SpE f7 MILLBANK Cider and Apple Butter Mrs. W.,F. Ru Pree spent a ‘he Rostock cide: ill “hi cone uple of days ae i See er need Operations ‘and will ran. on |Niece, Mrs, W. K. Loth, at Kitchener, Far, 30 , ‘N sday) only each week, \ when ‘cider|. Mr. ‘and Mrs, Robt; Gale visited | after ona several months in ae e e . ac! apple butter will be friends in Stratford one day last|west. - : aS . eek. Mr, Ed, Burnett, of Toronto, is at WM. LEASA, Proprietor ere John Brunner visited friends present cating. at. ey home here. - in Tavistock and Mrs. Brunner and] Mr. rs. Geo. Debold moved re Helen ie Steatfore ;_|inte.8 eon Monday BY oe e r. argrave was ssrs. John Friedman, Louis ness visitor to Milverton on ee Sees nee We, Hayes gut James 5,000 yards Mill Ends White Flannelette, 2 yards up to 10 yards in piece. st. eggs went to Brantfor atten: ‘We are sorry to report that Mrs.|the tractor plow demonstration. ? Worth to-day 18c to 20c per yard. This week — Patterson had the mstostane 0 fall]. Miss Ethel Baker spent Sunday in one day last week ai eee some | Toronto. i z ’ 7 - ribs. We wish her a and recovery.| Miss Vera Heimbuch is visiting at : 1 : y - Miss Marion Rutherford spent | Kitchener at pre - ; couple days last week in Galt, attend-| . Miss Libbie 'ifiner returned to To- 2 ing the teachers’ convention nto on Wednesday, after spending : = : 6Oc per ib Aedes, Coghlin, Miss lla Cogh-|a month at hher home here. ; cp Q lin and. Mz. and Mrs. John, = eB Fish and Mrs. (Dr.) oe motored to Kitchener one day last icEachern are at present visiting at } 5 SRR week. the home of Mr. Ed. Berlett, Tene 2 F : PURE WOOLLEN GOODS: [|""Sis 4. cuts want to Kitchen-[OUk coin og heh Flannelette Blankets Get Your Coats Here New Corsets Are Here nets: weeds, Yarns er last week ce visit her cousins, Bir, iss Mabel,” Gohl,’ sof _Ritehener,.) 7 100 ‘pair grey and white ed The only place pone can pe rain- e have in stock the new Goddess cee ete, Tueode and Mrs, W. D. Houston, and other seat Sunday under the parental ‘ in 11-4 and 12-4, worth to-day, $2; proof Smocks. Prie "$2.50. comet, vaee austronts Ul ami cen nds. eee ev. Wellbnsn, | Mr. H. Neurt has puichased:a new ind $8.00, ths Week $1.88 and 280, amine this corset, ...$1.75 to $2.50. . will occupy ne Ler be ae ett jodge car, s = ‘NEWTON galt, church i ear unday, an Rev R| A so ans of ns people from Black Cashmere Hose Sweater Coats ‘ > ; . Miller will condue ee inwood and Guelph enjoyed = fow : WOOLLEN MILLS Jie vices at rn. supper at the home of Mr. James asi sie Rie ee nw? te in stock all the pew styles Grocery Specials Mrs. RAL lan a_returne pres on y pair of fine ribbed Cashmere shades in nit, 5 missionary from India will deliver an| The Women’s fale seit ahout Hose, seconds, worth to-day §1 a pair ere knle We tan blewsepyor 2 2 gat ei lg ex aoe eS address in the Anglican church next |15 Shecas A Linwood soldiers, in this week only.........+.+++: have a look. : * ‘riday, Oct. 26th, at one p.m. rance and England and a big box Z : \ R A 0 TRUN EYYINVTN) | are cordially invited. of “eats” to the soldier’s hospital at 260 pair Union Cashmere Hose— i 2 Ee SYSTEM The regular monthly meeting of |Kitchener; also a box of, soldier's ribbed and plain, worth to-day ae New Silks Just Arrived 4 the ‘Wromen’s mntitate a be held Toro to the Red Cross Society: at pair, this week only... --+- @ at the home of Mrs. A. Chalmers, on | Toronto Wh: te buy the, ik 2 Hi y do people buy eir silks at 2 Tuesday, Oct. 30th, at 2.30 p, m. Elgin Beggs, of the Medical ? : BL et of Ontario sharp. Roll" call—Helpful Hints. Board at kachener spent Sunday ai Grapes ! Grapes ! We Stare] Betaued we hare te re oe ‘Peas. ke 4 DA Subject — Nervous system, by Mrs. /his } home here. elite: Comes tacid-coupare OBE Moody i Dredger J remecth : 4 W. Mayberry. All ladies welcome. | Miss Minnie Leanhardt spent Sun- This i weole 150 ba ets ae te Home Be ee eee Deer and cha ; 6 i is is grape ek. as) a ‘s with other stores, New lines S. The Women’s Institute during the|day at St. Clem A on sale. Get your supply n just arrived. 5 Ths. Coolike: “Figs for. psa Upensgenson: past week shipped a bale containing | Mr. and Mrs. Sanh Habis 3 De eines 1st to ee 97 pairs of socks and 24 shirts to the | Hawk <esville, spent Sunday with tee : 1: th, inclusive. Canadian War Contingent. Associa-|Luella Flachs. ; Me November ist to Novemb-|tion at Toronto. The society will) Mr. L. A. Heimler is spending a THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK 2 Cee eee ee tee or the greatly appreciate if any ladies who |few days this week in Toron : \ g forthern districts of Ontario, includ-|have not been helping, will call at| Mr. Weston Williams oe Tues- - E g is Timagami, the open season is|Mrs. G. Love’s for yarn or sewing, |day in Fitchoner, * ; fam November iste to . November |as they are anxious to get another| Messrs. H. Fitzgerald, Bert Heim- ae ©-th inclusive. In that part of the |bale ready as soon as pos ssible. buch and John Seip spent Saturday a a 9 ‘ Y-ovince of Ontario lying north of| Mr. A. Griffin, of Alma, spent ajat Kitchener — : tie ‘Canadian Government Railway |few age last week atthe home of |. Mrs. Frank Seibert, of Kitchener, ‘ the Quebec to the Manitoba|Mr. D. B.Grieve. is visiting at Mr. Frank Amen ! andary, the open season for Moose Mrs. B, Hawke, of Melfort, Sask.,|_ Mrs. Geo. Isley, of Dorking, seat — ix from’ October 10th to November} who has been visiting at Mr. Tuesday in town. , ith Grieve’s, left on Friday for Rarente: Mise M Sonu, returned on Mon- « lay, after a wee! 23 visit in Tor ‘e eee ot een aig: —_————_ Vrs, Fred Toole, of Goderich, is |) ———< << i Og game laws, hunting ceoelions, HAMPSTEAD at resent .westting hee parents, Mr. ATWOOD. | THOSE DRAINAGE APPEALS. |Mason was a man of sterling quali- physically. unfi ‘ {, t9 ©; E, Horning, Union Station pide a SO ree re oki his dealings. |. It 4s evident that exemption boards | : Toront The funeral of Beatrice Mary, in- Miss Minnie Cowan, of Paris, is} Before George F. Henderson, of He had a enial disposition and wae Will have to steel their hearts against B 2 fant daughter of Mr. and M PE ge waiting ee por bouie: in Done ese ss dain age x ete ual two inter-| respected and ound yall He was |a great many applicants, one ise Br i = Hart, took ce on Saturday bere pene eee . if . esting appeals Ae e assessment|a consistent member of the Presby-|/an immediate call for the secon a j 11, C, BAIRD, ’Phone 1, Local Agent} oon’ to the Hampstead pehaiets: Sa eenar Ament “spent Tues- moved. ta qaell 25e home in the vil-|for the Burnett Drain and the Mait-|terian church in Millbank and he ‘will class will have to be made. There | é Bey AG. Ganley conducted the ser] yp th ee ea -daughtet, oF lag Ighd' River tmprovement were heard|be greatly missed in the community. /is much latitude allowed the boards : 5 vice and Masters R. Henry, M. Cap-| ano eA Ee ee tr. Lh Milmine, of Woodstock,|at Stratford on Wednesday of last in deciding individual cases. Exeep- ; ‘ ling, Meredith and Stewart Pugh | 4 foie Lee ere is parents, |and Mr. Milmine, of Michigan,|week. They occupied the entire day.| Tis better ue loved and lost, tional business, family or financial H A W T T Were, pallbearers ¢ ‘The sympathy of) aon’ Voth Mivchs entertained Gisted with Mr. and Mrs. R. Pelton |" There were two cases, the first by| ‘Than never to have loved ‘ut all. conditions are’ grounds for exemp- the community goes out to the par- x ue a Flachs _ ente: ae last ee the Township of Wallace against the} They do not fe tion. They must determine what that ts in their hour of affliction, some 0 i RE ei ora re i a Ge Aitcheson, of Elma,)Township of Elma, Ellice, Morning-| Nor lose their mortal sympathy | “exceptional” covers; tl ust de- Misses Piedtvice wad Marmaves An: |S re Pa lay ev-jon iday an st ereped 53 head of|ton etal and the second by the Tp.| Nor ane e to Us. sitionee they |cide which agriculturalists are need- derson, ingham and Carlyle re- Gest oe @ + Mond: oe from the T.R. stockyards|of Maryborough against the same chang ed and which can be dispensed with ipeeane Dee den tha denen ee oo ee rey ehent Mendsy ey here to nomen parties Both appeals were “heard| — God knows the way He holds the/or can be of greater service in the tes nea cae Hark, on Gee oe eee ee er irtent Mr. Fred Holmes, of. Newry, has |forether. nee army. It is no light or pleasant task Sat ae Coghlin. . Mel purchased the property lately vacat-| There was no formal judgment foe ides us with unerring hand;|that is set the appointed members of men’s Institute met on aS hen eS ei Eee ROD; ages ed by Mrs. Newport, adjoining his|given, however, Mr, Henderson ex- Sometime with tearless eyes we'll|these boards, and calls for clear 4 ee ate Adie ater! oe last oon ay ow! aa wessed the. opinion that he might thinking, the greatest measure of i Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ament visite; s Miller, of Paris, is visiting /have to set aside the whole report or oe ese up there, we'll under-| justice, not unmixed with merey, and “|friends in Kitchener recently. vith het friend, Mass Minnie Cowan. |with County Engineer Roger's con- stand. yet the enforcing of the law in in-. and children, of |sent amend it. However, he said, stances where pity would urge ex~ z ts toe ee the weelcend wi th the did not feel that he should take se of th icants. rs. - |the place of the engineer and sug-|~ EXE, ARDS’ It is highly desirable that the first “He Looks Into the Eye” cards till sueh time as the govern- WARTBURG tvignds rai altar ba gested that = ee and as Fa Os eee PARR. aeatt shall supply the: whole 100,000. 4 ment prohibits the use of ‘ain in th 53 r, engineer for e appellants, con- is 5 n age, e men called are best quali- Pp e} At their test lodge meeting, Mr i échell hasmoyed: “to MCEarts taaatake ia eomned Lonodon Advertiser. Se pide vetrective eric: Pee e District military headquarters has|the arduous conditions of warfare. ‘¥ THIS METHOD, it is pecs manufacture of slechole Dees members of L.O.L. No. 1320, Mecided house which: she recently ee ase. es are the result of the dis-|compiled statistics showing that a|In family relationships they are in a a dance in their hall on Mon- from Mrs. ee Sas i th, to commemor- i Fee it feck right at ite souree. Netti , ‘ G. over and two children, | pute ae the Mai aan river improve-|total of 6,864 men had been exam-| position Ause ast her es ae eons Finley Maths ny of “Strat | 4 ave been visiting with Mr, and|ment scheme. PvE eimPrOve: |ined by the medical boards of Wes ie Pt aot Ths) Pai he ie Weak Muscles Strengthened stitute will meet ‘on Eriday at. the |to a, Ricued: Aten an thi #4 |Mrs. Wm. Morrison for the past two Guelph, rics tor the appellants and|ern Ontario to determine their stat-| costly to maintain in the forces than Headaches Cured, Cross tome oh Me Je Me! Tavis fe fede ae iT abs ‘fends: in, this vicinity months, left last week for their home}Mr. G, McPherson, K. C., appear-| us under the military service act, and}married men. It i largely in the Eyes in many cases the boxes for “the 80 Mania Woheee and Gtaniey Henty > Fires Heras acted the respondents that, of these, 3,314, or nearly 50|hands of the exemption boards to : > The WMS. will agit Te Pe Teta rie s Weaias oalibeead 10 head Gf cat: Mx James H- Dickson accompanied per cent. were fit for fighting service|say whether a second call will have straightened offeriie Se ‘oh -Pharsday: ate er is to Mr. D: Sid Smith, + St cttord. | Bez, 28 far as Toronto. oe ae Eee abroad. These figures are for the/to be made to provide the 100,000 when glasses are fitted by this noon, Nov. 1st, at the home of Mi Lt Fe aM ei oF paras 1.) Rev. C. N. Paddon, of Milverton, the four weeks ending Saturday last.}men authorized by the compulsory Mdvancedeystem, Childen'seves | TOO" Si owart, when Miss Mekaren BT ea ay onl Me Chenee id Me. [Prescued Preparatory <benvice in the JAMES MASON. It is estimated that there are about service act. asking questions, Oe eis Cod paces (ona Ae BOS ee ae Ce tang ater 500,000 men of the ages mentioned d Pe re alien: tly sold [202 One of the old pioneers of Morn-|in Class 1 now in Canada to provide SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! : ee ndrew- ML ait aoe eres The team selected to promote the anton passed to his reward on Sun-|the 100,000 soldiers required. If the Women Need Passports. aS Sea Pa ree to|new “Victory War Loan” for the day, Oct. 14th, in the person of Jam-|figures to date are taken as a fair P. H. B ASTENDORFF DONEGAL A ae jae an avish, Of |Pownship of Elma, is as follows:— 2 ieee He was 68 years of age. ;average, it will be seen that less than} All women and girls crossing the ae Dercicay if Gadee Hie (Cos Locmnees: , chutes) | Willa ‘When he was 7 years of age he came |250,000 will be found fit for the |river at Niagara must now have pass- Eyesight ea * Miss MeCourt, graduate | 5 0 ae mite edt is unde’ Scott, reeve; and David Park. Save|from St. John, New Brunswick, with |for the trenches. That means ESS ports with their photos on them for MILVERTON, ~ ~ @onTaRrO | BUrse, ett on Monday for, Greenwich | 4¢% 7s § care at present ne and Mr, |v0ur savings and aid in winning the mother and brother and settled on a |at least two out of etary five of the | presentation to the American officials Con charge of a patient ae FE aie gi kas cal orem atk Ee le wae farm. near few d ones must be taken if|at the other end of the bridges. In See ee or Milvertonse recon. ies [oe years prior to his marriage he pur- ite fae draft is to aia the re-|the last day or two the American and Mrs. Edgar Lines, of Car- | 7/09 ‘oi Sac Jone tents. is-| "Phe funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. |chased a decison the Wel line, where | quired numbers offices and factories which employ thage, spent Sunday at the home of | Se ere ene TE bead of |EcTEUsON, who died on Vriday. last, he resided until his death, In 1878, Tn the first few days after the call | Ganadian girls have been sending Mr, and Mrs. Henry Seelhoff. sami att Bee, elves H thes ¢ | took place on Tuesday to the Elma {he married Grace Worden, of Down- |to the colors was issued, the percent-|them out in sections to get their Maas Bante Gent a fon. doped Pe oa anson, of |Gentrs cemetery, where. interment |ie, who with six daughters and three |age of those answering and request-|photos taken and passports signed, Stratford last_weel teal oF lacs Warahal,’ who had | Ck place: sons survive him, The funeral, |ing exemption was about 90. If this| Nobody seems to know the why and ‘ourt, of Atwoo: 5 yhe appeals of the Townships of|which was conducted by Rev. W. |continues throughout, of the 500,000 |the wherefore of this. move of Uncle d, The ap the rafortane to dislocate her knee| wallace and Maryborough against|Moffat, took place from the family |called no less than 450,000 will ask|Sam. It will have the effect of keep- Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Bee the’ week end. with her sister, ynop: Land: Reel Mrs. Henry Seell hoff. ae removed to the Sea hospital | the Townships of Elma, Grey, Morn-|residence to Millbank Presbyterian |to be=exeused, leaving 50,000 ready |ing many a shopper on this side of agai egulations =~ Mr. and Mrs. A. Peebles, of At-)Sttatford, on Friday. Her many/ington, Ellice and Logan, cemetery on Tuesday, Oct. 16th. Mr. !t Db r ~~ | wood, Sundayed at the home of Mr. |ftiends and Schoolmates wish her althetr assessment imposed under the x 2, by at Ves. S. MUARSE OF ROMA. Ve nS Loe eoeterre Tee siete of aballye or ay male | John Hymers,.. speedy recovery, report of John Roger, engineer for — over 18 years old, who Was at the com: r, G. Hammond and sister, Miss the improvement of the Maitland since mentiiued to bend Batish subject or a|Mabel, of Maitland, spent Sunday at river, which engineer was appointed I ES SO Be Merce WELLESLEY under by-law of the township of minion Land fg Manitoys, Seskatcnewen OF) wey, Secahed- wees Gunite at Reter as Hee mu r it ertain at Dominion Lands Agency” or Su-Agency [the home of Mrs. Jas, Barton. Cree clice aaiman, whe os Pecnors (lands. along the Maitland river were un Entry by proxy may be made ee : a, the sick list is, we are glad to report, OF tain conditions, -Duties—Six months | Mr. R. ies on spent unday at Mr. | ny the mend. begun on Tuesday of last week by renidente =apgi& ‘and cultivation of land in] D. F. Hymers. Mrs. Alex. Rau, of New Hamburg | Geo. H. lerson, Drainage Ref- Tn certain districts a homesteader may se- is spending a few days at her sick |etee, Viewing the location of the pro- cure an adjoining. uarter-scetio re motherekeide: rk and different portions of Maen eatkein cach mr eicee « ROSTOCK Il of our teachers attended the|the Maitland river, On Wednesday e earning homeatead patent and cifeivate achers’ convention at Galt tagh| followinay | the Deets or acres extra, May obtain pre-« ae on pat en Miss Clara Eggert, of Stratford, | week. 5 4, 3 soon as homestead patent on certal pent the ra eed at’hor home here’| A number: of ou citizens attended to at Stratford, and referred bacle A aetiler after obtaining homestead patent, Gordon Riebling, of Toronto, |the funeral of the | C. Riffer [the report that Engineers Rogers, of if he cannot secure a pre-emption, may take the home of his parents |at St. Petersburg ee oe aay: Mitchell, and Flater, of Chatham, a pareiaeei hometcad in cereale nei, | Mean Henry ood and coal are in great de-|re-adjust the assessments, In so Fries $8 00 per nore, Mast resid ois months | Miss Ida Hartmier, of Milverton, |mand here at present, and hopes are | minor cde tar ieee mee erect a house worth $300.00. spent "Thursday evening with her sis. entertained that we will be supplied |@8ree upon, and failing to agree, he % ities 8 ofentries may count time of em-|ter Miss Mina. Hartmi with the needful next month. would appoint a disinterested engin- 4917, as revidence duties under certain | Mr. Heni iy. Reibline: is “at Erbsville r. John Reibling has been laid |¢er to re-cas ssessments and in conditions. visiting his sccnue wha derwar vil, up for several weeks with a severe the event of consent thereto being When Dominion Lands are advertised or 2 ea k of la gri not obtained, he might quash the re- Z posted for entry, returned soldiers who have iss: Marie ae eereie: ler. leftlast |e pe E aon ¥ Rorved overseas and have been onourably | week for Stratford einer is spending a |? with Engineer Roger's con- discharged, recelve one day priority In apply-| Master Harry Nickel, of Stratford, |few ‘weeks with her daughter in Win-|Sent amend it. The costs to be borne 5 a for entty at local Agent's Office (but not by the whole area as . Mr. P. 3 Sub-Agency). Discharge ‘papers must be pre | returned home after spending a few |n ipeg. Kerwin, of Guelph at forth a sented to Agent weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and bracts alana ppt bared the 4 ¥ Misiater opthe Interior | M™S, Henry Yundt, DI f See ans fe oe ae : 7 mSectmnathart yen of 98 ay ae mee ic Gee], MRRCTONE NeEnRG he ’ vertisement will not be pai 5 ‘i t = |S oh a week with his daughter, Secu e emo Tarnene ‘tutu 3 Fire Insurance Co., the agri-| \ CROSSHILL s cultural hall, Atwood, on®Tuesday,| ‘ k = Oct, 16th, 19i7. All the members|, a ea an tings, ee wieteeegs i LET THE PEFFERS oe the terete fen ot ae ue, and, Mra, Dan Stroker, Mr, Exemption Boards have peen chosen in such a way a : The hum of phe threshing machine |ton, presented a claim for a steer |@04 Mrs. Pred Stricker and families Fommeed Hemet iateeoe Heteksits ete jee wast throughout gle ted Lee tiiecom of two ee again he ard oit the lin gavnosed tery ea lilied. by of Mooretel, ealled on friends here men, oe anppine yy th ny judge in the district concerne and one selecte: ‘a joint committee of TAILOR 4 la ent "Pearl Bar- lightning, which was laid over for |Jast Sund: Parliam Being familiar with local conditions where they sit, the members are well-fitted to appreciate : = sent au pals ete, tcl sree Tae bree ee igs Newey Wagler, of. Millbank, Fak reaeeoa toceseantign Reais ct before them by men called up. ; : D 0 IT ! fr. A. Crutcher is Pet ie a few|for insurance were accepted amount. gee week with her sister, Mrs, mption will be granted th inth hat they remain Ss eck in Paris. Bech i i i i 2h J ! Ei coon hac tind [Sa oy ot alga ent ons al] outer Me omen anaed| cra aon Bon ; : the anniversary services at Donegal | premium notes in Zorce on the gist the Yeachers’ convention at Galt last : The is on which exemption may be claimed (which are similar to the grounds recognized in z Why aeeOe rt Le viel on. at may afternoon ai and evening. October, 1917, declared due on Nov- |) Sid oo th ity ha: Great Britain end the United States) are as fol in an ill-fitting, shapeless, nc Jace Reid spent Sunda . i - | XReal estate in is vicinity has b read: nade st nan es ou ing with Mr. Jack Warton. ey = faecet Pig tuesday, Now 20th 1917 ppeaing Bs hand: ls th is las' eat ser weeks: (@) Thatitis expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service, be 2 an have us tailor clothes ‘A number of children around here|to meet again at the usual time and |Mr joey hs pure ased the vil- f ~ 5 ‘i z . yi our measure that you Set inideapcwritls the: whor lage property of Mr. H. Bickel. Mr. (0) Thatitis expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service, be a Know are accurately out, [flat pres event oping cough |place.—J. R. Hammond, Secretary | ,'"Hahn, east of the village, has. dis- <2 pean bok sehlch alifcations, : fpitteds es an ee sary services will be con- ————— ES of his 3, ee ae ae R. nee of Z () that, instead of being employed in Military Service, he should continue § y fitted and neatly finishes du ae ¥ North ‘ilverton. ir. John Richardson has ; anctad at Ne rth Mornington church) 77H] LINE WELLESLEY sold his farm to Mr. D. Ropp, of the (That seis harden would enue she man were placed on active eric, owing to his exceptional financial or : , 7 : _. # 18rd line, and Hastings Bros. have dis- OUR Sele Friday with Mrs. |posed of their 200-acre farm to Mr. a sire ober — Andi Kin; g a ro sumtin ala abet vo indertaking of combatant service and hi net SUCCESSFUL MONCRIEFF 7 ee ae ae ae TWe. re 0 plese fo se ea K and articles of fait indies asin “any of rhb tei state oraen feed eto neopets arate ses ‘ ursday jter anc ennie ‘around again ab. disfranchic TAILORING Miss Campbell, a returned mission: }and FriG9y fe after their recent mishap in a ate ry ed neh Wa Te Econ Ak. satisfied the most par- ary from India, will take the services oe ie and Tessie Harron |away accident. rs lo Claim for Exemption should be put iernarcon O ‘one or other of thes nds in fact exists, Penis) peuple. -— We ean in the Moncrieff church next suns ener ayecnsaey = Stratford. The sacrament of the Lord’s sup- and coe abatien: should as assist in, or allow a to be made ‘a party to, Pb aioe orn unless A toc, jafternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. Ever Mrs. . Gibson and |per was observed in Boyd church last thoroughly satisfied that it is made in good ave Speak "mensuke” Pes Sats ie invited to come and h¥ar Miss frends “Mss oye. motored to Galt | Sunday. your next suit. ‘ mpbell. ne Saaeay ae ~ Exemption may be applied for by the men selected themselves or by their parents, near relatives or aT snd Mrs. Geo. Fulton, of Ailsa Cross tea held at Mrs. employers. ‘Applicaton for exemption must be made on printed forms to be fo found st’ every ery post office, | a attended the funeral of the Mundas on Wednesday was well at] That Canadians pay | $1,451,520 which are to be filled in and left if 6 ostmaster wil fatverd ate Mors, Dunlop. aise Vi fended. vie. Gi oe more for butter in a year than if, the the form to, 8 Rear, who Be send it Wriethea approp priate xem Exemption Bond In due time, then, the ‘iss Minnie Barron and Miss Vio-| | Mr. an rs. George Walter’s are|duty were en off American butter icant it notice as to n he must present his c re d: M. Fleischhauer let MeKay visited friends and ele visiting at Mr. Albert Knight's. is the statement of Mr. Fortier, him- es i Oe asa belsra the jes and Men's Tailor tives at Stratford and St. Mary: ‘We welcome Mrs. Nelson MeFad-|self a maker. He says the price is so Issued by The Military Service Council. ERTO! gia tare of North |din to our midst, and wish Mr. and high because Canadian dealers base} | Bay, paid a short visit to his brother, | Mrs. sod ae in many happy years of it o1 price ie the United Ba ‘M. Harrison, of the 16th con. | [married li States and add the dut;