"| “SERVICE” NOT ‘ “EXEMPTION.” | Class One Men Cana Toronto Glob “ates From eee the law calls Without 5 or it is metite service e the Pee c ns a, 01 an- | "Residents ot ‘anada_who are in|adians. Ay i Sapper 4 or, in vit to Sere 1, und r the ‘ilitary Service mal law of service is required. of |his tote 3 Wm. Orr. and \ to leave the coun- ae must first obtain Reteranees ae etter ‘the regisrar or deputy registrar, who sonal ‘occupation. is in charge of the palhery registra Service is the supreme obliga-|° go eee district, according to Gon: of the social order, evorr ular 1a m received ne al _In any community and |}..¢ am feeling rai been tor man a Aaving ie a pany oh mye: sterday, the sports 1 for the whole | ia “held. The ae or ling to ence Spencer a ‘Eovigrision a Prmeaioas a of Delightful ae in Authentic ose Se ean cae Pat e(ans, cae yalaes Sar oi Modes for Fall and Winter, Offering Unlimited = -er to do with it, according to local | transgressor whose existen Bethe aii soe 4 2 : < © as tre rire a. bn te : Ee Magen tao _. Variety in Materials and Colors. n oman wi ; ae 3 See we = ‘ : as the militaty|munity needs, and needs supreme-| jaw in th : — see spt nated it is ye y : ig elfis! oe on other place es. 3 snot at nel e Hoot rsday evening was an exciting SES fot md ee Ee eigee, ot an ne here, During the afternoon a Cgrand ta i a er and \s The inf uy the eternal law of : ray the couny, eo iorma: | On, He aig aka nganot the Tex (Pen "hres Rat 80, pecia eatures are It is pues that, this aauls RNA ot on ae 4 own: MO a ae : ai our. anti | . Extraordinary Low Prices, ay in a the Patmos farthing beet res 5 “ 7 tees he. Misa over“ ofthe fou ae te Sonnet eet Entirely New Designs, ces ot sueceeded in bringin / : 7 Thoroughly Reliable Cloths, ti e. re Teacher Dismissed. ae at y ‘0 get_home. es Of phe 4 4 And Depenable Makes. e trustees of Lions Sete! ee one oe es i geet Land. |i from all sides. was a wonde' joc ael x ing of Christ ws . i a L - ly for this Pentecostal sect they got felces Z se ie sod or i ie Se cage M‘S* months of careful preparation and nih that ey = economical buying have made this great the law of human nee ip eer ine tents a-conple of alle nds. j display of Coats an even greater achievement- es’ social ser- | fh, oe He as ae nee than any previous showing. Materials have, in jeez ) ee nseres- spital, It was a scrap well worth | many instances, been bought at special prices sion is a sin. ee by. the same in-| 705P! P | d P' P io abe en hs old orld [flexible justice, the soul that sinneth i cia aac tee teal e| and made into styles, emulating the most ex- ith fervent. heat.—Ches- ley Enterprise. At the present n moment, in Canada |°™' or, supose Share wees big “day. pensive imported models, and the prices have Fe ein ne neat |: BOW. cieut- Moorg - yesterday, we been fixed at a very aul margin over cost of ——— |the Act Ive stat-| were talking of the times wwe had ¢ Z| lab d gether in, Milverton. abor and material. tte books requiring CENTRAL foe exits aeks themselves |"" Haven't had any mail for about | eae as tot e nine Neer y re all wel J ~ L. E 7 7 is peaahze and is demanded just | my cops It cannot be too strongly emphasized that only with our now, justly required and supremely |p jr ats : ‘ buying power and our favorable connection with the most Budsglb ie Nye sishoard ote pecause this is a time of | ~~” reliable firms is it possible for us to offer you this Magni- a At ‘asken War aia ey Ape hnesessary ry eee ficent Display of Attractive Coats at Reasonable Prices. e Cigar Riel Seen gst indi these war demands. dere uma a . dal attention ahd graduates oe place society. is threatened by, the ages a the ore folowing patos : : epoca a Wt Sunt Bata ata" PP Women’s Suits for Fall and Wi ga Rls ou aad He members to rea a Somewhere in France. omen’s Suits for Fall and Winter | Grand skewing of Silks and Satins pee rute-force attacks. other hun- ‘ : cet re FR eoariment r and fit and trained ‘and Re now take cere a cea __ The suit designers have excelled themselves Wo 0 A at [lr ces ot to tet a iknow that Iam well and| this season and instilled into these popular priced President Principal : ipa ia eiob. Tt seems Ro Suite all the beauty and attractiveness of the most taffetas, failles, crepe de “chenes, satin de chenes a y ; ay min whether answered a eee and Papeasite garments. You will be and last, but not least, the season’s special oe a aa up” and “carry on.” We iter. oF ne in elighted with their becoming appearance and ite satins — taupe, burgundy, beetroot, bro We Want Now: a y d eard to let you know ; : : pe, burgundy, ‘oot, brown, gre e 9° ; dar ee “; I : it and was much tempting prices, ranging from $15 to $25. white, cream, pink, navy and black; at all Hiner A reliable agent in Perth county to sell Pelham’s Peerless Fruit and it Ornamental Trees during fall and|the trenches : winter aes iy pay, exclusive | milli £ Canadi 2 p-|Paper that you h: és Q A Grand Di 1 f S e territory, free selling equipment. oH i rial § s. Waldon t d Saufpment. | dong"in Canad Brest ewae aciay, aa isplay of Suits an OVER 600 ACRES The nee Canada this day is to|¥ A delightful-assemblage of silks and satins ate being shown this fall, comprising messalines, ing arieties controlled by us.|tion, bi x ! Handsome up-to-date, selling equip. |adia 0 cs exemption, Pe. 2 a Tent and a Aree ca eWe are|thinks exemption, ‘The real att le ot mine, and T might say thet An Enthusiastic Showing of an Immense Assemblage of Clothing not jobbers. Write now for agency eons are not only wl thy ‘the sl wee sto Saal 4 ARS = hie the For Fall and Winter Wear, in Which Variety of Styles, Ey ice. are me ranks ] 1 r training Materials and Patterns are a Prominent Feature PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto. are are i inds antil tye vere ready ee aks ee and Attractive Pricing Predominates. 7 ; a8 split up, gehieh hurt our feelings very | ‘o|much. ‘But I happened to run across ae = : 2 COMMERCIAL. an on ees eoea, [some of the Atwood boss shor! Magnificent overcoats filled with Just a glance at the great racks It is Deck the judgement en of |ter they had been killed. and by what cozy comfort and attractive ap- of New Suits loaded with attrac- jus 0, to Of ie coer gure ak id sue, a sak fpr eren [ae 1 Overcoats for Men and Boys leath of a se tw . they told me L ise pearance. The leading styles are =| ing oe sai, as we 8 | Pinch-Backs, Slip-Ons, Ulsters Oe ea and Chesterfields. They come ° in bright, attractive colorings for a the boys and young men and the For in addition to the advantage er vyounded and had been ad- more sombre but, none the less, that you derive from making your sf Cec tee ke pleasing cloths for the quieter selection from this immese stock tThoe Foo Ww : r in Br >. dressers. But the one great point of the most reliable makers, there Service ie ‘the inescapable ae aa vem = we are epaas icin is the REA- is a dollars and cents reason why SONA PRICES. No mat- you should come here. We can ter ae ae you wish to pay very easily convince you along we.can give you the best value both lines when you call. Let us at that price. suit you and you will be suited. L joke. ecan do is to figh y 2 i \ tiv s of the war ending soon. = ‘ou ¢ iy : Auction Sale BUCHANAN--BRoUGHTON, — |POGRS und OS oot wae ve ~~ of re e ‘s rd 0 » REAL ESTATE IN | MILVERTON A quiet proadine at pe at the | fini, t comes. I sup: hse Mr. and B. Taylor, | pose you are sti i i ‘Mr. W. i ool and that it i ? wc has received in- August aay 7 i 3 = a ‘ at Seoe|pacenne Brolin cr Mice [lc gn Fath oa Yt “The Store with the Stock” - - MILVERTON Mi i Teslobs ipuchanan, of Elma, |acai if it were for only. on : i . N. D. McKinnon, of Caledon: |little) he sat down at dinner opposite was explaining to some of the }of the boys what the joke was. 03 mile B 5. mn. Remem! me to lia, Peddived:the $6 lowing letter from!a husky looking young. subaltern, oe ae “4 ell, sat th re, hae Store. Splendid farm. a of 01 her son Wallace, several months ago: who greeted him with this remark i e in lic only one By Sale at two o’clock p.m. Pte. S and meant, it: life i glare a private ite A Terms:—10 per cent. of purchase SOUS ea Somewhere in France, “Well, Pa eee you preached a rot- 01 ee p wi Shad hi thot |guirre,” That brin ell pied, Agr SO Reinice’ tn thicty. day B. ce. Dead Mothers sermon this morning. Of course al ae ‘Take i er. This army ir, ‘Auctioneer, al Park, Sep . Wei 17. wl ie was on, leg, he will have a Great deat more ‘August Mogk, Proprietor. Wakingham, + nine | , Have mot had a chanee to write for \Oy what) but he w y surprised ,influe! et the war not only in ec Received your most welcome let-|Kept very busy in the line. Had a| a 00) to heart his own pele, but in public life as igo and was very de- * ri i Fi the 0} whole e-had before, and cer- aaa a ver a few days ‘ ‘k says. oe nl those ve not HHOMESEEKERS Pat asrag tied ae ‘om teen eitencand Now wer are out “ot the ae ult. He told u re By essed ares He noticed hy i ine for a bit of a D i EXCURSIONS % this. reaches Saar Angus last ight andthe night. £°7, eee Tr shat # wil a good |before I went to a town quite a i: — ——————— i r ir = miles from here to he Alby the Archbisho; ficers: of one 0! i aye 0 eae ft | ‘rance. We are agents for the eae dress, His point was, of course, ad-| | ay = : “3 : os Scheie Hs 7 ee t e I am. poi e, that) \ ‘ < ie - - Appleford Counter ch deli {n time of war we should prepare for [ OB RT A pe Ae " mud [peace, He feared that when pea os R E McM f NE Check Book Co. and water an a ; . such a re : : Se ‘ around my ead. Fritz aero eee lesetion so the strain of ey kee FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER BY: f the Brit MMAY sth Aa pero 30th Sr old Mion for mening 9 T pel e wer of. the 3 This firm turns out d gas which smells ‘ke a ripe pine {would lose a good a es , ‘ iY ; —— only high-grade work i i |thanked the Saving : T u ES DAY ae es bie til you are wearing your, false, face |x he said “put some of the army | : (SALES AGENT FOR naeeriate D. y at very reasonable f ht it fing for a few : ai = tices. — i ie time it it madg “THURSDAY'S STEAMER p ne sick for ate a ; _ Great Lakes Routes” — ae e it (Season Ni javigation) e ow. B 5 pt no m or S$ car- See our samples and my mask pees for erie since |cam ‘Your Future Is in the West get our prices before that fie. The time eure does fy fly, soon be four mont way from The fertile ‘prairies be have put, West ordering. Sunny France, where thi i d ere are ing for cree wall ee ar me. and pros eof LOW ES ee a pean x mn e] 0 hear from you it all. CANADIAN PACIFIC Ce Sun Office Lloyd Smith, 727888, Sth __W. B. Howard, District Passenger | \\ g Wet Bearwvod Park, Wakingham fc Ont.