there were ‘the French, Canadian eeiphg ci the ene Or tee a the news columns ef The World lity He, de fect arnt ie ane A ae poys etry Sek aoe i : cover and tal chances, and up 5 a ; will be found a com ete maaly Fores. nat to mix up in the anti-prohibition @ present time ritzy has little We secure the services of the best designers to Ginn, CAUSE maeneles Sq epecial lavirad: fle vamarked that Re wan not suCcess. at des z the morale develop style and individuality.-And we see correspondents, The ews and a habit of letting himself b Hthe fighting men in Britian. rt : heer S daily war summary ws and alin the habit of letting himself be in-|rwo hours later I was leisurely strol- to it that the manufacturers put in better lin- res of ae Ropanee Pail Worle recalled having been ielegated 0. Vie ant ‘ sane sree aps ings and trimmings than go into or dinary Lee teat brain even, | mieet igo. late ‘Sir James Whitney, |°ame discordant notes of the syrel ready-made suits, and label them Engeland ’ en Prime Minister of Ontario. He the time, the streets were crowd- &S Mil oO routes on day lication, and courteously receiv nd sub- ee errinic with wht on, Milverton, Ont, ot arket pi yw accepted by|mitted his appeal in behalf of the |Co'sgity the stream of humanity mel- oh — . toth buyer and seller in almost every| French Canadians. On hearing. the| fed away. Naturally, the female pop- © The result is th , market place in “Ontario. -In tact Jap pal. Sa s “i sei Aisio ood aie at pemehriene A S The result is that Engeland’s clothes are better than ig Yonk, but insist on rst learning the [French Canadian vote Hel Soy sseelene belay the nervous ny other clothes sold here at the same price, Offering any Te ar conenueitian ton CLCE he ‘Prench, Cavadians. ie there seemed little danger of any and it is not because the price has been lower- which he had replied: Walt Ferare|visiting cards being sent from the ed—it is because the Standard=ofZExcellence other industry which has re-|them.” Mr W os dead now, [89,1 meandered along to the out, has heen raised ceived special attention in The World Bee , HOW, | skirts of the town. At a distance, the 2 ota etuicatiesiien sn is Wart he speaker continued, and he did not} is guns. were. coughing out their yf -|know where he was locate e F : i larly that of New Ontario The en; |antis held, that, probibition was a deepen 1a (Oat ain Wa A careful comparison will prove what we claim. in this fidustey: the large number of |of their fantastic exaggerations. It Mas diy ied pesthy eel) oh Come in for a look through. We assure you wen ees its the eaceeaa GA was a radical law which had for ob-|f. hore about 7 p.m. It is now 6.55.) a careful and courteous treatment whether taslo Draenei te Pay est he sauragnaug Be Vices Tt Was |The booming of the guns in all dir- you buy or just look. ita Importance to the people of this fequence. to the. great catialen Rapeue eee Seite 4 ate Hee J great province. ymperance whic been waged i sotiephet ta gees te eum, ne he es (ipo rote en eS It doesn’t make any difference to us what you may ime 0! iniqu; ut since ie time +. 4 z can be obfained, eluvb ed with The Jof Mer. L wal. An attempt had been | After, SIar-eazing a § feat ate want to pay for a suit—thatis a point for you ilverton Sun at made to Qu le the name ofChiniquy |¢2 which have an entirely different to decide ; but it is for us tosee that you get meRGvetenS: Ae bie Mletay to-|hum to our own, and suddenly close what you pay for, and we do it too. Whether 54 Poecrn peepee eg est eas- |p big anti-aircraft gun coughe fi Shee ¢ : CENTRAL ily have been expected from the may [out its heavy load. Right there yours your preference is for grey, brown, navy, blacks or fall mixtures, you rea hed Groved weokt and: the antis aie een promptly ant Bro; will find them here in a very gratifying assortment, Z{|could not bring out, official figures light. ‘What goes up must athe ad ‘o show that it had done harm any- ; . STRATFORD, ONT. Penta ree Pa outer mne mmoae ye ne Tes efore “the te For the Boys and Young Men we have some of the snappiest styles you have the ni ‘or the “Frene wn’? 0! iC, J S ver st eames reaateeaataat | for es This city around [@it, Dirates were pattering on the es peer receive the members of the i pelea phen hy During 3 mont +4 “super r race” returning from the See are ea at For the older men and quieter dressers we have styles of conservative genteel designs that give you a Sp Piette whol fe thos | trenches, IC would be well to do two! sry rate he failed to umioad any of well dressed appearance, 3 cit Rood positions — Commercial, snore |||bars to receive them and to hide the Baie airy Carees B ver Coane ee Se ee a Get ourhee catalogue. te witinteret’ J] young girls and women so that they seemed to find an vig Parag Nee ae _De&- McLachlan, might not be insulted. It would be | circle of fire and headed homewards. Wott, any, [Well to see that there was nothing ee The Hun may have aeracked: is ea en he Se vance showing of the Newest es ittle head the; fe , there are a gr y who the Artin talked tee of liberty. ‘ i still look on: his nefarious work with We Want Now a a words, mus, aed corn On, tie parila even te e challenged the most intelligent of | noticed many girls strolling along as in omen’ reliable agent in Perth county Of the werd “liberty.” He then re_| unconcerned as if not e tg sll Peliunle Poatoss Fro and [fered to the ants dialing” che (OS™ ne" te Perey ithe ih 4 Y eriptures and Catechism and the ; Se - 4 ies aoe nee one priests, and ho: e; he said, were the were circling abe enem: pears RESH from their individual boxes, these stylish i ae apes ee ne ae sa uy Nw sire is a. po agitation through New Suits and Coats give you an advance idea 4] What would those sam say if] Cae Ge na for epuisals ee mee of what will be worn during the coming fall and a Of the choicest nursery, stgck includ- they heard the expressions which fore the people of Germany ‘wall winter. There are so many stunning new styles that | rieties contro . : = t } Handsome up-to-date selling Perel th lips of a good low lemon” of netic are ial eee on description could not do them justice, Styles that q ment and a splendid Canadian gr bees t ld be quite a differ-|yamning be sent thi which it are so widely different from what has been worn :; stock to offer customers. re [ent story then, | The. antis would lis intended to bomb, so as to. give the hercioe ; 4 not jobbers. Write now for agency |PFobably come to St. Sauveur to hold |civil population a chance to seek here-to-fore, embodying the very essence of refined ES terms to— way re, ee ae safety, There are score: towns taste and good workmanship. Navy, taupe, brown Bt PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. |uage as they did in other places he ms Seiad eet ‘bly hear Se and black are the predominating ‘colors, made in | fe eee sacs ere une at a bundle of high explosives being beautiful qualities of rough finished cloths. ¥ COMMERCIAL ovinehe the pariah whicl wast con | um ee ee yee is y Wheat, per bushel ........¢ 2 10 $2 10 Ano one cece a ie a sponsible for many beautiful ditties Whil é sauce 1 j Lee eae 10 1 10] the poor and laboring classes, but for Sn naar a ak aR ety AS Boe fen lencies are generally upward, i ‘ 8 2 the wealthy a edacatad (1B PESOS La at you will be agreeably surprised at the low pricing pues 09 | TE weuld ‘mean fewer rogues among |fy up and hang a blazl the big of these delightful suits and coats. 5 85 | th ers, fewer criminals among) shining orb, he would get about six- 6 00 6 00! the physicians, ete. They needed pro-|toen decorations across his chest : 6 26 G 90{hibition as much, if not more than é e. 33 00 48 00 | editors to pray for them, “He also See ee ge PADIS ae ) eae 0 |zecalled a ball which was held at the ae $15.00 up to $25.00 5 | 1675 ET BO Herne, ca utlcings "and “where| |The editor received the following ’ | De enna nouoe pobined By, fe selt-ahd wor ieteen from Duncan Valentine 7 10 | men hai ‘0 the most disgraceful { 130 1 50|svenes. Even those “who preached |"°" LADIES’ TAILORED COATS ; 28 9g{against prohibition needed the law, Somewhere in Fi H i024 here were e amongst the sell ahes ept 24th, 1917. $10.00 upjto $40.00 18 99 |Whose conduct not exemplary. |Mr, M. MacBeth,— te 131 There were also clubs from which a vs certain intelligent class had to be ow'll be serornee at 10 —-13}inked home b: in the early|me writing you. now, but you _ 10|hours of the morning see there’s a war on and i ‘prises. L di ‘we wan t§ pg eee These New S dc 4242 the job” the other day in adies, you to... ee ese New uits an oats ~{ THE MILITARY SITUATION non the imponsible hypothesis of |t te De. tee ee to serve the’ a ess does not consist in aiee mies staat broke te bona To- HOMESEEKERS' ‘Ont. rade Toronto, ie pata erection japers fone Pe aces prices. vel to papers fro ae to 150 per CANADIAN PACIFIC arr in ‘the cost of s beer B. Howard, District Passenger Boke ink of all grades, “cent, The | bro ught the ma- others They did not yet realize the |deai food- Goitker heard wet Dick a rolling of 1 ‘ORY. ‘cinder paths” around Milverton Auction Sale wi ha “Tin Lizzie.” Well, good luck a General Smuts. jek you have done “your bit” with- ; ilitary aspect of the situa-|out being coa: ppose you y REAL ESTATE IN MILVERTON tion is satisfactory, To-day wé have|have heard that Douglas Small had : i 3 s conquered, the victory is ours, The|Deen killed and that Lorne Barr : ; D. Weir has received in-|Germans understand that perfectly; |had his arm shattered, and will likely 5 4 structions from | Mr. sn iiehe they are able to the final result |lose it, 1 am a aid ou Jatoon is “T me 0 sell by~ public auction ai e | 0: Yr persistent mil; resstire, |0ine to, be small wi en we retur 4 Gueents Heed Matve he of our persistent. military pressure, |Z0in#. to. hg, ama "God. grant that he Store with the Stock - - MILVERTON day, 29th, 1917, that “valuable tive, we s many in nearly the ae Nong a lasting peace will-be estab- 100" acres consisting of lot No. 29 in|same ponies that she occupied in | lishe lave seen. al ‘onver- the 13th concession of Ellice. On]1914 or 1915. She has little or no|Sation with your old friend and my the premises is erected a two-storey |improvement to look for. Jd_ platoon commander, Liew brick house with kitchen and wood-| Can one doubt, on the other hand,|A- Moore, who is now with the 58th hed, new bank barn with stabling | that g feelings of te Me Bn. address is | P une: underneath and driving shed; well |sess her as she sees the nations range | Valentine No. 727383, “D” Company watered, well fenced and drained.|themselves side by side against her, |>8t , Canadians, FP , CLs We reer oo On good road, 1 mile from school,|the financial markets closed to her, |Just now I am with the Pack Mules |THE AWAKENING IN GERMANY. ae bound together by a com- ‘ward. The; ltranquil paths of p ace, from the ss 5 5 . : Og vy y are the Sa is a great gay pai pee “80 rods from store. Splendid farm. |her food problems becoming each {delivering supplies up the line and mui of ideas, They are gone— hope—the hope that: German {dark valleys where Tyranny lurks to Bee & two o’clock p.m. lay m ‘ore acute, her econ- | believe we some eae The Toronto Globe. some to the grave, and some to eat people will be saved one the pact as mountain tops where Democracy SS aE of purchase |°Mic, future hopelessly compromised | off and on when Fritzie opens uw, s the democratie idea effecting a oUt feed ears ind pxiso rakes § ‘ose who make war |looks out on a new world, The blood be ras tae hint Se land her name more and more detest- We've had casualties alright, but ton iadetnen in the minds of the Ger- waiting dawn. They are on ‘rath and ere and Humanity, |of these sailor revolutionists may be y down, balance in thirty days. |¢47 "In short, she is faced with the|sidering the nature of our work and| man proletariart? This is the ques- £0M@ bot thelr itaasdivesip to. 1andle in the end they will find|the seed of a better hope for Ger- W. D. Weir, Custoneer: prospect of being strangled leath, |the amount of it do, we've been |sion that rises uppermost as the news other hearts, an nerve other arms salve or from. wii fin any and for the world. N fi August Mogk, Proprietor.| unless the Ent wers again y. Of cot do most of |fiters throu: i Snags? ‘or the day deliverance. These | me weeks ago Ri troops re-|the Kaiser nor cae ed hosts g25 mn the doors of the world to her jour work under ae cover of dark-| Gorman flee! eran toraed Hdleness German sailors. that eae ssn died treating from Riga ee ‘behind ens organized tyrant x the terrors hat does: the off ness, Say Mac, how would you like |¢f the Kaiser's pee orded fOr a grea a message to, the oncoming, German death can fetter the soul that is fs ‘0 ride a mule? Of course we have|>yportunities for the £1 a Teminding them. tha‘ ing to be free. Yesterday it was inal The nh of Te of nally ha have he! n . eon here is nothing now ho’ up your pack cover ‘ rep f Germany. Yesterday they and aha ‘weapons of war, but in the |™ may EXCURSION S [aently tongs mn peace, all her you have a very comfortable seat. |°ratmnous ‘sailors, of W se cen ur enemies. ‘To-day they ae in the weapons of, war, but in the | fiat will stand before ihe ‘anti ith people feel het, their position is atptes Mae a Sot ps too, | With Socalist leaders in Berlin is ‘the remembered as men who saw peoples from slavery to freedom, seaking etsy Hein a oF oe " ere Tee ake.” You l frst 7 Hace™rom the emeny Feat light and whe went breast for~ from the fields of ved war [seeking entry. i e om 0: But before thinking of peace, we |Se¢ we walk up a) ide back and | .ounts e outbreak of a orn humanity. must be certain of having finished |Stop off at the Y. ‘oY a CUP bwar, y is entering on the last} with Milita: Imperialism: Befo: a the, x ie — great ind most fateful phase of the con-} [ffs Reus sny peace, those. who are Sunes ioe’ ane cool serine (ict. e zollern and the | fy charged wi e destinies of the na- 2 Kk is stirri th \ charged with the destinies of Tiiider-|the other day? Angus MeKinnen, Ihones iy a neminder that even in| ROBERT M MANE ation to the s, for [our old minister's son. He is looking) Germany itself the days of sutocrecy Cc i that we sien will depend for, gener very well and seems to be HAPPY. | are numbere a ; o ; ‘MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Seen re Ree ane great: reaches you and if you will forward |yyg Le years the Goman Deo: FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER. Every est that the human race h {a copy. of the “Sun’” with the prize /Qiea that Kaiserism and the iaciena | : played~for; patience and confidence list in it, I will be exegedingly grate- [Of “aiine i shall conte | TUESDAY [eesinscrenerne! re © [iitsed there too, especially vats |e atone erence the do “ALL RAIL” = aleo by. certain of: winnin; for be ras always Teeter te: lend a pine, payer oe eran: ery ce SALES AGENT FOR and a’ c ow, y ; x THURSDAY'S STEAMER think f will lose, wishing. Mrs. Magee tain: death : “Great Lakes Routes”, Papers Away Up. eth, yourself and family and allt) Oyoiong the reign of crowned des- | (Season Navigation) On the different kinds of book pa- US ate papoines: Hict_frlends |podlam. At last the soul of Germany| Cc ‘Your Future Is in the West eereange ey ae office increas: |Pte. Duncan Valentin a eva eee, ee beget |< : The fertile prairies have put, West int to 123 per cent. on Eggshell with hopeful intensity to the expia. Beant i a Tteda: on the ma There are ; vit Re AManillas have gone up a OG mf erin a8 fe hberty am eautiful streamline body, roomy and comfortable. till jousands 0! pera waiting for|per cent., 01 rat pping an en ry. rl angen, age jumanity. a ry up- as i eas al man who wants a home and pros toated enamel, from 61 to 69 Dae fies caoaates ae BeHOEO ra for rising of German sailors, who fell For POWER and ECONOMY in operating—The McLaughlin is unexcelled. erity. Take advantage of LOW nee Bon papers have increased pony |beneath the iron wheels of Prussian - "ATES and travel via m 50 ctr cent and fat [Constable ‘Windsor Sad that he had |Juggemaut! But to-morrow it ma as nit d past, and the iron wl grind into the blood-stained dust the crowned heads that stand between} CANADA'S - STANDARD - CAR st e world and peace. Only a few

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