Milverton Sun, 18 Oct 1917, p. 7

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Kept Cookie the Sealed nasi ion of f ‘vent waste THE DWINDLING ONLY A FEW HUNDREDS NOW AWARDED TO H. M. SHIPS. Enormous Were the same shared by “the Navy Some Hundred Odd Years Ago. oney, the oldest of nayal dwindled woefully. hun- ‘dreds now awarded to H. M. ships for destroying the enemy>in c with the gre which our sailors in cutlass and boarding-pike used wrest from the enem Vastly different was it some hun- to them to ine on. y: phrase ee but a thing that often happen A oaable ease of the kind was that of the Triton, frigate, which captured the Spanish Santa Brigida on October ton’s captain moet $203,650, whilst men received Lo eacl ‘e trifle contrasted wi ie cap- tain’s ’s share, but a good ne 's earnings nevertheless. Favored Officers. le explanation of the. rich yield : abs that the agamlard Wad. 9 ve our our forees captur-| through any dealer in ed Havana in ne out of the treas-| each admiral and gen- $613,485, poor Jack had to be content with hot enough for a brief shore jollifica- tion, Remunerative Dream. Much more fortunate were the sea- men of the Favorite and t tive specie found ‘in ait holds alee erciy wagons, which were sent in Instance of such a shennan dl ene Wi se: fuck dead out. “Not a doubloon prize-money, not even the pleasure of | ie captain ae its pleasin flavor an healthful nature OF PRIZE-MONEY ~ - act t satafoctory 01 altered course Captain Digby fell in , from which he In the gallant West Country and in the maritime counties generally, many prize-mone: fact, was the place where fathers in these parts impatient of the w: in offices and procrastinate alae they had small king for lawy: d this ari ee fooling arte with Atay de lays, he was too So he took ship and cargo La nen and cold the Dutch for over $4,500,000. ‘Then, standing by the capstan, he call- ed his crew around him and shared out the money amongst them. NERVOUS TROUBLE nerve system is the governing system of the whole body, controlling the heart, lungs, digestion and brain; so it is not surprising that nervous disturbances should cause acute dis- tress. The first stages of nervous de- bility are noted by irritability and restlessness, in which the \ condition of the bi Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills actually make t this medicine has Dr, Williams’ Pink P' their old-time health You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six box | tor $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medi. whilst ' cine Co., Brockville, Ont. SG Se SS PRESERVE EGGS NOW. Domi: oe pled Le are that eggs ion will eggs had better te some down no’ omparatively cheap. imple and effective had better be ade avin caution. Better use tt has been tried and br. Frank T. Shutt, tion Circular No. ike a The method of reparation is sim-, f diseases is more often the cause of | should spoil the lives ae better and! yolk of an egg with a | ter, = ply to slake one pout lim quick bbe e |red for a few hours it is allowed | |settle. The supernatant liquid, high sro impressed upon the poultry- | oo from all now “saturated” limewater, drawn off and poured over the eg; previously placed in a crock or ater tight barrel. As exposure to the preeiiete the lime (as carbonat te), | 5 weaken the solution, the vessel containing the eggs should be! lak 29 The air be tends to x- | e lime-water shou! rs ihdniad off and rine vith a further | quantity newly It is siege that eitention he paid @ to the follo ce | ie eggs should through-| riod of iresetration! 45 "Epes F. will n sist towards Petane rather in arresting that * “stale” flavor ies 4 characteristic of packed & eg: “Respecting the addition of salt, must be stated ‘that ime! the egg, probably by inducing an in- terchange of the pols within and without the egg. Our advice is, do not add salt to the sreats —Experl- mental Farms Note. Best Method is Here Given by the 2 Hans the plowing: from his Exhible ren ‘wit 3 ae of air-slaked lime and . the summer, after the breeding sea- frequently imparts a limey flavor 0 part Th fitted dress with the shaped ane promises to be one of the a favorite A for the coming season. has an attractive tunic, longer pone aide tari the other, and te lis: suitable for any of the fall’ ma- terials. Note the long, tight sleeves, he | which are one of the most motleaabls |features of the present style, Pattern No. 7998, Ladies’ Semi-Fitte: at Dress. In 6 sizes; 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. © Mccary Of course, Tommy’s little. sister tained Pattern No. 750%, cis Military ae sizes; 2 to 14 years. Price, cents patterns may be obtained |the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. oS Sees POULTRY DISEASES. Ee ae for National Loss of Mil- lions of Dollars. At least fifty per cent. of the chick- lars that could be avoided to a large War conditions make it imperative that farmers and poultrymen, as far as Possible, stop this leak, and in order to assist in this connection Dr. Wick- fectas individual in separate wuarlérs: within a short time recovery does oot take place, it is unwise to destroy the fowl without first ascertaining the | | cause of the disorder. the poultry-keeper’s failure than is | the lack of aes maces ae eerene Portance of kee When trouble occurs, forward to the Biological Laboratory, Central Ex-| perimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont., a live but ‘sick fowl, or in the absence ne ich, a dead bird. In the interval, | /disinfect the quarters, runs, drinking | fountains and feed dishes to check the | Spread of any infectious disease. Sos feet the by aying the interfor with a lmewash 2 ctutton (50 i stone lime slaked in | a barrel of water s That conan an eggs only, Pail of ene plus half a teacupful of Does ane the | disini ies awe rop growing In some part | 2 si Saat ae ose poultry and | If the runs are small cover son, or early in September, makes a good crop for this. Qoxpose. Rear all chicks on fresh soll. ‘Although these Beeston may ap- it is the only way ia se condi- tions affecting poultry, which, if left to ives, will undoubtedly prove decidedly costly in the long run.—Hx. imental Farms Not : gs and toads feed largely on in- sects ais slugs. Miaard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Ete, | most) | the whole wheat grain made |1 1 velopment of the motor truck, which, Thes trout your local MeCeNl deslet; de 0M ne whole wheat fast foods and bread stuffs Substitute “whole wheat for meat, eggs and_ potatoes. ‘The whole wheat grain ¥ we perfect to man. In Shredded Wheat Biscuit. you have |" digestible by steam-cooking, shreddi bi Every particle of the whole pages grain is used including the outer bran coat which is so useful in keeping the bow- els healthy and active. For oer meal with milk, and fresh Made in Canada. THE FUTURE OF THE HORSE. The Heavy Horse Will Continue to be Demand For Some Years. ir pa an light-legged horse is ship, he will go out of business as soon as the self-guiding car comes on the market. For a number of years the heavy horse will be in demand, said Dr. J. G. Rutherford, in an address before the Western Canada Irrigation As- sociation. He is keenly in demand at the present time. Prices were never so high. After the war is over, there will be a great demand for them in wife and children were forced ch the agonizing death a the noble animal. Then, the Germans realized that they were making a mis- it their experts 8 select the aa ipatriausis giving Pi sea were often for the most Se su ae had interviews with repre- sentatives of all the large cartage companies in our cities and they say that, so far as they have gone in try- ing out the motor trucks, they have found the horse much more satisfac- tory and economical. Whether the de- oat 2. sree alinost as much as good oo ensilay als » | tween all the meals which sho} “tof total digestible nutrients. trates. What feeds e sele to purchase are at present ae mee cult pro! amounts as needed and buys the el cheapest per. nape Ciett is a p the feeder who fas rich t farm-grown roughages need pur- ave a feed less gr: eals and the meals purchased need be af a eee ‘The int gent cattle feeder ante raises on ie the The man who buys peal in Sl 00r t not a) ap) eae The and suecu- || bi Rett dulst ncigttorhoud ee Se gi = az Words and Music. — “A new Irish porter was put to work farm the best possible quality of feeds and makes his purchases of grain and meals to balance the rations meee, cahatie. and curhages. le trients (protein plus starch plus fat x 2%). For example, red clover hay con- 152 pounds digestible protein tains and 1,018 pounds total digestible nu- i. trionts per ton, timothy hay has only e. | 60 pounds digestible protein and pounds total ‘digestible nutrients n, corn ensilage has 22 pounds gestible protein and 854 pounds digestible nutrients perlton, and man, out ee of we . fa, hay in of a ration 97 per Tiere wikieneniy ene be are pur- chased for the feeding of stock. ‘The in| every corn or uld select on the basis of eateses sent prices these in order are: ‘phied tl on a railway in the north of England. | ¥§, The head porter directed the man to imitate him his duties. inte station the head porter shouts oe Ferryhill”: change for Hartlepool, | Suze aa cites change | 1e1 oor, Coxhoe, and Trun-| Barney strode after him, and shout- ed in a louder voice = ae -yhill; ee for Dahore, iderham; Uhange for Coxcomb, Moorhon Findham, gCodams kape your sates where you are.” The station master era called him ons and showed him the right n the time table. - oval his cap, and said, palletes you, sorr; I got ho a muse but I cnlaate -eatch the SoS Sg cee WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT PAIN pei Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or ny kind of a corn can shortly be lift- Bd Hatt oui with ae onnpera ak oa will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a bottle of freezone at am which will positively rid one's feet of callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether com- pound, and dries the moment it is ap- aiscileee® gedtae “heey walwheat middlings and bran, gluten feed, cot- tonseed meal, linseed oil- meal and, a prey a ey ina ae ee ela oes of tense pourleites oa ve and select his purchases ac- cordingly. Certainly if he wishes to get the most value for his money he must fol-| 5| of the passenger car, will be tal with energy enough to make it suf-| rse, I cannot say. tractor fs a thing of the past. he: spree pitts: ce at least ten or fit, n years to “Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited. ‘2 recommend MI- spate LINIMENT ae Rheumatism nd Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent fehuites “Gentleness and cheerfulness, these |come before all morality; they are the | perfect duties; if your morals make low ae eae ighest quality feeds, not ‘aioe. Coun dirt, filler and di- eds containing the desir- hheapest form. Buy co-operatively, in car-load |lots if possible, and thus save extra j freight ate and commissions. en markets are lowest, | mer and fall, and ing charges, profs made by the | s.—Experimental Marine Bye Remedy. sg etas sith Eve sateen ts Totes te Ask Murine 4f your eycle latap goes out throng lack of ofl when riding ai rn fairly we squeezed on to the wick: | you dreary, depend upon it they are | wrong. for they at | lest. they | simpler people.”—] j the | The last hundred pounds of finish | on a beef steer is the most Sse | makes a steer grade p e top of the market. Salers of the paekeet pay highest oS for the fear finished animal poe le of the Toronto ‘Pat Stock Show. nd and get th la \ The cost of silo filling is greatly re- duced if several farmers use a silo | cutter ¢o-operatively. ‘Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandrug. | Get a small whiskbroom and coak Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere. To remove coffee stains: Mix the little warm wa- , and use it as a soap on the stain. For stains that have been on the mia ome time add a fee ‘rons oui as the egg and wat ve AT STOCK SHOW Teacher—“In ee: the sentence, 1e poem was long,’ with poem?’” Pupil (editor's 's son)— e| “Put it in the waste basket.” MONEY ORDERS The safe way to send money by mail |is by Dominion Express Money Orde Italy has now 100,000 women in munition factories, against only 1,760 in August, 1914. ee ‘Linims eves Neuralgia. ¢ population of the British Em- ie is 410,000,000, and the population of the earth is belie 6 | 900,000, so that one-fifth of the entire world’s popalation owes allegiance to the British flag pres MALIN would dike. a sin ory ene Met! pages or B ferred on sae | them espo} na biti pe plas be aire yi ee yur exper and th ‘Wilson | onto, aes ie ci Ee RS, LUMP: ACES Hoey eae a = ‘us bef (oy HIGEL” PIANO ACTION, Barney. re-| How better can we ~ iMnerease F Production n by putting that extra 100 Ibs. of finish on a beef steer ? Finished animals will bring big prices at the TORONTO 1 Union Stock Yards DEC, 7 and 8, 1917 § Premium Li8t on Application. \WSPAPERS FOR all bus! | EER ene i nee LAMENESS uld of ‘ABSORB: ness Varlcos yeinss ne | Will tell you and $2.2 boule at for 10¢ stampa wry BY ia 0, aE Ay 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gans rbine and Absorbine, Jt., are made in | Canady -CUTICURA HEALS THING BURNING Rash On “This Little Baby Over Face and Head, Quite Disfigured. “"When my baby was four m she had a oe Bie box of Satan Ointment anda cake | Soapand eee of Soap and she was Seer s Signed irs. A. Down, 1040 Gert Verdun, Montes uticura Soay “aes prevent inet or other apices For pre — ae Mail ad- gress postcard Seid or everywhere, HARDLY § STAND Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. — “Why will women pay oe artnet cate for treatment and receive useless ani as youl ae ney bat Lydia pound has_ prov ia E. Pinkham Met Medicine | o, ame, “ra Sholleation tO , 18 Adelaide Street, Tor age for helpful advice given ee Eye Specialists Tell Flew To _ Strengthen Eyesight 50% In a Week’s Time In Many Instances ‘A Free Prescription ee en Have sine and ered ‘on, Mass. and those it until the straws arg 50: oft and pli- u d’s toy eae is even better than Ihe nal -whiskbroom, BY lasses altogether, I at denver en the frets ® which Pe co mB eral, ree abl 28. pense oe eer ‘getting glasses, an eye specialist of ey vSeara praekise say: 4 sultering fron inal. “with” concomitant symptoms, as agglutination gf tae dy, chranic con, tus wean eye BA: ni} it cross tho| mt ahaa t Her eyes ad the dull, sut- m to such cases, ot her medicine & pto. She used ‘and not only overcame, her distressing condition, but strani and “amazingy as it mi Strengthened her eyes! able to “diepense. wi glasses and hi au Diy bore y it works more other remedy I hav: vo ores r the e: Audis ge oumierct swide false te Spun eeutp came to my end in seve ne dered. rare ae te Cf cases. of ler says: “My eyes were fa vad! condition owing “to “tha” overs strain arising from om _protr ston: tracted micros Snot used of an eo Sitpreved what discarded by the pa disappes: sven 6. slieue i iy a you foo" iat ns okly oa aot = es ae how pelonal gred {and retained, ita nok a i sigan: rie ton ie ear inst =

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