FOR SALE! res re ee 2 to 15 hp. Given larantee as new. De gupber ob light and heavy horses. PLE oN TON GARAGE E, H. GROP! rietor s — Bs, “Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, October 25, 1917 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher MR. H. B. MORPHY RESIGNS AS CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE The following is oF a_copy of the re- ling at a paverton on ‘on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd. |ren Beas Bator Esa., servative Associati jistowel, Guke and Dear Sir:—In view of the fo! ee tion by Sir Robert Laird Borden of Unionist Bovernmente. < ee sed of vatives, which has eat in. the those Be prepared for this by open- @ savings account in the “3 Bank of Nova Scotia and de- aan siting regularly from your Pei e. 51 ini The Bank of i=! e 1 Ee PAID-UP CAPITAL - § 6) qulsite freedom, do as a party nom- therefore. respectfully re- quest aie executi ee to accept my * MILVERTON BRANCH resignation as a Liberal-Conserva- W. Huelsman, ive chosen long a geen Manager, thus leaving me in the, eet ae Autumn B. Morphy, K.C.,|_ Butter ia- rmstrong, Rees by the executive Bile, spent piecnetieys in Milvert i Hop’ iberals Conser- | 45h, e° for Wroxeter, where elimination of cots polities within Deeg with bh a is. i Pte. oe pee r-time election as a ingen gregation of Burns y morning last, failed to put in att me) Exeter wil be the Hydo centre for|the trenches and at the front, as well ° 5 s. 5 g * ach $5 RR & 5 4 A contract has been signed this effect for one man farmer in the north end GRAHAM—ZIMMERMANN—|S23) 6 982 s 's Cu Hesson, on rn unthresh- | was’ united in marriage to Mr. Hug m to assist him.—Wiarton Echo.|Graham, of Listowel. HAMILTON Sole Agent for | NISSE a Capital ee at Capital Pald-up, Surplus, = - ie Farmer’s Convenience "THE Bank of Hamilton is always cee and glad to help the farmer regarding his Cattle Business, Sale Notes, Drafts or Deposits. ~ N. G. Schafer, Manager. WSS Flesl FALL MILLINERY s Greatest Opening we have ever had. Hoeaoe Mrs. Kate Sproule MAIN STREET, ted MILVERTON Dashwood and Zurich and the Hydo as those going to their aid. snend m of the first named town will look after both these systems the E have. the honusde bee pithe GnaareOs H. B. MORPHY, |and Sunday. i up to park tall, Bee Marys, ‘today, et. 26th, morning and after- nit raham, Son of Mr. and Mrs. James|oaict church wil Pp e 3 Mr. ell SS |Cross fund U: doubtedly money is tight these stren- sacrifice Reefs dillawe: compared $0 the Toss} el 3 uous ti from what they pu e public are still one their read- Items of Local Interest. 42c Ib.—Engeland & Son. . 1 Ib. prints 42c¢ Ib.—Enge- forth ends & ‘Ben a ia re mapent, Sunday oie: fuedis ae ampstea istowel, Oct. 22nd, 1917. Rev, CN. Paddon will conduct an- at Carlingfor: 'y. North Perth Liberal Con- Brine eee Seo : P. G. Powell spent Sunday | the! fonday in Listowel on behalf of the Deanery 0 . Fre ffalo, N. in Milyertorl Goddard, of the Flying, Corps, wet ‘with | ay Riddell, of Morn- of Galt, is lependine a fe ee at his home e _dust rejurned from a e eee ae aan N Se ti Tam desirous of supporting the win-| 4" ho” Now a Sceounts Wil be charged 7 ovasco 1a See Wee Platiors, oF ie new fevers |per cent, tnforest from that dat ._, Bhis 1 cannot wi care werton Exemption ‘Tribunal | ™ will hold their sittings in the Milver- li ing in the customs Hamburg, con- Sun- R. R. . Davidson left Saturday after ‘Ss wilting. at the , “Burn- e Deanery er y, (Thur- = On Sun Cc. N. fused to allow horses to stand in his) A. quiet wedding was solemnized | addon will have for hs subject tg “Luth- even- asic sees of he M&th- hold a Balloae at ce St. ral eae: Scedlaeen, Be ‘niter part of ier st he trees SA; 1 ae LQ Ww. PORTLAND Ociober, CEMENT “Col.” Win pip lies oa Le this week app inte ralitary Fepres-| entative by it ANTHRICITE LIME Wg attend the sittings of the ativexton ree mn yee ago, | sone line ee naier at a re— Consultation invited. Teta Deedes he Postmaster RS has on exhibi- MILVERTON BRANCH tion in his al: ag of} low ‘ehopping” big potatoes grown trom ordinary potato peelings, Last ante sixteen Bhills with | S, 5 in ease of another potato famine.— |c,, Bet neen Ocatien paiterot Methodist Chareh, Calgary, e Loni ty afin before 4] Confer: Special at We pay 2c ab. for large onions.— Engeland & Ladies’ coat, over 300 to select ‘rom.—Engeland & Son. Misses Sadie Hopf ag vera Kress spent Monday in Stra are oe of a at photo- el. ae if ‘0 to bet you eet a_cream separator this immermann about a a see N. A. Zi e Lay vale Henry Schneuker, of Guelph is agsisting Mr. 0. his tinshop for a fe ewe The condition of Mr. “Andvew Cox- expected that $1,000 will be raised. Ani nm Jains, says Capt, Rev. Fr, Hussey has been transferred from Shorncliffe to | < Shoreham. Save all your dollars for the Vic- ing tory Loan. Besides helping. to win a 2 act the security ne gilt edged. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hislet,. of Mit- chell, announce oe engagement of | wh their daughter, Frieda C.'to Mr. John S ES r, and Mis, H a New York dealer bought ft rho sand of i and consigned thei condemned ‘the authors of the aaa ‘ord City in ees peorenes tol, soclesise deal autho: young fellow who came out the other day, and greeted his chum cruiser, twelye torpedo boats and one transport were put out of-action by |. Admissi : Mrs. John Mogk, of Miteh- the Ru: PERTH TRIBUNALS COMPLETE. The local exemption tribunal board’ for Perth county are now complete. The different members were summoned to Stratford on Sat- 'S irday last and met it mgadee Barron’ o the Act were. ¢ ‘discussed and technical points explai The complete Bods tor this ae triet ne are as follows, the first Dante pelag vecorimenind ue Fatt Barron and the second by the Goy- ern: ins, police’ magistrate, and Aid. s. + House, Stratford—His Hon- or Judge Barron and Angus MeDon- ald. Yee L. Hamilton and R. “‘Milverton—Charles ‘Trim, “police magistrate, and Malco MacBeth. Palmerston—Isaiah Rabb, police magistrate, and, , Marys— ik MeL ja lichell~Hoxbert Field and W. A. tewart. a © Muonidon Toki MoNanght end eine ees —W. A. Akinson and John Tavistock — Adam T, Bell and P. Military Representatives he military eee are: Stastford Lie Major Chesham ‘List owel—Lieut. A. R. Terhune. St. Moy: Mitchell—Reave W. Mai Monkton—Alex. Chalmers. Se ‘when sickness over- rived even for a short ane of his earning power. mati rt, and Mrs, Stever’s ‘many friends join in wishing fico a lohy and happy wedded life. TANNER—NOONE. Sai daughter of the lat Noone, of Londonderry, deelende inkbeiner in mel Auxiliar, ‘ine ehurch branch, Millbank, on Wednee: at Milverton. amputated. is ‘the dootorsssay that I ment > City hall, Stratford—John A. ae Gatcher “and Col. Youngs, M. St: Thomas Boy Terribly Hurt in CPR. Crash at Milton. - Albert Harris had Both Legs Broken fa and : Other Injuri FATHER WILL RECOVER. Mi Conductor Made Desperate, but Fu-|t tile, Attempt to Save Son.e As the result of a rear-end collis- ion on the C,P.R, near Milton on Sat- urday night, Gontectte Albi of St. Thomas, and his ieee Tas ® 5 Es ae S68 a= ‘| “3 legs. The boy's condition is critical and one of his le ie of Richmond street, the attend= Piled Into Rear. The accident occurred on a curve, irge of Ei as|gineer Little. of West Toronto, ploughed through the stalled freight van and comple ely. siesta ed it, the resulting fire- reduc’ ie wredenge ‘ues: bidcked for some hours. Be Others Injured. In,addition to the injured condue- x and his son, several of the pass- ene re ee ¢ Goderich train were |m fever, and was only recently able to panied his |m the | father on the trip for eran e out again. He ace Tried to Save Boy. ‘were sustain- ather’s injuries ed in an effort to. protect his boy. The two were in the van of the stall-|#) caboose when the passenger engine ploughed into it, Superintendent heres head of the local division of the C.P.R. de- clared that the siket ERAS € on the extra freight was the cause of the accident. Piled Up Badly. “As soon as the ¢ on automati- a hings up so badly in the yan that the rear-end Seeman could not ge' ut fast enough to prevent the fol- however, and this “undoubtedly. pre: vented a more serious smash,” EXEMPTION NOTES ny postmaster for a form wie Pe eal fill out and be forwarded Exemption claim papers should ue made out without delay. The me ci al examination does not ire os be taken before filling in the fo: t the post office. If it has been tak- en, the applicant is advised to attach his medical sheet to the form he fills rk of saving the church from its| Kirkton—A. H. Doupe. Fatma eee acne fina et 1 aaa ae Tavistock—J. G. ile it is not hecessary to be Of Surpassing Beauty and Featuring the amount of a, io fe ben mae fa srained auadieally Uatory aus Newest Creations and Latest ist church of Ca 7 resolution } STEVER—HAHN Elon he ie sere pes from aie ear the committee expressed its. sym- aoe ae ers pier 2 pecupeeoriek i A vetty but quiet wedding |B, C, or ©, satify immediate require. Designs of the Hour. pathy: he eing made | was solermnized: at 213, Carlton Sts|ments, if they attach their medical and accepted the allotments made to |moronto, on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, report to their claim for exemptio go me one cert erence. me: |at.7 o'clock, p.m., when Frie a, BE, |and they are not under the necessity ° ee ear et aires score lots prentae thelae be gal Methodist church were held on/>2d’qahn, of Linwood, became the|bunal. Another reason why it is ad- mia coro APN SVEREnE (hide: Gf Ads. My dl. , also of] vantageous to take the medical exam. Women who are desirous of knowing what was given, which was largely attend- Pine Ae pls dopked ciaeae een hele se ae Dipseal deeds the world of fashion will wear this fall, doors. here: was, a splendid pro- itftla ook coe ae eae Srey | thats toy, Weare De pelore aware st ae : gramme 0: solos, duetis, trios, chor- ld treat themselves to avoid and seeing the newest ideas exemplified, uses, ete. Robt. Hanna, enter. |coud a cece Ponausk os pedal snot eee ae ae tenho : tainer, of London, was present and [T0se8.8nd maider Bete tera oot weer eee d will derive a world of pleasure from our mai esides Deine ince, Miss Laura Grosse, of Toron- Millinery Display on the opening days. ~~ S&|Ren nt’. alters 9 gave |: acted as bridesmaid, “while Mr. : anyaddress Rev. Mr. Fair, pastor of poi Voniash s0n cee om: | __ MRS. FREDERICK MAUER. A wonderfully charming collection of new ted a an: The: eromnte Bite to: Mie meena : : ae ; was, pretty rove, and 19 fe| Death removed, on Monday, Oct i i val. 2 22nd, another old resident o: lice Jae: Si wa porate Tinks, After’ the ceremony, a sump-|in the person of Augusta Famme, Te We wish to specially invite every woman Be bcliete all wes sarten” | ce 02 Ste lab reve: Mans at in this vicinity to be present at this, the young couple left for a short honey: born in Ellice and in the y: ick, of Terntor ‘an irs, eorge Diehl, of Strat The cause of ieath vas dust leave fatuts, roken |] gs will have to. be | w e “Physician, informed’ The’ Adver- | farmer's i the evening, that the |i eondition ‘of. thetwo Was only fair. wi bar broke, the “NATIONAL INTEREST” ABOVE EVERYTHING. = o ey ‘B 8 Ss g ‘ds “That it a yee in the National ate ¥ émption mi may be given on Natioinal interest,” at ie mal jured father and son were |seen that the taken to London earl. Sun day morn- ing. At the hospital on Monday it was reported that the father’s condi: fon is favorable. . Thor nm. It is this. ere are many ack any of their employ- {5 ees, ae the = must “go.” Again one may believe that the service of ay, man-agent are indespensable, but such is a private necessity, and a wo- est” that the man-agent continue services to his emplo: i ae that Be word “hab- tually” Specncties an cannot, ance the 20th August last “jump the ” into a production employment and then éscape, because he is. not : “habitually” engaged in such “pro- ductive employment.” A man may mieten cn es which he desires, but in such a again, ‘1 ust be in the national interest,” that he do 80, also have ‘special qualifications” for such other work, I nts sent, or either of them is absent, then n Mee baie prisonment for a term not exeeeding |v 5 years with hard la JOHN A. "BARRON, Stratford, Oct, 28rd, 1917. Births, Marriages and Deaths. Necb—At Wellesley, « on Sept, 29th, Mr, and Mrs, H, Neeb, Dahiner At Ellice, on Oct. 22nd, to and Mrs, Walter Nicholson ee Mrs. Owen Fleming, a Strutiers Ab eae on hoe au to Mr, and Ww. daughter. Bai ch At Newton, on Oct. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edw: (Nelson Andrew.) Atiridg At Milverton, on Oct. 12, Mrs. Abe Attridge,’ a daughter, Gaal born.) is ATH: S King At Mitchell, on Friday, Oct. Mrs. Michael King, aged 72 ike ac London, on Wednesday, es ti. tien Alice Louise, daughter Mrs. John oe of | A. Mitchell, ae her 45th yi W: ee General Hospital, Nia- Falls, Ont, ., on Monday, Oct. 30 1917, Garfield William Agee ter, aged. 18 years, 2 months and (a Gorsalitz—At Heidelburg, on Friday | j Oct. 12th, Wilhelmina Pressing, re- lictof the late John per! days. Interment of the remains took place at. Sretbrook cemetery on Tuesday, Oct. ONLY “E's” ARE OUT. ee . Scissors and Razors Sharpened P. NEUMEISTER Painter and Decorater MILVERTON ct When ot human in his Nar dslivers s very the ground “that it is expedient in the {tue a gre: ire arta govern in regard in banks and in |P* THE BAN ON CANNED GOODS. and against which the wi ied a: s, W. Dahlner, a daugh-|are ism he | Niebolzon—Ip Logan, on Oct, 17th, iene at Mornington, on Oct, 17 | fro to Mr. and ard Bach, a son,|ue ni sonal There is some mi i to the médical clapsiications under the mie Service A lass 4, which is daltea out, com: prises unmarried men or widowers without children, between 20 and 34 years of age, who willbe divided into five medical’ categories: (a) Men fit for general ‘service overseas; | (b) n fit tor se ae ‘ter ent in proper sorties shape but 1g examination. A man in rjnot; he is ont of it and entitled to 80 Everyone must either . ers ran ing mption will have their cases considered on their meri rits.