\ \ This Advertisement may induce you to try the first packet of ——————e Has“beon Canada’s favorite yeast for ove or of a century, Bread baked with Royal Yeast a keep frosh and moist longer\than that fe RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE GOVERNMENT. ponnstie SCIENCE AT HOME ~ Oe fon it ent ao gee one whi oe Sein Be nee nore ie 5 degrees perret pro- pee sre Serer oe gos em eo ant factor in he Jang of bread, is| duces a light, porous loaf of bread. ing Made to Counteract Short- EMW.GILLETT * COMPANY LIMITED but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour oes ya oreeence of 8 ie nat ne ete eis my Bae us age of Materials. Sonmurzo TORONTO, ONT. MONTREAL and quality to make youa permanent customer. _| that many organic bodies, when ex-(flour be of good quality, that a tem- We an fics offer AL Bive thi s first trial free if posed to certain changes, will ferment, | perature tren sixty £0. eighty degrees ‘The first collgction in Germany = ‘The dust in the ai ins much fer-| Fahrenheit be maintained and that the metal collection in the fall of fit hand Haprat pel Rhubarb is cartied| BULLETS cna CARRY FLAME. . you wili drop us a postal to Toronto. “Bus menting organisms; also the air con-/dough have active see Sion at ae t after I edie to Berlin, writes an jy this way. Meat is first wrapped in tains molds and bacteria, such as stale| proper periods. mmerican newspaper woman recently |4 thin piece of wax paper and then in) Used by ‘Aviators in Attacking Ob- bread mold and a damp atmosphere| er Devious degrees of fermenta-| jrel turned from Germany, This colléc-:, newspaper. Wherever possible eryation Balloos mold, as on leather. Wine, beer and) tion are known as the alecholic, the| fon extentled all over Germany, and newspapers are used for wrapPings ‘ — llc become sour seit exposed for ajacetious and the *putrefactive. There-| 5% made in different parts at differ- eweDay se er ke oe +. ireity o! atl ir. ceria length of time to the atmos-|fore, the process | of fornientation Seta ings that must’ In the dep artment stores they don't | " heen "person is puzzled to oe what Sea ¢ mention of “incendiary bul- here fei nity -eight eres Fah-| whic a has for. its object the malning of eu cod iatice sis renheit mr t an alcoholic nature.’ A es Sapient pictory akows. uo that 6 iP Bee ious fer S ation, when, pre-be sieon op ab tho etate: Te wasaviong Dut string on small Dacaees, one -on| these projectiles are like, and,for what Egyptians obtained their veld Feast) se i wunts, gives a list, but the main thing on it was the large packages they tie the string | purposes they are se from the air a so started their} As flavor fo the pread, but if ¥ is brass oven doors. As nearly every only one way around. Ifthe purchase | They are fired from machine guns d retained 4 deta | De in Gi lusually, the cartridges being like rifle carirlo in caliber and appearance, thor of, ants can be gath: eel which will capse a dull, heavy loaf. : 4 ed in the bill. Ma ople cari Se gmat: lg zag Sean ns Seb ethers ante PHER wal ot Gal pRYag|and tae cmtrs of Gh Zo ey wrong poe wih fe," ote. y. Hodder 3 #| stage of f tation, , sites neon Limited, London and Toronto dish of fermenting sugar to the atmos Say Gcky loat of b. se ena this clleston brought, Since = it is always Wi wise eo carry a nites thee only gore ig that the cart- ce Mu is that is int collection, the door: 's have been string: No ave invented a ridges carry hollow bullets, which Se a at We aoe ‘hone blooming ag Hake abe aaa Ete ot T "ae Saat oar epee 2 tio | replaced by iron ones that are not new kind of string ‘made out of wood fed with a slow-burning chemi 3S ‘man trenches, » said Pigs Meese mentioned this incident? on that a single cells, growing very raj idly and iq; The ee crates and sugars play| yearly so pretty. All kinds of brass It is very vned but hard to tie. [com und. Wie the bullets are al fer tand T will too.” opl me may realise what Ee itoldn tt jan depreant tae ne a alcoholic fer-|pots and Kettles were collected, ut! Sinee the very beginning’ of the war charged the eplosian of the fring roes our lads are; what they ha 2 eae en end shore the cana fa one oe Lads. Bee Pi aie ee Thtoed mestiate_asemil- “| gas called’ carbon alexi, ent sesh. i an ee Cee ‘arge sets fire to the chertical mix Peay ee oe Bait She vndred "aan kind of an enemy, they ral sug ined pee ee ne fermentation is produe eid eal with. am describing it 3 a3 i pak pee SS : ry if possible to raise, a bly bkensts i eltivated OR eats ter i r and other seuredionts i Dowta see any Germans?” some, shame ‘on the faces oF those skirkers Legere Chon ts eo ate eee to a soca, one asl jah Se ata jisgrace to the Salt nPeenot sure,” repied the lady “tt name ne Wings re cnted yeast. is mow furnished in Pelieve 1 see the top of a German| | Tom pas seed rough this ordeal| the form of compressed cakes. east upon the dough, | helmet. without a aes heavy yy and by when| _ These cakes must be of a reliable} Sal 73 ik js soluble ae nd: cold) In ia e ae cities the people will- | ee * i cae etal Giae “Duck down quickly,” said anothé er, |e company was relieved, and he re-| character and of u miform goodness, Soj water, quickly absorb: the Ciera gave up the copper roofs of their | Neue eS Agree, seahoue $3 te pert 2a Be Be one regen “thou’st been holding thy head there! it is ae -by to the loon; for tl too long.” le ve fe | They have snvented two kinds of tires| bullet, penetrating the envelope, sets “Na: Vi ther re’s no danger,” replied! nt pt, jt caused a great change to| will give an ‘undesirable ferment and| will give the best r sults. The amount | 1 tl «| for substitutes. One kind is made of | instant fire to the hydrogen gas in- the lad, “it’s all as quiet as——” e. If he had Puen asked toleause certain changes to, take place of salt added to the doug controls the * thea aod etc blll ine disks of leather joined in the|side. The observers sare baselg rae sig id not finish the sentence; a at dnt ein oy ee a t] a ee ie and the other is made of coil-|to avail themselves of their para- bee ent the Se ait pie soo! elusive; but change was there 4 a too gle of aN the royal foildings are ogo wie. chutes, and thus to make their escape, "bre | felt though he had a new concep- Prccets of fermentation of an alcoholic ‘osite effect. It will delay the ac-| copper: Se Wee tn bes warning for you Hon of life; and be Fealised ie (mente erenentatpon dioxide, gas,|thon of the yeast beyond its proper| In that first copper See” HEAP - PRECIOUS STONES. One, reads also of “incendiary _ar- fellows,” said an officer who came up Mire as he had never realised it Mitich when the dough is baked in an| time. got eanbahimiclal tollant several yest rows,” but, as a matter of Just then., You must la tricks; Before, nn, egne_ even, e iar eae pe se a Aone vee See the tenes Worn on the Stage Are aS idags aniet arias sie ton sas € pas Te ee Bears lads ee 2 ptgaophsings bat two things im: aving Eubstiti beaten egg. Mix the rest oft the mil Mk they can take the brass Pests, Mostly of Colored Glass. derived Se big tremendcs alls, callong eee siesued pee ae and stir Un which are very large and heavy.- All| The price of a diamond necklace is whieh, rela cect he See re dropped and foolish. Let's more of.) ant of ie roism that lay latent in omestic Science expe: the 1 Last) the door-knobs in Germany are made | $7.50, Di db ie " pegrpmup edt Bly aviators upon masse Food Controller’s office for dishes to} jee ernie and beat well ast | $7.50, ae racelets may be had | oq; your Hampstead Heath Bank Holiday pie eomamobnisee lads who had come ae ‘out «with him koe ‘many of|take the place of beef, bacon, and EB 7 / é.| thing oF paid for by, the welt, art: | the searcity of rubber tires and| Such wie are used by aviators fi "” ry Va. 0 All the automobiles display- | for attacking the obs ervation balloons col-' ed in the show windows have ires ce direct the fire of the Synade cn eee nt stores were rented lection, and. she people the things ae them look better. All the tires aim reeks ae miles bce ‘the att na an ate ortant are in the before the proper time; this will cause action of the yea: 0 little ens 5 @ Siglarking. ic add the melted ‘anpping, =e eee ue they would make a vast] at $5 a p: sl 3 i joi ;| wheat in order to conserve these foods beat gee Bal greased amoun’ etal. da; ae ad aatad with diamonds did duty atthe pat trench # item before they. joined the Army; d on several occasions, but nothing of knew them just as they were. ee meet soldiers overseas. a Sha f Lima, Bean Soup—t1 cup) Ceaseless Collections. and rubies the size of pigeons’ e88$ to jeg, But on the whole they were a {mportance took place,” ‘The Huns drum workaday boys who did not seem (1:ced), 1 cup onion (sl te ea a red lima reas pints cold ee: es iis enlace of old paper never |failure. Bombs are incomparably 1 able of anything like heroism at Ash (sliced) P onion ng potatoes, fish| slices onion, 4 slices carrot, 1 cupic ses in Germany. All over peu more efficient. there was severe artillery ‘wor on’ the war had bro aie out new qualities, : ne yer aa tablespoons butter, 2 ther have places where the paper is e both sides, Tom did not receive a The qualities, eee fe” O88 \ a white sa ately and-draim tatoes| tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon salt, % | bought, and women worl : < e PERE ict ve west to the ft pelven for others caw them doing all| and onions in the white sance, Te heat teaspoon pepper, Bonk beans ove: | ringing iin.” Every kind oP ot 2 ae fhe pint an and not by the carat BELGIAN MILLS STRIPPED. ines, how: felt that th Sorts of glorious deeds. _ One fellow |@nd serve night; in the morning ora” id) per is eet magazines, | in the modern drama everything a = ee ebAb tt LE feast a eit wer 2 impresse pelo tremendously. He him- hite Bucs —2 tablespoons flour, sola Seater: Sok eget So | newspapers. Everything aint 13] Feel (so far as costume is concerned), | Invaders Send Machinery to Germany by the strained looks and the com-{self was wounded, but not ‘badly, for|2 tablespoons butter. Heat these in a) Pm OTS yt iS ST aGtae: | Bre ana must be flat. A good price is| thet BLA The pees is real, Or Wreck It. ; 1 |the stuffs in the costumes re ‘ “ If the butte Oficial * Pina desperate was expected. The! Place ot aatety; and mained i to brox cial dispatches confirm the re- caiceis enve Meie orders with oy eaearade, ant alor his “head on n{of milk and stir until perfectly crvoth,|add flour, salt and pepper and stir) Pi aietiiee erat that is always go- foe t the Jevrels ary imost primitive| Ports recently brought from Belgium mn ping a eS where and one-eighth teaspoon of pepper. va ie ae Tom thought he Eo what inten: life eon not be valued at a pin’s almon Croquettes.—1% cups Co! x artillery work meant, but ‘he aes purchase Deeds like ‘that are com-| flake salmon, 1 cup thick white sauce, | ae ed Cor nical fu Mush. ert ee 1 that day that hitherto he had seen and, ™ t the juice, s eatiees eal nom a the, ait in the ‘yelling ‘water, an aI a then sed ele Sp vead on a| sifted cornmeal. 4 on tho. Cae ce ea lin you see Beet pot ers, “3 i: i ii i! the stones to the school-house A : att ~ Before he went up to the fir.| Plate to cool. Shay ip in crumbs, Pack into tins as a baking powder in | “Sen ° o La Pa a de tech | ing lin, he hhad oa as OMticee say | egg, and crumb Boats "fry in deep fat, ie eee ee ay aie cp te he aeey ee ee tearing great holes in the ground, and to “J wish the ‘chaplains apd dea} Paneaie - jiised ton mista fat one oy out Flanders is forecast b; undoing the work of m onthe, eleould te eatlowed to go up to the fro | Macaroni and Cheese—Cook ma- EES ler and fry in drippi Everybody wondered what hey inary pee But f “ maa use WA Sash mils te fore kia tye aso to Tom that no man could-es-|line | of trene You see, when onc caront in boiling salted es for eran alal aye eng the eo eat an led ston < their eauith ‘ligion to support them, |twenty minutes. rain and pour dary, and 8 an -actress’s oe tied the boy, “it they would the constant bom ihe ment and them, en X cud water. Put a layer of| Johnny Cak ‘cop, ese 1 cups ea uke _ nae <a Ae eal masy. ahs some caries these reports have ti 1 them jum) ‘om. realised | macaroni. Sprinkle with grated fish.| Whit> flour, 1 cup; sugar, 1-3 eup;|every load of common istles, ike nt he een re uiterpbered s a possible sign of be quiet for only a minute! If one) make py; Tom wealised Repeat, Pour the white sauce fish. | our milk, 1% cups; soda, %4 teaspoon; the thistles are being made into clot! unt hig! pa whi ete et | i { 1 A is g Ba. ‘al a] oat ah. only stop to take breath!” | wh jat this dese ‘ter the acti | Pape a cover all with butt tered baking ower, Prd “enon colt, 1|Hair is also made into cloth, eed approacl Ae evacuation of a large \crumbs. Bake until the crumbs ar white flour, 1 cup; sugar, 1-3 wave ddl grounds are also collected, but it has jd {bi “mill, 136 cups; s soda, teas spoon, bak = |not Teen: decided How they “shall sand fo for b ing powder ¥ teaspoon; salt, 1 tea- F crown—though a really = Stage gems are of colored glass, ex- ae a si eae textile cross of et é i !eept the diamonds, which are simply | * machinery, dest a ae or sel ef ere Te ae an tan ent glass ufhcolored: ‘They are sold] ing it to Germany. Actual removal 1 “loot,” by the quantity, for attaching| Of machinery has been aptered from to costumes, or for ee eek ing in brace- lets, a or what Seventy-five cents a ene js the or-| ors to carry out this policy through- strain, and add remaining but “| They ey cherry stones, peach apple it he tel =| his ste: Ws determined to make a final and o ped is own, a stea Miztaroni, Cheese and’ Tomat to) aersiming attack; as though all the e be "eontinued.) ee mason Prepare as for macaroni ai |spoon; molasses, 1 tablespoon. Mix: pusee ae ' pois were Roncentrat. SACRIFI cE. only use tomato sauce suateade “of | and itt the dry lperuniental twice, and| en the clocks are changed in ae \aeranndaeun: expend a Bee ee hy ae ie aie for the sights were horrible; he saw white sauce. qeeerare as for a white gradually unk a sour milk, cee at well, | Summer it, ee ud gr Denes | office work, oe ‘apparently discredit adel Seni EA | oi wt rnc [Ege ene SOS Pleat Se, ae mlerang tees ny laa | POLYPS Twat Age PicHTERS. | "RAs ty ing them to’ pieces, while all. aroun ‘ e equisitio ne e Germa him were the shriek and cries of the sant aaah? ‘Scrapple—Boil hogs-head and other, cups flan", % ip; sour milk or but-|on dfclock instead of eights AML el). op ay s a wine, textile fabties in retail. stores ve e of the men who were jut teh ne ste] lean pieces of meat as shanks a1 d liv-| ter ess es sees ee a A ee tric-light advertisements are Tune me of the Strange Inhabitants of 4/ .44 blankets in private Gaddaar ace Tet untouched yelled ag though hey) Ths ee ine kine, fa ook re ee me, gut eek Uy RAINE DOES enepomn| Chand al Theat 0 er anor, ant Pool Siibatl in tbe Gepatches were mad, vr : BP ery ee . ‘T] " Ute ote et ey ESA eee in which it was cooked, and when boil-| dissolved in the mits; “ait, f teaspoon peat Sey ae eae aan ne is the home of mul- ‘ ented: wild, just as rian they| 4 Ani meas nie restrain, ing bat stir in gently 1-5 p qauck or Sate tke fat, 1 hoes ee ate Tee SIbE 4a euut bibetrott the Hearse iuses. | of strange animals, but none He Passed. were madmen. t then a bugle meal as meat. Season to taste; cook sift them is 08 odd than a species of 2 “We can’t stand it! We can’t stand) Made all his efforts vain. 2 Ha Pour into mould and serve jail, and egg W Vint and a Last a all| rooms and no one can take a bath. In! polyp that is one-fourth of an inch| At a college examination a nervous- it!” cried the boy. “We shall all be fri add the melted fat, and bake in a shal-) Copenhagen there is also a sea of jong and of ‘the thickness of a bristle.|looking candidate had-been instructed Wawa into tetera Why do wa|They dashed along the gtound Pea So up —Marrowtat peas, 1 ‘te pan in a ho' water, and when I was there the wa-| Und 2 ess of a bristle lto write out examples of the indica- Th hi heir £ spoon sugar, 1 cold water, 1 slice| Buckwheat Gems.—-Buclewhest flour, inder a strong magni: He glass i ples ¢ indica- stay here ike this?” : ey bruised him ra their feet, | #p90n est, 1 int ld water, 1 slice] / Buckwhent Cereup; sugen % cuDi ter all over the city was shut off be-|tooks like a tube of j ee subjunctive; suotential andene gibeiin enriptieot the first AE at ee ae ceived oniom, flour, 1 teaspoon salt, % tea-| white flour, 44 cup; salt, % ‘teaspoon; tween two and four in the afternoon.| If js, however, ets won eo clamatory moods. His efforts result- fattle of Ypres some time before. He 2 spoon pepper, 1 pint milk, Add sugar) eges, 15 butter, 3 tablespoons; bakin; Dearth\of Wrapping Paper. |like arms for seizing its prey; ed as follows: sergeant was comparatively cool; he|He was by all deemed dead— and cold water to the peas, and sim-|powder, 2 teaspontt cat the sage ‘This coming winter the people will pera are inclined ‘te Palins thatk “Iam endeavoring to pass an Eng- had been through it before. But oped each glazed eye, mer, Stone 8s ee aig alternately | ne cee puck. | Pe Urged in every. way to.save coal,’ it paralyzes its victims by electric} lish examination. If I answer ig a TANITA Sai RAC BLE usar aid: a sieve; te-heat, aivdavtogether, Seald| wheat flour, then the white flour, into and if possible, to heat only eg shocks. In this way only ean the fact] questions, I shall pass. If I answer loing. anytiting ior net, Tae eel; our 7 ‘on, and! which the baking powder and salt have} or two rooms. They have plenty of |be explained that the polyp is able twelve, I may pass. God help me!” “A race with Death!—and why? . | milk with onion, remove onion, “besides, di 1; ing i aahiae ang *y ef Rs eee tos ine a iy add milk to pea fouetere season with been sifted. Bake in greased gem cork but no way of delivering it, and to overcome creatures vastly bigger fs thelr guns are giving ws. - Don't Q why shodid.one-incor salt and pepper too old to! p Lat’ winter people had to go down to and more powerful than itself. lose your ” Such tisk for horse or wain? gerve = a vegetable Nese be utilized | “Brows Bread—Graham flour, 2 the freight yards and fetch the coal A specimen has been seen to grasp ty wouldn't: mind if ‘X eould do|THen he was seen to stir for. 5 ite Hour, ae % | themselves. I often. saw fine-looking two large worms at the-same time— a something,” said the poor boy, wild 42) “And spoke in spite of pain: Cooked Cereal Muftina: Cooked os cups ‘sweet mill 134 cup; ena, a fr aan wheeling coal in baby carriages. (whereupon the latter, though strug- P gE E ing. meal, cup; our, 1 cups; milk, 4%} spoon; sait, rH . & ie fo! Unless I’m mistaken there will “The wagon—search—I pray!” Tips eee, 1; salt, % teaspoon; sugar, flour, salt and «eines: Add the| Baby carriages are used for Sane ae ca a were unablé 6 1 sg d Dyei be peace for us all to do very soon. ‘And. thee thd snes joy— } tablespoons; melted dripping, 2 table-| molasses and the taille 2) Pour in| everthing-and they are very prac-; breal pe me in a moment lost al leaning art yong There! firing has ceased! Look out!” | Upon fresh-sce spoons; baking powder, 34 teaspoons| well greased moulds and steam about | tical. | power of m Pie poetdian arid the exbre Tt was as the sergeant said; almost] They found a meg ‘inet es (level), Add half the milk to the] three hours n every Way paper fs being saved,| The pola 4 is incredibly fierde, A pi I scpress~ guddenly there was a calm, 0 ‘s is LSS |espectaliy Vonovping paper. Every wo. curious thing about it is that, if turn- Bee Dae er Dye and few. seconds later’Tom heard a com-) They bore the father, dea: ee, Rae ee = 7 ‘thas her bun bag, and when she, ed inside out like a glove, it quickly leaning Service right to your mane ich made his knees nod to: They gazed with tear- tmme eyes— SAVING IN GERMANY. { (geod setae oN oak Bee goes to the baker shop to buy, buns, accommodates itself to the new ar-| door. We pay carriage one way. But nowhere was | ‘ she takes it with her. I have seen men | rangement, the outer skin] Our exceptional facilities en- What daft hat T “3 Li | cooked them with the peas. These are ! iption: ies ef coat, ha De ee he dou “What neeiless sacrifice!” Seer Ble elle oe ee in) Capked tice Me well-kaown Polish buying buns In stores, Gud ‘they near-| Performing, as of the inter-| sure promptnessas well ws ab- 25 Berlin at the Present Tim: | really : theca ener: ‘ ne P he would not have done so. —Alexander Louis Fraser. | dish. The first year, we were in Ber- ly always haye their own paper ag (i0hs the Obes ages See solute epee nn — when has sai vie mare than’ once, “It! IT over ee soap is used i very in - guboald. got cornstarch, dnd: we| with them. Bread 1s Just wrapped in| eo . a think of clean- was not something to, talk about, it TONS OF GOLD. sparingly Clothes are put to soak @/ used this for Grtdlening things {nc{#iie middle of Vie leaf, and if you, October is the month to plant tulip, ee or dyeing thinks was a matter of bayonet work; i ‘eck before wash-day, and each day| stead of flow don’t take your own bag with you ae coos narcissus and hyacinth bulbs, f PARKER'S. Penane Pik 7) ae steel to sel” A chest. Treasures es of Precious Metal they. are boiled a little. This plan} One of ae ‘famniest things was that |egs® you will se to carry them Do it now! " : Ute EE ica wn Sate Stored in Russia’s State Bank. ier ‘all the hard rubbing, and when] you could not buy an orange unles | home in your han = To the creaking of a door ap- Write for booklet. his thoughts «were he aaw redt| Curiously enough, it is not in Eng- | clothes are taken out of the water |Von bought a lemon, This worked two| In the markets othing is wrappel| ply a tithe soap to the hinge, This is Pitch Siar Presently he had a conviction that we|land or America that one may see the| the flirt falls out of them, writes an iways, ‘The oranges were Saved and) Every German woman has what she! as effective as oil, and the soap does cieleaily’ ha sacl ere gaining ground, and he suddenly | yichest teasures of. gold; it is at Pet-| American newspaper woman recently the storekeepers got rid of the lemons. is her Tagche, It is a black bag’ not spoil the appearance of the paint. ce tek: J t- became aware of the fact that we had ia’ ‘ turned from Germany. They don’t Sith handles, and 1s used in preference When you have an invalid to care 2 ae regrad, in Russia’s State Bank, where| returned fr fe ny. T have never seen anything like the prefer ce ained the better of the ree See only very privileged eyes ean look on| use washboards in Germany. rani ‘af Germany—milions te jem.{to a basket, Everything that is) for, baste ten or & dozen sheets of old PARKER'S | DXE WORKS e ie ahe in the market is put into ‘nis | nevapapers together, cover with a lay- iad ‘returned to:- our tren’ ever ‘where in Berlin are posters | hh hi nak y" ay S ons’ everywhere. Lemons, radishes, g aamers, and tho plot Sanne agen In a single vaulted chamber there is say, “Save the Sokp 8! and onions were Saceibitee eit nt hg fmnwrapped, If yourbuy anything] er of old eotton cloth, and you. wil 791 YONGE srreer had c fo no-! gold to the value-of over $450,000, a0. ae the soap in hot w: ee never | ana bs y time without a card| that is too large to put into the bag,| have a ea protector, easily de- at let it He in the ae ees Parade keep | jand raat Mesatirs ‘a Ting to get {You have to-carty it home in your) \stroyed if necessary. X thine happened » ‘which ‘Tom never for-| with wire-protected shelves, ee tana tit in a dry fp \ehem. got. A ey ‘wounded ‘almost tothe celling, and closely| Most stores ‘Will sell only one spool] Hundreds of war cookbooks have some little “agli ‘rom ‘the trench! packed with countless bars of gold.) of ne floss to one person at @ peen printed. ‘They are generally very | Dikegusy xa Py se andl Against the walls are reared sguseks time Tf you Want a segond spool you! practiéaliand give excellent recipes for) ‘ you osha will voluntoor | of similar golden bars, while pene] MEE go the nekt day. This restriction’ making eakes without. butter to and fetth him in?” cried a By tire floor is covered with thoweands ue is very hard on the German woman heey eggs, ee ‘even flour, using oatmeal in- very that ad | gented Bags of gold coins, raised ga Joves to do fancy work, stead. They téll how to make soup ‘amparts from two to three feet high. ¢ saved -everything.: When we out of plums, apples, pears, onions and 2. ! | ie aed \ tak ota the other as if for| Tr this one toom, closely guarded by/ | polled potatoes we saved the water for fish. And they ¢ contain n d and be-| armed sentinels, and protected by] soup’ or gravy. It had more strength | suggestions of things 0 have on the | “walls rs Solid masonry, ses “géet| than clear water... We never ate BRS | meatless days} es wave the puz-| A | < thiek, and ponderous iron gai re| out of fancy dishes with grooves led housewife mueh w: ps to d ‘oe arly. one| stored 720 tons of gold—as m x4 el them, as too much of the egg stuck th Last Christmas in any was to. hi Sy will shoot him.|as ton thousand sturdy men could the grooves. We served everything | known as the Christmas of a single| jesides, he Bi y he nearly dead; bet- gonstortably carr} away y tke equ Giva-| from. the-cooking-Kettle right on our candle, and most of. the Christmas A i him i t of as-many. dollar ills asyou| Plates, that no grease might be wast-|treps had only, one light on the top. But a e groan” vlad the cou ee i hi aia heen: Cough ta at - Many restaurants/also did this,| Ore has no idea of the tremendous ¥ pa, fly ‘ rags ae ind Fu a rate of two a second for ten hours id what you ordered was brought in| sacrifices these people ate making for i f b ee dalle “i foe piste ae e fro i te their country. many ae je user er napkins for ps van ost boaly, bo f ce yi ng| 3 “hey oom, onthe gprola| 2 every doy, This teyel oes Soup | ‘The flower honey ‘harvest in the Relea 6 “aia methods produce no second to se basement of Russin’s State Bank, Goes threw away our coffeg| East of Scotfand, at least with the grade sugar. We make and sell one-grade only— Tam ord parched cried the|{s similar but smaller treasure —| srounds, but cogked them over and| majority of apiayidns, is likely to turn highest—so that you will never get Ss . ike je} In agony, “give me Wa-| tiers of yellow bars and carelessly- ‘over, We weren't used to strong cof-} out p very, disgovpinnk one,- Vege- is, under | the name of Red; Pi ath; << 3 fo young Englishman got al oticq bags of coins, to the value of) £0 an nd these warmed-over grounds| tabies-have been so much: more cul- Pp of I, ite held ta the ie $05,000, 000; ts vere much better than the coffee sub-| tivated than flowers “that bees “have| “Let Redpath Sweeten iti”? | 9 en's Ups, yu ae rere * ae, a aries ute. ; ee had a bad time of it, and what zinc 2 ands = ss hi er cent, of the working 's people ‘cooked rhubarb fops as | of honey there. are will a higher 20,20, 50 6 tb, Bags: a ee eh een the German after wine, in yee live in *Gaemleatlen athe suits inach, It makes a very 'prices than for some yew at a ee er Sugar Refining Co, Limited, Montreal. ‘ A é 2 in “the news digpatches, the aver-/ | 9 Ten teaspoon of salt|into boiling soup. cream, re-/ing on is the fruit-stone eollection.| 7) net Besa France that the Ger-_ x