a Oe ee he A Sere SS ete el eee ee ee eee ee q The Milverton San ee ge, Re ME BASES Tay Nea yaa: OR: Wim Spee NEMS eee RE Me ei ee A ee a Oe ee eh el eee te ee ee ee : ann PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ere The Sun Printing Office LV) Main Street ~~’ MILVERTON, go ‘Subs One year, $1.50 month eet iat invaiee: ‘Subscribers in a1 fears will be lial ble fopay $2.00 per "year. Advertis! oe .tes on app! 7 Advertisem: ena A 3] carrey lirectior wit be inserted Goell forbid and charged C eustes for contract advertisements must ‘be in the office by noon Monda: MALCOLM a BETH, Pubiisher and Proprictor. BusinessCards Dr. M. C. Tindale, L.D.S. Honor graduate Toronto Untversity. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK a specialty, hone No. 88. Office: Over Bank of Nova Stotia. Medical. Dr. P. L. Tye Offices Pusiic Drue STORE, MILVERTON Hours: ribet 2to4p.m. ptm, e Italian front. fi oto. d 7 to 8 Legal .H. Bi Morphy, K.C. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton. ieee east wa ‘ON, eas : Listowel, gies ageae F. R. Blewett, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto. L : Gordon Block Office STRATFORD, ONTARIO Harding, Owens & Goodwia! Barristets, Solicitors, &c. Gordon Block, - STRATFORD, ONT. Money to Loan, Veterinary. ex eegaiine” Che. OWN’ ‘W.nloco wim, mM { | 4 { J. W. Barr, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, ‘Toronto...._ ‘Treats all diseases of domesticated animals All calls promptly attended to. Societies. Miwencait eee ites 478 A.M., G.R.G Meets aa full mi ee lay evening on or before on every Thouthie ‘their halt . Welr's bloc! aiiog beac clwatacicless J. Coxoi MAY STOP MAKING CANDIES AND JAM Shortage of ee is Serious, Says seo Controller. A des] from Montreal says: The soohity sf he Bennie of the i he Housewives’ League here sday. rt. Hanna said that the amount raw sugar available ~for 1Te- finers in da. he pee Goneal at Ottawa and W: to insure a steady eal. Ciba, since the sugar ada was now on its way here. ee PLENTY OF FUEL O1 on, W.M. —_W. 5. Zoeger. Sea. Silver Star Lodge No. 202 0. bs Be Mects every Friday night at 7.30 in thelr hall over Bank of eee Visiting brethren alwayo welcome W. Hen Be raat G. A. Barth, Fin.-Secy/ Ree,. Notary Public. W. D. Weir, - Notary Public Auctioneer for the Counttes of Perth fo ER ace Ai pk nie pa aud affidavits mades = ‘Viljage clerk, lerk, Office: Weir block, over Bank of Nova Scotia, A. Chalmers, - Notary Public Pe nduaeils Issuer of Marriage iron x the County of Pert! Real extage Lough and sold. aes highs Yarme for immediate wale, MONKTON, eae, ONTARIO Nelson Merrick, - Auctioneer for Waterloo, Wellington and Perth Counties, Estimates given on sales of farms and farm stocks. Office, next to Bank of Nova Scotia, Linwood val ce and jam because es “the sugar short- was the; B ry- { “ $700,000,000 IN SHELLS st SENT FROM CANADA Butt L of FOR BRITISH NAVY GERMANS PLOTTED Further Information Concern- ing Von Bernstorff’s Plans. A sem itch San ue ae Says: his e and General Staff were doing in this country while at peace with the United States. He gave to the public, without com- ment as usual, thee rief cablceratit disclosing that more than a year be- sot aubmnarine Diaey drove America to war the overnment wa: ‘seractine perdeae on Benson to arrange for destruction of Canadian railroads and to use Iris in carrying on aabot ag country. They owed, too, that von ernstorff on his part was even at that early date yale authority to Eases campaign to influence Con- a A despatch from om Montreal saysi— A despatch from Washington says: n ample supply Britis navy was assured at et) i that ra e merece disclosed, have been warships Fevesd tor eatnt th To remedy this situation the Ship ‘png Board ahi builling yards weet sid- ering building at least 40 more, The ilom, is entirely one of tonnage, as there is an abundance of oil on this side of the ‘Adanti i MEN PREFER TO SURRENDER TO HOLDING SHELL CRATERS ante from London says:— Hote!s ii The Queens Hotel Best accommodation for eommercial tray ellers and others. Two large Sample Rooms. BO. F, PAULI, Prop., - Milverton, Oma, Are fe ou. Insured ’ ake naar $ “A GALLANT BRITISH VETERAN. Fought as a Vol unteer Under Gari- baldi For the Freedom of Italy. An Englishman living at Exeter, now seventy-four years of age, who| & A ed age of seventeen fought as a volunteer under Garibaldi in Southern Italy and Sicily, is gallantly sua his “bit” to free Enj melee irom the Ger- i he fought rer 8 et t le 0! 086, 6, te she if oul be ERE SHEL | PRAIRIE FIRE RAGING Much ney: Destroyed North. of h Battleford. A. desp a from Prince Albert, Sask., says:—A disastrous prairie and sh fire is, sweeping over a fifteen. mile fro the country 80 miles aud George Power, district magis- ‘rate, who has had all his aaeen: ellis and crops desti le Dunn of the ‘Provincial Poties at North Bat ttle’ eh has or- ganized a com: le is blowing and heavy due is uu have @ sto at ‘act- the | ay neighbor or yore vena d thus extend a helping hand an pedite farm work. Bri of fuel S a es, -| on components, basic Engineers in an Sd ete a eisadec eal tha woot all the munitions and supplies sent overseas since Sept, 1914, had reached the enormous total of $700,-| | 900,000. The was carried on in 400 Petetles ik Gouda: teveerettua In Che manufacture of shells and two-fifths supplies and| shipbuilding. HEAVY FIGHTING IN RUMANIA WITH ALLIES THE AGGRESSORS | lb A despatch from London says: Ee prospects of a return to heavy fi ing in Rumania with the allies ae A despatch from London says:— The Gorey mate Sy ard taped a great shortage of and paste inition st tai has Wes g here. ness journeys. A large number of the Wi 2 egceee tasee (oe tests od Seana afternoons and Sundays. The young man who goes in debt heavily Nor a farm has to stick to his ee work like a cacy ioe he pee is a good wife to se e is more apt to eae ‘tee of land ee in- according to freights outside. Toronto, prompt_ship real freights, bags included, bran ton, $85: shorts, do., $42; middlings, fe is” $46; good feed flour, per track Toronto. Beh —Creamery, solids, per tb, 428 to ie ‘prints, per Ib, 488 to 44e; dairy, The King ‘of, beets xccompanied by the Duke of Connaught, at a decoration es Ii allan Official: Bly fen prints, 45 20 5c. Pane heii ide ‘up allebiion of secret eae diplomatic to at er Western, No, 2, T6ici, No. 2, 7c; extra | No. -d feed, 750; No. 2 local white, gos ue fin 0 8 vil yiNo. 4 sia. Plax—N« Winter, in store, Montreal. / Ontario wheat New, No. 2 Ber 2, nor Sait ing, tis to $1.18, ace Militced=-Car lots Delivered Mon} ‘No. ew, per ton, $12 to $18 ° $5 ROM ake track ‘Toronto. Straw—Car lots, per ton, $7 to $7.50, try Produ gaiees lesali Cheese—New, larg {ber sottase 44 to | ggS—New laid, in cartons, 61 to 53c; | Sept cartons | ue pita Pay res ghitkens, 2 to 80c; to 220; ee Ss. per doz., : BEM Re: “eto dit aucks mans it is hard to tell, but amateur Soeinet aes: ponae: Sees conductii e war a4 ge Live™ poultry— ‘Purkeys, 22¢; Spring joffice °c Saw great possibilities , one $928) 99 on. Biers We 2, B30 to $255 Strained, ting os, BBS Per Wes sonte unt last of October: imported |plekea, $7.70 per Dust; Timas,’ per Tbs dc. Rataxaes, on track—Ontario, bag, $1.40 visions—-Wholesale Shoked 9 plats imo edium, 80 to liehvys 26:10:27 o,-gapked,- 415 ta, 27 to 28; breal bacon, 36 to Moet backs, plain, 89 rata less ‘Gured ments—Long clear bacon, 274 to dhe Ib; clear bellies, 26h to, 270. Lard—Pure Jard, tierces, 26% to tubs, 268 to 274ci palls, °27, to athe: compound, tierces, 22 to 2240; tubs, 224. to 2290; pails, 224 to ontreal Markets Montreal, Oct. 16—Oats—Canadian fonds, $11. rs’, $10. Rar beens 207 siralght” (esis oo id Daten ener Rolled oats—Bbls. $8. BOs to Res Amoulille: . bee, Bran, 335,00. Shorts,” $40 Bs, Ha: oh eas 2 stock, 40 bto. ‘4ic. - Potatoes— Per bas, car lots, $17 ‘Winnipeg Grain Winnipeg, Oct Yorthe: 0.,° $2. | W., $2.874; No, 3, United ble! Markets Minneapolis, | yellow, Mi te Fisk srhite, ey 674. Flour *ioigetd 31. 38-028 to ry 1.029; rule 16.—Linseed | $804; ed; May, $3.02 asked, aie Stock Markets FAMOUS HOAXES 8 A PRACTICAL JOKE PLAYED BY Ship’s Captain Employs Clever Ruse hens, 16 to 200; ducks, | ey 126 OF F THE. WAR PEOPLE OF BRUSSELS. to Deceive Submarine in the cording: i fr ae ie TP aat Danger Zone. it jour—Firs nts, in jute 331160. on ate “strong bak= FRR be greatest hoax of tl att ih sore war—one which millions believed ik : z fits eels $1.75, according: to,@ time at ices story that mae he outs from 100,01 200,000 Russian troops ‘ls Wi “di te as = ey Sane ae BO a Tags, afontreats " had arrived in England from \° ment wi western front with the troops of Great Brita’ York, a spread throughout America cabled abroad and doubtless nt ie wireless to Berlin. The E a ish peiarety offered no official is. Kitchener let the hoax run eae doing anything init to stop the great German drive m Paris. A Joke on the Hun. What amounted to a ec was played on the G@rm: joke ight all the seats except one and the royal box. Gen. Baron yon Bissing was Poet at this evi- dence that the Belgians were not ayerse in times of foreign occupation to listen : FRENCH STOP stop 5 | Whether it had any effect on the Ger- tcc ce I Something they will never do for the Fatherland.—Vancouver Province, ENEMY ATTACKS German Efforts Repulsed on Verdun Front and in hampagne. th from Paris says:- sday says:— fee “During the day the two artilleries: were active at various points along the ‘ront, particularly in the region of L’Epine de Chevregny, south of the 8. & ° i i 2 is P 3 8 & & ® 5 a © 3 & General Synod. Some individuals not k reason concluded ey to aoe a Teuton Baars Eve) Shes aeaed: Geeggaty alana 8. The rumor has ng reached the end of his resistance.”” Cleyer and Profitable. A profitable hoax was played upon a German submarine off the coast of me 16 iextra | choles ny eee SGi.o0 16 $12.50; do. good |heavy, $11.00 to $116 ‘50; butchers’ cat- |tle, choice, $10.19 to $10.60; do, good, Gage foe JD te 75 ‘to to $518: “Two interesting points emerged from| aggressors seem good. On tl a the latest battle of Flanders. First, oe = 10, to the enemy system of echelonment 5,00. to proved a failure. Second, the substi- ae fo. #125, 005 tution of prepared lines of shell craters ‘ flings, $12.00 for battered trench lines is almost ato. cho ae G00 ueless, because after a heavy shell- he a : ing the craters are little good as shel-| the northern sector o! mn $6 oo Eats 418.753, isoners admit that the higher | front near Be the Germans, follow-/ $17. Rees command realize that during heavy fire|ing a hea ombardment,, aa er si seu the me: be ted to holdj back the RucGaae in the vicinity of, to $8." them. @ moment of attack the| the Pskoff high road. fed a it a men are cither ot at their posts or jambs, et to $15.25; G . eed s : shee in a frame of mind which makes) @ERMAN RAILWAYS to, $14.25 tee: <8'50 to. S1iob; lower surre ader the wiser course than fight- ARE SHORT OF FUEL gre ete $7. a ab $14.50; selected “hogs, ing.” 0 SULTANATE OF EGYPT OFFERED PRINCE FUAD ‘A despatch from Cairo, Egypt says: the Sultanat the British Agent has vince Fuad, brother of the lat tan Hussein Kemal, to assume the nity. © The right of succession of the heirs of Fuad ri be establishe ment between the Government and the new Sultan, Ne — The Usual Amount. “T-ean tell you how, oe water runs over Niagara a quart,” said the Undergraduate, “well low auch?” “Tw ‘ints, asked his companion. s,? announced the well- stukiad young man. Histic d by agree-ithe ¢] se sent of the Director pointed the Snes eee at the U:- which | ethout astine to fire@ torpedo. The | i eee with its false oe fled at top s the speed and got away si THE LIGHT-HEARTED ESKIMO Characteristics of the Inhabitants of) 20 e Frozen North “People who believe that ice and snow and months of darkness make for morbid _pevehological traits should see the Eskimo at any seaso e year 238 D. Maclfillan, ihe Arctic 0 xplorer. He is a wonderful lesson SRE rch enero ing possibly the inhabitants of ‘terra ° fdel Fuega, ow of no people s se soa widowed sah fe ea of envir mevendially lights intl aa Pea “The primary accomplishment for matrimony is the bride’s ability to ‘chew. the boot,’ which sififies ais operation of preparing boots and a) parel generally for, the oronecltys husband. The girls are considered mature and smarngetl at 12 or 18. Wires areelwaya remium in an Eskimo tribe, because esa fe -| popderance 0 Perhaps it is this circumstance! use of anything the latter possesses.” found 'twas two or tl ssabtlicsenn tte wishes eeende For lack of quantity. wo = a - | wounded, says a woman worker in He thought he had a faite friends, Io) right ange ce the Meuse of she | (yerdon front) in the region of Hill | worg ee pede an attack to gain « footing f 0 en eee trend ted engagement we repulsed the adversary as remained masters of our posi- tio SE AE ONE PHASE OF Y.M.C.A. WORK Caring For the Relatives Who Visit the Wounded in France. There is no more oppealing. x of the Y.M.C.A. work in nee than their care of the ‘ede of the France. Both on this side of the channel and on the other side the first people at the eml are those visiting badly-w Relatives of Ais savas ” is the first ery on both sides, and ey take sea soacaae Reis all other passengers of whate officials is the greatest of bons.” f the Y. M.C.A. lady workers awaits them on —The | M ,| dent when we by machi pass the military and civil authorities stage | de te Anxious and oral shade relatives | Nicholas “Rom they are reassured, aps, 1 and then to the hospital. Sometimes they arrive too late. Sometimes not even the tidings te can brin; soul of the oe, ‘warrior. not an easy tas! meet a relate under such Ute aateoae although all that symp: perce hearts and hands can do is done by the Y.M.C.A, ee ue, ee are henpiat tims There are numero eteyed hand or the sound of a familiar rx to call eyes that last smiled on him in i with his ene and ee elel us pe ae where a, {wl teu HAIG’S TROOPS “Steam-Roller” Is Right Word, Major-General Maurice Says. A despatch from -London Pt tisy eens, after an eareelatie review - of, the past week’s work on the Suse front in Flanders, said: “We have e See right to be confi- what our men have a the fighting is hard, sc t think that the present Ec Hes ‘ct Date in Flanders te going t ee Von Biclie “aavad ab era’ 8 anlar scheme ; Reel Ue went) orhere ta a pre Weccal use It wa empty save for > Th Belgium during the night we| nore ‘hard’ fighting before ua. I tary auditor, a German Landsturm |Proke up a sek attack delivered | would say~ that the importance of soldiei cast of Dracibank against our Posi-| getting the American troops here as Berifn, partieulanly, tne wast wma | CMe sateen viet farm and Pa-| quickly as possible and in the great- hoaxed ttself over a rumor that Serbia Tepe est possi mbers has not been had surrendered and that its entire “on he Aime front an enémy D8. | diminish army had laid down its arms, The |'T0l which was seeking to approach) «The word ‘steam-roller,’_ which rumor: Was started Rs eee is our eee in the soon fect Cerny Wa8!was so often used in the early days church bells for the meeting of the | “8Per: ues ed by oui 201 rmy, is” | vance in /Flant j an_adval not id, but insistent, irresistible. na goes up hill very slowly, but now it txlowing each. other more and m idly. BRITISH AIRMAN ATTACKS GUNNERS Descends and pence aes Machine Gun F' A despatch from oe says: official statement on British aa operations me on Thursday says: “On Tuesday and Wednesday nar air eet aeacked enemy trenche led and alas seattering them and Hipscer the “Barly on Bhat naval raids the Thorout and ue we ome to a ry s a rule,|dropped. All our machines returned.” they neither understand the language to re: Weir * | NICHOLAS ROMANOFF OBTAINS TRANSFER ‘A despatch from P Pattograd says — e former Em- peror of Buasiey ad Hi face have , Ste he and his family were annoyed by the urious crowds which surrounded the dipasecsl) cesar: oe tiny on German Warships A sess from London say’ Sea have cut your finger badly Welsh ee a ee not stop the bleeding, tie ¥ And the baby fingers and a woman’s|up in a piece of soft rag that has beer ve irew ont back ee a oer “fe cae) in turpentine. This will stop ing shi e|the bles ing and make the cut heal TARY * “TE HH TOM, HERE COMES. THE minister! sur WILL HE THINK OF Your KEYE® ~GO HIDE Quicic! OF WORK AT :T HOME.| THE OFFICE TONIGH DOES HE STAN OUT THIS | AND HAD To STAY LATE VERY ‘TER THAN WHY-A- HE HAD A I SMELL smoie mrs DurFl! SOMETHING MUST BE AUTEN pes SEEMS TO BE FROM THAT Geserl | IRRESISTIBLE 3 PRs es