Milverton Sun, 1 Nov 1917, p. 6

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ry interesting éyent took’ oae ; at hes hoon, On Wednesday, Oct, 17, | it “Be ,”” the “hom and oo points. ~ feevatiinss in a suit of mulbei of broadcloth with i and ._ She wore a poe reside on the groom’s farm , wher he NELSON C. MERRICK 0 has given up the blacksmithing Nee and who will be prepared to give all-his time ay auction return in Nov ELMA TP. PATRIOTIC LEAGUES DO ING GREAT WORK. ‘Following is the Bene erete fe Cox, secretary of 1] a ‘elma Centre) Paros ge includes the whole town- 7, 642 aeftlase W245 expenditures has built a most up-to-date peiaane to ¥. ‘wedding, the bride’ a her a Thiscellancous in their honor on Tuesday evening, hen a most enjoyable as spent in a social wa; wee hing Mr. and Mrs. Barton a long and happy wedded lif eee REIST—ZOEGER. + pretty hymeneal event took place ate 8.30 o’clock on October 23rd, at St. Paul’s Eastin church, Kitch- ener, when . Margaret Zoeger be- came the wife of Mr, Joh Cate wi ‘The bride, who was. given a 9 Charles Schaefer, Maple Lest Club—From Nov. ist =| 1036, ie Sept 1, 1017, oe articles, ue rae : May Bist, 1916, m’s |to Sept. 1, ‘1917, 68 articles, value $253.35. ‘ixth athe and Blind Line— 30 Sept. 1917, 293 .55... Total 4, 091 1917, expenditures, $186.2 1.61, Monkton reports — Total receipts $2,078.63; Pe erage $1,772.84; cash on hand, $443.50, COAL PROFITS FIXED. “| the day with wela “Miss Ethel: Bannerman is at pres- fi eering On |g, all are Sonali tn te yancil has: been pass- |i ion thorizing regulations issued by the | © r. cepted, arrange- ments for ordination, and, ganeton See Place at Mon! and eee D. N. Mac- Mi hie Il, to address ae min- ee hardt ived home my Wednesday, after ~ a three ugh ae ter, Mis: Drinkal in Toronto and dpey- returned to} er.— Strat ores M Weber ‘niobored: to geen Sunday and spent tives. supper will-be gi Bethesda; The pastor will be present and the- subject for the da wil be “The Responsibitity aril ‘0! You are cordially invited to euntd these ps The official ‘board of the. Saat meets in the Monkton chur evening: at 7.80 and wired “his aught, on Mon- jay stating that he had: arrived at Halifax. He is~ expected home’ in vec, Gorrie, spent Monday” at the: hom ee, S. Ste Mr. ‘and Ms, ‘Wes. Holman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Holman and Florancé-Joh: with ene in Stratford. oy Rowland and son, Ever- ee of Crosshill, are at present y iste e of Mr. Imes. is Werner, of Toronto, is at tefl i ee at the home of Mr, H. McNaught. On ‘Sunday: night some unknown party or. parties pulled the staple ve the C.P.R. frei; will be run n-behind him ‘will the nston spent Sunday fo WAR HAS JUST BEGUN. _ Discountenancing recent: ae ot internal disruption in German: igns of the wea! Nest- yecome sickened ruling: asthe age re fis of war, the Hearts eonviceie ihe pros ited siecenstally toa vic- torious. unipaon for their Goyern- ment, ‘Lord Northcliffe asserted that eae 4, |na 3 th- patie of his sabileations in England, which gave the same treatment to the British losses the British and Allied gains. ALL MUST REGISTER Whether ates or Not—Time_ is Short. ilitia headquarters wish it un- Pe cer them either to report for service or claim exemp- tion at the post office before Novem- ber 10th. "The idea of | instituting the ‘medical boards tins for the: applicant in a different category e|from that in which he was placed by the medical boa When men have reported for ser: y puty registrar. They need do noth- ing else until they receive instruc- tions. THE ORION JACK ‘he Union age ae made up 01 ince crosses Saas Bestand the flag of the Union. In the -early history ¢ England, the -Red of George (the upright ¢ of enin Skt that a i THE LADIES OF HELL (As the Highland regiments are call: ed by the Germans.) = ‘There's a toss aera sporrany: the ki ley step out pees 3: » As the pibroch. notes swell— Oh;-they’re bonnie, braw ee The Ladies of ‘Hell. - ‘They are far frae the he And far frae the moor; H1 to their slogan These sees of Hell. AS they... charged a Culloden *~ . _ Like fire o’ e bi on ra Their b: otters eharein In Flanders to-day. E And one lesson anne! Be boches has lea : The Ladies of Hell! —C.B.Q., i in New York Sun. the cook, . Also they. last I “More: even: temperature, - sssthan any other range* you“can. wae for free illustrated booklet. LONDON. TOR OND» on JOB, NBO HAMILTON SASKATOON. EDMONTON hay ain: as. less fuel and require less attention For Sale by A.C. Clemens, Milverton _ = buy. < about. A Pleasure-Utility Car This Overland Light Four is the greatest combi- nation of style and comfort that ever sold for so low.a price. It’s as economical to run as it-is to buy. : As‘a combination, pleasure-utilit ~ its “owners more solid satisfaction for the money than any other car we know anything - car it Come to our store—see this Overland Light Four. W. Zimmermann, Dealer, Milverton 3 Re abst tinier: Cetera oie |Searetetinn ton Cotada,. taepere portals of the goal likely close with | England ar t tiped” in aller eeey: alll etn eiser |joe tie inmortabion and sale of-coal, |@-bang: the accession of x VI. of Scot: trimmings and: Hat Thal Sige e tees ehack in Nevanbes: Messrs, G. S. Litt and Thomson & |land to the throne of England, under bride fords er, of|" Provision is made for the licensing S00 of “Mitchell, are at present ship-|the title of James the First, King of Toronto, sister of the bride, and wore |o an imparters and dealers in, coal [Ping haysfrom here. Great Britain and Ireland, the, White Aslginca blue wills and hat ae (ot a ac alers in coal |P'"Mir A. B. McLeod, who relieved |Cross (or Saltire) of St, Andrew Mr. Gotdon Hoss, of Guelph, acted |'wat sso" hereafier, desire to be so, [Mr Murray Patterson, C.P.R. agent, | (the white eross runing diagonally as jomsman, while Miss Verneedia Application must be made to the Fuel, during his absence, ieft last meek for |was added to the Cross of St. Geor Bohuacreniece. 3 Pots ate iler before ‘November 21. by| Walkerville it wag not until the Act of Union as flower girl, and Wilhelmine Zoeg-|registered letter, for a dealer’s or in- xs, J. J. Struthers; W. Struth-|between Scotland and England in Ge only Getlehter of the bride, was|rettepe’ perait: vs oF im! rs, John Denstedt and Wm. Holman |1707, that the flag containing the the ving bearer, “The ceremony was] tre provided for, doing business with-| Fere among hunters’ who left |erosses of England and Scotland be- ee ni Provision is also made|hete on Monday, som nere i801, after the Union with Gland, , bis enue play: ee a large nubmer from here |1801, : ed eniee wedi nt ‘thee PRE en Do ee gilended ‘the Liver convention at| the ed Gross of St. Patrik was add- : Ss i i i ilverton on Tues: e red cross running diagonal- tee eamiciea eentine apres poe where ae Pee cohen icascer os fe Mianiee aa de ughter, iy), and thus ‘the ‘Union Jack was 4 y. them being a purse 0 E Mrs. Rtist will reside in Kitchener. | OBITUARY | ong ir. and | of “The most se Seete Reavinions per: ton and retail e at presen visiting at the home of Mr. J. C. Wi iy on. new regulations are thos ; . : : dealing with a ne ? com faatonis nunion services will be held in d profits. Brokers are allowed. a |Km ch on Sunday next and maximum. 0! 30 ce ‘4 ton for will be:preceded by preparatory str- it 2.30 poetical dealers a sum not exceeding 50 cents er ton. e maximum profits are moderator Willi M. allowed over ove, reasonable Jp, ts, William Morrison THE LATE MRS. J. W. FERGUSON | overhead and handling charges, an‘ Miss Jean Buchanan, of Friday will effectually do away with treat Hezbor Wash.,. arrived _at. Monkton “The sad news was learned on Fri.| Wii ch eOe fonday evening and intend spend day of the passing away e of | COME ing some months with friends before Atwood’s: “most highly esteemed returning. - Mr. Morris a = citizens, in the person 0} S. of Mrs. Jas. Holmes. He went ‘erguson in ear. ‘or| . THE SCARCITY OF MEAT. west nineteen years ago and. spent weeks the deceased had been a gre: nere ve, years in the Lake Dauphin dis- sufferer and the outlook for her re-| The Globe points out that there trict afterwards going to Californ' eG s never vel ae froni aes TAO O00 Sere ae ae and | and finally settling in Washin igis-cnd wat the decrease for alll capes, pest wr ober for pale at the best of nursing and ould do. .:The deceased’s maiden in name was ie ear 1884 she was married to her now i ereft husband eee had lived in oS i Be- wood most. of her wedded life. pastor 0! the: Preateteniat church, of whi he wes a member. The re- mains were carried to the grave by iy ia hes arers: Mes hos, Rateliffe, A. R. was covered with the mos' Rey foal ilof which loving fingers x wre ever wrought, all spoke of peace, purity’ and immortality,” The family have the deepest sympathy of this ct aaanratte in their hour of sad berea' "i tee % DANTZER. The death occurred on Friday of Mrs. Joseph Seite mer (nee Miss Mam- ie Doherty) of.the 9th concession of |8™ Logan, at her brother’s home. e- ceased born in Logan on the next farm to that on which she died. er ise, was a ferv. Ania Gana, se par- ents predece sed her some years ago, but she leaves to mow 0: ‘0 brothers, Frank, a teacher in Chicago and John, ogan; and three sisters ue ai Ber oO: Logan; rs. And- of Dublin; and M: Beker yee ‘of Dublin. g the course of a trial in fli enaugh guitagla’ in the world day, the year war, nearly 700,- 0 fewer cattle of all kinds, 119,000 fewer sheep and 935,000 fewer hog: similar development has occurred the United States, while the des- i Europe since to keep the people: Cel oe The worst f the -|uation is that there soanne:ta bo ttle d | yaising of live stock ‘ofall kinds, 150 ACRE FARM SOLD. new year, ‘This sale will opportunity for others to secw hlghlas ‘thoroughbred stock which Mr. venson now possesses. Decisions-Respecting Newspapers. pete evidence of intention of nn | 28Y last. ~ {another consignment of Fo: r, A, Stevenson sold this as te an aS friends “at Mitchel ast Sanday, pants cream parlor and desires to thank fae public for their patronage dur- e past season, ce cream in future will be gotten. in on order ie Dalton Bannermann arrived home from Red Deer, Sask., on Mon. Messrs. Golightly Bros. received rd cars, MAITLAND ¥r. Andrew Stevenson, 9th con., has sold hs 150 acre farm to Mr. G. Stevenson is comtemplating trip estern provinces in the essrs. Querengesser, of Brodhag- pe. rushing: the com- eorg’ iles’ 4th con., which, when completed, eit be an imposing struc- ins, Earl Switzer has moved into r, Thos. E. Hammond’s house on Main St., Atwood, for the winter months. Messrs. John Sanders, J. J. J. Struth- rs, Wm. Holman, Chas, V: lance. and ss Newey, visited fi v the sum of $10,000. Mr. e armers! Cluk of ‘Bhna are ittan has secured one of the best oatarapla ing the erection of a ware s in the shi r at Atwood orable weather when cars require to 5 be unloades BRUSSELS BOY DECORATED Joe V. Good. , a former Brussels B the people. x safe, likely to You help and this helps you share. * regularly from the post office, wheth-|the Somme and at Vimy Tidge under er addressed inhisshame or another's | shell fi or ht rc ese subscribed or not, is eetboneD ie for ment a a ‘son ON ers his paper dis- ont cern, cncers tit rarer | Change of Business the publisher a Se et Pay, it until payment is ma md th Having rented the premises and colect the whole vanount mybeted the ltaken over tie buteker busteaic of paper. is taken or not. fr. Ee GEE of Monkton, I ai @ courts have decided that re- now pre red to’ meet the needs of fusing to take newspapers or periodi- we guile | in supplying fresh and cals from the office, ig | cured sausage, lard, ete. and having them uncalled for while Fresh and eatt fish will also be kept subscription remains un) in season. Terms strictly cash. REINHOLD YENDT. Why does Canada Raise Money by Selling Bonds ? NDS are issued payable in ten or twenty years, as the case may be. It means that repayment of the money will be spread over ten or twenty years instead of being raised by taxation to meet current expenditures. To raise by taxation all the money as fast as it is needed to carry on Canada’s share in winning the war, would be an unbearable burden upon Tt would mean that more than a million dollars a day would have to be taised right now. But to raise money by selling Canada’s Victory Bonds means that those of the next _generation who will benefit by the sacrifices this generation is making; —who will share in the freedom this generation is fighting for and largely paying for—will also pay their share. * * And when you buy Canada’s Victory Bonds you make a first-class business in- vestment in a security that is absolutely enhance in value after the war, and bearing a good rate of interest.! the country by keeping open the British market for Canadian products the general welfare in which * * And again, every Canadian who buys a Victory Bond becomes a financial partner or backer of Canada in the war. - When you buy a Canada Victory Bond Buy Canada’s you give a personal pledge that you are going to help to win the war. Every man and woman in Canada can help to win the war by buying Canada’s Victory Bonds. And Canada wants the personal, individual interest and co-opera- every man and woman in the The buying of Victory Bonds by the whole people unites them in adetermination to win the war. Every purchase of Canada’s Victory Bonds is a blow for freedom against the tyranny of German Kultur. Every bond sold is a new guarantee that Canada is in the war to the finish, until victory is with the Allies and the world has been made safe to live in, _ Every bond you buy is a new pledge that Canada will remain true to herself, the Empire, the Allies and to freedom’s cause. So it is both patriotic and good busi- ness. to iy Victory Bonds Issued by Canada’s Victory Lean Committee seo with the Minister of Finance the Dominion of Canada. SEES OEM Cee eee a Me Ne pee: PGP Ye SS hr oF ore Goa pe aaa PS OOO TG Ie BY ONT OU PT UO SE Py eo ON ree Ps Oars

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