| Cuts Down Fuel! Bills. : ed by ‘The epindors fequites less fuel than, sel other ranges McClary fe a followin ‘Mis. ND) Our Famous Line of MEN’S and BOY’S SUITINGS Taking for our text, “He profits most who serves most—he who serves best, serves most’”’—we put in force a plan of etailing that tends to centre more and more business here —by making it to the advantage of the public to give us their patronage. If there’s a man who can’t be suited we’d se Aas ie pent, like to see him. If there is a man whose tastes can’t be met ht. ‘The serious time: Call and see our up-to-date stock. aaa 01 reer he is a stranger to us. 0. DUFFIELD doubt, Canad The Up-to-date Tailor, I wish we Monkton, + Ontario W. D. WEIR’S LIST OF receiv- Jeter wt Gale- ma. her. son, Lieut, Wallace a former Milverton boy. matter of recruiting, but si Sater effort than ay be. No ae in the she must tee, U.S. address—NaD) in St, Sultalo, NY, - |Dear | Sur, this ’pistle wi Is goin to maik you rm goin to tel you of a The Hempire wil re; egret Ley SEES of sumthin as you eae a bottel neers ns : fece > buckit tween sour fect || _ The iehed market price will be paid _ be given. We s supply cans and pay the express. Ship your cream. ‘to a ‘hts and test will ‘The Pearl Creamery - MILVERTON and ELM Prepare For Winter ! ‘Was wearin a bro [ : a bi ease the 2 : France, March ‘Ast, 1917. |g Pitch ‘the brney ee System directs” heat Twice Dear Mother:— 1c he faround the oven and stops the usual | Received your welcome letian last) 5 Yow caer ine 96 ‘ona ~ for cream. Ti oY ee a er aa ; Sons aent ee ar aa stone cream. True w wastage. Send for illustrated dess sre well. Am feeling in excellent| about four years ago I See Than r shape myself and so is Angus. I saw| 9, 7 from Muscular Paes eating honkiet, ‘We mail it free.’ last night and we had quite a Se acetal : \\|little chat. Saw him a f minutes aa oe par ee 8 | aS I ieee keep, you longer now; = Sunday afternoon for a few jee sof bo fanboy Til tel you Peas bin dun |minutes. He saw d George ae ‘3 ‘And then’ Tw sabiish it and Ern in. Hochester on Bnesdey: Tips fieseme relief dooms FP als In prent in Reet raoee “Sun : s =a wel saw out PANDO RA RANGE per ee : Se ce (or Ben ga an three a us Bot, horses | 9. 38 ‘ciDby, thare’: fe a time a Wee - LORDoN bg) ONTREAL |W RIE . VANCOUER ‘and rode over to see ‘The day |g, goin to gil ve hele ey peea a een ea like aanly Se 1 “Wats up?_and who wants me? . jour ride, ,We are back Oub of the|) ste at ee ut? ae a 5 : | For Sale by A. C. Clemens, Milverton | wgomds at he eae oe yen motor and fe 10, | |The Caines telled out mE — = eee eave ore ees yon ent Casiada gs oper ‘= gh-| | Thinks ee “The King is kum again, would hardly know there was a War'|'as a commercial traveller 2 reg el And Pil git my reward.’ on. - It is still very much on, how-| | yeard*servic Bub dist st as 1 got fe the : door, e and before many months we) = iced under be - What Ue bistep to You—to Your Pocketbook—to Your Personal pence it will be on ne than ever, jee ) W. Th = & = a fee HY it Conforms to Sound Business and then I an eSe to see a_ crash. serge Gin Pills « sent sat ie soluen formed three sides & Judgment to Select from Eyery man of 1 e. Canad . is con-| sequest {0 Dog & =e ee ee ia’ “the fact of the matter is,| Go: ‘canada, ited Moronta, of f9 | And every faice of all the mien ake Oh C.. struck 2 eritiuper best. The w 2 chow is the hardest Job of all are never done. eve thing to defend them, but j [little Red Cross flag, whicl ind means nothing bearers have to be the bravest a8 ork during any kind 0: 20 cand have absolutely ae soe falas, to ber, sed, “You dirty ku: grenadier, oe e-gunner, fle- | T: foe jist say Sales ward mn, scout, signaller, runner, engin- jabb you in the e: ten, stretcher bearer, eyelist, observ- é PROPERTIES FOR SALE! be bce northwest part of Lot 10, concession 6, Mornington (Ne" an) Fo od comfortable dwelling, bank barn, good stabling Ghar sad ar ane. ne water. fueron. t 1 acre of land, vane peetee ase and soft w: in the drivin; ne ds and ol s the proprietor zee ‘it work owing to Atnelth. Apply to proprietor or W. D. Wei guy: trenches on chomestern 27006 |and. have ueved Deas) = aun are |Aad ad, ar ened: EYES dios ettect upon the moral of Bete ARNG. cohol dora ae sy fe ae froaps: ebaee tea risked their lives in “No Man’s Land” Hae vquere Seal eee nee ee Meee Ome always tin failed pitars| Ter) DON a Gere Hal Bena. Sat Pe gee nae Parnes Wat we must not forget that a \imost into daylight a flash and the Bee great many fresh divisions (6 Coy" |erack of 50, many mauser ifles The, drums str up, the, ffs plaid pga division is, Appa ma ety iis | comms ou thar gow gre in forbidden ie “Hogue's March,” kuss oun set pe Mound And ? eae marehin rite in frunt offensive, an tl troops flushed | with thelr suecesses are of very high ral, eserhey will have to pees peaeet badly |v vice is essential Nc T am not belittling tie service of tee eR $8005 ee, ules sale—Boot and + ge of Newton. Doing a good business, in an Al local Suity pete ee pee OF ‘cay, (pave. given. you this illustration just dpnceition, an up-to-date stock at invoiee fica ee a ane ok a, to show you how far wrong. some fe didnt ware a $7000 Wil buy that sp! parka 100 acres, lot 3: Elma, all un- veatest struggles and the fierce: ae sie ome, peeD Pa Y cultivation, comfortable dwellin ga prsiel fuside, 2 bank barns, |est ba tam ants heir boys are actually at the front.) I felt a Kil, wich maid me jump jucer and the re ‘drilled wells, 1 in ome never= aie Jand in good locality, | This is not meant to dishearten any the. ont un 3 SER oe Mag Pout oF feet In a be powerful motor that plays three well drained, See eee arovent avercore ity dante ce Tae Thee wading = hoy Wtdr-edd tet ime Shen records with @ single winding. $11000-— Will buy 188 acres of land lying at Linwood, in Wellesley Tp. lence. The people at home know| Cty of battered ground (censored _ ‘ne Yr Ail ander cultivation, comfortable dwelling, bank barn, cement |almost nothing of the real thing. DOE Ree Oe eanadien pic aint ago to let tie do dabling, A. splendi mi serean only draw upon, their imelygachcseer over hare and thoy ara Sees a. Sabon WWieboy he south % o: ia eit and the north %, of lot eS Se paeeineuion For | often very amusing. ‘They quite of- ‘And wen I tel him wots bin dun, , Mornington, brick house, kitchen and wood | Some peop © eos: y poor. fi 1 {ten have actual photos o Canadian| He’ll maik the Hempire ring ste “bank” barn 99x60, *ariving shed, drilled well, wind mill, wire example, people, used to say, and Tl boys at the front, I have often seen fencing. farm. EE conde eee 1 Tider | these and recognized the background | With, shaim; and then git the Laird 20 oe buy. a splendid solid brick. house with good stable, hard and | 2" pe err oe fact, te ting ee Ee rly well known rr, 1% acr f land, Newton house could not |°°%>5 the safest, bar accidents, ¢|place in England. Usually they are} Of Lunnin town to raze writ Fon less than’ $1600.—"Terms easy. one, of the safest, bar accidents, of /faken in France, but the absence ofA Big Pia nae nadie ‘fo me (and on Easy s1800—Wit bay. Jee 1, con. 14, Ellice, 100 acres frame house, flat barn |" T'used to think, and most people at| Shove atte eee ee eee To last me all my daz: ss close to railr ome do yet, that stretcher bearing : , j Come and see me if cee want to buy or sell your dwelling or farm, It |would be much eae Rediceter than Vor Pau eon hence al ae gle pane not the few ing a fighting man. Stretcher the trenches, it is usually a picture) To kevitt the ffers maiks me glad; . — of Canadian army service corps men that kik maid me sik. gathered together at some place fur- oilumpbDla raronoia ther bi ‘an even our rest billets. |I hed to stand most all the time. ‘ This is, of course, not surprisin kant sitt in as chare. we eonsider who took them, |I’ve used two pints of linnimint, ea eee of this nature are not But still the pane is thare. apt to closer to the line than bar they can ats espenially if they think Thay, ‘think thayve “dun ae ee ey can rig up a fairly good pictu: away back. Then, of course, there) In soa ae. tiie ane are some pictures whic! ‘e genuine oe oe to kno now I am out, The demolished buildings, the shell- goin to win this war? torn ground and the mud spattere signs sho f the picture is: not |Wen Kizer Bil reeds in “The Sun” faked. The photographer in this case T'm at_libb: e AN MES, aN NY) Get Behind the Wheel of a Ford and Drive = If you have never felt the thrill ee thjng good in store for you. RY it just once! Ask your friend to let you “pilot” his car on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. driving your own car, ‘there is some- It is vastly different son just riding—being And especially so ify you drive a Fo! a passenger. Young boys, cs an uae and sret 5 spate thousand of them—, a driving Fo d_enj joying a ae stops and starts in tra on n country roads and hil its strength and Cover ie to advan' Bas a ot and you will want to be behind “the wheel’’ constantly, CoG Runabout - $475 Touring - - $495 ‘THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. Gropp, Dealer, Milverton ing an a or some place that is dear to real and which are set out to write, but I guess I week or 0. stillyin quarantine, but I hope ime, ' Hope all at are keeping well. With love.—Walla ee OF OATS.’ ies. A bushel to the carrier eral hava Be. ut it would d and the generous act wi ‘het in tak- | He'll ner Old Hindy ee Gis and send dian hea: And want Old Hag look silly then, You have probably seen all these n he hes to fite me. different classes of pictures and you well ish hiss een out of France can judge ourself which “are aif akro Well, this is a Tiger ee than te x am feeling fine. ee i a ca Bg ee Pee ES Rg OS 3 5 8 8 of 28 os ee. 5 So. we By enaniatad by the falhttt mail man. An Efficient Commander. then he se; “ai Adams, you it be o dsehared, d sent akros the need 0 ne ree no sodger} aa kant fite; a _kin do is dri And ae "all vittels you, ean steel, No matter if they stink.” At that, I got = rk bee mad, mor other He spiled ay pinietors thet’s sure. Now is the time to choose your new range. assortment of these on hand at reasonable prices. them over. We will be pleased to show youzall the good points. Last of all do not forget to get your supply of your order with us, We will supply those who place their order first RANGES!! RANGES! We haveya fine Call in and look coal. ‘he cold weather will soon be here and you will need your furnace installed. We sell the famou: Sunshine and Hecla Furnaces ‘We will be pleased to give you estimates on your requirements. Remember Your Goal Bin Leave wun’t ware it agi Na: not if King Saige Kom hisself, And sed he wanted men. eae fifes pad drum eeruee a behind an stud ne: The Ries ranrenis os "neer the Hardware Merchants, M. E. BETTGER & CO. }T MONKTON > band; And up kem the 0.C. As if Ihed a swoon. But wen, we got outside the kamp, ‘The big man razed his fut, And Gosh! T wished with all my mite, yplain for me. 5g eae Millbank. won’ afer wood job printing, try the Sun e, J. E. WEIR, Agent MILVERTON Terms, if accepted) The $33 model of the ela, here Acie prgee esse: tials that ge to Sent on Approval— This $33 or $50 Model he is home *, giv missed be a BPP listen oF ow children or others ten or interrupt your The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada {Good service */* © our true intent.” ani PARTY-LINE sae Co- -oper ation: $ £ach subscriber should co-operate better the service on his line. The practices suggested below. ve been found to greatly improve party-line service : 5. Anewer promptly when aa hear your ring. — : s Retoecaling find out whether neighbor’s conversation when bi eigenen eee the line use ip your receiver promptly. i ‘Emergencies will dries “tha MM Make eae as brief as - oan emergency cal A ete the line open and make the using it ency <a ate up service of ne value to Hee 6 Risngrh tee *