| Model Eighty-Five oA Matter of Choice oe you are a lover ef i six- cylinder performance, or if your _ choice is a car equipped with a tried and true four-cylinder ie: engine, you will do well to look into the merits of the _ Overland Model Eighty-Five. This is the popular model that is built in both motor designs— either a Four or a Six. Both are big, comfortable cars. The Four has a wheelbase of 112 inches—the Six 116 inches. Both are beauties in appearance and in action. Cantilever rear springs and big, roomy seats afford solid riding comfort for five people. If you have decided to invest in a moderately priced, real family car—one that will stand up under steady service— drop in and ask for a demonstration of this Model Eighty- Five. Overland and Willys-Knight Closed Cars Light wheelbase {3 Passenger Touring Coupe—112 inch Ei steph 5 Passen; 112 in " (3 Passenger Touring Coupe—116 inch wheelb: _ Light Sixos—{ { Passom ger Touring Sedan—116 inch wheelbass ioe * ead bring the 4 Bite Success. WM. ZIMMERMANN, Dealer, Milverton Willys-Overland, Limited hbase and Overland Motor Cars and Light Commercial Wagons lead Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario ‘Short Stories Retold. A Bible Hero. A ragged darky emerged from a and turned to call ‘You, Mo’ over!” he yelled. “Come yere to me, fae A visitor from eue4 North had ae ed his automobile on the road y tire, faut caught the S peore "s words. ae it did you call that dog?” he oss ‘ealls him Mo’over,” said the ar] “You mean Rover, don’t y “Naw, suh, I don’t mean ee I me: Mo'over.” aoe Moreover a funny name for ocNaw, suh, hit’s a reg’lar dawg . name— come outen de Bible.” The <tonae shook his hea “I am pr ety, W eer | aequainted Ag es ‘Serintares he ae eee aye a preacher. hand of any dog in ihe Bible ies called Moreover.” “W'y, boss,” said the darky, “ain’t you ’member whar Be a aay. in de bible dat Lazarus et de mbs wich fell m de rich man’s table, an’ Mo’over de ries licked his sores?” eee _A Diet for Heroes. yn. Merritt, a Tennessee news- tands. s) is a newspaper two old Cae eere in es- eribing what to a they | had in the Civil War, my especially in the of ‘the same, n th sted : ’ told tore for four “weeks, just Sorore. the Surrender, Be yee on chen corn a id muskrats, without sal His old Reade ‘sat silent for a minute; on then—according to Mer. nq i : “Bill, Te ever eat any smothered in coal fare” eee ‘A Calm Cape Codder — Cape Cod folks ate. proverbial for for | self-possession and of languag e jackass. re. er slippery, eel; every rent, lies ve! *) soa better git in?” poses everybody. Hadn't you| infantry,” said one. “Wha? fo? W you fool nigger, ae sei ’ zp oe v1 ee 4 De: ey Metts so. But an you evah stop ne Segah dey has to retreat pone Sho What about it?” this Wenowe’ en hhristmas boxes for a ” are to be don Novem- hae “Any _commebauigns: will bs received. er busin reni ta Me Reinhold Yendt, and is © his farm north of the eoa wal oe a devote r produc| Mr. the oid 1 Baier “farm on the 17th con- aes received word Jocal expuungon: 1 fas Mins on. Thuesday don, wi ere will eveive fon in- structions poecedine is duties. Miss Laura Ste is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Stratf ‘cott, John is e Mi River S ring before the referee eat are Gite at Strat- ford on ue dne: ting iy are Heats” to the bove at the fro Sileox on Sunday mornin; impressive discourses heard here for ime. The congregation contri- buted 350 to the cau Pearl Stewart spent Sunday with friends at Brussels. wen Kelly, of the boundary of Bllice and Logan, died on Friday The faneral fap place to the Ze, of Sebringville alpit of the Luther- ‘th, and ‘ation Services. Rev. Dede, o: same pulpit and au also conduct Re- formation — Ae ie morning German and the S a large number. of youn: going up. to. Stratford tor Military Medical Examination. ihe son and Miss Olive week-end with ndon. Denstedt and James Mota aitended d the director’s meet- ing ot a Fire Insurance Co., food; on ‘Tuesday, len, of Port Ca t visiting her sister, Mrs. rling, is at Rich- prepar followed. by @ social time and lunch- eon, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Patterson and son, Kenneth, left last week o ive wecbeyisi: Ca tvendain bene a -|ford and Toronto. would be very greatly oblig- ies owing us would kindly “Well, when it co: a I aim to Tetreat an’ I don’t aim 70 be bothered wid no hoss!” We agents for the large: counter Eohoek book firm in Ganda | Your order will receive prompt at: tention at The Sun office. CS, @ SAME BF | Butter Wrappers NEATLY PRINTED Scat The Sun Office mes_to retreat- Ny" lowing prices will be given at Gill's: neta 2 for 5e, or 25e doz.; Grapes db ‘The merchants are complaining of shoplifters. | James Gill has of late been annoy- emption tribunal should keep in mind se young y mealies when a apply for exemptio: A Permanent Arrangement. Two colored. men, comparative Meeoere were in the same seat of oe coach en route to a peniten- Mow long you goin’ up for, bo?” inquired the first one by way of mak- ion. a ee the reply. i done?” took some ‘Phone 7 mal Bee ow long Hee feat you up “From now on!” party a “com= = “our |i their paren’ ‘ nkfully ze Fk . "Schade has disposed of |: ay and seni arth has ae i advant ny cession, and is now doing the: fal ayaa Read The Sun’s advertisements. to | D carried out has been e. the nce in its The. -oper-| {] he ga or avhatever other pi ind res) ee work is needed. THE DITCH MUST GO 3 took ditch,” ident.” bi week we read in the county that er’ oes articles under such headings as a “Auto in that for the new traffic. The roads are too to praise the work o eae and yrishedl future. CANADA GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Graceof God, of the United iGingdons of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions be- _ yond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in any wise concern—GREETING: A Proclamation calling out the men comprised in Class 1 as Soca by the Military Service Act, 1917. EAS iit is pro- as by our Militia Act , Res vised Statutes of Canada,1906, chapter 4 i it “And Whereas §; ~The ie yp Mee of Justice; whei yond Canada for the defence thereof, at any time when it appears grivisable tb to do by reason’ of emergency that part of our militia of Canada known And Whereas 2o"the Canadian Expeditionary Force is now engased in’ active service oveivens for the defence and security of an fi the war to provi said Expeditionary Force in addition to those inclination or circumstances have permitted them to fvolun- by reason of the large number of men who provisions of the Service Act, 1917, hereinafter referred to; aot to exceed one baadred thousand men ; it is epee enacted in and by the And Whereas provision ee Canada, holden in thi ee seared Force or ond Canada; and {¢! araeee of the See war and Uemobiliation after the conclusion And Whereas | the men who are, under the provisions al ut have no child, and who are not within any of the following emumerated EXCEPTIONS :— 1. ‘Members of our regular, or reserve, or ausiliary forces, as defined Army Act. 2, Members of our military forces raised by the Governments of yy of our other dominions or by our Government of India. 3. ‘Men serving in our Royal Navy, 6r in our Royal Marines, or in uur Naval Service of Canada, and members of our Canadian Pe satleonary kore: 4, Men who have since August 4th, 1914, served in our Military or Naval Ferces, or in those of our allies, in any theatre of accial beri hotiourabhy: dischatged’ therefrom, $. Clergy, ee any recognized order of an exclu- sively religious character, Bb nigmtera chet, religious denomina- at the date of the passing of our said 6. Those ‘sons exempted from mili se by Order in Council oe pore 13th, 1873, and ee ‘Ordce in ‘in Council of eae ber 6th, 1898 it is moreover provided by our said Military And Whereas Service act that our Govemor-General of Canada in Council may from time to time by proclamation call out and that all men within the class so called out shall, from the date eget ie Be men oo ee out shall pee in the C: Force as may be set out in such proclas pereer or in in regulations 3; but that they shall, until so placed on active service, be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay And Whereas suo provided Pate i oe ae from service upon any of the following GROUNDS OF EXEMPTION :— @) Th cic ie one eae ney in ee service, Be eet in ie which he is habitually engage @ th that the man sh id, rueend of oe employed in military service, be eogaed in other ae which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has cial qualifications ; © th That it i expedient the national interest that, instead of mm se in eae service, he should continue to be ained for any work for which he is then being Sha educated or tr: 2 (d) That serious Harkey ee Late ensue, if the man were placed on ~ active service, owing to. ie erent financial or business obligations or domestic Dosti ‘5 anfirmott com! dis prohibited from so tenets and » offaith in effect on the sixth day of July, Biro oe, eee religious den omination existing an: md well recog pee. and to which he in good any of the grounds of such eaves be established granted to such man, doing by : Ana th _ actin ttn ion shall be soereoves At Saepacted {8.808 by Ene pees And Whereas Wiss or an Act of our Parliament of Canada holden in the 7th and 8th years of our eign and known as ¢ War Time Elections Act that certain ereby disqualified ia voting witl of their sons as on polling dave are not of pilcaal ‘age, shall be exempt from combatant military and n: w itis further provided by our said a And Whereas Service Act that applications for exem| from service shall be tri urrency of any exemption granted him, be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay ; our Governor-General of Canada in Council And Whereas (determined to call out upon active service oe aforesaid the men included in Class 1, ax in the said Act end hereinbefore defined or Now Therefore Know Ye n in our said Ben hereinbefore defined or described a: that we do hereby i. E , a8 we may, in the x direction of our Military Forces, hereafter order or nd we do hereby strictly command, require and enjoin that each f the said class shall, on or before the 10th day himself said post offices and peepee executed, shall the same pre- ined to thelr Proper, destinations as by ‘our regulations scribed, free of postage of any other charge. ¢ do further inform and notify our loving sul t local ecibeale age ten nit SS ticonghone our Dominion of Canada for the hearing of app! Nes tari cet from service upon an out; that these our local tri uunals on the 8th, 9th or 10th day of November, 1917. form our loving aegsied or before the ary before that tay, inion for exemption from ee or on their bel will not be reat pees as aforesaid, until by our regis be notified to them in wit addresses ty tne rereine) e shall be subject to ies by law Of all of which our = PR all others whom these req flarquess of Hi jaron eee: of Hi