PP) py maou MILLBANK NEWS | sec spcsn cues ot . A ri home should buy a Victory Bee: council of the Hoe ond, ip 0: e] met, pursuan’ Spence, ,of Fordwich, is rman Ebel and)son, Willie | t, -At-the township “hall FOR KIDNEYS Gmtngic te entire O Beney cl Caoede en ees oe ae ee Pills have attained astoundin; Roger, “of [one day last week. 10 pei in the forenoon. ir. and Mrs, i Motherwell, visited with Mr. and’Mrs. iss Ope Grigve visited. over Sun- the rational treatment of All members vos, present, J. Snecactiats Pains in the Back, | John Roger last week. with. ‘clone at Stratfo: Reidel, Beeve, took Swollen Joints, Urinary Troubles, Mr. es Ferguson has moved in- irs. James Lowrie spent part of] The minutes of ag Ontobor ‘meet- tc, Here is one instance— to the rooms beside the “Bee” office. |the past week with ee sister, Mrs. ing. Dore ae al ee near St, son ideration” of gravel and other. and Mrs. Jo! in yunts. ss Sarah Hammond spent the week 7 eved by J. Pletch and seconded | Pi end vib. ends at Tavistock. yy J. L. McKay, that th Smee Toronto. s. J. Venter of Mitch- bye ‘and pce be and that Pte. Johnston Peebles, of the Fly- ell _ sven say at Mr. Chas. Pend-|ihe menrdate es paymen ing Corps., Toronto, spent the week- teas end at his hom ‘iss Bhima Tanner spent the week The sad eee has been received aie with Miss Stella Squires near irs. D. Park that on Newton. a pe a tcc is visiting his daughters . J. J. McFaddin and Miss Mary Geo. Edwards and |$4¥"9% dani moverel we Haeriston on Bud aay y and spent the day with friends there. irs, Chas. Wynn ant iss Annie Wynn visited friends near Milverton last_week. Mrs. Robt; Campbel is 2 “Havamond andl, visiting in \ i} BN Hi (i The Municipal World, stationery, $8.75; P. F, Schummer, drainage an Disehes and Watercourses Act, 27.31 o Nie ene ¢ pay ga $ ® 5 ‘The sincere sympathy of their large apes of een ids goes out to Mr. and |d: ‘amily in their be- i Sacob f reavement. Mm. and Mis,” Geo. Coghlin, and eucer ay ; Quite a number of people from the Ww. eborn attended the |, Baechler, gravel, $2.10; Thomas village attended the or Was tical meet-|silver wedding of Car- |Hitard, eravel, $3965; Georee : i ings at M einseaay ated ifiochan’ at Lived sk week Schaef, iravel “conttact 81005 “One Single Pill Gave Relief” | Saturday. ater eg panty OF Dorn A 29.8; af don, visited Cae Sunda; Plessisville, Ont. and Mrs. cr enoee and Mr. an y Rutherford has return- oy dies and prescriptions without permat hi k iti ah tte ‘di a (0 ling, etc., ent, relief, my_ case. being chronic, I er work in a munition ry. ed home, after spending some weeks |¢45 - anieca pees ‘gravelling con. ded to try ls, \ jeWORd has been received that Gun-|in the “Stratford hospital, suffering 1519; Robert Crooks, gravel contract Thave tow lateh four bones st Gia Pills in Glen Pohe |from typhoid fever. and’ overseeing, $14.25; Mrs e Ree ears cet Tae | have a finaled in B Fra ere will 0 service in Knox |Prayel to pathiasters, $42.90; G. A. more bad bumour—increase in weigh! j Ferguson, who has been {church on Sunday, 18th, owing Bevhour, eave contrat, $42 “Roy sud vigour, ‘Thisis what Gin Fills have vi iting with her father, S Je to the pastor, Rey We Moffat, being ae Sch mn rguson, has er home jabsent on his _holi ae x. powisamrnern, | In Braqwarden, Man Rev. P. G. Powell, R.D., Milverton, shoveling zara ‘10; red Foerster tinsceil Gar AO a ee aioe ee . Geo. Tatham and|will conduct the service in Grace e qraveiling ete. $14.50; G. A. Tilt Ppl for $2.50 PA aik-good-deal daugnten, Bett; ee pened to|church on Sunday, Noy. 18th, at 11 | o¥,Vol to pathmasters, $5.25; J. Reid ome in New Liskeard. +: ‘s * sae ifyou write to National | “ys. John A. ‘Turnbull has arrived ©. 0, Pherrill preached. tivo si electing fro ee ie q Dinhed, Toroste ee, ée | nome trom an extended trip through |very impressive, sermo e |selecting jurors, $4; Peter F, Schum: Lr tie Fainaren drial Inc., | the Western provinces and Californ-|church on Sunday lee tere oe Fe Mating jutors: 40; Surattord b02 Mein Se, Buliao, NY. uo |. 2 a large attendance at both the morn-/naily Herald, $4.95; Wm. Ruther- ert aes | Mr. Earl Switzer, of Toronto Tighand ning se The ae -lford gravel, $22.40; Menno F. Mar- iG otec-erdivinttoene hae tome Gi ie enn ot Mllbenk: regret very in Hie pean See Obs aicah< Helekoe elite lage. the removal of ie nett aie gravel, $39.67. Total $1,017.09.— Carri ‘All pathmasters are urgently re- and-Miss Pheri jf |90° send their Pathmasters’ ae maa ‘for’ thelr new home at Kirk- ee Jane Sharpe Pte, Wallace McBain, of Toronto lis yisiting at his hom J. W. MeBain’ has returned McDer- home from ‘Toranta, where she: had iar visiting for the past three has ever proved himself christian ay ntleman during his resi- Bree HESSON Le Keiffer and Mrs. J. menos ter, Emma, of Deemerton, spen be held Tesponsible Oe any road-work has returned few, days in this vieinity. home, after spending two weeks with joseph B. Graf and, MACTON PW. Sharpe, at New. |Uaperfo he ye daughter, Eileen: an Graf Moved hy. Be cEaclaean rs, Geo. Isley and sons | hi Mr. and Mrs. Burgman, of Wing-|"° ‘Miss Hazel Love visited over Sun- ed by J. 8. Meyer, that this council and ham, spent s few days last week at| day ‘at T. Crookshank’s, near |do now meet agai 3 as Sunday with Mrs, 1 ect Jo ade _a~ business ames Richardson. p, ta Listowel last Frida McCormick had a suecess- i rs, Geo. Stemmler and ful sale last week amily {ett for Toronto on ‘Thurs ome of the former’s sister, Mrs. | Linwoo Township hall, Crosshill.—Carried. you cannot pull a trigger, buy nd. Peter F. Schummer, Clerk. If a Victory Bo nave dh |Dave Doering a ere which a ay do now adjourn + lay, Dee. 8rd, 1917, at 10 o’clock in |® at the Letters From Overseas Just at Ercan. it is s rather a een cult job to settle down and write eho: will not be too many sad homes in Perth. vossibly berate this letter reaches you the details of last week’s ight will be ee as wi Iso price paid for the ground gained. If present expectations He ulfilled I may be able shortly to write some- ‘ing of real interest for your circle of readers, however, at present can- this a failed to. distrub my ity, for I was safe in the only there is now-a-days lower. ‘as ee Wednesday. A lad: another Canadian and myself to w now. He is get- ting along fine. Miss. Nane returned ome, after spending a few days with Tees Bill R— and Fred M—= yy packers are busy in this Der niece, Mrs. CROSSHILL Canad: I guess they Age be and neighborte od. [Mes Chris, Tabhert ond Miss Adam DORKING to get home. Wish I was back again Isley and son, Bob, of spent ‘last Monday the 6 OCL sare nd Meas TanleatAdtichnat ant although I am used like a prince here, 5 Reais tn Sunday in this vicin- W. Holt, of Glenallan. Mis Kilns eoont Sunde pend Mr. Bert Keyes, of West Montrose | ° See the uucks have been at it ; i. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett, of |MZ 4. Glai Monk ee y was a visitor ia our burg on Sunday. {9840 and hope the boys got by safe- We a glad to report ¢ that Joseph Linwood, spent Sunday at the home dese Wagler, of Mill.) Mr. Vincent C. Linseman made a|/¥, Moser, able out again of ae An thony Newt beak and Nie piace Mrs. J. Lichti were {business trip to Listowel on Satur-| ‘The Italian reverse have caused after his “recent nee uel Holt ‘nd Hise 7. Harks |Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. |49Y: a little uneasiness» in England, but ft, Macks, of Mithigat, attend. ‘called ee Peiende deanna het Pichti, | Nessrs, Frank Martin and Joseph |there still is unbounded confidence in ed the funeral of the Gustave! Miss Millie Smith, of Tralee, spent re nd Mrs. P. Lather and little |Harding, of poet Bene sruees Haig and his men. yy are press- Beisinger, who died on Tuesday Plaats \last. Wednesday ae ‘the home of her ishishtes Wlareneasars phendic with Mr. Bea’ ing forward slowly but surely. _ e hum of the reine: machine sister, Mrs. William Holt. eateeW ai Volition’ ceith, tein ie Skala he ve a mee Sttend-|, The events in ada are being is agein heard tn this vicinity { Verna Tabbert called on Mrs. yeu y the dance near Tralee on Wed-|followed with. interest h Jud id Mra: Henry Schnicider, of ; Thomas ‘Tanner on Monday. atter- Se and Mra R. Hastings and Mr. nesday last and report an enjoyable ing by expressions of sentiment there Elmira, spent ethers last with noon. and Mrs. Rayfield, of Galt, and Miss |tim is little sympath; jong th Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Knoblauch. | ces SRE Letta Gillespie oe Wabrlops motored Blonebingsa'the onder of the days a ra 1 BRUNNER to Crosshill last Sunday an id_spent _Miss Lavina Moser spent Sade gelvcesainiply £05 es sake po ities. } the day at “Belmont tome with friends at Tralee. yea » Bas day Pad 2 ne aL i a Are you a WAR SAVER? Buy) Mr. Jack Kerr left on Thursd Mr. and eorge Richardson|,_ Mr. George Whitney, ret Se eee eaaioe na SRGuRore votel ™ é ty era Bart Melt om PhObeday: Montrose peers old acquaintances |@ would receive a | hundred votes Victory Bon ‘or Toronto. spent Sunday with friends near Mac- iy on § | Mr. Buchey, Be Pennsylvania, is |ton eG Bugene Stemmler | visiting Mr, avd Mrs: No Nafeicer, Miata be to service tn Bogt ee en haa, PEFFERS ere Peo eee ae churel sree Sunday, on account of |$Pen' day wi with Me and Mes. 3 | of Master Clarence Struthers Rev, Moffat being away for a two |"GP Sy Ocha Cassell, of Elmi Mr. J. J. Carson received the sad{ Mrs. C. Walker and Mr, P. Walk. |Week’s vacation, and on Sunday, Nov.| Miss Martha Cassell, of Elmira, news of the death on Friday last of |¢t visited at the home of Mr. and 25th, the pulpit will be occupied by |Way © Vision it ont Tne sunday at his step-mother, “widow of the late|} . Bannerman, of Monkton, |@ missionary student from Knox Col- |p, 30,“ “7 Cmer ioe ote Mr. Fran nm. ‘The funeral | On 1 Phursday. 28 Mr. G, Rudow, of Elmira, has in- nt Widueedae tea hee stalled a furnace at the home of Mr. took Macao late Peaideuieen at Trowbridge to Elma Victory Bonds Save Soldiers. Have! If you Centre cemete! YOU saved YOUR soldier ? can’t go across, come across pou A ee T. Linseman. That pushes to Keep |Buy Victory Bon: a the home fires burning T The Mnustex or Finance offers for Public Subscription Canada’s Victory Loan fesue of $150,000,000 54% Gold Bonds } Bearing intereat from December Ist, 1917, and offered in three maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follewet 5 year Bonds due December Ist, 1922 10 Year Bonds ‘due December Ist, 1927 20 year Bonds due December Ist, 1937 _Scalkesonit eyes under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund, amount of this issue is $150,000,000, exclusive of th i however, reserves the Fight to allot the whole or any’ part of the tn am syd unas tenet evn ae The Mii of Face The Proceeds of this Loan will be used for War purposes only, and will be spent wholly in Canada, Principal and Interest ible in Ge NN Denominations: $50, $100, $800 and $1, SRR nous Subscriptions must be in sums of $50 or multiples thereof. incipal payable without charge at the Office of the Mini Assistant Recel General at Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Wissiper, Rega, Calgary aad Victorias Cane OF St the Offce of the Aulatant: Receiver erest payable, without charge, half-yearly, June Ist’ and December Ist, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, Bearer or Registered Bonds Is may be registered as to principal or as to and interest Scrip certificates, "tal ea or porate to bearer, in accordance with the choice oF Hos for *Felatered or bearer bonds, will be issued after allotment in exchange for, provisional ave been paid in fi idoreed thereon by the bank recelving the money they may be ata fe, when en Diep ede mith h coupons attached, pepe to beara ‘as to principal, or for fully registered bonds wl 1¢ application. prepared, wthoune ‘coupons, 1 Delivery of interim crates tes ie of definitive bonds will be made through the Chartered Banks, Bearer bonds with coupons will be issued. in. sie cceiaeeay of $50., $100., $500., and $1,000. and may be registered to iy te wat pe nggeerene on ane Te" pald direct to the owner by Government cheaue, will be issued ta denominations of $1000, 88.000. of any; suchorieed ubject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons, will have the right to into bond of the denotnntion of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of onde with coupons will have the Tight to convert into f the decoinatio of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bond pans right to convert into fully registered bonds of Suinentied tebe Surrender of Bends Holders of Dominion of Canada Debenture Stock, due October lst, 1019, and bonds of the three preceding Dominion, of Canad: Loan have the privilege of surrendering their bonds in part payment for car vs bedeel tuk iene uke tis Ghoving saiiagee | jo Debenture Stock, due October _ 1st, 1919, at Par and Accrued Interest. War Loan Bonds, due December 1st, Jez, ot 9774 and Accrued Interest, (The above mus es peeenea es part payment for bonds f the three mati rena! ‘of thid Issue) id Dart payment Denis ot he rae mature ste wl in the event of future issues of like maturity, or Jonger, made by the Government, other than fasues made abroad, be accepted at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for the pi ie mau one, ad ipetenss : . Issue Price Par Free from taxes—including any income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. Payment to be made as follows: on December Ist, 1917 I on March Ist, 1918 i oor 2 Jae Le ate = A mu let, 1918 i fas year's ace will be a, saieeriae win The Bonds therefore give a net interest yield to the investor of about: 5.61% on the 20 year Bonds 5.68% on the 10 year Bonds 5.81% on the 5 year Bonds ts are to be made to a Chartered Bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance., Failure to pay any instalment when due will ender previous Subscrij ‘by m. Sul pris oe vaya peal epee ot OMe ofthe aust subscribed, eae false doped i ba Spoueh tovass casuaet ot fe Amount due on the January ieee pte full ow January 2nd, 1918, of on any instalment due Ja cate of partial allotmen Subscriptions this provision payments of the annum, Under paid on mage 1918, at the rate of 89.10795 per $100. it If paid om February Ist, ee at she ace of 79.46959 per $100. If paid on March Ist, ite of 59.72274 per $100. Heald on Apil ist,” 1018; at the Fate of 90,90080 ber $100: Forms of application may. be obtained from any branch in, Canada of any Chartered Bank, Victory Loan Comm member thereof, The the Loan will be keot at ‘at th he Department ‘of Finance, Ottawa. ceed 9g hegre the listing of this issue om the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges ages Lists will close on or before December tet, 1917. DEPARTMENT OF F:NANCE, ‘Orrawa, November 12th, 1917. ble at home, ries one waxe “B some die, then by gat vat aang, oe teats jer put in Protesta don't: know ‘whether this ramb- ting sereed will be interesting or not but its the best I can originate. Will that I hope to see the “big show.” —yYour Man on the Job. eee writing to his mother, Sapper r says: Recei dinner when we get in. ‘ew of us are in tents yet, but have a small ove in ours, so its You'll often heard speak o} here but I never thought it as bad as it really is. ‘e we work you can scarcely wade through in places, Horses get mired sometimes and they shoot them. The lai Ww erman Canada Renal, “Well, Pil ring o for no ping you are all well. eee The eae fellow is a boy fro: ie isa ine son Poe the ae church as ae ele ae am ili ave three beds) a small ‘table Naa a eee ade and a of weeks to get back pete from all |M the shell a and I hop ill not have to go up very often: 6 ae i is not avery eye job to be working ido’ bursts alongside of you and the ne: minute you see some ‘of your chums who were working alongside of you ing alongsi go to the hospital or are eaetiape kill- e very close calls ed. I have had so. ert They een | | hit and hit hard, ‘but nove that ‘there n_E, Boeckner received |Art is ki Mr. + |tune to re a valeniits horse reeent: his UST THE MODELS that all women look Jd for in ee selection ae coats for the colder da oe ahead. They rm lente of style ead smartnes: combination which of such vital importance to jeekers.”” The styles in this he will Fauael the very latest creations in good, se: viceable coats at prices more moderate hee ses! would expect to find them. Come in a look through—we are always Nichsedee to how you our up-to-date stock. WARM HOSIERY—For Women and Chil- dren—Our shipment of Women’s and Childrens Hosiery has arrived from the mills. Our stock of fine worsted hose is now complete in all sizes from 6 to 10. The stockings are warm and very serviceable. Prices from 40c per pair up. SWEATERS—Our sweaters are the “Best Knit” and “Perfect Knit.” We have them in light and heavy grades. 000 YARDS OF MILL ENDS—Navy and light prints, 84 inches wide, worth to-day 25¢ yard, nite’ they last, 20c per yard. MEN’S SUITS and OVERCOATS—See our big range. We have the new “Pinch Back” for the young men in Suits and Overcoats. Boys, come in and see this new creation. “COOPER” CG eS renee of Caps is entirely new—no old stock to show you—all new goods, in plain and fancy styles. TWEED RAINCOATS—Our stock is very complete in fancy tweeds and plain. Prices range from $10.00 to $15.00. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS—This will be your last chance at the old prices, 11-4 at $1.95, and 12-4 at $2.50. Another advance in Bl. ankets has taken place during the past week. STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR—Get your supply now, as we cannot get repeat orders on this underwear—the mill having sold out all stock. Prices are very reasonable. MACKINAW COATS—We have a few Mackinaw coats left from last year, worth $10 to-day, while they last, your choice for $4.95. FURS—All kinds of furs, such as Ruffs, Muffs, Searfs, Ete. Buy now and save money. SERGES—In the new shades, Burgundy, Navy and Black, worth to-day $1.75, at $1.25 per yard. GROCERY SPECIALS Peas, 2 cans for ... ir Malt Vinegar, 2 bottles for... Heintz Mustard, 2 jars for: ah Corn, per can..... BRING US YOUR DRESSED POULTRY .18 to 22c 17 to 20c -20 to 28c Chickens per lb. Ducks and Geese” per Thee Fowl per Turkeys per lb. W. K. LOTH MAIN ST., ~ MILVERTON but, thank God, I am ees safe Sein it is too hot tere soft coal and Mrs, Jas. Ha of Wat- Sapper Ed. Boeckner; now in Franc: Mia Ase | aticoy werd: vinitoMica ae village on. ser ee ow |Pove he has ‘changed his mind. We lAlise ©. E, Hill, of Dobbi 1 dhe that are |n0" 1c ec re is mint e SS All, 01 obbin yn, an on one hay opened cole yy |get good rations here now.—Sapper ih a position in Mr. miieahts 7m. Yr over eek ni . G. Boeckner, TaN TTR D.A., 5th C. |store was busy this morning making a bed R! T., B.E.F., Franc merchant unloaded a car of or Art. Rudow, he used to aiag in salt, ae Tuesday. a tent and did not have ror for Pe ss Eva Relnivald ie taking a , so I asked hi come in my % shack. ‘There are three of us novi. CARTHAGE lege. Mrs: H. L, Albrecht and Most of aie eplodening: is complet- | the oom staff motored to Howick on- {Jed in thes farmers are | Sunday, 2 | [ooking forward to having a rest, af- dade ey is at present vis- ter a long season’s wor iti ing ‘his pare! {thas visitors at Mr. Robt. {38 Mr. DBAS: Davidion has re-sided ble’s were: Mr, and Mrs. John Man- |his ser, “Mr can “an: |" Mz, G.-Siegner has moved onto the ily and Mr. William Simpson and |C. py farm. We extend a hearty fats: welcoi nday, Nov, 18th, a colection |, ps is eee Altes ) Sr, is in Sw the interest of the eDot visit siti his con vee other relatives in an pes. ata O ren up in the North rnington Church. Mr. are sare spent Sun- pete, day at ae SS ee me the misfor-} The penalty for retming to take lace. on an exemption tribu nee after being appointed, is two imprisonment apleau sek absented Bee aE now being: proceeded against number from here attend- ed the convention at Milverton on Saturday last. man, ‘